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Veritas Vos Liberabit

Veritas Vos Liberabit

By Fr. Scott Murray

A weekly proclamation of the Sunday Gospel followed by my homily. Traditional interpretation of the Biblical narratives applied to our lives.
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4th Sunday of Easter - Persevere in the Care of the Good Shepherd

Veritas Vos LiberabitMay 11, 2019

Easter Sunday 2021

Easter Sunday 2021

Woman, why are you weeping?
Apr 04, 202108:15
Christmas Eve - Be not afraid

Christmas Eve - Be not afraid

The devil wants us to live in fear because fear paralyzes. God tells us over and over in Scripture, "Be not afraid!" It takes courage to live a truly Christian life, but the Lord provides to those who trust in His grace.
Dec 25, 202009:57
The Voice and the Dawn

The Voice and the Dawn

John the Baptist is the voice and the dawn preparing the way for the Lord.
Dec 13, 202003:50
Ad Orientem

Ad Orientem

What is your fixed point? How do you find direction? Christ must be our orientem, our fixed point.
Jun 28, 202010:13
The Ascension, the Holy Spirit, & St. Philip Neri

The Ascension, the Holy Spirit, & St. Philip Neri

This Sunday we celebrate the solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ into heaven. Technically, the feast is on the fortieth day of Easter, which was this past Thursday, but the celebration is moved to Sunday to facilitate a greater participation of the faithful in the celebration. Before He ascended into heaven, Jesus commanded His apostles and disciples to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Ten days later the Holy Spirit descended on them at the feast of Pentecost.

May 23, 202005:41
Wisdom from Catherine of Siena

Wisdom from Catherine of Siena

Some thoughts on our day from St Catherine.
May 17, 202008:22
The Courage of a Mother

The Courage of a Mother

Reflecting on motherhood and the role of the mother in our present crisis.
May 09, 202008:35
The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd

It's a difficult time to be both sheep and shepherds.
May 03, 202005:43
Month of Mary

Month of Mary

Asking the intercession of Our Blessed Mother to open our eyes on the road to Emmaus.
Apr 26, 202006:59
Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy

Locked doors and open wounds
Apr 20, 202004:03
Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday

Entering the tomb and the silence of death.
Apr 11, 202006:43
Palm Sunday - Enter Holy Week

Palm Sunday - Enter Holy Week

Don't fall into the trap of letting Lent continue into Easter.
Apr 06, 202004:37
5th Sunday of Lent - A Hidden Jesus

5th Sunday of Lent - A Hidden Jesus

Passion Sunday reminds us that Jesus is often hidden from us. He is not always present in the way we desire, but He is teaching us to love Him more perfectly when He hides.
Mar 30, 202006:07
Annunciation - A New Creation

Annunciation - A New Creation

God enters into the world at the Annunciation, it is a new creation, and He desire to begin anew with us in the Sacraments.
Mar 29, 202004:12
4th Sunday of Lent - Born Blind

4th Sunday of Lent - Born Blind

We continue our journey in the desert, but we're not without sight. God is calling us to rely upon His grace and to grow deeper in our trust in His Holy Will.
Mar 29, 202004:39
Walking with St. Joseph

Walking with St. Joseph

St. Joseph had to leave all that was familiar to follow God's will. He is a powerful intercessor for our time of trial.
Mar 19, 202005:12
3rd Sunday of Lent - Entering the desert

3rd Sunday of Lent - Entering the desert

God tested his people in the desert. As we begin this time without Sunday Masses, however long that may be, and as the pandemic continues to spread, we are being tested. Will we continue to trust in the Lord?
Mar 15, 202006:38
Immaculate Conception - The New Ark and the Blue Veil

Immaculate Conception - The New Ark and the Blue Veil

Mary is the new ark and that's why she dresses in blue.
Dec 09, 201906:28
Humility and the Mulberry Tree

Humility and the Mulberry Tree

Begin by doing the humble tasks of your state in life with love, and the Lord will grow your faith so that He can do the impossible through you.
Oct 06, 201906:44
The Rich Man and Lazarus

The Rich Man and Lazarus

We are both the rich man and Lazarus.
Sep 29, 201906:12
New Atheism and Slavery

New Atheism and Slavery

The new atheists are trying to build a tower - the good life without God - but they do not have the necessary material. Their arguments are superficial. We can look at slavery as an example of how they don't have the necessary material to complete their tower.
Sep 08, 201910:17
Sacrifice vs Credit

Sacrifice vs Credit

We can sacrifice goods we have in the present for future goods. We make a deal with the future so that the future is better. The opposite is credit, which is when we take from the future in order to get what we want right now.
Aug 11, 201907:44
St. Jean-Marie Vianney

St. Jean-Marie Vianney

The Curé d'Ars is a model of the essence of priestly ministry. Pray that we will set our sights directly on God and seek Him first.
Aug 04, 201907:15
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sending the 70

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sending the 70

Jesus founded His Church following the structure of the Old Testament priesthood. Pray for priests and bishops.
Jul 07, 201908:46
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Placing our anchor in heaven

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Placing our anchor in heaven

Jesus sets his face toward Jerusalem. Being a true disciple of Chist is costly. We must give up the security of thinking that we are in control of our lives. We must place our hopes in heaven and trust that God will give us what we need to accomplish His will.
Jun 30, 201909:27
Corpus Christi - The Body and Blood of Christ

Corpus Christi - The Body and Blood of Christ

The Eucharist is really, truly, and sacramentally the Body and Blood of Jesus. There have even been many Eicharistic miracles when the Eucharist changes not only substantially to the Body of Christ but also in its appearances. The miracles are meant to strengthen our faith in the miraculous gift that is given to us at every Mass.
Jun 23, 201910:30
Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday

Don't let your relationship with God just be quality time with a coffee table.
Jun 16, 201908:35
Pentecost - The New Law

Pentecost - The New Law

The Catholic feast of Pentecost is the fulfillment of the Jewish feast of Pentecost (the feast of weeks). God gives His chosen people a New Law, the Holy Spirit dwelling within them.
Jun 08, 201906:57
The Ascension - Proclaim the Good News

The Ascension - Proclaim the Good News

As Christ ascends into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, He promises to send the Holy Spirit to be with the Church and He tells us that we must proclaim the Good News to all nations.
Jun 02, 201908:36
6th Sunday of Easter - The Joy of St. Philip Neri

6th Sunday of Easter - The Joy of St. Philip Neri

St. Philip is a wonderful model for how reform must take place in the Church. St. Philip Neri, pray for us.
May 25, 201904:58
4th Sunday of Easter - Persevere in the Care of the Good Shepherd

4th Sunday of Easter - Persevere in the Care of the Good Shepherd

There are many obstacles to remaining in the love of God. The world, the flesh, and the devil try to distract and discourage us in many ways, but by utilizing prayer, Scripture, and the Sacraments, we are able to persevere.

May 11, 201904:34
Divine Mercy Sunday - Mercy enters through our wounds

Divine Mercy Sunday - Mercy enters through our wounds

As we celebrate the feast of Divine Mercy we reflect on how God's Mercy comes to us through Christ's wounds and it enters us through our wounds, most importantly in the Sacrament of Confession as we open our wounds to Christ.

Apr 28, 201908:19
Palm Sunday - Strengthened by the Church

Palm Sunday - Strengthened by the Church

Palm Sunday confronts us with the fickleness of human nature. In one moment we are praising Jesus and in the next we are denying Him and crucifying Him with our sins. Jesus knows us. He loves us. He gave us Peter and the Church to strengthen us.

Apr 14, 201903:22
Forgiveness has a cost

Forgiveness has a cost

Christ’s radical call to forgiveness is one of his most difficult teachings, both because it is usually misunderstood and because when it is properly understood, it is painful. Many people think that forgiveness means forgetting a sin or pretending as though there was no sin. We are told to “live and let live” or “you’re okay and I’m okay”. We’re not okay. People really do wound each other, sometimes seriously, and we can’t pretend that we haven’t been wounded.

The reality of what forgiveness looks like is portrayed powerfully in the movie “The Passion of the Christ.” If you haven’t seen the movie, please watch it this Lent. The way Mel Gibson depicts the story of the adulterous woman shows what forgiveness really looks like. In the movie, Gibson identifies the adulterous woman with Mary Magdalene, who stays right by Mary's side as they accompany Jesus throughout his Passion.

The only reason we know that Mary Magdalene is the same person as the adulterous woman is because of a flashback that happens after the Flagellation scene. Mary and Mary Magdalene are in the flagellation courtyard after all the soldiers have left. They see Jesus' blood on the paving stones. Mary takes some clean white linens, kneels down, and starts to wipe up the blood. A moment later, Magdalene kneels down to help. But instead of using one of the clean linens, Magdalene actually removes her veil and uses that to wipe up Jesus' blood. This is a way of showing how personal this gesture is for her. And in a moment, we find out why. 

Apr 07, 201907:25
The Parable of the Lost Sons

The Parable of the Lost Sons

Throughout the Bible land is symbolic of God's love for His people. When they are living peacefully in the promised land, it means they are living rightly and receiving God's gifts, but when they are at war and especially when they are in exile it reveals that they have not been following His commands. In the parable of the two lost sons neither understands why their father gives them his land. The younger thinks it's so that he can do whatever he wants and the older thinks it's because his father wants him to be a slave. The land is God's love for us. It is a love that provides for us and sustains us. 

Mar 30, 201910:11
2nd Sunday of Lent - Climb the Mountain of the Lord

2nd Sunday of Lent - Climb the Mountain of the Lord

The Transfiguration shows us the structure of the spiritual life. We are made to climb mountains; however, most people settle for less than the mountain of the Lord. How do we climb the Lord's mountain?

Mar 16, 201906:45
8th Sunday in Ordinary Time - A Good Tree Does Not Bear Bad Fruit

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time - A Good Tree Does Not Bear Bad Fruit

As we prepare for Lent, it's important to reflect on how we are doing as disciples of Christ and what type of fruits we are bearing. St. Paul gives us a helpful list of good and bad fruits in his letter to the Galatians what will help us to examine our conscience, root out rotten fruit, and cultivate good fruit during Lent through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

Mar 03, 201905:45
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time - What credit is it to you?

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time - What credit is it to you?

We are told by the world today that we must be "tolerant". The language of tolerance, however, is actually the language of hatred. We tolerate ice storms and headaches. We don't tolerate perfect sunny days or amazing home cooked meals. Jesus doesn't want want us to simply "tolerate" our enemies. He wants us to love them, but what does that mean?

Feb 24, 201909:10
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Happy Cross

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Happy Cross

It's through the cross that we are made happy. 

Feb 17, 201906:18
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Staying in Peter's Boat

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Staying in Peter's Boat

The Church is Peter's boat, but it is holy because Christ chose to stay with Peter in that boat despite the sinners, the storms, and days when there are no fish. We don't make the Church holy. We must be docile to Christ so that He will make us and our particular parishes holy.

Feb 10, 201907:10
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Overcoming Envy's Allure

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Overcoming Envy's Allure

Driven by envy, the people of Nazareth tried to kill Jesus following His first sermon. What is envy, and how do we overcome it's allure?

Feb 03, 201906:10
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Return From Exile

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Return From Exile

Jesus marks the true return from exile. He offers us reconciliation. See how the books of Ezra and Nehemiah show us the structure of how Jesus wants to bring us out of exile.

Jan 26, 201909:20
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - They Have No Wine

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - They Have No Wine

The wedding feast at Cana is a sign pointing ahead to Christ's crucifixion and the Mass.

Jan 20, 201906:32
The Baptism of the Lord - Post Epiphany

The Baptism of the Lord - Post Epiphany

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord marks the end of the Christmas Season and the beginning of Ordinary Time. However, don't let the title Ordinary Time fool you. This is not a liturgically empty period between Christmas and Lent. It is, in fact, the time "Post Epiphany". Begin the journey with Jesus at the Jordan River, and learn what it means to be His disciple as He prepares us for His eventual walk to Jerusalem.

Jan 13, 201908:41
The Epiphany - An Icon of Salvation History

The Epiphany - An Icon of Salvation History

The story of the magi coming to find Jesus encapsulates the story of salvation history. 

Jan 06, 201910:33
The Holy Family - Obedience to THE Father

The Holy Family - Obedience to THE Father

The Holy Family teaches us the right ordering of the family. Every aspect of our life must be directed to the Father in heaven. 

Dec 30, 201807:14
4th Sunday of Advent - Blessed is the FRUIT of your womb!

4th Sunday of Advent - Blessed is the FRUIT of your womb!

Elizabeth recognizes the Divinity present within the womb of Mary. Mary is the model for how we should receive Communion. The use of the word "fruit" calls to mind the sin of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden when they tried to claim divinity for themselves. How do we prepare to receive Communion following the model of Mary rather than Eve?

Dec 23, 201808:12
3rd Sunday of Advent - The Lord is near

3rd Sunday of Advent - The Lord is near

3rd Sunday of Advent - Gaudete Sunday - John is preparing the way of the Lord. He is the new Elijah. The exodus and the exile are coming to an end. The Lord is in the womb of repentant Israel. The sun is rising, and we rejoice that the Lord is near.
Dec 16, 201808:10
2nd Sunday of Advent - The Immaculate Conception, John the Baptist and Arresting Strangeness

2nd Sunday of Advent - The Immaculate Conception, John the Baptist and Arresting Strangeness

It's easy to become complacent about dogma and ritual because they can become too familiar. As Catholics we say and do many things that seem very strange to those who are not Catholic. Unfortunately, many Catholics today don't have answers to why we say and do the things that we do. Our lives are meant to appear strange to outside observers because we have been set apart by God, but if we don't know why we do and say the things that we do, then we are in trouble. The strange things of Scripture and Tradition invite us to look deeper into the mysterious workings of God.
Dec 08, 201811:02
1st Sunday of Advent - Watch and Pray

1st Sunday of Advent - Watch and Pray

Homily for the 1st Sunday of Advent, Year C. Our Lord warns us to be on guard against dissipation, drunkenness and anxiety. These are easy sins to fall into this time of year. How do we prepare for Christmas in a way that actually prepares our hearts for the coming of Christ?
Dec 02, 201807:26