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Empires Podcast the Ottomans

Empires Podcast the Ottomans

By Frank Schumpert- Host/Creator

A history podcast beginning with the Ottoman Empire. This used to be titled: Empires of History Podcast: the Ottoman Series

Now rebranded: Empires Podcast the Ottomans

The Ottoman Empire is an often-neglected subject of history. At its height it spanned three continents Europe, Asia Minor, and North Africa. One of history's longest lasting political entities the empire was established in the early days of its legendary founder, Osman, in 1300 till its final dissolution in 1924. Join Frank as he goes through the history of this fascinating subject presented in a single narrative.
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Show News & Updates: Very Important

Empires Podcast the OttomansDec 22, 2023

Show News & Updates: Very Important

Show News & Updates: Very Important


  • Empires Podcast the Ottomans officially breaks for the holidays from December 22 through January 1, 2024 (I forgot to announce this in the Podcast)

Changes for 2024

  • Main narration will be cut back to 2 times a month.
  • The "in between" weeks will see premium content for Patreon only listeners, you will get a 5 or ten minutes teaser for the bonus content.
  • I'll be posting a "wish-list" from Amazon of books on the Ottoman Empire. If you purchase something for me I'll make sure you get premium content for a year (since it's more expensive than Patreon).
  • Right now the show qualifies for Spotify ad program. HOWEVER I HATE ads. I'll assess the Patreon membership by July of 2024 and cross the ad bridge when I get there.

Thanks for sticking with me for 2023. I've got a whole lot of content planned out for 2024 and am very excited!


Dec 22, 202318:14
"Ottoman Assaults April 2- April 19, 1453" The Conquest of Constantinople Part 3: Episode 25

"Ottoman Assaults April 2- April 19, 1453" The Conquest of Constantinople Part 3: Episode 25

  • Please checkout the show's main website at:

  • Checkout the Episode's blogpost here:

  • Please leave the show a 5 STAR review on APPLE PODCASTS and a FOLLOW/5 Star REVIEW on SPOTIFY (it really helps)

  • Email Frank with questions/concerns:

  • If you haven't listened to parts 1 & 2 please see links below

  • The Ottomans began arriving on April 2, 1453. At the vanguard were elements from the Orducus: the staff officers with their battalions of laborers, screening units and advance cavalry. The organized themselves into smaller groups to set up the tents, dig ditches, and get the ground ready for the coming assault.

  • Mehmed arrived sometime on April 5, and on the 6th ordered the first bombard with his giant "Royal Cannon" designed by the legendary Orban the cannon inventor.

  • April 12 through April 18th witnessed Constantinople suffer a sustained bombardment, but with minimum damage. This episode details two Ottoman ground assaults (failed) and one big naval engagement (also bad for the Ottomans).

  • Things aren't looking all that good for the Byzantines...

  • Checkout Part 1: Episode 25 here

  • Checkout Part 2:

Dec 12, 202326:06
Hamza Bey, Ottoman Naval Commander, & famous Victim of Vlad Dracula III EXTRA 07

Hamza Bey, Ottoman Naval Commander, & famous Victim of Vlad Dracula III EXTRA 07

A five star rating and written review on Apple Podcast, and a rating on Spotify would greatly help this show grow.

If you wish to reach please email:

Please visit the show's website at

When researching Part 2, of the Conquest of Constantinople series, I kept running across the Hamza Bey. We first met him back in episode 19 during Murad II campaign against Thessalonica. Which you can listen to here:

Hamza Bey was vital in the build up, planning, and operation command of the Ottoman navy from 1453 through 1458. His work would lay the foundation for impressive Ottoman naval victories in the upcoming decades.

We also will be meeting the good Bey again, when I complete EXTRA episode series on Dracula, as it was he who finally led Hamza to his terrible fate.

On that note: if you haven't yet checked out the specials on Dracula, I've received really encouraging listener feedback and I invite you to check them out (two parts out as of now and a 3rd to follow).

Dec 08, 202312:31
"Ottoman & Byzantine Military Postures" The Conquest of Constantinople Part 2: Episode 25

"Ottoman & Byzantine Military Postures" The Conquest of Constantinople Part 2: Episode 25

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Check out the show's Blogpost at: Special thanks to Soren Narnia, returns guest narrator. You can find his stuff here: Part 2 of Episode 25 "Ottoman & Byzantine Military Postures" covers the force disposition of the Ottoman military and Byzantines. First, a punitive expedition led by Sultan Mehmed II is detailed as he first inspects his navy at Gallipoli, then heads north and sacks the outlying districts of Constantinople. Help is scant from Europe but the Pope manages to send reinforcements. Most notable is the Genoese Commander Giovanni Giustiniani and his 700 men. Constantine XI, along with Giovanni, reorganizes the defenders of the Queen of Cities and prepares for the coming Ottoman assault. The episode details the Ottoman army, from force compositions, the different contingents (Kapikulu, cavalry, Janissaries etc..) Episode 25 Part 2 takes the listener to April 6, 1453. Part 3 will pick up with the Ottoman first assaults against the city.

Dec 05, 202341:18
Land of Myths and Shadows: The Life and Times of Vlad Dracula EXTRA 06 Part 2

Land of Myths and Shadows: The Life and Times of Vlad Dracula EXTRA 06 Part 2

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify.

Check out the show's Blogpost at:

Be sure and Listen to Part 1 of "Dracula" EXTRAS can be found here:

In the show I reference John Hunyadi EXTRA Episode 05:

Email Frank at:

In Part 2 of Land of Myths & Shadows: The Life and Times Vlad Dracula... we pick up in Hungary. Dracula's father, Vlad II, has been buddying it up with the Hungarian King in an attempt to gain favor for a play at power in Wallachia.

Meanwhile, Vlad II's, half-brother Alexander assumes control of Wallachia. In this episode King Sigismund dies, Alexander is removed, and Vlad II takes control of Wallachia. However, the fragmented geography is reflected in the internal politics, and Vlad's unstable position forces him to seek aide from the Ottomans.

This episode explores the geography of Wallachia, it's strategic importance to both the Ottomans and Hungarians, and how Dracula and his brother Radu (aged 11 & 4-we think-) ended up in the Ottoman Empire as hostages.

Nov 23, 202321:17
"Fortress of Doom" The Conquest of Constantinople Part1: Episode 25

"Fortress of Doom" The Conquest of Constantinople Part1: Episode 25

Check out the Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Also, this episode has a companion blogpost with maps and images and further explanations you can find it here: Please check out the works of Soren Narnia (guest narrator) over at: I'll step back and let Sultan Mehmed II "The Conquer" speak for himself and sum up Episode 25 Part 1: "I am not depriving the City of anything. He [Constantine] controls and possesses nothing beyond his moat. If I wish to build a fortress at the Sacred Mouth, he has no right to hinder me. The entire region is under my control. Do you not remember the distress and the danger faced by my father when the king of the Hungarians launched his expedition? They advanced by land, while the triremes of the Franks [western Europeans] sailed to the Hellespont and blockaded the straits, denying passage to my father?   Why are you trying to stop me? Am I not allowed to do as I please in my own territory? Go tell your king: the present lord does not resemble his predecessors. He will easily accomplish what they failed to achieve. He eagerly wishes to succeed in what the proved unwilling to do. I will skin alive any man who dare to talk to me of this matter in the future.”  Source: “The Siege and the Fall of Constantinople in 1453” by authors Marios Philippides and Walter K. Hanak. Please go buy yourself a copy of this magnificent work of history at:
Nov 21, 202327:50
Sultan Mehmed II the "Forgotten Years" 1451-1453: Episode 24

Sultan Mehmed II the "Forgotten Years" 1451-1453: Episode 24

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

In episode 23, we left the young 19 year old Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed II, back in the saddle of the Sultanate for a second time in 1451. Most histories, podcasts, YouTube channels, and bloggers completely gloss over Mehmed's early years of 1451-1453. This is a mistake, however, as these three years set the stage for the entirety of Mehmed's life and reign. It would be easy to skip on ahead to the "cool stuff" like siege of Constantinople, but in doing so would be to do this show an injustice.

This episode covers Mehmed's bloody reform and purge of the Janissaries, securing his Eastern flanks in Anatolia, peace treaties with the Christian nations bordering his West, and launching a project to construct a navy.

Along the way Mehmed will build allies for his vision of conquering Constantinople and a sound strategy to this end is identified and laid out for the listener.

Nov 14, 202327:28
Land of Myths & Shadows: The Life and Times Vlad Dracula EXTRA 06 Part 1

Land of Myths & Shadows: The Life and Times Vlad Dracula EXTRA 06 Part 1

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

This "Extra" has been a long time in coming. Frank dives into the world of the real historical Vlad Dracula III and his war with the Ottomans, and pretty much all his neighbors. The Balkans of the mid-15th century were a dangerous place and time be alive. A ruthless period in history which produced equally ruthless men.

The story of Vlad Dracula is a tale not for the faint of heart.

In this Part 1, Frank explores the vampire myth, it's connection with the historical "Dracula" Bram Stoker, and more importantly, the "Order of the Dragon" that old Catholic military order equally as sordid as the life of Dracula.

Nov 10, 202323:50
A Crusade Dies- 2nd Battle of Kosovo- Death of Murad II & Accession (finally) of Mehmed II: Episode 23

A Crusade Dies- 2nd Battle of Kosovo- Death of Murad II & Accession (finally) of Mehmed II: Episode 23

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Murad II is back in the saddle as Sultan. He reconciles with Mehmed and the two face off against the combined armies of Wallachia, Hungary, and various Germanic formations for what history calls: The 2nd Battle of Kosovo. A short overview of Murad's campaigns after Kosovo, the strategic significance of the Crusader's defeat, death of Murad II and final accession of Mehmed II.

Oct 17, 202320:13
Return of Murad II & Setting the Stage for the 2nd Battle of Kosovo: Episode 22

Return of Murad II & Setting the Stage for the 2nd Battle of Kosovo: Episode 22

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

In 1446 Sultan Mehmed is forced to step down after a brutal Janissary revolt in the city of Edrine. We profile 3 key reasons which led to Mehmed's downfall. His father, Murad II, returns to the Sultanate. Meanwhile the clever John Hunyadi plot yet another Crusade. The stage is thus set for the 2nd Battle of Kosovo.

Oct 08, 202331:48
A Crusade Dies at Varna Part 2: Episode 21

A Crusade Dies at Varna Part 2: Episode 21

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

King Vladislav, John Hunyadi, and a diverse army of Crusaders finally face off against the Ottomans led by Murad. This episode breaks down the order of battle for both sides, the personalities driving the decision making, and a blow by blow account of how the Battle of Varna went down. A brief appearance also, are the Battle Wagons of military history fame. Please listen to Episode 21: P1 prior to this one. If you know what happened, exactly, to the Papal Legate Julian Cesarini (in the show I mention how he was killed by Hungarians on their retreat) please shoot Frank an email at:

Sep 28, 202337:54
A Crusade Dies at Varna Part 1: Episode 21

A Crusade Dies at Varna Part 1: Episode 21

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

The year is 1444. The young newly minted Mehmed II takes the throne and falls into conflict with the willy old statesman Vizer Candarli Halil Pasha. After Sultan Murad II resigns.. the Crusaders hold a war counsel and are egged on by Cardinal Cesarini to break their vow of a 10 year peace treaty with the Ottoman Empire. The Crusaders rally, decamp from Buda and plunge into Ottoman territory.

The Crusader strategy, army composition and belated Ottoman response is examined.

Sultan Mehmed II summons his father for help and all eyes are turning to the City of Varna, on the Black Sea coast.

Sep 26, 202319:31
Pausing the Crusade, Resignation of Murad II & 1st Reign of Mehmed II: Episode 20

Pausing the Crusade, Resignation of Murad II & 1st Reign of Mehmed II: Episode 20

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

The year is 1444, a Crusade is gathering in Hungary but hits a snag. King Vladislav unites the two kingdoms of Hungary & Poland, thereby creating the greatest existential threat the Ottomans faced in Europe since Nicopolis. Sultan Murad II, resigns, his son, Mehmed II, becomes the new Sultan. Mehmed is profiled and the stage is finally set for the next episode of Varna.

Sep 23, 202326:22
EXTRA 05: John Hunyadi 1406-1456 Scourge of the Ottomans

EXTRA 05: John Hunyadi 1406-1456 Scourge of the Ottomans

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

John Hunyadi hammer of the Ottomans. Born sometime in the early 1400s, Hunyadi would rise to become a legend in his own time. He would lead the forces of Hungary, Crusaders, and soldiers of fortune, against the meat grinder of Christendom, the Ottoman Empire.

Defying the odds, Hunyadi would prevail against much larger forces. Join Frank as he dives deep into one of histories most fascinating personalities who lived during the wild and crazy times that was the 15th century Balkans.

Sep 19, 202337:50
Pacifying Anatolia, 2nd Siege of Thessalonica, Setting the Stage for the Crusade of Varna: Episode 19

Pacifying Anatolia, 2nd Siege of Thessalonica, Setting the Stage for the Crusade of Varna: Episode 19

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

We pick up in 1424. Sultan Murad II has defeated the Pretenders for the Sultanate. An in-depth strategic assessment of the Ottoman Empires vulnerabilities/strengths is presented.

Cover the campaign, very brief, of Murad's efforts to bring the Antolian Beys (Aydinid, Germinyanid, Menteşe and Teke) into line. Second Siege of Thessalonica and the subsequent conquering of a majority of the Greek pennesnsula.

Murad sends the dreaded Akinji warriors out and into Wallachia, Transylvania, and Army into Serbia and Albania. Princess Mara is outlined briefly. Stage is being set for the Crusade of Varna.

Sep 14, 202338:16
Sultan Murad II, Securing the Throne, Strategic Brief & Profile of Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos: Episode 18

Sultan Murad II, Securing the Throne, Strategic Brief & Profile of Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos: Episode 18

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

The year is 1421. A newly minted Sultan, Murad II has taken the throne in uneasy times. The cunning Byzantine Emperor , Manuel II, sits behind his walled city plotting unrest in the Turco Imperium.

Meanwhile Pretenders to the throne gather armies and gold while the unruly Anatolian Beys plot. In the end Murad II emerges triumphant stronger than ever. The stage is set for the Ottomans to come back swinging hard from the Civil War (Interregnum). A brief character profile of Emperor Emanuel II is given as well as a strategic assement of the Ottoman's military, political, and cultural woes during this period.

Sep 07, 202326:59
Death of Sultan Mehmed I, Accession of Murad II ( مراد ثانى) & Ottoman Naval Defeat at Gallipoli (1416): Episode 17

Death of Sultan Mehmed I, Accession of Murad II ( مراد ثانى) & Ottoman Naval Defeat at Gallipoli (1416): Episode 17

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Welcome back! Once more I stepped away from the brink. In Episode 17 we cover the accomplishments of Sultan Mehmed I, a disastrous naval defeat for the Ottomans at Gallipoli in 1416, and charachter profile of the future Sultan Murad II. We also discuss the death of Mehmed, his legacy, and the continuing threat of yet another Civil War in the empire via the Byzantine Emperor.

Sep 05, 202321:17
EXTRA 04: Women of the Ottoman Empire - Imperial Harem

EXTRA 04: Women of the Ottoman Empire - Imperial Harem

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Thanks for stopping by. Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Frank gives an update on the progress of Episode 17 and introduces Angela, the creator/host 'Women of the Ottoman Empire.' Don’t worry, the main narrative of Empires Podcast the Ottomans will continue, these EXTRAS are meant to deepen our understanding in certain areas.

Angela explores the Turkish Harem through the lens of renowned artist Jean-Auguste Dominique’s ‘The Turkish Bath’ and turns the colors and images inward upon themselves to reveal the deep-seated misconceptions of Ottoman society by the West. Angela then takes the listener through a brief historical survey of the Ottoman Empire, from its rise and fall, with a critical focus upon the Harem.

Along the way four critical phases in the development of the Harem are explored as the institution’s fortunes rise and fall with that of the Empire. The four phases will be the foundation of future podcast episodes and act as a guide for the listener.

Jan 23, 202212:29
EXTRA 03: The Akinji ( آقنجى) in Ottoman Warfare

EXTRA 03: The Akinji ( آقنجى) in Ottoman Warfare

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Join Frank as he brings you a new series, EXTRAS, these mini-episodes will fill in the gap where the main narrative of the show is skipping over. In this EXTRA Frank profiles, the dreaded Akinji warrior of the Ottoman Empire. Indispensable to a good military campaign, these irregulars would spread terror throughout Europe.

Frank answers questions such as: Who were they, what did they do, weapons, areas of operation, periods active, economics of raiding and slave trading, relationship with the Ottoman military, and the ultimate fate of the Akinji.

Jan 16, 202215:29
Sultan Mehmed I- Wallachia & Crushing Bedreddin: Episode 16

Sultan Mehmed I- Wallachia & Crushing Bedreddin: Episode 16

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Sultan Mehmed I deals with a rebellious pretender to the throne, Prince Mustafa and his confederate Cuneyd, the governor of Nikopol (ref: Episode 15). After settling accounts in Rumelia, the Sultan is forced to contend with a massive rebellion in both the Balkans and Anatolia under the philosophical banner of Sheikh Bedreddin. An overall picture of Sheikh Bedreddin, his philosophy, social and economic context of the Rebellion is explored. Bedreddin’s ultimate opponent, the redoubtable Bayezid Pasha, companion of and now Vizier to Sultan Mehmed I, is profiled.

The Wallachian ever present threat of invasion is stopped and forced into tributary status.Episode 16 concludes with an overall strategic assessment of the Ottoman Empire in 1420 and the stage is set for the death of the Sultan and subsequent events in up-coming Episode 17.

Special Mention: 'As the Money Burns', hosted/created by Nicki Woodard. Please take a minute and check her podcast out “[a] deep dive into what happens during the Great Depression to America’s richest & famous heirs & heiresses. Scandals, greed, lust, envy.”

Here is her link: Episode Guide – As the Money Burns

Jan 11, 202225:41
Sultan Mehmed I, Janissary Reform, Restoring Anatolia, & Brooding Rumelia: Episode 15

Sultan Mehmed I, Janissary Reform, Restoring Anatolia, & Brooding Rumelia: Episode 15

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Sultan Mehmed I initiates a massive overall of the Imperial Janissary Corps turning the ad hoc military formation into the fighting force of military legend. He then heads East with a mind to laying down some Ottoman law amongst the wayward Beys. He can count on two powerful friends to help him, the Anatolian Bey of Dulkadir, a man named Șaban Suli and the unwavering Karaside Beylic.

Getting in his way is the rebellious Beylic of Aydin and their crafty leader, Cuneyd. After settling accounts in Izmir, Mehmed makes the risky move of promoting the erstwhile rebel Cuneyd to high office. Any further action in Anatolia is checked by the Timur Empire and Mehmed must deal with Christian opposition to his domains in Rumelia.

We don’t get to Sheikh Bedreddin’s Rebellion (Revolution) yet.. but I promise next show we will.

Dec 08, 202127:59
Sultan Mehmed I “The Restorer” & Post Interregnum Headache: Episode 14

Sultan Mehmed I “The Restorer” & Post Interregnum Headache: Episode 14

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Sultan Mehmed I “The Restorer” & Post Interregnum Headache: Episode 14 Show Synopsis: It is the year 1413 and Prince Mehmed has defeated his three brothers in battle and claimed the Ottoman throne for himself. In certain circles the hope of peace and stability for the Empire grows as the dark days of the Civil War recedes. In other quarters Mehmed’s ascension is greeted with hate, fear, and foreboding as the Christian leaders of Wallachia, Byzantine, and Venice array themselves to take advantage of Ottoman weakness.

Across the straits Anatolia is awash in poverty, banditry, and rebellion where all hope has sank in the pits of despair of the past 11 years. The far off Karamanids break off again and the terrible specter of an invasion from the successor state to Timur’s Empire looms large. Amidst the chaos a religious leader arises, Sheikh Bedreddin, who’s movement will change the face of Ottoman policy for the next century. A strategic overview of these challenges are detailed by Frank as the stage is set for Mehmed I to set off and claim his place in history as “The Restorer” of the Ottoman Empire.

Nov 25, 202118:18
Special Announcement!

Special Announcement!

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

The Ottoman Podcast will not go quietly into that sweet goodnight. For those who helped pull me back from the brink with your emails and messages… thank you. The Ottomans will continue!

Nov 19, 202101:59
The Ottoman Interregnum: Episode 13

The Ottoman Interregnum: Episode 13

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Sultan Bayezid is dead. His four sons, Sulyeman, Isa, Musa, and Mehmed all vie for the Sultanate and bring the Anatolian and European countryside to another round of devastating wars. A pivotal moment in Ottoman history, the Interregnum, or Civil War period lasted for about ten years. Listen as one brother after another rises to prominence then falls, by either folly or treachery, to the subtle wiles of Mehmed.

Jun 11, 201927:20
EXTRA 02: Author Interview with Dan Cross: The Art of Historical Fiction

EXTRA 02: Author Interview with Dan Cross: The Art of Historical Fiction

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Dan Cross is a writer, amateur historian, business owner, and shortlisted for the 2018 Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Award for best unpublished work. Dan's soon to be debut novel, Caesar of Mercenaries, is represented by Bravo Blue literary agency and who is on a quest of her own to find a publisher for Dan. Dan joins Frank in this Extra Episode to discuss the fine art of historical fiction. Topics covered include their own shared love of history, the challenges and rewards of crafting historical narratives, books holding their own in the "new" media age, and the resurgence of the humanities thanks to podcasts. The characters, plot, and narrative of Caesar of Mercenaries is still a very closely guarded secret. During the show Frank attempts to pry teasers from Dan on his wonderful work and what future readers can expect. You can find Dan at  and also on Twitter @dancrossauthor Here is Dan's Website

Feb 07, 201947:21
The Battle of Ankara and Death of Sultan Bayezid I: Episode 12

The Battle of Ankara and Death of Sultan Bayezid I: Episode 12

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Sultan Bayezid is finally roused from his slumber in Edrine. Mustering his army he sets out from Bursa to stop Timur's army as the Asian Warlord bears down on him from the City of Sivas. Arriving outside the Town of Ankara the Sultan finds his own army exhausted and thirsty. Timur manages to slip past Ottoman scouts leading to the fateful battle on the plains of Ankara. The deaths of both Bayezid and Timur is explored along with a detailed break down of both armies order of battles. Announcements at the end of the show and a hint of a special episode to be released later this week.

Feb 05, 201935:33
Of Thy Insolence and Folly-Prelude to the Battle of Ankara: Episode 11

Of Thy Insolence and Folly-Prelude to the Battle of Ankara: Episode 11

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

By 1399 Sultan Bayezid 'Thunderbolt' had secured his European and Anatolian holdings. The Kingdom of Hungary was on the retreat after the disaster of the Crusade of Nicopolis. In the east Anatolian Beys were swallowed up one by one and the hated Karamanid City of Konya finally fell into Ottoman hands. However in the far east rose the Ottomans greatest threat yet, that of Timur. The episode covers the run-up to the devastating Battle of Ankara by examining the political/strategic situation and the factors and circumstances leading up to the battle. Timur is profiled.

Jan 29, 201924:54
 A Crusade Dies at Nicopolis: Episode 10 Part 2

A Crusade Dies at Nicopolis: Episode 10 Part 2

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

The Crusaders head out from Buda, Hungary and turn south into Ottoman territory. Along the way the army brutally sacks the Town of Oryahovo spreading terror and dread of the Crusader army in both Muslim and Orthodox Christian hearts alike. Meanwhile the Thunderbolt Sultan is gathering his army in Bulgaria readying for a quick march to catch the invaders by surprise. Dogan Bey the wily Ottoman governor of Nicopolis settles down for a siege as the Crusaders encamp outside the city gates. The Crusader War Council is divided against itself with King Sigismund arguing for a rational plan of attack vs the obstinate and arrogant French Knights full of pride and folly. Sultan Bayezid closes in with the well disciplined Sipahi and iron Janissaries for the kill.

Jan 22, 201936:55
A Crusade Dies at Nicopolis: Episode 10 Part 1

A Crusade Dies at Nicopolis: Episode 10 Part 1

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

King Sigismund of Hungary develops and implements a grand strategy for countering the Ottoman threat. Sultan Bayezid is forced to play catch up behind Sigismund. The dreaded Akinji raiders cause massive suffering and havoc as they spread terror across a wide swath of territory. In Western Europe a temporary lull in the Hundred Years War enables England, France, Burgundy, Spain and the Holy Roman Empire to start a Crusade against the Ottomans. Pope Boniface XI blesses the Crusader forces. The security competition between the Ottoman Empire and Kingdom of Hungary is explored in-depth. This is Part 1 of a 2 Part series on what history calls the Crusade of Nicopolis.

Jan 15, 201926:17
Thunderbolt turns to Europe: Episode 9

Thunderbolt turns to Europe: Episode 9

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Episode 9 wraps up Sultan Bayezid's first campaign into Anatolia by covering the Battle of Kirkdilim. A rebellious subordinate and maverick commander prevents the Ottomans from putting the final whammy on the City of Konya. The remaining free Turkish Beys rally behind a crafty warlord. Events in Europe thanks to King Sigismund of Hungary forces the Sultan to switch forces from Anatolia and a brief bio of Sigismund. The end of episode announcements cover special shout outs, podcast recommendations, and how you can support the show.

Jan 08, 201918:53
EXTRA 01: Author Interview with John McHugo: A Brief Discussion of Islamic History

EXTRA 01: Author Interview with John McHugo: A Brief Discussion of Islamic History

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Please join Empires of History Podcast host Frank as he interviews author, lawyer, and historian John McHugo. John is the author of A Concise History of the Arabs, Syria: A Recent History, and A Concise History of Sunnis and Shi'is. John graciously shares his insights with Frank as the two discuss varied topics such as the legacy of the Ottoman Empire today, the poverty of Islamic history awareness in the West, the conflict in Syria, and the Western perception of the conflict between Sunni and Shi'is. Support John McHugo by visiting John's website You can find John's work  Click here UK listeners and Click here U.S. listeners

Dec 21, 201846:59
The Thunderbolt Strikes: Episode 8

The Thunderbolt Strikes: Episode 8

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Bayezid I assumes the Sultanate after the death of Murad I. Ferocious in temper, impulsive, martial, greedy for lands and glory, he quickly earns numerous enemies and becomes known as the 'Thunderbolt' Sultan. Brief bio of his background and the first part of his campaign into Anatolia as the Sultan cut a bloody swath through the hinterlands. Also covers the post-Battle of Kosovo settlement with Serbia as Stephan the Tall becomes the leader after Lazar's death.

Dec 19, 201826:11
Battle of Kosovo and the end of the road for Sultan Murad: Episode 7

Battle of Kosovo and the end of the road for Sultan Murad: Episode 7

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

While deep in Anatolia fighting the Karamanids Sultan Murad I gets word of a massive Ottoman defeat in Bosnia, the Battle of Belica. The Ottoman defeat causes the Christian kingdoms to unite in a Crusade meant to crush the Turks in Europe and drive them out. Sultan Murad invades Bulgaria then swings west and crosses into Serbia intent on finding and killing Prince Lazar. At the Plain of the Black Birds in Serbia both sides meet for what history would call the Battle of Kosovo. At the zenith of the battle Murad is brought down by an assassins dagger. The stage is thus set for the future Ottoman Sultan Bayezid I, or Thunderbolt Sultan.

Dec 13, 201830:26
Rebellious sons and the Karamanids: Episode 6

Rebellious sons and the Karamanids: Episode 6

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Sultan Murad faces down a rebellion orchestrated by his own son. In the midst of war and attempted coups the Sultan implements reform. In Anatolia the Karamanids make a move on the City of Ankara prompting the Sultan to respond. Meanwhile in Europe trouble brews when a Bosnian force defeats an Ottoman army while the Sultan is away leading to next episodes coverage of the Battle of Kosovo.

Dec 06, 201827:15
Sultan Murad I, Janissaries, Chernomen: Episode 5

Sultan Murad I, Janissaries, Chernomen: Episode 5

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Orhan is dead. Murad ascends the throne to be girded with the sword of Osman. While away handling his business in Anatolia, Serbian lords get the notion they can cause trouble. Along the way Murad establishes the Imperial Janissary Corp. An elite fighting force recruited as children and raised in the strict discipline and arts of war to serve later Sultans as the Shock Troops of the Empire. The stage is rapidly being set for epic battles in the future between the Ottomans and their soon-to-be Balkan subjects.

Nov 30, 201821:01
Pirates and goodbye Orhan: Episode 4

Pirates and goodbye Orhan: Episode 4

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

In this episode a detailed bio of Byzantine official then later Emperor John Cantazuzene is explored. The overall Ottoman strategic situation is explained and Sultan Orhan's son is captured by pirates. Death of Orhan and the turning away of Europe from the East.

Nov 23, 201824:10
Something Ottoman this way comes: Episode 3

Something Ottoman this way comes: Episode 3

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

In this episode we follow Sultan Orhan's shrewd political calculations as he finagles his way into Europe under the guise of aiding the beleaguered John Cantazuzene's efforts to claim the Byzantine throne for himself. In the process Orhan marries a Byzantine princess, defeats an army of Serbians, and establishes the Ottomans on the Gallipoli peninsula cementing a beachhead in Europe.

Nov 14, 201819:39
Sultan Orhan and the Byzantines: Episode 2

Sultan Orhan and the Byzantines: Episode 2

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website: ⁠⁠

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at:

Ottoman power grew under Osman in Episode 1, now his son and future Sultan Orhan 1 must take over from his father and challenge the Byzantine Empire. We witness the expansion of the Ottomans as the city of Bursa falls along with Nicaea after the Battle of Pelecanum. Soon the Ottomans will be posed to invade Europe itself... time period covered roughly 1300-1330s.

Nov 08, 201825:11
The Dream of Osman: Episode 1

The Dream of Osman: Episode 1

Welcome to Empires Podcast the Ottomans! Where to find the show? Check out the Website:

Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts & drop a "Follow" & 5 star rating on Spotify. Email Frank at: Episode covers the nomadic migrations of the Turkish people from the borders of China and Mongolia during the 700s all the way into Central Asia. The rise of the Seljuks is treated sparsely as the main focus is upon the Ottomans. The declining power of the Byzantines is explored in the battles of Manizkert and Bapheus. Time period I covered is roughly the 700s through to 1301.

Oct 17, 201824:32