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For The Record

For The Record

By Hosted by Tiphany Hall, PhD

Welcome to For the Record, your unfiltered view on current trends and timeless advice for surviving in the Aesthetic industry. Whether you're an injector, practice owner, sales rep or marketer, it's time to set the record straight! Each week we showcase disruptive thinkers, industry innovators, and the aesthetic masterminds driving our industry forward. For the Record is hosted by Dr. Tiphany Hall, Chief Growth Officer at Aesthetic Record, an EMR & Practice Management Software devoted to the Aesthetic Industry.
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Episode 76: Slaying the Jungle with Georgia Cirese, RN, CANS

For The RecordJan 06, 2024

Episode 80: Hustle and Heart: A Rise to the Top with Erika Barry, NP-C & Libby Dysart

Episode 80: Hustle and Heart: A Rise to the Top with Erika Barry, NP-C & Libby Dysart

Season 4 of For The Record is coming to a close, but we’re going out on a very high note in Episode 80: Hustle & Heart: A Rise to the Top with Erika Barry, NP-C and Libby Dysart. This dynamic duo has been working together for several years, and the proof of their combined powers is unmistakable. What Erika brings to the table as an expert injector, top trainer and KOL, Libby matches with brand management experience, social media expertise, and a knack for contract negotiations and influencer management.

Erika started her IG in 2015 and quicky begin to grow her following. Her page was a combination of before & afters and an authentic look at her life- something that improved her patient relationships and become a calling card for her business.  But Libby encouraged her do more, and she took over in 2018. Now Erika’s follower number is at an impressive 295k! But that’s not even close to the whole story... With Libby’s insight into Patreon and Erika’s ability to connect with injectors and create a community that was hungry for more knowledge, they launched Erika’s account in 2017, the first in the medical Aesthetics field. Her Patreon has grown into a massive following and become a powerhouse business of its own. In 2023, Libby launched her own Patreon to share best practices for brand management and how to slay at social media, stepping out into her own light as an influencer!

But while the social media influencer version of Erika is what you may see, behind that persona is a tremendous amount of hard work and hustle. She is extremely disciplined and professional in everything she does, and let’s face it, she does more in a day than most of us do in a week!  She’s the co-owner of award-winning Potomac, MD based medspa Moksha Aesthetics with another well-respected trainer & KOL, Hania Khorshidi. Recently, Libby finally turned over the reins to the Moksha brand to someone else, freeing up more time to focus on Erika’s many endeavors!

In addition to Patreon and Moksha, Erika co-founded Aesthetic Intel with her longtime mentor and friend, Waseem Garbia, PA-C, another big name in the Aesthetic industry. Who hasn’t heard of the Injector’s Club consultation pads? This invaluable resource was the jumping off point for Erika and fellow industry veteran, injector and KOL, Shakira Cabrera, MPAS, PA-C, to start the Injector’s Club. Their joint venture not only supplies helpful tools like consultation pads and anatomy boards, but they frequently train on business building & injecting. No surprise, Libby is behind the curtain of both of these companies, masterminding a social media and brand strategy that has resulted in national recognition in a very short time.

When Erika’s not involved in one of her businesses, she can be found touring all over the country speaking on behalf of companies taking the stage at conferences, advising manufacturers on product plans, and doing hands-on training.  Libby is her constant sounding board and confident, and together they have a unique balance of tough love and unwavering support that is the epitome of straightening another woman’s crown.

As Erika’s star grows, Libby’s role has shifted to a talent manager- making sure Erika’s contracts, projects, compensation and schedule are the right fit for her brand and her role as a wife and a mom. With Libby’s success of the Bunny brand, she’s become a hot commodity all her own is  now in demand to share her knowledge and consult on the growth of other brands across the industry. From the humble beginnings in 2015 to the top of the class in 2024, these two are the perfect pair we never knew we needed. They’ve got heart, and there’s no question they’ve got the hustle, and they’ve earned their success every step of the way!

To learn more, visit: IG: Patreon:

Mar 02, 202401:15:20
Episode 79: The Best Kept Secret in Aesthetic Training with Kelly Hermans, CRNA

Episode 79: The Best Kept Secret in Aesthetic Training with Kelly Hermans, CRNA

We’re sharing the best kept secret in Aesthetics this week and pulling the curtain back on the 2023 Nexties winner for Training Institution of the Year, Beautiphi Academy & its founder, Kelly Hermans, CRNA. Based in Rochester Hill, MI, Kelly is on a mission to empower new injectors and business owners with her training academy, and Kelly and her team are also simultaneously delivering a high-touch patient experience and exceptional patient outcomes and at her medspa, Beautiphi Aesthetic Boutique.

Kelly was a practicing CRNA, but after some unexpected life events, she found herself in a unique position to dive headfirst into aesthetics. Like so many, when she decided to start her own practice, Kelly had more questions than answers. Over the next year, after a lot of digging and trial and error, Kelly found what she needed, and in 2018, Beautiphi opened. Her experience was a catalyst for building what would become Beautiphi Academy. As her success grew, fellow CRNAs across the US sought Kelly out for her advice and her help to start their own practices. Fast forward 6 years, and she has amassed a following of more than 700 trainees who are actively involved in the Beautiphi community.  There’s no better word to describe this close-knit group of entrepreneurs who are learning, sharing, and overcoming the challenges of owning a practice together. No gatekeeping, no drama, and no frills!

At the helm is of this group sits Kelly who is constantly advocating for lower pricing, more opportunities and better service from vendors across the industry, and it’s paid off. Beautiphi has become a well-oiled machine – Kelly finds the right vendors, handles the negotiations and then passes the benefits on to the community. Meanwhile, they all work together to share best practices, protocols, watchouts and successes among a curated list of products and services. Frankly, it’s genius, and it all started because Kelly found herself without a tribe and without access to the answers and the training she needed when she entered aesthetics.

Manufacturers have certainly taken notice of what Kelly’s built.  She’s a national educator for Merz, Aerolase, and Rohrer Aesthetics in addition to being a thought leader for Revance, and of course, Aesthetic Record & LeadAR! And, while all this is going on, she’s running a very busy practice where she and her 5 injectors and her staff are offering cutting-edge treatments and pouring into their patient relationships.

What you can’t help but love about Kelly is that she always shows up as her authentic self, and that means spending time where it’s most productive, even if it’s not popular. She’s not big on Instagram, she isn’t one for the glitz and glam, but what she IS focused on is working tirelessly to bring value to her Beautiphi community, to provide the best experience for her patients, and most importantly, to be a good mom and wife. That means showing her kids what it means to work hard, be ethical, and be someone others can depend on.  Even when others spend time stirring up drama and trying to drag her down, she’s remains steadfast in her commitment to prioritize what’s important and keep her head above the fray.

What she’s been able to build is truly remarkable, especially when you consider that she’s done it all exclusively with word-of-mouth advertising and referrals from existing trainees, a testament to the constant investment of her time and her passion for helping fellow entrepreneurs to build successful businesses.  Her community is 700 strong and growing day by day, and she’s not slowing down. Beautiphi Academy may be a best kept secret, but it is long overdue, as is Kelly,  for the recognition it and she deserves, and we are more than happy to share it!!!  

Find out more about Kelly & Beautiphi:

Visit Beautiphi Aesthetic Boutique:

Visit Beautiphi Academy:

Follow Kelly on IG:

Feb 16, 202401:14:39
Episode 78: Building Your Tech Stack to Scale with Cameron Hemphill

Episode 78: Building Your Tech Stack to Scale with Cameron Hemphill

This week we are focusing on what drives growth in your Aesthetic practice and how to harness the power of systems, scale, technology, and digital marketing. We are joined by serial entrepreneur and aesthetic industry veteran, Cameron Hemphill,CEO of Growth99. Their focus as a company is on scaling your business through effective digital marketing and marketing automation strategies.

As the medspa landscape continues to change, with new technologies emerging and private equity taking an increasing interest, we talk about the gaps that are starting to show in the industry. Patient perception is changing, so our businesses must change, too. Cameron’s company is known for building beautiful websites, and in his own words, the website is like a second location and the BEST place to start. It should be invested in and cared about to the same degree as a physical practice- a good website drives everything else you’ll need in your digital strategy. From there, Cameron reiterates that it’s about building a strong tech stack to handle your data exchange between your CRM, EMR, Ads, Social, etc. With disparate systems, it’s nearly impossible to scale!

Some of our Favorite Takeaways with Cameron:

1.     The Evolution of the Medspa Industry: Cameron provides an overview of how the industry has shifted, highlighting the introduction of private equity and new weight loss treatments and discussing the importance of staying informed and adaptable.

2.     The Importance of Technology and Systems: We take a deep dive into the role of technology in scaling a medical practice. You need a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that can handle marketing automation and social media. Cameron talks about his own journey at G99 from offering managed services to developing a successful SaaS model so practices can manage their operations more independently and efficiently.

3.    The Gap in Utilization & Knowledge: Our discussion uncovers a common issue where practices invest in technology but fail to leverage its full potential- as a software vendor we want you to use it all! What are you missing? How does that impact the practice? Your tech stack is only as strong as your use of your tools!

4.     Building and Leveraging a Digital Presence: We talk about what your website really needs- It’s a way to collect data, enable online booking capabilities, and convert visitors into clients. It’s about strong SEO, easy functionality, and a strategy that connects to your ads, local SEO, social and more.

5.     Running a Successful Business: Cameron has decades of experience as a successful tech entrepreneur. He shares the lessons he’s learned and the blueprint for scale: SOPs, connected systems, a highly educated staff, and a dedication to clients.

Some Key Takeaways for Medspa Owners:

  • Embrace technology and systems to scale your practice effectively
  • Fully utilize the tools and platforms you invest in to enhance your operational efficiency
  • Pay attention to your digital presence, ensuring the website serves as an active tool for growth and client engagement
  • Continuously educate yourself and your team on the latest industry trends and technologies
  • Remember, success in the medspa industry requires a balance between being a skilled practitioner and a savvy business owner

Building Your Tech Stack to Scale offers a comprehensive guide for medspa owners and injectors looking to navigate the complexities of the industry while also building beautiful websites, effective digital content and collecting data at every stage. Cameron is one of the leading voices in digital marketing in our industry, and his advice is incredibly valuable! This is one episode you MUST listen to and then GO take action- it’s packed full of impactful strategies to build systems and successfully. scale.

Learn more about Growth99 at

Checkout their Instagram at

Feb 03, 202455:13
Episode 77: The Skinny on Weight Loss with Nikki Plourde, NP-C

Episode 77: The Skinny on Weight Loss with Nikki Plourde, NP-C

This week, we're going to "skinny things up" by diving into the popular yet controversial world of weight loss. We're joined by a weight loss expert, Nikki Plourde, NP-C a nurse practitioner specializing in family medicine who turned her focus to weight loss and aesthetics in 2021. She's the co-owner of Nurturher in Fitchburg, Wisconsin, and in addition to her own busy patient load, she has trained thousands of Providers on implementing weight loss strategies with the ever growing list of demand for GLP-1s.

In this episode, Nikki shares her journey from ICU nursing to family medicine and eventually to aesthetics and weight loss. She has watched the positive business impact of the weight loss boom firsthand- after working with Wegovy in her prior role, she knew the opportunity that had been laid at her feet when it was approved for weight management in 2021!

She talks about how jumping in with semaglutide as soon as it was available was a catalyst for growth at Nurturher. They went from 2 Providers in a small space to a commercial property with 11 staff members, much of that growth she attributes to the semaglutide tidal wave.  But, she’s also passionate about helping others get started with semaglutide or tirzepatide the right way- with proper training and protocols in place.

Nikki felt a strong calling to begin her own training program after seeing the lack of education available. She’s a stickler for BMI requirements, and her motto is to stick with the least effective dose, because, well, it works! And, it helps to mitigate the pesky side effects.  She has a consistent routine for how often she sees her patients & she arms them with tons of educational information and resources to promote a FULL lifestyle change - not just a shot. 

In our short hour, she shares so much knowledge & critical information from how to dose and assess patients to how to market and price weight loss medications. She also talks about the overall health benefits of weight loss via GLP-1s including the ability to be more physically active, improved cardiac health and a better quality of life- something that we should communicate more to the public (and less about skinny celebrities!)

 Key takeaways from this episode include:

 1. Expert Insights on Semaglutide: Nikki provides in-depth knowledge on how to effectively use semaglutide in weight loss, discussing the right patient profiles, dosing strategies, and managing side effects.

2. Integrating Weight Loss into Practice: Learn how to incorporate weight loss treatments into your practice, from the medical aspects to marketing strategies. Nikki shares her experience in making weight loss a successful part of her practice.

3. Patient-Centric Approach: Discover the importance of a personalized approach in weight loss treatments, considering factors like BMI, individual health conditions, and long-term goals.

4. Marketing and Growth: Insights into how weight loss services can be marketed and how they contribute to the growth and expansion of a medical practice – and how to think about your pricing strategy so you can complete the “full picture” of weight loss.

5. The Future of Weight Loss Medication: Discussion on the evolving landscape of weight loss drugs and what medical professionals can expect in the future.

This episode is a must-listen for Providers looking to expand their knowledge in weight loss treatments, particularly in using GLP-1s like semaglutide and tirzepatide. Whether you're looking for dosing information, the best compounders, how to market or build a program, Nikki is an invaluable resource!

Find out more about her training programs and & monthly support at

Find Nikki on IG at

Learn more about Nurturher at

Jan 20, 202452:17
Episode 76: Slaying the Jungle with Georgia Cirese, RN, CANS

Episode 76: Slaying the Jungle with Georgia Cirese, RN, CANS

This week we are heading to Kansas City to chat with one of the legacy injectors, a real OG, who has been part of our industry for more than 2 decades, Georgia Cirese, RN, CANS. Georgia began her journey in a Plastic Surgery office, pre-Botox, and found her niche in the science and artistry of injecting. She worked in a dermatology clinic for years after, but she felt the entrepreneurial pull 4 years ago when she opened Georgous Aesthetic Bar.

Situated in the high-end Country Club Plaza in KC, she and her daughter have collaborated to build a world-class medspa that focuses on exceptional outcomes and patient experience. Georgia is part of the founding group of injectors who came together 20+ years ago to, in her words, slay the jungle of aesthetics. With little training and an even smaller portfolio of products, that veteran cohort of injectors laid the foundation for what would become a thriving industry decades later. Georgia was exactly where she needed to be when the Botox brand took off- she was assisting Dr. Jerome Lamb, a plastic surgeon in KC, in the OR as he performed face lifts and other aesthetic procedures.

 Her surgical knowledge coupled with her own experience from her first Botox injections were the catalyst for her career. She understood the artistry, the anatomy, and she knew a gentle touch was a necessity if patients were going to want to come back! She enrolled in an Aesthetic Advancements course early on which helped to build the necessary skills to really thrive. Now she’s a trainer for the organization and has been for many years. It had a positive impact on her learning journey, and she’s paying it forward.   

Catching up to modern day, Georgia is a well-known national trainer for Allergan and AAI, and she’s been on podiums throughout the industry. Looking back on where she started, she talks about the rise in influence of the medspa and the “non-core” injector and what it means to be faculty on podium and to be the respected expert in the room. That hasn’t always been the case Those are stripes she has definitely earned with years and years of practice, mentoring and training others, and acting as an advisor to the industry.


This year she was appointed to the board at ISPAN – a full circle moment. She was one of the original nurses to earn the Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist designation. Over the last several years, ISPAN has worked diligently to get the CANS certification recognized as a true board certification, and they’ve done it! As that organization expands to include more nurses and hopefully other licensures as well, Georgia is in a position to continue her advocacy of industry-wide standards and regulations to create a safer and better skilled specialty.


As an entrepreneur, she’s busy building her business with continued growth, including being named a top 10 Allergan account in Missouri. More than 50% of her patients come from word of mouth, and it’s not surprising when you hear her talk about her staff and the investment in hiring the right people to fit her culture. She’s creating a unique experience for patients through her team, and it’s her careful hiring and onboarding process that ensure it’s sustainable. She has her daughter as her right hand managing the business operations and marketing. Together, they have created a practice that is as well known for Georgia’s incredible skill as it is for that of her Providers.

As Georgia continues to train, she doesn’t discount her own need to constantly learn and evolve. After 20 years in aesthetics, thousands of patients, and more injections than one can imagine, she’s still eager to constantly improve…..THAT is why she’s still slaying the jungle and remains one of the most respected injectors two decades later!

Learn more about Georgia:

Follow her on Instagram:

Follow GAB on Instagram:

Jan 06, 202401:03:40
Episode 75: Beauty On the Go with Michelle Chapman, APRN

Episode 75: Beauty On the Go with Michelle Chapman, APRN

We are shaking things up toward the end of the season with an innovative concept that marries the high-touch aspects of concierge medicine with the dedicated space and treatment room of a brick & mortar spa.

In recent years, we've watched Aesthetic vendors take their businesses on the road with luxury RVs providing treatments in the middle of Times Square, to cadaver buses rolling up to conferences for a day of learning. It's no surprise that now, injectors are catching on to the benefits of going mobile!

This week we sit down with Nurse Practitioner and new(ish) entrepreneur Michelle Chapman, APRN to learn more about how she's building out her dream business, MC Aesthetics, on 4 wheels!

Michelle comes from an ICU background, but like so many, she decided she wanted more post-COVID. She moved on to travel nursing and she worked at a retail clinic with no windows, a tiny space, a crazy quota, and an experience that she just couldn't imagine doing forever. In walks Aesthetics.... she took a course and was immediately in love with her next career move. She saved up her travel nursing money to pay for a long list of trainings to build her skills- and as we discuss, some great, and others not so good!

As she was learning her new craft, she decided to also take the entrepreneurial leap. It never occurred to her to open up a brick & mortar space. Perhaps it was her prior roll in that tiny retail clinic, but she wanted the freedom to move! So, MC Aesthetics, a luxury mobile med spa, was born.

In this episode, we talk about the challenges of learning how to run a business. In all the trainings and all the conferences, the nuts and bolts of business ownership is rarely discussed. Knowing this from the start, Michelle elicited help from experts in the legal and compliance field to make sure she was doing everything right from the start. She also purchased a van and had it outfitted by a company specializing in corporate conversions. While it's not tied to a lease, don't be fooled into thinking it's cheaper or less work! The cost to build out a custom van is definitely on par with a brick & mortar build out, but where Michelle goes, her business follows without worrying about how she'll relocate!

So far, her concept has proven to be a successful one! She travels between Tampa and Orlando, carefully scheduling her visits to ensure she has time to complete her signature facial balancing treatments as she goes from one location to the next. It's not unusual for her to park outside an office building and do a patient's lips over lunch or turn the home-based "botox party" into something more sophisticated by treating patients in a dedicated treatment room that just happens to be on wheels!

She's received a lot of press and interest from local publications and bloggers in the Tampa / Orlando area despite only being open for a year - something that typically doesn't happen- but the concept is so inviting and so different, that people can't help but take notice. She is a rolling billboard with fellow drivers calling her after seeing her wrapped van advertising her services. Her patient reviews are fantastic, many of them mentioning convenience as a big part of the initial draw, but her skill and aesthetic eye is what keeps them coming back.

Because the concept is so novel, it would be easy to rely on that alone as a competitive advantage. But not Michelle! She's focused on delivering fabulous outcomes- just ask her patients! Next, she has plans to grow her mobile med spa business either through franchising or expanding her own fleet. Regardless of how it happens, growth is inevitable. In a time where we are all in a hurry and Door Dash and Instacart have replaced dinners out and grocery runs, it only makes sense that we want our aesthetic treatments when we want them and where we want them!

Learn more about Michelle at

Follow her on IG at

Dec 19, 202351:27
Episode 74: The Master of Metamorphosis with Josh Davis, BSN, RN

Episode 74: The Master of Metamorphosis with Josh Davis, BSN, RN

This week we sit down with one of the most well-known, influential, and, at times, controversial figures of the Aesthetic industry, Josh Davis, BSN,RN or as we all know him, Tox Josh! 

From his start in rural Tennessee to music, trauma nursing, and now Aesthetics, Josh has trail-blazed his own way from simple beginnings to superstar status. But things aren’t always what they seem. Behind that larger-than-life persona is a man who has fought his way through incredible challenges to not just survive, but to turn those messes into a metamorphosis. Since battling through a life-altering complication with filler just last year that was extremely serious, he’s reemerged as a new Josh- one who is focused on his own mental health, using his platform to bring awareness and advocacy, and sharing his journey to help others do the same.   

There was a time when most people thought of Josh as nothing more than a social media influencer. Can he really inject? Is he just a personality? While he was logging 9-10 hours a day of screen time to cater to his growing follower count, he was also running a successful business and delivering high-quality patient outcomes. For those of us watching, it became more about what kind of tea he might spill and less about his skillset as a bona-fide injector who has trained alongside some of the biggest names in our industry.  

Over the years, he’s taken the stage at multiple conferences for live injections, conducted trainings and programs across the country, been a guest injector at well-known clinics, and become a KOL for industry partners who align with his value system. He’s quieted the doubters and proven that there’s more to him than what you see on Instagram. During his meteoric rise to industry fame, he was also busy building a successful medspa that also experienced rapid growth and change.

He started small at Davis Aesthetics then traded up to Whisper Wood – a traditional, Tennessee suburban-approved med spa that benefitted from Josh’s notoriety, growing quickly in parallel. He soon found out that a growing business means more time spent working on the business and less time doing the things he loves- treating patients, being involved outside the practice, training and. managing his high-profile brand. He made the decision to downsize and get back to what he loves- in addition to aesthetic treatments, he’s created a unique experience that is about more than just outer beauty. It combines his love of non-traditional treatments like reiki (he’s a certified healer!), human design, massage and more into the medspa environment. This exodus into the eccentric was too much for some- 30% of his patients didn’t make the move from Whisper Wood- it had nothing to do with skillset and everything to do with optics. But as Josh often does, he turned that challenge into a triumph by using that experience to attract patients who better align with the holistic experience he’s building.

Instagram Josh Version 2.0 has traded his call outs and controversy for a focus on mental health, healing, and being a force for positive change in the industry. He coined “Community Over Competition” not so many years ago, and while that message has been muddled and misused over time, it’s something he still believes in – you are only in competition with yourself. But now more than ever, it’s apparent he knows you can’t run a marathon at full speed. Nobody can. With a new book launching in January, a faculty position with the vendors he wants to work with, a thriving practice that is the right amount of business and pleasure, he’s standing on top of his mountain going in to 2024. Like any metamorphosis, the journey never stops, and we’ll all be watching! As Josh says….in a field of horses, be a unicorn, and he’s certainly one-of-a-kind!

Find out more about Tox Josh at:

Dec 09, 202301:07:58
Episode 73: Let Go & Learn with Christopher Cotto, MS, PA-C

Episode 73: Let Go & Learn with Christopher Cotto, MS, PA-C

This week we’re sitting down with Tox Papi to talk all things male perspective, seizing every opportunity to learn, the power of networking, and staying humble along the way!

@toxpapi also known as Christopher Cotto, MS, PA-C spent the last several years as a Physician Associate specializing in Emergency Medicine, but as the pandemic came to a close, he felt a calling to move into a new specialty, one where he could focus on treating the patient holistically and build long-term relationships. Enter Aesthetics!

He’s an avid seeker of education, and he knew he needed to hone his skills before jumping into a new field. So in between his ER shifts, he was shadowing Larry Blevins, PA-C, and eventually applied and was accepted as a Fellow in the American Foundation for Aesthetic Medicine- a rigorous 6-month fellowship that focuses not only on the procedural skills for all things Aesthetics but also business skills, clinic setup, optimizing workflow, and completing a research project with a goal of publishing.

 When you meet Puerto-Rican born, Orlando raised @toxpapi, he’s a larger-than-life guy! In a field that is dominated by women, Chris certainly stands out. But he’s found a way to use that to his advantage as a clinician and a business owner. In this episode we talk a lot about his patient population and the small details he’s put in place to make a big impact on their experience.  We discuss how his commitment to providing a thorough consultation continues to increase his conversion rate and build loyalty.  It’s apparent he loves his patients and the opportunity to spend time with them – he’s building relationships while he’s building revenue.

We also discuss his foray into sexual wellness. While it’s still only a fraction of his practice, he’s seen the impact it has on patients when you can treat not only their aesthetic concerns but also their sexual ones. As a result, his patient base continues to grow for these procedures week after week. It’s not only a profitable add-on, but as Chris mentions, those happy Patients are incredibly loyal, and they continue to refer and lead more patients to his practice.

One thing Chris does so well is finding the right room with the right people. He not only shadowed and completed a fellowship for months with no pay, but he’s consistently volunteering and assisting at events where he’s onstage and behind the scenes with well-known injectors. Why? He’s eager for an opportunity to learn. And, through his efforts, he’s scored an onstage lecture at AN 5.0, grown his network to include an enviable set of friends and mentors, earned opportunities to teach and train, and more. Is it difficult to take a step back and work for free after years as a practicing PA? Nah! Chris’ advice: let go of that negativity, get ready to learn, and just stay humble.

He's learned a lot of lessons about business along the way- some tougher to learn than others- including the dissolution of a partnership in his first med spa, Renew. Chris realized not long into the endeavor that partnerships are a tough road; someone is always doing more work than someone else, opinions don’t align, and splitting the money 4 ways doesn’t leave a lot for each person. He got out of the partnership, took the leap, and founded his own practice Aesthetic District Medspa so he can focus on doing things his way without the added stress of too many cooks in the kitchen. He provides us with a few watch outs for anyone looking to go the partnership route- and as everyone always says in hindsight- get it all in writing!

This is a fantastic episode for those who are eager to make the jump to aesthetics and those who are ready to go out on their own! In Chris’ own words, get ready to let go & learn!

Learn more about Chris at

Learn more about Aesthetic District Medspa at and

Nov 30, 202358:33
Episode 72: Ask The Experts: Good Faith Exams Panel at AN 5.0

Episode 72: Ask The Experts: Good Faith Exams Panel at AN 5.0

This week we take a closer look at the legal, clinical, technological and practical aspects of performing Good Faith Exams in a growing practice. In light of the recent tragedy in our home state of Texas, it was important for us to use For The Record to bring you a group who can provide guidance, solutions and watchouts for Practices who are wrangling the GFE beast.

In Episode 72: Ask The Experts: Good Faith Exams, we head back to Aesthetic Next 5.0 for a panel focused specifically on how to take your GFE processes and protocols from good to great.


FTR Host and CGO of Aesthetic Record, Tiphany Hall, moderated the panel and provided her perspective from a software partner operating inside the practice: How can we leverage technology and what we know about scale to make sure we perform an appropriate GFE but that we keep it efficient and repeatable with every patient?

She was joined by panelist, Justin Marti, Esq., of Marti Law Group, a hyper-focused, boutique law firm that specializes in healthcare law, specifically dental and aesthetics. His firm helps clients from startup to scale all the way through an exit, and as an attorney working across the US, he’s familiar with the ever-changing landscape of our industry.

Also joining us was Noah Bohbot. He is the mastermind behind Qualiphy, an innovative, virtual GFE provider that keeps the practice in control while delegating the execution of the GFE to Nurse Practitioners and Physicians who are available on demand. Patients are able join a Qualiphy provider for a telehealth GFE exam within seconds of receiving a link. The fee is low to the Practice, and most importantly, the GFE is performed by an appropriately licensed medical professional who is familiar with the service and can assess before treatment.

We rounded out our panel with Jennifer Hartley, ACNP, Founder & Medical Director at Skin Synthesis in Seattle. Prior to Aesthetics, Jenny worked in Critical Care for nearly a decade, and she approaches the GFE process with the same intensity you’d expect from a former ICU NP! Jenny has done extensive research and spent a lot of time, money and energy building her arsenal of legal documents, SOPs, and safeguards to protect her Patients and her Practice. As she looks to scale Skin Synthesis, she has to strike a balance between Patient care, business efficiency and financial viability.

Throughout the course of this AN 5.0 panel, the group talks about the multitude of factors to consider for GFEs:

  • What are the questions you need to ask for each procedure to meet the medical and legal standards?
  • Are you comfortable sending out your GFEs to a 3rd party to complete? How can you be sure it’s legal in your state?
  • If you use a company like Qualiphy, what are the processes you need in place to request the GFE, get the results, and store them in the chart? Hint: Aesthetic Record is now fully integrated with Qualiphy!
  • What are the legal pitfalls and watchouts you need to consider when it comes to the actual exam- What if your patient isn’t truthful?
  • How does a growing practice decide whether to invest in additional NPs or PAs to complete exams or bring in a third-party?
  • Do we approach the GFE with the same rigor that we would an intake for critical care or more invasive medical treatments?


We covered a lot of ground in this panel, including several audience questions and perspectives that have been simplified and restated for our listeners. When we consider the real possibility of tragic events like the one that unfolded in Texas and the inherent risk of any medical procedure, there’s one thing the panelist all agreed was imperative for Patient safety- conducting a thorough GFE.

Follow our panelist as they share more about GFEs, legal, compliance and Practice management topics through their own companies:

Marti Law Group:


Skin Synthesis:

Nov 15, 202342:44
Episode 71: The American Dream Unleashed with Lanna Cheuck, DO, FACS

Episode 71: The American Dream Unleashed with Lanna Cheuck, DO, FACS

This week we are headed to the Big Apple for a story about overcoming the odds, leading with innovation, finding your why, and building your empire your way in Episode 71: The American Dream Unleashed.

We sit down with Lanna Cheuck, DO, FACS, a urologic surgeon turned aesthetic mastermind, to understand what it truly means to overcome incredible odds and turn rejection into redirection. Dr. Lanna is the child of Chinese immigrants who came to the US with $6 in their pocket and a desire to give her a better life. She was always extremely dedicated to her education and had an innate need to do very well in school- something her parents never had the chance to do, and she was always aware of their sacrifice to give her the opportunity.

She earned a coveted spot at Brown for medical school, then on to urologic surgery which is extremely competitive with very low acceptance rate. She served as Chief Resident, completed a fellowship in Urologic Surgery with a focus in robotics, and she became one of the most prolific and early pioneers of the DiVinci robot, eventually becoming the Director of Robotics at South Nassau Community Hospital in Long Island. From there, she found her a passion for sexual wellness and developed her own program for penile rehabilitation. But with all her accolades and expertise in the OR, she was still being paid less than her male colleagues.

She was working an insane number of hours with 1 baby and 1 on the way, and she was at a crossroads. When a discussion about her pay led to her eventual dismissal from her position, she turned her part-time interest in Aesthetics into a full-time success! She is theowner & CEO of Dr. Lanna Aesthetics in midtown Manhattan where she’s known for her celebrity facelift among other procedures. She opened her third location and has scaled her business not only in size but also in impact. She founded Face Med Training shortly after she started in Aesthetics – the mantra “See one. Do one. Teach one.” stuck with her, and she had a calling to teach and train others almost immediately.

Now, she’s impacting not only her own patients but also her students and their patients. She also started a large Facebook community from the get-go where her students and colleagues could collaborate, share best practices, and eventually, they came together to secure better pricing from manufacturers. She co-founded Face Med Store with Dr. Hardik Soni as a way to formalize GPO pricing and give her nearly 40K Facebook community an opportunity to buy products she’d already vetted, build better, more successful businesses, and do it all collectively. Face Med Store is now an online marketplace that connects buyers to all sorts of products, services, and supplies they need day-to-day in their aesthetic practice. Her goal is to leverage Face Med Store to do more to help bridge the gap for business owners who so often lack a blueprint or a guide on how to get started.

She’s been knocked down, but she most definitely got back up. Dr. Lanna had no big dreams to be an entrepreneur and very little interest in being the “boss” but when her why became so big and so powerful that it could no longer be ignored, she knew what she had to do. When she started Dr. LannaAesthetics, her close friends commented that she had become unleashed- free to pursue her passion and create her future by design, and she’s done a stellar job at it! And in true Dr. Lanna fashion, she freely shares her thoughts for hiring, delegating, prioritizing, and running a successful business throughout our hour together.

This episode is so, so interesting and Dr. Lanna is a proof that no matter where you come from or what happens along the way, success is within your reach if you are willing to do the hard work to make it happen!

Learn more about Dr. Lanna:

Dr. Lanna Aesthetics website:

Face Med Store:

Nov 04, 202301:00:43
Episode 70: The View from 30,000 Feet with Laura Crowley, LE

Episode 70: The View from 30,000 Feet with Laura Crowley, LE

In Episode 70: The View from 30,000 Feet, we sit down with Laura Crowley, Licensed Aesthetician, Founder & CEO of Laura Jeannette and Co.  Laura takes us through her successful transition from entrepreneurial Aesthetician to Practice Consultant propelled by her passion for skincare and her desire to help others capitalize on industry growth. Laura talks with us about how she made the leap from front desk girl in her teens to a 20 year career in Aesthetics where she's known for providing one of the best facials in all of Massachusetts!  

After several years in practice as an Aesthetician, she moved into a concurrent Director of Education role, and her passion for helping others grow, develop and scale their skill sets and their businesses came into focus. She started Laura Jeannette and Co. to guide other aesthetic professionals as they grow their business through training, education and consulting for dermatology, plastic surgery offices and Medspas. As her own Practice embarks on an expansion and rebrand, she’s also coaching Practice Owners across the country as they do the same. 

In this episode, Laura shares her insight on how she helps businesses and business owners transform from “surviving to thriving” by offering a 30,000 foot view of the entire enterprise from sales and marketing to operations, patient experience and human resources.  Just as an Aesthetician provides a consultation before recommending treatment, she works intensely with her clients upfront to understand what they want to get out of this next growth step before rolling up her sleeves and getting to work. Is it money, building a legacy, boredom, or something else? Equipped with that info, she helps them build their practice by design- creating the management processes and operations that enable them to achieve their goals and live the lifestyle they desire.

In this episode, Laura talks about:

  • How to leverage social media to target the RIGHT audience with the RIGHT message
  • When to delegate and outsource so you can free up your time to focus on the big rocks
  • The benefits of hiring virtual assistants to help you along the way and take on tasks that aren't strategic or urgent
  • How to educate your staff on new treatments and products and make it “stick” long term with excellent training
  • How to think about your retail strategy, limiting your SKUs, and being smart about your inventory costs

We also take a few minutes to discuss what it means to be a working mom in this industry and the reality of really trying, often failing and constantly living with “Mom guilt” when attempting to balance it all.

If you are an aesthetics business owner that wants to stop guessing and start growing and you are looking for a business coach to take you to the next level, this episode is for you! 

Learn more about how Laura can help you level up:

Follow Laura on Instagram:

Oct 26, 202357:31
Episode 69: Hustle & Grow with Fiona Tennant, FNP-BC, CANS

Episode 69: Hustle & Grow with Fiona Tennant, FNP-BC, CANS

In Episode 69: Hustle & Flow, we sit down with Fiona Tennant, MSN, FNP-BC, CANS, Founder & CEO of Nurse Fiona Med Spa in Framingham, MA. Fiona began her medical career as an LPN, then became an RN and spent more than a decade working in Pediatrics. It’s in Peds that she learned the critical thinking skills that would later help her build a successful practice and become a respected, in-demand injector and trainer years later.

Before opening NF Med Spa, she worked at a Plastic Surgery center as a Staff Nurse, and she credits that job with giving her a foundation to build from as she entered the world of non-surgical aesthetics. One weekend class later, the burning desire to go out on her own wouldn’t fade, and she made a big decision to leave her steady paycheck and benefits and give entrepreneurship a go! She had to learn to inject largely on her own back then, but twelve years and one very successful med spa later, it was no doubt the right decision.

We talk a lot about her decision to go back to school and become a Nurse Practitioner. With kids, a husband, and a booming business, it seems like an impossible time to do it, but she’s overcome adversity and fought her way through life before. As a young mom, she was on food stamps and lived in Section 8 housing, but she knew where she wanted to go, and she’s always had the hustle factor to get there.

But why now? Why go back to school when all the puzzle pieces are finally in place? Her decision was driven by a few key factors that are weighing heavy on the minds of RNs across the industry:

  • She never wanted to feel that her Practice or her staff were at risk because of her licensure or because she had to involve other parties to legally own NF Med spa.
  • She’s a stickler for the rules and as the grey area gets smaller and smaller, she wanted to mitigate any risks and take that burden off her shoulders.  
  • As an NP, she can diagnose and prescribe eliminating the burden of hiring NPs just to complete Good Faith Exams so she can see her own Patients.
  • More and more states are moving toward legislation to further limit the scope of practice of RNs and prevent them from injecting or running devices, and she wanted to protect what she’d build over all these years.

We also talk about the challenges of business ownership from wearing may hats to working late hours and finding the right staff who want to do great work and stay with you. Like so many, she’s taken injectors under her wing only to train them and have them leave, but she works diligently to create an environment that enriches her staff and fuels their growth.

With her NP boards wrapped up and a little more freedom on her hands for the first time in years, it’s no shock she’s antsy to keep growing! She has her sites set on south Florida where she’s opening another NF location and expanding her brand.  She’s no stranger to the game and has been burned before, so she’s playing this one close to the vest….time will tell where the next Nurse Fiona Med Spa will open, but there’s no doubt it will be a success- she’s doesn't shy away from hard work, and she’s eager to grow into the next phase of her business journey!

Learn more about Nurse Fiona:

Nurse Fiona Med Spa:

Nurse Fiona on IG:




Oct 13, 202359:14
Episode 68: Honesty at Work with Dana Zeitler, PA-C

Episode 68: Honesty at Work with Dana Zeitler, PA-C

This week we sit down with entrepreneur, injector & device expert Dana Zeitler, PA-C for a closer look at how she’s built a successful Aesthetic practice with integrity, expertise and intention on Episode 68: Honesty at Work. Dana began her journey into Aesthetics in 2009 with a chance opportunity to get involved part-time providing laser hair removal services, and she never looked back! From LHR, she moved onto tattoo removal, and eventually, injecting, and now she's at the helm as a success practice owner!

Over time, she honed her skills with both injectables and devices and made the next logical move. She and her husband opened D-Lux MedSpa in Naples, FL 8 years after that first chance encounter. Fast forward, and now Dana trains for Galderma & Sciton, and she frequently shares her expertise on podiums (most recently Aesthetic Next!), podcasts, webinars, and industry trainings. In addition to those engagements, she also conducts private trainings out of her Naples office, coaches other entrepreneurs, and she’s developed several resource guides to help injectors and entrepreneurs with everything from photography to consultations and more! 

In this episode, we talk about Dana’s process for bringing on a new injector. She takes us through her 6 month onboarding program where new injectors act as her MA, learning and absorbing her techniques, her consultative process, her standards, and of course, her concierge-style approach to patient experience.

Each provider is trained on D-Lux’s services and modalities over time, and they are required to complete a certain number of cases and pass Dana’s quality assessment before they can ever see a paying patient. This means an injector is not cash-flow positive for the business for up to a year! But, as Dana’s seen over time, this methodical, in-depth training process pays big dividends in the long run. 

We also talk about her passion for hiring true Medical Assistants for the practice. When she finally made the decision to invest in an MA, D-Lux added $600k in revenue the first year, and she attributes it to her MA. She talks alot about the importance of delegating and moving tasks that bog you down or that you simply shouldn’t do on to someone else - then inspect what you expect- but get it off your plate!

She started in laser many years ago, and her love of devices has only grown as she’s seen the transformative outcomes her patients can achieve with her protocols. She’s a big believer in “stacking” her treatments, or combining multiple devices or modalities, to create signature services that can only be found at D-Lux. We also discuss what it takes to get a new device off the ground- how to train, market, select patients, and integrate it into your overall service offerings.

One of the things that stands out most about Dana is her commitment to D-Lux’s core values, specifically honesty. We discuss how a strong commitment to honesty has enriched her practice by improving communication with and between employees, reinforcing the practice’s integrity with patients, and made her a more transparent leader when she’s busy managing a staff while also managing resources, legal and compliance, dollars and cents, marketing and more. This honest approach provides clarity and accountability, and it bleeds into her non-negotiables when it comes to following state guidelines, operating ethically and compliantly, and making sure she is doing everything in her power to safeguard the practice, her patients and the livelihood of her employees.  She’s put honesty to work in her practice, and there is no doubt it’s creating value and enhancing the experience for everyone involved! 

Learn more about Dana, her training opportunities and resources:

Visit D-Lux on the web at

Follow Dana on IG at
Follow D-Lux at

Oct 02, 202301:04:42
Episode 67: Fast. Fierce. Female. With Limor Weinberg, FNP-BC and Lauren Taylor DeJohn 

Episode 67: Fast. Fierce. Female. With Limor Weinberg, FNP-BC and Lauren Taylor DeJohn 

We're taking you to the Exhibit Hall floor at Aesthetic Next 5.0 for Episode 67: Fast. Fierce. Female. We are joined by two powerhouse women each doing unique things to expand their brand and the brands of others but in very different ways. These two mini-episodes pack a punch, so while it’s not our traditional format, there’s plenty of valuable knowledge nuggets up for grabs!

We sit down first with Limor Weinberg, FNP-BC, CEO & Founder of The Clinic USA and brand new aesthetic-focused fashion line, Fillers Anonymous. Limor has been a part of the industry for many years, and in that time, she’s emerged as a successful entrepreneur, a KOL, private and industry trainer, and influencer. At her Miami clinic, she’s both treating patients and training others, and she’s built a great reputation in a very busy market. 

But, as she looked at the industry horizon, she made the bold move to start allocating her time to a project that has become an overnight sensation, and it’s only getting started! Since unveiling FA, they’ve launched a handful of their 30+ sayings on merchandise like cropped sweaters, hats, tees, mouse pads, bags and more!  With the competition growing more fierce, Limor says she’s sure of two things- Fillers Anonymous is an income stream she hopes to build into a business that rivals her clinic .And, she’s also a big proponent of AI and the concept of working smarter, and using way smarter tools. She touches on how AI has changed her own way of work, and she shares her goal to launch a full AI class for aesthetics. Fingers crossed!

Next we sit down with Lauren Taylor DeJohn, CEO & Founder of The Limited Agency now in Dallas, TX. Lauren Taylor or “LT” has quickly built a name for herself as the creative mastermind behind several of our favorite Injector influencers. She approaches brand management, social media presence, content curation and making a digital impact in much the same way as an injector augmenting a face- with a careful blend of science and art. 

We talk about how she manages high-profile clients and becomes a unified part of their brand voice. What’s the goal- is it brand awareness, booking patients, expanding influence or just growing a following?  In any case, it's authenticity and consistency! She talks about what it’s like to work on location with her clients and mastermind what’s happening behind the scenes to deliver the right content via the right channel at the right time. She shares a few key insights that can really impact your success with social from consistently posting to finding the right kind of content to achieve your goal. She also takes us through how to look at an event, even one as big as AN 5.0, and decide what matters, what will play well on social, and where to spend your time capturing content. 

Learn more about Limor and LT:

Fillers Anonymous:

The Clinic USA:

The Limited Agency:

Sep 22, 202323:01
Episode 66: The Leadership Alchemist with Shakira Cabrera, MPAS, PA-C

Episode 66: The Leadership Alchemist with Shakira Cabrera, MPAS, PA-C

We've just returned from the exhilarating Aesthetic Next 5.0 conference, and we've got a special treat for you! In Episode 66, The Leadership Alchemist, we're honored to sit down with the dynamic Shakira Cabrera, MPAS, PA-C. She's not just an aesthetic expert; she's a transformational leader who's turning her Practice culture into a business triumph.

Shakira embarked on her PA career back in 2006, gaining invaluable experience in diverse fields like Cardiology, Neurology, and Hospitalist roles. However, it was her time in Trauma & Plastic Surgery at Brooke Army Medical Center that ignited her passion. There, she witnessed the life-altering impact of reconstructive surgery, inspiring her to continue her journey in Plastic Surgery and eventually to Aesthetics.  

In 2018, Shakira took the entrepreneurial leap, launching Jules Aesthetic & Wellness from a humble single-room (purple!)  setup. Fast forward to today, and it's evolved into a highly respected practice boasting seven treatment rooms, a team of skilled injectors, and  its own training facility. While her injection skills are unquestionable, what truly distinguishes Shakira is her exceptional leadership skills. Whether it's her keen business acumen, meticulous performance tracking, or her innate ability to foster a culture of growth and collaboration, Shakira has become a sought-after authority on running a thriving practice.

But don't be fooled by her business acumen—Shakira is also a master with a syringe. Her years in the operating room have given her an advanced understanding of facial anatomy. She honed her injection skills under industry leaders—a rare opportunity in the days when weekend crash courses were the norm. Now, years removed from her early beginnings, she's paying it forward, aiming to shorten the learning curve for new injectors through quality training & help them run better businesses..

Shakira shares her knowledge & expertise through various channels: private training sessions at Jules' facility, national tours alongside Erika Barry, NP-C, her co-founder at Injector’s Club, and on her Patreon channel. Together with Erika, she curated an extensive collection of invaluable tools, webinars, and business resources for Injector’s Club to help aspiring injectors hit the ground running (and new things coming soon!) Her Patreon is filled with real-time business insights and pearls for building better practices, and she’s also a respected, in-demand hands-on trainer with a knack for keeping things calm and easy to understand, no matter the complexity. 

What makes Shakira's commitment to culture truly extraordinary is how she's transformed the often stressful task of employee retention into a competitive edge. She holds monthly one-on-one coaching sessions with her team, focusing on performance reviews and strategic growth plans. She's not just aligned with her employees' development goals; she's invested in their success and holds herself accountable. This  transparent, supportive work environment she’s created has cultivated a culture that people are excited to be a part of every single day. Combine that with her analytical prowess, her ninja injection skills, and it's clear why Shakira is a bona fide business powerhouse.

So, enjoy this enlightening episode where we delve deep into the mind and methods of a true Leadership Alchemist!

Learn more about Shakira:


Jules Medical Spa: 


The Injector’s Club:

Sep 13, 202354:24
Episode 65: The Art & Science of Business Brokerage with Fernando Gonzalez

Episode 65: The Art & Science of Business Brokerage with Fernando Gonzalez

This week we welcome a new(er) face to the Aesthetic Industry but certainly not to the business brokerage landscape. Fernando Gonzalez spent nearly the last 20 years in high-end real-estate brokerage bringing buyers and sellers together on high-density luxury developments. He’s always approached the role of a broker as more of a trusted guide or partner, helping clients to achieve financial, emotional, and transactional success with each encounter.

He's built a successful brokerage firm, The Gonzalez Group, in the Dallas-Fort Worth area where he's still involved. But, with a veteran team who actively manages those residential and commercial relationship, Fernando is now shifting his focus to Aesthetics! He’s a big relationship guy, it’s evident from the moment the episode starts. Make no mistake, he’s still absolutely focused on helping sellers maximize the value of their Practices, but the way he gets to that end goal is anything but transactional.  To listen to Fernando describe his methodology is equal parts art and science.

He started ORO Medaesthetic Brokerage to fill a gap in the industry- one where brokers operate alongside their clients, fighting for high multipliers and big payouts, but never forgetting the human element of the process. He’s very focused on forging relationships that allow him to be the best representative of the owner’s vision, their operating reality, staff involvement and overall business desires. When he’s able to act as that trusted partner, the artistry of brokerage comes into focus. And it’s not only for the seller, but he’s also playing matchmaker between two parties, so he’s equally as focused on understanding the buyer, their investment thesis, long-term goals and the overall portfolio of practices in the mix, not just the offer. Finding the perfect match is the truly the artistic side of the broker's role.

In this episode, we talk about the ORO methodology and what a Practice owner can expect in a typical transaction. The process is equal parts art & science from making the right match to putting pen to paper and getting to the right number. But throughout it all, it’s very apparent that Fernando and the ORO Team spend as much time cultivating and focusing on the human element of the sale- the Practice owner’s desires, the desires of the staff and what happens to them in the transition, helping to manage the change as it comes, and never forgetting that the M&A process is not just the numbers. Behind it is a small business owner who’s embarking on a new, potentially scary and stressful process that involves handing over their life’s work. They’ve entrusted the care of their Practice to ORO, and Fernando's track record proves he's up for the challenge!

As ORO enters the Aesthetic space, there’s no doubt Fernando’s relationship-based approach will permeate every part of the “deal.” That's a big win for Practice owners who have been reluctant to take those next steps. Fernando’s passion for this industry and the opportunity to show a different side of the PE coin. One thing is certainly clear, he’s just getting started!

To learn more about ORO Medaesthetic Brokerage, visit their website at and follow Fernando and team on Instagram at



Sep 01, 202301:03:16
Episode 64: Exosomes & The Power of Platelets with Atta Behfar, MD, PhD & Saranya Wyles, MD, PhD

Episode 64: Exosomes & The Power of Platelets with Atta Behfar, MD, PhD & Saranya Wyles, MD, PhD

This may be our most fascinating podcast ever! We are joined by the Co-Founder of Rion, Inc., researcher and pioneer of regenerative medicine, and Cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic, Atta Behfar, MD, PhD. We're also joined by Saranya Wyles, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Program Director of Clinical Regenerative Medicine Education at Mayo Clinic and the Principle Investigator for Rion Aesthetic's flagship product, (plated)™. 

Dr. Behfar spent several years in the initial stages of research getting a deep understanding of what influences cells to participate in wound healing. His research led him to find the major gap- communication-  which is where exosomes come into play. They are the mechanism by which cells communicate with one another and make things happen in the body. Next, it was about finding the best communicators which led him and his research team to identify a particular group of platelet-derived exosomes that were specifically communicating about regeneration and repair.  This was a true needle in a haystack endeavor, and thankfully it’s paid off-  it’s propelled regenerative medicine in aesthetics to a whole new level. 

Several years later, his findings turned into Rion, Inc as he continued on with research focused on organ regeneration (eventually the heart), and as a byproduct, he found an invaluable application within aesthetics. Looking into the future, he discusses what is possible with injectable exosomes to supercharge what filler, toxin and biostimulators can do in the tissue.  We won’t need to just fill or relax wrinkles, but there is the potential to repair the tissue enough that it’s no longer a concern.

If Dr. Behfar is where it started, Dr. Wyles is how it’s going. Not only is she an expert in regenerative medicine, but she’s also a practicing Dermatologist. She is using exosome technology in her practice daily, and to hear her discuss the effectiveness and results she sees with (plated)™ is remarkable. She is using it as a primer for her patients before procedures, as their primary skincare product, and for post-procedure healing. While this is not a sponsored Rion Aesthetic's podcast, the results she's seeing clinically, not just in the lab, are cause for major kudos to the Rion Aesthetics research team!

She’s working on next steps toward future research involving hair growth, injectable exosomes and atopic dermatitis among other potential uses- all pending the FDA of course. She truly is the perfect intersection of where the research lab meets the treatment chair. 

We are definitely at the tip of the spear in regenerative medicine with this episode. It’s rare to sit down with two of the best and brightest minds on the research front and get a solid breakdown of the science and the clinical application of something as novel as platelet-derived exosomes. In addition, Dr Wyles provides a checklist of sorts for you to consider before bringing exosomes into your practice. It’s important to check things like donor quality, batch consistency, batch effectiveness, platelet or stem-cell derived, and to ask for the clinical research that is backing the product. We know Rion Aesthetics has no shortage of research available, and from the sound of what’s next, they are only getting started!

Aug 25, 202301:09:03
Episode 63: Black Belt Digital & Beyond with Rick O'Neill, FRSA

Episode 63: Black Belt Digital & Beyond with Rick O'Neill, FRSA

This week we’re diving headfirst into all things digital marketing for E63: Black Belt Digital & Beyond with Rick O’Neill, FRSA. Rick has spent 22 years focused on digital marketing, the last 11 of which he’s been at the helm of award-winning, UK-based agency, LTF Digital exclusively serving the Aesthetic industry.  Rick and his team are entrusted to lead the marketing efforts not only for the big brands that serve the Aesthetic Industry, like Merz, Allergan, AlumierMD, Crown Aesthetics, Lumenis, and Alma (just to name a few), but, they also intensely focus on marketing for practices. That’s a unique combination not found in many agencies- they understand the hyper-competitive aesthetic market from all sides, and they are able to maximize results across various budgets and differing needs.

Rick’s list of international speaking engagements is quite long, his client list is longer. He’s of the mindset that there’s no benefit in keeping his expertise close to the vest. As an entrepreneur, just because you can doesn’t mean you should, so one of his tenants is to ensure as an entrepreneur you understand what you should be looking for in an agency, how to measure impact and results, and how things SHOULD be done so that when you delegate those tasks to someone else, you can hold them accountable and keep tabs on their success.

But with a black belt in taekwondo, it was inevitable that he would apply some of the key tenants and discipline of martial arts to how he approaches digital marketing.  In his new book, Black Belt Digital, he draws many similarities between the two disciplines. In marketing and martial arts, you must have a focused plan, consistently show up, be flexible and adaptable in your approach, and be efficient with your energy and your time. At the end of the day, it’s a competition, whether on the mat or in the market, so tapping into that competitive spirit certainly doesn’t hurt! He just released Black Belt Digital, and in only a few short days, it’s shot to the #1 spot in The Medical & Healthcare Practitioners, Beauty Therapy and E-Business categories. This culmination of his 2 decades in marketing is a 60,000-word, 20-chapter field guide to all aspects of growing a digital presence with practical advice and insights into where to focus your time and attention.

 Some of our favorites of Rick’s digital building blocks include:

·     Mastering local Google SEO

·     Leveraging automations and a solid CRM

·     Using data and analytics to drive decisions

·     Diversifying your marketing strategy: a content, education, influencer, video & email marketing mix

·     And, knowing exactly who you are so you can stay laser focused on your target audience and craft your online presence accordingly

Rick is coming to Aesthetic Next 5.0 this year in Dallas, TX for his first US-based workshop! He’ll be bringing his Digital Dojo stateside to share his knowledge and provide tested strategies that are actionable and achievable. He’s also speaking in the Business Track, so make sure if you are attending, and if you have any part of marketing your brand or your practice, that you DO NOT MISS this workshop! Find more information regarding Ricks’ workshop at Aesthetic Next by visiting

As a For the Record listener, Rick is offering several FREE tools to take an objective assessment of where your practice is right now so you can start to map out what’s next. Click HERE to access your:

·     Free Guide on Google Optimization

·     Free Guide on Website Enhancement

·     Free Online Scorecard to assess your MedSpa's Digital Health

Here are some helpful links to learn more about Rick, his book and his agency:

Checkout Rick’s new book on Amazon and visit for more information.

Find out more about Rick at

Find out more about LTF Digital at


Aug 16, 202301:13:59
Episode 62: #TakeFive at Aesthetic Next with the AN Team

Episode 62: #TakeFive at Aesthetic Next with the AN Team

Episode 62 is right on time to prepare for and #TakeFive at Aesthetic Next 5.0 coming up in only a few short weeks in Dallas, TX on September 7th-10th. In this episode, the AN Conference Director & FTR Host, Tiphany Hall, PhD, sits down with the Director of Vendor Relations, Vivienne Echendu, and Business Development Manager, Marcus Curtis. Together, Vivienne and Marcus are responsible for the entire vendor aspect of the conference- that means they manage the Exhibit Hall, ensure sponsors for evening events, curate the vendor Think Tanks and Learning Labs, secure sponsorships for key experiences and activations to enrich the attendee experience and more.

Vivienne joined the organization during the 2nd year of Aesthetic Next- AN Virtual- and after surviving that shutdown road bump, she's been on the move creating a destination for sponsors and exhibitors at AN. Now in year 5, Marcus has joined forces to help as our attendee count grows and so does the expectation of our meeting!

In this episode, we take you behind-the-scenes, into the inner workings of Aesthetic Next 5.0! From what to wear to how to plan your day to making the most of your experience, we give you our expert tips complied over the last 5 years. It's the little things- what are the must see sessions, will I have time to see all the things I want to see, is the Exhibit Hall really a valuable way to spend time, and on and on! If you've never been to AN 5.0, the giant schedule can be overwhelming and Episode #62 is here to help you make sense of it! The AN 5.0 crew talks through all the deets on: ▪️The exciting events happening Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday in every track ▪️How to participate in the scavenger hunt and win fab prizes! ▪️What you can find in the mobile app and how to plan your weekend agenda ▪️What’s included in the General Conference Pass and the can’t miss sessions in our four core tracks ▪️All the complimentary services available for attendees ▪️ What’s in store at the Thursday Opening Reception, The NEXTIES and the 5 To The Future Party ▪️All. The. CMEs!!! Whether you’re thinking about going to AN 5.0 or you’ve already purchased your tickets, this is the FAQ, insider info sesh you need to start planning!!!! If you are looking for more information on Aesthetic Next, head to

Be sure to cast your vote for our 2023 NEXTIES winners by voting at

Checkout our robust lineup of Workshops, Masterclasses and Bootcamps at

Aug 09, 202334:41
Episode 61: From Stand-Up to Standout with Dani Sher, PA-C

Episode 61: From Stand-Up to Standout with Dani Sher, PA-C

We're kicking things off with a little SPARKLE! Join our first guest of the season, Dani Sher, PA-C, Founder & Owner of Sparkle Aesthetics for an in depth look at ultrasound practicality, entrepreneurship & attracting the right patients to your Practice!

In the season opener, From Stand-Up to Standout, Dani takes us on a journey from early days in stand-up comedy to eventually finding her way back to medicine in the ER, to Aesthetics and now as one of the key leaders of the ultrasound movement. She's been an integral part of ultrasound education across the US training providers in her office in Chicago and at conferences around the country.

Her secret to success is her ability to make ultrasound approachable and understandable at all levels. From her Top Gun and Black Fish metaphors to using chicken breasts for target practice, attendees walk away with the power to begin using ultrasound in their day-to-day procedures.

She trademarked her approach, Safe Mapping ™ which cuts through the noise and complexities of full face vascular mapping to present what's important for an injector - the areas of the face where they are actually injecting!

Beyond her expert ultrasound skills, Dani is also a entrepreneur who took her practice from the occasional Botox party to a dedicated storefront in Chicago. In the midst of an expansion to accommodate her growing training programs, she's also busy hiring, onboarding, marketing, seeing her own patients and overseeing the operations at Sparkle Aesthetics. And, she's fitting it all in somehow while also being a wife and a mom.

Perhaps a creative outlet or a source of stress relief (either way we are here for it!) her comedy chops are one of the things she's well known for in the industry. Her parody videos of the Aesthetic underbelly bring a reality punch seasoned with well-timed humor. They say all the things we can't and remind us that at the end of the day, the pop culture obsession with influencers and social media fame aren't what makes a great injector!

We also explore her one-of-a-kind and always recognizable branding. Sparkle's identity is a throwback to the nostalgia of her childhood, shows like Be Witched and The Jetsons. It permeates everything she does and is a perfect example of bringing a concept to life. It also attracts her tribe- between her comedy chops, the office branding and DNA, and her larger than life persona, patients who end up at Sparkle are drawn there by design.

In this episode, we discuss:

We're thrilled to have spent this time with Dani learning the ins and outs of what makes a standout educator, injector and business owner tick! Episode #61 is a great way to add a little sparkle to your day!

Want more of Dani in your life? We've got two upcoming workshops at Aesthetic Next that you just can't miss! Learn more at

Preshow Education- Wednesday, Sept. 6th

Facial Ultrasound Immersion with Dr. Stella Desyatnikova

Workshop: Saturday, Sept. 9th

Introduction to Ultrasound & Practice Uses

Dani also trains at Sparkle Aesthetics on a regular basis. Find out more about her courses here:

Find Dani on Instagram:

Learn more about Sparkle Aesthetics:

Aug 02, 202350:60
Bonus Episode: The Million Dollar Value of a Proprietary Aesthetic Method with Kaeli Lindholm

Bonus Episode: The Million Dollar Value of a Proprietary Aesthetic Method with Kaeli Lindholm

Are you ready to be truly "competition-less" and build a sustainable brand that leads to increased revenue, less burnout, and carving out your niche in the Aesthetic Industry? If this answer is YES, this episode is going to give you the keys to unlocking the secrets of scale! It's the first step in a 4-part series focused on bringing the value of the Proprietary Aesthetic Method to your practice!

We've teamed up with KLC Consulting Founder & CEO, Kaeli Lindholm, to deliver her proven methodology and winning formula to you starting with this podcast! From here, Kaeli will guide you on your journey to create your brand identity and lay the foundational structure to propel long-term growth. There will be 3 stops along the way: Positioning Your Business in "The Gap", Developing Your Proprietary Method, and Incorporating PAM in Your Day-to-Day Operations. In addition to the guided series, you have access to a resource guide that lays it all out for you and provides a blueprint for getting the most out of your PAM. Kaeli's worked with hundreds of business owners just like you, and her clients have proven this resource guide is truly a multi-million dollar business asset!

In this episode, we talk about the current climate in the industry- competition is fierce, the influx of patients is turbocharged, and injectors and business owners are desperately needing to add headcount or add locations to manage it all. But, it's not easy to do when you haven't formulated your brand identity, you can't market proprietary treatment methods or onboard new staff to deliver them, your processes and operational flow isn't set up to work across multiple people or locations, and training patients to be okay with seeing someone other than you is a Herculean task! Time is a finite resource, and in addition to the potential to add millions in incremental revenue, spending time creating your PAM can give you time back to live that life you are working so hard to create. It's a small investment of time and money that can have a major impact for years to come.

With this collaboration, we've been given the go-ahead to launch this course for only $297. It may truly be one of the best investments you ever make. As you wrap up your PAM process, Kaeli offers the next level of growth with Confidence to Scale which is a 6 week business certification program that takes the work you've done with PAM and helps to transform your entire practice.

If you haven't met Kaeli, you are in for a treat! Widely recognized as a brand revisionist, Kaeli believes achieving ‘category of one’ success requires taking a differentiated approach. Her coaching and academy programs bring unique perspectives that challenge the very construct of business success. Paired with significant revenue growth, clients describe the benefit of working with Kaeli as “game-changing”, “both guide and exceptional partner”, and “provides value well beyond monetary measurement!” When you partner with Kaeli you will make an empowered transformation in your business and life. She was named a Top 10 Most Inspiring Women to Watch in 2023 by Forbes Magazine, and she's climbed the Fortune 500 ladder, built a 7-figure medspa, and helped hundreds more find true success.

To learn more about this program, visit

To learn more about Kaeli, visit KLC Consulting at

To follow Kaeli on Instagram, visit

To listen to Fierce Factor Podcast hosted by Kaeli, visit

Jun 07, 202337:28
Episode 60: The Leadership Manifesto with Shelby Miller, DNP, FNP-C

Episode 60: The Leadership Manifesto with Shelby Miller, DNP, FNP-C

We end Season 3 talking about hustle, passion, courage, and leadership with industry icon, IG influencer, and successful entrepreneur, Shelby Miller, DNP, FNP-C. In The Leadership Manifesto, the RUMA Aesthetics & RUMA Academy Founder, CEO & Medical Director gives us an intimate look at everything from the childhood experiences that shaped her and the lessons she’s learned in business and in life as her career has taken off in a meteoric fashion since opening her own practice in 2018. If you have even one conversation with Shelby, it’s immediately apparent that she has a passion for learning, for growing others, and for providing the best care possible for her Patients. That passion is equally matched by her work ethic- she’s not shy about doing the hard things. Whether it’s long hours, doing her own construction, putting in the time to learn and work on herself, or balancing multiple business and a family, she somehow makes it all look effortless. Despite how it may appear on the Gram, she’s quick to tell you, it’s not without its challenges and sacrifices! Lucky for us, her original desire to be a CRNA didn’t fulfill her need to care for and be involved with patients, and it lacked the fast pace she’s accustomed to. She worked for a few medical spas early on and a facial plastic surgeon, a role she credits with helping her to really master anatomy, but came to realize her internal mission, vision and values didn’t jive with the culture of these locations. And with that realization, RUMA was born in a single room, a few hundred square feet, located inside a beauty bar. It didn’t take long for her to outgrow that space move into her second RUMA location which was 10X the size! It was here she expanded her team and really solidified the identify of RUMA Aesthetics. Shelby shares that RUMA is typically a premium option compared to the local market, but she and her team have created an environment that provides a high-end experience, superior results, and a patient-centered approach that includes modern technology like ultrasound. She attracts patients who fit the RUMA DNA: high-end, high expectations, and high-value. Fast forward 2 short years, and she grew out of that location, and has now moved into what she calls “The Mothership,” a 10,000 square foot Taj Mahal that has not only grown her RUMA Aesthetics business but has opened an entirely new opportunity to expand RUMA Academy and continue her mission to teach and train others. When she’s not running RUMA Aesthetics or RUMA Academy, she and her COO/CFO husband and RUMA Air pilot, Jordan, are jet setting around the US to private trainings (don’t worry..their plane has a parachute!). It may seem excessive to some and genius to others, but their investment in a plane has given her an opportunity to carve out time for her marriage, a great tax benefit, and a timesaving, efficient way to travel without demanding so many nights away from her 2 little girls! Throughout this episode, she shares countless tips for how to spend your time wisely, invest in help along the way, and to know how to stack your schedule and be okay with saying no. That’s been an evolution as she’s grown into her leadership role, something she takes very seriously. She talks about the lid effect- if the leader hits the lid and stops growing, the organization and team are stifled as well. Because of this, she’s been a student of leadership for several years, devouring books, working on herself, and leaning into the role with courage and connection. As she says in the episode, more is required of leaders- they must see things first, have more courage, take more risks, own more responsibility, but when done right, great leaders receive more. There’s no doubt she’s manifesting an empire and receiving the fruits of her hard-earned labor. We also venture into her role as a Provider and the insane skills she’s acquired over the years. What’s her best advice for doing the same? • Always ask why. Just because it was taught in a training or is a popular opinion, peel the layers back and ask why it’s done that way. When you do this, then your skills can begin to evolve. • Take the risk, pay for the training, commit to learning. She went to an ultrasound course, realized she was in over her head, and then buckled down and learned as much as she could, and went back and tried again. • It’s okay to do things differently. Find what appeals to you, then go train with the people who are producing those results. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to artistry. • There is no part-time if you want to achieve greatness. The industry is a grind, and becoming a great injector requires discipline and commitment. To see what Shelby’s accomplished as a business owner in only a handful of years is nearly impossible to imagine. It’s a testament to her leadership and her passion to stay true to what she believes and why she started RUMA, and to bring her team along on that journey. She sees patients 4 days a week, runs a staff of 30, conducts frequent trainings at RUMA Academy and travels around the US to train. And in all that, she says it doesn’t feel like work at all. She still finds joy in the day-to-day and has the excitement to continue growing and evolving herself and her businesses. If you are just starting out as a new business owner or you’re struggling to hold on to your culture and core vision as your business grows, this podcast is for you! It’s an action-packed sit down showcasing the hard lessons and gratifying rewards from someone who is doing it all (and making it look effortless on Instagram!) Learn more about RUMA Aesthetics: Book Training at RUMA Academy: Follow Shelby on Instagram: Follow RUMA Aesthetics on Instagram: Follow RUMA Academy on Instagram:

Mar 24, 202301:12:14
Episode 59: The Aesthetic Revolution with Kimmi Ragone, RN, BSN, CPSN

Episode 59: The Aesthetic Revolution with Kimmi Ragone, RN, BSN, CPSN

This week we take a 20+ year look at the past, present and future of injectable procedures with veteran injector & skincare expert, Kimmi Ragone, RN, BSN, CPSN. For the last 23 years, she’s been with Bucky Plastic Surgery, first as an OR Nurse assisting in facelifts and body procedures and over the last several years, she’s provided non-surgical treatments at one of four Bucky locations throughout Philadelphia where she also serves as the Director of Skin Care & Injectables. From the early days with one filler option and one toxin option til now, Kimmi’s been on the forefront of the scientific and product-driven evolution of the industry. When she looks back to those first 3 to 5 years, she’s quick to admit that having the luxury (or limitation) of only a couple of products gave her and others of her tenure the opportunity to really master each product as it came to market. But as every innovator does, she was eager to explore new ways to use those products to produce more favorable aesthetic outcomes. She’s spent A LOT of time, 2 decades worth, with respected and admired Plastic Surgeon, Louis. Bucky, MD, FACS, and she’s had the opportunity to learn facial anatomy hands on in his OR. It’s her strong foundation in anatomy that gave her the courage and know how to venture off-label and try new techniques while staying safe and being mindful of overcorrection. As the years have passed and manufacturers have brought so many products to market, many of the concepts she implemented early on have come full circle with new indications and new tools in the modern injector toolbox. But all that innovation isn’t without pitfalls. In this episode she addresses the point in time when the industry went “cheek crazy” trying to efface NLFs and how we may be on a slippery slope toward making the same mistake with the overcorrection of chins. As she’s out teaching and training for Galderma and Evolus, she’s constantly reiterating the need to look artistically at the face and create balance and harmonization. That means saying no when patients are better served with a facelift or when their finances won’t stretch far enough to produce the results they really want and need. As part of a big practice, Kimmi has access to every product without the same constraints that a small practice may feel when it comes to cash flow and profitability. Because of this, she has a unique advantage to pick and choose among all the product lines to create the optimal result. But even with all the options, she knows her own limitations and that of HAs and biostimulators and refers patients for surgery when it’s the better option. Having a great relationship with a plastic surgeon is something she urges every injector to seek out and build as their patient population continues to age. In this episode, Kimmi shares a tremendous amount of injection and patient experience pearls: • Be deliberate in creating every step of the patient journey so you elevate their experience. • Anatomy is the foundation of everything. Spend time in cadaver labs and ORs learning as much as you can before treating patients or venturing into unknown territory. • Being a skilled, technical injector can only take you so far. You must also apply artistry concepts to create beautiful results. • Build your practice in such a way that you can offer alternatives with financing or stepwise, yearlong plans so that you can deliver what your patients truly want and need and exceed their expectations. In addition to her faculty role at Coast to Coast Cadaver, she will be joining us at Aesthetic Next 5.0 to share her perspective on liquid rhinoplasty as well as joining a panel of fellow experts to battle it out as they share how they would approach various cases. She will join both cadaver labs as faculty to share her vast knowledge of anatomy and to train the next generation of great injectors. In the meantime, she’s excited to continue her own revolution as the industry changes, continue mentoring others, and provide the exceptional level of care she’s dedicated herself to for the last two decades at Bucky Plastic Surgery. Follow Kimmi on Instagram: Learn more about Bucky Plastic Surgery: Follow Bucky Plastic Surgery on Instagram:
Mar 17, 202359:57
Episode 58: From Search to Sale with Jared Rohrer

Episode 58: From Search to Sale with Jared Rohrer

Episode 58 is here, and it’s packed full of the information you need to build your digital presence and fully book your schedule. We sit down with Aesthetic Conversion Founder & CEO, Jared Rohrer, who specializes in helping aesthetic practices move patients from search to sale and everything in between! 

Jared’s been in the aesthetic industry for several years. He’s worked with big names like Shino Bay Aguilera amongst others, produced conferences likes Beauty Through Science and FaceIt Virtual, and he’s been a content king producing videos, training series, and other media assets via his other business, Really Good Content.

But, Jared has a passion for business and for helping entrepreneurs to grow and scale, and with his knack for content and love for marketing, Aesthetic Conversion is making a major impact on every practice his team serves. As a customer of AC, Jared’s team helps you define and polish your web presence. That includes everything from website structure to sales funnels, copy that converts, rising in the ranks on google, and building a story around your brand that attracts the hearts and minds of the patients you want. AC manages every part of the marketing ecosystem- email and text campaigns, lead nurturing, blog posts, social presence, marketing automations, and more. His expertise has landed him a Faculty position on GAIN Business and with Revision Skincare and podiums at meetings across the industry. (Make sure to register for his AN 5.0 workshop when it launches!)

How does he do it? In this episode he provides a tremendous amount of value with 5 key areas of focus: - How to build the the right landing page to improve bounce rates and appeal to your target customer. - Creating sales funnels with free offers to capture patient contract detail and grow brand affinity before they ever walk in. - How to leverage text campaigns to instantly increase conversion and stay connected to patients. - How to show up on the first page of Google through long tail keyword analysis and understanding your local market dynamics. - Harnessing the power of Chat GPT to expedite the content creation process. If you’re struggling with lead gen or are ready to take your digital presence to the next level, this episode is definitely for you!!!!

Learn more about Aesthetic Conversion: Follow Jared on IG: Contact Jared:

Mar 10, 202301:13:18
Episode 57: Best of Both Worlds with Roxy Drese, LE

Episode 57: Best of Both Worlds with Roxy Drese, LE

This week we are combining the power of skincare & injectables to bring you the Best of BOTH Worlds with SkinRX founder and award-winning Aesthetician, Roxanne "Roxy" Drese, LE. 

Roxy has been involved in entrepreneurship in some form her whole life. Her mother owned a spa, and she swore she'd never do it, but life had other plans. From her own skin struggles, she developed a passion for skincare, and her fate as an Aesthetician was sealed! She opened SkinRX in Southlake, TX, an affluent suburb of Dallas in 2015 with the singular focus on services she could provide an Aesthetician. For 3 years, she referred out business to local injectors after carefully matching the Patient to the Provider. Over time, it became complex to figure out schedules of treatments, who to go to for what, and of course the financial missed opportunity, so after careful research and planning, she turned SkinRX into a full clinical medspa. 

Now, she has multiple Aestheticians and Injectors on staff, and her dream of holistically treating the Patient for all their aesthetic concerns has come to fruition. As she's grown SkinRX from one location to two, she's not afraid to admit she's made a few mistakes along the way. But one thing she has firmly planted in her clinics? Culture. Roxy is a firm believer in TEAM. Her staff meets often so they can stay aligned to the same mission, vision and values and so that operationally they are on the same page. Part of that culture is adhering to the brand. She spent the time to develop brand guidelines and a framework for how SkinRX should look and feel to every Patient. 

When it comes to hiring, she's all about making sure she has a really good sense of the person before bringing them into the fold. That may mean calling other spa owners who have worked with someone or doing multiple interviews to get a good sense of their character. Employees go through a 1-2 month onboarding process, then they work within their teams to make sure their skillsets are up to par with the SkinRX standards. During COVID, Roxy launched an eCommerce store to keep things afloat during the shutdown. Now, she's focusing on continuing to grow that aspect of her business while also focusing on the steady growth of SkinRX. 

What's fueling that growth? Her biggest driver is referrals! And the SkinRX membership programs brings clients back 12x a year for their services! More frequent visits mean more opportunities to provide services for her staff! And those service are carefully curated to feel like packages and programs, not one off services. She's careful to jump into new things until there's a solid plan in place and the early adopters have worked out the kinks. Roxy is a powerhouse in her own right. She was named Dermascope's National Favorite Licensed Esthetician in 2021, and she won 1st Place in The Skin Games, Age Management Category in 2018. She's also spoken at Aesthetic Next, Live Love Spa, and she actively mentors other Aestheticians. She's also the mom of two teenage daughters, and she let us know when she gets one out of the house, she'll think about opening that third location! Ha! 

Find out more about Roxy on Instagram: 

Find out more about SkinRX on the web: 

Find out more about SkinRX on Instagram:

Mar 03, 202350:39
Episode 56: Amplifying The Aesthetic Industry with Drew Fine

Episode 56: Amplifying The Aesthetic Industry with Drew Fine

We’re back this week with an industry visionary who has spent the last 10 years leading marketing and training efforts in the Aesthetic Industry. After business school, Drew Fine spent 10 years at Eli Lilly honing his craft in Diabetes marketing before moving to Galderma, where in the course of his nearly 7 years there as VP of Marketing, he led multiple launches of new FDA approved products, played a major role in the development of GAIN, and in many ways, masterminded the rise to dominance of the Restylane, Dysport and Sculptra brands under the ownership of Nestle Skin Health. From there, he moved to Allergan as VP of Marketing for the Facial Injectable Portfolio for nearly two years where he had his hands in Juvederm, Botox and AMI marketing efforts. But now, he’s taking on a whole new challenge…. At the start of 2023, Drew was named the Chief Commercial Officer at Advanced MedAesthetic Partners. Since its inception in October ’22, AMP has experienced rapid growth, scaling from 7 to 21 practices in only a few short months. Why? Some may lump AMP into the same category as traditional “Private Equity,” but as Drew can attest, their model is different. They come alongside successful practices and partner for the long haul. His analogy of the Marriott Autograph collection is a good one- great practices get to keep the very essence of what makes them successful and unique in their local markets, much like the Autograph hotels, but they get to reap the benefits of having a sophisticated, structured corporate partner in the background who oversees the legal, technical, compliance and HR operations much like Marriott. It’s truly the best of both worlds! AMP is led by Nicole Chiaramonte, a veteran entrepreneur who was a multi-Aesthetic clinic owner prior to taking the CEO reins. She and Drew share a similar vision to create a culture of appreciation, maintain a strong focus on the people who make up the business, and to be a source of value for both owners and their staff as they transition to the AMP family. AMP has assembled a leadership team with the right balance of aesthetic experience and outside perspective, and their vision for the company stays true to the goals of the industry: putting patients, people and practices ahead of profits. Drew has been an advocate for solid training, something he focused on at both Galderma and Allergan, so it’s no surprise that a key part of AMP’s strategy is offering best-in-class training to both Providers and Staff. From the AMP fellowship to protocols and processes, employees at any AMP-owned practice have access to learn and grow within the organization. From Drew’s perspective, one of the benefits of partnering with AMP is the opportunities for staff. As the organization continues to scale, it unlocks the potential for regional directors and trainers, corporate and field positions that just aren’t an option in a privately-owned practice. To hear Drew talk about the industry and where it’s headed is part of his magic. He sees the chess pieces before others know a game is even being played. What’s missing in our industry? In his opinion (and we share it here at FTR!), it’s about technology. First, it’s automating the lead gen to booking process so that patients can find practices anytime from anywhere, keeping the store front open 24-7 without the expense of human capital. It’s offering capabilities for patients to assess their own needs, buy what they want, book and come in without human intervention. Second, it’s data mining. It’s using data in sophisticated ways to make solid decisions for the practice, and at the scale of AMP, their access to large data sets across all geographies creates a serious advantage when it comes to Amplifying the Aesthetic Industry! Learn more about Advanced MedAesthetic Partners: Follow Drew on Instagram: Follow Drew on LinkedIn:
Feb 24, 202355:06
Episode 55: Fractional: The New Frontier with Brandon Mullen, BSN, RN-BC

Episode 55: Fractional: The New Frontier with Brandon Mullen, BSN, RN-BC

This we are shaking things up and breaking the model with guest Brandon Mullen, BSN, RN-BC. Brandon has reinvented the Practice Manager as we know it today. He's not sitting at a desk in the Practice 40+ hours a week. He's fractional, spending half of his time onsite at Aiyana Atelier in Virginia and the other half at home in Pennsylvania! 

How does this work, one might ask? Brandon has been in Nursing since 2009, had a career in healthcare technology, and then answered the call when Ashley Carmen, FNP-C quickly grew her solo owner/injector Practice in Old Town, VA and needed help! Brandon is obsessive when it comes to systems, processes, project management, and details! That's why he's been able to manage both on and off-site as Ashley's grown Aiyana Atelier from now one location to two! From routing phones to shared docs, photo albums, and some help from Asana, he can run a tight ship from 4 hours away!

Brandon strategically allocates his time to take vendor meetings, work on client experience, and manage the hands-on things in the Practice during his week long visits. When he's at home, it's all about the administrative work, website updates, planning the second location buildout & launch, and things that we could all use a little peace and quiet to accomplish on the day to day. 

As Brandon and Ashley scale Aiyana to a second location in Middleburg, he's flexing into different parts of his fractional role. Now, he is going between his home and two locations,  and he's responsible for maintaining the level of service, ambience and experience Aiyana's clientele expects at both locations. As in all things that double, it's double the inventory, double the marketing, double the client responsibilities, but he's created such a defined process, that Aiyana's second location is set up for success!

Brandon has also been actively consulting with other Practices as they continue to grow. He is fresh off a lecture at AmSpa where this idea & his experiences as a fractional Practice Manager was well received! It's not always feasible to find the best talent locally, and it's hard to find the right fit even when they can be onsite 100% of the time, so this New Frontier is certainly catching traction. One of Brandon's passions (and ours!) is helping Practice owners and new managers to connect with other industry professionals in the same role through an association or network. With a dedicated space just for practice owners and managers, the hope is to take the collective knowledge of the group and share it just like we do with Injectors. For now, he's busy launching a second location, and there's little doubt that more will soon follow, so perhaps when that's done, he can tackle this new challenge!

We know Brandon will be joining us at Aesthetic Next in September to share more of his experience and expertise,  but to connect with him in the meantime, click the links below:

Brandon's IG:

Aiyana Atelier IG:

Aiyana Atelier Website:

Feb 10, 202356:52
Episode 54: Market More. Suck Less. With Katlin Cauffman

Episode 54: Market More. Suck Less. With Katlin Cauffman

This week is like bootcamp for anyone and everyone who is trying to generate leads, increase revenue, and build a bigger practice. We have Diamond Accelerator Founder & CEO, Katlin Cauffman, in studio this week, and she's sharing some KEY information that you need to hear before you build your next offer or place that next paid ad. With years of experience marketing practices of all shapes and sizes, her expertise and insights make this episode a full blown marketing course that you'd paid big bucks for somewhere else!

Katlin's company handles everything needed to be massively successful with lead gen, nurturing, and long-term retention of your client base. And over the years, after helping hundreds and hundreds of med spas, she's got a great handle on the things you can do along the way, in her own words, to make your marketing suck less!  Her proven system makes it EASY for practices to set it and forget it, and to focus on other parts of the business while also knowing their marketing efforts are in strong, capable hands with the Diamond Accelerator Team! But, things like a thorough consultation and really good follow up are critical pieces that often get missed- if a company brings you leads on leads on leads, and the team inside the practice can't convert them to paying patients (or upsell them), then it's all for not. And Katlin spends alot of her time helping practices understand the funnel is only as good or as important as those face-to-face interactions. 

We talk about the consultation often, how to assess, how to present the treatment plan to the patient, and on and on, but do we do it over and over every time they come in? Do we understand the trial close and how to upsell? Are we overcoming objections and driving incremental revenue? ALOT rides on that consultative approach, and that's why Katlin has spent a tremendous amount of her time developing a full strategy that definitely doesn't suck! Who wants to crush an ad campaign or rock it with SEO just to have it fall apart at the consult- nobody! As part of our podcast launch this week, Katlin is giving away her full training program "The 5-Star Consultation Process- for FREE! It includes video training, a checklist, plug & play and scripts and more! It's a huge value that can pay big dividends long term.  

5 Star Consultation Process:

We couldn't recommend this episode more, and Katlin is a total rockstar. Be sure to grab a notepad and pen because you will definitely want to jot down a few key takeaways! 

Learn more about Diamond Accelerator:

Follow Katlin on Instagram:

Feb 03, 202301:01:26
Episode 53: Born To Do More with Heather Finks, FNP-C

Episode 53: Born To Do More with Heather Finks, FNP-C

Episode 53 is a Texas-sized crash course on serial entrepreneurship, overcoming adversity, and the patient experience.

We sit down with Fort Worth native Heather Finks, FNP-C, founder of House of Beauty and a veteran nurse injector.

This is Heather’s THIRD entrepreneurial endeavor, starting her first business at age 21 despite all odds. Her childhood was less than picture perfect. She was raised by a single dad in a low income home, and she became a mom at 15. She made a decision then to do what she had to in order to change the generational story for her daughter, and boy did she!

She’s done a lot in a very short time, and basically her entire adult life she’s owned a business. She’s learned to be agile, to try new things, and to remove failure from the list of possibilities.

In this episode Heather shares:
▪️Her experiences with overcoming adversity and the mindset you need to survive
▪️Running a successful business from idea to single location and then starting to scale
▪️Her philosophy on the patient experience and where the consultation falls apart (and how to fix it!)
▪️What it’s like to share your sobriety and your faith on a public forum and be okay with who you are

This episode will fill your cup- to hear Heather’s story and see where she’s ended up and what she’s been able to accomplish proves we can do anything if we want it bad enough. She was definitely 𝘽𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙏𝙤 𝘿𝙤 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙚!

Learn More About Heather on IG:

Learn More About House of Beauty on IG:

Learn More About House of Beauty on the Web:

Learn More About Sex, Love & Injectables Podcast:

Jan 27, 202358:24
Episode 52: Playing Devil's Advocate with Scott Callahan, PA-C

Episode 52: Playing Devil's Advocate with Scott Callahan, PA-C

This week we are ditching the koolaid, poking the bear, and going unfiltered with industry pioneer 𝗦𝗰𝗼𝘁𝘁 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗻, 𝗣𝗔-𝗖 in Epidode 52 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙡'𝙨 𝘼𝙙𝙫𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙚. Scott opened Dolce Vida Med Spa in 2010 after a career in heart surgery and a strategic move to plastic surgery. He saw the writing on the wall, and took a big leap to opening a med spa that has certainly paid off. Now, 4 practices later, he’s orchestrated a lot of change in the industry! 

If you have used, heard of or thought about threads, you can thank Scott! He was integral in bringing threads to the US more than a decade ago, and he’s one of the most respected thread practitioners and trainers in the country. He’s also the mastermind and founder of Dolce Symposiums which included ten action packed training events centered on threads and drawing in the biggest names in the country. He held his final one in 2022, but he’s not slowing down. 

Who is Scott Callahan, and why do we all listen when he speaks up?

Scott is the expert trainer/educator for multiple companies including Suneva, Galderma, Harvest Terumo, Benev, MINT and Merz. He is a trainer/educator for Bellafill for the East Coast and was the very first injector of Bellafill in the state of Connecticut. He has been featured on multiple local and network television shows including a featured spot on The Style Network.

He’s still providing his training and expertise all around the US.  If you know Scott, you know he pulls no punches. He tells you what he thinks, and he calls it exactly how he sees it. This episode is no exception! We talk about

  • Finding the right vendors and building mutual respect without drinking the koolaid 
  • The controversy surrounding putting NPs, PAs and RNs on podium (and why would anyone say no!?) 
  • Taking care of your staff with money and perks if you intend to keep them ▪️Whether ownership is the only path to long term financial success ▪
  • What makes a great provider and how we need to set the standards to do better for our industry 

Just like everything Scott does, this episode is dynamic, informative and a must listen or watch! 

Learn More About Scott: Dolce Vida on the Web: 

Dolce Vida on Instagram:

Jan 20, 202301:02:51
Episode 51: Setting the Standard with Larry Blevins, PA-C

Episode 51: Setting the Standard with Larry Blevins, PA-C

Episode 51 is live this week with a true pioneer and a mentor to SO many, the legendary Larry Blevins, PA-C!   In 𝙎𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙙, we sit down with @captaincosmetic, Founder & CEO of Village Institute of Plastic Surgery and co-founder of the American Foundation for Aesthetic Medicine fellowship. 

 Larry is a retired Med Corp Captain in the US Army. It’s there that he finished PA school, served two tours in the trauma unit in Baghdad, then honed his aesthetic skills treating scars left in the aftermath of IED explosions.  He retired from the Army and headed into civilian life, opened @plasticsurgeryvip and it’s been a successful journey ever since!    Larry is a big believer in platform devices, and his knowledge of all things laser is astonishing. He’s an ASLMS Fellow and a true expert on not only the protocols and techniques but the business of selling treatments and generating major revenue quickly.   

In addition to a thriving plastic surgery, injectable and laser practice, he’s giving back through the Fellowship he started with Danny Soares, MD. Their program is a 6-month intensive with hands-on training, didactic learning, exams, and an in depth look at the inner workings of a successful practice. He’s also a fighter and an advocate for creating industry standards and giving new providers a pathway to obtaining the right skills to be successful without wasting time and money in the process.  

 In this episode, Larry shares:  

  • His perspectives on breaking into aesthetics and gaining the right skills  
  • The urgent need for providers to implement a set of standards to protect the industry  T
  • The how-tos of selecting devices and making them profitable  
  • What’s coming in the future that will change the industry   

This episode is action packed and delivered by one of the most repeated minds in the industry. You will NOT want to miss it! 

 Learn More About Larry: 


Village Institute of Plastic Surgery: 

American Foundation for Aesthetic Medicine: 

Village Institute of Plastic Surgery website:

American Foundation for Aesthetic Medicine:

Jan 13, 202301:03:47
Episode 50: Off The Beaten Path with PA Cheyanne

Episode 50: Off The Beaten Path with PA Cheyanne

We’re going 𝙊𝙛𝙛 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙝 this week with 𝙋𝘼 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙚, Founder, CEO & Injector at The Private Suite LA.

Her career started in France as a perfumer, but then a desire to do something more impactful led her back to NYC to PA School. She set her initial sets on Plastic Surgery, but in the end, she chose a PA program that paved the way for her journey into Aesthetics. Through the course of a fellowship, she left for sunny LA to train with a reconstructive surgeon, and never looked back.

In her 15 year career, she’s seen and done a lot in aesthetics from routinely working surgical cases to running medspas and large practices to today where she's settling into her role of 2 years, Founder & CEO. Cheyanne is building a bespoke brand that puts patient experience at the forefront, and her approach is rooted in the complete mind/body connection. She's been on the regenerative medicine scene for years, long before it was en vogue, and she's seen the positive outcome of this approach- so much so, she works closely with other Providers in areas like cellular medicine to bring those benefits to her patients. She's an advocate of treatments like red light therapy, exosomes, and polynucleotides, and biostimulators are the foundation of her injectable practice.

𝙄𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙚, 𝙋𝘼 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙨:

  • Her experiences as an early adopter of biostimulators, especially body indications
  • Her perspective on scaling a bespoke brand and the challenges with hiring and adding locations
  • Her approach to “aging younger” & avoiding the pitfalls of over correction
  • Preparing your practice for the economic reality of 2023
  • Her mindset on investing in your skills and what she sees evolving as a busy GAIN Trainer & an avid learner

PA Cheyanne has definitely taken a unique path into aesthetics, from a perfumery in France to enhancing beauty in LA. Her approach to injecting, global wellness, and brand building is the perfect crash course for those who dare to be different!

Learn more about Cheyanne:

Jan 06, 202358:51
Episode 49: Back Against the Wall with Sarah Balladares, PA-C

Episode 49: Back Against the Wall with Sarah Balladares, PA-C

This week, we sit down with Physician Associate and business owner, Sarah Balladares, PA-C for one wild ride! It all started with Sarah's original career post-marketing degree, Financial Planning. After 5 years helping medical professionals get a handle on their money, she decided it was time to leave her career and head off to medical school for a career in Plastic Surgery.  That was a short lived, as a few of her close physician friends talked her off the ledge, and offered up a career as a PA as viable alternative. That was all it took, and Sarah went back to school to take a year of prerequisites only to be waitlisted! 

That didn't stop her, one of the many times she would persevere. She eventually got into PA school that year, and the rest is history...sort of! Sarah had her goal in mind- Aesthetics- and despite repeated interventions from her professors, she stayed the course. After PA school, Sarah embarked on a journey that would take her to Ohio where she still works periodically then to Louisiana. She got involved with a practice in hopes of owning it one day, but her curiosity was not welcomed, so she found herself in a tight spot. What to do to end this "fun employment?" Well, Smooth by Sarah was born! Through a bit of desperation and a lot of gumption, with $7000 in injectables, a chair, and a one room rental spot, she opened her own practice. Now, she goes back and for to Ohio, works at another medical spa in Metarie, LA and has her own clinic in Baton Rouge. She's a busy gal managing 3 practices and a packed schedule, and flying home to North Carolina to see her new(ish) husband and remodel a home! She's definitely on the go, but so many of her decisions have been ones that may have seemed crazy at the time, but looking back, it's exactly what needed to happen in that moment to arrive at the destination. 

Now 3 years into owning Smooth by Sarah, she is continuing to innovate and evolve as a business owner and an injector, learning valuable lessons along the way. In this episode she shares:

  • What fueled her decision to completely change careers and start over
  • The impetus behind opening her practice, Smooth by Sarah, while also working in 2 locations
  • The benefits of being an entrepreneur AND an employee
  • The cautionary tales of going too big in the beginning
  • Asking the tough questions, even if it hurts at the time

And, so much more!!! This episode is FULL of laughs, southern charm, and Sarah’s fiery spirit. But it’s also a testament to just jumping in, trusting yourself, and realizing that whether you crawl, walk or run, you just have to keep moving forward.

Find Sarah on Instagram:

Find Smooth by Sarah online:

Dec 30, 202201:10:20
Episode 48: The Experiment Worked with Meredith Kent, PA-C

Episode 48: The Experiment Worked with Meredith Kent, PA-C

This week we sit down with Entrepreneur, Master Injector & National Trainer for both Allergan & Galderma, 𝙈𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙆𝙚𝙣𝙩, 𝙋𝘼-𝘾.

Meredith is the Founder of Skin CoLAB, a thriving aesthetic oasis in the heart of downtown Ada, Michigan. For 15 years and counting, Meredith has been in the Aesthetic industry, but in 2021, she opened her own Practice in the same town where she grew up!

Skin CoLAB is the perfect representation of her vision- literally! She managed every aspect of the design and has carefully curated the ambience and the vibe to give Patients and Retail Shoppers the ultimate Skin CoLAB experience. From those strolling past her storefront in downtown Ada to those who have found their home in her treatment chair, they all are welcomed into what she calls a cross between Anthropologie & the Ritz Carlton! 

She's a hard worker and always has been- something that is certainly a major contributor to her success. She's built a team that is focused on achieving goals, providing great patient care, and staying on top of the latest and greatest trends in the industry. But that forward thinking doesn't mean she jumps in with both feet. Meredith is quick to point out that she is often a wait-and-see kind of businesswoman. She doesn't always jump on the latest trend or the newest product, but prefers to stay in her lane, with her head down, working hard, and make her moves when it works for HER. She doesn't get caught up in the competition, so much so that she trains her competitors and freely gives of her knowledge to those around here. And, it's working! As a Presidential account with Galderma in a little more than a year in business, she and her team are busy focusing on doing everything they can to make Skin CoLAB the ideal destination for Patients.

In this episode, she shares:
▪️Taking the leap, even when failure is an option, and being okay with learning as you go.
▪️Managing a full patient load and running a business (also while managing a team and being a mom of 3!).
▪️Building a brand and creating non-negotiable standards for Patient care, for Marketing, and for business operations.
▪️Delivering a holistic approach to Patient care that is built on trust, attention to detail and consistency.

Learn more about Meredith on her Instagram:

Learn more about Skin CoLAB on Instagram:

Learn more about Skin CoLAB on the Web:

Dec 24, 202201:09:41
Episode 47: The Partnership Playbook with Chris Murray

Episode 47: The Partnership Playbook with Chris Murray

In Episode 47, we sit down with Revision Skincare Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, Chris Murray.  Chris has been in the industry for 17 years, and in that time he’s worn many hats. From injectable Sales Rep to Regional Sales Manager at Medicis and Galderma to his transition to skincare 4 years ago, one thing has remained constant…his desire to partner with customers and to bring science, business and relationships to the table.

During his time at Revision, he’s been integral in two big launches: Revox Line Relaxer and the new DEJ Daily Boosting Serum. He also spearheaded this year’s partnership with RVL Pharmaceuticals featuring Upneeq, and after the success of those program, he has more on the horizon. It’s evident in our discussion that he is exactly the kind of partner you’d want- one that wants what’s best for the industry, the customer and the business. And he’s eager to invest his time and resources to make it happen.

His strong desire to work together with Practices and go beyond a great product portfolio and sound science led to the inaugural Elite Retreat in June 2022. He brought the top 25 customers together to talk business, social, exit plans, and surprisingly, NOT skincare! He wanted to add value in a new, novel way, and it was a giant success leading to the second annual event happening in July 2023.

In this episode, Chris and Tiphany discuss:

✔️The evolution of the industry and the increasing importance of skincare for outcomes and the bottom line.
✔️The keys to successfully partnering whether it’s in your Practice or with industry.
✔️Accelerating business growth with a solid 360-degree messaging strategy.
✔️How to separate yourself from the competition as both a Practice & a Provider

Chris has been involved in the industry on all sides, and he’s sharing a full hour of nonstop knowledge that you simply can’t miss. He’s an expert on leveraging your network, driving the bottom line and influencing the industry, and he’s sharing it all on this week’s For The Record!

Learn more about Revision Skincare:

Follow Chris on Instagram:

Dec 16, 202255:15
Episode 46: Advisor First, Attorney Second with Justin Marti, Esq.

Episode 46: Advisor First, Attorney Second with Justin Marti, Esq.

This week we shift our focus to discuss the legal side of things with entrepreneur, business advisor and attorney, Justin Marti, Esq. Justin is the Founder of Marti Law Firm, a Connecticut-based firm that has carved out a niche in Dental & Aesthetics helping Practices to get started, keep growing, and if desired, plan their exit.

Justin is not just an Attorney. At 25, he began his entrepreneurial journey with a dental practice, that turned into 45 locations, and eventually, a successful exit. In that time, he decided to go to law school primarily as a benefit to him as reviewed all the legal contracts and paperwork he was immersed in as an owner of a very large DSO. He didn’t really have a dream to one day actually practice law, but here we are! He’s taken his experiences as an entrepreneur and combined them with his legal prowess to form  Marti Law Group.

He's quick to point out that he’s got an incredible team of stellar attorneys to surround him, and that their team stays in their lane- the focus on the things Practices need most. Whether its creating contracts for newly formed medspas to those ready to exit, working with vendors on negotiations, creating Provider agreements, Medical Director agreements and more, they provide an affordable, high-touch relationship for their clients. Borrowing from the industries they serve, Marti has a tiered membership program that allows Practices to be in ongoing contact with their legal advisors without breaking the bank.

In this episode, we talk about the realities of the ever-evolving legal climate in the medspa industry and the importance of finding a legal team who can worry about the compliance aspect, so Practice owners don’t have to. We also discuss the benefit of having a legal advisor on your team- especially one who knows a lot about business- to help find opportunities to negotiate for better prices, better contract terms, and to come alongside an owner as they grow and eventually exit. We also explore how Justin is growing a successful business once again in his second act. What are the fundamental or foundational things that he knows are the tried-and-true ways to perpetuate success no matter what business you’re in?

It's a great episode that proves a good attorney is a competitive advantage, and one with as much business success as Justin is definitely hard to come by. His team offers a free consultation to help assess where they can add value to a Practice and what opportunities for improvement exist for an owner. Follow the links below to learn more about Justin & Marti Law Group.

Visit Marti Law Group on the Web:

Visit Marti Law Group on IG:

Visit My Model Docs:

Visit My Model Docs on IG: out to Justin:

Dec 09, 202201:07:40
Episode 45: The Evolution of Success with Joelle Lieman, MD

Episode 45: The Evolution of Success with Joelle Lieman, MD

In Episode #45, we sit down with Elite Medspa Founder & Medical Director, 𝙅𝙤𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚 𝙇𝙞𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙣, 𝙈𝘿, to learn more about her journey from a nearly 20 year career as an OBGyn to a top injector and successful entrepreneur.

The minute you met Dr. Lieman, you know there’s something different about her. She’s got an abundant zest for life and an adventurous spirit that has been a catalyst for much of her success. In short, when she wants to do something, she just goes for it! In 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙀𝙫𝙤𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙎𝙪𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨, we find it’s her ability to fail fast and fail forward, not take herself too seriously and be willing to grow and change as life demands it, as her secret to success. 🫶🏼

She opened Elite Medspa & Wellness Center in a suburb outside of Boston, and it’s her she’s found her passion. As a national speaker on sexual wellness, she’s merging her two worlds together, bringing in her expertise in Women’s health to her aesthetic clinic. She is also a GAIN trainer, a busy, busy injector and owner. But she holds space to keep her practice welcoming to Patients by creating a luxury environment that still feels like home. And for her employees, she’s cultivated a family environment that bodes well for retention.

Oh, and she has three boys and a husband, and she’s extremely devoted those jobs as well! She’s a big hockey mom and considers her role as a mother to be the one that truly defines her most. But in her words, she’s an evolution of her collective experiences, both good and bad, and she’s forthcoming about where she’s gone wrong, where she’s gone right, and when she’s had to take a different approach.

If you want a little perspective on life, business and the pursuit of happiness, this episode is one you simply can’t skip!

Learn more about Dr. Lieman and Elite Medspa and Wellness Center:

Follow Dr. Lieman on Instagram;

Follow Elite on Instagram:

Dec 02, 202259:54
Episode 44: Life is a Juggling Act with Alexis Bowhay, PA-C

Episode 44: Life is a Juggling Act with Alexis Bowhay, PA-C

This week we are focusing on the joys, triumphs, and realities of being a working mom in the busy field of Aesthetics. Our featured guest, Alexis Bowhay, PA-C. Alexis is a fellowship trained Aesthetic Injector at the Village Institute of Plastic Surgery where she’s building a busy injectable practice, and she’s taking it one day at a time.

After starting her career in Cardiology, she decided to take another path and become an entrepreneur. She’s the owner of two fitness centers in the Orlando area where she’s built a successful health and fitness empire, but if you’ve met Alexis, you know she’s got the capacity to do more!

Enter Aesthetics. She decided to pursue a different passion as an injector in Aesthetics, but she was self-aware enough to know that she wasn’t ready. She approached her now colleague Larry Blevins, PA-C with a request to shadow him day-to-day to hone her new craft. That turned into a frequent occurrence and eventually a fellowship. Alexis is the first graduate of the American Foundation of Aesthetic Medicine fellowship, a rigorous 6-month program led by Danny Soares, MD and Larry Blevins, PA-C that included at least 100 hours of supervised treatments, research, clinical evaluations, written exams and more. After completion, Alexis continued her career at Village Institute of Plastic Surgery with Dr. Soares and Larry, and she’s now building her own brand within VIP, and with her savvy business mind, she’s well on her way to carving out her own niche in the industry.

But Alexis is far more than just an injector. She’s also a busy mom to a 15-month-old daughter and a wife. In this episode, we talk a lot about the reality of being career-focused while also being a devoted mother and spouse. Alexis calls out to the industry to talk about this more- to acknowledge the internal struggle so many face as they put their little ones to bed and pop open the laptop or make tough choices between time with their family or time at work. She credits her incredible support system and an understanding husband with allowing her to make it all work.

What’s next for Alexis? The sky is the limit. She’s currently working on a research study and continuing to build her skills and her clientele. Her goal is to make an impact in Aesthetics by contributing to the knowledge base of injectors throughout the industry. She’s already an influencer in the Fitness world, so the celebrity side of it all doesn’t excite her nearly as much as clinical side. In the meantime, she’s focused on raising her daughter, being an invested wife, and juggling it all while making it look easy!

Follow Alexis on Instagram:

Learn more about the American Foundation for Aesthetic Medicine:

Learn more about the Village Institute of Plastic Surgery:

Nov 25, 202259:08
Episode 43: Nothing Happens Overnight with Amy Herrmann, RN, CANS, CPSN

Episode 43: Nothing Happens Overnight with Amy Herrmann, RN, CANS, CPSN

In Episode 43, We sit down with 𝐀𝐦𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐧, 𝐑𝐍, 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐒, 𝐂𝐏𝐒𝐍, the Chief Aesthetic Nurse and Director of Aesthetic Nursing at Mountcastle Medical Spa in Ashburn, VA.

Over the last 13 years, she’s gone from doing pre/post ops and answering phones to building up a BUSY medical spa with 5 injectors, 3 aestheticians and 5 front desk staff  In a given day, her team sees over 100 patients, and it has to be a well-oiled machine to function, something she has worked hard to create- especially with the front desk who she credits as the backbone of the practice. From her recruiting process to her immersive onboarding program, she’s cultivated a staff that is as loyal to Mountcastle Medical Spa as she is with single digit turnover and several employees with more than a decade of service.

On top of her day job, she’s a busy GAIN trainer and a NP student. She makes it look easy, but she’s quick to point out that none of it happened overnight. It was a learning journey that she’s still on every day. In this episode, she speaks to the pressure new injectors often face when comparing themselves to what they see on Instagram. Amy talks about her own struggle in the beginning to navigate her way to becoming a safe and effective injector before industry trainings and aesthetic conferences were the norm. Now, she makes it her mission to help others learn the basics and grow their skillset before treating beyond their capabilities.

If you are someone who is currently running a big practice or you hope to one day, she’s got an incredible amount of knowledge shared through this episode, especially as it relates to people management and keeping your team engaged with high satisfaction and high productivity. She also speaks to her partnership with founder, Dr. Mountcastle, who she’s worked with closely over the last 13 years as they’ve build a powerhouse practice together.

Amy shares what’s behind the curtain when it comes to making your way in the industry, building and maintaining a busy practice, finding time to fit it all in, and ensuring a healthy business partnership along the way.

Follow Amy on Instagram:

Follow Mountcastle Medical Spa on Instagram:

Explore Mountcastle Medical Spa:

Nov 18, 202201:00:47
Episode 42: Just Push the Button with Lonny Green, MD

Episode 42: Just Push the Button with Lonny Green, MD

Epside #42 features Rêvée Medical Aesthetics Founder, Medical Director and Aesthetic Injector, Lonny Green, MD.

Before he was known as the @ninjainjector, he spent twenty years as a Urologic Surgeon! After he began to explore additional ways to help women on their quest for health and wellness, he quickly realized that to do what he wanted to do, it may mean he had to venture out alone, outside of Urology to the field of Aesthetics.

What started out as a few days a week turned into what seems to be a true passion for Dr. Green- helping patients gain confidence, feel good in their own skin, and also receive high quality treatments from a well trained staff devoted to Patient needs.  Over the course of his time as the entrepreurial force behind Revee, he’s hired a dedicated and talented staff, and he takes their training very seriously. He speaks to how he onboards his injectors and aestheticians to guarantee his Patients are in safe, qualified hands.

He’s quick to point out that he doesn’t just do filler and toxin. He delivers something so much more valuable: confidence. But in the midst of doing that, his team is also delivering for their community through philanthropic events and a “giving back” spirit. He’s not too caught up in traditional marketing channels, and instead, he lets his team’s investment in their community and word of mouth for happy Patients keep the chairs full!

In this episode, he talks about his coming of age with Instagram and how he’s stickler for showing the raw and the real everyday on the Gram. In his own words, the best way to do social is to “Just Push The Button.” And it’s working!

He’s also an avid learner and can be found at conferneces year round learning the last and greatest in Aesthetics. This year, he hopped on stage to share his own expertise and perspective as Faculty at Aesthetic Next 4.0, and he will be an AMI Trainer helping launch Volux in the US. What comes next for Dr, Green is a mix of training, growing his practice, and looking for opportunities to help injectors who are still struggling to perfect their technique. But most of all, he’s enjoying living the dream with a greatful heart for the new home he’s found here in aesthetics where he is continuing to evolve in his second act.

Follow Dr. Green on Instagram:
Follow Rêvée Medical Aesthetics on Instagram:
Visit  Rêvée Medical Aesthetics Website:

Nov 11, 202255:32
Episode 41: Find Your Pivot Point with Brittony Croasdell, APRN, CANS

Episode 41: Find Your Pivot Point with Brittony Croasdell, APRN, CANS

We’re starting Season #3 with a one of the best in the business, Brittony Croasdell, MSN, FNP-BC, APRN, CANS. She’s a Chicago-based Nurse Practitioner who has been criss-crossing the globe sharing her expertise on injecting, safety, and so much more throughout her career, and now she’s embarking on a new journey with her new practice, Fulcrum Aesthetics, opening in early 2023.

Brittony was named the X-Factor award winner at Aesthetic Next 3.0 because that’s what she has- a unique “It Girl” vibe that makes you respect her uncanny ability to share intense medical and scientific information you actually want to hear but to also deliver exceptional aesthetic outcomes with her patients. She’s been a trainer for 5+ years, and in that time, she’s presented on various podiums at conferences, trained countless injectors via hands-on, and performed live injections (much harder than it looks!) on mainstage. Her latest collaboration with the Behind the Syringe Squad is a crowd favorite. Brittony’s teamed up with Shelby Miller, Natalia Guzman and Amy Lynn to show an in depth look of regional beauty standards and to pull back the curtain on their aesthetic perspectives and treatment protocols.

Over the years, she has become more and more involved in the research aspect, contributing to various articles related to safety, landing her a coveted seat on the International Expert Advisory Board for CMAC. Last year, she was thrust into the national spotlight when she treated an eyelid ptosis case referred to her from another injector; it was shown on national TV, social media, etc. all across the country day-by-day as her influencer patient was transformed by Brittony’s intervention.

Atop all this success, she felt something was missing. She’s opening Fulcrum Aesthetics to not only have a place to treat patients and deliver her natural, beautiful results but to also perform studies and give back to the industry and to her colleagues. She’s on the tail end of a long divorce journey and shares her insight into forming partnerships and protecting your financial interest along the way. In this episode she also shares her advice on when to start a business and how to juggle motherhood, relationships and entrepreneurship without burning out.

If you are ready to make that transition from spectator to injector or from employee to entrepreneur, this episode is for you. It’s JAM PACKED full of great advice from someone who is literally doing it all and making it look easy along the way.

Follow Brittony on Instagram:

Checkout Fulcrum’s journey to opening:

Nov 04, 202249:60
Episode 40: Behind the Content Curtain with JT Cothran

Episode 40: Behind the Content Curtain with JT Cothran

In our Season Two Finale of For The Record, we’re giving you a behind-the scenes look at what it takes to create quality, consistent digital media day-in and day-out.

In “Behind the Content Curtain” Dr. Tiphany Hall sits down with Director of Media Productions for Aesthetic Record & Aesthetic Next, JT Cothran.

While JT Cothran came to AR with a long history of studio engineering and live event productions, he’s helped build a substantial video production house at AR, learning and evolving his own skill set, one step at a time.

He’s the man behind the camera, directing the talent, finding the best angle, and capturing the best video and audio for the job. But, he’s also the one in post-production doing all the editing, adding motion graphics and transitions, and creating lots of movie magic. He’s a unicorn, some might say, and can do just about anything! 

In this episode, JT & Tiphany break down a few key elements of success regardless of your budget or resources:

-Using the tools you have in your tool box today to create high-quality, high-impact videos and what to buy next to fill in the holes.

-Various software program you can use to get the look of big production quality without spending big budgets (and do some really cool stuff!) We share SO many great tools!!!!

-Tips for improving your video quality from pre-production planning, to background lighting,
to refurbishing old videos and building content with purpose.

-What to consider when deciding when to bring in a production company vs. trying to do it all yourself.

This is a great episode to watch or listen to if you are a content creator who is either stuck in a rut or eager to take things to the next level. If you are a video ninja, we promise you may get some time-saving efficiency hacks that make things easier!!

We share the perspective of the onscreen talent and the behind-the-scenes creative genius, something that isn’t normally discussed together!

May 27, 202201:13:57
Episode 39: The DNA of a Beautiful Business with Ben Hernandez

Episode 39: The DNA of a Beautiful Business with Ben Hernandez

This week, we sit down with Ben Hernandez, Partner and Co-Founder at Skytale Group LLC.

In just a few short years of focusing in the Aesthetic space, Ben has emerged as one of the key thought leaders on Mergers & Acquisitions, and there’s no doubt he’s shaping the investment landscape for Aesthetic Practices. 

Ben and his team at Skytale are passionate about helping owners build well-structured, profitable companies that can create long-term value for the Entrepreneur.

In this episode, Ben talks about the value of aligning yourself with a team of experts who take on the heavy lifting when it’s time to sell. From finding the right partner, structuring a favorable deal, and guiding the seller through what can seem like a daunting process, Skytale is there!

Ben and his team have years of experience in Dental among other specialties, and they know exactly what it takes to maximize the value of a Practice and to reward the Owner for a job well done.

As Ben shares, outside of M&As, Skytale’s consulting side acts as an accountability partner, business coach, and strategic advisor to help Practices grow- even if selling isn’t part of the plan! 

This episode is a mini-MBA delivered with the finesse that only a true expert could provide. 

May 20, 202201:10:36
Episode 38: The Hard Truth About Success with Heather Rypien, RN, CANS

Episode 38: The Hard Truth About Success with Heather Rypien, RN, CANS

In Episode 38, we sit down with Heather Rypien, RN, CANS to learn “The Hard Truth about Success.”

Heather has been injecting for 12 years, and in that time, she’s amassed a large following of Patients. Her knack for Patient engagement is no surprise given her experience in a host of Customer Service roles including years as a Flight Attendant!

Her work life is anything but conventional. While her home is based in North Carolina, she commutes to the Manhattan-based Skin Spirit each week!

When she’s not creating exceptional results for her Patients, she can be seen criss-crossing the country as an insanely busy Galderma Trainer. Over the last several years, she’s forged relationships and made an impact for countless Practices across the US with her in-demand hands-on trainings.

But it doesn’t come without a cost. In this episode, Heather shares insight into the mindset of a builder. Whether she’s building a Patient following, building a training legacy or building her own skillset, she approaches it all knowing that sacrifice is a key ingredient to success.

Whether she’s building a Patient following, building a training legacy or building her own skillset, she approaches it all knowing that sacrifice is a key ingredient to success.

This is a fantastic episode filled with so many pearls and hard truths about building a legacy of excellence.

Learn more about Heather:
Aesthetic Consulting & Training:

May 13, 202201:06:38
Episode 37: Science, Safety and The Path to Success with Kevin Harrington MSN, APRN,  FNP-C

Episode 37: Science, Safety and The Path to Success with Kevin Harrington MSN, APRN, FNP-C

Kevin Harrington MSN, APRN,  FNP-C is a true Renaissance man, a purveyor of clinical education and a mastermind when it comes to Practice management. 

In Science, Safety and The Path to Success, Kevin shares his perspective after 19 years of experience across all facets of Aesthetics.

He worked at Allergan for 9 years, was integral in building the MSL team at Galderma, then transitioned to his own practice Face-Time Aesthetics where he’s since been a long-time trainer for both companies.

In addition, his private training program, Face-Time Aesthetics Training, has partnered withTitan Aesthetic Recruiting, where he serves as the Clinical Training Director, to build a robust injector preparation course, the only one of its kind! 

He’s also Faculty for the wildly popular Injection Anatomy and can be seen speaking at conferences and courses around the country.

Kevin is passionate about Patient safety, and with every training or lecture he delivers, his north star is staying true to the “medical” aspect of everything we do in Aesthetics.

In addition to his clinical thought leadership, he also holds a business degree, and his keen sense of Practice operations has not only helped his own business succeed, but earned him a coveted spot as an original member of the Aesthetic Masterminds.

This episode covers everything from physiology, pharmacology, Patient and Injector psychology, and the business imperatives every Practice needs to succeed. 

May 06, 202201:04:57
Episode 36: The Happiness Project with Mei-Lin Reisin, LME &  Dakota Holt, MSN, NP-C

Episode 36: The Happiness Project with Mei-Lin Reisin, LME & Dakota Holt, MSN, NP-C

In “The Happiness Project” we sit down with YourProjectTamp co-founders, Mei-Lin Reisin, LME &  Dakota Holt, MSN, NP-C to learn the ins and outs of making a successful business partnership work! 

While these two are known for their fun, entertaining and skillful production, they are also experienced practitioners who have built a Practice that creates joy, happiness and acceptance for Patients while also delivering top notch results. 

Dakota & Mei-Lin approach every Patient collaboratively- leaning into their respective strengths as an Injector and an Aesthetician to deliver in-depth treatment plans that build long term trust and retention.

Through their EDU program, they are sharing their expertise as business owners, teaching treatment techniques and guiding marketing and brand development for trainees ready to go to the next level. 

And through it all, they remain focused on revolutionizing the beauty industry and creating an inclusive environment where all aesthetic professionals can thrive!

Apr 29, 202201:10:38
Episode 35: Reprogram Your Mindset with Jason Nichol

Episode 35: Reprogram Your Mindset with Jason Nichol

In "Reprogram Your Mindset", Jason shares what it’s like to run a successful Aesthetic Practice in one of the most competitive markets in the US, Austin, TX, with his wife, National trainer, expert injector, CEO and Founder, Brooke Nichol, RN, CANS.

Together, they’ve been able to pair Jason’s business operations and sales background with Brooke’s passion & expertise for Aesthetics to build a destination Practice for Patients & Providers. Saving Face has grown at an exponential rate, adding a second location, and now moving into a bigger space to accomodate the growing headcount. 

Their shared commitment to functional wellness and clean living led to a new business venture when they turned to CBD as a key ingredient in developing a post-treatment product line that is gaining national attention: Post Love.

Post Love has grown from an organic farm in Colorado where Jason and Brooke began the manufacturing process to retail shelves in Aesthetic Practices across the US. True to who they are, the pair donate a portion of the proceeds from Post Love to charity.  They want Post Love to serve as a vehicle to heal and empower their Patients and the Patients of others. 

But throughout the journey, Jason has remained steadfast in his commitment to being a conscious contributor- being present as a business partner, husband, dad and community advocate.

He’s focused intensely on reprogramming his mindset and getting to the core of his own mental and physical health which has positively impacted every part of his life- the hard work that pays exponential dividends! 

We dive deep into what it takes to run a successful business - not just from an operations perspective but how you show up for your team and your Patients everyday. 

This episode is equal parts business coaching and life coaching, and it’s one you do not want to miss!

Learn more about Saving Face:
Learn more about Post Love:

Apr 22, 202201:15:31
Episode 34: It's All About The Journey with Gretchen Frieling, MD

Episode 34: It's All About The Journey with Gretchen Frieling, MD

Episode 34 features triple board-certified, Harvard-trained Dermatopathologist & Founder of GFaceMD and Soyier Skin Collection, Gretchen Frieling, MD.

“Dr.G” comes from an extensive background in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology & Dermatology, but 5 years ago, she turned her unique perspective as a skin expert into a wildly successful Aesthetic Practice and secured her spot as an industry leader and educator. 

She’s well known for her innate ability to educate on the pathology of injectables, something she stayed away from early on when marketing her Practice. Fast-forward years later, and she’s constantly asked to lecture on industry podiums, contribute to national magazines, and share her perspective on various media outlets. 

Her expertise as an Injector is closely rivaled by her success as an entrepreneur. From a one-room location at a hair salon to one of the most sought after practices in the Northeast, she’s become a master at branding, exceeding Patient expectations, growing a stellar team, and she’s earned her stripes as a savvy businesswoman. 

In addition to her role at GFace, she’s also the mastermind behind skincare brand, Soyier, where she’s played a major role in formulating each product, designing the packaging, and creating the entire brand presence.

Right before the pandemic, she launched FaceITVirtual, and three meetings later, she’s put her Midas touch on an international, virtual conference that continues to grow year after year.

In this episode, she shares her philosophy on keeping her head down and pushing forward with a relentless focus on learning, growing, and as a result, succeeding across multiple fronts.

Most importantly, she reminds us to remain authenticate, don’t over think it or get caught up in what others are doing, and to give yourself the grace to learn, fail, and try again.

Learn More About Dr. G: 

Soyier Skincare:
FaceIT Virtual:

Apr 15, 202253:21
Episode 33: From Injector to CEO with Sarah Berg, BSN, RN

Episode 33: From Injector to CEO with Sarah Berg, BSN, RN

Sarah is the Founder & CEO of Bespoke Beauty and Wellness, a role that she’s grown into by diving head first into her entrepreneurial journey.

Sarah isn’t new to the industry by any stretch. She cut her teeth in Aesthetics like many do- drinking from a firehose! She learned to inject and began her pursuit to deliver exceptional, natural results in a plastic surgery office many years ago.

Fast forward, and she stepped out on her own in the swing of the pandemic, and Bespoke has experienced explosive growth with her at the helm ever since. It’s no surprise given Sarah’s commitment to give everything she does 110% effort.

She’s a busy graduate student who’s less than 5 weeks from completing her FNP & DNP programs.

She’s integrated a wellness focus to Bespoke that has led to a more holistic treatment approach for patients and solidified her efforts to stay true to building a medical aesthetic practice (with an emphasis on medical!)

She’s being tapped to teach, train and share her expertise across the country, and she’s got an insatiable appetite of her own for continual training which has led her to world-class programs around the globe.

All in all, Sarah is a great example of what we’d all hope to achieve in the transition from injector to CEO. She's running a great business, executing a Nurse residency program, pouring into her own and her staff’s development, and learning to give away control when the time is right.

Learn more about BeSpoke Beauty & Wellness at

Apr 08, 202201:05:27
Episode 32: The Cloud Movement with Ignacio Fanlo

Episode 32: The Cloud Movement with Ignacio Fanlo

This week in Episode 32, its The Cloud Movement with My Vansanity Founder & CEO, Ignacio Fanlo.

Iggy comes from a long career spanning investment banking & tech. He was in Silcon Valley during the rise of the internet and the “dot com bubble,” and he’s founded and sold companies to the tech giants along the way!

He’s bringing the cloud concepts to aesthetics by giving Providers and Practice Owner the chance to use what they need, when they need it, and only pay for their utilization of Vansanity’s resources.

His company provides a one-stop-shop for Injectors to rent a fully stocked treatment room - medical supplies, product, energy devices- by the hour. There are in control of their own patients and marketing, and Vansanity helps them build their business with no up front capital! 

That means, a Provider can pay $99 an hour plus the wholesale cost of whatever they use, and put the rest in their pocket! 

With locations in Dallas and Boston, Injectors are quickly finding the option to work when they want, on demand, and only pay for what the need as a wildly profitable way to operate. 

And now, Vansanity is also helping Practice owners to build the same model - use Vansanity’s resources, transition their practices to an on-demand model, and pay based on consumption!

It’s a concept that we all know- Air BnB, Uber, salon booth rental, electricity, and of course, the cloud! 

Learn more: 
Vansanity Website:
Vansanity Instagram:

Apr 01, 202201:05:49