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Freedom Law School

Freedom Law School

By Freedom Law School

A podcast about obtaining financial freedom, not over-paying to the IRS when 99% of Americans do not owe ANY income tax, educating on laws, and more important freedom subjects, as applies. We welcome you!!
Currently playing episode

What is the Section 861 income tax argument, and why was Larken Rose sent to prison over it?

Freedom Law SchoolJan 07, 2022

Was the raid on Trump’s home a bad or great thing?

Was the raid on Trump’s home a bad or great thing?

This past Sunday, Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which is the next step in funding the IRS to hire 87,000 new employees. Is it for real or a bluff to scare you?

Most concerning to the public is that the job listings include carrying firearms, implying that majority of these new hires may be special agents.

Shortly thereafter, on Monday evening, former president Donald Trump’s Florida home was violently raided by the FBI in pursuit of “official documents.” What was the true intention and motive behind this? And how can we stop voluntarily funding federal overreach like this?

Is the raid of Trumps home in Florida on August 8, 2022 a bad thing? Is it an indictment of Trump or does it expose the criminality of the FBI and US Dept of INJustice? How will this raid help restore freedom in America?

This week’s Freedom Hour presentation will separate the propaganda from the fiction, showing you what you can expect and how it may affect you.

Sep 02, 202210:23
How do I fill out an IRS Form W-4 at my new job?

How do I fill out an IRS Form W-4 at my new job?

Did you just get a new job or your very first job? Your employer is asking you to sign an IRS Form W-4 so that they can determine how much of your pay to withhold and send to the federal government.

In this presentation, Peymon will show you the laws behind Form W-4 and how to follow the laws and allow as little withholding as the law demands.

Peymon, founder of Freedom Law School in 1996, grew up in totalitarian Iran and moved to the land of the free and the home of the brave at age 14. He found out Americans are not nearly so free and brave as he thought! Peymon has taught thousands of Americans what the laws actually say, not what the IRS or income tax preparers say the laws say!

Aug 31, 202225:27
What are NESARA and GESARA? How will they affect your income taxes and freedom?

What are NESARA and GESARA? How will they affect your income taxes and freedom?

The U.S. National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) was proposed in the 1990s. NESARA was designed to do away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, and the shadow government. NESARA is said to have been passed by Congress in secret and is about to finally be implemented.

The counterpart, the Global Economic Security and Reform Act (GESARA), is also said to be in the works, to be implemented at the same time as NESARA throughout the rest of the world.

In this presentation, Peymon will tell you everything you need to know about these two acts, and he will offer his BOLD PREDICTION of when the act will be implemented!

Peymon, founder of Freedom Law School in 1996, grew up in totalitarian Iran and moved to the land of the free and the home of the brave at age 14. He found out Americans are not nearly so free and brave as he thought! Peymon has taught thousands of Americans what the laws actually say, not what the IRS or income tax preparers say the laws say!

Aug 31, 202233:38
Red Pill Expo Indianapolis Presentation 2022

Red Pill Expo Indianapolis Presentation 2022

Explore the 7 steps to freedom from voluntarily funding the IRS! A powerful presentation by Peymon Mottahedeh at the 2022 Red Pill Expo in Indianapolis. 

Jul 27, 202247:47
Pay Zero Income Tax Legally!

Pay Zero Income Tax Legally!

Is it possible that everything you think you know about income taxes is WRONG? Seems too good to be true?

You MUST watch this presentation by the United States’ most knowledgeable expert in income tax laws, who has spent half his life FREE of income taxes!

Peymon, founder of Freedom Law School in 1996, grew up in totalitarian Iran and moved to the land of the free and the home of the brave at age 14. He found out Americans are not nearly so free and brave as he thought! Peymon has taught thousands of Americans what the laws actually say, not what the IRS or income tax preparers say the laws say!

Jul 25, 202236:14
IRS is failing as a collection agency sending cases to toothless private collection agencies

IRS is failing as a collection agency sending cases to toothless private collection agencies

The main function of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agency is to GET THE MONEY! The IRS, with assistance of the corrupt mainstream media, has done a great job at deceiving employers into stealing from their employees (“withholding”), and getting businesses to falsely snitch to the IRS that other people’s money was income on which the income earner must file and pay income tax.

However, the IRS is doing a TERRIBLE job at collecting taxes! Congress several years ago allowed the IRS to contract with toothless private collection agencies that have NO power to do anything other than TRY to get you to hand over your money.

In this week’s Freedom Hour presentation, Peymon Mottahedeh, founder and president of Freedom Law School, will show that some of the bigger collection cases that the IRS sends to toothless private collection agencies are for TENS or even HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars!

Jun 15, 202242:32
IRS Numbers are Down by 90%! The Implosion is Coming!

IRS Numbers are Down by 90%! The Implosion is Coming!

In a previous video we have shown you Proof that the IRS is “in crisis” so much that it is in an “untenable” state of disarray (as quoted by the Taxpayer Advocate and the IRS Commissioner): [02-05-22]

This week on the Freedom Hour we will show you the hard numbers! You will see the undeniable proof that the IRS is imploding, and that your F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) of IRS harassment is unfounded!

Apr 22, 202246:18
What is the Section 861 income tax argument, and why was Larken Rose sent to prison over it?

What is the Section 861 income tax argument, and why was Larken Rose sent to prison over it?

In 2005, Larken Rose DARED the Department of Justice to indict him so he could argue before a jury that the wording of Section 861 of the Internal Revenue Code means that most Americans are not required to file and pay income taxes. The jury disagreed and Larken was sent to prison for 15 months.

In this week’s Freedom Hour presentation, Peymon Mottahedeh, who founded Freedom Law School in 1996 and attended Larken’s jury trial in 2005, will explain the Section 861 argument and why Larken went to prison.

Jan 07, 202233:33
After 13 Years Of Investigation, IRS Found Nothing Wrong With FLS's Teaching Or Activities

After 13 Years Of Investigation, IRS Found Nothing Wrong With FLS's Teaching Or Activities

See how IRS went from accusing FLS of being an "abusive tax shelter" to completely dropping their 13-year investigation. 

You can also beat the IRS, as Peymon, President of Freedom Law School has done. Sometimes you will beat them without going to court and sometimes you will need to go to court to get them off of your back or to obtain compensation for damages they might’ve cost you.

It has been said before: “Seek the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

Dec 28, 202153:20
Corona-HOAX & Fake Death Counts: Covid Death Count Numbers Are FRAUDULENT

Corona-HOAX & Fake Death Counts: Covid Death Count Numbers Are FRAUDULENT

Evidence that the CDC, government officials, WHO, and more have been deceiving the public. Take a look with Peymon, at the sources that show, THEY KNOW, and are still lying to us all. See the proof for yourself!

Dec 23, 202114:07
The Controversial $600 Proposed Bank Reporting Requirement

The Controversial $600 Proposed Bank Reporting Requirement

Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives have proposed that American banks will need to report to the IRS the amount of all inflows and outflows every year of any bank account with a balance of $600 or more.

Although this proposal has been modified and is still in negotiation, many Americans have expressed concern about how this will affect their income taxes. In this week’s Freedom Hour presentation, Freedom Law School’s founder, Peymon Mottahedeh, will explain how this can actually be good news for you!

To learn more about income taxes and the necessity of them, go to

Dec 03, 202118:09