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Freedom Factory's Podcast

Freedom Factory's Podcast

By Robert Hirsch

Do you want even more freedom in your life? As entrepreneurs, many of us start our business because we want more freedom in our lives, but our definition of freedom changes as our business grows. At first, we just want to break the “time for money” continuum and by working on the machine instead of working in the machine, we do that.
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Is There a Simple Business Valuation Calculator

Freedom Factory's PodcastMay 29, 2020

Is There a Simple Business Valuation Calculator

Is There a Simple Business Valuation Calculator

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "Is There a Simple Business Valuation Calculator".

Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hey, it's Robert from Freedom Factory. I want to talk to you about a little pain point that we have in our business, and it's a business valuation calculator. People look at real estate and tools like Zillow, or they look at Kelly blue book on cars and they say, why don't you have a business valuation calculator?

You've been doing this for so long, and the reality is we'd love to. Problem is it's hard. And so there are a couple of really good baselines, like revenue and earnings and we can talk about guidelines and what that looks like but what makes us so hard to do is you can take two businesses, same revenue, same earnings, worth vastly different multiples. Literally two, three X each other, not even close. And that's because of the intangibles.

There's so many things to a business -  intellectual property, defensibility software that really make it a more complex discussion than just, Hey, what are your earnings and you're worth five times that hypothetically. Now we're working with it. It's probably a little early to talk about it, but we're working with an amazing company to solve this problem and we're going to have a solution soon. But in the interim, if you have any questions about how do you maximize the value of your business or what your business is worth, why don't you give us a call at Freedom Factory. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Thank you so much. Please hit like and subscribe.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

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May 29, 202001:41
How Can I Live My Best Life by Selling My Business

How Can I Live My Best Life by Selling My Business

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How Can I Live My Best Life by Selling My Business".

Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Whenever I go to a cocktail party or a dinner party and I meet a fellow entrepreneur, I usually get the same question, which is how much to sell your business for. There's lots of videos and lots of tools and many things that I've done in the past that will talk to you about valuation or multiple or earnings or all the math that goes into selling your business but what I want to talk to you about today is a bit more of the art.  What I mean by that is really as an entrepreneur, what does it take for you to live your best life? So I remember early on in Facebook's days, Mark Zuckerberg had a chance to sell Facebook to a private equity firm. I believe it was John Dora Kleiner Perkins for $50 million.

And John Doerr told Mark Zuckerberg that with 50 million, you can do anything you want. Mark Zuckerberg had a very thoughtful response, and it was only in his twenties he said, I would do that, John, but I don't have a better idea than this. And I remember when I first heard that story, I thought about how mature he was because he knew that he was on a big idea.

And so when you think about selling your business, what I want you to think about is what is a bridge to the other side? Do you have a large family or a small family? What does it take to create work for you where you're not necessarily worried about finances from here on out? Do you have seven kids going to private school or do you have no kids and live a pretty simple life?

So, how I frame that is you want to make sure you're building a bridge to the other side, not just appear into the middle of the Lake. Because if you sell your business and immediately you have to start a business to meet your financial needs. What did you really accomplish? It makes more sense to put your wood behind the arrow that's really penetrating, or what I mean by that is to really put the effort into the business.

It's already got traction to make sure you build a bridge to the other side. Now, when we talk about it, we can look at comparable sales and we can look at multiples and we can look at earnings. We can come up with a good idea for it. But the one other factor that I would think about on it is, how long do you want to close?

Are you looking to sell close sometime in the next two years? Where you're looking to close before the end of this calendar year. Because if you are, your price and your strategy is going to be a little bit different, right? If you've got a two-year timeline, you can come out very high and start lowering it down to find the market spot.

On the other hand, if you want to close before the end of the year, maybe we start out more aggressively, get more buyers interested and create a bidding war. So there's lots of different strategies. When people say, how much to sell my business for. I'm Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, all we do is help entrepreneurs buy and sell their businesses.

Now, if you have questions either on the art side or the science side of how to sell your business, why don't you give us a call for a free appraisal? We look forward to talking to you soon, and thanks for spending your time with us.

Thank you so much. Please hit like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.

May 28, 202003:30
When Should I Tell Employees if I am Thinking About Selling

When Should I Tell Employees if I am Thinking About Selling

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "When Should I Tell Employees if I am Thinking About Selling".

Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hi, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory again. I just had a really interesting email from one of my clients, and long story short, rumors got out among their employees that they were selling the company and he chose not to share that with his team and now it's created some problems for him.

And so I wanted to talk to you today about whether you should tell your employees that you're thinking of selling your company or not. To me, when I sell one of my companies or my advice on it, it's always honesty and transparency is the best policy. That's easy to say and hard to do and you understand the culture at your company and whether you want to have an all hands meeting, whether you want to have an email, whether you want to discuss it. I love talking to our employees about it in a place that's face to face where it gives them the opportunity to talk to me and it gives me the opportunity to comfort them. Depending on the structure of your company, I usually have bonuses or incentives when the company sells, and as an entrepreneur, there's this really important lesson that I learned along the way.

It's, there's no fun winning when there's nobody to high five, and if you're the only one that wins in the sale of your company and all your employees and the teammates and the people that have given the years of their life are worried or concerned about what they're going to do next often you can create a structure that makes it, that everybody wins and everybody celebrates together and, and perhaps, some of your core team is going to want to come with you. Perhaps they transition with the company. Most of the time when a company is acquired, they're going to want to keep the team in place for the continuity.

So ultimately, how you choose to address this question is up to you and it's up to your corporate culture. But often I'll tell a few key members early and the people that are going to help me in the transition, but rumors are unavoidable, and if you don't talk to your team about it, and then the rumors are going to start coming and then it's going to come back to bite you like it just bit my client in the behind and I like to get out in front of it early. I think honest and transparency and creating a game worth winning for everybody is a whole heck of a lot of fun. In that way when you win, you in with everybody. If you have any questions about how to disclose it or what that looks like, just give us a call at Freedom Factory.

Please hit like and subscribe and thank you so much.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

May 27, 202002:47
Big Mistakes Sellers Make Before Selling Your Business

Big Mistakes Sellers Make Before Selling Your Business

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, discusses "Big Mistakes Sellers Make Before Selling Your Business."

Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hey guys! Robert from Freedom Factory here, and I want to talk about something that comes up a lot when we start working with new sellers, and usually it sounds something like this, should I start a new revenue stream? Should I add a new channel? Should I build an affiliate program before I sell? And while this sounds like a good idea on the surface, in reality, not so much. And the reason for that is twofold. One, when you start a new revenue stream, it's going to burn as inefficiently as possible. And what I mean by that is your customer acquisition cost is going to be the highest and you're not going to add significantly to your bottom line.

Now, most of the time when you sell your business, it's a multiple of earnings. So you want to optimize for earnings. And so let's say for example you could build a new revenue stream, but you're not actually adding a lot of profits. Conversely, you could spend that same time taking your existing revenue stream and for example, let's say you can find an extra $200,000 in profitability through cost cutting on that.

Now that $200,000 in earnings, not only did you make that the first time, but if you sell for five times earnings, that's going to be another million dollars in revenue, or another million dollars in valuation to your business. And ultimately it's these little tips and tricks that make the difference whether you stick the landing or not, you're a business you've worked for years on, and it's the most important asset that you have.

And frankly, sticking the landing is just as important as building and creating a great company. If you have questions about this or anything else, why don't you give us a call it Freedom Factory. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Thank you so much for watching. Please like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

May 26, 202001:59
The Art and Science of Selling Your Business

The Art and Science of Selling Your Business

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "The Art and Science of Selling Your Business".

Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Probably the most frequently asked question that I get is how do you determine the selling price of your business? And the reality is its part art and part science. I'll go over some of the science, then I'll go over a little bit of the art, and again, experience goes a long way.

Coming back to the science part of it, some of the really simple pieces are what's your profits? Incomes is often revealed in EBITDA or your earnings before earnings tax devaluation and amortization. We convert that into seller's discretionary cash flow for all of our customers. And again, when you're paying your taxes, EBITDA is a game of reduction. The discretionary capital is a video game of maximization or accurately reflecting all the cash flow that your company produces.

You're also going to have things like industry multiples, and sometimes there's little nuance things like if your e-commerce organisation versus a satisfied by Amazon company, you're going to get an actually various numerous. So we wish to ensure to position it properly. A few of the other things, market codes, we had a client and the name of their service was excavation.

Ends up that excavation companies are valued at two to two and a half plus assets. When I say 2 to two and a half, that's a multiple of incomes. Will construction companies of that size have to do with 4 and a half to five. And it ended up that although they began as an excavation company, over 80% of their incomes came as a construction company.

So we rearranged it and that assisted the market code. But whatever we finish with all these numbers, we ensure to take a look at market equivalent and what's the marketplace appearing like? What are the best sales that we can hang our hat on? How does a bank value it? Is it going to be an SBA type organisation? And now suddenly we're starting to get into the art.

My name's Robert Hirsch, and I'm the founder here at Freedom Factory. All we do is help business owners offer companies. That's 100% of our life. When I awaken in the morning, I'm taking a look at market comps, I'm looking at sales, I'm looking at, all right, how do we take full advantage of the sales price of our company and truly work as a partner?

So. Whether you're a physical company that's been around for 20 years or a digital company that's been around for two, we're going to look at all the science and combine it with the art to help you maximize your sales price. Give us a, call it Freedom Factory today. I look forward to speaking with you soon. Please like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

May 22, 202002:47
How to Buy a Business When You Dont Have the Cash

How to Buy a Business When You Dont Have the Cash

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How to Buy a Business When You Don't Have the Cash".

listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hi, Robert from Freedom Factory here. And I want to talk to you about a question that we get from buyers of a lot, which is, well, what if I don't have $1 million check to write? And the reality is most of us don't have $1 million check to write, but how do you buy a business if you don't have $1 million check? And that's what we're going to jump into today.

So it's my personal belief that small businesses are the most undervalued asset class on the entire planet. If you're buying a stock and you're buying it at a 30 times multiple or 30 times price to earnings ratio, which is the value of the company.

When you're looking at a small business, you're looking at three to five times multiple, which obviously is significantly different than the stock market. If you have a special set of skills, which is how do you run a small business, there couldn't be a more undervalued asset class, and I think the opportunities are limitless.

And I think one of the big reasons that many people don't consider buying it is they say, well, I don't have $1 million check to write. And that's true for most of us. And so let me talk to you about some options. There there are many more, but I'm just going to go into some early ones. Most businesses sell with some sort of seller financing, especially if the seller believes in their business.

So sometimes you'll have a 30% note, 50% note, sometimes an 80% note to the seller. And what that means is the seller is carrying a note of the financing or carrying part of the financing on the business, and it's secured by the business. So if you didn't make the payments on that note, the seller would come back and take their asset, and that's okay with them.

And usually, we can get a go or no-go in 24 to 48 hours. And if a business is a good SBA business or small business administration, which essentially is a government-subsidized loan, then it can give you up to 80% of the value. So you can buy $1 million company with a check of only a few hundred thousand dollars. That's a great way to go as well.

I've even taken over a business where I have not spent any money out of pocket and people say, well, why would you do that?  It was a tea business and as some of you know, I used to work in the search engine industry and had an early search engine in Silicon Valley and I was considered a search engine expert 10 years ago in my career. Well, there was a tea company that acquired all their customers through search engine optimization. And so they wanted to work with me, but I wasn't willing to write them a check. So I took over the business. I didn't even make a payment for the first six months to make sure it would work, and I eventually bought it and I didn't even write a check for a penny out of pocket. All I did was fund the operating capital needs of the company. So there are lots of ways that you can buy a business without writing $1 million check.

Thank you so much for watching. Please like and subscribe.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

May 21, 202004:01
What Are the Types of Business Buyers

What Are the Types of Business Buyers

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "What Are the Types of Business Buyers".

Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hi, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory. And I just had this truly interesting concern, and it was from a purchaser of a business. And in among my other videos I was talking about various type of buyers, right? There's first-time buyers, entrepreneurial buyers, strategic buyers, and we'll enter into an entire host of them. However, however he said, well, what sort of purchaser am I? I'm uncertain. And I made the joke, I said, well, that indicates you're a first-time purchaser. He was actually a serial entrepreneur and we got a great kick out of it. However I wanted to discuss the different kinds of buyers for businesses. And this is necessary not just to purchasers, however to sellers since we're going to have various campaigns for different styles of purchasers.

So let's discuss the first one. And this is what I affectionately refer to as the first time purchaser. These are individuals that traditionally leaving the corporate world. They've got a fantastic education and they're saying, should I buy a business or should I purchase a franchise? And often franchises look excellent to people originating from the business world because they have systems and procedures and they sell franchises often sell on worry. They state, well, you can't get a big account if you're not part of a nationwide business with a nationwide marketing project, you're going to get an actually huge upper hand.

In my experience, that hasn't held true. We have actually offered a lot of franchisees in the past. But the reality is when somebody makes a decision for you, they're not deciding based upon the sign behind you or the name they want you. And so if you're a sign maker and they go to a national indication franchise, they're not going to state, well, that sign franchise is terrific signs.

They'll go with them. They say, you understand, Robert, I really trust you and I think you can make a kick-butt sign for me. Let's do this. And so I typically recommend to my business kind of individuals making the huge transition and the big jump to look at organisations that have actually been around for a long history, that have a great track record and excellent sales and actually good systems and processes. So that makes a transition as simple as possible. But that's actually the first time purchaser. And so companies like that service businesses are terrific, item organisations are excellent, but eventually you want something where your skillset is truly going to add to business.

The second kind of buyer is serial entrepreneurs like me and I've been doing this for 29 years. I have actually been in every company I can consider, and some have actually worked out and some have not, however in general more have done well than haven't. And I normally shift every 2 to five years. A great deal of entrepreneurs, you do your best and let's state you're going to 100% a year or 150% a year, and all of an unexpected you dropped a 10 or 15% and it turns more operational. For me, when it gets operational, there are individuals much better matched to it than me, so I'm happy to offer it to them and get in something where I can be more tactical.

Thank you so much for spending your valuable time with us and we'll see you soon. Please like and subscribe.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

May 19, 202007:11
Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in Vistage

Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in Vistage

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in Vistage".

Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hey, I am Robert from Freedom Factory here, and if you're a member of Vistage and you want to sell your company, I 'd like to talk to you about that. So you certainly realize that executive coaching and peer discovering groups can be a huge advantage in your growth. There are actually 2 things that have actually assisted underpin my entrepreneurial success.

One is having a peer discovering group, and second is having a mentor and truly learning how to groom that mentor-mentee relationship. And if you think back to school or university, those were the two things that you got, right? You had a peer finding out group or your classmates and you had a teacher.

That kind of structure can really allow you to grow and it's huge. Knowing how to groom that mentor and mentee relationship. When it comes to offering a business or purchasing a business, usually here will, I know someone, but just because you know somebody doesn't suggest that it's the ideal person, or more notably, how are they going to maximize the value of your biggest possessions?

Here at Freedom Factory, all we do is assist our fellow business owners buy and sell their companies. If you're looking to sell your organization or you're seeking to buy, or you have questions of how do I do the analysis or what is my organization worth, or what does the marketplace look like, or what is market timing or anything, why do not you, give us a call here at Freedom Factory?

We're all entrepreneurs and we just deal with business owners to optimize the worth of your most significant assets. I'm Robert Harish, and we anticipate talking to you soon.

Thank you so much for watching. Please hit like and subscribe.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also, Follow Freedom Factory here

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May 10, 202001:49
How Does Recasting My Financials Affect the Value of My Business

How Does Recasting My Financials Affect the Value of My Business

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How Does Recasting My Financials Affect the Value of My Business". Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hey, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory here. Sometimes we get so lost in our own nomenclature and vernacular and what we say in our industry, terminology that we forget that everybody doesn't know it. And a concern that keeps turning up is, what is seller's discretionary cash flow? And when you go to sell your business here at Freedom Factory, one of the many things that we do is we modify your financials from taxes where you're playing a video game of reduction to sellers to discretionary cashflow, where you're playing a video game of maximization.

And some individuals say, well, isn't that two sets of books? Isn't that prohibited? That's not it at all. What we do is we take your income tax return and we include every permitted tax deduction that a new seller may not have to do. Possibly they do not have to take their board meetings in Europe and possibly they do not need to spend for their Ferrari and their vehicles and you know, etc.

There's also a lot of non-cash expenditures like devaluation and amortization. That's value that your business develops, and we wish to make certain before we use the numerous that we apply the multiple to the seller's discretionary cash flow as opposed to the EBIDTA. In some companies, this can make a difference. of 20, 30 often even 50% and if you can get 50% more for your company, why wouldn't you do it?

At Freedom Factory, we specialize in helping sellers get the most significant check of their life. If you require any aid with any of this, please give us a call. Thank you so much for seeing. Please hit like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also, Follow Freedom Factory here

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Managing Partners

Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.

About Tyler Tysdal

May 06, 202001:54
Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in Tiger 21

Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in Tiger 21

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in Tiger 21". Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hey, I am Robert from Freedom Factory, and if you have actually thought about offering or buying a business and you're a member of tiger 21 we 'd enjoy to assist. As a number of you understand, I was the founder of Austin Group One. We constructed a very lively chapter and we assisted a lot of our fellow tiger members buy and sell companies.

In my viewpoint, the most underestimated property class in the world are little to mid midsize organisations. When I would remain in a group and we would have presentations been available in monthly, it was a different guy in a fit, giving us a two 20 type structure, indicating 2% management fee, 20% bring.

And it didn't matter if it was. Oil or water or any kind of company. It was always the very same structure, but the offers never ever looked various. Now when you look at a little to mid-sized company or a mid-market service, the offers look extremely different and whether you're wanting to purchase a company on capital or you're aiming to make a strategic acquisition, we would like to help you.

As a board member or a company owner, Tiger members are always treated with extra special love here at Freedom Factory. If you require help in strategic analysis, if you need help in referring your operating heads to driving towards the liquidity event, we 'd enjoy to help. So if you have questions on what the market appears like, market conditions, purchasing or offering, simply give us a call here at Freedom Factory and you can call me straight. I'm Robert Hirsch and I look forward to consulting with as soon.

Thank you so much for watching. Please like and subscribe.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also, Follow Freedom Factory here

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May 03, 202001:47
Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in YPO (Young Presidents' Organization)

Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in YPO (Young Presidents' Organization)

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in YPO (Young Presidents' Organization)". Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hey, it's Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, and I want to talk with you about offering your company if you're in a YPO. Now, if you're in the young president's organization, congratulations! You have actually struck a certain level of complexity and growth to your business and you have actually grown it far beyond 95% of business owners ever will.

When it comes time to selling your service, there's a couple alternatives, right? So one, everyone understands somebody and they wish to introduce you, and that's how I made my largest error. When I was younger, I used to run software application business in Silicon Valley and I would go to my online forum presentation and everyone understood someone to assist me sell it.

The reality is in my scenario, I sold it with the incorrect individual and left a lot of cash on the table. And the reason that is it didn't specialize in my vertical and they didn't have a lot of experience with it. You have actually probably seen some of my other videos when we discuss entrepreneurs not speaking lender and lenders not speaking business owner, but it was truly difficult.

For instance, my online forum has actually been together for almost 20 years when it began in EO together and I made a forum presentation because my organisation no longer served me. I wanted to actually get as much info as I could and everybody offered to introduce me to someone, but nobody knew the best individual to offer.

Here at Freedom Factory, we take more of a worldwide and international approach, very similar to YPO or gathering of Titans, of birthing of giants. We look at it and say, all right, how do we discover the right buyer? How do we search the world or search the globe for the perfect buyer for this? Whether it's tactical, whether it's through marketing, inbound, outgoing. The most crucial thing is to take that special business chance and put it in front of adequate buyers to develop deal tension and have people contending for your service. And as a business owner, when you have multiple individuals completing for your service, you win.

However here's the elusive obvious piece or the piece that many individuals miss out on. It's not having several individuals that desire your service. It's having several individuals that want your business at the same time. Suggesting when 2 individuals are holding up their checks, that's creating deal tension and you the business owner ultimately benefits from it.

Now, if you have questions about how do you take your company to market, what's it worth? How do I attract the best purchaser? Give us a call here at Freedom Factory. There's a couple of good things, however I assure that we won't have to talk in gestalt protocol. We can offer you all the details you require in order to make the ideal choice. I'm Robert, and I look forward to speaking to you soon.

Thank you so much. Please hit like and subscribe.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

May 01, 202003:00
Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in EO Entrepreneurs Organization

Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in EO Entrepreneurs Organization

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "Strategy to Sell My Business if I am in EO Entrepreneurs Organization". Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hi, it's Robert Hirsch here from Freedom Factory, and I want to talk to you about offering your organisation if you remain in the entrepreneur's company or EO. Now, I've been an entrepreneur for the better part of 25 years. And I remember when I first signed up with EO, it was YEO and I remained in my early twenties and I discovered of a lot.

Hi, it's Robert Hirsch here from Freedom Factory, and I want to talk to you about offering your organisation if you remain in the entrepreneur's company or EO. Now, I've been an entrepreneur for the better part of 25 years. And I remember when I first signed up with EO, it was YEO and I remained in my early twenties and I discovered of a lot.

The two things that truly underpinned entrepreneurial growth for me were, one, a peer discovering group like EO. And 2nd was discovering how to groom mentor relationships. If you think of a university or any type of discovering environment, you usually have those 2 things that are assisting it - the peer discovering group or your classmates and the teacher or the mentor.

Among the important things, when I was in EO, I was beginning my organisation and I was a good entrepreneur, however I didn't understand what I didn't know. And my option to everything was make more income, some more things. That's always what I was trying to do. If something came up and I didn't know how to manage it, I would sell more things, however I rarely considered offering my company. And so if I thought of it, or for example, when I was running software application companies at the time, and when the business, that was my dream became my problem.

I had venture capitalists and I had financing and restricted partners and we were behind plan and it wasn't working. I would make an online forum presentation. I 'd go to my group and my group is seven people, and the reality was the online forum was practical and they were empathetic and they listened, however they had some restraints, right? One, nobody had informed the business yet. 2, we were stuck in gestalt and get store procedure and not a lot of individuals had a lot of appropriate experience to share.

When it boiled down to offering my business, the reason that I made the mistake is a good friend of mine that I relied on unequivocally said he knew someone that might help me offer it. But I never ever went through the procedure of determining if that was the ideal person. And the truth was, I've fulfilled this banker and I discovered this crucial lesson, since we talked past each other, right? Lenders don't speak entrepreneur and business owners do not speak lender. Therefore he was telling me about what was occurring, however I understood he wasn't my people. I knew I required to discover a business owner to assist me offer my company and make certain it's the ideal individual.

For me as an entrepreneur my organisations is truly a Trojan horse for me affecting the world or developing social change. And when I recognized that we had adequate LPs and it was a software application company in the adventure travel space.

I'm Robert and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Thank you so much. Please like and subscribe.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

May 01, 202003:20
How do I Sell My Business without a Broker

How do I Sell My Business without a Broker

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How do I Sell My Business Without a Broker". Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

As entrepreneurs, a few of our finest content is when we speak the unspeakable. And there are many people that give us a call here at Freedom Factory and they desire us to sell their service but the issue is we can't spend for ourselves. And if we can't pay for ourselves, we do not take them on as a client.

So I wished to create a video, which kind of shows you the important things to think about and essentially how to offer your service without a broker. So the first thing you want to think about is what's your business worth? And appraisal makes a lot of sense and there's some factors to it as an online service, significance can you offer it to any person worldwide or do you have to reside in a small community in your area of Ohio in order to offer it?

Because if so, the marketing strategy is truly different. And so you wish to maximize your prospective buyer swimming pool and you wish to optimize your marketing plan to reach them. For instance, if we have a global service, we'll go through 30 or 40 various channels to personal equity and equity capital and entrepreneurs and angel investors, and we're attempting to get as many individuals interested as we can to discover the right buyer.

And so a huge part of that is valuation, or what does it take to bring your service to market? And if we can look at market compensations and we can definitely assist you with it if you give us a call. But if you don't understand, I would take your seller's discretionary cash flow, which is sort of EBITDA plus your add backs. And I would think about a several of 3 to five times. And I'm presuming that you're doing less than a million in earnings, and if there's nothing that's a sustainable competitive advantage and there's not a great deal of history, you're going to be on the lower end of that scale.

And if you have actually been doing it for twenty years and you have actually got a substantial reorder rate, you're going to be on the greater end of that scale. However if you just need to choose something and go with a guide, three to five is a pretty good starting guide to choose. And then plus assets, if there's realty or capital expenditures, etc. So assessment is a big thing. And where do you wish to come to market? And also another component to think of is how rapidly do you wish to sell it? Do you want to sell it in three months or do you want to sell it within a year? Because if so, your rates method is going to be a bit various.

So among the important things that we do at Freedom Factory is we do all the details before we even take it to market. So we create our prospectus and our book and our teasers and our NDAs and our contracts and our documents set before we even place the very first ad.

So if someone calls, they want details, boom, we send them the NDA. The teaser goes out, which the teaser can identify what your, service. It's just your enter a basic category, building and construction business with incomes of 16 million wishes to offer, and after that once they sign the NDA or the MNDA, which is a nondisclosure, then we enter into the viewpoint to the book and we start to go deeper and deeper.

But the key part is you do all that before you take your very first lead. And then you think, all right, well I have actually got to create a doc set. You don't want to not have your nondisclosure, not have LOIs, not have a possession purchase agreement or a stock purchase arrangement, and you wish to put all that together before you take it to market.

Apr 27, 202005:35
How to Sell Your Share of a Business if You Have Other Partners

How to Sell Your Share of a Business if You Have Other Partners

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How to Sell Your Share of a Business if You Have Other Partners".

Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

As business owners, there are specific things that are very easy for us to do and there's particular things that are very difficult for us to do and honestly, what's easy for us is usually a positive viewpoint of the world - grow, grow, grow, sell more. And what's difficult for us to do is to understand that we slipped up or admit it or try and change a circumstance.

One of the most tough concerns that we get is, how do I offer my share of a service? That's really difficult since it depends upon the size, right? If you have a $1 million business or a $10 million organisation, the answers are a little bit different, however they're actually mainly the exact same. So, a great deal of times in an operating agreement, you'll have something called a push pull provision, or some people call it a shotgun or a Texas buyout, and it's basically the adult version of you cut the cake and I select.

So let's state I'm a 50, 50 partner with my organisation partner, and I no longer want to stay in business with them. I can decide to perform it and I'll give a number. It's a disadvantage to give a number, right? Cause you're the one cutting the cake, and after that my service partner would have a set amount of time to say, I'm going to purchase you out for that half or I'm going to offer to you for that half of the money. Which definitely makes good sense from my seat. And that's one way to sell your share of the business, however it's often not the very best way for you.

And so how do you optimize it? And so this is a much better concern. If you want to sell your share of the business, my first course of action would be to figure out in this theoretical example, if my partner wants to sell his or her share of the business too. Because you're going to do far better in regards to market valuation offering 100% of an organisation than 50% due to the fact that first off, it's hard enough to sell a service. Second of all, when you have a 50-50 partner that's been there, done that quote, understands more than you, it gets really difficult to discover that ideal partner.

So if you can sell it and do a new beginning together as a team, that can in some cases be the smartest move for a collaboration that's liquifying. Now, you'll make the most of the worth selling 100% however if you're only selling 50% or a somewhat smaller portion of it, it's extremely hard to get your value out of business.

So when I consider my primary business like what we do at Freedom Factory, all we do is assistance business owners offer services. When I think about that, the last thing I want to do is offer. If I do want to offer, I want to make the most of the worth. So this is among those things that typically if you wish to offer a share of your organisation, the partnership relationship has deteriorated enough, or the investor relationship has actually degraded enough that you're even considering it.

And generally if I find myself pondering it, it's typically 6 months too late. So I would find the right people in your corner and I would take a look at your options in order to maximize it. So often there's the choices that we see, like a push pull, and often there's the options that we don't see, like we take it to market or create a contract to offer or we do a make out or a sellers note.

Thank you so much for watching. Please like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.

Apr 24, 202004:03
How to Stay Involved in My Business But Sell the Majority

How to Stay Involved in My Business But Sell the Majority

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How to Stay Involved in My Business But Sell the Majority". Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hi, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory again, I just had a truly intriguing email from one of my customers, and long story short, rumors went out amongst their staff members that they were selling the business and he picked not to share that with his group and now it's developed some issues for him.

And so I wished to speak to you today about whether you should tell your staff members that you're considering selling your business or not. To me, when I sell among my companies or my guidance on it, it's always honesty and transparency is the best policy. Which's simple to state and tough to do and you comprehend the culture at your business and whether you want to have an all hands conference, whether you want to have an email, whether you wish to discuss it. I enjoy speaking with our staff members about it in a location that's face to face where it gives them the opportunity to speak with me and it offers me the chance to comfort them.

Depending on the structure of your company, I generally have benefits or incentives when the business offers, and as a business owner, there's this truly important lesson that I discovered along the way. It's, there's no fun winning when there's nobody to high five, and if you're the only one that wins in the sale of your business and all your workers and the colleagues and the people that have actually offered the years of their life or are anxious or worried about what they're going to do next, frequently you can develop a structure that makes it, that everyone wins and everyone commemorates together and perhaps, a few of your core group is going to wish to come with you. Maybe they transition with the business. Most of the time when a business is acquired, they're going to want to keep the team in place for the continuity.

So ultimately, how you pick to resolve this concern depends on you and it depends on your corporate culture. But frequently I'll tell a few essential members early and individuals that are going to help me in the transition, but reports are inevitable, and if you do not talk with your group about it, then the rumors are going to begin coming and after that it's going to come back to bite you like it simply bit my customer in the behind and I like to get out in front of it early.

I believe sincere and openness and developing a video game worth winning for everybody is a whole heck of a lot of fun. Because way when you win, you win with everybody. If you have any questions about how to reveal it or what that appears like, simply give us a call at Freedom Factory. Please hit like and subscribe and thank you so much for viewing.

Apr 21, 202003:09
How do I Approach a Competitor to Buy My Business

How do I Approach a Competitor to Buy My Business

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks about "How do I Approach a Competitor to Buy My Business?."

Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hi, it's Robert from Freedom Factory. And I wish to talk with you about something pretty brand-new ones today, which is how to approach a competitor to buy your business or how to offer your organisation to a rival. And it's a question that a lot of business owners have, but it's truly hard and it depends on a great deal of factors, right?

Are they larger or are they smaller sized? Rivals or what I call coopetition or friendly rivals. Do you have an existing relationship or when you're both speaking at the trade convention, do you stroll by each other with a search your face? These are the little complicated pieces to be able to do it since what every business owner fears, I know what I fear. If I went to among my rivals and said, Hey, are you interested in purchasing from me? They're going to use that in the market to sell against me. Well, I mean, who understands how long they're going to be in business. They approached to me to offer.

That's the last thing that I want out there. So here at Freedom Factory, one of the big things is to utilize an intermediary. When you're selling your service, a broker is terrific, to be able to approach a competitor and still keep you anonymous. Using an expert is great if it's a competitors type of an internal type piece.

But there are particular things that you actually want to prevent when approaching rival. One thing that can make it truly digestible is put yourself in that competitor's shoes and consider why they would wish to buy your organisation since if you can make the best case to them on why it makes sense to buy your company, naturally they're going to fall in and it's going to make a lot of sense.

Hi, I'm Robert Hirsch and I've been an entrepreneur for more than 25 years. I'm the CEO of Freedom Factory, and all we do is assist our fellow entrepreneurs sell their business. The one key takeaway that I would think of when you're taking a look at how to approach a competitor is never ever approach a rival and use that as your only sales option because if you do, one of two things is going to occur. One, a few of the important things that we talked about and a few of your fears come true or a 2nd, it's a pretty uncompetitive environment and you do not sell your company for maximum value. You have actually worked, in some cases, two, 5, 10, twenty years on your company, you want to make the most of the worth from it.

So when I take a look at a competitive sale, even if I believe that's going to pay and probable, I constantly do it as a part of a bigger sales process. Implying I'm always looking to increase the deal tension. So I still market it in 27 various locations. I still go out to personal equity companies and venture capital companies and entrepreneurial companies, even if I think a competitor is likely to buy it.

And the reason that we do that is we wish to optimize the deal stress. So what I indicate by maximize offer tension is you want several people that are interested in your organisation, but not simply numerous people that are interested. So when you're thinking of offering it to a rival, and possibly that's a method to take an easier sales procedure, I would really warn you to do so, because if so, there's truly 2 options and neither of them benefit you or the entrepreneur.

Apr 18, 202004:03
Secret Value of Selling Your E-Commerce or Digital Business

Secret Value of Selling Your E-Commerce or Digital Business

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks about "Secret Value of Selling Your E-Commerce or Digital Business". Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below.

Hi, today I want to talk to you about selling your eCommerce or your digital business, and in my opinion, there's that a more undervalued business class on the planet. For example, let's say you have a shopper, a bowling alley in the town that you live in. There's only a limited amount of people that are going to live in that town or are going to move there in order to run it.

Now, if you have a business that's not geographically located, let's say it’s an information product business or a coaching business or a fulfilled by Amazon business, or just a hard product business. If anybody can live there or anybody can buy it and they're not forced to relocate, it makes your buyer pool so much bigger. And as we learned in economics, price is when supply equals demand. And what I mean by that is if you have 50 buyers competing for your business, instead of five buyers, their price is going to be higher. And we want to maximize the sales price of your business.

Hi, my name's Robert Hirsch, and I'm the founder of Freedom Factory. And what I wanted to talk to you about today was really how to maximize online or digital asset sales. So in my opinion, the buyer pool is so much larger than it's ever been. In fact, in our experience, about one third of our buyers or sellers have been international or outside the States, and when you increase the buyer pool, the price goes up significantly.

So what we want to do is maximize your multiple. We want to maximize your earnings and we want to get the biggest buyer pool we can. And what we've learned is whether you're marketing to entrepreneurs and EO and YPO networks, or you're marketing through traditional advertising or to private equity or venture capital, the way we attract international buyers is different than the way we attract domestic buyers.

And so when you're selling a digital asset, the most important thing is the marketing putting together the right book, the right story and really maximizing the sales price. If you have questions on any of the things that we've talked about today or specifically, is it a good time to sell my digital business? Why don't you give us a call at Freedom Factory? I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Apr 16, 202002:35
Can I Sell My Business By Myself or do I Need Help?

Can I Sell My Business By Myself or do I Need Help?

Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below. 

Hey, I am Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, and I want to speak to you about selecting the best partner to assist you offer your service. Now, if there's a lot of individuals that state, Oh, I know someone, however just because you understand someone doesn't indicate that you have the ideal person that's going to take full advantage of the worth on the biggest possession in your life Right? Individuals state buying a home is the biggest purchase your sale you're ever going to make. Which's definitely not real. If you're an entrepreneur, it's going to be selling your service. So there's a couple of lessons that I discovered when for us choosing the best partners in regards to clients and for customers, picking the ideal partner in regards to broker. So here are a couple of lessons that I have actually learned over twenty years that I just do not flex on. One, absolutely nothing ever begins hard and ends up easy. Meaning, if the first discussion is difficult and the 2nd conversation is difficult, or if it's a very difficult settlement on something as basic as a company agreement, this isn't going to get much better when you go to a possession purchase agreement or a stock purchase agreement, when you go to offer. Things that start off difficult end up hard and half the things that started easy end up hard too. The greatest base test for me is I find a partner where it begins easy and are both singing from the very same tune book or from the same page. 

Now a great way to evaluate that is make sure that you speak the exact same language. And I've said often times that bankers don't speak entrepreneur and entrepreneurs don't speak banker, and if you need someone to offer your bank, let me tell you now, I'm not your man. But if you're a business owner that takes responsibility for your own outcomes and you wish to sell your company, I 'd like to have a discussion with you and find out precisely why you constructed your organisation by doing this. How do your passion and function align, and particularly what do you desire in the next chapter of your life? What does that look like? So, a collaboration and why I call it a partnership. It's not really an agency arrangement in regards to a home or you have a representative just strolling in and showing it.

The reality is when you offer a business, it's a six month procedure and often considerably longer. We try and get it performed in 147 days here at Freedom Factory. When we go to offer a business, it's really a partnership. What you require to do is run your service and make certain it's as lucrative as possible. The top reason that deals go sideways when they're on the agreement is because the earnings goes like this. The earnings decreases and the profit goes down. It raises issues in the purchaser mind and as any deal person will inform you, time kills all offers. And when you offer the purchaser a chance to think of it and to believe, Oh goodness, if it went down here, when they're running it, imagine what's going to take place when I do it. And at the very least, that's going to decrease your sales price. And in the worst case scenario, it's going to explode your company. So what I want you to do is do what you do best. I desire you to run your business. I want you to make certain it's as profitable as you can. And what we're going to do is what we do best, which is developing offer tension from several purchasers that are interested in your organisation. And that's how the collaboration works. The way we structure all our offers is we only earn money when you make money and your success is our success, which's why we select our partners extremely thoroughly.

Apr 14, 202004:58
Time to Find Freedom and Buy Your Own Business

Time to Find Freedom and Buy Your Own Business

Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below. 

Hey, I am Robert from Freedom Factory, and I want to talk to you about something that is a really strong belief of mine, but I was in a forum meeting with my fellow group of entrepreneurs and one of my friends looked at me and he said, is buying a business really the most undervalued asset class? You've said that to me often, but I don't know if I necessarily believe it. So I wanted to go through some simple math and the way I look at buying a business and the way I look at other investments. For example, if you buy a business for four times earnings, and let's say you don't make any changes, it's flat, it doesn't grow, whatever. Your changes don't work. That's going to give you a 25% return, meaning it's going to pay for itself in four years because you bought it four times earnings.

Now, on the other hand, let's say you go buy a stock. Let's say that stock has a price to earnings ratio, which is really just a multiple of 33 well, you're buying it at 3% so I mean, what you're really hoping for is maybe 5% after taxes.

So when I look at what that looks like in three years or five years, and use any financial calculator that you want, and you look at the time value of money, those returns make such a massive difference. Warren Buffett's business partner is a guy named Charlie Munger. And Charlie Munger, they asked him, they said, if you were a young man and you were starting again, and there was no Berkshire Hathaway, what would you do?

And he said, I would buy as many software of service companies as I could at five to seven times earnings, which is generally what they go for with low churn, meaning they don't change. And I would change my whole time to forever. So once again, he would buy software as a service companies at five to seven times earnings. With very low churn and it would hold them forever. So he also sees that small businesses are the most undervalued asset class in America. So if you've ever thought about buying a business or how do you find a business that trades at three times earnings or four times earnings or five times earnings, why don't you give us a call at Freedom Factory?

Because I'll tell you, some of the deals that we see are just incredible. And I think money is made on the buy, not on the sell. And if you can buy the right business, especially want to take advantage of your unique abilities are stupid human trick. And I've talked about that in other videos, but what I mean, let's say you find a great engineering company that has a sales problem and you're an extraordinary salesperson. All of a sudden, if you buy that at 4x and you can double it in two years. Well, your return is unbelievable. So if you've ever thought about buying a business or selling a business, give us a call here at Freedom Factory. I look forward to talking to you soon.

Apr 12, 202003:09
What is The Myth of the Million Dollar Idea

What is The Myth of the Million Dollar Idea

Listen to the podcast, watch the video or read the transcript below. 

Hey, i am Robert from Freedom Factory, and I want to talk to you about an entrepreneurial truth and what I call this is the myth of the million-dollar idea. The other day I was talking to a friend of mine and he was looking at our company and he said, man, I wish I had that idea. And I talked to him about the myth of the million-dollar idea.

And I said, that million dollar ideas don't exist. And he didn't understand what I meant. So then I asked him a question. I said, what's the difference between a million-dollar idea and $1 million? And he thought about it for a second and he said, well, I don't know. And I said, well, it's a million-dollar execution.

And the good news is million-dollar execution is a learnable, teachable skill. Now, it doesn't matter if you have a business brokerage like we do, or software companies or boat manufacturers or any of the types of companies that we've talked about in the past. The difference between that million-dollar idea and the million dollars is million-dollar execution. And I want you to think about that.

The great news is million-dollar execution. Is a learnable, teachable skill. All machines are the same. When we're building a machine, there's revenue, there's sales, there's marketing, there's infrastructure. You figure out what you need to do and you work on your business, not in it, and it doesn't really matter what kind of business it is. Now, if you learn how to build the machines, for example, let's say you have a sales problem. If you go out and read a How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, it's going to help you with your sales no matter what kind of business you're in, no matter how many businesses that you do.

So there's a set amount of entrepreneurial lessons and it's your choice. You can learn them fast or you can learn them slow. But I would figure out what your biggest strengths are and I would accentuate those and I'd figure out your biggest weaknesses and I would either hire to address those or I would work on acquiring the skills to be able to get a complete skill set there and be able to develop million-dollar execution, because once you have million dollar execution, you can change the world in so many ways. You can build a machine, any machine, and so I wouldn't get lost on the idea of $1 million idea or the myth of the million-dollar idea.

People say all the time, they say, I wish I thought of the pet rock. Well, it wasn't the pet rock. The person that started the pet rock understood million-dollar execution. And the good news is, so can you. If you have any questions about any of the things that we've talked about, why don't you give us a call it Freedom Factory. I'm Robert and we'll talk to you soon.

Thank you so much for watching. Please like and subscribe.

Managing Partners

Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.

About Tyler Tysdal

Apr 10, 202002:49
Caution: What is the Trap of the Working Wealthy?

Caution: What is the Trap of the Working Wealthy?

Listen to the podcast, watch the video,, or read the transcript below. 

Transcript of Podcast

Hey, it's Robert from Freedom Factory, and I want to talk to you about a big mistake that I made early in my entrepreneurial career. I fell into what I call the trap of the working wealthy. Now, when I started as an entrepreneur, it was because I had to change my station in life. I really wanted to.

Benjamin Franklin defined a self-made man as someone that wants to change their station in life, and through integrity, hard work, and perseverance, they can do that. And that really resonated with me. So I pretty much worked all day every day. And entrepreneurship in the early '90s wasn't considered cool like it is now. It was, I remember, I had a girlfriend think that an entrepreneur was a shyster, which broke my heart.

And I knew I wanted to change my station in life and I knew a regular job wasn't going to work for me, and I worked some regular jobs, and I would work ding to dong or all day, and I would just keep working hard. And you know, as the successes piled up, you know, I kept ramping up, and I would have more employees, and I would have more revenue, and I would have more team.

But the thing that was interesting about it is, I still worked all day every day. I worked ding to dong or 9:00 to 9:00, and all I did was work. And it was interesting because, you know, the marks of my car changed. You know, I was driving a Ford, and then I was, you know, driving a Japanese car, and then I was driving a Porsche, and then, you know, and then I had more bedrooms in my house. I wasn't living in a studio. I was living in a duplex. I wasn't living in a duplex. I was living in a big house. It was a pain to take care of. And although the numbers of bedrooms changed and the mark of my car changed, my behavior didn't. I still went to work nine to nine every day, and I don't know if I was actually enjoying my life any more than I was when I was getting started, and so I was still doing the same thing, and I didn't realize that I needed to create more freedom in my life to be able to do what mattered most to me.

Being able to drop my son off at school or being able to be there for a sports game or be able to be, you know, where is it important for, for a friend, whether it's a wedding or whatever the case may be. I needed to be able to have the freedom to choose, and I didn't create that freedom to choose in my life.

Now, I would encourage you as an entrepreneur, not to make the same mistakes as me, and to really take accountability for your own choices because our work and our business is here to serve us. We're not here to serve them. And so if your business is no longer serving you or you're thinking about taking it to market, or you have questions about what it's worth, or you know what market conditions are, why don't you give us a call here at Freedom Factory? I look forward to talking to you soon.

Thank you so much for watching. Please hit like and subscribe.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Managing Partners

Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.

About Tyler Tysdal

Apr 09, 202003:01
I Love My Business. How do I Sell My Baby? Boulder Boat Works case study.

I Love My Business. How do I Sell My Baby? Boulder Boat Works case study.

Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below. 

Transcript of Podcast

Hey, it's Robert from Freedom Factory, and I want to talk to you about a case study, which is on a company that I used to own called Boulder Boat Works. And for those that don't know what that is, we made the Ferrari's of drift boats. We made the best drift boats for fly fishing on the planet. One of my big passions in life for 20 years has been fly fishing. I love it and when I got a call from the former owner who said, Hey, can you help me sell my company? And I said, well, I said, in full disclosure, let me look at it and see if I want to buy it. And if I don't want to buy it, then I'll take it to market for you and we'll sell your business.

Long story short, I ended up buying it and I did one of my favorite strategies in buying a business, and we'll talk about that in just a second. Now, we're somewhat restricted by our nondisclosure agreements in talking about the deals that we've worked with as agents, but we're not restricted at all in what I talked about, of what I have done personally.

So I bought Boulder Boat Works, and frankly, the founder was a brilliant guy and a great boat designer, but, he owned a job. He didn't own a business. And one of my favorite strategies when buying a business is taking a business where you own a job as opposed to owning a business. So again, the litmus test I've talked about several times, and the litmus test is if you're not sure what you have, just don't show up for a month. If your income goes down, you own a job. And if it stays the same, it goes up you own a business.

Well, long story short, the founder of this business was the smartest guy in the room. He was the one that knew how to build the boats. He was the one that had the expertise, and if he didn't show up at the manufacturing facility, then no boats got made.

And so we bought it as a job. We bought it at a discounted rate. And we transitioned it to a business. For example, some of the things that we did, one, they had a mold for the boats. That's how they build the holes, or they mold the holes. They only had one of those, and it had been the same one for 15 years.

So the first thing we did was built a redundant mold, just in case the first one, we moved the company from Boulder, Colorado, where it was up until the roaring fork Valley on the side of a river where people actually use these boats. We built a second mold. We actually built a third one out of parts that we never assembled, and we shipped them up in two different semis because if we lost that mold, we'd lose the ability for us to build boats.

So we built-in redundancy there, and then we brought in people and processes, best in class for manufacturers. We separated steps one through nine and we put banners up that showed what each step did, and we color-coded all the tool sets and we just made it leaner and more efficient.

And so when you buy a business, it's owning a job and to translate it to owning a business, it's obviously much more valuable. It's probably worth one to two times earnings if you own a job and it's probably where three to five times earnings if you own a business. So we bought it and then we transitioned it to a business and then we sold it.

And so when you sell it, you want to sell it just slightly over 12 months, and we sold it in a little under 13 months. And the advantage of that, especially in the United States, is you take that at a preferential tax rate or what's called long term capital gains, which depending on your income level, is 15 to 20% plus 3% or 3.8% Obamacare currently.

Apr 08, 202004:58
How to Build My Business Into a Machine vs. a Job - Crypto Part 2

How to Build My Business Into a Machine vs. a Job - Crypto Part 2

Listen to the podcast , watch the video, or read the transcript below. 

Transcript of Podcast

Hey, it's Robert Hirsch, and this is the second part of the, how do I build a machine video? And if you haven't watched that, I'd recommend going back to that first because it's going to make this one even more valuable. So, to recap, we wanted to have exposure to the Crypto market, but I wanted to think like an entrepreneur. I wanted to build a machine, which meant that I wasn't just going to go out and buy five Bitcoin like a trader and stick it in a wallet and hope it went up. So did I do that? The answer is no. What did I do? Well, that's a little bit different and you might have to follow me through the office and I'll show you what we're up to.

Come on. So when figuring out the right solution, I wanted to think like an entrepreneur and I wanted exposure to the Cryptocurrency market, but I wasn't 100% sure what that looked like. So we started doing some research and the result of that is this. So what you see before you is 156 GPU mining rig that is mining Bitcoin. And we talked about the difference between owning a job and owning a business. That's what we talked about with a machine. And if you didn't know which one you had, you just stopped showing up for a month. So this requires about 15 minutes of attention all month. And it works and makes money for us seven days a week, 24 hours a day. This is a Bitcoin mining rig that just, we get roughly one Bitcoin every six weeks from it, and it's pretty exceptional and it was fun to build.

We bought these GPUs at half price on eBay. Not that I'm trying to create competition for ourselves where we're going out doing the GPUs, but this is really how you build a machine as opposed to just owning a job.

So this is one of our passion projects here. Hopefully, this was helpful and now you understand the difference. What I mean between owning a machine and owning a job. If you have questions on how any of this works, why don't you give us a call it Freedom Factory. I'm Robert and we'll talk to you soon. Thank you so much for watching. Please hit like and subscribe.

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Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Managing Partners

Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.

About Tyler Tysdal

Apr 07, 202002:49
How to Build My Business Into a Machine vs. a Job - Crypto Part 1

How to Build My Business Into a Machine vs. a Job - Crypto Part 1

Additional Videos From Freedom Factory

Key Difference Between Owning a Business and Owning a Job

How do I Connect to My Purpose with My Business?

Transcript of Podcast

Hi, Robert from Freedom Factory. And a lot of these questions that we're getting are coming from our previous videos where I talked about owning the machine as opposed to owning a job. And if you didn't know what you had, the litmus test was don't show up for a month. If your business makes more money or stays the same, you own a business or a machine. If it goes down, you own a job. So how do you own a machine? And so I wanted to do a little two-part series and talk about how I own a machine or how we own a machine here at Freedom Factory and how do we think entrepreneurially. So there's going to be a great opportunity for you to participate in this and I'm going to need your help.

So if you don't have a pen or pencil, I'd go grab one now. Awesome. Now that you have that, I want you to think as an entrepreneur. So, and this is not investment advice and it was just something that I chose to do for myself. So I'm not advising you to do any of that, but I knew crypto got big. I knew I wanted to have exposure to cryptocurrency.

I didn't know a Bitcoin from a blockchain. I wasn't sure what anything was, but I knew I wanted to get exposure to it. So what a lot of people would do is they would just go out and they would buy the Bitcoin and it would go up or would go down. And the two days that matter, the days you buy it in the days you sell it, well that's one way to do it, but that's not owning a machine, right? That's, it's like gambling or owning a stock. It just doesn't make sense.

So what would be the entrepreneurial way to get exposure to crypto? And that's what I want to talk about today. So I want you to think about it and how would you own a machine around crypto and what does that look like? So do I run out and buy Bitcoin? I'll give you a hint. That's not what I did. Or do I think about it as an entrepreneur and do I build machine that gives me exposure to the crypto market? So that's what I wanted to go do. So think about that. Tune in to part two, and I'll show you exactly what I did to get exposure to the crypto market, how I built the machine and how I thought like an entrepreneur.

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5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
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Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

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Apr 06, 202002:26
How do I Build the Machine to Work ON My Business vs. IN the Business?

How do I Build the Machine to Work ON My Business vs. IN the Business?

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses "How do I Build the Machine to Work ON My Business vs IN the Business".

Additional Videos From Freedom Factory

Should I Hire a Consultant or a Business Broker to Sell My Business?

How do I Leverage Other Peoples' Money For Buying a Business?

Transcript of Podcast

Hi, Robert from Freedom Factory here, and I want to talk to you about something that is entrepreneurs we hear a lot, but we don't necessarily think about a lot. And I'm sure we've all heard the analogy of working on your business as opposed to in your business. And this is especially true when you want to go sell your company.

So if you're this highly specialized piece and you have to, you're the only person that can make it rain. Your business is going to sell for a lot less. Then if your business ran even better when you weren't there. And so something to think about here is instead of being in the machine, work on building the machine to work when you're not in it, and you need to resist the urge to jump in, and there's oftentimes that maybe you're the best at it in your company.

It's a small company that you want to jump in and do it. Well, I would suggest not doing it and really training your team to be able to do it. And a great way to set your altitude correctly is to revisit your operations manual. And if you don't have an operations manual, it's a great thing to get done before you go to sell, because you're going to need to sell it.

But if you revisit it or create it, look at it from the operations manual perspective. Dial-in your processes so that your business operates even more efficiently when you're not there. The reason this is so important is this is going to change the multiple of your business dramatically and also is going to create more competition among buyers.

If you have questions on any of this, why don't you give us a call it Freedom Factory. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Thank you so much for watching. Please hit like and subscribe.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

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Managing Partners

Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch.

About Tyler Tysdal

Apr 02, 202001:44
Should I Hire a Consultant or a Business Broker to Sell My Business?

Should I Hire a Consultant or a Business Broker to Sell My Business?

Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, discusses whether you Should Hire a Consultant or a Business Broker to Sell Your Business?

Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript .

Additional Videos From Freedom Factory

Seller Beware! The Big Reasons Deals Don't Close

What are the Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value?

Transcript of Podcast

Hi Robert Hirsch again, and I want to talk to you about something, which is a question that we get a lot, which is small business consultants. Should I hire them? Do I hire them before selling? And I must admit I've got a bit of a conflict on this. I was a consultant for a long time, both a management consultant as well as the liquidity consultants.

So just understand my bias before we get too far into it. So a lot of consultants have relevant experience, but what very few consultants have relevant experience in is selling their business. So what hasn't worked well that I've seen in the past is when someone has a general advisor and they're giving them general information, which may or may not help the valuation.

And usually in that handoff is where we lose a lot of value, meaning the advisor gives the advice, the company implements it, but it doesn't make any difference in valuation. So if I was to hire a liquidity consultant, I would make sure that they sell businesses full time and don't do anything else. I would make sure that they're a licensed broker and I'd make sure that they can take you from consulting before you take it on the market all the way through a successful sale. And so I would find a licensed broker and be able to do that.

The other thing that I think is pretty critical is I would make sure that someone speaks your language. For example, I've seen a lot of miscommunication when an entrepreneur tries to work with a banker and they find out that entrepreneurs don't speak banker and bankers sure don't speak entrepreneur. So find a broker that is an experienced entrepreneur that's been doing it for a long time, that speaks your language and that's going to give you the best results, which is going to maximize your sales price.

Now, if you have questions on this or anything like it, feel free to reach out to us at Freedom Factory and we'll see you soon.

Thank you so much for watching. Please like and subscribe.

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Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

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Managing Partners

Learn more about the managing partners, Tyler Tysdal, and Robert Hirsch

Mar 31, 202002:10
How do I Connect to My Purpose with My Business

How do I Connect to My Purpose with My Business

Hi, it's Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory. And I wanted to talk to you about a really important subject. And these are really the secrets of selling a business for maximum value. And so, at Freedom Factory, we do a lot of the work for you in terms of what it takes to be able to sell your business.

And we have a great partnership, and I'll get into that in a little bit, but more than anything else what we do is help you craft your best story, and when you're crafting a story, it needs to make sense to buyers. It needs to make sense on why you're selling, why you started it, why the business has grown.

What are your sustainable competitive advantages or your key differentiators in the marketplace? Some people call that unique selling proposition, but we need to create a story that answers more questions than it creates. When you create stories buyers hit the brakes and it slows down. As we've talked about a lot, time kills all deals. So it's really working with the right broker that's going to help you craft that story. Also, when you're selling your business, be super authentic and true to who you are. We're in my backyard now in the mountains of Colorado, and it is a gorgeous, yet slightly chilly all day. I was up here and we're thinking about it. I'm answering these emails and I'm like, . Why don't I just go outside and shoot a video and I'm not in the office. I put on a sport coat because it was cold. But I get to authentically be myself. And when you're authentically yourself, people can feel it and hopefully you feel that now.

And when you're selling your business, we want to make sure your buyers feel that. That's unbelievably important. And so I often talk about when you pick a broker, it's a partnership. You need to make sure the business is going. The number one reason that deals fall apart is because something changes. Your sales drop off a cliff. You don't hit your projections, etc.

You want to make sure that every time you give a buyer a set of projections, you need to have an already hit. I speak virtually, but you want to make sure that you're going to hit it otherwise, just be a little less optimistic. But we want to create a track record of success with our buyers where we systematically exceed their expectations. I've had sellers tell me at the end, they say, Robert, this is my best sales month ever. Do I really want to sell it? And I'm like, Huey, this is exactly the time to sell it. You're on a high, you're on the home stretch, you're selling it for maximum value. And this is just making the buyer feel more comfortable with their decision.

And not only are you getting paid once, but you're getting paid once, plus your multiple, right?

So if you sell it once, you get the money from that. If you sell it on a four times multiple, you're actually making five times that. It's great. These are the best problems to have. When you have a business broker, you want to make sure that you find the best one that's going to be able to drive the most value. We've taken businesses and been able to reposition them. We've been able to recast their financials. We've been able to literally over triple the selling price of the business to what they expected coming in from their EBIDTA. 

This is really different than a realtor or a broker for real estate. Ultimately when you're selling real estate, you're limited by the appraisal value. 

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Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Mar 26, 202002:10
What are the Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value

What are the Secrets of Selling Your Business for Maximum Value

What Are the Types of Business Buyers?

Seller Beware! The Big Reasons Deals Don't Close

Hi, it's Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory. And I wanted to talk to you about a really important subject. And these are really the secrets of selling a business for maximum value. And so, at Freedom Factory, we do a lot of the work for you in terms of what it takes to be able to sell your business.

And we have a great partnership, and I'll get into that in a little bit, but more than anything else what we do is help you craft your best story, and when you're crafting a story, it needs to make sense to buyers. It needs to make sense on why you're selling, why you started it, why the business has grown.

What are your sustainable competitive advantages or your key differentiators in the marketplace? Some people call that unique selling proposition, but we need to create a story that answers more questions than it creates. When you create stories buyers hit the brakes and it slows down. As we've talked about a lot, time kills all deals. So it's really working with the right broker that's going to help you craft that story. Also, when you're selling your business, be super authentic and true to who you are. We're in my backyard now in the mountains of Colorado, and it is a gorgeous, yet slightly chilly all day. I was up here and we're thinking about it. I'm answering these emails and I'm like, . Why don't I just go outside and shoot a video and I'm not in the office. I put on a sport coat because it was cold. But I get to authentically be myself. And when you're authentically yourself, people can feel it and hopefully you feel that now.

And when you're selling your business, we want to make sure your buyers feel that. That's unbelievably important. And so I often talk about when you pick a broker, it's a partnership. You need to make sure the business is going. The number one reason that deals fall apart is because something changes. Your sales drop off a cliff. You don't hit your projections, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

You want to make sure that every time you give a buyer a set of projections, you need to have an already hit. I speak virtually, but you want to make sure that you're going to hit it otherwise, just be a little less optimistic. But we want to create a track record of success with our buyers where we systematically exceed their expectations. I've had sellers tell me at the end, they say, Robert, this is my best sales month ever. Do I really want to sell it? And I'm like, Huey, this is exactly the time to sell it. You're on a high, you're on the home stretch, you're selling it for maximum value. And this is just making the buyer feel more comfortable with their decision.

And not only are you getting paid once, but you're getting paid once, plus your multiple, right?

So if you sell it once, you get the money from that. If you sell it on a four times multiple, you're actually making five times that. It's great. These are the best problems to have. When you have a business broker, you want to make sure that you find the best one that's going to be able to drive the most value. We've taken businesses and been able to reposition them. We've been able to recast their financials. We've been able to literally over triple the selling price of the business to what they expected coming in from their EBIDTA.

Please like and subscribe.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Mar 24, 202004:17
How do I Leverage Other Peoples' Money for Buying a Business?

How do I Leverage Other Peoples' Money for Buying a Business?

Hey everybody, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory here, and I want to answer a question that we get a lot, which is, how do I pay for a business. Now after doing this almost exclusively for 20 years, all you do is see these deals go through. And what looks normal to me is really different to a lot of my fellow entrepreneurs.

And so I was with a group of entrepreneurs speaking to them last night. And what they told me is they said, Robert, I don't have 2 million sitting around to buy a business, you know, maybe a private equity guys or venture capital guys, or more successful entrepreneurs. But that's not me. And I thought about it and I gave a little bit of a chuckle and I realized that they're probably not the only entrepreneurs that think this. And so I wanted to talk about different ways to pay for a business. So there's a couple ones that are pretty interesting. You can do it either through equity or through debt. Right?

So let's start with equity. So equity, you can put together an investor round to acquire a company. You can secure it by the business. For me, I do better with just a few investors, not a lot of little ones - the friends and family. And that can be nice for smaller things.
But for me, I like one or two sophisticated investors if I'm going to raise an equity round. But the reality is, I think for most businesses this size, I liked debt for in 90% of applications, and we can talk about what the difference looks like in a little bit.

So there are different types of debt. My favorite kind of debt when I'm buying a business is seller financing. So if the seller is selling a great business, and you've probably seen some videos of mine talking about the difference between you'd rather buy a great business at a good price and a good business at a great price. So if you're selling a great business and the seller is confident in their business, they'll be happy to take a note on it.

Sometimes it's as little as 10 or 20% when you're trying to bridge the gap. Sometimes it's as much as 90%. I've seen 90% solid carry just secured by the business, and if you're not successful, the business goes right back to them and they like their business. So they're happy to do that.

There's also bankers, but it's so funny, the old Axiom about bankers wanting to lend you money, when you don't need it, and don't lend you money when you need it. In my experience, that's been true. If you've got a successful business, the lending of money on it, but they're going to want you to collateralize it with your other business in most circumstances.
So bankers are there, and if you've got a great banking relationship, maybe it works out well. But what I've seen work out the best is small business loans or SBA loans, small business administration loans. And you can do it as with as little as 10% down. So if you're buying, let's say you're buying a business three X and it's 2 million, that means it throws 666,000 a year in free cash flow.

And if you can buy that for $200,000 you look at stock valuations and things along those lines, but when you're buying a business at three X and you're putting 10% down, as an entrepreneur, I can't think of a better deal than that. An SBA loans had their own restrictions. You have to put a personal guarantee on it. I think they cap it at $5 million currently. 

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Mar 21, 202004:54
Key Difference Between Owning A Business And Owning A Job

Key Difference Between Owning A Business And Owning A Job

Do you own a job or a business? Many entrepreneurs don't recognize the difference between the two. If you are a businessman, it is essential to know how your company performs if you're physically there and if you're not.

That way, you can find out if your business continues to profit or not. There's a litmus test to find out if what you have right now is really a business or just a job.

Hi, Robert Hirsch here from Freedom Factory, and one of the most frequent questions we get is, can I sell my business? And the answer is always yes. It just depends on what's the price. And if you own a job, it's very difficult to sell. And the multiple is usually one or less. And if you don't know whether you own a job or you own a business, there's a really easy litmus test to find out.
Just don't show up for a few weeks. If your income stays the same or goes up, you're on a business. If it goes down, you own a job.

The good news is there's a lot of value to be created by taking people that own jobs and transition to them, to people that own businesses. And what I mean by someone that owns a business or a business that holds its shape, if you will, when you're not there, when you're not the primary entrepreneur, you have systems and processes and employees and team that makes sure that you generate as much value as you can. So let's jump into that. Let's jump into what that looks like. So again, if you're not sure if you own a business or you own a job, just don't show up for a couple of weeks. If your income stays the same or goes up, you own a business. If it's lower, you own a job.

The good news. If you own a job, you can transition it to a business pretty easily. What you want to do is build your operations manual, your systems, your processes, and your team to get yourself out of the traditional workflow. So you're working on your business and not in it. If you need any help with processes like this, just give us a call at Freedom Factory. Thank you so much for watching. Please hit like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Mar 18, 202001:56
Seller Beware The Big Reasons Deals Don't Close

Seller Beware The Big Reasons Deals Don't Close

Hi everybody. This is Robert from Freedom Factory and I want to talk to you about it a pretty serious topic today, and it's the biggest reason that deals don't close. Now, personally, my close rate on deals has been really strong over the last 10 or 15 years, but I see a lot of people, you know, the industry standard, they close less than 50% of deals.

So, it's almost unbelievable when you think 50% of people that agree to pay a price for a business don't actually buy it. And I want to jump into why that is, and more importantly, how can you can make sure that doesn't happen to you. So first of all, when the biggest reason that I see that deals don't close is usually when the numbers drop off a cliff.

And the reason that happens is because the entrepreneur is trying to do too much. So as running a business as an entrepreneur takes a lot of work, and when we sell a business, we're partners for a short period of time. I talk a lot about our 147-day selling process and a lot of times it works in that time. Sometimes it takes a little bit longer, sometimes or even faster. But the number one thing when we're selling your business is to let us do our job as you have to do your job and make sure the numbers are still going on the same trend line that they were. If you're growing at 3% a month. The this time can be the absolute most important time for you to do it. Not only because you get paid the best. What that means, for example, let's say, you're selling your business on earnings and you're getting a multiple of five times earnings. When you sell it, you're actually getting paid six times on every sale you ever make, which means you're getting paid once in the cash and five times you're earning is when you sell it.

Now, if you were making six times your usual value when you sell a business, do you think you would sell harder? I sure would. And having the right broker and the right partner to be able to sell it for you, we're going to handle the process. We're going to handle the phone calls. We're going to handle the Q and a, the diligence.

We're going to prequalify your buyers. We're going to take all that off of your plate. In fact, until the buyers had been prequalified, and we have an LOI on the table, we don't even put them on the phone with you. We want to preserve your time as much as you can so you can run your business as profitably as we can, and we can do our job.

And again, what we do at Freedom Factory is make sure to build as much deal tension as we can. So that's getting the most people introduced to the business, either through a combination of inbound or outbound and marketing materials going through a Q and A process and getting all the buyers to go to our process, meaning the sellers process.

We do Q and A here. We do prequalification here; we do LOI's here. We start to go through and we get the funnel and we find the perfect buyer and the perfect fit for you. Bottom line is the partnership's pretty simple - for the next year, you run your business, we focus on selling your business.

When you're talking to a broker, you're making the right decision. Try and find somebody that's not just a sales guy or just sells businesses for a living. Find a career entrepreneur; someone that speaks entrepreneur, somebody that understands that. Just because you've built the business and got it to here doesn't mean that you want to run it for the rest of your life.

Mar 16, 202005:49
Grow a Business or Buy a Business

Grow a Business or Buy a Business

Hi Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, and I want to talk to you about something that's pretty important for an entrepreneur. And frankly, I don't think most entrepreneurs consider, which is when they want to grow their company, do you want to build it or do you want to buy it or growth by acquisition.

Now, historically, a lot of entrepreneurs haven't really considered it, and the reason for that is that buying and selling small businesses has been a pretty inefficient asset class. It's hard to find the right one. It's hard to find a real one. It's hard to know what business you're in. Not a lot of brokers really disclose a lot of meaningful information and unless you're applying EBITDA of 5 million or more, you don't necessarily view it that way.

But I'm here to tell you that that's not necessarily the case anymore. Money is made on the buy and you want to, you want to find something at a fair valuation. Warren buffet said it, I think best. He said, I'd rather have a great business at a good price than a good business at a great price.

I think what he means by that is an exceptional business with this sustainable competitive advantage will always be worth more than an average business. Again, when you're looking at it, you're trying to think, okay, how do I find a great business at a fair price? So at Freedom Factory, we really specialize in selling great businesses. If you can find a great business at a good price, it can make a ton of sense. There's two other points of leverage that you might want to consider. One is if you have a complementary product set or a complimentary customer set. And what I mean by that, let's say you sell phones and you're looking at buying the headset company, or buying headsets to would plug right into your phones. Your existing customers would be interested in it. And if you could get a 10 20% take rate on that, you might be able to pay for your business in less than a year if you bought it at three, four or five times earnings.

The other thing which I talk about more in other videos is what I like to call your stupid human trick. Or really, that's the one thing that you do better than anyone else. And everyone's heard of the 80 20 principle, right? 20% of your work delivers 80% of your results. Well, when you get to an expert level at something, in my experience, it's really turned into 95 -five. So 5% of my work delivers 95% of my results.

Now, that can really multiply your efficiency and efficacy in your business. And what I mean by that is if I could do that 5% 20 times, I could deliver 20 times the business results that I could otherwise. So let's land the plane and talk about exactly what I'm saying. So let's say, for example, for me, my background is in sales and direct response marketing.

So if I can find an engineering company with a superior quality product that's extraordinary, that has a sales problem, I can probably dramatically shift the line by focusing on fixing the sales and marketing problem, which comes really naturally to me, and allows me to make huge differences in your company.

Please like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Mar 14, 202004:41
What is the Process to Sell Your Business Quickly

What is the Process to Sell Your Business Quickly

Hi, Robert Hirsch here from Freedom Factory. A question that we get a lot is, how do I sell my business quickly? So if you've come to the decision to sell your business, as soon as you make that decision, you want it to happen as fast as you can. There are a couple of things that we've done to really optimize the process.

And when we do it here, we've compressed it down to the 147-day timeline. And we've done that by really being able to control the seller's process. For example, if you're selling your business and every buyer that calls, they have different questions and they want to talk to you and meet your management team, that becomes a big distraction.

What we do is we create a timeline where you submit your questions. For example, let's say you submit six questions and you get 50 responses. Well, all of a sudden you know that it's, there are other buyers looking at it. It's a competitive process. And then only after we pre-qualify the buyers and get their letter of intent do we ever offer them a management meeting.
Now, the number one reason that businesses go out of contract is generally per se, dropped the ball.

So if they're doing a baseline revenue and all of a sudden you have a second job, which is selling your business, you take your eye off the prize, your revenue goes like this. If you do have a buyer that's going to spook them. So we want to do is make sure to have the right partnership. One side of the team is focused on selling your business, and the other side is focused on optimizing it and running it. Now another thing that really helps the process is with enough deal experience, you know what's going to be requested.

You know what information, the financial recast, you know all the information that they're going to want and what you want to do is get that together before you even take it to market. Because when you sell a business, it's kind of like playing a game of tennis and you're always hitting the ball over to the other side. As soon as they requested information, you want to have it ready to go so you can pass it right to them and it's going to increase your value and maximize the value of your business. So there's two things. One, the smoother it goes from the buyer's perspective, the more desirable your businesses, and two, the more complete your paperwork and documentation, the higher the sales price.

If you have any questions on how to sell your business, or what does this look like, please give us a call at Freedom Factory. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Thank you so much for watching. Please like and subscribe.

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Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

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Mar 10, 202002:38
3 Ways to Maximize Your Company's Value

3 Ways to Maximize Your Company's Value

Hi, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory here again, and today I want to talk to you about the three ways to maximize the value when you go to sell your business. The first is to maximize your multiple, and what I mean by that is there are different multiples for different businesses and we can talk about what that looks like.

But for example, I had a company come to me to sell and its name was something excavation, and it started off being an excavation company, but in the last 20 years, it really turned into a construction company, but 80% of its revenues were construction. Now it turns out that multiples are this size business and multiples, meaning how much times earning is your company worth?

If your multiple is two and your earnings were $1 million, your company would be worth 2 million plus whatever your capital assets are. And so the excavation company, the multiple was roughly two to two and a half, but if it was a construction company, which it really was, is four and a half to five, so it changed the branding of the company. We changed the positioning and we were able to tell it in the construction multiples, not in the excavation multiples.

Point two is recasting your financials. Now you have to pay your taxes and you have your EBIDTA and your EBIT is designed to be minimized. And what we do is we do a pivot table and we translate that to seller's discretionary cash flow. And it accurately reflects all the cash and value that your company creates. And so by adding back your board meetings in Hawaii and maybe your health club memberships and your vehicles, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, you really get a capture all that value. So recasting your financials is really important.

The third piece is maximizing your intangibles. And what I mean by that is when we have a buyer that comes to look at your company, they're going to ask questions. And if we have those questions answered beforehand and they say, well, how does the company work? And he said, well, it's A, B, C, and D, and we can send you the operations manual following this call, and he can get back to us with any questions. An approach like that is going to answer more questions and it's going to create, and let's say the multiple range was three to five times earnings, meaning if it was $1 million of earnings, if it were three to 5 million, when your intangibles are there, you're going to really get on the upper side and get a net over four, four and a half, five.

When everything's in disarray, you're really going to be on the lower end of that. So getting your intangibles in place is really important. And remember, when you go to sell your business, it's a team sport. If you need any help, just give us a call at Freedom Factory and we'd be happy to help you and walk you through the entire process.

Thanks for spending your valuable time with me. Please hit like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.

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Mar 10, 202003:06
What Does Freedom Mean to me to Sell my Business?

What Does Freedom Mean to me to Sell my Business?

Hey, it's Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, and I want to talk to you about our first core value here, which is freedom and what it means to me and the evolution of the definition of freedom. So when I started as an entrepreneur 25 years ago, my definition of freedom was being able to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want, as often as you want.

And that led to a really fun twenties in San Francisco and in Colorado. It was spectacular. I owned my time and it gave me the ability to break the time for money equation, right? Meaning when my buddies were at work from nine to six, I could create my own schedule. And as long as I worked hard and worked well, and effectively, I owned my time, which is very important. That's how I used to define freedom.

Now these days, my view on it has evolved. Freedom isn't about drifting from thing to thing, and it's not about being amorphous and it's not as hedonistic as it was in my twenties. It's where passion and purpose aligned, meaning what do I want to do with the rest of my productive life?

It was six years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia, which was particularly brutal, and I went through 22 injections of, chemotherapy. And when I got done with that, which I am super grateful for and super healthy now, I asked myself a question. I said, what do I want to do with the rest of my productive life?

And I knew I wanted my passion and my purpose really to make the largest impact and how do I make it count, so to speak. And so it didn't become about this hedonistic freedom. It became about what do I have to do? What can I not do? What do I have to attach my yoke to? And so I started off with the who and the who is my fellow entrepreneurs and what do I want to do? I want to help them with the most important deal of their life. I want to affect their lives, their family's lives, or kids' family's lives. I want to help the helpers.

For me, my business has always been about effecting social change and leaving the world a better place. And when I found it, and if you're an entrepreneur who takes our destiny in your own hands, I'd love to help.

So if you have questions about what is it that, you have to do? What do you need to attach your yoke to? How do I sell my business? How do I buy a business? We'd love to help. I'm Robert here at Freedom Factory. Give us a call and let's talk about freedom soon.

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5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
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Mar 10, 202002:49
What is My Business Worth?

What is My Business Worth?

Hi, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory here. One of the questions that we get most often is, what is my business worth? If you're like me, most entrepreneurs are so interested in growing their business that what it's worth doesn't really come up that often. I always focus on growing sales, and I figure if I grow sales, and I run it efficiently, the business is going to get better and it's going to be worth more. In general, that's right. But it doesn't answer the question of what it's worth. Most entrepreneurs say, okay, where do I begin? When I think of where do I begin, I always think of earnings.

A lot of people talk about EBITDA, which is for taxes, and that can be adjusted into the seller's discretionary cash flow. But you figure out how much your businesses is worth based upon how much it earns., and it depends. There's a lot of factors, what industry are you in, how long has it been around? Do you have a customer concentration issue? What that means is, do you get 80% of your sales from Walmart, or do you get no more than 20% from any one customer? There's a lot of intangibles that go into it. BUt if you have a smaller business, let's call it a million in earnings. In general, it's worth roughly three to five times earnings.

Now, that is super rough, and it gives you just kind of a thumbnail that you can use. And of course, we can answer it in more detail when we look at it, but what that means is, let's say you have a customer concentration issue, let's say you have, whatever it may be, you have some, you have some competitors that are taking business away from you aggressively, you're probably going to be on the bottom end of that. Now, if you have some intellectual property that's defensible, or if you’ve been around for an awful long time, or if you have some sustainable, competitive advantage, the way I like to think of it is how big is the moat around the business or how big is the moat protecting you? Then you're going to be on the upper side of that. If you have a range like we used before from three to five times earnings. If you can get a broker that gets you away from three and gets you towards five and your business makes $1 million, you just made a million and a half more with effective 23% tax rate. That's awesome. That's $1 million more in your pocket.

Or for example, sometimes I've worked with businesses that were in the wrong industry classification and maybe they started off there, but maybe they've evolved as your business has grown over the last five or 10 years to a totally different industry classification. So it's taking it to market, putting a story together, maximizing the sale of your business.

Those are the things that are really important when you think about selling it. I hope this is helpful for getting what it's worth. If you want to call us over at Freedom Factory or if we can give you any help whatsoever, we'd love to do it. Please hit like and subscribe.

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5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
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Mar 03, 202005:49
What is Entrepreneurial Freedom?

What is Entrepreneurial Freedom?

Hi guys. Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory. And I want to talk to you about something really important and specifically what is freedom? And people talk about freedom all the time. It's our core value. It's in our company name. It's in our intro it's, or outro, it's our, it's our number one top of the list core value and freedom is one of those things that means different things to different people. So I wanted to define it at least as we see it for our fellow entrepreneurs. And so my short tried answer is freedom is being able to do what you want, with who you want, as often as you want. And that's only partially true.

But what freedom really is, is being able to make a choice every morning when you wake up, being able to be on point and on purpose, where purpose and passion really come together and understanding what that looks like. A lot of people think that freedom, they say, well, Robert, are you free? And I certainly defined myself as a free and sovereign man. They say, well, why are you doing Freedom Factory? Why did you do all these brokerages? Why are you doing the TV show on A&E and history? What's going on? And I think I define freedom differently than other people.

What I see freedom as is, what do I have to do. What do I want to do with the rest of my productive life? What can I not do? What am I going to attach my yoke to? And so many entrepreneurs, they would come to me for consulting and to sell their business and they'd say, I have no idea how to do it. For me, it came down to who's my tribe? Well, it's people like us. It's the entrepreneurs in the world, and what can I do for them? I can help them stick the landing and put resources and time and money in their pocket, and change not only their family and their own destiny, but I can allow them to build what it is that they find most important.

As entrepreneurs, we're the builders and what is it that we need to do? And that to me is freedom. It's not how do I free myself of everything and just float alone in the ether. It's how am I free to wake up and help my tribe every day? Now, if you have any questions on this or anything else, why don't you give us a call at Freedom Factory. And thank you so much for spending your valuable time with me. Please hit like and subscribe. I'm Robert Hirsch. We'll see you soon.

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Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

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Mar 03, 202003:42
What is Your Stupid Human Trick?

What is Your Stupid Human Trick?

Hi, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, and I want to talk to you about something that has really allowed me to bend time and has really allowed me to make a difference when running my companies or my entrepreneurial companies. And I call it the stupid human trick. And I borrowed a bit of that from David Letterman watching his stupid animal tricks growing up.

As entrepreneurs, we usually have one thing that we do better than anybody else. And I've mentioned this in a few other videos, but, people really wanted me to spend more time on it and show you exactly what I'm talking about. So, as entrepreneurs, there's two things that really help, mentors and a peer group.

I've been a part of the time what was WYO and is now EEO or young entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs organization, a young presidents or YPO and also Tiger 21 but there's great groups to figure out of entrepreneurs and build that peer group and there's great mentors and there's a skill set to being a great mentor and also to being a great mentee, and this all adds into it.

And then you can also do a lot of self work and a lot of testing for cognitive or things that you think such as Myers Briggs or an enneagram or cognative, or things that don't change or instincts. The best test I've found for that is Kolbe and Kathy Kolbe has done a great job putting all that together.

And, and what's different about a cognative as opposed to a cognitive is it doesn't change if you take it, whether you're seven, 47 or 77 years old. But taking those tests, understanding what you're your best self is, and also getting an understanding of your shadow self or your stress self, and understand the triggers from when you go from one to the other can really help your efficacy, not just as an entrepreneur, but as a leader and a manager.

Getting really clear on that can really allow you to bend time. Or as I tell a lot of my consulting clients, I help entrepreneurs bend time. What does that mean? Right? So we're familiar with the 80/ 20 principle - 20% of what you do produces 80% of the results. Well, I think when you become an expert at something, it really turns into 95/5 but the way that works is, so let's say we'll just take 80/20 for simplicity of numbers, and let's say 20% produces 80% of your results.

If you can get rid of the other 80% of things occupying your time, maybe things that you're good at but not great at. For me, I'm a great leader but I'm a mediocre manager. I got rid of all my management. I've got great business partners that helped me with that, and I just focus on that 20% and if I could do that 20% five times, which is 100% of my time, I can create 400% of the value.

Now, if you subscribe to my line of thinking, which is 95/5 and 5% produces 95% of your value. Well, if you can get rid of the other 95% and just do that 5% 20 times, all of a sudden that's 1900% of your value, or almost 20 times. It's 19 times, almost unbelievable. The sharper you get there, the easier and the more effective you can be.

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5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
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Feb 27, 202006:08
How Do I Sell My Business?

How Do I Sell My Business?

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses how to sell your business, a common question asked by business owners, to business brokers.

Hi, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory here. And one of the questions that we get most often is, how do I sell my business? A lot of entrepreneurs, they ask this question. And I remember the first time I sold my business, I sold that through an investment banker in New York. And I learned this really important lesson.

Bankers don't speak entrepreneur and entrepreneurs ure don't speak banker. This was a different type of guy. He just wanted me to grow it  and the way he sold it, and I'm not 100% sure, I think he called five or 10 guys that he went into business school with and his list of usual buyers., and he sold it to them. When I look back at it, I realized, I sold it way under what I could've sold it for, and I left a lot of money on the table. If I went back to do it again, that certainly isn't the way I would do it. So anyway, long story short, fast forward here and I've started three of the largest brokerages.

I've hosted a TV show on  A&E and history on selling businesses, and all I do is help entrepreneurs sell their business. The number one thing that really drives the sales price is deal tension. Right? And so there's a couple of ways to think of it. One, you want to get as many interested parties as you can before you get into the LOI phase or the letter of intent phase.

Two, you want to get them to raise their hand at the same time, right? So if you have, if you have two buyers at the same time, they're going to be competing for your business and there's only one, and ultimately that's going to drive up the value for you and your business and your family. If you have two buyers at different times, that doesn't affect it at all, right? It doesn't give you, you know, the deal tension. If you have one guy or gal that wants to buy your business and you have another one three months later, that doesn't help you. So how do you run a process and how do you get buyers to fit to your timeline as opposed to you trying to fit to their timeline?

That's what an exceptional broker will do. They're going to create deal tension. They're going to get people interested. I'll give you an example. One of the things that we do is when we do a a month where we do questions and answers before we give any management meetings with the entrepreneur and what that does, let’s say a buyer sends in six questions and we send back 92 responses.

Contact Freedom Factory 5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also Follow Freedom Factory here

Feb 27, 202006:08
When is the Right Time to Sell My Business

When is the Right Time to Sell My Business

In today's podcast Robert Hirsch answers the question "When is the Right Time to Sell My Business?"

Hi Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory here. And I want to talk to you about a really important subject and when is it the right time to sell your business? This question has a bit more art than it does science. And ultimately it's kind of a gut check of what you know.  We're outside. This is the backyard of my mountain house and is kind of my happy place.

The first thing I'm going to suggest to you is get a change of scenery. Get out of the office. Get out of the commute, either with your family or away. Now figure out some place that you can go, whether you love to fish or ski or go to the mountains or go to the beach and whatever it is, just go somewhere and change your location, and get somewhere you feel really comfortable.

And then think about your business. And I look at it and I think about it in three questions. First, am I here and am I clear? Am I really into my business? Am I serving my business or does my business serve me? And I think life is too short to live where you serve your business. Your business is your personal vehicle to more freedom and more wealth.

And the way I define freedom is pretty simple - it's doing what you want, when you want, as often as you want, with whom you want. And if you love what you're doing and you think, God, this is amazing, and I am here and I am clear and I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to do, which is the way I look at selling businesses for fellow entrepreneurs, then that's awesome.

And it's not time to sell your business. If you're not sure about that, I would think a little bit harder, and I would dive in and say, do I have the right vision? Do I have a clear vision on where

I'm going to take my business in the next one, two, three, maybe even five years? What do I need to do in order to resolve it and feel great, and feel like I've accomplished what I've accomplished? Now, if your business is growing 40% a year or 50% a year, you probably have a clear vision. You're probably executing really well and you probably feel in flow. On the other hand, if you've been growing at 5% for the last five years, well that's a little bit more difficult, and perhaps somebody else can do it better than you.

Whenever my business is growing at 5%, I'm looking to sell. I'm saying, okay, I need an operator. I'm more of a strategic guy. And how do we focus on really creating something that is amazing, where you're on point and on purpose, but your growth rate will be a big indicator of that.

And the final thing is, you have done what you came to do if you, if you went into your business

Contact Freedom Factory

5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also Follow Freedom Factory here

Feb 27, 202004:05
Strategies for Getting Your Company Ready to Sell

Strategies for Getting Your Company Ready to Sell

Today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks about the strategies you should be using when getting your company ready to sell.
You can listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript below.

Strategies for Getting Your Company Ready to Sell

Hi, it's Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory. I was just working up in my mountain house and I needed to tell you this. I'm just working on it with a new customer and we're getting their company ready for sale, and I'm going through all their information, and I realized that not only do I need to tell our new customer this, but I think telling all of our customers how to get your company ready for sale is only going to help our tribe and our entrepreneurs.
So first of all, I want to talk about a difference between owning a job and owning a business. And I talk about this a lot, but perhaps I haven't explained it as well as I could.

So if you're not sure if you own a job or you own a business, just don't show up for a week. Maybe do a little bit of work from home. But if your income stays the same or goes up, you own a business. You've built a machine that makes a machine.
If your income goes down or your sales go down, you own a job. And before you go to sell your business, being able to transition, owning a job to owning a business who really help your valuation.
I put it all in this operations manual to get it into one place so that's easy to use. These and other things are going to help you build a business and not a job. And if you do own a job, please don't be discouraged. You know, transitioning a job to a business is fairly easy to do. It usually takes about three to six months and it can dramatically affect the final selling price of your business. If you need any help with anything, just give us a call at Freedom Factory. Thank you so much for watching. Please hit like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also Follow Freedom Factory here

Feb 20, 202003:18
How are Brokers Different from Investment Bankers

How are Brokers Different from Investment Bankers

In today's episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks about the difference between business brokers and investment bankers.

Hi, it's Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory again. And I wanted to talk to you today about a question that we get a lot, and it's, what's the difference between a broker and an investment banker? And you know, as an entrepreneur, I didn't know the difference. The first time I sold a business, I used an investment banker.

And, you know, and long story short, I became a broker because the whole situation could have gone better. And so what I learned was that that brokers, all they do is sell businesses and primarily entrepreneurial businesses. And sometimes they sell it to other entrepreneurs, sometimes they sell it to private equity firms, smaller private equity firms, sometimes venture capital's, sometimes small roll-ups.

But they're really focused on helping entrepreneurs get the maximum value for their business. Now, investment bankers and I don't know, they're just very different. And part of our team here at Freedom Factory are people that came from an investment banking background and they did really large deals, you know, primarily, you know, deals over 100 million and many deals that are five, 10, 15, 20 million are way too small for them.

Or they just, you know, essentially the fees aren't high enough to make them pay attention. So it's estimated that roughly 80% of all M&A deals are done by brokers, but roughly 10% of all M&A revenue is done by brokers. And again, you know, our average selling price are companies that do EBIDTA of roughly two to 20 million.

And what that means when you do earnings of two to 20 million is our sales price are significantly smaller than companies like Google or eBay. And so it's really a, a big difference. So bankers are really focused on large deals, large teams, you know, big deals. If you have a smaller business or a company that does revenue of.

50 or 60 million or less, you're going to be very small for a banker, but you're going to be really immaterial to a broker. And so when it came down to what do I want to do with the rest of my productive life, I've been running entrepreneurial businesses for 30 years, and I've gone from spectacular successes to smoldering holes in the ground and, and everything in between.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory 5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also Follow Freedom Factory here

Feb 18, 202004:08
What is the Most Undervalued Asset Class

What is the Most Undervalued Asset Class

Hi there. It's Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory again, and I want to talk to you today about what I see as the most undervalued asset class on the planet. And that's small business. If you're to go buy a small business, and let's say it's making $200,000 a year and it's in an average industry, and you know an average thing, you might be able to buy it for three times earnings.

And what that means is the purchase price of the company would be $600,000. Now a lot of guys are watching saying, you know, maybe I don't have a $600,000 check or a 6 million check or a 60 million check. Put whatever size is appropriate for you, but you can go get things like small business loans.

You can do seller carry notes. Often you can buy a company throwing $200,000 a year, for only a hundred or $200,000 into it or less. And when I look at the stock market, let's say a company is trading for 20 times earnings. So if it's earnings or $1 million, it's trading for 20 million is its market cap.

Well, it's much more interesting to buy a company at three X. They want a 20 X, and you know the math is pretty obvious. But if you have an entrepreneurial skillset and you're willing to work hard and sales and marketing and entrepreneurship. There isn't a more undervalued asset class on the planet. You know, me personally, I've made all my money from buying, selling, and operating small businesses over a 28-year career.

If you have any questions about any of this, please give us a call it freedom factory. Thank you so much for watching. Please hit like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also Follow Freedom Factory here

Feb 18, 202001:53
Dont Make The Single Biggest Mistake When Selling Your Business

Dont Make The Single Biggest Mistake When Selling Your Business

Selling a business seems pretty straightforward – offer your business to prospective buyers, sign the deal, and voila! However, it is not always the case. Many business owners are struggling to sell their business.

Finding buyers alone takes time. Some already find buyers, but as they take off, things begin to fall, and they end up going back to square one. In today's episode from Freedom Factory Robert discusses the single biggest mistake entrepreneurs make when selling their business, and how to avoid it.

Hi again. Robert Hirsch here from Freedom Factory, talk to you today about the single biggest mistake that I see sellers make when selling their business. Now, In business you know there's simple and there's complex. And I think we all know the Einstein quote about, you know, any fool can make it more complex, It takes a real genius to make it simple. and I want to and when we go to sell our business, the one thing that I always tell the sellers is simplify, simplify, simplify. We don't get points in business for degree of difficulty. This isn't the triple Lindy. And if we're not getting judged by the Russian judge this is really simple.

So when you're looking at your business, what I want you to do is look at it from the outside in and pretend you're explaining it to your teenage, your teenage son or daughter, and explain it in terms so that they can understand it.

Thanks for reading. Please hit
like and subscribe and we'll see you soon.

Freedom Factory is the world's best business broker helping entrepreneurs sell their business for maximum value.

Contact Freedom Factory for more information.

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also Follow Freedom Factory here

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Additional Videos from Freedom Factory

What Type of Contract Structure Do I Need to Sell My Business
How to Prepare My Business to Sell
What is the Most Undervalued Asset Class

Feb 18, 202001:53
How To Prepare My Business To Sell

How To Prepare My Business To Sell

Listen to Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talk about the stops you should take in preparation for selling your business. If you're interested in finding out how to get the maximum value for your business, contact Freedom Factory today.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

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Hi, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory here. And I want to talk to you about one of the most common questions that we get here, which is, how do I get my business ready to sell? Or I've decided I want to sell my business. Now what? Well, the first thing you need to do is to get your house in order. So go and get two or three years of tax of tax records.

And financials and put those together. Get them from your accountant and get them ready to go. Second, if you haven't put together an operations manual, this would be a great time to do so. You know how your business works, you know how the different departments interrelate, but when you sell your business, we want to make it as easy as possible to transition to a new owner.

And that value is going to be reflected in the sales price. So go put your operations manual and new job descriptions together and get your house in order. And the third piece is find, you know, put your team together. Find a great broker and an appraiser. Get an idea of what your business is worth. Start to craft the story and figure out, okay, how are we going to take it to market?

When are we going to take it to market? You know, what's the current tax environment. You know, how can I recast my financials? And what I mean by that is really simple. They're going to, we're going to take your EBIDTA or your accountant can do the same thing, and we're going to translate it into seller's discretionary cash flow, which is.

A fancy way of saying all the money that your, that your business creates when you do your tax returns. It's a game of minimization, right? Tax evasion is illegal. Tax avoidance is very smart. So you're trying to pay as little tax as you can. Well, we need to translate that, you know, from some of your non-cash expenses, depreciation, you know, some of your discretionary stuff and add that back in to maximize the value accurately.

Flag. All the value that your business creates, and that's gonna make a big difference. And finally, you know, what industry are you going to be in? How do we maximize your multiple? And there are ways to be able to do that. But think about what industry you're in. Figure out, you know, all your financials.

Put an operations manual together to make the transition as easy as possible. And all of this is going to be, is going to help you when you put the right team. Find the right appraisers, find the right brokers, and if you need any help with this, give us a call here at freedom factory. You know, please hit like and subscribe and thanks for watching.

Learn how to sell your business with Freedom Factory

Find out more about Robert Hirsch

Feb 18, 202002:40
What Type of Contract do I Need to Sell My Business?

What Type of Contract do I Need to Sell My Business?

Robert Hirsch, founder of Freedom Factory, discusses the different types of contracts that you can use to sell your business.

Hello, this is Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory, and I want to talk to you about something that sometimes you get so involved in selling businesses that you don't realize that you have all these TLAs or three letter and acronyms that people don't understand. And so I just got a letter from one of my clients and he was talking about the difference between deal structure when selling a business.

And so we're going to cover what's the difference between a stock purchase agreement and an asset purchase agreement because they're, they're pretty fundamental and often in the LOI or the letter of intent, it's going to be listed whether they want to do a stock purchase agreement or an asset purchase agreement.

And so as both a seller and a buyer, often if you don't know which one to do, and I'll give you exceptions to the rule before we get through the entire video. But I like asset purchase agreements and there's some fundamental differences, and I'm going to go into those right now. So an asset purchase agreement means you're buying the assets of a company.

So you're going to set up another shell company and are going to buy the assets and you're going to put it in there. So. Uh, for example, when I was buying a, I personally bought a boat company I boat manufacturer for, for fly fishing. And many of you that know me know that I love to fly fish and we're up here in my mountain house right now and it's a raining day.

And I decided it's probably good to get some work done. So I bought it with an asset purchase agreement. And so when you do that, all you have to do is just get the assets of it and put it in there. So the differences are the liabilities of the old company. Don't transfer. So if they owe the bank $100,000 you buy the assets and you put them in there and they're unencumbered, and then they have to pay off the debt.

Obviously, if somebody has a loan on it, you can't sell the assets out from under them. So they're going to have to clear that debt with the proceeds and we can handle that in escrow. But an asset purchase agreement is means you're just buying the assets of a company. So it's not your job to find every liability that they have that sticks with the, with the other company.

So conversely, if you do a stock purchase agreement, now the due diligence is much harder. You have to find all the debts of the company, and often they, you can make promises or reps and warrants in the contract of what that means. But a stock purchase agreement means you're buying all the assets, all the liabilities of the company.

And sometimes you can do things like have the seller warrant certain risks and there's ways to do it, but stock purchase agreements are much more complicated. 80 to 90% of the deals that we see on high growth lifestyle companies are asset purchase agreements. Sometimes with our bigger companies, or they have a lot of IP or licensure, intellectual property.

And licenses. Stock purchase agreements make more sense. For example, uh, if you bought a company and it had a lot of licensure, let's take the boat manufacturer, right? We were licensed as a U S coast guard, uh, approved manufacturer. We were a boat dealer. We also were a car dealer because we had to put tags on the trailers for them to drive it home.

And we were ironically an auto manufacturer because we had to make the trailers and put a VIN on it. So that's a lot of licensure. It's a lot of one to three day classes, uh, that we had to take. So in that circumstance, when there's a lot of licensure, you can, if you want to, you can do a stock purchase agreement and the licenses transfer with the company.

Feb 07, 202004:24