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Fkd Up By Faith

Fkd Up By Faith

By Jude Mills

Experience candid conversations on faith, spiritual harm, deconstruction, and recovery from religious trauma with Jude Mills on FKD UP BY FAITH. Dive into personal narratives of healing, resilience, and courage. Tune in for transformative insights and stories of spiritual growth.
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UNFKD Episode 3 - The Holy Spirit

Fkd Up By Faith May 20, 2024

UNFKD Episode 4 - Christians

UNFKD Episode 4 - Christians

Following a recent Podcast interview with Matthew Remski, I was challenged by one of his co-hosts on the Conspirituality Podcast - Julian Walker - to answer a few questions. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to craft these questions into a few episodes of UNFKD

To begin with I want to tackle the question of why - if you follow progressive beliefs - do you continue to call yourself a Christian?

What are we talking about when we talk about Christians and Christianity?

What would the alternative be?

Music - 'Better Day' And 'Lofi Chill' by Penguin Music on Pixabay.

Jun 03, 202413:06
UNFKD Episode 3 - The Holy Spirit

UNFKD Episode 3 - The Holy Spirit

UNFKD is the bonus series to FKD UP BY FAITH in which I explore theological (& related) ideas. Specifically, those which are harmful or misunderstood or just plain wrong!

The Day of Pentecost marks the end of the season of Easter - fifty days since Easter Day. It is the day in the Church calendar when Christians mark and celebrate how God’s Holy Spirit was given to the disciples after Jesus’ ascension, empowering them to begin the work of "making disciples of all nations."

When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.   Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them.  All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. (ACTS 2: 1-4)

Poem - Antiphon for the Holy Spirit by Hildegard of Bingen -

Augustine of Hippo, Sermon 117:5 (on John 1:1). Original text: “Si enim comprehendis, non est Deus.” In Richard Rohr. 2018. “Let God Be God,” Center for Action andContemplation 

McGrath, Alister E. 2017. Christian Theology : An Introduction (Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, Ma: Wiley, Blackwell), p. 295 Ephrem the Syrian (c.306–73) in McGrath,  p. 295 Music - "Better Day" and "Chill Lofi Beat" from Penguinmusic on Pixabay

May 20, 202413:07
UNFKD Episode 2 - Spiritual Abuse

UNFKD Episode 2 - Spiritual Abuse

Here it is - the second episode of UNFKD. The bonus series to FKD UP BY FAITH in which I explore theological (& related) ideas. Specifically, those which are harmful or misunderstood or just plain wrong!

Here, I tackle the contentious topic of spiritual abuse. Content warnings apply for the subject matter, although I do not discuss any specific cases.

If you are a Fkd Up By Faith listener, you will know that the podcast explores ways in which people have been harmed in religious, spiritual or faith contexts. This kind of harm often spills over into what we might call spiritual abuse. So if you'd like to know more about why I bang on about this subject, have a listen!!!


Diederich, F. Remy. “What Is Spiritual Abuse?” F. Remy Diederich, 28 Feb. 2015,

Johnson, David, and Jeff VanVonderen. The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse. Baker Books, 1 Oct. 2005.

Living Without Abuse. “Religious and Spiritual Abuse |” LWA,

Oakley, Lisa, et al. Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse : Creating Healthy Christian Cultures. London, Society Of Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2019.

Oakley, Lisa, and Kathryn Kinmond. Breaking the Silence of Spiritual Abuse. Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

The Church of England. “4.2 Spiritual Abuse.” The Church of England, 2021,

Thirtyone:eight. “Spiritual Abuse - a Position Paper.” Thirtyoneeight, 2018,


"Better Day" and "Chill Lofi Beat" from Penguinmusic on Pixabay

Sources of Support - UK

Apr 29, 202421:49
Episode 32- with Gary Alan Taylor

Episode 32- with Gary Alan Taylor

In this episode I had a wonderful and wide-ranging conversation with Gary Alan Taylor, who is co-founder of The Sophia Society & Co-Host of the Holy Heretics podcast. Gary Alan is also an international speaker, content creator, and writer. He describes himself as being in recovery from fundamentalist Christianity and his passion is to see others free themselves from toxic expressions of faith. His dream is to help spiritual seekers move beyond some of the corrosive manifestations of evangelicalism and to embody the radical way of Jesus.

Apr 08, 202448:48
UnFkd Episode 1 - CLERICALISM

UnFkd Episode 1 - CLERICALISM

This is the first in the new bonus series which I am calling UnFkd. Along with some guests, I will be examining and deconstructing theological ideas - the harmful, the misunderstood and the just plain wrong!

In this first episode, I didn't choose one of the more obvious ones - like hell, sin or the devil ( we'll get there, I promise) Instead, I tackled something which is very close to my own 'Fkd Up By Faith' experience - Clericalism.

Works Cited

Cuff, Simon. Priesthood for All Believers - Clericalism and How to Avoid It. London, SCM Press, 31 Mar. 2022.

Quotes from Pope Francis cited are in this book.

Independent Inquiry Child Sexual Abuse. “The Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.” 2023, B.6.2: Concerns regarding the culture of the Church of England . Music -

Mar 13, 202418:20
Episode 31- with Mike Maeshiro

Episode 31- with Mike Maeshiro

I had a wonderful conversation with Mike Maeshiro for this episode. Mike is the founder of Numa, an organization that supports people recovering from religious toxicity. Mike is gay, an advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, and a queer theology enthusiast. Mike is a former instructor at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, best known for his class, “Discerning of Spirits.” He now teaches on emotional health and redemptive deconstruction. He is a consultant and coach for gay men recovering from evangelicalism.





Mar 04, 202448:25
Episode 30 - with Erin Mieskowski
Feb 05, 202439:44
Episode 29 - A Tribute to David Goodall
Oct 10, 202313:15
Episode 28 - with Rhian

Episode 28 - with Rhian

Rhian, who is a mental health social worker, spoke to me candidly about her childhood in a fundamentalist Welsh chapel, where not even (or maybe especially not) the Anglicans were going to heaven!

Through travel and exposure to other cultures, as well as moving for education and exposure to a range of philosophical thought, Rhian found herself rejecting those ideas for something more integrated, and more mystically connected to the divine.

The poetry in this episode is

'Your presence is near' by Julianne Lepp, read at the top of the show by Jude.

and 'Thanks Robert Frost' by David Ray, read at the end by Rhian.

Apr 24, 202344:30
Episode 27 - with Richard Turner
Feb 27, 202351:21
Episode 26 - with Matthew Remski

Episode 26 - with Matthew Remski

I was very lucky  and very excited, to interview Matthew Remski for this first Fkd Up By Faith of 2023! Many of you will know Matthew as one of the hosts of the fabulous Conspirituality podcast which is easily my favourite podcast, and the highlight of my listening week. He is a writer, journalist and cult researcher whom I first met in the yoga world, with which we have both become rather disillusioned. Our wide-ranging conversation begins in Catholicism and ends in the online world of the New Age influencer. A must listen! Matthew is author of several books, the latest being 'Practice And All Is Coming: Abuse, Cult Dynamics, And Healing In Yoga And Beyond' which is a must-read for anybody who is involved in yoga (especially those who teach) He is also co-author - along with his fellow podcast hosts, Derek Beres and Julian Walker -  of the upcoming Book 'Conspirituality: How New Age Conspiracy Theories Became a Public Health Threat' which is out in June, and available for pre-order from the publisher, and all the usual book places. LINKS Matthew’s website The Conspirituality website The Conspirituality book ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In this episode Jude shares the poem ‘Adjective’ by Anne Carson Matthew shares from ‘Noctograms’ by Luciano Iacobelli and  from ‘An H in the Heart’ by bpNichol

Jan 16, 202359:13
Advent Reflection 4. Joy - With Mark Townsend

Advent Reflection 4. Joy - With Mark Townsend

We continue with the fourth, and last (for this year) of our bonus reflections for the period of Advent.

I have invited some of my guests from this past year to record their own reflections for each of the four weeks of Advent on the themes of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy.

Mark Townsend, an independent priest, writer, magician and celebrant, offers a wonderful reflection this week on the theme of Joy. Mark joined me in episode 21 where he spoke, amongst other things about being a 'Trainwreck for Jesus.'

You can find Mark at

The incidental music on this episode is 'Carol of the Bells' by lesfm on Pixabay -

You can see the Muppets version of 'Carol of the Bells' at

The Fkd UP By Faith theme music is by David Goodall -

Dec 18, 202213:20
Advent Reflection 3. Love - with Mairtin McNamara

Advent Reflection 3. Love - with Mairtin McNamara

We continue with the third of our bonus reflections for the period of Advent.

I have invited some of my guests from this past year to record their own reflections for each of the four weeks of Advent on the themes of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy.

Mairtin McNamara - who was my guest on Episode 17 of the pod -  has shared an incredibly beautiful reflection on this week's theme of love. 

I begin by having a bit of a laugh at myself for supposedly getting muddled over the order of the advent themes, and a recording I made of the hymn 'Gaudete'.

As always our theme music is by David Goodall 

The incidental music is 'Silent Night' by Music for Videos on Pixabay

Dec 12, 202215:23
Advent Reflection 2. Peace - with Rachel Blackman
Dec 05, 202224:20
Advent Reflection 1. Hope with Jude Mills

Advent Reflection 1. Hope with Jude Mills

FUBF will return with the usual format in the New Year, with some exciting guests!

For now, however, here is the first of four bonus reflections for the period of Advent. 

I have invited some of my guests from this past year to record their own reflections for each of the four weeks of Advent on the themes of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy.

This first episode is with me - Jude - on the theme of Hope.  Sections and timings are as follows

Preamble and introduction

5:35  Music - my version of Veni Veni Emmanuel 

7:00 Poetry - ' O Come O Come Emmanuel' by Malcolm Guite

9:30 Reflection - on misguided use of scripture and the idea of 'mystical' hope.

16:30  Short Guided Meditation

Piano version of O Come Emmanuel by K. Jason French at

FUBF Theme music by David Goodall

Writing on the theme of by Cynthia Borgeault at

Nov 28, 202224:45
Samhain Special '22

Samhain Special '22

This bonus episode is a special one for Samhain - or if you like - Halloween. There is a lot I don't like about Halloween, and about the various ways in which distorted versions of our history and lore are sold back to us.  Samhain - the Celtic festival that preceded it - has also fallen prey to those who would seek to market all things spiritual in the best way that only the colonial mindset can. 

Here's the thing. It's not for sale.

Light a candle. Place it in your window. Have a listen to my ritual in this episode if it appeals to you. You need buy nothing. 

There are three parts with timings as follows

PART ONE - Background and history of Halloween and its origins in Samhain - 02:00

PART TWO- Ghosties, ghoulies, and the turn to the Dark Side - 06:55

Heads up/Content Warning for a nasty sound effect at 08:46!

PART THREE - A gentle Samhain Ritual - 12:20

The Samhain Blessing in the ritual was written by me (Jude)

Threshold Invocation for the Festival of Samhain

(to be said at the front door of the house on the eve of Samhain,

in the evening) from Celtic Devotional by Caitlin Matthews

Grandmother Wisdom, open the door,

Grandfather Counsel, come you in.

Let there be welcome to the ancient lore,

Let there be welcome to the Winter of the Year.

In cold and darkness you are travelling,

Under crystal skies you will arrive.

May the blessed time of Samhain

Clarify the soul of all beings,

Bringing joy and wisdom to revelation.

From the depths to the heights,

From the heights to the depths,

In the cave of every soul.

The background music in this episode is as follows

1. Celtic Dream by Frank Schroeter

Free download:

License (CC BY 4.0):

Artist on Facebook:

2. Halloween Theme 1 by Alexander Nakarada

Free download:

License (CC BY 4.0):

Artist website:

Oct 31, 202227:14
Episode 25 - with Dave Tomlinson
Oct 24, 202247:52
Episode 24 - Invitation - Jude Mills
Sep 26, 202225:18
Episode 23 - with Rachel Blackman
Sep 05, 202201:03:40
Episode 22 - With Piet Ceanadach
Apr 25, 202243:07
Episode 21 - With Mark Townsend

Episode 21 - With Mark Townsend

Mark Townsend  (he/him) is an Independent priest, a celebrant, magician, and author of several books including 'The Gospel of Falling Down' 

I had a wonderful conversation with Mark about his life and experiences as a Church of England (and now independent) priest and celebrant and about the ministry of being f**k ups for Christ! We spoke about the privilege of being alongside people in their vulnerable and transitional moments, about how our own vulnerabilities and mistakes are the root and strength of authentic ministry. 

Jude reads from 'The Wild Offering Oracle - a 52 Card Deck on Giving it all to God!' by Tosha Silver, and published by Hay House. 

Mar 28, 202249:39
Episode 20 - With Genevieve (Queer Christians Brighton)

Episode 20 - With Genevieve (Queer Christians Brighton)

Genevieve (they/them) is the founder of Queer Christians Brighton

Instagram: @queerchristiansbtn

I had a wonderful, frank, moving conversation with Genevieve about issues relating to inclusion (or lack of it) in the church, and what it means to be affirmed and affirming. As part of their work with Queer Christians Brighton, (UK)  Genevieve is currently 'reviewing' inclusive churches, 'Trip Advisor' style for their followers. 

Content Warning for a frank discussion of mental health, suicide, and 'conversion therapy' 

Support Resources

Grassroots - Suicide Prevention- Find help now

Galop  - The UK’s LGBT+ anti-abuse charity

UK based LGBTQ+ Christians seeking inclusive church might want to look at One Body One Faith and Diverse Church

MindOut Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans & Queer Mental Health Service - UK

LGBTQ- Inclusive Organisations listed on Stonewall UK

Resources for LGBTQ People of Faith listed on Stonewall UK

Mar 14, 202249:16
Episode 19- Stuart Deloney
Feb 28, 202243:44
Episode 18 - With Marc-Henri Sandoz Paradella

Episode 18 - With Marc-Henri Sandoz Paradella

I had a delightful conversation in this episode with Marc-Henri Sandoz Paradella, who is a psycho-spiritual counsellor, meditation teacher and author of the book Toxic Jesus. Marc lives in Lausanne, Switzerland, and was an evangelical pastor before he began to ask questions...

 An experience of cancer in 2018, which caused him to have his leg amputated, led to what he describes as a 'reverse epiphany' where the idea for 'Toxic Jesus' was born. 

We talked about the understanding of Grace, about an authentic (non-bypassing) spirituality and about finding ways back to faith after 'deconstruction'.

Marc's website is

The book 'Toxic Jesus' can be found in all the usual online outlets. 

I read the poem 'Buddha in Glory' by Rainer Maria Rilke which you can read here

Marc read quotes from 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' (Thus Spake Zarathustra) a  treatise by Friedrich Nietzsche, and from the Apocryphal 'Gospel of Thomas'. 

Feb 14, 202239:10
Episode 17 - With Mairtin McNamara
Jan 30, 202245:37
Advent Reflections #4 - With Roger Wolsey & Chris Brown
Dec 20, 202126:58
Advent Reflections #3 - With Jack Mason-Goodall

Advent Reflections #3 - With Jack Mason-Goodall

In this, the third of our special episodes for the period of Advent and midwinter, we hear from Jack Mason-Goodall, who was a guest on episode 15. You can listen to that episode again here

Jude begins this episode with a reflection on candles,  and Jack shares an utterly gorgeous reading of the poem 'Until we Could' by Richard Blanco. You can read more about the origin of the poem at 'Freedom to Marry' here

Dec 13, 202115:39
Advent Reflections #2 - with Oskar Marchock
Dec 06, 202112:34
Advent Reflection #1- With Dawn Lister

Advent Reflection #1- With Dawn Lister

A slight detour for FUBF for a few weeks. Indulge us. 

For the period of Advent, a few previous guests are recording reflections on the themes of hope, healing, reconciliation and forgiveness.

In this first, beautiful and mindful reflection, we hear from Dawn Lister, who was my guest back in episode 4. Dawn is a Yoga and Mindfulness teacher and co-owner of Anahata Yoga Centre in Leigh on Sea. She is a Mum and a writer who is currently working on a memoir about her experiences of growing up as a Jehovah's Witness.

The poem Jude shares is 'The Gift' by Mary Oliver

The FUBF theme music is by David Goodall 

The piano accompaniment of 'In The Bleak Midwinter' is from the UMC

Nov 29, 202114:05
Samhain Bonus Episode - With Vicki McFall

Samhain Bonus Episode - With Vicki McFall

In this bonus episode for Samhain, I talk to Vicki McFall, who is a Scottish Wiccan/Pagan. Like me, Vicki has some reservations about people (In Vicki's words, the 'dabblers') adopting or cherry-picking Celtic religious festivals (and other practices) who don't always have the accompanying spiritual practice to keep them grounded, safe, and respectful. She also has a go at online 'mediums', makers of 'spell candles', and non-indigenous co-opters of indigenous sacred practices and objects. 

Vicki's common sense and straight-talking ordinary-ness shed some light on common misconceptions about Pagans, Wiccans, witches, and their practices.

Jude reads the 'Threshold Invocation for The Festival of Samhain' from the 'Celtic Devotional' by Caitlin Matthews.  

Nov 01, 202144:23
Episode 16 - with Rachel Cotton

Episode 16 - with Rachel Cotton

 Rachel Cotton is an Atheist Buddhist with Jewish roots,  an autistic parent of autistic kids, and chair of Autistic Pride Reading.

In this fascinating conversation, Rachel very generously shares her faith history: her father's Judaism;  her own journey from Atheism to Tibetan Buddhism (indeed, both); her fear of death; and her love of archeology. 

Jude shares Jane Hirshfield's poem 'To Hear the Falling World' which you can read on Poetry Chaikhana

 Rachel shares Thich Nhat Hanh's translation of  the Heart Sutra

Oct 18, 202101:08:60
Episode 15 - With Jack Mason-Goodall

Episode 15 - With Jack Mason-Goodall

 Jack Mason-Goodall is a psychologist and psychotherapist in training, who specialises in working with autistic children and families.  

We covered a lot of ground in this uplifting conservation, but significantly,  this was the first conversation (but most definitely not the last) on this podcast, about being  F****d up by a yoga community!

Jude shares the poem 'I Live in the Woods of My Words' by Hannah Emerson 

Oct 04, 202142:55
Episode 14 - With Naomi Wood

Episode 14 - With Naomi Wood

Naomi Wood  (she/they)  is a Brighton-based writer, poet, performance artist, and workshop leader.

We had a fantastic conversation about (you guessed it) being Fkd Up by the Evangelical Church, about expressions of faith, finding the sacred in nature, and -  of course -  about poetry!

Naomi shares two spoken word pieces in the podcast. Jude shares Seamus Heaney's poem 'Postcript' at the top of the show. 

Naomi's website is

Instagram @naomiwoodwrites and @iamnaomiwood

Brighton Feminist Bookshop

Hammer and Tongue - poetry slam

Sep 20, 202137:54
Episode 13 - With Jet Black

Episode 13 - With Jet Black

In this lively conversation, multi-media artist, Jet Black talks to me about her Jewish upbringing and the importance of being a culturally and ethnic (but not religious) Jew.  

She shares candidly about the recent death of her mother, and the anxiety of choosing an appropriately Jewish headstone amidst a plethora of opinions. 

Jude shares the poem 'Freedom' by Denise Levertov

Jet shares a verse from 'Night Comes On' by Leonard Cohen 

Sep 06, 202158:01
Episode 12 - With John McCullough

Episode 12 - With John McCullough

It was an incredible treat to speak to poet John McCullough. John is an award-winning writer, poet, and creative writing tutor, who won the Hawthornden prize for literature in 2020 for his third collection of poetry 'Reckless Paper Birds'. 

In this episode, we talk about poetry (obvs!) as well as spirituality (and the connection between the two) about mental health, queer spirituality, more poetry, and John's early church experiences as a choirboy.

I share John's poem 'Sometimes I am Visited by a Church of Rain' which is from his second collection 'Spacecraft'. John shares his poem 'Soulcraft' from his third collection 'Reckless Paper Birds'. Both are published by Penned in the Margins and can be found in all the usual book-selling places.

Aug 23, 202152:11
Episode 11 - with Olivia
Aug 09, 202145:42
Episode 10 - With Rachel Sparks

Episode 10 - With Rachel Sparks

Rachel Sparks is a dancer, dance teacher, and heart-centered embodiment educator.

In this gentle and intimate conversation with Rachel, she talks about love and loss, and about moving away from Evangelical Christianity towards a more holistic and embodied spirituality grounded in nature.

Jude shares an excerpt from Kae Tempest's poem 'These things I Know'

Jul 26, 202136:53
Episode 9 - With Mary Louder
Jul 19, 202149:52
Episode 8 - with The Happy Heretic
Jun 28, 202145:05
Episode 7 - With Oskar Marchock
Jun 21, 202144:19
Episode 6 - With Kaj Jensen
Jun 14, 202159:18
Episode 5 - with Chris Brown

Episode 5 - with Chris Brown

At the beginning of Pride month, I am delighted to talk to Chris Brown (she/her) who is a UK-based trainer and consultant specialising in suicide prevention, mental health, and equalities issues, especially LGBTQ+ inclusion. 

Chris tells her story of childhood and adolescence in an Evangelical CofE church, and the pain, separation and trauma caused by the imposed ideas of sin/redemption. Ultimately, given the church's rejection of her sexual identity and expression, Chrs chose 'life' rather than the church. She talks about healing in relationship, community and awareness of what inclusion actually means.  

As with all episodes of FKD UP BY FAITH - content warnings for difficult and potentially triggering topics apply.

You can find out about Chris's work at

The opening reading was from Anam Cara - by John O'Donohue

The poem spoken by Chris was The Summer Day - by Mary Oliver

Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean-
the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down-
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

Affected by any of the issues? 

UK based LGBTQ+ Christians seeking inclusive church might want to look at One Body One Faith and Diverse Church

MindOut Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans & Queer Mental Health Service - UK

LGBTQ- Inclusive Organisations listed on Stonewall UK

Resources for LGBTQ People of Faith listed on Stonewall UK

Jun 07, 202141:14
Episode 4 - with Dawn Lister

Episode 4 - with Dawn Lister

Dawn Lister is a Yoga and Mindfulness teacher and co-owner of Anahata Yoga Centre in Leigh on Sea. She is a Mum, and a writer who is currently working on a memoir about her experiences of growing up as a Jehovah's Witness, which - like many ex-members of the JW organisation - she considers to be a cult.  Dawn tells her fascinating - and sometimes difficult -  story of childhood and adolescence in a Jehovah's Witness family, about the process of leaving the church, and her long path to healing, wholeness, and forgiveness. Dawn and her business partner Daniel Groom also have a wonderful podcast called 'From the Heart'  which you can find via their website or on all the usual channels.  As with many stories of being FKD UP BY FAITH, some people might find aspects of Dawn's story upsetting. 

PRAYING - by Mary Oliver

It doesn’t have to be

the blue iris, it could be

weeds in a vacant lot, or a few

small stones; just

pay attention, then patch

a few words together and don’t try

to make them elaborate, this isn’t

a contest but the doorway

into thanks, and a silence in which

another voice may speak.

May 31, 202143:34
Episode 3 - with Jax Bull

Episode 3 - with Jax Bull

Jax Bull is an interfaith minister, coach, counsellor and 'iheart' facilitator who lives in East London.

In this lively conversation, Jax shares about being mixed race, her deep connection to the 'Readybrek Glow' of God, her intimate relationship with Jesus, and her eventual break from a church where the Gospel wasn't always preached as Love. 

Jax's website

iheart – Innate Health Education and Resilience Training – is a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping young people uncover their innate resilience and mental wellbeing.

The Body is Like Mary

The body is like Mary, and each of us has a Jesus inside.
Who is not in labour, holy labour? Every creature is.

See the value of true art, when the earth or a soul is in
the mood to create beauty;

for the witness might then for a moment know, beyond
any doubt, God is really there within,

so innocently drawing life from us with Her umbilical
universe – infinite existence …

though also needing to be born. Yes, God also needs
to be born!

Birth from a hand’s loving touch. Birth from a song,
from a dance, breathing life into this world.

The body is like Mary, and each of us, each of us has
a Christ within.

– Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

Translated by Daniel Ladinsky in his book, ‘The Purity of Desire’.

May 24, 202135:06
Episode 2 - with Revd Sheila Zietzman

Episode 2 - with Revd Sheila Zietzman

Revd Sheila Zeitsman is an ordained OneSpirit Interfaith Minister and faculty member for OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation.

In this fascinating conversation, Sheila shares her story of growing up as a white African in Zimbabwe, her uneasy path to faith, her ordination as a Church of Ireland priest and her later ordination as an Interfaith minister. 

Sheila's bio on the OneSpirit Website -

The Loving Kindness Song mentioned by Jude - sung by Jess Huetteman on YouTube

Sheila's Blessing was by John O'Donohue

May all that is unforgiven in you

Be released.

May your fears yield

Their deepest tranquillities.

May all that is unlived in you

Blossom into a future

Graced with love.

--John O'Donohue ("To Come Home To Yourself"; Benedictus/To Bless the Space Between Us)

May 17, 202136:10
Episode 1 with Roger Wolsey

Episode 1 with Roger Wolsey

My guest on this first episode is Roger Wolsey - USA based Pastor, who is best known as an advocate of Progressive Christianity. 

He is author of Kissing Fish (Christianity for People who don't like Christianity)

We talk about the state of Christianity in the USA, about what Progressive Christianity is, and about hope and healing for people who've been wounded by their faith, and about love. 

Roger's website

May 09, 202139:13


To get the ball rolling...

May 04, 202100:38