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By Fredred Jones

We talk about life as it effects people. We study the Bible and quote scriptures from a biblical point of view of life.
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Acts 3:8

J-MEDICALSep 03, 2022

In times of grief

In times of grief

When the family come together to grieve for the loss of a loved one of the youngest one.
Mar 18, 202307:11
Romans 12:12

Romans 12:12

God hears you
Feb 07, 202303:15
Luke 18:35-43

Luke 18:35-43

A blind man's plea
Feb 04, 202303:40
Luke 6:46-49

Luke 6:46-49

The house on the rock
Feb 03, 202303:54
1 Peter chapter 2:2-3

1 Peter chapter 2:2-3

The chewing years
Feb 02, 202303:52
Psalms 62:8

Psalms 62:8

Clocks and Calendars
Feb 01, 202304:10
Psalms 46 verse 10

Psalms 46 verse 10

What do you need to do to stop doing right now in order to find rest? How might you practice this
Jan 31, 202303:59
Just a sample

Just a sample

Sometimes life takes you for a curve and you have to put things down but I'm going to get back into the groove
Dec 19, 202201:23
God's law and his GRACE.

God's law and his GRACE.

Some people look at God's law and see it as a list of rules rules that not only limit personal freedom but are virtually impossible to keep some have pointed out God's law is simply the written expression of his character of love how could it possibly be against us.
Nov 20, 202218:32
Marriage, family, and the home

Marriage, family, and the home

Husband love your wives just as Christ also love the church and gave himself for her that he might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word and that he might present her to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that she should be holy and without blemish so husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies, he who loves his wife love himself.
Nov 20, 202230:12
What is God day of rest.

What is God day of rest.

And this section we will understand what God meant by resting on the Sabbath
Nov 10, 202210:44
The plan of salvation

The plan of salvation

And this is the testimony that God has given us eternal life and this life is in his son he who has the son has life he who does not have the son of God does not have life
Nov 09, 202208:44
Romans 5:12 Romans 6:23 1st Corinthians 15 and 22 John 1:12 Galatians 2 and 20

Romans 5:12 Romans 6:23 1st Corinthians 15 and 22 John 1:12 Galatians 2 and 20

The plan of salvation
Nov 03, 202207:45
Revelations 12:7-9

Revelations 12:7-9

I trouble the verse from Isaiah above says that sin began when Lucifer began to center his life and his thoughts not on God but himself I will ascend I will exalt I will also sit I will ascend I will be like the most high self exaltation a desire to brush God aside and be his own God.
Nov 01, 202206:54
Ephesians 4:2

Ephesians 4:2

How have differences between you and those close to you help you both grow? How can differences between church members help to develop godliness? Heavenly Father please help us use our differences to help us mature.
Oct 28, 202205:50
Reflection of what we already know

Reflection of what we already know

Can we also know the Holy Spirit.
Oct 26, 202205:15
Ezekiel 28:14-18

Ezekiel 28:14-18

With whom did sin originate.
Oct 25, 202205:55
Deuteronomy 31:8

Deuteronomy 31:8

When you endure a trials how do you trust in god? How could you share your stories of God's faithfulness with others?
Oct 21, 202206:20
Luke 10:27

Luke 10:27

How can you reach out to others in a neighborly way? What can you do for people in need around you?
Oct 19, 202206:34
Joel 1:19

Joel 1:19

Why do people turn to God when they face disaster? How can he use different time to draw us to himself?
Oct 17, 202206:51
Romans 11:33

Romans 11:33

What does it mean for you to be rich in God's love? How can you dig more for riches that last? Father God help me to seek out your wisdom and knowledge.
Oct 14, 202206:35
Esther 4:14

Esther 4:14

What might God be asking you to do? What tools have you already been given to answer the call?
Oct 13, 202207:28


How does pride hinder true prayer and the experience of God's grace? How have you experienced the freedom of humility through prayer?
Oct 12, 202207:07
Proverbs 22:6

Proverbs 22:6

Where have you encountered a parent attentive to their child's heart and energy? How has God revealed his attentive ways to you. Heavenly Father as I consider how good parents pay attention to their children. I know you're the truest parent thank you for seeing and guiding me.
Oct 11, 202209:14
Isaiah 40:28

Isaiah 40:28

When you depend on God's strength, and not your own, what's the outcome? How does abiding in Jesus gives you strength Paul the apostle of Christ wrote when I am weak, then I am strong second Corinthians 12:10.
Oct 07, 202206:25
Ezekiel 17:24

Ezekiel 17:24

How are you tempted to try to control your life? How does trusting God's control bring peace?
Oct 05, 202204:13
John 15:5

John 15:5

The prayer I can do nothing apart from you it's simple and powerful. What situations are you facing today that needs prayer? How can you rest assured that God is with you and loves you?
Oct 04, 202207:23
Genesis 1:28

Genesis 1:28

In what ways have you cared for God's creation? How can you become a better Steward of it this week?
Oct 01, 202206:39
Revelations 8:4

Revelations 8:4

Sometimes we may not feel like our prayers add up too much but God doesn't miss one. Why do you think Jesus wants us to pray for God's kingdom to come Matthew 6:10. In what ways can you stay faithful in prayer today?
Sep 29, 202208:53
Proverbs 15:31

Proverbs 15:31

How do you handle constructive criticism? What does humility look like? Even outside of a formal mentoring relationship will face a tough conversation or two with a brother or sister in Christ.
Sep 28, 202207:03
2 Timothy 4:16

2 Timothy 4:16

When have you felt most alone? How have you sent God's presence during times of separation from loved ones?
Sep 27, 202206:31
Psalm 51:1,4

Psalm 51:1,4

What does it mean to celebrate God's good gifts.
Sep 24, 202207:05
Philippians 3:12

Philippians 3:12

What do you think it looks like for you to press on in your faith? What most encourages and sustains you to keep moving forward?
Sep 22, 202207:56
Matthew 4:16

Matthew 4:16

What darkness is clouding your day? How can you allow the light of Jesus presence and love to bring you Joy and hope?
Sep 21, 202203:46
Psalms 23:6

Psalms 23:6

How does being followed by God's goodness and mercy bless your life? How can you become more aware of this?
Sep 17, 202204:16
Revelations 5:9

Revelations 5:9

What gives you cause to sing? What happens to your heart and mind when you embrace John's vision of every created being singing in United praise of the lamb and his love?
Sep 16, 202206:54
Matthew 11:29

Matthew 11:29

When you are tempted to look for satisfaction and joy in the wrong places? What helps you remember to find peace in God instead?
Sep 15, 202207:58
Genesis 3:8

Genesis 3:8

What stands between you and God today? What might you confess to him in order to walk in the cool of the day with him? Father, help me not to blame others for my own faults and failures.
Sep 13, 202207:22
Ecclesiastes one

Ecclesiastes one

David son set out to learn all that he could know about everything.
Sep 09, 202207:42
Hebrews 12:1

Hebrews 12:1

What do you sense is weighing you down on life journey? How might you persevere and be free of the weight that entangles.
Sep 08, 202208:20
Joshua 22:22

Joshua 22:22

What kind of value do you place on unity with others? Why is it vital for us to lovingly disagree with fellow believers at times?
Sep 05, 202205:58
2nd Peter 1:8

2nd Peter 1:8

What character traits do you feel God calling you to grow in? What service opportunity is God leading you to try?
Sep 03, 202205:55
Acts 3:8

Acts 3:8

Live like you're healed. How might you use your natural ability for jesus? How might you enjoy serving with whatever abilities you have? Thank him for the pleasure they bring.
Sep 03, 202206:51
God sees you

God sees you

How could knowing god as Elroy the God who sees change your view of your current circumstances? How can you respond to him? Genesis 16:13.
Sep 02, 202206:52
Second Kings 22:8

Second Kings 22:8

What has God recently revealed to you as you studied the scriptures? Why is it vital for you to regularly spend time in them?
Sep 01, 202206:28
1 Peter 5:5

1 Peter 5:5

What cultural biases do you harbor? How could you let God transform those attitudes you so humbly serve all.
Aug 31, 202207:31
Psalms 19: 12- 13

Psalms 19: 12- 13

What roles do the spiritual habits of confession and repentance play in your life? How important is living a god honored life to you?
Aug 29, 202205:12
Traveling mercies

Traveling mercies

Deuteronomy 2:7 what are some of the ways you followed your own roadmap instead of God's. What have you been fretting about.
Aug 24, 202209:04
1st Corinthians 13:3

1st Corinthians 13:3

When you have experience love being a missing ingredient? What is an example where love is integral.
Aug 22, 202205:52
Acts 16:31

Acts 16:31

What difference does it make to consider how God reaches out to whole families. How can you trust God's mercy for your family?
Aug 21, 202205:45