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Freedom Nation Podcast

Freedom Nation Podcast

By Jeff Kikel

The Freedom Nation podcast is the home of Freedom Day, the achievement of a work-optional lifestyle. Our show focuses around personal finance, real estate, multiple sources of income, cashflow, and the stories of people that have achieved their own Freedom Days. Our host is Jeff Kikel a 30 year veteran of the Financial Services industry that attained his own Freedom Day by building multiple streams of income, selling some, buying more and sharing his story with the audience.
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The Corporate Transition Coach with Kathy Grassett

Freedom Nation PodcastJun 06, 2022

Real Estate isn't Rocket Science with Chad Zdenek

Real Estate isn't Rocket Science with Chad Zdenek

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Chad Zdenek in Los Angeles, California. Chad started as a civil engineer working on a spaceship and took a risk on helping his brother in the lighting business.  After scaling the lighting business, Chad started Real Estate full-time and is on track to obtaining his freedom day. 

Chad and Jeff discuss:

  1. Chad tells his story: went to college for civil engineering.

  2. Out of college he got a full-time gig working on a space shuttle.

  3. Seven years later he took a 50% pay cut and worked with his brother. 

  4. Eighteen years later he sold some of his ownership in the company. 

  5. Started commercial real estate full time as a syndicator. 

  6. Works with 8-10 investors and is looking to do deals outside of California.

  7. Education and Networking are keys to success in Real Estate. 

  8. Real Estate is slow and steady and compounds over time. 

  9. Investing in paid mentorships and masterminds are important for growth. 

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Spend the money networking with other people and find some partners.”

  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Procrastinating in the lighting business putting together big proposals.”

  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Start with why by Simon Sinek.”

  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Trello.” 

  5. What is your definition of freedom? “(2) Freedom Camps, freedom financially and freedom with my time.”

  6. What is the best way to contact you? “@CSQproperties on Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook. Website:” 


Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation.

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through 




Apr 04, 202328:54
Financial planning for your business with Michael Ringel

Financial planning for your business with Michael Ringel

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Michael Ringel who is a CPA by trade but currently assists business owners with their exit plan to get to their freedom day. 

Michael and Jeff discuss:

  1. Michael shares his story; entrepreneurial as a child. 

  2. Tried many entrepreneurial ventures along the way and then decided to be a CPA.

  3. Seeing no future as a CPA, went back to school and got his Masters.  

  4. Started a business with several partners that lasted 8 Years.

  5. Became a financial advisor to coach entrepreneurs. 

  6. For the last 20 years, he’s been helping business owners get their freedom day.

  7. Making the transition from corporate the biggest fear is being known as “the sales guy.”  

  8. Having an exit plan in the beginning of your business is important.  

  9. American Dream Experience course; discover your true purpose for money.

  10. Financial decisions come from our history and how we grew up with money.

  11. Michael gives his best advice for those with questions.

  12. Contact info: email, LinkedIn or cell 917-734-4748

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation.

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through 




Mar 31, 202335:59
Living with intentions with Ken Stearns

Living with intentions with Ken Stearns

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Ken Stearns in Atlanta, GA who shares his work in the corporate world as an international insurance agent, and his experience with corporate work culture in Asia. He encourages people to carve out space for themselves in order to find freedom for themselves. 

Ken and Jeff discuss:

  1. Traditional / Non-Traditional corporate story; after graduating ended up in California. 

  2. Answered an ad to go to Asia, received a 2 year contract and came back 20 years later.

  3. In Asia, Ken had some great corporate jobs, had a great run and lived in 5 countries. 

  4. Ken had a job that dialed down his work a lot allowing him to explore himself. 

  5. Idea of doing something intentional for himself that he can do when he’s older.

  6. Ken closed the door on insurance and opened the door to monetizing his passions. 

  7. Rule of momentum; once you start something it’s hard to stop it. 

  8. Podcast “The jar”  based on a book he wrote and it's about letting people tell their story. 

  9. A nudge from the universe or take a sabbatical.  

  10. Live life intentionally; the 4 glass jars.

  11. Next steps: continue the show and the project. Start a mental health foundation and a learning academy. 

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop sometime, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Get on some Amazon affiliate programs  and side hustle for 50 bucks a day.”

  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Being too clever and naïve for my own good.”

  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie”

  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Outlook” 

  5. What is your definition of freedom? “Going through the emotions of burning the ships from the corporate world.”  

  6. What is the best way to contact you? “Google Ken Stearns, LinkedIn and” 

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through 




Mar 28, 202345:25
Building an agent centered brokerage with Josh Miller

Building an agent centered brokerage with Josh Miller

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Josh Miller out of Houston, TX who is the head of a Real Estate Brokerage company. Josh started his journey as a Chief Marketing Officer doing Real Estate on the side and then decided after some time to dive feet first into Real Estate full-time. After experiencing a not so pleasant brokerage as an agent, Josh decided to start one of his own with the agent at the center. 

Josh and Jeff discuss:

  1. Josh shares the correct way to say Epique.

  2. Was a Chief Marketing Officer when an opportunity came up for Real Estate.  

  3. Started off doing Real Estate on the side and then wanted to do his own thing. 

  4. Went to a brokerage that was reactive and it didn’t work for him. 

  5. The weird side of Real Estate where only sharks survive. 

  6. What would it look like if the brokerage did some work? 

  7. Took a year to 1 ½ to build the structure for the brokerage.

  8. Many wish list items offered including lifetime access to a mentor.  

  9. Recently added health benefits for agents that are 100% free. 

  10. Expanding business all over Texas and nationwide within the next 5 years. 

  11. Looking to be an entrepreneur? Josh gives some great advice!

  12. To get in touch with Josh visit


Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through 




Mar 23, 202358:42
Mastering your mindset with JM Ryerson

Mastering your mindset with JM Ryerson

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews JM Ryerson who is the host of the “Let’s go win” podcast. JM is a master at mindset. He has worked with many individuals but has a passion for helping teams work together to achieve their best outcome. Over the last 20 years JM has helped people develop a mindset around being happy, healthy and wealthy.

JM and Jeff discuss:

  1. Played basketball in college and blew out his knee.
  2. Studied abroad in the Netherlands and started reading a lot.
  3. After graduating college, he worked for Enterprise rent-a-car.
  4. Not liking the limitations on his time and money he switched to financial services.
  5. He partnered with a coworker on (3) businesses and they created financial freedom.
  6. Wrote a book for his kids and later decided to publish it.
  7. The journey of “Let's go Win” is all about Inspiring people to live their best life.
  8. Passionate about working with teams, there’s nothing like the dynamic of a team.
  9. Wrote a second book, started podcasting, now coaching.
  10. We all want to be happy, healthy and wealthy.
  11. He has a book coming out called “Upgrade.”
  12. Podcasts are great for curiosity, you can learn a lot.
  13. Explanation of the meaning behind his website Logo.
  14. Brief synopsis of his book “Let's Go Win.”
  15. JM talks about his new book and who the audience is.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Immediately I'm reaching out to the people that I admire and look up to, that lift me up.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Second company; 5 business partners and we weren’t aligned value wise.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Man's search for meaning Viktor E. Frankl.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Cell phone.”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “Choice; the ability to choose to be happy, healthy and wealthy.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “Let's go win podcast;”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




Mar 16, 202328:58
The flavors and food groups of Real Estate with Beau Eckstein

The flavors and food groups of Real Estate with Beau Eckstein

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Beau Eckstein, a professional in the Real Estate world. Through many ups and downs in life Beau found the resilience to keep going. He learned a lot from his experiences and found that there are many flavors and food groups of Real Estate. Beau discusses some of these flavors and food groups that can help you to get to your Freedom Day.

Beau and Jeff discuss:

  1. Beau wasn’t a good student growing up and was never interested in school.
  2. Went to Junior College but had Real Estate in the back of his mind.
  3. His Real Estate journey started as a telemarketer at a residential mortgage company.
  4. In 2007 he was over leveraged, had a midlife crisis and had to regroup.
  5. Beau’s “flavor” of Real Estate started in flipping houses but progressed to buy and holds.
  6. Beau explains the “100%er” concept.
  7. Beau was on  a TV show called “Flip it to Win it” which was a lot of fun.
  8. Beau explains the BRRR method.
  9. There are many “food groups” to help you get started with Real Estate.
  10. Beau answers the question: What is your take on the Real Estate market right now?
  11. Meetup groups are a great place to learn and grow.
  12. New in the future of Real Estate: Web 3, AI, ChatGPT.
  13. Beau hired a coach to get a better picture of your life.

  Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I would do what I do now, which is create really good content online and people will find me because it's virtually free.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “I see partnerships fail so often. Then there's a lot of value to having strategic partners and also, I think you have to learn the partnership way and how you set the expectations.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork by Dan Sullivan.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “ChatGPT.”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “So to me, freedom, it's really being a 200%’er would be freedom to me.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at 

You can connect with Jeff through:




Mar 14, 202354:34
Helping Podcast Host and Guest win with Jason Cercone

Helping Podcast Host and Guest win with Jason Cercone

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Jason Cercone who has built a life around podcasting. Jason helps people build their brand by assisting them with developing their story and going on podcasts that are a right fit for their goals and expertise. Doing this the right way can lead to great relationships and open doors to great opportunities.

Jason and Jeff discuss:

  1. Jason’s entrepreneurial journey started at age 13 flipping trading cards.
  2. In 2015, he started podcasting after a troll commented on twitter.
  3. Once the first show was shut down, Jason started another show and eventually shut it down too so he could grow.
  4. A 1 ½ later, he came back to podcasting and was much more comfortable and confident.
  5. Jason helped a friend and others start a podcast.
  6. The last couple years he’s been helping guests elevate their brand from the guest seat.
  7. The “spraying and praying" method of podcasting doesn't work.
  8. Jason shares what the process is when he works with a client to find podcasts that fit.
  9. Guests should prepare in-depth conversation questions.
  10. Jason shares the initial consultation process.
  11. Jason helps with back in offers and has a year long program.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I’m gonna start reconnecting with people that I’ve built previous relationships with and tap into the skills and strategies I’ve built in the past.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “In my early guest experiences, I didn't do enough to spark good relationships.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Trello.”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “Freedom is having the ability to utilize my time
  6. the way I want to.”
  7. What is the best way to contact you? “”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




Mar 07, 202336:60
 Call Dad for Help with Reena Friedman Watts

Call Dad for Help with Reena Friedman Watts

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Reena Friedman Watts of the Better Call Daddy podcast. After a thought provoking question from a guest on the Jerry Springer show, she decided to leave the show. Leaving led her on a journey to co-hosting a podcast and found that she loved it. Three years ago she started her own podcast that’s very successful.

Reena and Jeff discuss:

  1. Started at a radio station in college and loved it.
  2. Drove from Purdue to Chicago and saw that Jerry Springer was looking for interns.
  3. Renna got the job two weeks later and shares what Jerry was like.
  4. Renna worked with Jerry for 2.5 years and then moved to LA.
  5. Her boyfriend was hired on a pilot show on CNN and she was hired on as well.
  6. Look for opportunities/partnerships that build your portfolio.
  7. A LinkedIn connection introduced her to Podcasting and she loved it.
  8. 3 years ago she started her own Podcast called Better Call Daddy.
  9. Her Podcast is for people who have and don't have a great relationship with their dad.
  10. - a show including her kids which includes the realness

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Call daddy. Truthfully I really think I would buy a good mic and a hosting platform and start a podcast because it is so easy to connect with people when you want to learn about them.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Goes back to contracts. I have been royally screwed over by trusting people.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The Speed of Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Riverside or Zoom.”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “Freedom is choice. It’s not other people's idea of success. Being able to be proud of myself for where I'm at and the decisions that I've made.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “My podcast is Better Call Daddy at, Reena Friedman Watts on LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




Mar 02, 202346:14
Planning & Design for your Business with Rob Broadhead

Planning & Design for your Business with Rob Broadhead

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Rob Broadhead, of RB Consulting, Inc.  Rob started his consulting business in 2001 the day before September 11th. After overcoming many ups and downs Rob was able to get his consulting company stable and thriving.

Rob and Jeff discuss:

  1. Worked for a startup 20 years ago that was fun until one Friday the CEO came around and didn’t have checks to pay them.
  2. Called around to past people he worked with and found one he was a great fit for.
  3. Started Consulting Company September 10, 2001 and the next day Sept 11th happened.
  4. Over the next 10 years, Rob went through many ups and downs.
  5. With no employees Rob was able to take a job fixing things and automating to eliminate his job.
  6. Ten years ago, he was working for a company as the CTO/CIO. A new CEO came in and he had his own CTO/CIO so Rob left and was consulting.
  7. When starting a business it is important to shift from an employee mindset of getting a steady paycheck to a business mindset.
  8. Rob discusses what helped him be successful as a consultant.
  9. Rob discusses what he’s currently working on.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I think probably the first thing I'm going to do is figure out where best to spend that five hundred, which is probably going to

be some sort of a marketing kind of an approach.”

  1. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “The biggest business mistake I made was with that customer, the very first customer I had ended up essentially giving them a large amount of credit.”
  2. What is a book that you would recommend? “Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss.”
  3. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “DbVisualizer.”
  4. What is your definition of freedom? “My definition of freedom is being able to actually make that decision to not have things where it's like I would rather do this but I have to do that because a, b or c.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “Email and then is my website.”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




Feb 28, 202332:26
Kick Start your Year with Jeff Kikel

Kick Start your Year with Jeff Kikel

In today’s episode, Jeff Kikel, the host of the Freedom Nation Podcast, welcomes you to season 3 and shares some changes to the show. He also shares a recap of seasons 1 and 2 and how they impacted his life. Jeff further explains what Freedom Day is and gives you actionable steps to get there!

Jeff discusses:

  1. What to expect for season 3 of the show.
  2. Recap of season 1 and season 2.
  3. Creating a spending plan.
  4. Eliminating debt and positive cash flow.
  5. Using your tax return income to pay down debt.
  6. Creating a bucket list.
  7. Using Freedom Engines to earn extra income; (4) Freedom Engines you can use.
  8. Investing for cash flow to pay off debt and fund your bucket list.
  9. Calculating your Minimum Required Income (MRI).
  10. What type of employee will you be when you reach your Freedom day?
  11. Share your success story with others and give back.
  12. Not retirement but Freedom Day.

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




Feb 21, 202337:54
Fueled by Coffee with Chris Deferio

Fueled by Coffee with Chris Deferio

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Chris Deferio of the Keys to the Shop Podcast. Twenty three years ago Chris was in ministry school and turned to coffee to help fuel his studies. Over time Chris discovered that he could taste the different origin of the coffee. Chris really liked the coffee bar experience and decided to go into coffee as a career and the rest is history!

Chris and Jeff discuss:

  1. Chris started over two decades ago using coffee to help him fuel his studies in ministry school.
  2. Fueled with caffeine, Chris discovered he could taste the difference in the origins of the coffee.
  3. Chris was fascinated by the coffee shop experience and started working in coffee as a career.
  4. Chris competed as a barista and was a trainer and manager throughout his career.
  5. In 2016 Chris started the Keys to the Shop podcast about operating a coffee shop.
  6. Today Chris is consulting and podcasting.
  7. Chris consults with people who want to start a coffee shop and people who have a coffee shop but need help working through challenges.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I would probably start a podcast.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Not marketing myself very well.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Bruce Tulgan's book called It's okay to be the boss and Leadership and self-deception by the Arbinger Institute.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Google drive.”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “Freedom to me feels like not the absence of responsibility or duty but the fulfillment that you receive from those things and the idea that you're receiving joy through service.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “Website:; email”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




Feb 15, 202328:56
From Banker to Multimillion dollar companies with Matt Shoup

From Banker to Multimillion dollar companies with Matt Shoup

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Matt Shoup, founder of M&E Painting. As a little boy, his parents taught him to work for what he wanted. He took that knowledge into college where he started a painting business and then went into the corporate world as a banker. But one day the worst day of his life turned into the best day of his life. Using anger and later on his wife and son as his fuel to succeed, Matt went on to build multiple millions in his businesses.

Matt and Jeff discuss:

  1. Matt shares his story.
  2. He was fired from a job he hated and started his own business with $100.
  3. He went back to painting something he started in college.
  4. This decision led to multiple businesses.
  5. Matt takes entrepreneurs over to Spain for really cool leadership adventures.
  6. Matt shares his new book that talks about his biggest embarrassment in business.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I'm gonna restart another business.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Thinking that it's all about me and for me.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Check out books by Mike Michalowicz. He does a great job of breaking things down to implement in your business.”
  4. What is a tool that you use every day that you would recommend? “Outlook.”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “It's being able to wake up every day and do what you want, when you want, be excited about what you're doing, and knowing that you have enough resources coming in from different avenues.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “The best place is my website .”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




Jan 26, 202323:58
From Mechanical Engineer to Handyman Business with Chris Lalomia

From Mechanical Engineer to Handyman Business with Chris Lalomia

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Chris Lalomia from Atlanta,GA. Chris had it all in the corporate world until one day he realized how unhappy he was.  He started his handyman business during the 2008 recession. Through many highs and lows he persevered and now he has a successful business, a Podcast and a book. He is also on track to his Freedom Day!

Chris and Jeff discuss:

  1. Chris shares his story.
  2. He ran a commercial loan operations department and was living a good life but was unhappy.
  3. Chris came up with a plan and started his handyman business in 2008 during the recession.
  4. Today Chris has 40 employees and just crested 5 million in revenue.
  5. Chris shares what he learned starting a business during the recession.
  6. Chris also shares what business was like during COVID.
  7. Chris shares about his podcast that talks about his journey.
  8. Chris talks about how a trip to the zoo led to his book about his story.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I would probably go knock on the doors of my network and say look, you want to start a handyman business? I'm here, let's go do it. I'll take care of all your HVAC or Plumbing, Drywall too. And then you in turn can start to refer us work. And I can in turn get into other houses and refer back.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Holding on to a toxic employee too long.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “ The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Outlook.”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “Freedom for me is out there doing things I really want to, get out and talk with people. I love talking business but doing it on my terms and when I want to and you know doing it with enough money that I can put some money in my pocket.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “ or LinkedIn Chris Lalamia.”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




Jan 24, 202323:43
From Financial planning to Podcasting with Mark Savant

From Financial planning to Podcasting with Mark Savant

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Mark Savant of the After Hour Entrepreneur podcast. Mark started out working in his father's insurance agency after college. He worked with his family for 5 years and then decided he wanted to do something else. After side hustling and experimenting Mark gave podcasting a try and found that he enjoyed it and was good at it. People began reaching out to Mark for help with their podcast and that’s how the After Hour Entrepreneur podcast was started. Leaving his job at the insurance agency gave Mark the first taste of his freedom day and he’s never looked back.

Mark and Jeff discuss:

  1. Mark started 4.5 years ago side hustling and experimenting.
  2. Graduated from Florida Atlantic University and was looking for a job in business.
  3. His father asked him to come to work for his insurance agency and at the time it was a good fit.
  4. 5 years later he didn't enjoy it anymore and decided to look at other types of businesses.
  5. Mark realized he listened to podcast everyday and was learning constantly and decided to start his own
  6. A month after launching the Awesome Dad Show, all about fatherhood, he was able to interview a celebrity, a superbowl champion and the mayor of his city.
  7. He committed to podcasting for a year and found he enjoyed it and was good at it.
  8. People started paying him to help him with their podcast.
  9. Mark started the After Hours Entrepreneur podcast as a way of him sharpening his sword and skills and to help the busy entrepreneurs.
  10. Mid 2020, he left his day job and hasn't looked back and the After Hours Entrepreneur podcast is ranked top 1% in podcasting.
  11. Secret sauce to becoming a successful podcaster: be clear on who you are speaking to, what problem they have and how you can solve that problem.
  12. Mark can typically take someone interested in podcasting from idea to itunes in 60 - 90 days (results vary).
  13. New in your Marks world; over the next 6 months he’s excited about finding the answers to (2) questions. How do we run ads that drive traffic to our podcast? and How do we leverage that traffic to generate income from sponsors?

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Need to look for sales and get cash flow. Assuming I still have my network, I would start off by optimizing my LinkedIn profile. Then put together an offer and reach out to my network.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Biggest mistakes revolve around clarity. Being too broad on who I serve and the problem I solve.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “$100M Offers: How to Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No by Alex Hormozi and Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear.”
  4. What is a tool that you use every day that you would recommend? “Artificial Intelligence (AI).”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “Waking up every morning and having the choice to do what I want to do.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “Email; ; He’s on social media @MarkSavantMedia ; Podcast - After hour entrepreneur.”

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

Dec 22, 202235:37
From Corporate Events Manager to Speakers Bureau with Gail Davis

From Corporate Events Manager to Speakers Bureau with Gail Davis

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Gail Davis of GDA Speakers. Gail started out working for Electronic Data Systems (EDS) after college. She had many different jobs over her 20 year career at EDS. The last job she had was as an events manager. On the final night of an inner circle event, the chairman of EDS asked for a new speaker as he was tired of hearing the same speakers over and over. On a friday night, Gail watched a movie with her husband and the rest is history. Today Gail enjoys what she does and is living her freedom day!

Gail and Jeff discuss:

  1. Graduated from the University of Oklahoma and went to work immediately for Electronic Data Systems (EDS).
  2. She did a variety of things at EDS and really enjoyed the experience.
  3. Her last job she had at EDS was manager of corporate events. Which included a sales incentive program where they recognized the top performers.
  4. She loved it; she got to pick the location, the entertainment, the gifts, the excursions and the speakers.
  5. In 1994 on the final night of the inner circle event, the chairman of the company asked who next year's speaker would be and requested someone new and different.
  6. On a friday night, Gail went to a video store (like Blockbuster) and she chose the movie Alive.
  7. 10 mins into the movie her husband said this would be perfect for inner circle and after 2 hours of watching the movie she was sold.
  8. After pitching the idea to the chairman of EDS and getting his approval Gail went to work to find Nando Parrado.
  9. There was no google at the time so she reached out to her network and received some discouraging feedback.
  10. Gail persevered anyway and was able to find Nando and talk him into being the speaker for the next year.
  11. As Nando was leaving he invited her to Uruguay and she took a trip with her entire family and they became great friends.
  12. 4 years later the chairman of EDS left, her boss/mentor died and she decided to take a risk and leave EDS.
  13. Gail started with 1 speaker in 1999 and now has close to 5,000.
  14. Anything new in your world? Close to the 50th year of the plane crash and a prime time special will be filmed next month and a retelling of the movie/book Alive will be coming out.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “This may surprise you but I think I might try to become a speaker.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “I think I put an appropriate emphasis on "You have to keep the client happy." I had the appropriate amount of focus on clients and the appropriate amount of focus on speakers but I realized I can't do it without a team.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Personal tool: Captio and business tool: she developed a custom system for her back office.”
  5. What is your definition of freedom day? “The ability to do what you love.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “Website: on the home page you'll find their social sites, follow them there.”

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

Dec 20, 202233:42
From Biochemist to Business Coach with Debra Chantry-Taylor

From Biochemist to Business Coach with Debra Chantry-Taylor

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Debra Chantry - Taylor from New Zealand. Debra started as a biochemist and food technologist because her parents thought it would help her to find a husband. Debra learned that she really liked people and after being frustrated with her corporate job she quit and started her own business. After many setbacks and going back to the corporate world for a few years, she has learned from her mistakes and is now doing what she loves.

Debra and Jeff discuss:

  1. Debra is a Biochemist and food technologist by trade and a business coach by day.
  2. She found out she didn't like looking at tubes but she liked people.
  3. At age 30, she ran businesses for other people.
  4. Struggled in the corporate world and wanted to run her own business.
  5. She quit and started her own company; that was 16 years ago.
  6. Running a business was a lot harder than working for others. She made some mistakes, and had to go back to corporate for 3 and 1/2 years.
  7. Debra learned from her failures and went back to working on her own business.
  8. She found out about EOS;  Entrepreneur Operating Systems and became an EOS implementer.
  9. EOS can work for any size business; it's a framework to get some traction first and some tools in place and then we look at vision later on.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “ I’d want to actually understand what really makes my heart sing and what makes me tick. What's your why: why do you exist on this planet?”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Not doing your due diligence and not asking for help.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The EOS Life: How to Live Your Ideal Entrepreneurial Life (The Traction Library) by Gino Wickman.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Asana and Remarkable tablet.”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “Being able to do what you want to do, when you want to do it.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “google Debra Chantry-Taylor, LinkedIn and (it's a portal where you’ll find free tools, webinars, Debra’s email, and her social sites).”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through:




Nov 24, 202226:48
From Wealth management to Divorce Analyst with Rachael Burns

From Wealth management to Divorce Analyst with Rachael Burns

In today's episode, Jeff interviews Rachael Burns of True Worth Financial Planning. Rachael started as a financial manager for a big wealth management firm. She enjoyed her job, but things took a turn when COVID happened, and her family was all at home together. Rachael enjoyed being home more and felt it was better for her family. After doing some research, she left her corporate job and started her firm doing what she enjoyed, divorce analysis and financial planning. Starting her firm has allowed her the freedom to be at home and do what makes her excited every day.

Rachael and Jeff discuss the following:

  1. Rachael came from the big wirehouse world; out of college, she worked for big wealth management firms.
  2. She was very interested in her work at the time but didn't know what it could be like to be an entrepreneur.
  3. Pretty much a generalist, Rachael used the firm's tools for her.
  4. After a while, she made some changes, leaving Morgan Stanley to join a big team at Merril Lynch.
  5. She got her CDFA (Certified Divorce Financial Analyst) designation, which she didn't use much initially.
  6. She had twin babies, her husband, and major health struggles, and then she had health struggles after the kids were born.
  7. Then COVID happened; all of her family members were at home, and she loved being home.
  8. Rachael didn't want to leave her team, but things just took a turn, and she decided to do some research and then step out on her own.
  9. Her husband was concerned that they were still in lockdown and that she was leaving a stable job.
  10. But leaving would be good for her family and she could focus on the work that gave her the most satisfaction.
  11. It was hard to decide, but she did it anyway and is excited to work.
  12. Rachael shares that each stage of the divorce process needs a CDFA advisor.
  13. She finds her clients by networking.
  14. Anything new? Yes, working on creating online courses.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I would just get on LinkedIn and start scheduling chats with people.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “The things that happened felt like mistakes but were lessons learned.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection by Jia Jiang.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “ Zoho .”
  5. What’s your definition of freedom? “Doing whatever I want with my time.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “Website: and LinkedIn .”

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through:




Nov 17, 202237:56
From the Military to Coaching with Jason Skeesick

From the Military to Coaching with Jason Skeesick

In today's episode, Jeff interviews Jason Skeesick of the Spear and Clover Podcast. Jason started his journey in the Army. He gained weight in his first year and then, over three years, lost the weight and found an interest in fitness. After the military, Jason returned to school and opened a CrossFit gym with friends. Sitting at work one day, Jason realized building his gym would be more rewarding than staying at his job. Making that decision came with its challenges but led Jason to coaching and a Podcast which he enjoys. Jason is currently living his definition of freedom and is excited about a new tool that's building coming out in early 2023.

Jason and Jeff discuss:

  1. Joined the Army after a brief stint in college and gained a bunch of weight in the first year.
  2. He spent three years working off the weight and became interested in fitness towards the end of his military career.
  3. Went back to school for Finance and opened a small Crossfit gym with friends. After graduation, he got one of the best starting jobs in the field.
  4. Sitting at work, he could only think about his Crossfit gym.
  5. The moment he decided to focus fully on the Crossfit gym, he realized that his two partners were no longer interested in making this their career and they had both gone on to do other things.
  6. Took 7 years to get 200 members and 6 months to get 300 members.
  7. Became a coach for other Gym owners and fell in love with coaching.
  8. He spent the last year in a "year of service"; time with his new baby girl Lucy, kickboxing five days a week and helping entrepreneurs.
  9. Started a Podcast called Spear and Clover in February.
  10. Jason talks about the methodology behind owning a CrossFit gym.
  11. Being in a mastermind group helped him move from working in his business to being less of an operator and more of an owner.
  12. Jason talks about how his gym survived in 2020 and the importance of core values.
  13. Having a Podcast has given him the superpower to "shut up" and listen.
  14. What's the plan for the future? More coaching; helping entrepreneurs build on a bedrock foundation.
  15. Jason explains the difference between core values and missions in business and how important your core value is to your business.

Nov 08, 202234:12
From JOB to Buying and Selling Blogs with Chris Myles

From JOB to Buying and Selling Blogs with Chris Myles

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Chris Myles of Blogger Evolution. Chris started 4 years ago when he and his wife were working full-time jobs and his wife got pregnant. His wife wanted to stay home after their son was born and so Chris had to figure out how to replace her income. After searching online for ideas Chris came across blogging and Affiliate Marketing. After several failed attempts Chris made it work and his wife was able to quit her job within 18 months and Chris was able to quit his job 2 years later. Today Chris is getting back to blogging, he also has a podcast as well as a YouTube channel.

Chris and Jeff discuss:

  1. In the very beginning it was just him and his wife and they had jobs that were paying the bills.
  2. After his wife got pregnant, she wanted to quit her job.
  3. Motivated to help his wife stay home, Chris did an online google search of how to make money online.
  4. Eventually he stumbled upon blogging and Affiliate Marketing.
  5. After several failed attempts he was finally able to get his blog to work.
  6. Within 18 months, his wife was able to quit her job and 2 years later he quit his job. That was about 4 years ago.
  7. The first site that actually worked was a marketing blog that was doing pretty well.
  8. Blogs are like digital Real Estate and you can buy and sell them.
  9. Early on Chris created all of the content for his blogs, but now he contracts most of the work out.
  10. Your motivation for why you are building the blog is very important.
  11. There is tons of free content out there but paying a mentor or for training will save you time.
  12. There are so many different ways to monetize a blog, you just have to figure out what your audience would be interested in.
  13. There are passive as well as active ways to earn an income; Chris focuses on Display Ads and Affiliate Marketing.
  14. Chris talks a little bit about what drives the traffic to his blog site.
  15. Anything New in your world? Yes, a training program to show other people how to do it.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Basically having a skill to be able to teach other people, a valuable skill and also building your own passive income streams.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “My first website got taken out of the google index because I was borrowing content from someone as the other guy had suggested.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “100M Offers: How to Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No by Alex Hormozi.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Keyword Chef.”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “Being able to do what you want to do when you want to do it where you want to do it if you want to do it.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “Podcast - Blogger Evolution ; Website - .”

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




Nov 03, 202243:50
Winning Tactics For Translations Business with Levent Yildizgoren

Winning Tactics For Translations Business with Levent Yildizgoren

In this episode of the Freedom Nation Podcast, Jeff is joined by Levent Yildizgoren, one of the co-founders of TTC WeTranslate and has helped it grow from a single to a multi-language vendor. Levent and his wife started their translation business 30 years ago and in this episode Levent  talks to us about how they reached their own "Freedom Day."

Jeff and Levent discuss:

  1. He is from Turkey but lived longer in the Uk.
  2. In 1995, there was an opportunity with his wife's business to set up a translation company, translating from English into Turkish.
  3. After having their first child she didn't want to go back to full time employment but she wanted to do something so they set up that translation company.
  4. There was an opportunity for larger jobs and so Levent joined his wife in business to be in control of their future.
  5. When people are thinking about starting their own business there is an element of listening to your gut feeling, you can't line up everything.
  6. After 30 yrs, they realized that actually doing the jobs were great but they wanted to grow the business.
  7. So they built a team and employed full time project managers and quality assurance people so that they could control the process.
  8. At some point he realized no one was calling them and that the training of the team was good so they didn't need him.
  9. One of the keys to being in business for 30 years was that both him and his wife were healthy enough to continue and being able to move with the times.
  10. Levent has a book: the book is about global growth and it introduces a methodology with (5) steps; starting from market research to going operational.

11. Anything New? In person summits and motion translation.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “First gather my thoughts together and work on my strongest point. With $500 and a laptop I can do consultancy or training.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “One of the mistakes I realize in hindsight is not having a niche and micro niche. ”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Traction: Get A Grip On Your Business by Gino Wickman.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “A password manager.”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “Being healthy and having money that enables me to do what I need/want to do.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “Website: .”

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




Nov 01, 202240:30
From Chiropractor to Full-time Coach with Victor Manzo Jr

From Chiropractor to Full-time Coach with Victor Manzo Jr

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Victor Manzo Jr. Victor is currently a full-time business mindset coach. He started as a chiropractor in Illinois and after hitting his financial peak and burnout decided to pivot. His new journey started as a pediatric chiropractor where he wanted to help kids. After getting his patients to 50% kids he decided to stop doing things the traditional way and just use what he knew and focus on loving and building relationships with his patients. This method brought him lots of success and he looked at other entrepreneurs and wondered if they knew this strategy; which led him to coaching as a side hustle. Realizing that coaching was much more fulfilling Victor moved with his wife to Nashville and he became a coach full-time.

Victor and Jeff discuss:

  1. Started his career as a chiropractor, after 5 years he hit his financial peak and was burnt out every 4-6 months.
  2. Feeling unfulfilled and unsatisfied, Victor did some soul seeking and reconfigured his whole practice.
  3. His office was now a lifestyle office, this caused his office to take a 40% hit as he looked at patients that no longer fit.
  4. Started to shift into pediatrics and kids became a main focus of his.
  5. With all of these changes he took another change and stopped taking all the business advice and decided to go back to what he knew.
  6. As the creator of his life, he should be able to dictate success as he sees fit.
  7. In business we are always trying to figure out the next thing and he wasn't doing anything towards the next thing, he just focused on loving on his patients.
  8. Looked at entrepreneurs and noticed that they needed this advice too so he started coaching as a side hustle.
  9. In 2018 starting coming out to Nashville TN and fell in love with it.
  10. He and his wife made the move from Illinois and he has been coaching full time since January of 2022 and it's been a blast.
  11. The whole coaching thing and transforming minds now is like taking things to a whole new level.
  12. Entrepreneurs come because 1) they have a struggle or pain they can't break through. 2) or they have a big dream or vision they want to achieve faster.
  13. Vision is the biggest thing that he works on, then the main purpose for why you are here and then work on the (5) M's.
  14. It takes 84 days to rewire the mind; it doesn't happen overnight, it's a process.
  15. He's a business coach too; business principles are never in the beginning, if you have a foundation that isn't solid, nothing you build on that is going to hold.
  16. In life we get stuck in our heads thinking how we have to do things once you let your mind dictate your life creates complexity.
  17. Anything new? Opening up classes; Money mindset essentials and an Online consciousness school.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I’m going to start promoting the living heck out of myself.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Not trusting myself enough.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Power vs Force by Dr. David Hawkins and Man’s search for meaning by Viktor Frankl .”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Smartphone.”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “Choosing what I want to do every single day and not being told what I have to do and having the financial means to allow me to do that.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “Website: ; Instagram Freedom nation 

Oct 25, 202240:38
From Robbery to 7 Figure Ecommerce Business with Leslie Kuster

From Robbery to 7 Figure Ecommerce Business with Leslie Kuster

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Leslie Kuster of Back to Bali. Leslie got robbed back in the earlier 90’s and used her insurance check to go to Bali, Indonesia for 7 months. After coming back home to New York, at the time, she didn’t see anything in the New York Times that interested her for jobs and she didn't want to go back to PR.  So she calculated the cost and returned to Bali to get something she could sell in the United States. With the help of her mom she set up a table and sold out in one day and her business was born. As the internet came out she created a website and found herself on Amazon. To this day, Leslie still sells on Amazon and has made it to a 7 figure business.

Leslie and Jeff discuss:

  1. In the early 90's her house got robbed and she received an insurance check. at the time she was working in corporate PR in New York City.
  2. Decided and went to Indonesia by herself; which was scary, no cell phones or internet. After 7 months she decided to go back to New York and find a job.
  3. When she got back to New York she went and got the New York Times and looked for jobs. Nothing looked good and she didn't want to go back to PR.
  4. All of a sudden she had a light bulb moment; I wonder if I went back to Bali, Indonesia if there is stuff I could buy and sell in the US.
  5. After calculating the cost, she decided to go back to Bali and she brought back children’s clothing to sell.
  6. She setup a folding table and women bought everything on the table and this is how she launched her business.
  7. For 18 years she did street fairs and holiday markets in New York City where she sold childrens clothing and also did wholesale.
  8. All of a sudden the internet kicked in and she had the first yahoo website and started to get online.
  9. Found herself on Amazon which was new at the time; Amazon was only doing books at first (mid 2000s).
  10. After a year of being online she changed from children's clothes to women's clothing.
  11. Leslie now has a multiple 7-figure business and continues to be on Amazon and she also sells through her own website.
  12. To do what Leslie has done it has to start with your mindset; really get clear on what you really really really want and get to know yourself.
  13. Mentors are the next step: hire someone who is where you want to be and was where you are now.
  14. Leslie has a book coming out soon: 7 Keys to 7 Figures: The Women Entrepreneurs guide to money and freedom.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “This time in my life is pretty perfect, I think I would do what I'm already doing right now. I like to wake up and meditate and this is a good way to start my day and then get outside.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Not hiring someone to help me figure out what to do.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Profit first by Mike Michalowicz.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “icalendar on my Macbook.”
  5. What is your definition of Freedom? ”Really knowing deeply who you are and what lights your fire and what really motivates you and what your passions and desires are and then creating a life that fulfills those things.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “Website: and for Clothing: amazon or .”

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

Instagram: Freedom nation podcast

Twitter: Jeff Kikel

LinkedIn: Jeff Kikel 

Oct 20, 202238:44
From Heart Attack to Bucket List Crosser Off-er with Roger Williams

From Heart Attack to Bucket List Crosser Off-er with Roger Williams

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Roger Williams, the self-proclaimed Crosser off-er of his Bucket List. Roger got his inspiration from the movie “The Bucket List (2007).” He was in his 30s when he watched it and wasn’t in any hurry to start crossing things off his list as the movie implied that you had to be old to get started. Sometime later Roger had a heart attack that opened his eyes and he began to evaluate what he had been defining his self-worth as. After jokingly changing his social media job title to the “Crosser off-er of my bucket list,” he decided to take action. Not only did he take action, he decided to be intentional with his list. This mindset led to him doing the Camino de Santiago and other things he wouldn’t have had the courage to do.

Roger and Jeff discuss:

  1. How did you get to be the head crosser off-er of your bucket list? Self proclaimed title he gave to himself.
  2. Roger had a heart attack in December 2020 and came out more intently asking where he found his self worth.
  3. Educator for 30+ years and although he loved it, it was hard work.
  4. With 168 hrs in a week, he sold 40-50 hrs to someone else, slept 40-50 hrs and had 60-80 hrs left in the week for how he wanted to be known.
  5. On his social media accounts he changed his work title to "crosser off-er of my bucket list” and changed his company to “bucket list” as a joke.
  6. What made you want to create a bucket list? A movie that came out in 2007 called, “The Bucket List.”
  7. Roger saw the movie in his 30’s and thought to himself that he has time as the movie implied that you do the bucket list items when you get old.
  8. Time went by and he had his bucket list only in his head until the heart attack.
  9. First major bucket list item was the Camino de Santiago, a 790 kilometer trek across northern Spain. This was on his bucket list for 10-11 years.
  10. After taking an Adult gap year (in the book) what other big things did you do? Getting knuckle tattoos and traveling to Europe and to Costa Rica.
  11. One big takeaway from the book was to be intentional with your bucket list; don’t just have a list of things but why do you want to do/experience them.
  12. What are you doing now? Started a podcast right when he started his Adult gap year called “The Crossing It Off” podcast. To promote it, Roger has been on 30+ podcasts this year.  Also in the process of creating online courses based on the book.
  13. Setting an intention at the beginning of writing your bucket list is to help you use it as a guide (mission statement) as you do them.
  14. You’d be surprised at how somethings on your bucket list will just happen or how you are guided towards them; Roger is much more open to what the universe provides.

Fast Five Questions

1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I would rebuild the podcast.” 

2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Paying to be on someone else's podcast.”

3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Howard Zinn's; A People's History of the United States.”

4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Calendly.”

5. What’s your definition of freedom? Freedom is the ability to say yes to what I want to and the ability to say No to what I don't want to.” 

6. What is the best way to contact you? “Website:

Oct 18, 202248:56
From Mechanical Engineer to Investing App with Axel Thibon

From Mechanical Engineer to Investing App with Axel Thibon

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Axel Thibon, the CEO of Wizest in Cleveland, OH. Axel is originally from France, he moved to the US 10 years ago to switch from a career as a Mechanical Engineer to Finance. Here in the US he managed a retail bank and built a bank from scratch on behalf of another institution. Out of frustration in managing the bank and when he was a mechanical engineer, Axel started Wizest to start learning how to invest to build wealth for his future and to help others.

Axel and Jeff discuss:

  1. Started in France as a Mechanical Engineer, came to the US 10 years ago and switched to banking / Finance.
  2. Worked in a couple of large banks in Florida, as the head of strategy.
  3. Managed a retail bank that they acquired directly and also built another retail bank from scratch on behalf of another institution.
  4. Frustrated in his career and not knowing what to do to start investing to build wealth for his future, he started Wizest to be the solution.
  5. What makes Wizest different? The market has (3) investing solutions: 1) DIY  2) Passive solution and 3) Financial Advisor.
  6. No investing option for the people who want the “Do it with me” option but don’t have 100-250K to invest with a financial advisor.
  7. Wizest was created to close this gap; in the app you can browse the portfolios of others and follow them.
  8. Objective not only B2C solutions but partnering with banks/credit unions and employers.
  9. Wizest is the solution for everyone who struggles with wanting to start investing but don’t know what to do.
  10. Wizest is going live soon, to keep up to date on the latest developments subscribe to their newsletter or sign up to get access at

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “That is funny, that will bring me back to where I was 3 years ago, the story has written itself so I would do it again. Start first by investing in myself a little in the stock market to get some fuel and then let's build a solution that would work for me and for others.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “When working for a retail bank, issues we were having I was wanting to change the system we were using and not pushing as I should have as top management for what I think was the best solution. Now a few years after, this is the direction other players are taking. I should have pushed more.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Traction by Gino Wickman and to think about something different, The behind (French, Science Fiction from the 19th century).”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Excel”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “Being able to be in full sync in between what is my personal vision or mission and what I’m doing.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you?
  • Website:
  • Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
  • Email: ”

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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Oct 13, 202221:34
From College Disaster to helping you get College Ready with Shellee Howard

From College Disaster to helping you get College Ready with Shellee Howard

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Shellee Hollard of College Ready. Shellee asked her parents back in high school about going to college. Both of her parents were entrepreneurs at the time and each of them had a different view on her attending college. After applying to 2 different colleges and getting accepted to both, she decided to go to the school that her dad would pay for. Shellee didn’t have anyone to guide her through the process of getting ready for college so her experience was a disaster. After having her own children, she became intentional about helping them navigate their experience with college readiness. This experience led to her founding her company and also to a much needed best selling book.

Shellee and Jeff discuss:

  1. During High School; both parents were entrepreneurs, self made and both owned their own business.
  2. She came home one day and asked what they thought about college.
  3. She applied to 2 schools with the goal to surf or ski and she got into both schools. 
  4. As her son got to 8th grade, he knew what he wanted to do in life and Shellee called around looking for help.
  5. Finding no one to help, she went back to school and began touring colleges.
  6. Her son ended up getting into 7 top tier schools and graduated from Harvard with no debt and made $103,000 his first year out of college.
  7. All of a sudden people were asking her for help and she thought to herself, “I can duplicate this” and her company College Ready was born.
  8. Her second child also got a full ride and is now a registered nurse. Both of her children had a plan and a strategy early on.
  9. After her son graduated from Harvard debt free, he reminded Shellee that she bet him a book if he did it.
  10. Shellee took 3 months to write the book and it was a best seller in 24 hours.
  11. In preparing for College it is a good idea to have the tough conversations with your children about what they want to do and what it will cost.
  12. It’s never too late to get started but the sooner the better. Shellee has a program called “See our future now” that helps you prepare.

Fast Five Questions:

1) If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Hop on an airplane. I would probably end up in Italy and from there I would live the nomad lifestyle. I would still help people doing what I'm doing. If I didn't need the money I would do it for free.” 

2) What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Early on in my program I allowed some intense parents to be a part of the program and the kids I had to watch endure this was painful for me.” 

3) What is a book that you would recommend? “How to send your student to college without losing your mind or your money! by Shellee Howard.- For a free copy go to:” 

4) What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Google.” 

5) What is your definition of freedom? “Freedom is living life to the fullest and not having to worry.” 

6) What is the best way to contact you? “ 1) Website or 2) get the free book, inside the book is how to reach her or 3) free discovery call with the student; just go to: - just mention that you heard it on the podcast .”

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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LinkedIn: Https://

Oct 11, 202233:05
From Little Rock, AR to 3300 Paid Speeches with Jim Cathcart

From Little Rock, AR to 3300 Paid Speeches with Jim Cathcart

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Jim Cathcart of Cathcart Institute. Jim grew up in Little Rock, AR and wasn’t really sure what he wanted to do in life until he heard Earl Nightingale on the radio. Earl said something that day that really resonated with him and he began working really hard to learn all he could about personal development. Jim spoke 400 times before getting his first paid speaking engagement and his first paid speech was for $10. Jim is currently mentoring and living life beyond his dreams.

Jim and Jeff discuss:

  1. Grew up in Little Rock, AR and was born in 1946; son of a telephone repairman who fought in the army and was the acting mayor of the city.
  2. Cathcart wasn't around anyone successful and wasn’t encouraged to dream big. He was an average student in school.
  3. He got married in 1970 and had a new baby in 1972, was working as a clerk with no college degree, no money in the bank and no connections.
  4. One day at the office, Jim heard Earl Nightingale on the radio and what he said was life changing. 
  5. Jim began studying personal development and really got active in the Junior Chambers of Commerce and was ultimately hired to train 300,000 members.
  6. Today all of his dreams have come true and then some. 3300 paid speeches and has written and published 23 books.
  7. The most important step to his success was recognizing early on that he had to change his world. 
  8. Cathcart doesn't get depressed when things seem to take longer.
  9. Spent a lot of years on the road; 120 trips per year (240 round trip), but very intentional about being in his wife and son’s lives.
  10. His lifestyle helped; he had two choices and he chose entrepreneurship.
  11. Cathcart is friends with a lot of famous people but it’s not who you know but who's glad they know you that's important.
  12. He's spoken 3 times for Toastmasters International and thinks he’s the only one that's done that.
  13. Cathcart plays the guitar and sings professionally in night clubs and even writes music.
  • ; all of Cathcart’s songs and music

14. Going Pro mentorship program; offering that for people who want to go to the next level.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Went through this during 911 and asked himself; How can I help make this local world of mine better? What do I know that's worth learning? He took an inventory of his skills and then went to work.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Poor judgment on a partnership; I was all in and the other person was dabbling.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “ The power minute by Jim Cathcart.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “American Express pocket calendar; appointment calendar.”
  5. What’s your definition of freedom? “Freedom is not being restricted by limited thinking, fears or shoulds. The ability to allow life to flow through me without being inhibited.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “ ; digital business card.”

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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Oct 06, 202240:28
From Student Loans to Life Insurance with Mark Willis

From Student Loans to Life Insurance with Mark Willis

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Mark Willis, a financial advisor who had a lot of student loan debt after attending college. Mark had no plans on how to pay off the debt and no job. Mark started on the Dave Ramsey debt snowball method and then learned about whole life insurance. Structured correctly a whole life insurance policy has a lot of benefits. Join Jeff and Mark as they talk about Mark’s journey and a strategy to bank on yourself.

Mark and Jeff discuss:

  1. After high school; getting ready for college and his mom helped him get student loans.
  2. Fast forward to 2008, graduated with $120,000 in student loan debt, a family, no job and no plan to pay it off.
  3. Mark began his journey to get focused on his own finances after receiving his first student loan bill.
  4. Working for a CPA at the time helping prepare tax returns, he heard the CPA telling people how sorry she was that they lost half their life savings.
  5. Since then, he has started a financial firm working with clients all over the country to help people take back control over their financial future.
  6. His philosophy: Eye opening experience; following David Ramsey's method, the debt snowball.
  7. Problem of opportunity cost when you buy an ice cream cone, you say no to investing/buying anything else with that money.
  8. Second ah ha moment; Paying for debt with cash, was a loser strategy.
  9. Bank on yourself concept: a financial tool that uses an insurance contract called dividend paying full (whole) life insurance contract.
  10. This strategy isn't an overnight success, you need to be a patient saver.
  11. Five stages of financial freedom; it's a process (milestones on the journey to your freedom days).
  12. New in your world: helping clients achieve financial freedom with minimal risk and helping other advisors.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Time block. I would grab a sheet of paper and time block. The most important skill you can have as a business owner. Time blocking is choosing chunks of time to focus on certain activity types. Boundaries around email, family, etc.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Finding who the right hire’s are.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The bank on yourself revolution by Pamela Yellen and The road less stupid by Keith Cunningham.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “TextExpander.”
  5. What’s your definition of freedom day? “Inspired by Victor Franks quote, freedom is the choice to have an attitude that you control in the midst of your circumstances.”
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. 

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




Oct 04, 202236:14
From Sheet Metal to Software with Phil Ogilby

From Sheet Metal to Software with Phil Ogilby

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Phil Ogilby in Cincinnati, OH. Phil is the owner of Stack Construction Technologies. His career started after High school when he moved to Dayton, OH and started working as a sheet metal worker. After inflation was running rampant, Phil shifted from sheet metal work to roofing and construction. Then from roofing and construction to software development. Phil shares his journey and how the ups and downs of each transition in his life brought him to where he is today.

Phil and Jeff discuss:

  1. Graduated HS in 1978; his parents saved $2500 for him to go to college.
  2. But they gave him an option, he could go to Dayton Ohio and work in the sheet metal workers union or take the $2500 and go to college.
  3. He chose to go to Ohio and worked in construction.
  4. Some time after when Jimmy Carter was in the white house and inflation was running rampant, he lost his job and found himself unemployed.
  5. So he drove to the unemployment office a couple times and applied for multiple jobs; felt it was demoralizing.
  6. Purchased a book on how to put a roof on your house although he had never done roofing before but seen it in his sheet metal trade.
  7. Decided to go to the Yellow pages office and he spent $600 a month on yellow pages ads, hired his buddies and bought a truck.
  8. Fast forward 10 years, he brought home his first personal computer with a Lotus spreadsheet on it, which he used for his estimating.
  9. Traveling and saw a book called Quick basics for kids he found at the airport bookstore.
  10. His older son Justin was into it and so Phil bought some more books so they could create some estimating software.
  11. Justin started coding at 13 and  by the time Justin was 17 he created and sold half million dollars in software.
  12. Phil left roofing and transitioned to software after a light bulb went off and he realized  the impact the software was having on people's lives.
  13. Phil wrote a business plan and hired an exchange student to create an online portal for contractors during the dotcom era.
  14. Traveled all the time looking for investors and found an investor in Cincinnati who gave him a half million dollars.
  15. Fast Forward, sold the first business and started Stack Construction Technologies in 2013 and the business has exploded.
  16. Stack - What is different today than before? The last business sold construction news and Stack was the first take-off software company in the cloud.
  17. Stack has expanded beyond take-offs to add project management.
  18. One of their core values is optimism, you need to believe it will get better to survive.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I would probably walk down the street and look for a roof that needs to be replaced and walk up to the door and ask if I could repair it.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Not having enough confidence in himself.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The hard thing about hard things by Ben Horowitz;  EMyth by Michael Gerber.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Slack and SalesForce.”
  5. What is your definition of freedom? “The ability to do what you want to do.
  6. What is the best way to contact you? “Email:”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. 

Sep 29, 202243:30
From a Psychology Degree to Digital Marketing with Heather Parady

From a Psychology Degree to Digital Marketing with Heather Parady

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Heather Parady from Augusta, GA, the land of golf. In grad school Heather wanted to be a therapist because she loved psychology and helping people. But after starting a side hustle she learned that she had a natural talent for marketing. After graduation she decided to build her own thing instead of getting a job using her degree. Fast forward to today where she is a content creator, Web 3 community builder and digital marketer in general. It’s been a hard, yet easy journey but Heather is confident that she’s right where she belongs.

Heather and Jeff discuss:

  1. Five years ago Heather was in grad school studying mental health therapy.
  2. She started a side business doing photography to get through school and make a little extra income.
  3. She grew the photography business a lot and enjoyed making her own money and making her own schedule.
  4. She discovered that she was pretty good at the marketing side.
  5. Heather began questioning school - asking herself what am I pursuing here?
  6. Her classmates began wondering why she was in school and not out making money in her business.
  7. After graduation she got her license and went on a couple of job interviews and cried.
  8. She got the jobs then cried some more because she didn't want to take them. After a talk with her husband she turned those jobs down.
  9. With a laptop computer and baby on her hip she needed to figure out how to make money and build something. She pivoted and turned quite a bit in the online space. Tried it all and settled into something recently.
  10. Heather learned that there is a distinction between content creation & income producing activities. Content creation doesn’t always equal revenue.
  11. Is the curiosity of the entrepreneurship journey going to phase out since people can work from home which feels similar?
  12. What’s New? Hosting shows; last year started a show back in August on NFT's and Web 3 that took off.
  13. Starting a new venture working with communities with Web 3 and expanded to digital marketing in general.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I am going to start going to local businesses and bring my camera with me. And I'm going to start asking to take free photographs of either headshots of them or their products. Gonna do as many free shoots as I can in a week. Then stay up and edit them and post on Instagram. Tag those people and tag the location and use the right hashtags and then start doing a bunch of videos and promo stuff about the importance of having good photography for your business.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Assuming that putting out more content would lead more people to my business.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The 4 agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, The war of art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield and anything by Seth Godin.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Clickup.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “Instagram: @HeatherParady.”

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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Sep 20, 202241:01
From Number One in Sales to Helping Introverts Win with Matthew Pollard

From Number One in Sales to Helping Introverts Win with Matthew Pollard

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Matthew (Matt) Pollard from Australia. Matt started out in sales and after becoming number one in his company moved on to management. After managing for a while and getting promoted 7 times, Matt started his own business. To date Matt is responsible for (5) multi-million dollar success stories. Matt has a passion and mission to help introverts succeed and has written a book, The Introvert’s Edge to help introverts with sales.

Matthew and Jeff discuss:

  1. Matt is from Melbourne originally, in high school he was super introverted.
  2. It was hard for Matt to read so for 2 years he worked very hard and burned himself out; he didn’t think about what he wanted to do long term.
  3. After High School, he took a job at a Real Estate agency doing data entry while he was looking to find himself.
  4. 3 weeks into his job he was let go due to the office shutting down.
  5. Determined not to go back home, he went to the news agency and pulled out the classified ads of the newspaper.
  6. Matt applied to all of them and got (3) interviews and (3) job offers and got hired to do business to business telecommunication door to door.
  7. Within 5 days he was sent out with product training only; not sales training. Matt made his first sale on the 93rd door.
  8. Determined to get better at sales he did a YouTube search and spent 8 hours applying what he learned the night before. 
  9. After 6 weeks, Matt learns he’s the number 1 sales person in the company.
  10. The company then asked him to be a manager and he was promoted 7 times.
  11. Now he’s just shy of a decade of owning his own business and he's been responsible for (5) multi-million dollar success stories.
  12. This one thing - “I can learn this, I'm responsible and there's a system for it” - has defined every success he's had in his life.
  13. The Introverts Edge to Networking’s key principles are to pre plan before you go and realize that the people that you network with may not be your client.
  14. Learn more about the networking group:

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “ Look at the biggest impact I want to have. What am I truly passionate about? What mission am I on?”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Starting the wrong business.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The Way of the Superior Man (read the first chapter only) by David Deida and The EMyth by Michael Gerber.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Audible.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? Type his name into google search; tons of free content on YouTube; - download the template - How to create your unified message and discover your niche. - download the first chapter of the book and/or - networking book; - get the book free just pay shipping and handling. Just launched IntrovertU.”

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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Sep 15, 202239:12
Overcoming a Recession to Working with Integrity with Mike Geller

Overcoming a Recession to Working with Integrity with Mike Geller

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Mike Geller, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO), of Tegrita in Markham, ON. Mike started his technology career during the 2008 recession. The company he was with fired half of their team during the recession and he was one of them. Determined to continue in technology automation, Mike started his own consulting business and with the help of his community he received clients from referrals.  Mike is currently celebrating the 1 year anniversary of his book and consulting businesses on the right tools to use to assist them with their growth goals.

Mike and Jeff discuss:

  1. Started in the 2008 recession; just joined a company focused on marketing and technology and he picked the company for a reason; he loved technology.
  2. A few months in, the sky was falling and they cut half their professional services team and Mike was one of them.
  3. After getting fired he didn't want to give up on technology so he started consulting on his own.
  4. Shortly after he partnered with a colleague he met at work and they grew a business together but separately until they created Tegrita (like integrity).
  5. Marketing automation showed up on the charts around 2012/2014 and Mike feels privileged to find this technology at the beginning of its evolution.
  6. Mike works with companies that sell to other companies.
  7. He's helping people by figuring out what tools they have, how they are using them, what is missing to meet their business objectives and what is the overall strategy to attract customers, etc.
  8. Recently published a book; CMO to CRO: The Revenue Takeover by the Next Generation Executive. Celebrated one year anniversary in May.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I would go to Upwork. I want to see what people have a need for and go from there.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “That's a tough one for me because I don't think in those terms. I look forward instead of backwards. You learn from everything.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “I don’t read business books very often so I would recommend my book.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Flipbook (Ipad).”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “LinkedIn - or Contact Us Form on the website -”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. 

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




Sep 13, 202220:03
From General Manager to Business Strategist with Eric Tjoeng

From General Manager to Business Strategist with Eric Tjoeng

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Eric Tjoeng in Sydney Australia. Eric was recruited from Sydney University’s campus after completing his economics degree and postgraduate studies in IT. After college he landed a job at one of the big Accounting firms in Sydney and after a few years went on to set up an accounting system and launch a franchise system for other companies. He also worked his way up to General manager of a billion dollar company in Singapore. Eric has seen first hand from his friends that small to medium businesses spend a lot of time putting out fires and he wants to help them grow their business like big businesses do.

Eric and Jeff discuss:

  1. Once he finished his Economics degree from Sydney University, he did his postgraduate qualifications in IT.
  2. That landed him a job with the big (4) Accounting advisory firm in Sydney.
  3. Later he worked at Jaguar Land Rover where he was responsible for setting up the accounting system for a landrover division.
  4. Worked at Avis Australia owned by Avis America Inc. at the time and helped them to launch a franchise system in Sydney.
  5. Then Eric was a General Manager for a 1.4 Billion company in Singapore.
  6. Eric had a light bulb moment: when he realized that his friends with small/medium business spent a lot of time putting out fires.
  7. He joined a CFO & business advisory company with 60 partners in Australia and New Zealand.
  8. Left in 2015 to start his own management consultancy company with 7 partners.
  9. 4 out of 5 companies go out of business in the first 5 years.
  10. Most small/medium size businesses fail because they don't have a clear strategy or direction of their objective and how to get there.
  11. For new clients with small businesses Eric’s team focuses on (2) areas at a time. Then move to different areas.
  12. What’s New: on the website is (2) survey’s. You answer a series of questions and you get a personalized report.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Contact businesses already in my network and let them know I’m available to help them grow, sustain and exit in their business.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “In the early days of my consultancy, I believed that when you agree with them on what needs to be done they would be accountable to make things happen but they spent most of the time running their business and trying to survive. Unless you prioritize and work with them to get things done, next time you see them again they won't have it done.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Jim Collin's book “Good to Great”.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Calendar (electronic).”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “Email is the best -, You can also google his name, LinkedIn - Eric Tjoeng and website -”

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at




Sep 08, 202226:57
From 30K in debt to Daily Podcast host with Diania Merriam

From 30K in debt to Daily Podcast host with Diania Merriam

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Diania, producer of the EconoME Conference in Cincinnati. Diania is living the FIRE lifestyle and has gone from $30,000 in debt to front loading her retirement account. She is currently hosting (2) daily podcasts that covers all of her expenses and is producing a conference and YouTube series. 

Diania and Jeff discuss: 

  1. Discovered at 28, that she had $30,000 in debt from living outside her means.
  2. Had a goal to do the Camino de Santiago walk at age 30 and so she decided to get her finances in order.
  3. She found a blog called Mr. Money Mustache and some FIRE content creators whose financial advice had a different vibe than the traditional doom and gloom advice.
  4. Having a mindset shift from seeing her debt as a problem to seeing it as an opportunity allowed her to get out of debt in 11 months.
  5. Over a span of (3) years she received (3) 20% raises of which she saved and continued to live at the same income level before the raises.
  6. Saving and investing 60% of her income got her to a point in the FIRE Movement called "Coast FI."
  7. She downshifted before reaching the full FI number and hit some milestones and options before retirement.
  8. Currently Diania host (2) Daily Podcast that cover all of her expenses.
  9. She is also the producer of a conference called the EconoME conference; she started in 2018.
  10. She appreciates the FIRE movement for helping her define for herself how much money is enough.
  11. Diania believes that there is a misconception about the FIRE movement and giving back to society after retirement.
  12. Her career before FIRE was in Brand extension and licensing.
  13. The next EconoME conference is March 17-19 of 2023; only in person.
  14. She’s launching an interview series called EconoMe Encore on YouTube; recording it in the next couple weeks. 

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “ First thing I would do is talk to all of my social circle/support circle and tell them what's going on and brainstorm with them.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “When I first launched my business I was scared to do it alone so I found a cofounder who didn't bring a lot to the table and cost me a lot of money.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The obstacle is the way by Ryan Holiday.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Project Management system called Asana.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “Website: contact form on; Email:; Social Channels: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn; Daily Podcast: Optimal Finance Daily.”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School. 

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at 

You can connect with Jeff through 




Sep 06, 202229:30
From Project Manager to Franchise Consultant with David Weaver

From Project Manager to Franchise Consultant with David Weaver

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews David Weaver who is a Franchise Consultant in Colorado. One of the freedom engines Jeff has shared in the past was becoming a franchise owner of a business. Today David talks to us about his start during college and how he got into the franchise business. There is more to it than just picking your favorite business but rather looking at your franchise selection from an investor's point of view rather than as a consumer. 

David and Jeff discuss: 

  1. Grew up in Indiana went to Indiana University: In college David started with an internship with GE.
  2. 95% of the interns got into the job but he didn't get the job due to affirmative action.
  3. After college his first job was in Project Management sales job selling elevators and escalators.
  4. Then he had a job selling Interior Design and Décor Fabrication for big box retailers (i.e. Kroger, CVS).
  5. Then some time later his dad asked for his help with the family business; Foundry Business - melting metal into car parts in Detroit.
  6. Returned to Colorado and got a job with a Finance company; a non bank lender who wanted to penetrate the franchise space.
  7. Unintentionally, over a 15 year period he did what he wanted to do with GE back in college.
  8. In hindsight; David always took a job where he was forcing himself to learn something new; this is how entrepreneurs think.
  9. After the financial meltdown of 2008/2009, David adopted the mantra that he was never going to work for someone again or  leave Colorado.
  10. At the end of 2010 he bought a bar on Denver University’s campus and started a franchise business.
  11. David invests in franchise and real estate assets and his day job is a consultant where he helps people find the right franchise.
  12. The process to find a franchise is an extension of David’s personal investment strategy; lengthy (30-90 days).
  13. If you are interested; the first step is knowing why you want to do this in the first place.
  14. Next to be free from the franchise you have to build the business you want to own first.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Get on my mountain bike or go for a hike and then buy something with the $500 and sell it. Start something until I have enough money to get back to what I'm doing now.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Buying the bar on Denver University’s campus.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The E Myth Revisited; Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Calendly.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “Website: (blog post and podcast interviews) and email: is the best way”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. 

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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Sep 01, 202236:46
From Engineer to Real Estate with Cody Yeh

From Engineer to Real Estate with Cody Yeh

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Cody Yeh in Toronto, Canada. One of the freedom engines that Jeff shares with his audience is Real Estate. Cody is in the real estate business and will talk to us about real estate and strategies. Cody starts by sharing his story of coming to Canada on a student Visa. He majored in Engineering but learned that while engineers had a great start they have limitations, so he enrolled in some business courses. After graduation Cody worked for Honda and later he took on learning stocks as a second job. Years later Cody got into Real Estate a little more and the rest is history. Cody shares some real estate strategies with us and also how your mindset is just as important as the moves you make in life. 

Cody and Jeff discuss: 

  1. Born in Taiwan, came to Canada on a student Visa at 18.
  2. Engineering major at the University of Toronto. Learned that being an engineer was a good head start but has its limitations.
  3. 2nd year in college enrolled in several business courses.
  4. After graduation, he started working at Honda (car company) and wanted to become a formula 1 driver at first.
  5. Worked as the project manager at Honda and was working a lot of overtime (400-800 hours). Saved and bought some Real Estate.
  6. Met a friend of a friend who was managing a 50 million dollar account as a hedge fund manager from Taiwan.
  7. Hired her as a coach and learned about stocks as a second job.
  8. 2019 Mid-Management, managing 11 engineers and frustrated with his job. At that point he already had enough income with stocks/properties to replace his salary so he resigned.
  9. What Cody’s doing now: real estate syndication, launching a real estate fund this year and preparing to invest in real estate in the US.
  10. He’s also building a following on youtube, for the last 3 years, for his Podcast - High Income Earners but being a stock option investing coach and real estate funds are his biggest focus this year.
  11. Real Estate Strategy: Buy properties, renovate them (ADU), then use the equity to buy another one.
  12. Mindset is important; sometimes we can get stuck in our mindset.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I would get into sales and marketing.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Hiring B or C players.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Never split the difference: Negotiating as if your life depends on it by Chris Voss & Tahl Raz.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Google drive.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “Google search: Cody Yeh; Website:; YouTube: Cody Yeh Investing; Podcast: High Income Earners & F.I.R.E.”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation


Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at 

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Aug 30, 202244:44
From Tech Company to Financial Freedom with Michael Quan

From Tech Company to Financial Freedom with Michael Quan

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Michael Quan, blogger of the Financial Alert website in San Diego. Michael shares how he started working for a technology company during the dotcom boom. And how it was his knowledge as a computer gamer that got him the job. While working in the technology industry he learned a lot about infrastructure. After 9-11 he started his own IT Consulting business with some friends using what he had learned. Ten years of hard work led to his business being very successful and eventually giving him his freedom day.

Michael and Jeff discuss:

  1. Went to college and wasn't sure what he wanted to do; chose Economics.
  2. During the DotCom boom went to work for a tech company (San Diego); got the job because he was a computer gamer; knew how to take them apart, put them back together and make the network faster.
  3. Worked at the tech company for a year and a half and learned how a company worked.
  4. After 9-11 happened the tech company started laying people off.
  5. Michael didn't want to wait until his name was on the list so he decided to exit and with some friends started an IT Consulting Business.
  6. Started with 2 clients and over time gained more clients through different connections and became profitable over the next 10 years.
  7. Scaled the business and then sold it; freedom day at age 36
  8. Doing now:  Website/Blog - Financially Alert and Podcast - Breakthrough Millionaire
  9. New: Wrote a book - The F.I.R.E. planner: A Step-by-Step Workbook to Reach Your Full Financial Potential

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Pick up the phone and call who I know. It's not about what you know but who you know.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “A complicated salary structure; keep it simple.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “(1) The F.I.R.E. planner: A Step-by-Step Workbook to Reach Your Full Financial Potential by Michael Quan. (2) Sam Dogen's book Buy This, Not That: How to Spend Your Way to Wealth and Freedom and (3) Mastering the Rockefeller Habits: What You Must Do to Increase the Value of Your Growing Firm by Verne Harnish.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Trello; helps me organize my list.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “Website: (use the form or contact me); Email:; Podcast: Breakthrough Millionaire.”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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Aug 25, 202221:39
From Franchise to Networking with Matt Alderton

From Franchise to Networking with Matt Alderton

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Matt Alderton of BX Networking group in Sydney Australia. Matt started his entrepreneurial journey as a Subway Franchise owner and after an unforeseen tragic event, saw an ad for a John Maxwell program. Matt went through the program and it inspired him to create BX Networking. Matt’s journey wasn’t always favorable but he didn’t let that stop him. He continued to push past the hurdles and after 18 years of hard work is now expanding from Australia to the U.S. and Canada.

Matt and Jeff discuss:

  1. Been in business for 18 years; done different things over that time.
  2. Started a Subway franchise from scratch after working in corporate.
  3. After opening a couple Subway shops he quit his job.
  4. (3) Businesses in, Matt received a note stating his company had a million dollars of debt.
  5. New accountant advised him to sell his home to get things under control.
  6. Matt saw a John Maxwell ad one night and signed up. This is where BX was created.
  7. BX started as a 12 month training program for business owners.
  8. BX Rebranded to Business Networking Reimaged to help with networking requests.
  9. Structure of BX; (4) Parts: Open networking, Introductions, Business “Spotlight” and (3) 1 on 1’s.
  10. New in the BX world: Expanding from Australia to the US and Canada.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Have a coffee and stop and sit in it for a while. Best decisions come from being calm.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Listening to the wrong people. You can give trust but not blindly.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - by John Maxwell.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Asana (productivity tool).”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “Website: ; Email:” BX Business Networking Reimaged Gift certificate:

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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Aug 23, 202241:18
Getting your Business Needs Met with Biz Coach Steve Feld

Getting your Business Needs Met with Biz Coach Steve Feld

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Steve Feld known as Biz Coach Steve. Steve coaches small businesses with their growth goals. He’s helped his clients make $10,000+ more than before. Steve has a very interesting story that includes being bought out by Warner Brothers. Steve has a passion for giving back and volunteers with a government program for free. From ELearning, to group coaching, to an elite invitation-only mastermind Steve is sure to get you to your business goals and beyond!

Steve and Jeff discuss:

  1. Owned and operated 7 businesses and sold them. He also ran 3 other businesses working as an employee.
  2. Last company was sold to Warner Brothers. The company did merchandising for musical acts.
  3. Started doing process improvement as a side business. Started writing business plans for tech.
  4. Has coaches that work with him and an online academy.
  5. Online academy starts with fixing your elevator speech, target market, and later on how to hire, financials, sales, etc.
  6. After the online academy people can move up to group coaching.
  7. They also offer one to one and then an elite mastermind that is invitation only.
  8. What’s new in his business is a series of Masterclasses that he does for free.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Start a new company, start making calls and get clients.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Asking for help.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Change or Die by Alan Deutschman
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “My Calendar. I color code my schedule.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “, Facebook, LinkedIn.”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation.

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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Aug 04, 202231:06
From Lemonade stand to Influencer Analysis with John Crestani

From Lemonade stand to Influencer Analysis with John Crestani

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews John Crestani in Malibu, California. John is a marketing expert specializing in affiliate marketing. John shared his journey with us from his start selling at lemonade stands to his current business which he scaled from $6,000 to $60,000 per month. John also shared with us his latest project that he feels is his sole focus in life; influencer analysis marketing. And you don’t want to miss the fun book he shared about Russian mobsters, hackers, video game billionaires, Chinese virtual gold mining, princesses and more! 

John and Jeff discuss: 

  1. Dreamed of becoming a multi-millionaire and living in Malibu after College.
  2. Started out selling at lemonade stands at the local Golf Course tournaments on the weekends.
  3. Sold study guides to International Students in College; making him $5,000 extra per semester.
  4. After College, John worked at a marketing agency for 2 years, then went off on his own.
  5. He went from making $6,000 per month to $60,000 per month on his own using affiliate marketing.
  6. From 2017 to the present, John started selling information on how to do affiliate marketing and how to start an online business.
  7. This year he started his 2nd business, Advance Pay; influencer analytics marketing.
  8. When marketing other people's products, John realized that he wasn't building anything to build freedom for himself.
  9. John wrote out what he wanted his business to be and took the skills he had and put them in a higher value place.
  10. Advance Pay: It shows who's working with your competitors and who's moving the most products.
  11. There is only a prototype for Advance Pay at this time.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “First off I'm not going to spend the money. But how can I make money without spending money? I can create content with OBS studio, once I figure out how I can sell my skills.  I can then post content everyday around skills I already have on social media and try to generate clients that will give me money and then save up for a rainy day fund.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Wasn't taking the time and energy to sit down and figure out how to work together with a former business partner who was great at sales and networking.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Business Book: Cashvertising by Drew Eric Whitman and Fun read: Reamde by Neal Stephenson.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Slack, I love Slack.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “Send him a direct message on LinkedIn ( ) or Twitter (JohnCrestani ). John gets a lot of messages so be very specific with your questions in your message.

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. 

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at 

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Jul 28, 202225:40
The Move that Changed Things Forever for Melissa Rodriguez

The Move that Changed Things Forever for Melissa Rodriguez

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Melissa Rodriguez in L.A., who owns a 7-figure marketing agency. Melissa had her roots in Boston, but after she moved from Disney to L.A., she realized there was more to explore than she was currently experiencing. This sparked an idea for a blog about self-discovery, and the rest is history. Please tune in to hear all the details about Melissa’s amazing story as she goes from working a corporate job to gaining her freedom day. There is also an opportunity to get a deep discount on Melissa’s exceptional experience for new business owners.

Melissa and Jeff discuss:

  1. Raised in Boston; went to school for accounting and finance.
  2. Landed an internship with a big public accounting firm making $25/hr at 18yrs old.
  3. Worked at the law firm for 6 years, then ended up at Disney in California.
  4. The move from Disney to L.A. was the inspiration for a blog, which led to an invite to help promote a festival in Boston.
  5. One day, Melissa felt a calling/inclination to switch from accounting to marketing.
  6. After quitting the accounting job, she cashed out her 401K and had to figure out how to make the marketing business work.
  7. Currently, her 7-figure business is a full stack service marketing agency that is helping brands who are successful offline transition to online. Specialty: helping with the messaging to market to the Hispanic community authentically.
  8. A new program launched this week will give back to new business owners and help them start their entrepreneurial journey prepared.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you had $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I'm going to walk around my city and ask shop owners what the three things they are having problems with right now are. I'm going to write it all down, and I'm going to identify what the common patterns are. And I'm going to figure out how I'm going to build a service-based business with low overhead so that I can serve their pain point.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Hiring the wrong people.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “If you are on the business track, Traction by Gino Wickman, and if you are on a spiritual journey, The untethered soul By Michael A. Singer.”
  4. What is a tool that you use every day that you would recommend? “We swear by Slack.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “ Email is the best way, find it on Instagram @melissarinc.”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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Jul 21, 202227:27
From Sales to Non Traditional Financial Planning with Daniel Blue

From Sales to Non Traditional Financial Planning with Daniel Blue

In today’s episode, Jeff interviews Daniel Blue of Las Vegas who runs a Financial Services Company that helps their clients decide which financial tool(s) will best fit their goals. From Real Estate to starting a business to high credit card rates there is a solution that will work for you with the least amount of risk and penalties. Daniel also gave us some tools we can use to diversify our portfolios in this uncertain time.

Daniel and Jeff discuss:

  1. At 12, his parents divorced, and his dad moved to Mexico and never came back. That left him and his mom. This forced his mom to have to work a lot. He hung out with the wrong crowd and ended up barely graduating.
  2. A career in sales led him to be able to start a business eventually.
  3. Today he owns a Financial Services Company that focuses on specialty 401ks that can invest in private companies, real estate, and other non-traditional 401k investments.
  4. In 2008 he learned about investing in real estate through self-directed 401ks and IRAs.
  5. One of his investment clients was talked out of using a self-directed account by taking a distribution. He never wanted this to happen to any other clients.
  6. One of his clients also built an online business using a solo 401k.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I would find five high ticket products. I would generate revenue for 60 days.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Being naive. It is really easy to look at everyone as your ideal client. You shouldn’t trust everybody. Lean in on facts, agreements, contracts, etc.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Evernote is one I use and also Google calendar.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “, check out my book B.L.U.E. print to your best Retirement and Podcast: How Winners Win.”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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Jul 13, 202235:35
From College to Four International Offices with Thomas Smale

From College to Four International Offices with Thomas Smale

Jeff interviews Thomas Smale of FE International, a M&A firm (M&A stands for Mergers and Acquisitions). Thomas took a college side hustle and turned it into an international business.

Thomas and Jeff discuss:

  1. Graduated college in 2010. Tried multiple different strategies. Learned how to buy websites in 2008. When he graduated in 2010 he wrote a book about how to buy websites.
  2. He was able to make about $5000 per month selling his books.
  3. People who read his book reached out to him for help selling their businesses.
  4. Today he owns an M&A firm that helps tech and e-commerce companies sell their businesses.
  5. He has 130 people that work for him with four offices internationally.
  6. The start of their process is to see if the company is a good fit for their business. The first step in the process is a free business valuation. They have a set process that they have developed over the time.
  7. They consider themselves very direct.
  8. One of the most important things is to get your financials correct before going to market.
  9. Establish what you want to achieve.
  10. In the future they are developing a process for working with people that want to buy businesses.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Start another service business. I would present it as a business instead of a freelancer.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Early on it was a lack of focus. The business has grown immensely since we focused.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Outlook calendar. If I have my diary open a week in advance, I can block out time and I am much more disciplined.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “,  I am very active on Twitter & LinkedIn so send me a message there.”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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Jul 12, 202228:43
From Athlete to CEO with Mark Blockers

From Athlete to CEO with Mark Blockers

Jeff interviews Mark Blocker in Michigan who is the CEO of Big Block Athletics, the Founder of the Mark Blocker Foundation, a Success Coach and an Investor. He’s a role model to the youth in Detroit and a successful businessman.

Mark and Jeff discuss:

  1. Athlete his whole life; played different sports growing up.
  2. Obtained his degree in 2014 from University of Phoenix in the medical field and couldn't get a job.
  3. In Oct 2015 he quit working at McDonalds and started his business full-time.
  4. Fun fact his business isn’t named after him but an Engine company.
  5. Advocate for mental health awareness.
  6. Feels a connection with Detroit teens and has a foundation to assist them.
  7. Coaches entrepreneurs who are trying to scale their business
  8. Currently doing a Speaking Engagement through the Body positivity Podcast.
  9. Mark and other self love experts have a course - 31 day course at your own pace.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Affirmations and tend to myself first; fix my mindset. What you think you do. Use Youtube and audiobooks to prepare my mind.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Sponsoring a Rugby team, too soon. ”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Bet On Yourself by Ann Hiatt”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Salesforce for sales, good company.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “Social Media or email.

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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Jul 08, 202223:40
From Cubicle Warrior to Successful Businesses with Donnie Boivin

From Cubicle Warrior to Successful Businesses with Donnie Boivin

In today’s episode, Jeff begins a series of shows exploring people who have created businesses based on their skills. In this show, Jeff interviews Donnie Boivin of Success Champion Network.

Donnie and Jeff discuss:

  1. Served 4 years in the Marine Corp and 20 years straight in Commission Sales.
  2. Became one of the top Sales Trainers in the country.
  3. Learned about entrepreneurship at age 40; no one in his family had done it before.
  4. One comment over dinner changed his life; (15) Days later he started his own company.
  5. Started off as a success coach and faced losing it all after 6 months.
  6. After talking to his wife he started a podcast that became very successful.
  7. In April of 2020, COVID hit and put a stop to a conference he had worked very hard to plan.
  8. After talking to his wife again, he decided to fix and teach what people hated about networking.
  9. What's next: Business Summit in September 2022.
  10. What's new: New book that addresses the hardships/dark side of building a business.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Build a community; find a very specific topic he can get passionate about (mindset related) and launch a podcast to build a private community at an offsite site.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Thinking it was going to be easy but building a job instead of a company. The transition from employee to business owner requires you to grow your thinking so you think like a CEO.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Had to stop reading, it impacts his business but an old school one by Jen Sincero “You're a badass at making money” and “Prison of your own” by Sean Michael Crane.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Ontraport and”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “On LinkedIn”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

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Jul 04, 202230:33
Going from Behind the Scenes to the Front of the Stage with Diane Armitage

Going from Behind the Scenes to the Front of the Stage with Diane Armitage

A meeting with Bob Proctor led Diane Armitage on a journey from supporting Bob's work to starting her own business and helping others grow their businesses.

Diane and Jeff discuss:

  1. Started in the corporate world and met Bob Proctor at an event. He encouraged her to start her own business.
  2. Started her own marketing agency that grew worldwide.
  3. Has gone on to go from just writing to website design, branding, etc.
  4. Works with a lot of coaches that needed help getting online during the pandemic.
  5. How she has gone from behind the scenes working for others to building her own coaching business helping others to grow their businesses.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I'd start a Best of Laguna Beach Model in Wine Country Oregon.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “I waited too long to make the decision; not making a decision is making a decision. Stop analyzing and just do it.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Bob Proctors "You were Born Rich" and "The Power of your subconscious mind" by Joseph Murphy.”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “I would recommend my senior developer but Zoom is my best tool. It opens the door for opportunity for everybody.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “Email and text 949-637-1995.”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since then, he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through:




Jun 27, 202230:08
The Secrets to Marketing your Business Online with Chris Michael Harris

The Secrets to Marketing your Business Online with Chris Michael Harris

Chris Michael Harris was a hustler early on in his life, looking for ways to make money in High School. After graduating from college and getting the "Real Job" which he hated, Chris went on a journey that led to multiple 7 figure businesses.

Chris and Jeff discuss:

  1. He was always doing something outside of the 9-5.
  2. In High School he and some friends started a landscaping business and made about $12,000 and spent it all.
  3. In college he started a moving company with some friends.
  4. After graduation he started working 9-5 and hated it.
  5. He left and went back to build the moving company that grew to 7 figures.
  6. Now he trains people to market their businesses online.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I would find the next problem I want to solve. It has to be something I care about and something I want to work on. I want to talk to 10 people that might have this problem.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Your business is not an extension of you. It doesn’t define you. Towards the end of the moving company I was totally burned out. I held on too long.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The One Thing by Gary Keller”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Convertkit. Hotjar. Analytics”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “CMH on Social Media. StartupU podcast with Chris Michael Harris.”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since then, he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through :




Jun 15, 202240:07
Best Selling Author to 10 Figure Business Founder with Julien Smith

Best Selling Author to 10 Figure Business Founder with Julien Smith

Julien Smith took the unusual path to business success. Unlike others who build a career and then write books to share their expertise, Julien became a best-selling author in his early twenties. As one of the pioneers of blogging and internet marketing, his expertise was sought early on. Julien later went on to found several companies and has raised hundreds of millions in venture capital.

Julien and Jeff discuss:

  1. He took a non-traditional route; book deal first then business owner
  2. He was good at "trying" new things from a young age
  3. Started one of the first podcast in the world that ended up on Sirius Satellite radio
  4. Then wrote an Ebook with a co-author at 29 that was a New York times best seller in book form
  5. The book lead to speaking gigs and book deals; ironically he had never run a business
  6. He had a tech idea that he raised money (150 Million) for.
  7. Learning as he was going on how to be a CEO of the tech business
  8. After a couple years he started another business that serves coaches
  9. Today Julien raises venture capital with ideas, builds a team around that idea and then

goes out into the market and executes on the plan.

  1. Advice for business owners: Pick your battles so you don't burn out
  2. Helping solo businesses is what he cares about
  3. Advice: To have a book sell well, you have to own a channel that has your own tribe of people
  4. Want to be a CEO: Just pitch the idea
  5. Advice: Business owners need to confront reality; dream vs reality

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “Set up 10, 15, 20 conversations with people and ask them about what's going on today. It's not about his idea but the timing of the market and what is perfect for right now.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “At the height of the last business he was running, he was burning a million dollars per month. I should have gotten smarter about business when the business was smaller.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? Zero to IPO by Frederic Kerrest
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “Slack (to communicate) and Hubspot (CRM)”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “, or google him on the internet”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




Jun 13, 202227:37
The Corporate Transition Coach with Kathy Grassett

The Corporate Transition Coach with Kathy Grassett

In today’s episode, Jeff begins a series of shows exploring people who have created businesses based on their skills. In this show, Jeff interviews Kathy Grassett.

Kathy and Jeff discuss:

  1. She was a Gen X’er who grew up with a one-parent income. She knew she wanted to be in business.
  2. In college she decided on a Management Information Systems as a major.
  3. Spent 38 years working for two different companies during that time period.
  4. Was tired of the corporate culture and decided that she wanted to leave corporate completely.
  5. She did not start it as a side business, she stepped off the deep end and became a health and wellness coach.
  6. She spent a few years pivoting in different coaching careers, until she found that she would coach people leaving the corporate world.
  7. The final pivot required her to put herself out there. She had to go through a discovery process.
  8. Her process is to go through the business basics (offer, process, customers, etc.)
  9. What she adds to the process is how to make that transition from your corporate persona.
  10. Also works with Money Mastery, Time Mastery, and Organization.
  11. New in her business, she has been working on Money Mastery Days.
  12. Externally, she has been working on marketing her business better.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “That is an inflection point. I would take a pause and get organized. Then I would figure out the next steps”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Not spending my money wisely in the beginning.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “I don’t have one. I tend to read a chapter and then put books down. ”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “My journals. It allows me ”
  5. What is the best way to contact you?

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through:




Jun 06, 202237:37
Corporate Engineer to Helping you Grow a Handyman Business with Dan Perry

Corporate Engineer to Helping you Grow a Handyman Business with Dan Perry

In today’s episode, Jeff begins a series of shows exploring people who have created businesses based on their skills. In this show, Jeff interviews Dan Perry.

Dan and Jeff discuss:

  1. Has a company that teaches people to start a Handyman company.
  2. He started out as an engineer. He went to college for that.
  3. He got the job that he thought was a dream job and found out that an office career was not for him.
  4. Every day he woke up and wondered how many days it was going to be before Friday.
  5. He stumbled on the idea of a handyman business.
  6. Shared his story via a blog.
  7. Within five months he was making as much as he was as an engineer.
  8. Created
  9. Creating an online business takes time. It is not an overnight process.
  10. If he had it all to do over again. He would have been more focused on what he was doing.
  11. Has created 3 courses that teach: How To Get Started, Marketing, and Pricing.

Fast Five Questions:

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I would lay there first. I would post an add on Craigslist, start doing handyman services. Share my story on YouTube.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Pricing in my handyman business.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “Anti-Fragile by Naseem Taleb ”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “I am a huge Evernote Fan.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you?, search for Handyman startup”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




May 30, 202226:47
When to Make the Jump with Rocky Lalvani

When to Make the Jump with Rocky Lalvani

In today’s episode, Jeff begins a series of shows exploring people who have created businesses based on their skills. In this show, Jeff interviews Rocky Lalvani of Profit Comes First.

Rocky and Jeff discuss:

  1. Rocky came here at age 2. His family restarted here and went on to succeed.
  2. He made a decision to be a Millionaire at an early age.
  3. After college, he taught accountants to use the first spreadsheets.
  4. He determined he was going to get a job and begin to save automatically.
  5. Saving money in the end did not make him happy.
  6. He spent 3-5 yrs learning how to help people be better with money.
  7. He was introduced to Profit First and coached Business Owners to be better with money.
  8. There was a process to how he decided when to leave the corporate world.
  9. His typical clients are 7 figure business owners that need to get their finances under control.

Fast Five Questions

  1. If you woke up and your business was gone, you have $500, a laptop, a place to live, and food, what would you do first? “I don’t see a change. I am going out and hustling and selling.”
  2. What is the biggest mistake that you have made in business? “Not Starting and waiting too long to take the jump. And undervaluing my skills.”
  3. What is a book that you would recommend? “The Road Less Stupid: Advice from the chairman of the board by Keith Cunningham”
  4. What is a tool that you use everyday that you would recommend? “I like Evernote but the game changer for me is an automated calendar.”
  5. What is the best way to contact you? “On my website; my email link and my podcasts links are on there.”

Jeff spent the early part of his career working for others. Jeff had started 5 businesses that failed before he had his first success. Since that time he has learned the principles of a successful business and has been able to build and grow multiple seven-figure businesses. Jeff lives in the Austin area and is actively working in his community and supporting the growth of small businesses. He is a board member of the Incubator.Edu program at Vista Ridge High School and is on the board of directors of the Leander Educational Excellence Foundation

Connect with the Freedom Nation podcast at

You can connect with Jeff through




May 18, 202230:45