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Five Fresh Tips

Five Fresh Tips

By Fresh Starts

5 Fresh Tips from Fresh Starts Registry Experts to help you prepare for your becoming.
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5 Fresh Tips: How to Live a Fulfilling Life with Photographer Angela Acosta

Five Fresh TipsMay 10, 2024

5 Fresh Tips: How to Live a Fulfilling Life with Photographer Angela Acosta

5 Fresh Tips: How to Live a Fulfilling Life with Photographer Angela Acosta

Learning how to get live a more fulfilling life can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you live a more fulfilling life with photographer Angela Acosta.

Angela Atelier is a unique photography studio that celebrates the female journey. Our focus is not on perfection or self-judgment but on self-discovery and empowerment. Whether you want to uncover something new about yourself or reconnect with the woman you've neglected, our studio provides a safe and nurturing space to let go and explore. It's a genuinely transformative portrait experience that captures the beauty and strength within you.

You can learn more about Angela Acosta on her Fresh Starts profile.

May 10, 202404:47
5 Fresh Tips: Preparing Your Marital Residence to Sell Without Losing Your Mind with Realtor Holly Martins

5 Fresh Tips: Preparing Your Marital Residence to Sell Without Losing Your Mind with Realtor Holly Martins

5 Fresh Tips to Help You Get Your Marital Home Ready to Sell (and help you get through it sanely) with Realtor Holly Martins

Learning how to get your marital home ready to sell can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you get your marital home ready to sell (without losing your mind) with realtor Holly Martins.

I’m a divorced mom of two kids and a full-time Realtor. With a background in social services, and a lifetime of experience in the world of divorce, I understand and empathize with the many transitions that occur during the process. That’s why my business is client centered: my goal is to ensure the people who I’m working for are educated, advocated for, and taken care of from start to finish. This is not a sales business to me, it is the business of helping people and families move onward and upward.

You can learn more about Holly Martins on her Fresh Starts profile.

Mar 02, 202407:29
5 Fresh Tips: Landing on Your Feet After a Major Transition with Reinvention and Transitions Coach Meg Trucano

5 Fresh Tips: Landing on Your Feet After a Major Transition with Reinvention and Transitions Coach Meg Trucano

5 Fresh Tips to Help You Land on Your Feet After a Major Transition or Reinvention with Reinvention & Transitions Coach Meg Trucano

Learning how to land on your feet after a major transition can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you land on your feet after a major transition or reinvention with reinvention and transitions coach Meg Trucano.

I am a reinvention & transitions coach for women. A psychologist by training, I specialize in empowering women to embrace change, transition, and reinvention by aligning their resources (time, energy, attention, money, space) with their deepest, most authentic desires--and get exactly what they want. My clients are hard-working women have reached a point of success in their careers, but they find themselves feeling weary, exhausted, or empty and seek that “something else” to bring more meaning, purpose, and authenticity into their lives. Through my coaching, I help my clients find the clarity, contentment, and momentum to reclaim the vision they once had for their one wild and precious lives.

You can learn more about Meg Trucano on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to help grow you land on your feet after a major transition:

  1. Acknowledge that you are not crazy, making things up, or being dramatic if you are feeling like things aren’t quite right, or if you need a change. That’s your intuition talking, but people socialized as women are often conditioned by society and by the expectations of others to suppress their "drama," and are criticized for "overthinking" things when they feel that something is off. In reality, the feeling that something is off is our subconscious running up a red flag that we are out of alignment with what we truly believe in or want for ourselves.

  2. Whether you are switching careers or reinventing another major part of your life, trust that you can land on your feet on the other side of that major change. There are scores of women who have left toxic relationships, unsupportive friendships, and terrible jobs. They are now thriving, and look back only to realize they wish they’d made the leap sooner. Trust your own ability to adapt to change.

  3. Find your support crew. These will be people that will encourage you and support you, whatever that change looks like. Hopefully, these people are the ones closest to you–family, friends, your community–but sometimes, these are the people who will resist your change the most. Be mindful that your support crew may look differently than you hope, but there are people out there who will support you through whatever changes you want to make. And don’t forget that there are likely others just like yourself who want to change in a similar way to you–find those people and support each other.

  4. Believe that your happiness and well-being are worth something, both to you and to the rest of the world. Don’t fall for the trap of believing that what you want should come after everyone else’s needs and wants. Your wellbeing shouldn’t be an afterthought, something to “get to” once everything else has been ticked off of your to-do list. You have a right to be here. You have a right to take up space. You have a right to show up as the best version of yourself. And when you do show up as the best version of yourself, the world benefits.

  5. Realize that wanting something more in your life does not make you selfish for wanting it OR ungrateful for what you already have. Cultivate a gratitude practice to ground yourself in the comfort of what you do have, and savor that frequently. Do this while at the same time acknowledging that there is more in this life for you if you want it, and have the courage to pursue it. Oh, and don’t forget to have FUN with it–the possibilities for you are truly boundless and infinite.

Mar 01, 202404:42
5 Fresh Tips: Growing an Online Business with Intuition with Business Strategist Chelsea Fournier

5 Fresh Tips: Growing an Online Business with Intuition with Business Strategist Chelsea Fournier

5 Fresh Tips to Help You Grow a Business Online While Embracing Your Sensitive Nature & Intuition with Business Strategy & Marketing Agency Owner Chelsea Fournier

Learning how to grow a business online while embracing your sensitive nature and intuition can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you grow an online business while embracing your sensitive nature and intuition with business strategist and marketing agency owner Chelsea Fournier.

Intuitive Business By Design supports healers, coaches, creatives & change-makers who are amazing at what they do serving clients, but the tech, software, and back end side of running their online business makes their eyes burn and their soul hurt.

We offer tiers of support for the beginning business owner (such as templates, community coaching, courses, and consulting sessions) and offer impeccable and intuitive support for done-for-you services relating to launching your website, funnels, email marketing + back end support & systems.

You can learn more about Chelsea Fournier on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to help grow your online business with intuition:

  1. Embrace Sensitivity & Authenticity as Your Superpower. So many entrepreneurs are highly sensitive, neurodivergent, or just looking for a way to create something outside of the box. Instead of feeling like that will hold you back, it's empowering to explore how that will help you stand out, embracing your unique ability to have an authentic brand (without oversharing your life) can help you form deeper connections in your community and audience as a refreshing presence in their life and business.

  2. Embracing Healing As Part Of Your Business Journey. If you are a recovering people pleaser, then healing those wounds will be huge for your long-term success in setting boundaries. If you are triggered by rejection, then releasing trauma that triggered that will be part of your path. I am not a healer myself, but I support so many amazing healers and see that those who are doing the work (myself included) of physical, mental, emotional & energy healing alongside the business strategy get further faster.

  3. Design Thoughtful Offers in Alignment With Your Mission. Designing how you package your services or sessions up into a package, program, course or membership can feel daunting. Start with having a clear mission of why you do what you do, the feeling you want clients to experience and feel, and then consider the different formats or containers, and get really good at one first (marketing, selling, onboarding & serving). Then you can branch out to other methods of support.

  4. Welcome Your Intuition Into Your Business. There are so many decisions to make daily, weekly, monthly and ongoing as a business owner. Taking time to tap into your body, your intuition, your spiritual guidance...whatever will best serve you to make authentic and aligned decisions will make a difference in the long run. Blending intuition with strategy for decisions that feel right and align with your business vision and ethical standards will help you feel empowered and in charge of your business.

  5. Insist on Authentic Marketing & Lean Into Automations. Create & implement marketing strategies that reflect your genuine self, drawing clients who value and seek what you uniquely offer. And don't be afraid of automations. The more you can map out and automate as far as marketing, selling & onboarding your ideal client, the more you can reserve your energy for truly serving and holding space and support. Funnels, email marketing, and sequences can still represent you, your voice and your energy...just mapped out and written in advance so that you can sit back and let the magic happen in the back end.

Mar 01, 202404:30
5 Fresh Tips: Learning How to Regulate Your Nervous System with Nervous System Clinician Jessica Addeo

5 Fresh Tips: Learning How to Regulate Your Nervous System with Nervous System Clinician Jessica Addeo

How to Regulate Your Nervous System with Nervous System Clinician Jessica Addeo

Learning how to regulate your nervous system can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you regulate your nervous system with nervous system clinician Jessica Addeo.

Jessica Addeo is an occupational therapist and specializes in the nervous system. Her role involves guiding women in understanding their nervous system in their daily lives, helping them feel more present, connected, and less burdened by guilt.

You can learn more about Jessica Addeo on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to help you regulate your nervous system:

  1. Being calm is not the goal, that is not what regulation means (to me). Regulation is a verb not a state. It is a set of tools that you can call on to help you when you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, burnt out, etc. The goal is to feel "in control" and resilient in the face of daily stressors. For many people the goal is to slow down and feel safe enough to even define "calm" for them. But no one is regulated all of the time. The goal is feel good about your life, which you can't do without your nervous system being regulated.

  2. Nervous system reframe is EVERYTHING! When you are dysregulated your thinking brain goes offline (that is just plain science). So if you aren't your best self in one of those moments, it isn't a character flaw, you aren't an awful human. You got dysregulated (basically you can drop the guilt!). What can you do about this? Start to learn your signs of dysregulation.

  3. Knowing all the states of your nervous system is super helpful. What do you look like when you are super activated (a fight or flight response), what do you look like when you are regulated or in your "window of tolerance", what do you look like when you are in a freeze or shut down response? Being inside our window of tolerance often feels best, but it isn't necessarily the "superior" nervous system state. It's about knowing how your nervous system communicates with you so you can grab the right tools. And sometimes being dysregulated is the APPROPRIATE response.

  4. We all have different thresholds for sensory input. And we actually have 8 sensory systems, not just the 5 outward facing ones we think of. Sight, taste, touch, sound and smell are your exterior facing senses. Proprioception, Vestibular and Interoception are the senses that tell you about the inner state of your body and where you are in space (two things that are really important for survival and therefore important for your nervous system). Finding your just right level of these different sensory inputs is SUPER regulating for a nervous system. It is also really important to know your thresholds, maybe a certain space is too loud or bright for you. That doesn't mean you don't go that space (unless you don't want to), but it does mean you plan accordingly for YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM. I teach something called the "nervous system bank account"- where you basically learn how to balance the input going in and out of your nervous system.

  5. Nervous system regulation is about communication. Your nervous system is always communicating with your brain, we often miss the messages (because we haven't been taught to listen in this way) and then the nervous system speaks louder. The louder could be things like panic attacks, adult temper tantrums, elevated heart rate, difficulty taking a deep breath, chronic inflammation, chronic stress, difficult sleeping and so on. When you live in a chronic state of fight/flight you often end up feeling like one misstep and you will came crashing off a cliff. Your nervous systems job is to keep you safe and alive, so it is trying to protect you. Learning to speak this language is a game changer. So next time you "freak out", afterwards, instead of judgement get curious. What is your nervous system saying to you in those moments?

Mar 01, 202405:21
5 Fresh Tips: Helping You Reclaim Your Time with Life Coach Abby Furey

5 Fresh Tips: Helping You Reclaim Your Time with Life Coach Abby Furey

5 Fresh Tips to Help You Reclaim Your Time with Life Coach Abby Furey

Learning how to reclaim your time can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to reclaim your time with life coach Abby Furey.

In her private practice, Sincerely with Abby Furey, Abby offers Life Coaching and Business Mentoring services. She helps women stop waiting for things to slow down - because they never do - and take control of their time and priorities now, while they’re living their full and precious lives. Additionally, she supports small businesses through monthly and quarterly business strategy sessions, providing structure to business foundations and progress.

You can learn more about Abby Furey on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to help you reclaim your time:

  1. Prioritize: The best way I've found to bring clarity around priorities is to 1. get specific about your current season of life and 2. keep your time horizon short. 3 months tops. I might ask you to tell me about your season of life by asking questions about the ages and stages of the people and activities that make up your days. What is the rhythm of your life? What are you walking through right now? Our season is always changing, so do what you can to sum it up in a few sentences. T

  2. Plan: when it comes to time, you should always start with a plan. I'll spend the rest of my days shouting from the rooftops that structuring your time is the key to unlocking time freedom and making space for what matters most to you. I know it may sound counterintuitive. A plan for your time and tasks serves as home base. It is not rigid and bossy, but supportive and functional.

  3. Prepare: Moving away from living in urgency is a necessary gift we can only give to ourselves. When we tend to the necessary before it is urgent, we are relieving future stress, worry, disappointment and plenty of overnight UPS charges! Here is another way preparation can help you reclaim time. When your time and your priorities are aligned, you will experience more opportunities for work flow sessions, staying closer to deadlines and creating efficiencies that you would overlook if you were stuck in catch up mode. It's powerful stuff.  So yeah, fill your coffee maker tonight.

  4. (Be) Present: there's no way around it, we have to take ourselves off auto-pilot to reclaim our time and feel better about our days. Distraction rules our lives and no matter our intentions, it is not serving us. Be where your feet are. Pick your head up. And my best tip for staying present: always have a notebook nearby. When your genius idea for a preschool fundraiser comes up in the middle of finalizing tomorrow's leadership retreat, jot it down, and get right back to the task at hand, or at plan.

  5. Protect: finally, be a fierce protector of your time. To the extent to which you have privilege and resources to do so, enforce limits and boundaries that support your priorities. There are so many threats to our time (you're most likely listening to me on one of the worst offenders). If you truly want to reclaim your time for what matters most to you right now, you are going to have to implement some time boundaries.

Feb 28, 202406:45
5 Fresh Tips: How to Embrace the New You After Heartbreak with Divorce Coach Dr. Anita Smith

5 Fresh Tips: How to Embrace the New You After Heartbreak with Divorce Coach Dr. Anita Smith

5 Fresh Tips: How to Embrace the New You After Heartbreak with Divorce Coach Dr. Anita Smith

Learning how to embrace the new you after heartbreak can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you embrace the new you, from heartbreak to happiness, with divorce coach, Dr. Anita Smith.

Life After Divorce Coaching Services mission is to help women and men who are single again after divorce to heal their broken heart, rebuild their finances, find happiness, and rekindle self-love post-divorce. Going through a divorce is traumatic and painstaking, yet many people struggle with coping with life after divorce, raising children alone, managing a job and finances successfully while trying to start over after divorce. We offer confidential coaching sessions to help clients heal emotionally, transform physically and mentally, and rebuild financially to restore, re-ignite, and rebuild their best life after divorce.

You can learn more about Dr. Anita Smith on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to help you embrace the new you after heartbreak:

  1. Practice Mindful Healing.

  2. Create a Vision Board.

  3. Celebrate Small Wins.

  4. Cultivate Positive Relationships.

  5. Explore Your Passions.

Feb 28, 202403:57
5 Fresh Tips: How to Find Clarity When You're Feeling Lost with Astrologer Alice Smith of Alice Smith Astrology

5 Fresh Tips: How to Find Clarity When You're Feeling Lost with Astrologer Alice Smith of Alice Smith Astrology

How to Find Clarity When You're Feeling Lost with Astrologer Alice Smith of Alice Smith Astrology:

Learning how to find clarity when you feel lost can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you find clarity when you feel lost with astrologer Alice Smith of Alice Smith Astrology.

Alice Smith Astrology provides astrological counseling through one-on-one readings, performs at events both big and small in the Pacific Northwest, and is the resident astrologer for the Asian-American media platform JoySauce. She is passionate about democratizing astrology to make it easily accessible to the masses--to distill the wisdom of the stars into plain English so that everybody can benefit! She helps people to shed the stories that don't fit them so that they can become the heroes of their own lives.

You can learn more about Alice Smith on her Fresh Starts profile.

5 Fresh Tips to help you find clarity when you feel lost:

  1. Take care of your physical needs. Remember to eat, hydrate, and sleep. We are comprised of body, mind, and soul. When we're feeling lost in the mind or the spirit, we can at least take care of the body. While taking care of your physical body isn't going to solve all of your problems, it can help to bring a sense of balance and control to situations where we feel out of control.

  2. Learn to sit with the discomfort of uncertainty. In the modern, Western, capitalistic world that's achievement and money oriented, we're incredibly uncomfortable with "liminal space"—the place that's neither here nor there, which is exactly what transitions are. Our discomfort with liminal space is why we dread planetary retrogrades (like Mercury retrograde), because it sends us into energetic liminal space where we can reassess, reevaluate, and reconsider. But in these modern times, we don't know what to do with anything that isn't forward-moving motion. Liminal space is uncomfortable, but it's also a gift because they're opportunities to reorient, recalibrate, and course-correct. It's okay for things to be unclear.

  3. Normalize fear and doubt. Realize that our fears and doubts magnify when we're about to embark on meaningful change and expansion. Our rational brain has one primary goal, which is to keep us alive and safe. Expanding into unknown territory is the very opposite of safety, but necessary for our evolution when it's our time to grow.  Fear is not only normal—it's incredibly helpful in uncovering your tenderest wishes. Fear protects your most heartfelt wants, and if you can sit with your fear and examine it, you can actually use it to gain clarity.

  4. Let go of imagined deadlines. Everybody evolves at their own speed and lumping on extra anxiety because you're not aligned with an arbitrary timeline isn't productive. Realize that arbitrary timelines have more to do with your "shoulds" and "oughts" than they have to do with reality.

  5. Get to the heart of the issue by asking, "Why would that be a problem?" This question helps us get to the real heart of issue, which is so important because we often orbit the real issue. For example: If you don't get a promotion, why would that be a problem? Keep asking yourself that same question with every answer and you might realize in the end that it's not about the promotion but, rather, your belief that your loved ones only want you because of what you provide. Hence, the real issue is you feel unworthy of love

Feb 28, 202404:38
5 Fresh Tips: Learn to Stop Overthinking with Trauma Coach Janice Holland

5 Fresh Tips: Learn to Stop Overthinking with Trauma Coach Janice Holland

Learning how to stop overthinking can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you stop overthinking with trauma coach, Janice Holland.

Janice Holland can show you how to reclaim your sense of self and find as much success in your personal life as you have found in your professional life in 90 days. The Courageous Woman Transformation Journey gives you the step-by-step approach to free yourself from obsessing about the past and end destructive patterns. This allows you to build self-trust, confidence and FINALLY feel peace and joy.

You can learn more about Janice Holland on her Fresh Starts profile.

Nov 12, 202304:23
5 Fresh Tips: Realizing That Divorce Can Be Your Opportunity to Create Your Next Best Chapter with Divorce Lawyer Mara Bernstein

5 Fresh Tips: Realizing That Divorce Can Be Your Opportunity to Create Your Next Best Chapter with Divorce Lawyer Mara Bernstein

Learning how to realize that divorce can be your opportunity to create your next best chapter can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you realize that divorce can be the opportunity to create your next best chapter with divorce lawyer, Mara Bernstein. Please note, this is not legal advice.

With decades of experience as a New York City and Florida divorce litigator, divorce mediator, consultant and collaborative divorce lawyer, Mara Bernstein now helps her clients reach optimal solutions without prolonged, expensive and destructive conflict all within a private and confidential process outside of the courtroom. Whether it’s divorce mediation, settlement negotiations, a private divorce retreat, pre-divorce strategic consulting and planning, collaborative divorce or limited scope representation, she provides all the legal, financial and logistical guidance and advocacy enter so that my client enter the next chapter of their lives emotionally and financially secure.

You can learn more about Mara Bernstein on her Fresh Starts profile.

Nov 11, 202303:40
5 Fresh Tips: Setting Healthy Boundaries with Boundaries and Burnout Coach Kara Regas

5 Fresh Tips: Setting Healthy Boundaries with Boundaries and Burnout Coach Kara Regas

Learning how to have more energy and confidence by setting healthy boundaries can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you learn to set healthy boundaries and have more energy and confidence with boundaries and burnout coach Kara Regas.

Kara Regas supports parents and working professionals through the process of recalibrating their relationships with themselves and others. Folks come to Kara overextended, frazzled, and generally burned out from taking too much responsibility for the people in their lives, both at home and professionally. She partners with her clients to identify what they want and need and helps them understand that they have permission to have wants and needs(!). Together they unravel what makes it difficult for them to assert these critical aspects of selfhood, then they integrate ways of asserting themselves into their lives in the areas that will make the biggest impact for each individual.

You can learn more about Kara Regas on her Fresh Starts profile.

Nov 11, 202305:43
5 Fresh Tips: Understanding If Private Mediation is Right for You with Private Mediator and Certified Divorce Coach Paulette Rigo

5 Fresh Tips: Understanding If Private Mediation is Right for You with Private Mediator and Certified Divorce Coach Paulette Rigo

Deciding if private mediation is right for you can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you decide if private mediation is the right course for you with private mediator and divorce coach, Paulette Rigo.

Paulette is the CEO Better Divorce Academy, Author, and Divorce Expert. Empowering women to conquer divorce with her #1 Best Selling book, workbook, and course, “Better Divorce Blueprint.” Through private mediation, consulting, and coaching, she guides clients to emerge successful, confident and thriving, even in high-conflict cases. Paulette hosts private retreats in Belize for those seeking new direction after divorce. She shares her time between ATL and Belize with her husband and Chiweenie named Lulu.

You can learn more about Paulette Rigo on her Fresh Starts profile.

Nov 11, 202311:49
5 Fresh Tips: Developing Helpful Sleep Habits and Preventing Insomnia with Psychologist Robert Yeilding
Nov 11, 202304:25
5 Fresh Tips: Moving Forward Through Life Transitions with More Clarity and Less Chaos with Divorce and Career Coach Ann Runkle

5 Fresh Tips: Moving Forward Through Life Transitions with More Clarity and Less Chaos with Divorce and Career Coach Ann Runkle

Learning how to move forward through hard life transitions can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you move forward through life transitions with more clarity and less chaos, with divorce and career coach, Ann Runkle.

Ann Runkle is a Certified Divorce Coach and Certified Career Coach, here to help you move forward through life's big changes and emerge stronger on the other side of the storm. Through one-on-one sessions, we work together to build an individualized action plan to help you move forward with clarity and confidence.

As one of her clients says, “Ann is the expert best friend that not only I am constantly grateful for, but who has been a source of guidance, coaching, mental reframing, and focus that no attorney, family member or book can provide.”“Ann is knowledgeable, resourceful, and supportive in every single way in every single capacity! She always knows how to help me find the right thing to say what I mean without being argumentative or combative.”

You can learn more about Ann Runkle on her Fresh Starts profile.

Nov 11, 202303:14
5 Fresh Tips: Moving Forward in the Midst of Grief with Grief Coach Sonja Harris

5 Fresh Tips: Moving Forward in the Midst of Grief with Grief Coach Sonja Harris

Learning how to move forward in the midst of grief can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you move forward in the midst of grief with Grief & Transitions Coach Sonja Harris.

Sonja is here to lend a caring hand and guide you through these life-changing transitions. Whether you're grappling with the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or the search for a new sense of identity, she’s here to walk beside you. Together, you’ll navigate the complex emotions and challenges with courage, creativity, and intention so you can love life and find joy again.

As one of her clients says,My life has improved greatly since I started coaching with Sonja. Since I first started coaching, I've found better ways to respond to relationship problems, I've bettered my career, and I've gotten much better at time management. Most importantly, I've gotten a lot better at setting boundaries with others. What I find most valuable about Sonja's coaching technique is that she doesn't expect you to just change who you are, and she doesn't suggest that you just stop seeing things a certain way. Instead, she shows you alternate routes you never would have considered before. You'd be surprised at how many gray areas we overlook when we are making decisions or when we find ourselves at crossroads. Sonja's coaching style makes it much easier to see those gray areas.”

You can learn more about Sonja Harris on her Fresh Starts profile.

Nov 11, 202305:48
5 Fresh Tips: Conquering Burnout with Therapist and Burnout Coach Abbey Sangmeister
Nov 10, 202305:23
5 Fresh Tips: Living a Fierce, Fearless, Funny, Feminist and Creative Life Like Nora Ephron with registered associate MFT, and Author of Nora Ephron: A Biography, Kristin Marguerite Doidge

5 Fresh Tips: Living a Fierce, Fearless, Funny, Feminist and Creative Life Like Nora Ephron with registered associate MFT, and Author of Nora Ephron: A Biography, Kristin Marguerite Doidge

Are you ready to live a fierce, fearless, funny, feminist, and creative life, like Nora Ephron? Check out these 5 Fresh Tips to help you live like Nora Ephron, with registered associate MFT, and Author of Nora Ephron: A Biography, Kristin Marguerite Doidge.

Kristin is an LA-based writer-turned-therapist who understands firsthand how valuable a little extra support can be during times of change and transition. Life can be painful and challenging. It can also be joyful and hilarious. Working from a psychodynamic approach, her therapy and coaching work focuses on using evidence-based treatment interventions to help you reach your goals by providing a safe space for exploration, tools to help you navigate current/future concerns, and a renewed sense of confidence to go after your dreams. Kristin is the author of Nora Ephron, A Biography.

You can learn more about Kristin Marguerite Doidge on her Fresh Starts profile.

Sep 25, 202304:07
5 Fresh Tips: Navigating Grief and Loss with Therapist Megan Irwin
Aug 28, 202312:53
5 Fresh Tips: Smashing the Stigma on Prenups with Divorce Lawyer Jolee Vacchi
Aug 28, 202304:30
5 Fresh Tips: Taking Control Over Your Financial Future with Financial Planner Jen Reid
Aug 28, 202305:50
5 Fresh Tips: Helping You Before, During, and After Divorce with Divorce Coach Carrie Rose
Jul 09, 202307:19
5 Fresh Tips: Learning to Have an Empowering and Joyful Menopause Journey with Menopause Coach Sue May
Jun 16, 202305:52
5 Fresh Tips: Leveling Up Your Life with an Infusion of Love with Life Coach Kelsey Lettko
Jun 02, 202305:24
5 Fresh Tips: Creating Organizational Habits with Professional Organizers Briana and Erica Spruille

5 Fresh Tips: Creating Organizational Habits with Professional Organizers Briana and Erica Spruille

May 25, 202305:08
5 Fresh Tips: Infusing Mindfulness Into Your Day with Energy Healer Jo-Anne Suriel
May 05, 202307:04
5 Fresh Tips: Building Ritual Throughout Your Day with Yoga Teacher Ali Plante
May 05, 202303:17
5 Fresh Tips: Managing Stress Throughout Your Day with Spiritual Empowerment Practitioner Kristen Curtis
Apr 27, 202305:25
5 Fresh Tips: Preparing to Buy or Sell a Home with Realtor Heather Malone
Apr 27, 202304:13
5 Fresh Tips: Recognizing What Change Looks Like to You with Accountability Coach Francesca Panebianco

5 Fresh Tips: Recognizing What Change Looks Like to You with Accountability Coach Francesca Panebianco

Learning how to recognize the amazing changes you’re making can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for recognizing what change looks like to you with accountability coach, Francesca Panebianco.

Francesca helps people find happiness within themselves, improve mindsets, spread love, kindness and help people succeed above their own expectations. She helps people show up in their lives the way they want, and are proud to be who they are.

As one of Francesca’s clients says, “My life before working with Francesca was chaotic, I felt built up anger and anxiety. One of my experiences that stood out to me was that Francesca showed me empathy, understanding, and I didn’t feel judged. Since working with Francesca, I have acquired the tools to use in order to show up how I want and need to move forward in my life. Choosing Francesca’s services has been extremely beneficial for my life because my life was not going in a positive direction and now it is. If you are on the fence about hiring Francesca for her services, I would tell you this, if you are feeling sad, angry, or any type of negative feelings and you want to move forward in a healthy positive direction then I highly recommend using Francesca’s services. Like she always says to me ‘if you want a change you need to make a change.’ My experience working with Francesca as my coach has truly changed my life for the better. I love that she never tells me what to do and helps me figure out what I want to do.”

You can learn more about Francesca Panebianco on her Fresh Starts profile.

Apr 17, 202302:39
5 Fresh Tips: Coping with the Emotional Rollercoaster of Breakups and Divorce with Conscious Uncoupling Coach Susan Dumbarton

5 Fresh Tips: Coping with the Emotional Rollercoaster of Breakups and Divorce with Conscious Uncoupling Coach Susan Dumbarton

Learning how to cope with the emotional rollercoaster of breakups and divorce can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for learning how to cope with the emotional rollercoaster of breakups and divorce with conscious uncoupling and divorce coach, Susan Dumbarton.

Susan is a Conscious Uncoupling Certified Coach passionate about guiding woman through the emotional rollercoaster of divorce. Working 1:1 with her clients she provides personalized emotional support and teaches them the tools to access their power and transform themselves in the face of heartache. Susan's passion as a divorce coach began after her own challenging separation from her husband of 15 years. With two young daughters, she remains in touch with the challenges of co-parenting and can deeply relate to her clients’ struggles. Her background as a mental health nurse, specialized coach training and personal life experience allow her to provide the highest level of support for her clients and her goal is to help them create their own Happily Even After Divorce Stories, as she did.

As one of Susan’s clients says, “I had been separated from my spouse for two years, and really felt stuck with the process of moving on. I had a lot of feelings that were difficult to sort out, distracting, and overwhelming. Susan really helped me hone in on what I was feeling, and come to terms with it in a positive way. Working through the Conscious Uncoupling process with Susan was incredibly transformative for me, and I not only feel calmer, even happy, having let go of my seething anger and resentment, but I also feel confident that we are doing the best thing for us and our children, and in the best possible way.”

You can learn more about Susan Dumbarton on her Fresh Starts profile.

Apr 11, 202308:56
5 Fresh Tips: Ditching Your Diet with Intuitive Eating and Mindful Eating Health Coach Lisa Dahl

5 Fresh Tips: Ditching Your Diet with Intuitive Eating and Mindful Eating Health Coach Lisa Dahl

Learning how to ditch your diet and diet culture can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone! Check out these 5 Fresh Tips for learning how to ditch your diet with Intuitive Eating and Mindful Eating Health Coach, Lisa Dahl.

Lisa Dahl is a certified Health and Wellness Coach specializing in Intuitive Eating, Mindful Eating, and Body Image. Her hallmark emphasis on mindfulness and self-compassion helps women find a successful pathway to whole-body wellness. With compassion and expertise, she supports her clients as they discover "Body Peace & Food Freedom" on their journey to break free from dieting and diet culture. Her clients achieve a higher level of well-being as Lisa guides them through visioning, goal setting, and accountability. Lisa offers one-on-one and group coaching, in-person and virtual workshops.

As one of Lisa’s clients says, “I started dieting at the age of 10 and have been on every diet out there since. A colleague recommended Lisa to try and help me with emotional eating and a distorted body image. I was very skeptical about the intuitive eating program. A life that isn't all consumed by diets, counting carbs, and ordering the next best diet pill did not seem realistic. Five months into the program, I have gained so much freedom from the diet mentality. I've learned to eat foods that make me feel good, and I've learned to enjoy every bite. I've learned to take care of myself with compassion and respect for my body. I highly recommend the intuitive eating program, Body Peace & Food Freedom, and coaching from Lisa to anyone who yo yo diets and who struggles with body image. Lisa is a brilliant, compassionate, knowledgeable, caring, and empowering coach.”

You can learn more about Lisa Dahl on her Fresh Starts profile.

Apr 11, 202303:14
5 Fresh Tips: Pivoting With Purpose with Career Coach Arissan Nicole
Mar 24, 202308:16
5 Fresh Tips: Managing Anxiety with Therapist and Anxiety Treatment Specialist Justine Carino
Mar 10, 202306:42
5 Fresh Tips: Start Responding instead of Reacting to Your Family with Parent Coach Stephanie Rosenfield
Mar 09, 202308:50
5 Fresh Tips: Reducing Financial Vulnerability and Improving Financial Confidence for Women Going Through Divorce with Divorce Financial Strategist Rhonda Noordyk
Mar 06, 202307:58
5 Fresh Tips: Setting Yourself Up for Success in Dating with Relationship Coach Susan Trotter

5 Fresh Tips: Setting Yourself Up for Success in Dating with Relationship Coach Susan Trotter

Feb 24, 202304:41
5 Fresh Tips: Navigating All Stages of Divorce with Divorce Coach Kara Francis
Feb 17, 202311:51
5 Fresh Tips: Learn How to Be Your Own Matchmaker with Matchmaker Jill Hinckley
Feb 06, 202303:52
5 Fresh Tips: Staying on Your Wellness and Healing Journey with Healing Arts and Wellness Practitioner Robyn Gaillard

5 Fresh Tips: Staying on Your Wellness and Healing Journey with Healing Arts and Wellness Practitioner Robyn Gaillard

Jan 30, 202303:47
5 Fresh Tips: Setting Energetic Boundaries with Clarity Consultant and Astrologer Lauren DeGolia
Jan 30, 202304:10
5 Fresh Tips: Navigating Your Divorce with Clarity with Divorce Coach Jill Kaufman

5 Fresh Tips: Navigating Your Divorce with Clarity with Divorce Coach Jill Kaufman

How can you navigate your divorce with clarity and confidence so that you come out stronger?

Therapist, Divorce Coach, Divorce Mediator, Author, and Co-parenting Expert, Jill Kaufman is sharing her 5 Fresh Tips for navigating divorce with clarity and confidence so you can come out the other side feeling strong and empowered. Jill shares priceless advice on handling the emotional journey of divorce so you can feel strong and ready for your fresh start.

After going through her own difficult divorce in 2012, she made it her mission to help others who are going through divorce. She is the author of the transformative ebook and workbook entitled, "I'm Getting Divorced, Now What? A guide to navigating your divorce with clarity so that you come out stronger!" The book is the basis for her Thriving Through Divorce Group Coaching Program, a supportive community that provides a framework for accountability, momentum and ongoing motivation so that group members can exceed their goals and positively move forward in their lives.

As one of Jill's clients says, "Jill is kind, down to earth, easy to talk to and just so happens to be a professional in this area and her expertise was insightful and invaluable. It also helps that she has been through it herself and has personally shown us that not only did she survive it, but she is now thriving and has moved on. I cannot recommend Jill and her book and program enough. Jill has been a life saver for me!"

You can learn more about Jill on her Fresh Starts Registry profile, and follow Jill on Instagram for more quick tips about navigating divorce with clarity. Jill also runs a FREE Facebook group for anyone navigating divorce, which you can join here.

Jan 23, 202305:40
5 Fresh Tips: Bringing Balance and Awareness to Your Mind & Body with Holistic Life Coach Gina Newton

5 Fresh Tips: Bringing Balance and Awareness to Your Mind & Body with Holistic Life Coach Gina Newton

Dec 12, 202207:35
5 Fresh Tips: Creating a Sustainable Movement Practice with Holistic Movement Coach Rachel Lovitt

5 Fresh Tips: Creating a Sustainable Movement Practice with Holistic Movement Coach Rachel Lovitt

Are you ready to create a sustainable movement practice for your lifestyle? Holistic movement coach Rachel Lovitt is here to help! Check out her 5 Fresh Tips for creating a sustainable movement practice to help you get your body moving with ease and joy. As we all know, when we feel good in our bodies, we feel good in our minds, and Rachel is here to help you through your fresh start with joyful movement. 

Rachel is the founder of Mindful Movement and Living, and helps everyday humans learn the language of their bodies so they can feel empowered and (re)discover joy in movement. She weaves together mindfulness work, mobility and strength training, and biomechanics instruction, to create a holistic movement plan for her clients, where they can become active participants in their health and wellness journeys. She offers online courses, one on one coaching, and hybrid programs.

As one of Rachel's clients said, "Thanks to Rachel's depth of knowledge about the human body and her understanding of the mind/body connection, I have gained back so many of the activities I previously enjoyed before my illness and continue to see positive results from her teachings. It is safe to say I would not be the active, flexible, and fit person I am today without Rachel's endless passion for her clients and their health journeys."

You can learn more about Rachel on her Fresh Starts Registry profile and make sure to follow her on Instagram and TikTok for mind, body, and movement tips, tricks, and meditations. 

Dec 12, 202206:42
5 Fresh Tips: Organizing Your Closet with Professional Organizer Shantae Duckworth
Dec 03, 202204:02
5 Fresh Tips: How to Build a Support Registry with Fresh Starts Registry

5 Fresh Tips: How to Build a Support Registry with Fresh Starts Registry

Fresh Starts Registry co-founder Olivia Howell is here with 5 Fresh Tips on creating and sharing your support registry and building your hype team of experts! 

Nov 21, 202203:50
Welcome to Five Fresh Tips

Welcome to Five Fresh Tips

Welcome to Five Fresh Tips, a podcast from Fresh Starts Registry. Five Fresh Tips is your encyclopedia on everything you need to begin again, in all areas of life. We’ve tapped into our resource guide of experts to bring you everything you need to know and didn’t even know you needed to know about starting fresh, making the brave decisions, and beginning again. Each episode will feature a Fresh Starts Expert sharing their top 5 tips for starting fresh, including everything from organizing your home, to dating tips, how to meal plan, navigating a divorce, career and resume tips, mental health tips, and so much more. Tune in for all the details on how you can uplevel your life and start fresh.
Nov 13, 202200:56