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Sermons at First Baptist Church of Bosque Farms

Sermons at First Baptist Church of Bosque Farms

By FBC Bosque Farms

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Spiritual Gifts! - Pastor Brian Mull

Sermons at First Baptist Church of Bosque FarmsFeb 04, 2020

Goliath Must Fall 2

Goliath Must Fall 2

Not all giants stand 9 feet tall and carry swords, Join us this week as we learn how to battle our every day giants! 

Jun 04, 202050:50
Goliath Must Fall [EP1]

Goliath Must Fall [EP1]

Not all giants stand 9 feet tall and carry swords, many of our giants are our own every day struggles and the lies of this world. In this series we will be looking at the giants of fear, anger, rejection, addiction and Comfort. Join us each week as we discover how we win the battle against our every day giants!

May 26, 202045:13
Resurrection Sunday! - from home :(

Resurrection Sunday! - from home :(

Why do we celebrate 'Resurrection Sunday"? Further... What does it mean for your life RIGHT NOW!?

Apr 17, 202049:11
Rule 3 Acknowledge the enemy, While keeping your eyes fixed on God.

Rule 3 Acknowledge the enemy, While keeping your eyes fixed on God.

Just as we have a God that is spiritual, powerful and very real... We also have an enemy that is very real. It is Important to have a healthy understanding of who or what our spiritual enemies are without becoming fixated on the problem. We do this by keeping our eyes on God. Join us this week as Pastor Brian expounds on who the enemy is and helpful strategies, to keep our focus on what is right. 

Discussion questions for the sermon today!

1) What are the common characteristics shared by both by the Pharaoh in Exodus and the devil?

2) According to John 10:10, Ephesians 4:27, and 1 Peter 5:8, what does Satan aim to do in our lives?

3) Hebrews 12:2 tells us to look to Jesus during times of difficulty. What are some practical ways do that as a family, or how can I keep my eyes on Jesus for myself?

4) How are you doing with the clean-up of your walk with Jesus? How well are you following James 1:22-25? What are some things you need to start doing more?

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Apr 05, 202037:10
Our God is Bigger Than Our Circumstances.

Our God is Bigger Than Our Circumstances.

The world is in a state of Chaos. Entire states and countries shut down in response to the Corona Virus. Fear and panic mark the doorways of grocery stores and markets... But what should the christian response be? how do we maintain courage, and confidence when the world is telling us to live in fear? We remember that God has called this very moment into existence, AND put you in it for his purpose. Are you living your purpose?

Mar 27, 202034:01
Love is Patient, Love is Kind, Kindness is Useful... - Pastor Brian Mull

Love is Patient, Love is Kind, Kindness is Useful... - Pastor Brian Mull

Everybody has heard that love is patient, and love is kind. This passage on the attributes of love is read at nearly every wedding. But have you heard that kindness is truly useful? Is the way you show love to your family and friends useful? Join us this week as Pastor Brian Continues this series on Love - A Better Way.

Mar 18, 202045:25
If I do Not Love… I have NOTHING! - Pastor Brian Mull

If I do Not Love… I have NOTHING! - Pastor Brian Mull

If I Do Not Love… I have NOTHING!

Every day our bodys preach a sermon, what does your sermon say? do your actions match what your heart is speaking? Do your lips match the message of your actions? We can preach the most impactful and gosple centered sermon in word and deed but if we dont Love we have done nothing for the kingdom. Our actions can toxify our testimony. Have we failed the greatest commandment to, “Love god and love others?”  Join us this week as Pastor Brian Mull continues our series in Love “The Better Way.”

Feb 27, 202043:48
The Most Important Thing We Can Do! - Pastor Brian Mull

The Most Important Thing We Can Do! - Pastor Brian Mull

Love is the most important thing we can do as a christian... Yet we fail at it every day. We live in the most digitally connected world we've ever been in. This connection is instant and some how gratifying.. Yet we beg the question is it real? when we connect through a screen, is that connection genuine or is it in actuality isolating.  Its not good for man to be alone, and we seek genuine connection yet we cheapen it, shortcut it and twist it into something manufactured and forced. So how then do we truly love one another? join us this week as we continue our study in Love, the better way.

Feb 20, 202042:00
Spiritual Gifts! - Pastor Brian Mull

Spiritual Gifts! - Pastor Brian Mull

Spiritual Gifts, we all have them, but are we bold enough to use them? On the Day of Judgment we are going to have to give an account of everything that God has given us to use for his kingdom. The most personal of which would be your spiritual Gift. How is that conversation going to go? You are uniquly gifted to serve, have you dared to trust him to plug in? 

Feb 04, 202051:24
A Church Divided - Brian Mull

A Church Divided - Brian Mull

The sad truth of Church divisions. How do we prevent them? What causes them? And How do we restore relationships Fractured by sin?

Jan 25, 202047:20
Planting the Seed

Planting the Seed

How do we Live as Christ? How do we Love people? Join us this week as we refocus our minds and souls on the mission that we are called to as Christians! We've Got to plant the S.E.E.D. and let it grow, by remembering we are:

1) Set apart by God

2) Enriched by God’s grace

3) Expecting Jesus to return

4) Depending on God’s faithfulness 

Jan 14, 202042:27
Mary Did You Know? - Pastor Brian

Mary Did You Know? - Pastor Brian

Just like Mary each of us have a divine purpose in this life. Believe it or not God has specifically chosen you for a specific purpose. But just as we can be afraid of the unknown, we can so easily shy away from our Godly purpose. Join us this week as we how God can use a simple person just like you to do great things! 

Dec 15, 201926:07
God Keeps His Promises

God Keeps His Promises

It's so easy to get sucked into the "Christmas" Season and forget what this season is really about. Yes we know it's about Jesus, we've heard it hundreds of times. But have you looked below the surface lately? join us this week as Pastor Brian Mull pops the hood on this holiday season and shows us just how deep the rabbit trail Goes... You may have heard it before, but never like this! 

Dec 08, 201937:19
Peace On Earth!

Peace On Earth!

Christmas is upon us and this is our holiday! Its the christian world series.. The word 'peace' is slapped on every bit of holiday merchandise marketing this holy holiday into something well liked for the purpose of selling things.. Peace on earth Good will toward men.. It’s a phrase that is often over used and even misused during this holiday season. Much of American culture misses the point of this verse entirely, Does it mean that we are to live in peace with one another? Does it mean that we are to be charitable during this season? What is the deeper meaning? Join us this week to discover what the true meaning of peace on earth!

Dec 01, 201935:57
The Light Of The World (24NOV19)

The Light Of The World (24NOV19)

John Chapter 8 is filled with some of Jesus' most controversial statements. "I AM" A Hebrew term for God. by stating This over and over he claimed to the Jews that He is God. By saying he was the Light of the world he referenced the Light that lead the People away from Egypt in exodus. These audacious statements nearly got him killed (early). But what do these terms mean to you? How does this chunk of history affect you today!? Join us this week as Pastor Brian Mull leads us through this challenging passage!

Nov 24, 201942:44
Grace is better

Grace is better

You do not truly understand grace until you can give that grace to a person who has deeply hurt you. This is the saving power of the Gospel. But to understand grace takes more than just a head knowledge, its a heart knowledge. You could receive grace and healing from God but what are you going to do with it? As Jesus told the Woman Caught in adultery, "Go and sin no more." There is only one way to respond when given that grace, total repentance. Join us this week as Pastor Brian Mull leads us through John chapter 8. 

Nov 19, 201947:00
A Decision to Make!

A Decision to Make!

There can only be one truth. 2+2 is never 6. Truth is absolute. But why would you take someone else's word for it when you have access to the truth yourself! Take matters into your own hands and seek to truly understand what you believe and why you believe it. Join FBCBF this week as we continue our study in the Gospel of John! 

Nov 13, 201941:57
Streams of Living Water

Streams of Living Water

join us this week as Pastor Brian continues our study in John chapter 7! 

Nov 05, 201941:29
Count The Cost!

Count The Cost!

Why are you here? Why do you follow Christ? So many "Followers" of christ chose to follow him for the free meal, for the miracles, or for what they can get from Christ. But when it comes to the hard stuff, when Christ Jesus asks us to lay down our own lives, our wants and desires, so many walked away. They could not submit to the King of kings and Lord of lords. Can you? Why are you here?

Oct 21, 201942:10
Your Best Life Now? (The Bread of Life)

Your Best Life Now? (The Bread of Life)

This week, Pastor Brian Mull continues our study in the book of John, answering how we can have our best life now! The truth is in the Cross and not any self-help book or strategy to improve ourselves on our own means. We all seek to become the best version of us, but what does that mean for a Christian? What if your best version of you and God's best version of you are different? We need to turn to the bread of life to change us from the inside out. 

Oct 14, 201941:01
Hungry? Why Wait?

Hungry? Why Wait?

Jesus multiplies bread and fish, walks on water and teleports a boatload of disciples.. shouldn't he be enough for you? Too many times in today's Christian culture, we tend to focus on the signs of Christ, while missing the person they point to. If we see a really cool sign that warns the road gets curvy ahead but never pump the breaks to take the first turn, what good has the sign done for us? Join us as pastor Brian Mull guides us through John Chapter 6! 

Oct 07, 201946:25
The Real Marvel Superhero

The Real Marvel Superhero

Marvel Comics didn't invent Good VS Evil. Those stories are as old as creation. Join us today as we look at the Real Marvel Superhero. The only one worth marveling at.. Jesus Christ. 

Sep 29, 201946:26