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By Francisco J Jimenez F

Some Catholic commentators have maintained that the purpose of this visit was to bring divine grace to both Elizabeth and her unborn child. Even though he was still in his mother's womb, John became aware of the presence of Christ and leapt for joy as he was cleansed from original sin and filled with divine grace.
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Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Saturday Lauds Morning Prayer

Frankietheone1Apr 30, 2022

Sábado, Mayo 28 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Sábado de Pascua

Sábado, Mayo 28 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Sábado de Pascua

6to Sábado de Pascua

Sábado, Mayo 28 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

Ef 2, 4-6   Dios, que es rico en misericordia, por el gran amor con que nos amó, aun cuando estábamos muertos por nuestros pecados, nos vivificó con Cristo —por pura gracia habéis sido salvados— y nos resucitó con él, y nos hizo sentar en los cielos con Cristo Jesús.

Salí del Padre y vine al mundo; ahora dejo el mundo y voy al Padre. Aleluya.


Alabad, siervos del Señor,
alabad el nombre del Señor.
Bendito sea el nombre del Señor,
ahora y por siempre:
de la salida del sol hasta su ocaso,
alabado sea el nombre del Señor.

El Señor se eleva sobre todos los pueblos,
su gloria sobre los cielos.
¿Quién como el Señor Dios nuestro,
que se eleva en su trono
y se abaja para mirar
al cielo y a la tierra?

Levanta del polvo al desvalido,
alza de la basura al pobre,
para sentarlo con los príncipes,
los príncipes de su pueblo;
a la estéril le da un puesto en la casa,
como madre feliz de hijos.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 28, 202213:46
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Saturday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Saturday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

6th Saturday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Saturday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Romans 14:7-9    The life and death of each of us have its influence on others; if we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord, so that alive or dead we belong to the Lord. This explains why Christ both died and came to life: it was so that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.

Psalm 8
The greatness of God, the dignity of man

With glory and honor, you crowned your Anointed One, alleluia.

How wonderful is your name over all the earth,

O Lord, our Lord!

How exalted is your glory

above the sky!

Out of the mouths of children and infants, you have brought praise,

to confound your enemies, to destroy your vengeful foes.

When I see the heavens, the work of your fingers,

the moon and stars, which you set in their place –

what is man, that you should take thought for him?

what is the son of man, that you should look after him?

You have made him but one step lower than the angels;

you have crowned him with glory and honor;

you have set him over the works of your hands.

You have put everything beneath his feet,

cattle and sheep and the beasts of the field,

the birds in the air and the fish in the sea,

whatever passes along the paths of the waters.

How wonderful is your name above all the earth,

O Lord, our Lord!

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 28, 202213:58
Viernes, Mayo 27 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Viernes de Pascua

Viernes, Mayo 27 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Viernes de Pascua

6to Viernes de Pascua

Viernes, Mayo 27 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

Hb 5, 8-10   Cristo, aunque era Hijo de Dios, aprendió por experiencia, en sus padecimientos, la obediencia, y, habiendo así llegado hasta la plena consumación, se convirtió en causa de salvación para todos los que lo obedecen, proclamado por Dios sumo sacerdote «según el rito de Melquisedec».

El Señor guarda a su pueblo como a las niñas de sus ojos. Aleluya.

Mi fuerza y mi poder es el Señor, él fue mi salvación. Aleluya.


Grandes y maravillosas son tus obras,
Señor, Dios omnipotente,
justos y verdaderos tus caminos,
¡oh Rey de los siglos!

¿Quién no temerá, Señor,
y glorificará tu nombre?
Porque tú solo eres santo,
porque vendrán todas las naciones
y se postrarán en tu acatamiento,
porque tus juicios se hicieron manifiestos.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 28, 202214:38
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Friday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Friday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

6th Friday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Friday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Acts 5:30-32    It was the God of our ancestors who raised up Jesus, but it was you who had him executed by hanging on a tree. By his own right hand, God has now raised him up to be leader and savior, to give repentance and forgiveness of sins through him to Israel. We are witnesses to all this, we and the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.

Habakkuk 3

The Lord will appear in judgement

Lord, you came with the strength to save your people; you came with your Anointed One, alleluia.

Lord, I heard what you gave me to hear,

and I was struck with awe of your work.

In the midst of the years, bring it to life;

in the midst of the years, you will make it known.

When you are angry, you will remember your mercy.

God will come from Theman,

the holy one from the mountain of Pharan.

His glory has covered the heavens

and the earth is full of his praise.

His brightness shall be like light itself,

rays shining from his hands –

there is his strength hidden.

You went forth for the salvation of the people,

for salvation with your anointed one.

You made a way through the sea for your horses,

in the silt of many waters.

I have heard you, Lord,

and my stomach churns within me;

at the sound of your voice, my lips tremble.

My bones rot away, and my steps stumble.

I will rest and be quiet on the day of tribulation

and let it overtake those who have invaded us.

For the fig will not flower,

the vines will not fruit,

and the work of the olive will be lost.

The fields will yield no food,

the flocks will be cut off from the sheepfold,

and there will be no cattle in the stalls.

But I will rejoice in the Lord, take joy in God my savior.

The Lord God is my strength.

He will make me as sure-footed as the deer.

He will lead me up to the heights.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 28, 202215:54
Jueves, Mayo 26 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Jueves de Pascua

Jueves, Mayo 26 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Jueves de Pascua

6to Jueves de Pascua La Ascensión del Señor

1Pe 5, 1-4    A los presbíteros en esa comunidad, yo, presbítero como ellos, testigo de los sufrimientos de Cristo y partícipe de la gloria que va a descubrirse, os exhorto: Sed pastores del rebaño de Dios a vuestro cargo, gobernándolo, no a la fuerza, sino de buena gana, como Dios quiere, no por sórdida ganancia, sino con generosidad, no como dominadores sobre la heredad de Dios, sino convirtiéndoos en modelos del rebaño. Y, cuando aparezca el supremo Pastor, recibiréis la corona de gloria que no se marchita.

Él será la bendición de todos los pueblos. Aleluya.

Ayer como hoy, Jesucristo es el mismo y lo será siempre. Aleluya.

Cántico: EL JUICIO DE DIOS Ap 11, 17-18; 12, 10b-12a

Gracias te damos, Señor Dios omnipotente,
el que eres y el que eras,
porque has asumido el gran poder
y comenzaste a reinar.

Se encolerizaron las naciones,
llegó tu cólera,
y el tiempo de que sean juzgados los muertos,
y de dar el galardón a tus siervos los profetas,
y a los santos y a los que temen tu nombre,
y a los pequeños y a los grandes,
y de arruinar a los que arruinaron la tierra.

Ahora se estableció la salud y el poderío,
y el reinado de nuestro Dios,
y la potestad de su Cristo;
porque fue precipitado
el acusador de nuestros hermanos,
el que los acusaba ante nuestro Dios día y noche.

Ellos le vencieron en virtud de la sangre del Cordero
y por la palabra del testimonio que dieron,
y no amaron tanto su vida que temieran la muerte.
Por esto, estad alegres, cielos,
y los que moráis en sus tiendas.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 27, 202219:33
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Thursday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Thursday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

6th Thursday of Easter The Ascension of the Lord 

Hebrews 10:12-14    Christ has offered one single sacrifice for sins, and then taken his place forever, at the right hand of God, where he is now waiting until his enemies are made into a footstool for him. By virtue of that one single offering, he has achieved the eternal perfection of all whom he is sanctifying.

Psalm 62 (63)
Thirsting for God

Men of Galilee, why do you stand there looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken away from you up to heaven, will come in the same way as you have seen him go. Alleluia.

O God, you are my God, I watch for you from the dawn.

My soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you.

I came to your sanctuary,

as one in a parched and waterless land,

so that I could see your might and your glory.

My lips will praise you, for your mercy is better than life itself.

Thus I will bless you throughout my life,

and raise my hands in prayer to your name;

my soul will be filled as if by rich food,

and my mouth will sing your praises and rejoice.

I will remember you as I lie in bed,

I will think of you in the morning,

for you have been my helper,

and I will take joy in the protection of your wings.

My soul clings to you; your right-hand raises me up.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 27, 202216:55
Miércoles, Mayo 25 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Miércoles de Pascua

Miércoles, Mayo 25 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Miércoles de Pascua

6to Miércoles de Pascua

Miércoles, Mayo 25 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

Hb 7, 24-27   Jesús, como permanece para siempre, tiene un sacerdocio eterno. De aquí que tiene poder para llevar a la salvación definitiva a cuantos por él se vayan acercando a Dios, porque vive para siempre para interceder por ellos. Y tal era precisamente el sumo sacerdote que nos convenía: santo, sin maldad, sin mancha, excluido del número de los pecadores y exaltado más alto que los cielos. No tiene necesidad, como los sumos sacerdotes, de ofrecer víctimas cada día, primero por sus propios pecados y luego por los del pueblo. Esto lo hizo una vez por todas, ofreciéndose a sí mismo.

¡Oh Dios!, que te alaben los pueblos, que se alegren por tu salvación. Aleluya.

Su resplandor eclipsa el cielo, la tierra se llena de su alabanza. Aleluya.


Damos gracias a Dios Padre,
que nos ha hecho capaces de compartir
la herencia del pueblo santo en la luz.

Él nos ha sacado del dominio de las tinieblas,
y nos ha trasladado al reino de su Hijo querido,
por cuya sangre hemos recibido la redención,
el perdón de los pecados.

Él es imagen de Dios invisible,
primogénito de toda creatura;
pues por medio de él fueron creadas todas las cosas:
celestes y terrestres, visibles e invisibles,
Tronos, Dominaciones, Principados, Potestades;
todo fue creado por él y para él.

Él es anterior a todo, y todo se mantiene en él.
Él es también la cabeza del cuerpo de la Iglesia.
Él es el principio, el primogénito de entre los muertos,
y así es el primero en todo.

Porque en él quiso Dios que residiera toda plenitud.
Y por él quiso reconciliar consigo todas las cosas:
haciendo la paz por la sangre de su cruz
con todos los seres, así del cielo como de la tierra.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 26, 202215:39
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Wednesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Wednesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

6th Wednesday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Wednesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Hebrews 13:7-9   Remember your leaders, who preached the word of God to you, and as you reflect on the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and will be forever. Do not let yourselves be led astray by all sorts of strange doctrines.

1 Samuel 2

The song of Hannah, mother of Samuel

The Lord gives death and he gives life. Alleluia.

My heart rejoices in the Lord,

my strength is raised up in the name of my God.

I cry out in triumph over my enemies

as I rejoice in your deliverance.

No one is like the Lord, for he is holy;

no-one is like our God, for he is strong.

Do not pile boasting upon boasting:

keep proud words far from your mouth,

for the Lord is the God of all knowledge

and the judge of all actions.

The bow of the mighty is broken,

and the weak are clothed in strength.

Those who fed well must hire themselves out, for bread;

but the hungry are no longer hungry.

The barren woman has given birth to many;

but she who had many sons is left desolate.

The Lord brings death and brings life;

he leads them down to the underworld and rescues them from it.

The Lord makes poor and makes rich;

he lays low and raises up.

He lifts the needy from the dust and the poor from the dunghill

to sit among princes

to sit on the throne of glory.

To the Lord belong the poles of the earth;

from them, he has suspended the world.

He will keep safe the feet of his chosen,

but the impious will be silent in the darkness

It is not by his own strength that a man becomes strong.

The Lord grinds down his enemies:

he will thunder on them from the heavens.

The Lord will judge the ends of the earth,

give dominion to his king,

and raise up the standard of his anointed one.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 26, 202215:00
Martes, Mayo 24 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Martes de Pascua

Martes, Mayo 24 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Martes de Pascua

6to Martes de Pascua

Martes, Mayo 24 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

1Pe 2, 4-5   Acercándoos al Señor, la piedra viva, rechazada por los hombres, pero escogida y apreciada por Dios, también vosotros, como piedras vivas, entráis en la construcción del templo del Espíritu, formando un sacerdocio sagrado, para ofrecer sacrificios espirituales que Dios acepta por Jesucristo.

Aspirad a los bienes de arriba, no a los de la tierra. Aleluya.

El Señor me salva de las garras del abismo. Aleluya.

Salmo 48

Éste es el camino de los confiados,
el destino de los hombres satisfechos:

son un rebaño para el abismo,
la muerte es su pastor,
y bajan derechos a la tumba;
se desvanece su figura
y el abismo es su casa.

Pero a mí, Dios me salva,
me saca de las garras del abismo
y me lleva consigo.

No te preocupes si se enriquece un hombre
y aumenta el fasto de su casa:
cuando muera, no se llevará nada,
su fasto no bajará con él.

Aunque en vida se felicitaba:
«Ponderan lo bien que lo pasas»,
irá a reunirse con sus antepasados,
que no verán nunca la luz.

El hombre rico e inconsciente
es como un animal que perece.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 25, 202215:09
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Tuesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Tuesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

6th Tuesday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Tuesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Acts 13:30-33    God raised Jesus from the dead, and for many days he appeared to those who had accompanied him from Galilee to Jerusalem: and it is these same companions of his who are now his witnesses before our people. We have come here to tell you the Good News. It was to our ancestors that God made the promise but it is to us, their children, that he has fulfilled it, by raising Jesus from the dead. As scripture says in the second psalm: You are my son: today I have become your father.

Isaiah 38

The psalm of Hezekiah on recovering from sickness

Lord, you have kept my soul from destruction. Alleluia.

I said, in the middle of my days

I am going to the gates of the underworld.

Where shall I find the remainder of my years?

I said I will not see the Lord God in the land of the living,

I will never see another of the inhabitants of the earth.

My dwelling-place is taken away, taken far away from me,

like the tent of a shepherd.

Like a weaver, he has rolled up my life

and cut it off from the loom.

From morning to night,

you have made an end of me.

I cried for help till daybreak;

like a lion, he has crushed all my bones.

From morning to night,

you have made an end of me.

I twitter like a fledgling sparrow,

and make noises like a dove.

My eyes are weak

from looking upward.

But you have pulled my soul out of the pit of destruction,

you have put all my sins behind you.

For, after all, the underworld will not proclaim you,

nor death praise you;

those who go down there

do not wait in hope for your faithfulness.

It is the living, the living who will proclaim you,

as I do today.

Fathers will pass on to their children

the truth of your faithfulness.

Save me, Lord,

and to the sound of the harp, we will sing to you,

all the days of our life,

in the house of the Lord.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 25, 202213:52
Lunes, Mayo 23 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Lunes de Pascua

Lunes, Mayo 23 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Lunes de Pascua

6to Lunes de Pascua

Lunes, Mayo 23 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

Hb 8, 1b-3a   Tenemos un sumo sacerdote que está sentado a la diestra del trono de la Majestad en los cielos. Él es ministro del santuario y de la verdadera Tienda de Reunión, que fue fabricada por el Señor y no por hombre alguno. Todo sumo sacerdote es instituido para ofrecer oblaciones y sacrificios.

Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor. Aleluya.


Me brota del corazón un poema bello,
recito mis versos a un rey;
mi lengua es ágil pluma de escribano.

Eres el más bello de los hombres,
en tus labios se derrama la gracia,
el Señor te bendice eternamente.

Cíñete al flanco la espada, valiente:
es tu gala y tu orgullo;
cabalga victorioso por la verdad y la justicia,
tu diestra te enseñe a realizar proezas.
Tus flechas son agudas, los pueblos se te rinden,
se acobardan los enemigos del rey.

Tu trono, ¡oh Dios!, permanece para siempre;
cetro de rectitud es tu cetro real;
has amado la justicia y odiado la impiedad:
por eso el Señor, tu Dios, te ha ungido
con aceite de júbilo entre todos tus compañeros.

A mirra, áloe y acacia huelen tus vestidos,
desde los palacios de marfiles te deleitan las arpas.
Hijas de reyes salen a tu encuentro,
de pie a tu derecha está la reina
enjoyada con oro de Ofir.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 24, 202212:06
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Monday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Monday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

6th Monday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Monday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Romans 10:8-10    The word is very near to you, it is on your lips and in your heart: the word, that is, of the faith we proclaim. If your lips confess that Jesus is Lord and if you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, then you will be saved. By believing from the heart you are made righteous; by confessing with your lips you are saved.

Psalm 41 (42)
Longing for the Lord and his temple

My soul is yearning for you, my God, like a deer that seeks running streams. Alleluia.

Like a deer that longs for springs of water,

so my soul longs for you, O God.

My soul thirsts for God, the living God:

when shall I come and stand before the face of God?

My tears are my food, by day and by night,

and everyone asks, “where is your God?”.

I remember how I went up to your glorious dwelling-place

and into the house of God:

the memory melts my soul.

The sound of joy and thanksgiving,

the crowds at the festival.

Why are you so sad, my soul,

and anxious within me?

Put your hope in the Lord, I will praise him still,

my savior and my God.

My soul is sad within me,

and so I will remember you

in the lands of Jordan and Hermon,

on the mountain of Mizar.

Deep calls to deep

in your rushing waters:

and all your torrents, all your waves

have flowed over me.

By day the Lord sends his kindness upon me;

by night his song is with me,

a prayer to the God of my life.

I will say to God:

“You are my support, why have you forgotten me?

Why must I go in mourning, while the enemy persecutes me?.”

As my bones break,

my persecutors deride me,

all the time saying “where is your God?.”

Why are you so sad, my soul,

and anxious within me?

Put your hope in the Lord, I will praise him still,

my savior and my God.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 24, 202214:21
Domingo, Mayo 22 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Domingo de Pascua

Domingo, Mayo 22 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 6to Domingo de Pascua

6to Domingo de Pascua

Domingo, Mayo 22 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

Hb 10, 12-14   Cristo, habiendo ofrecido un solo sacrificio en expiación de los pecados, está sentado para siempre a la diestra de Dios, y espera el tiempo que falta «hasta que sus enemigos sean puestos por escabel de sus pies». Así, con una sola oblación, ha llevado para siempre a la perfección en la gloria a los que ha santificado.

Dios resucitó a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo hizo sentar en su gloria. Aleluya.

Salmo 109, 1-5. 7   EL MESÍAS, REY Y SACERDOTE.

Oráculo del Señor a mi Señor:
«Siéntate a mi derecha,
y haré de tus enemigos
estrado de tus pies.»

Desde Sión extenderá el Señor
el poder de tu cetro:
somete en la batalla a tus enemigos.

«Eres príncipe desde el día de tu nacimiento,
entre esplendores sagrados;
yo mismo te engendré, como rocío,
antes de la aurora.»

El Señor lo ha jurado y no se arrepiente:
«Tú eres sacerdote eterno
según el rito de Melquisedec.»

El Señor a tu derecha, el día de su ira,
quebrantará a los reyes.

En su camino beberá del torrente,
por eso levantará la cabeza.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 23, 202215:06
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Sunday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Sunday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

6th Sunday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 6th Sunday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Acts 10:40-43     God raised Jesus to life on the third day and allowed him to be seen, not by the whole people but only by certain witnesses God had chosen beforehand. Now we are those witnesses – we have eaten and drunk with him after his resurrection from the dead – and he has ordered us to proclaim this to his people and to tell them that God has appointed him to judge everyone, alive or dead. It is to him that all the prophets bear this witness: that all who believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven through his name.

Psalm 150
Praise the Lord

Praise God who sits on the throne, saying ‘Amen. Alleluia.’

Praise the Lord in his sanctuary,

praise him in his mighty firmament.

Praise him for his mighty deeds,

praise him for all his greatness.

Praise him with trumpet blasts,

praise him with the harp and lyre,

praise him with timbrel and dance,

praise him with strings and pipes,

praise him with cymbals resounding,

praise him with cymbals of jubilation.

All that breathes, praise the Lord!

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 23, 202214:03
Sábado, Mayo 21 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 5to Sábado de Pascua

Sábado, Mayo 21 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 5to Sábado de Pascua

5to Sábado de Pascua

Sábado, Mayo 21 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

1Pe 2, 9-10   Vosotros sois linaje escogido, sacerdocio regio, nación santa, pueblo adquirido por Dios para proclamar las hazañas del que os llamó a salir de la tiniebla y a entrar en su luz maravillosa. Vosotros, que en otro tiempo no erais pueblo, sois ahora pueblo de Dios; vosotros, que estabais excluidos de la misericordia, sois ahora objeto de la misericordia de Dios.

El que realiza la verdad se acerca a la luz. Aleluya.

Salmo 118, 105-112  

Lámpara es tu palabra para mis pasos,
luz en mi sendero;
lo juro y lo cumpliré:
guardaré tus justos mandamientos;
¡estoy tan afligido!
Señor, dame vida según tu promesa.

Acepta, Señor, los votos que pronuncio,
enséñame tus mandatos;
mi vida está siempre en peligro,
pero no olvido tu voluntad;
los malvados me tendieron un lazo,
pero no me desvié de tus decretos.

Tus preceptos son mi herencia perpetua,
la alegría de mi corazón;
inclino mi corazón a cumplir tus leyes,
siempre y cabalmente.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 22, 202219:07
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Saturday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Saturday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

5th Saturday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Saturday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

1 John 5:3-5    This is what loving God is – keeping his commandments;

and his commandments are not difficult,

because anyone who God has begotten

has already overcome the world.

This is the victory over the world – our faith.

Who can overcome the world?

Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Exodus 15

Hymn of victory after crossing the Red Sea

For the victors, theirs is the song of God’s servant Moses, theirs is the song of the Lamb. Alleluia.

I will sing to the Lord, for his triumph is glorious. Horse and rider he has cast into the sea.

The Lord is my support and my strength, and he has saved me.

This is my God, and I will give him glory

This is my father’s God, and I will exalt him.

The Lord is a warrior – ‘The Lord’ is his name!

Pharaoh’s chariots and army he has thrown into the sea.

Your storm raged, and the waters were piled high,

the flowing waters were a rampart, the sea-bed was exposed.

The enemy said: “I will follow and surround them;

I will divide their spoils,

have my fill of booty,

draw my sword and kill them all.”

Your wind blew,

and the sea covered them,

they sank like lead in the raging waters.

What god is like you, O Lord?

What god is like you,

so great in your holiness,

a worker of miracles,

terrible and worthy of praise?

You stretched out your hand and the earth swallowed them.

In your mercy, you led your people whom you had redeemed,

in your strength you brought them to your dwelling-place.

You will lead them in and establish them

on the mountain that is your inheritance,

your solid dwelling-place, which you made, Lord;

your sanctuary, Lord, which your hands made firm.

The Lord will reign, to eternity and beyond!

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 21, 202213:23
Viernes, Mayo 20 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 5to Viernes de Pascua

Viernes, Mayo 20 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 5to Viernes de Pascua

5to Viernes de Pascua

Viernes, Mayo 20 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

Hb 5, 8-10   Cristo, aunque era Hijo de Dios, aprendió por experiencia, en sus padecimientos, la obediencia, y, habiendo así llegado hasta la plena consumación, se convirtió en causa de salvación para todos los que lo obedecen, proclamado por Dios sumo sacerdote «según el rito de Melquisedec».

Cristo por nosotros se hizo pobre a fin de que nosotros nos enriqueciéramos. Aleluya.


Dichoso el que cuida del pobre y desvalido;
en el día aciago lo pondrá a salvo el Señor.

El Señor lo guarda y lo conserva en vida,
para que sea dichoso en la tierra,
y no lo entrega a la saña de sus enemigos.

El Señor lo sostendrá en el lecho del dolor,
calmará los dolores de su enfermedad.

Yo dije: «Señor, ten misericordia,
sáname, porque he pecado contra ti.»

Mis enemigos me desean lo peor;
«A ver si se muere y se acaba su apellido.»

El que viene a verme habla con fingimiento,
disimula su mala intención,
y cuando sale afuera, la dice.

Mis adversarios se reúnen a murmurar contra mí,
hacen cálculos siniestros:
«Padece un mal sin remedio,
se acostó para no levantarse.»

Incluso mi amigo, de quien yo me fiaba,
que compartía mi pan,
es el primero en traicionarme.

Pero tú, Señor, apiádate de mí,
haz que pueda levantarme,
para que yo les dé su merecido.

En esto conozco que me amas:
en que mi enemigo no triunfa de mí.

A mí, en cambio, me conservas la salud,
me mantienes siempre en tu presencia.

Bendito el Señor, Dios de Israel,
ahora y por siempre. Amén, amén.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 20, 202215:21
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Friday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Friday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

5th Friday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Friday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Hebrews 13:7-9    Remember your leaders, who preached the word of God to you, and as you reflect on the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be forever. Do not let yourselves be led astray by all sorts of strange doctrines.

Psalm 50 (51)
God, have mercy on me

Remember me, Lord God, when you come into your kingdom. Alleluia.

Take pity on me, Lord, in your mercy;

in your abundance of mercy wipe out my guilt.

Wash me ever more from my guilt

and cleanse me from my sin.

For I know how guilty I am:

my sin is always before me.

Against you, you alone have I sinned,

and I have done evil in your sight.

Know this, so that you may give just sentences

and an unbiased judgment.

See, I was conceived in guilt,

in sin my mother conceived me;

but you love truth in the heart,

and deep within me, you have shown me your wisdom.

You will sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be made clean;

you will wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

You will make me hear the sound of joy and gladness;

the bones you have crushed will rejoice.

Turn your face away from my sins

and wipe out all my transgressions;

create a pure heart in me, God,

put a steadfast spirit into me.

Do not send me away from your presence,

or withdraw your holy spirit from me;

give me again the joy of your salvation,

and be ready to strengthen me with your spirit.

I will teach the unjust your ways,

and the impious will return to you.

Free me from the guilt of bloodshed, God, God my savior,

and my voice will glory in your justice.

Open my lips, Lord,

and my mouth will proclaim your praise;

for you do not delight in sacrifices:

if I offered you a burnt offering, it would not please you.

The true sacrifice is a broken spirit:

a contrite and humble heart, O God, you will not refuse.

Be pleased, Lord, to look kindly on Zion,

so that the walls of Jerusalem can be rebuilt,

Then indeed you will accept the proper sacrifices, gifts, and burnt offerings;

then indeed will bullock be laid upon your altar.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 20, 202214:22
Jueves, Mayo 19 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 5to Jueves de Pascua

Jueves, Mayo 19 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 5to Jueves de Pascua

5to Jueves de Pascua

Jueves, Mayo 19 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

1Pe 3, 18. 21b-22   Cristo murió por los pecados una vez para siempre: el inocente por los culpables, para conduciros a Dios. Como era hombre, lo mataron; pero, como poseía el Espíritu, fue devuelto a la vida. Lo que actualmente os salva no consiste en limpiar una suciedad corporal, sino en impetrar de Dios una conciencia pura, por la resurrección de Jesucristo, que llegó al cielo, se le sometieron ángeles autoridades y poderes, y está a la derecha de Dios.

Cambiaste mi luto en gozo. Aleluya.


Te ensalzaré, Señor, porque me has librado
y no has dejado que mis enemigos se rían de mí.

Señor, Dios mío, a ti grité,
y tú me sanaste.
Señor, sacaste mi vida del abismo,
me hiciste revivir cuando bajaba a la fosa.

Tañed para el Señor, fieles suyos,
dad gracias a su nombre santo;
su cólera dura un instante;
su bondad, de por vida;
al atardecer nos visita el llanto,
por la mañana, el júbilo.

Yo pensaba muy seguro:
«No vacilaré jamás.»
Tu bondad, Señor, me aseguraba
el honor y la fuerza;
pero escondiste tu rostro,
y quedé desconcertado.

A ti, Señor, llamé,
supliqué a mi Dios:
«¿Qué ganas con mi muerte,
con que yo baje a la fosa?

¿Te va a dar gracias el polvo,
o va a proclamar tu lealtad?
Escucha, Señor, y ten piedad de mí;
Señor, socórreme.»

Cambiaste mi luto en danzas,
me desataste el sayal y me has vestido de fiesta;
te cantará mi alma sin callarse.
Señor, Dios mío, te daré gracias por siempre.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 20, 202216:50
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Thursday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Thursday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

5th Thursday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Thursday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Romans 8:10-11    Though your body may be dead it is because of sin, but if Christ is in you then your spirit is life itself because you have been justified; and if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, then he who raised Jesus from the dead will give life to your own mortal bodies through his Spirit living in you.

Psalm 56 (57)
Morning prayer in time of affliction

O God, arise above the heavens. Alleluia.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy.

My soul flies to you for refuge.

I will hide in the shelter of your wings

until the time of ambush is past.

I will cry to God the Highest,

to the God who cares for me.

He will send help from heaven to set me free.

He will disgrace those who trample me underfoot.

He will send forth his mercy and faithfulness.

My soul lies among lion-cubs

that would devour the children of men.

Their teeth are spears and arrows,

their tongues are pointed swords.

May you be exalted above the heavens, O God;

let your glory cover the whole earth.

They prepared a trap for my feet;

my soul was bent double under its burden;

they dug a pit in front of me

– but they fell into it themselves.

My heart is ready, God.

My heart is ready.

I will offer you music and song.

Awake, my glory,

awake, lyre and harp.

I will awaken the dawn.

I will proclaim you among the peoples, Lord,

and make music for you among the nations,

for your mercy reaches as high as the heavens,

your faithfulness to the clouds.

May you be exalted above the heavens, O God;

let your glory cover the earth.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 20, 202215:00
Miércoles, Mayo 18 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 5to Miércoles de Pascua

Miércoles, Mayo 18 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 5to Miércoles de Pascua

5to Miércoles de Pascua

Miércoles, Mayo 18 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

Hb 7, 24-27    Jesús, como permanece para siempre, tiene un sacerdocio eterno. De aquí que tiene poder para llevar a la salvación definitiva a cuantos por él se vayan acercando a Dios, porque vive para siempre para interceder por ellos. Y tal era precisamente el sumo sacerdote que nos convenía: santo, sin maldad, sin mancha, excluido del número de los pecadores y exaltado más alto que los cielos. No tiene necesidad, como los sumos sacerdotes, de ofrecer víctimas cada día, primero por sus propios pecados y luego por los del pueblo. Esto lo hizo una vez por todas, ofreciéndose a sí mismo.

La diestra del Señor lo exaltó haciéndolo jefe y salvador. Aleluya.


El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación,
¿a quién temeré?
El Señor es la defensa de mi vida,
¿quién me hará temblar?

Cuando me asaltan los malvados
para devorar mi carne,
ellos, enemigos y adversarios,
tropiezan y caen.

Si un ejército acampa contra mí,
mi corazón no tiembla;
si me declaran la guerra,
me siento tranquilo.

Una cosa pido al Señor,
eso buscaré:
habitar en la casa del Señor
por los días de mi vida;
gozar de la dulzura del Señor
contemplando su templo.

Él me protegerá en su tienda
el día del peligro;
me esconderá en lo escondido de su morada,
me alzará sobre la roca;

y así levantaré la cabeza
sobre el enemigo que me cerca;
en su tienda sacrificaré
sacrificios de aclamación:
cantaré y tocaré para el Señor.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 19, 202215:00
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Wednesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Wednesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

5th Wednesday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Wednesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

1 John 5:3-5    This is what loving God is – keeping his commandments;

and his commandments are not difficult,

because anyone who God has begotten

has already overcome the world.

This is the victory over the world – our faith.

Who can overcome the world?

Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Psalm 35 (36)
The sinner's wickedness; God's goodness

In you, Lord is the source of life. Alleluia.

Evil whispers to the sinner in the depths of his heart:

the fear of God does not stand before his eyes.

Evil’s flattering light disguises his wickedness,

so that he does not hate it.

His words are false and deceitful,

he no longer considers how to do good.

Even when in bed he plots mischief;

he follows the wrong path; he does not hate malice.

Lord, your mercy fills the heavens,

and your faithfulness rises to the sky.

Your justice is like the mountains of God,

your judgments are like the deeps of the sea.

Lord, you protect both men and beasts.

How precious is your kindness, O God!

The sons of men will take shelter under your wings;

they will eat their fill from the riches of your house,

drink all they want from the stream of your joy.

For with you is the spring of life-giving water.

In your light, we shall see the true light.

Hold out your mercy to those who know you,

and offer your justice to the upright in heart.

Let me not be crushed under the heels of the proud,

nor dispossessed by the hands of sinners.

The doers of evil have fallen where they stood,

they are cast down and cannot rise.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 19, 202212:58
Lunes, Mayo 16 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 5to Lunes de Pascua

Lunes, Mayo 16 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 5to Lunes de Pascua

5to Lunes de Pascua

Hb 8, 1b-3a   Tenemos un sumo sacerdote que está sentado a la diestra del trono de la Majestad en los cielos. Él es ministro del santuario y de la verdadera Tienda de Reunión, que fue fabricada por el Señor y no por hombre alguno. Todo sumo sacerdote es instituido para ofrecer oblaciones y sacrificios.

No temáis, yo he vencido al mundo. Aleluya.


Al Señor me acojo, ¿por qué me decís:
«escapa como un pájaro al monte,
porque los malvados tensan el arco,
ajustan las saetas a la cuerda,
para disparar en la sombra contra los buenos?
Cuando fallan los cimientos,
¿qué podrá hacer el justo?»

Pero el Señor está en su templo santo,
el Señor tiene su trono en el cielo;
sus ojos están observando,
sus pupilas examinan a los hombres.

El Señor examina a inocentes y culpables,
y al que ama la violencia él lo detesta.
Hará llover sobre los malvados ascuas y azufre,
les tocará en suerte un viento huracanado.

Porque el Señor es justo y ama la justicia:
los buenos verán su rostro.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 16, 202212:51
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Monday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Monday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

5th Monday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Monday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Romans 10:8-10    The word is very near to you, it is on your lips and in your heart: the word, that is, of the faith we proclaim. If your lips confess that Jesus is Lord and if you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, then you will be saved. By believing from the heart you are made righteous; by confessing with your lips you are saved.

1 Chronicle 29

To God alone be honor and glory

Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all, alleluia.

Blessed are you, Lord, God of our father Israel,

through all the ages.

All power and greatness are yours, O God;

glory, splendor, and majesty.

All things are yours, in the heavens and on the earth;

you rule over them, Lord, you are high above them all.

All riches and glory come from you,

you rule over all things.

In your hand lie strength and power,

your hand raises all things and sets them firm.

So now, our God, we give you thanks

and praise your glorious name.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 16, 202212:18
Domingo, Mayo 15 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 5to Domingo de Pascua

Domingo, Mayo 15 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 5to Domingo de Pascua

5to Domingo de Pascua

Domingo, Mayo 15 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

Hb 10, 12-14   Cristo, habiendo ofrecido un solo sacrificio en expiación de los pecados, está sentado para siempre a la diestra de Dios, y espera el tiempo que falta «hasta que sus enemigos sean puestos por escabel de sus pies». Así, con una sola oblación, ha llevado para siempre a la perfección en la gloria a los que ha santificado.

Resucitó el Señor y está sentado a la derecha del Padre. Aleluya.

Nos ha sacado del dominio de las tinieblas y nos ha trasladado al reino de su Hijo. Aleluya.


Cuando Israel salió de Egipto,
los hijos de Jacob de un pueblo balbuciente,
Judá fue su santuario,
Israel fue su dominio.

El mar, al verlos, huyó,
el Jordán se echó atrás;
los montes saltaron como carneros;
las colinas, como corderos.

¿Qué te pasa, mar, que huyes,
y a ti, Jordán, que te echas atrás?
¿Y a vosotros, montes, que saltáis como carneros;
colinas, que saltáis como corderos?

En presencia del Señor se estremece la tierra,
en presencia del Dios de Jacob;
que transforma las peñas en estanques,
el pedernal en manantiales de agua.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 15, 202217:36
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Sunday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Sunday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

5th Sunday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 5th Sunday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Acts 10:40-43    God raised Jesus to life on the third day and allowed him to be seen, not by the whole people but only by certain witnesses God had chosen beforehand. Now we are those witnesses – we have eaten and drunk with him after his resurrection from the dead – and he has ordered us to proclaim this to his people and to tell them that God has appointed him to judge everyone, alive or dead. It is to him that all the prophets bear this witness: that all who believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven through his name.

Psalm 149
The saints rejoice

Let the saints rejoice in glory. Alleluia.

Sing a new song to the Lord,

his praise in the assembly of the faithful.

Let Israel rejoice in its maker,

and the sons of Zion delight in their king.

Let them praise his name with dancing,

sing to him with timbrel and lyre,

for the Lord’s favor is upon his people,

and he will honor the humble with victory.

Let the faithful celebrate his glory,

rejoice even in their beds,

the praise of God in their throats;

and swords ready in their hands,

to exact vengeance upon the nations,

impose punishment on the people,

to bind their kings in fetters

and their nobles in manacles of iron,

to carry out the sentence that has been passed:

this is the glory prepared for all his faithful.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 15, 202216:14
Sábado, Mayo 14 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 4to Sábado de Pascua

Sábado, Mayo 14 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 4to Sábado de Pascua

4to Sábado de Pascua

Sábado, Mayo 14 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

1Pe 2, 9-10   Vosotros sois linaje escogido, sacerdocio regio, nación santa, pueblo adquirido por Dios para proclamar las hazañas del que os llamó a salir de la tiniebla y a entrar en su luz maravillosa. Vosotros, que en otro tiempo no erais pueblo, sois ahora pueblo de Dios; vosotros, que estabais excluidos de la misericordia, sois ahora objeto de la misericordia de Dios.

El alzar de mis manos suba a ti, Señor, como ofrenda de la tarde. Aleluya.

Me sacaste de la prisión: por eso doy gracias a tu nombre. Aleluya.


A voz en grito clamo al Señor,
a voz en grito suplico al Señor;
desahogo ante él mis afanes,
expongo ante él mi angustia,
mientras me va faltando el aliento.

Pero tú conoces mis senderos,
y que en el camino por donde avanzo
me han escondido una trampa.

Me vuelvo a la derecha y miro:
nadie me hace caso;
no tengo adónde huir,
nadie mira por mi vida.

A ti grito, Señor;
te digo: «Tú eres mi refugio
y mi heredad en el país de la vida.»

Atiende a mis clamores,
que estoy agotado;
líbrame de mis perseguidores,
que son más fuertes que yo.

Sácame de la prisión,
y daré gracias a tu nombre:
me rodearán los justos
cuando me devuelvas tu favor.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 14, 202215:18
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 4th Saturday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 4th Saturday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

4th Saturday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 4th Saturday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Ephesians 2:19-22    You are no longer aliens or foreign visitors: you are citizens like all the saints, and part of God’s household. You are part of a building with the apostles and prophets as its foundations, and Christ Jesus himself as to its main cornerstone. As every structure is aligned on him, all grow into one holy temple in the Lord; and you too, in him, are being built into a house where God lives, in the Spirit.


The Messiah and his forerunner

One of those who were with us when the Lord Jesus was traveling around with us must be chosen to act with us as a witness to his resurrection. Alleluia.

Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,

for he has come to his people and brought about their redemption.

He has raised up the sign of salvation

in the house of his servant David,

as he promised through the mouth of the holy ones,

his prophets through the ages:

to rescue us from our enemies

and all who hate us,

to take pity on our fathers,

to remember his holy covenant

and the oath he swore to Abraham our father,

that he would give himself to us,

that we could serve him without fear

– freed from the hands of our enemies –

in uprightness and holiness before him,

for all of our days.

And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest:

for you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare his path,

to let his people know their salvation,

so that their sins may be forgiven.

Through the bottomless mercy of our God,

one born on high will visit us

to give light to those who walk in darkness,

who live in the shadow of death;

to lead our feet in the path of peace.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 14, 202215:24
Viernes, Mayo 06 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er Viernes de Pascua

Viernes, Mayo 06 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er Viernes de Pascua

3er Viernes de Pascua

Viernes, Mayo 06 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er 

Hb 5, 8-10   Cristo, aunque era Hijo de Dios, aprendió por experiencia, en sus padecimientos, la obediencia, y, habiendo así llegado hasta la plena consumación, se convirtió en causa de salvación para todos los que lo obedecen, proclamado por Dios sumo sacerdote «según el rito de Melquisedec».

Yo, el Señor, soy el que te salva y el que te rescata. Aleluya.

Ant 2. Bendito el reino que viene de nuestro padre David. Aleluya.

Salmo 134 II.

Señor, tu nombre es eterno;
Señor, tu recuerdo de edad en edad.
Porque el Señor gobierna a su pueblo
y se compadece de sus siervos.

Los ídolos de los gentiles son oro y plata,
hechura de manos humanas:
tienen boca y no hablan,
tienen ojos y no ven,

tienen orejas y no oyen,
no hay aliento en sus bocas.
Sean lo mismo los que los hacen,
cuantos confían en ellos.

Casa de Israel, bendice al Señor;
casa de Aarón, bendice al Señor;
casa de Leví, bendice al Señor;
fieles del Señor, bendecid al Señor.

Bendito en Sión el Señor,
que habita en Jerusalén.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 06, 202216:14
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Friday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Friday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

3rd Friday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Friday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Acts 5:30-32    It was the God of our ancestors who raised up Jesus, but it was you who had him executed by hanging on a tree. By his own right hand, God has now raised him up to be leader and savior, to give repentance and forgiveness of sins through him to Israel. We are witnesses to all this, we and the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.

Jeremiah 14

Lamentation of the people in the time of famine and war

Christ bore our sins in His own body on the cross. Alleluia.

Let my eyes shed tears, night and day, let them never cease,

for the daughter of my people is afflicted with a great affliction,

with the worst of all wounds.

If I go out into the fields – behold, those slain by the sword;

if I go into the city – behold, those wasted by famine.

Prophet and priest go through the land, they know nothing.

Surely you have not rejected Judah, thrust him from you?

Surely Zion has not become hateful to your heart?

Why have you struck us down beyond all hope of healing?

We have looked for peace, but no good came;

we have looked for the time of healing, but trouble came instead.

We acknowledge, O Lord, our wickedness, and the evil done by our fathers:

we acknowledge that we have sinned.

Do not make us a reproach, for your name’s sake,

and do not make us a disgrace before the throne of your glory.

Remember the covenant you made with us: do not bring it to an end.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 06, 202213:54
Jueves, Mayo 05 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er Jueves de Pascua

Jueves, Mayo 05 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er Jueves de Pascua

3er Jueves de Pascua

1Pe 3, 18. 21b-22    Cristo murió por los pecados una vez para siempre: el inocente por los culpables, para conduciros a Dios. Como era hombre, lo mataron; pero, como poseía el Espíritu, fue devuelto a la vida. Lo que actualmente os salva no consiste en limpiar una suciedad corporal, sino en impetrar de Dios una conciencia pura, por la resurrección de Jesucristo, que llegó al cielo, se le sometieron ángeles autoridades y poderes, y está a la derecha de Dios.

El Señor Dios le ha dado el trono de David, su padre. Aleluya.

Ant 2. Jesucristo es el único Soberano, el Rey de los reyes y el Señor de los señores. Aleluya.

Salmo 131

El Señor ha jurado a David
una promesa que no retractará:
«A uno de tu linaje
pondré sobre tu trono.

Si tus hijos guardan mi alianza
y los mandatos que les enseño,
también sus hijos, por siempre,
se sentarán sobre tu trono.»

Porque el Señor ha elegido a Sión,
ha deseado vivir en ella:
«Ésta es mi mansión por siempre,
aquí viviré, porque la deseo.

Bendeciré sus provisiones,
a sus pobres los saciaré de pan;
vestiré a sus sacerdotes de gala,
y sus fieles aclamarán con vítores.

Haré germinar el vigor de David,
enciendo una lámpara para mi Ungido.
A sus enemigos los vestiré de ignominia,
sobre él brillará mi diadema.»

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 06, 202216:13
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Thursday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Thursday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

3rd Thursday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Thursday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Romans 8:10-11    Though your body may be dead it is because of sin, but if Christ is in you then your spirit is life itself because you have been justified; and if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, then he who raised Jesus from the dead will give life to your own mortal bodies through his Spirit living in you.

Isaiah 40

The good shepherd is God, the Most High

He will tend his flock like a shepherd and carry them in his arms. Alleluia.

Behold, the Lord God comes in strength, and his right arm triumphs.

Behold, his reward is with him, his prize is before him.

Like a shepherd he feeds his flock,

he gathers the lambs in his arms and lifts them to his breast;

he carries the pregnant ewes.

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand

and arranged the heavens with his palms?

Who has measured the dust of the earth,

weighed out the mountains,

weighed the hills on the balance?

Who directed the spirit of the Lord?

Who gave him advice in his task?

With whom did he consult? Who taught him?

Who led him in the paths of justice,

gave him knowledge,

showed him the way of understanding?

Behold, the Gentiles are like a drop in a bucket,

a piece of fluff on the scales.

All the islands are a handful of dust.

What burnt-offering could be worthy of the Lord?

The forests of Lebanon could not feed that fire;

all the animals of Lebanon would not be enough for that sacrifice.

All the nations count for nothing before him:

for him, they are nothingness and emptiness.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 06, 202214:10
Miércoles, Mayo 04 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er Miércoles de Pascua

Miércoles, Mayo 04 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er Miércoles de Pascua

3er Miércoles de Pascua

Miércoles, Mayo 04 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 

Hb 7, 24-27   Jesús, como permanece para siempre, tiene un sacerdocio eterno. De aquí que tiene poder para llevar a la salvación definitiva a cuantos por él se vayan acercando a Dios, porque vive para siempre para interceder por ellos. Y tal era precisamente el sumo sacerdote que nos convenía: santo, sin maldad, sin mancha, excluido del número de los pecadores y exaltado más alto que los cielos. No tiene necesidad, como los sumos sacerdotes, de ofrecer víctimas cada día, primero por sus propios pecados y luego por los del pueblo. Esto lo hizo una vez por todas, ofreciéndose a sí mismo.

Vuestra tristeza se convertirá en gozo. Aleluya.

Ya vivamos, ya muramos, del Señor somos. Aleluya.


Si el Señor no construye la casa,
en vano se cansan los albañiles;
si el Señor no guarda la ciudad,
en vano vigilan los centinelas.

Es inútil que madruguéis,
que veléis hasta muy tarde,
los que coméis el pan de vuestros sudores:
¡Dios lo da a sus amigos mientras duermen!

La herencia que da el Señor son los hijos;
una recompensa es el fruto de las entrañas:
son saetas en mano de un guerrero
los hijos de la juventud.

Dichoso el hombre que llena
con ellas su aljaba:
no quedará derrotado cuando litigue
con su adversario en la plaza.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 05, 202219:30
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Wednesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Wednesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

3rd Wednesday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Wednesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Romans 6:8-11    We believe that having died with Christ we shall return to life with him: Christ, as we know, having been raised from the dead will never die again. Death has no power over him anymore. When he died, he died, once for all, to sin, so his life now is life with God; and in that way, you too must consider yourselves to be dead to sin but alive for God in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 97
The Lord has brought salvation

All men will see the salvation of our God. Alleluia.

Sing a new song to the Lord,

for he has worked wonders.

His right hand, his holy arm,

has brought him victory.

The Lord has shown his saving power,

and before all nations, he has shown his justice.

He has remembered to show his kindness

and his faithfulness to the house of Israel.

The farthest ends of the earth

have seen the saving power of our God.

Rejoice in God, all the earth.

Break forth in triumph and song!

Sing to the Lord on the lyre,

with the lyre, and with music.

With trumpets and the sound of the horn,

sound jubilation to the Lord, our king.

Let the sea resound in its fullness,

all the earth, and all its inhabitants.

The rivers will clap their hands,

and the mountains will exult at the presence of the Lord,

for he comes to judge the earth.

He will judge all the world injustice,

and the people with fairness.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 05, 202215:21
Martes, Mayo 03 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er Martes de Pascua

Martes, Mayo 03 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er Martes de Pascua

3er Martes de Pascua

Martes, Mayo 03 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 

Ef 4, 11-13   Cristo ha constituido a unos, apóstoles; a otros, profetas; a otros, evangelistas; a otros, pastores y doctores, para el perfeccionamiento de los fieles, en función de su ministerio, y para la edificación del cuerpo de Cristo; hasta que lleguemos todos a la unidad en la fe y en el conocimiento del Hijo de Dios, al hombre perfecto, a la medida de Cristo en su plenitud.

Felipe, el que me ve, ve también a mi Padre. Aleluya.


Tenía fe, aun cuando dije:
«¡Qué desgraciado soy!»
Yo decía en mi apuro:
«Los hombres son unos mentirosos.»

¿Cómo pagaré al Señor
todo el bien que me ha hecho?
Alzaré la copa de la salvación,
invocando su nombre.
Cumpliré al Señor mis votos
en presencia de todo el pueblo.

Vale mucho a los ojos del Señor
la vida de sus fieles.
Señor, yo soy tu siervo,
siervo tuyo, hijo de tu esclava:
rompiste mis cadenas.

Te ofreceré un sacrificio de alabanza,
invocando tu nombre, Señor.
Cumpliré al Señor mis votos
en presencia de todo el pueblo,
en el atrio de la casa del Señor,
en medio de ti, Jerusalén.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 03, 202216:44
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Tuesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Tuesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

3rd Tuesday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Tuesday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Ephesians 2:19-22   You are no longer aliens or foreign visitors: you are citizens like all the saints, and part of God’s household. You are part of a building that has the apostles and prophets as its foundations, and Christ Jesus himself as to its main cornerstone. As every structure is aligned on him, all grow into one holy temple in the Lord; and you too, in him, are being built into a house where God lives, in the Spirit.

Psalm 62
Thirsting for God

Lord, let us see the father, and then we shall be satisfied. Alleluia.

O God, you are my God, I watch for you from the dawn.

My soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you.

I came to your sanctuary,

as one in a parched and waterless land,

so that I could see your might and your glory.

My lips will praise you, for your mercy is better than life itself.

Thus I will bless you throughout my life,

and raise my hands in prayer to your name;

my soul will be filled as if by rich food,

and my mouth will sing your praises and rejoice.

I will remember you as I lie in bed,

I will think of you in the morning,

for you have been my helper,

and I will take joy in the protection of your wings.

My soul clings to you; your right-hand raises me up.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 03, 202216:39
Lunes, Mayo 02 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er Lunes de Pascua

Lunes, Mayo 02 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er Lunes de Pascua

3er Lunes de Pascua

Lunes, Mayo 02 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er Lunes de Pascua

St 3, 17-18   La sabiduría que viene de arriba ante todo es pura y, además, es amante de la paz, comprensiva, dócil, llena de misericordia y buenas obras, constante, sincera. Los que procuran la paz están sembrando la paz; y su fruto es la justicia.

Cuando yo sea elevado sobre la tierra, atraeré a todos hacia mí. Aleluya.


Bendito sea Dios,
Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo,
que nos ha bendecido en la persona de Cristo
con toda clase de bienes espirituales y celestiales.

El nos eligió en la persona de Cristo,
antes de crear el mundo,
para que fuésemos consagrados
e irreprochables ante él por el amor.

Él nos ha destinado en la persona de Cristo,
por pura iniciativa suya,
a ser sus hijos,
para que la gloria de su gracia,
que tan generosamente nos ha concedido
en su querido Hijo,
redunde en alabanza suya.

Por este Hijo, por su sangre,
hemos recibido la redención,
el perdón de los pecados.
El tesoro de su gracia, sabiduría y prudencia
ha sido un derroche para con nosotros,
dándonos a conocer el misterio de su voluntad.

Éste es el plan
que había proyectado realizar por Cristo
cuando llegase el momento culminante:
hacer que todas las cosas tuviesen a Cristo por cabeza,
las del cielo y las de la tierra.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 03, 202214:51
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Monday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Monday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

3rd Monday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Monday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Wisdom 7:13-14     What I learned without self-interest, I pass on without reserve; I do not intend to hide her riches. For she is an inexhaustible treasure to men, and those who acquire her win God’s friendship, commended as they are to him by the benefits of her teaching.

Psalm 95
The Lord, the universal King, and judge

Proclaim to the nations, ‘God is king,’ alleluia.

Sing a new song to the Lord,

sing to the Lord, all the earth.

Sing to the Lord, bless his name;

day after day, proclaim his saving power.

Proclaim his glory to the nations,

proclaim to all peoples the wonders he has done.

For the Lord is great; great is the praise we owe him,

he is to be feared above all gods.

The gods of the nations are fools,

but the Lord made the heavens.

Majesty and splendor are all about him,

power and honor in his holy place.

Bring to the Lord, clans of the peoples,

bring to the Lord glory and power,

bring to the Lord the glory that belongs to his name.

Bring your offerings, enter his courts,

worship the Lord in holy attire.

Tremble at his presence, all the earth.

Say to the nations: “The Lord reigns!”

For he has set the world firm so that it cannot be shaken,

and he will judge the people with fairness.

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad,

let the sea and its fullness resound.

The fields will rejoice, and all that is in them,

all the trees of the woods will rejoice

at the Lord’s presence – for he comes,

for he comes to judge the earth.

He will judge all the world with justice.

He will judge all the people with fairness.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 02, 202213:39
Domingo, Mayo 01 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er Domingo de Pascua

Domingo, Mayo 01 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 3er Domingo de Pascua

3er Domingo de Pascua

Domingo, Mayo 01 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

Hb 10, 12-14   Cristo, habiendo ofrecido un solo sacrificio en expiación de los pecados, está sentado para siempre a la diestra de Dios, y espera el tiempo que falta «hasta que sus enemigos sean puestos por escabel de sus pies». Así, con una sola oblación, ha llevado para siempre a la perfección en la gloria a los que ha santificado.

El Señor envió la redención a su pueblo. Aleluya.


Doy gracias al Señor de todo corazón,
en compañía de los rectos, en la asamblea.
Grandes son las obras del Señor,
dignas de estudio para los que las aman.

Esplendor y belleza son su obra,
su generosidad dura por siempre;
ha hecho maravillas memorables,
el Señor es piadoso y clemente.

Él da alimento a sus fieles,
recordando siempre su alianza;
mostró a su pueblo la fuerza de su poder,
dándoles la heredad de los gentiles.

Justicia y verdad son las obras de sus manos,
todos sus preceptos merecen confianza:
son estables para siempre jamás,
se han de cumplir con verdad y rectitud.

Envió la redención a su pueblo,
ratificó para siempre su alianza,
su nombre es sagrado y temible.

Primicia de la sabiduría es el temor del Señor,
tienen buen juicio los que lo practican;
la alabanza del Señor dura por siempre.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

May 02, 202217:07
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Sunday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Sunday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

3rd Sunday of Easter

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 3rd Sunday of Easter Lauds Morning Prayer

Acts 10:40-43    God raised Jesus to life on the third day and allowed him to be seen, not by the whole people but only by certain witnesses God had chosen beforehand. Now we are those witnesses – we have eaten and drunk with him after his resurrection from the dead – and he has ordered us to proclaim this to his people and to tell them that God has appointed him to judge everyone, alive or dead. It is to him that all the prophets bear this witness: that all who believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven through his name.

Psalm 148
An anthem to the Lord, the Creator

The name of the Lord is praised, in heaven and on earth. Alleluia.

Praise the Lord from the heavens,

praise Him in the highest heavens.

Praise him, all his angels;

praise him, all his powers.

Praise him, sun and moon,

praise him, all stars that shine.

Praise him, waters of the heavens,

and all the waters above the heavens.

Let them praise the name of the Lord,

for he commanded and they were made.

He set them firm for all ages,

he made a decree that will last forever.

Praise the Lord from the earth,

sea-serpents and depths of the sea,

fire, hail, snow and fog,

storms and gales that obey his word,

mountains and hills,

fruit trees and cedars,

wild beasts and tame,

serpents and birds.

Kings of the earth, all peoples,

all leaders and judges of the earth,

young men and women,

old people with the young –

praise the name of the Lord,

for his name alone is exalted.

His splendor is above heaven and earth,

he has raised up the strength of his people.

This song is for all his chosen ones,

the children of Israel, the people close to him.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


May 01, 202214:28
Sábado, Abril 29 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 2ndo Sábado de Pascua

Sábado, Abril 29 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 2ndo Sábado de Pascua

2ndo Sábado de Pascua

Sábado, Abril 29 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

1Pe 2, 9-10   Vosotros sois linaje escogido, sacerdocio regio, nación santa, pueblo adquirido por Dios para proclamar las hazañas del que os llamó a salir de la tiniebla y a entrar en su luz maravillosa. Vosotros, que en otro tiempo no erais pueblo, sois ahora pueblo de Dios; vosotros, que estabais excluidos de la misericordia, sois ahora objeto de la misericordia de Dios.

El Señor elevado sobre todos los cielos levanta del polvo al desvalido. Aleluya.


Alabad, siervos del Señor,
alabad el nombre del Señor.
Bendito sea el nombre del Señor,
ahora y por siempre:
de la salida del sol hasta su ocaso,
alabado sea el nombre del Señor.

El Señor se eleva sobre todos los pueblos,
su gloria sobre los cielos.
¿Quién como el Señor Dios nuestro,
que se eleva en su trono
y se abaja para mirar
al cielo y a la tierra?

Levanta del polvo al desvalido,
alza de la basura al pobre,
para sentarlo con los príncipes,
los príncipes de su pueblo;
a la estéril le da un puesto en la casa,
como madre feliz de hijos.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

Ant. El Señor elevado sobre todos los cielos levanta del polvo al desvalido. Aleluya!

Apr 30, 202215:02
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Saturday Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Saturday Lauds Morning Prayer

2nd Eastertide Saturday

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Saturday Lauds Morning Prayer

Romans 14:7-9    The life and death of each of us have its influence on others; if we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord, so that alive or dead we belong to the Lord. This explains why Christ both died and came to life: it was so that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.

Psalm 8
The greatness of God, the dignity of man

With glory and honor, you crowned your Anointed One, alleluia.

How wonderful is your name over all the earth,

O Lord, our Lord!

How exalted is your glory

above the sky!

Out of the mouths of children and infants, you have brought praise,

to confound your enemies, to destroy your vengeful foes.

When I see the heavens, the work of your fingers,

the moon and stars, which you set in their place –

what is man, that you should take thought for him?

what is the son of man, that you should look after him?

You have made him but one step lower than the angels;

you have crowned him with glory and honor;

you have set him over the works of your hands.

You have put everything beneath his feet,

cattle and sheep and the beasts of the field,

the birds in the air and the fish in the sea,

whatever passes along the paths of the waters.

How wonderful is your name above all the earth,

O Lord, our Lord!

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


Apr 30, 202214:38
Viernes, Abril 29 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 2ndo Viernes de Pascua

Viernes, Abril 29 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 2ndo Viernes de Pascua

2ndo Viernes de Pascua

Viernes, Abril 29 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

1Co 7, 32. 34   El célibe se preocupa de los asuntos del Señor, buscando contentar al Señor; lo mismo, la mujer sin marido y la soltera se preocupan de los asuntos del Señor, consagrándose a ellos en cuerpo y alma.

El Señor ha salvado mi vida de los lazos del abismo. Aleluya.


Amo al Señor, porque escucha
mi voz suplicante,
porque inclina su oído hacia mí
el día que lo invoco.

Me envolvían redes de muerte,
me alcanzaron los lazos del abismo,
caí en tristeza y angustia.
Invoqué el nombre del Señor:
«Señor, salva mi vida.»

El Señor es benigno y justo,
nuestro Dios es compasivo;
el Señor guarda a los sencillos:
estando yo sin fuerzas me salvó.

Alma mía, recobra tu calma,
que el Señor fue bueno contigo:
arrancó mi vida de la muerte,
mis ojos de las lágrimas,
mis pies de la caída.

Caminaré en presencia del Señor
en el país de la vida.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

Apr 30, 202212:52
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Friday Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Friday Lauds Morning Prayer

2nd Eastertide Friday

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Friday Lauds Morning Prayer

Song of Songs 8:7   Love is something that no flood can quench, no torrents drown. Were a man to offer all the wealth of his house to buy love, contempt is all he would purchase.

Habakkuk 3

The Lord will appear in judgment

Lord, you came with the strength to save your people; you came with your Anointed One, alleluia.

Lord, I heard what you gave me to hear,

and I was struck with awe of your work.

In the midst of the years, bring it to life;

in the midst of the years, you will make it known.

When you are angry, you will remember your mercy.

God will come from Theman,

the holy one from the mountain of Pharan.

His glory has covered the heavens

and the earth is full of his praise.

His brightness shall be like light itself,

rays shining from his hands –

there is his strength hidden.

You went forth for the salvation of the people,

for salvation with your anointed one.

You made a way through the sea for your horses,

in the silt of many waters.

I have heard you, Lord,

and my stomach churns within me;

at the sound of your voice, my lips tremble.

My bones rot away, and my steps stumble.

I will rest and be quiet on the day of tribulation

and let it overtake those who have invaded us.

For the fig will not flower,

the vines will not fruit,

and the work of the olive will be lost.

The fields will yield no food,

the flocks will be cut off from the sheepfold,

and there will be no cattle in the stalls.

But I will rejoice in the Lord, take joy in God my savior.

The Lord God is my strength.

He will make me as sure-footed as the deer.

He will lead me up to the heights.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


Apr 29, 202214:02
Jueves, Abril 28 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 2ndo Jueves de Pascua

Jueves, Abril 28 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 2ndo Jueves de Pascua

2ndo Jueves de Pascua

Jueves, Abril 28 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

1Pe 3, 18. 21b-22   Cristo murió por los pecados una vez para siempre: el inocente por los culpables, para conduciros a Dios. Como era hombre, lo mataron; pero, como poseía el Espíritu, fue devuelto a la vida. Lo que actualmente os salva no consiste en limpiar una suciedad corporal, sino en impetrar de Dios una conciencia pura, por la resurrección de Jesucristo, que llegó al cielo, se le sometieron ángeles autoridades y poderes, y está a la derecha de Dios.

Él será la bendición de todos los pueblos. Aleluya.

Salmo 71

Él librará al pobre que clamaba,
al afligido que no tenía protector;
él se apiadará del pobre y del indigente,
y salvará la vida de los pobres;

él rescatará sus vidas de la violencia,
su sangre será preciosa a sus ojos.

Que viva y que le traigan el oro de Saba;
él intercederá por el pobre
y lo bendecirá.

Que haya trigo abundante en los campos,
y ondee en lo alto de los montes,
den fruto como el Líbano,
y broten las espigas como hierba del campo.

Que su nombre sea eterno,
y su fama dure como el sol;
que él sea la bendición de todos los pueblos,
y lo proclamen dichoso todas las razas de la tierra.

Bendito sea el Señor, Dios de Israel,
el único que hace maravillas;
bendito por siempre su nombre glorioso,
que su gloria llene la tierra.
¡Amén, amén!

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

Apr 29, 202218:58
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Thursday Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Thursday Lauds Morning Prayer

2nd Eastertide Thursday

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Thursday Lauds Morning Prayer

Romans 8:10-11    Though your body may be dead it is because of sin, but if Christ is in you then your spirit is life itself because you have been justified; and if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, then he who raised Jesus from the dead will give life to your own mortal bodies through his Spirit living in you.

Psalm 80 (81)
Solemn renewal of the covenant

The Lord has fed us with the finest wheat, alleluia.

Shout with joy to God our helper,

rejoice in the God of Jacob.

Take up the song, sound the timbrel,

play on the lyre and the harp.

At the start of the month, sound the trumpet,

at the full moon, at our festival.

For this is the law for Israel,

the decree of the God of Jacob.

He gave it to Joseph, as a witness

when he went out of the land of Egypt;

with words that had never been heard:

“I freed his back from burdens;

his hands were freed from heavy loads.

In your tribulation, you called on me and I freed you,

I heard you from the heart of the storm,

I tested you at the waters of Meribah.

Listen, my people, and I will put my case –

Israel, if you would only hear me!

You shall not have any strange god,

you shall not worship the gods of foreigners.

For I am the Lord, your God,

who led you out of the land of Egypt.

Open wide your mouth and I shall fill it.

But my people did not hear my voice:

Israel did not turn to me.

So I let them go on in the hardness of their hearts,

and follow their own counsels.

If my people had heard me,

if only they had walked in my ways –

I would swiftly have crushed their enemies,

stretched my hand over those who persecuted them.

The enemies of the Lord would be overcome with weakness,

Israel would be a good fortune, forever:

I would feed them full of the richest wheat

and give them honey from the rock,

to their heart’s content.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


Apr 28, 202213:53
Miércoles, Abril 27 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 2ndo Miércoles de Pascua

Miércoles, Abril 27 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 2ndo Miércoles de Pascua

2ndo Miércoles de Pascua

Miércoles, Abril 27 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

1Pe 5, 1-4   A los presbíteros en esa comunidad, yo, presbítero como ellos, testigo de los sufrimientos de Cristo y partícipe de la gloria que va a descubrirse, os exhorto: Sed pastores del rebaño de Dios a vuestro cargo, gobernándolo, no a la fuerza, sino de buena gana, como Dios quiere, no por sórdida ganancia, sino con generosidad, no como dominadores sobre la heredad de Dios, sino convirtiéndoos en modelos del rebaño. Y, cuando aparezca el supremo Pastor, recibiréis la corona de gloria que no se marchita.

Mis ovejas escucharán mi voz, y habrá un solo rebaño y un solo pastor. Aleluya.


Grandes y maravillosas son tus obras,
Señor, Dios omnipotente,
justos y verdaderos tus caminos,
¡oh Rey de los siglos!

¿Quién no temerá, Señor,
y glorificará tu nombre?
Porque tú solo eres santo,
porque vendrán todas las naciones
y se postrarán en tu acatamiento,
porque tus juicios se hicieron manifiestos.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

Apr 28, 202215:27
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Wednesday Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Wednesday Lauds Morning Prayer

2nd Eastertide Wednesday

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Wednesday Lauds Morning Prayer

Romans 6:8-11    We believe that having died with Christ we shall return to life with him: Christ, as we know, having been raised from the dead will never die again. Death has no power over him anymore. When he died, he died, once for all, to sin, so his life now is life with God; and in that way, you too must consider yourselves to be dead to sin but alive for God in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 76 (77)
Remembering the works of the Lord

The waters saw you, O God: you led your people through the sea. Alleluia.

I cried out loud to the Lord,

cried out to God, and he turned to me.

In my time of trouble I sought for God,

my hands stretched out all night long,

tireless in supplication.

My soul will not be consoled:

I think of God, and I sigh;

I meditate, and my spirit fails.

You have kept me awake, my eyes open;

in my distress, I did not speak.

I pondered on the days of old,

thought through the immemorial years.

In the night I meditated in my heart.

I was troubled, and I asked my soul:

Will God reject you forever,

will he never again take you in his favor?

Has his kindness ended forever,

his word come to an end for all generations?

Will God forget to show mercy,

will he lock up his mercies in his anger?

And I said, “I am wounded indeed,

that the Highest has changed.”

I will remember the works of the Lord.

I will remember your wonders, from the beginning.

I will ponder on all you have done,

and think deeply through all your great deeds.

O God, your ways are holy:

what god is as great as our God?

You are God, you work wonders,

and you made known your strength to your people.

By your own action, you redeemed your people,

the children of Jacob and of Joseph.

The waters saw you, O God,

the waters saw you and writhed,

stirred up even to their depths.

The clouds poured down water,

the clouds sounded their voice,

your arrows shot forth.

Your voice thundered in the whirlwind,

your lightning lit up the world,

the earth trembled and shook.

Your way led through the sea,

your paths through the great waters,

your steps left no trace behind them.

You led your people like a flock,

by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


Apr 27, 202214:56
Martes, Abril 26 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 2ndo Martes de Pascua

Martes, Abril 26 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas 2ndo Martes de Pascua

 2ndo Martes de Pascua

Martes, Abril 26 - 2022 Visperas Liturgia de Las Horas

1Pe 2, 4-5   Acercándoos al Señor, la piedra viva, rechazada por los hombres, pero escogida y apreciada por Dios, también vosotros, como piedras vivas, entráis en la construcción del templo del Espíritu, formando un sacerdocio sagrado, para ofrecer sacrificios espirituales que Dios acepta por Jesucristo.

Aspirad a los bienes de arriba, no a los de la tierra. Aleluya.

El Señor me salva de las garras del abismo. Aleluya.

Salmo 48

Éste es el camino de los confiados,
el destino de los hombres satisfechos:

son un rebaño para el abismo,
la muerte es su pastor,
y bajan derechos a la tumba;
se desvanece su figura
y el abismo es su casa.

Pero a mí, Dios me salva,
me saca de las garras del abismo
y me lleva consigo.

No te preocupes si se enriquece un hombre
y aumenta el fasto de su casa:
cuando muera, no se llevará nada,
su fasto no bajará con él.

Aunque en vida se felicitaba:
«Ponderan lo bien que lo pasas»,
irá a reunirse con sus antepasados,
que no verán nunca la luz.

El hombre rico e inconsciente
es como un animal que perece.

Gloria al Padre, y al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo.
Como era en el principio, ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén!

Apr 27, 202215:22
Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Tuesday Lauds Morning Prayer

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Tuesday Lauds Morning Prayer

2nd Eastertide Tuesday

Let´s Pray The Liturgy of The Hours 2nd Eastertide Tuesday Lauds Morning Prayer

Acts 13:30-33    God raised Jesus from the dead, and for many days he appeared to those who had accompanied him from Galilee to Jerusalem: and it is these same companions of his who are now his witnesses before our people. We have come here to tell you the Good News. It was to our ancestors that God made the promise but it is to us, their children, that he has fulfilled it, by raising Jesus from the dead. As scripture says in the second psalm: You are my son: today I have become your father.

Psalm 64 (65)
A solemn thanksgiving

You care for the earth, you give it water. Alleluia.

To you we owe praise, O God, in Zion;

to you we will fulfil our vows, in Jerusalem.

It is you who answer prayers:

to you must all men come,

because we are sinners;

even if our transgressions overwhelm us,

you will blot them out.

Blessed is the man you have taken up and chosen:

he will live within your halls.

We shall be filled with the good things of your house,

with the holiness of your temple.

Marvellous is the justice with which you listen to us,

God of our salvation,

hope of all the earth and far-off coasts.

You make firm the mountains in their place,

clothed in your power and might.

You make still the roaring of the sea,

the crash of its waves; and the tumult of the peoples.

Those who live at the ends of the earth

will tremble at your wonders.

You will fill the east and the west with joy.

You have come to the earth, you have filled it,

saturated it with fruitfulness.

The river of God is filled with water,

as you prepare the harvest:

for thus you have prepared the land,

watering its furrows,

smoothing its roughnesses,

softening it with showers,

blessing the seeds within it.

You have crowned the year with your kindness.

Your footsteps will drip with fruitfulness.

The desert pastures will be soaked,

the hills will be wrapped in rejoicing.

The fields will be clothed with flocks,

the vales overflow with corn.

They will cry out, and sing your praise.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end.


Apr 26, 202215:49