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Fringe Fertility Podcast with Kerry Hinds

Fringe Fertility Podcast with Kerry Hinds

By Kerry Hinds

Join Kerry Hinds as she explores the weird and unconventional world of fertility. Fringe Fertility is open to talking about it all!
She dives into the holistic, energetic, and alternative paths to increased fertility.
There will be relatable stories, there will be tears, there will laughs, and there will be honest and open conversations about fertility.
If you’ve ever wondered about Spirit Babies, Fertility Yoga, Vaginal Steaming, or Feminine Energy – this is your podcast.
Let’s uncover and explore the new, old, and fringe fertility practices!
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The Power of Fertility Yoga with Lauren Enright

Fringe Fertility Podcast with Kerry HindsMay 14, 2024

Is your yoga mat messing with your hormones?

Is your yoga mat messing with your hormones?

You probably haven't thought too much about your yoga mat and how it might be affecting your fertility. But I think you should.

Yes - I want you to come to fertility yoga, but I also want to make sure that when you're coming to the mat to support your fertility, it isn't also silently messing with your hormones.

In this episode I cover:

  • why it's important to know what your yoga mat is made from
  • why it's hard to avoid toxins
  • the main offenders in yoga mats
  • removing toxins will remove some burden from the body so it can concern itself about reproduction and not trying to remove toxins
  • my recommendation for mats (so you don't have to do the research)
  • greenwashing and yoga

Research on fertility, yoga, and stress:

Podcast episode about fragrance:

Blog about Essential Oils and fertility:

Yoga mat recommendations (I do not get any promotional kick backs from these companies - the cork mat is an amazon affiliate link):

Check out what fertility yoga programs are available at this time!

Fringe Fertility is brought to you by⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Kerry Hinds ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠coaching programs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠fertility yoga classes,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠collaborative workshops⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

May 24, 202420:04
The Power of Fertility Yoga with Lauren Enright

The Power of Fertility Yoga with Lauren Enright

The title says it all - fertility yoga can transform your fertility journey in so many powerful ways. Not only does yoga nourish the body to allow it to be it's most fertile, but fertility yoga also touches the mind, spirit, energy, and emotions of yoga as well. It truly is an all empowering practice.

In this episode I got to geek out with fellow fertility yoga teacher Lauren Enright (and fellow Canadian).

She is a holistic fertility coach, fertility yoga expert, and birth doula. With her background in neuroscience and education, and over a decade of experience studying yoga and mindfulness, Lauren brings a harmonious blend of science and spirituality to her teachings. After birthing 2 children of her own and experiencing the deep fulfillment and healing that Motherhood can bring, it is now Lauren’s mission to help women heal their womb, mind, body, and spirit to get pregnant and become the Mother they want to be.

We took a deep dive into so many aspects of fertility yoga and how this practice holistically supports fertility. 

  • How one becomes a fertility yoga teacher
  • The importance of blood flow
  • Unleashing feminine energy
  • Investigating your dislikes
  • connecting to the womb space
  • Breath and breathing for fertility
  • Intuitive movement
  • Falling in love with a home practice
  • Meditation and becoming comfortable with discomfort
  • The Koshas and the mind body connection

Grab Lauren's amazing freebie - The Fertility Toolkit

Fringe Fertility is brought to you by⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Kerry Hinds ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠coaching programs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠fertility yoga classes,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠collaborative workshops⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

May 14, 202401:04:17
Talking with an egg donor - all your questions answered

Talking with an egg donor - all your questions answered

Whether you are contemplating using donor eggs or not - this episode is full of insight and information about this path! And it's for everyone - even if you're not pursuing or contemplating donor eggs.

The use of donor eggs is a topic of conversation that often comes up with my fertility yoga people. There are often many questions and unknowns - and it is an extremely emotional decision to make.

So when I had the opportunity, I jumped at the chance to have Carson Bunting on the pod. She is an egg donor, passionate about fertility, and very open to talking about her experiences.

We talk about:

  • Her motivation behind the decision to be a donor
  • The process she went through to become a donor
  • Fresh transfers vs frozen transfers
  • Using a donor agency
  • Different types of donor arrangements between donors and intended parents
  • What she was paid to donate eggs
  • What it costs for the intended parent/s
  • Here final words for those who are contemplating donor eggs

I think that you will hear Carson's passion when she is speaking about being an egg donor! This is such great insider information! For those out there contemplating the donor egg route - I hope this helps ease the journey a little bit.


Futura International Egg Donation

Fringe Fertility is brought to you by⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Kerry Hinds ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠coaching programs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠fertility yoga classes,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠collaborative workshops⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

May 07, 202432:33
Fertility Reiki and Womb Healing with Carolina Sotomayor

Fertility Reiki and Womb Healing with Carolina Sotomayor

When we think about our fertility, we need to go beyond the body and the mind. Yes - the mind/body connection is the backbone of all that I do here at Fertile Body Yoga - but one thing that has been surfacing to me more and more - is that the energetics and spirituality are not part of the larger conversation when it comes to optimizing our fertility. 

And they matter.

The conversation I have for you today is exactly why I started the Fringe Fertility Podcast - I love connection with others on the common ground of energy and spirituality - something that isn’t often talked about when it comes to fertility.

In today’s episode I talk with Carolina Sotomayor. She is a Fertility Reiki Womb Healer serving women who are trying to conceive. She is the founder of Make A Baby Membership, a monthly membership providing monthly live Reiki healing Zoom calls, Reiki guided meditations, pre-recorded healing modules and masterclasses.

Carolina has personally coached and helped women all over the world, supporting those to bring over 95 Reiki babies into the world. She is attuned to four different lineages of Reiki and is a proven medium connecting moms to their spirit babies. After conceiving her own son with Reiki, Carolina has been on a mission to help women conceive with energy healing and heal through pregnancy and postpartum.

In today’s episode we talk about:

  • Feeling safe and why this important to fertility

  • Different types of Reiki

  • What is Reiki & distance Reiki

  • How does Reiki support fertility

  • Chakras & Reiki

  • Importance of energetic flow for fertility

  • Spirituality and energy for fertility

  • Being religious and how reiki (and yoga) can fit with your beliefs

  • Accessibility & ease of reiki for fertility

Connect with Carolina on social:

Tik Tok:



YouTube Channel: 

Free Gift for the listeners:
Fringe Fertility is brought to you by⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Kerry Hinds ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠coaching programs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠fertility yoga classes,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠collaborative workshops⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

Apr 30, 202459:36
Preparing Your Body for a Baby with Alexandria DeVito

Preparing Your Body for a Baby with Alexandria DeVito

Trying to decipher your reproductive health when we're trying to conceive can be confusing & often leaves us feeling isolated. Knowing where to start, who to talk to, what tests to run, and how to care for yourself becomes overwhelming pretty quickly.

When it comes to fertility - we often think our first line of inquiry is the OB/GYN office after you’ve been trying to get pregnant for 6 months or 1 year. And then, often it's straight to the fertility clinic.

Yet we are completely skipping a huge piece of the fertility puzzle. 

Preconception wellness. 

There are so many factors at play when it comes to fertility - fertility is not just ‘waist down’ (as my guest says). There is a need to approach your fertility more holistically and with a wider scope of inquiry and care.

In today’s episode, I had the great pleasure to speak with Alexandria DeVito. She has an eclectic background and is so full of knowledge about preconception health and ways you can prepare yourself for conception, pregnancy, IVF, birthing, and beyond. 

Alexandria has a Masters of Science and is a Clinical Nutrition Specialist and functional nutritionist who specializes in fertility and preconception health. She is the author of the book - 9 Months is Not Enough: The Ultimate Pre-pregnancy Checklist to Create a Baby-Ready Body and Build Generational Health. 

She is the founder and CEO of Poplin, the first pre-pregnancy wellness company. She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School. She also has a master’s degree in nutrition; extensive training as a doula, yoga teacher, and personal trainer; and is an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner, all of which inform her approach to pre-pregnancy wellness.

We use her book in this episode to guide our conversation - so it will really give you a good idea of what is in this great book.

Here is what we cover!

  • What is preconception wellness?
  • Did you get a preconception visit?
  • How our modern society supports infertility not fertility
  • Merging ancient systems with modern science
  • Epigenetics
  • Incorporating change as positive and not deprivation
  • Ageism in fertility
  • Reproductive anxiety
  • Male Infertility
  • Functional Medicine
  • Fertility Foods from a functional medicine viewpoint
  • Exercise and the Goldilocks effect
  • Testing for preconception health with Poplin


Poplin - Preconception testing

9 Months is Not Enough

IG Poplin 

Fringe Fertility is brought to you by⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Kerry Hinds ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠coaching programs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠fertility yoga classes,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠collaborative workshops⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

Apr 23, 202401:07:04
Your first step to fertile freedom - being aware of your limiting beliefs

Your first step to fertile freedom - being aware of your limiting beliefs

When we make a conscious choice to get pregnant and have a baby - and things don't happen as easily as they said it would in middle school sex ed class - we enter what I call 'Fertility Land'.

A road that we don't know when it will end, with lots of peaks to climb and valleys to go down into, paths heading off on detours, and helpful pit stops along the way.

Fertility Land is full of 'the next thing that will get you pregnant' - but often we don't need to go outside of ourselves to boost fertility.

In this episode I talk about some of the limiting beliefs that we encounter on our fertility paths.

The catalyst for transformation is awareness - so first we must beware that sometimes our subconscious patterns are holding us back.

Everything that I talk about in this episode is part of the 40 Days to Fertile Freedom program that I offer. Along with so many other things beyond mindset shift - this program is multi-layered and multi-faceted!

Click the link to see when the next program begins.

Fringe Fertility is brought to you by⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Kerry Hinds ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠coaching programs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠fertility yoga classes,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠collaborative workshops⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

Apr 19, 202425:33
Pelvic Steaming & Herbalism for Fertility with Tamara Niedermann

Pelvic Steaming & Herbalism for Fertility with Tamara Niedermann

Fertility Land is always trying to sell you ‘new’ products that will boost fertility or help you get pregnant. But really - many of what people are selling now have been taken and repurposed from ancestral practices and herbal medicine. 

These practices have been repackaged with a modern twist - which generally does not acknowledge the source of where they came from.

Promises are made about these practices or products and sold to you at an extremely high cost. When in reality - much of what is being sold these days, can be achieved through reconnecting with nature and returning to the earth.

In this episode we talk about two things that have been repackaged, but are based in ancient wisdom! We talk about herbalism and steaming - which people refer to as vaginal or yoni steaming - but for us, we will use the term pelvic steaming (listen to see why!).

Today I have the great pleasure and honor to speak with Tamara Niedermann, a doula, an herbalist, and fertility awareness educator. She is the founder and human behind The Kindred Feminine, which is a community built on the divine feminine that is often overlooked, or ignored, or destroyed.

This is a hub for caring for yourself and your body.

She believes that people are longing for a more intentional way of caring for themselves and the world around us. She has a deep passion to teach others this new way to know our bodies, experience our menstrual cycles, and conceive and birth our babies.⁣

⁣She is a bisexual cis woman of color who uses the pronouns she, hers, her. She’s in her thirties, married, and has two cats. She is the daughter of an immigrant single mother and she acknowledge that Black, indigenous, people of color (bipoc) have much worse reproductive outcomes than their white counterparts. She is an advocate for folks from menarche to menopause no matter their race, sexuality, gender, or size.⁣

This conversation is sooooo good! We talk about certain herbs and fertility, how to take herbs so that they will be supportive, and how to know if an herb is right for you. Then we dive into steaming! Which was such an educational and inspiring conversation - and how easy steaming can be! 

Here is what we covered: 

  • The importance of body and medical literacy for informed decision making
  • Why some herbs/supplements work for some people and not others
  • Chaste Tree/Vitex
  • Nettle, Red Raspberry, Oatstraw support for fertility and reproductive health in general
  • Allopathic medicine and Herbalism
  • Herbalism and the feminine
  • Best ways to take herbs
  • Pelvic Steaming: 34:30
  • History of steaming - passed down orally through women
  • Colonialism & ancestral knowledge
  • Why steam?
  • Steaming for beginners - how to do a home steam
  • Using herbs with your steams

Virtual herbal consultations:

The Holistic Living School:


IG: @thekindredfeminine

40 Days to Fertile Freedom Small Group Program⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Fringe Fertility is brought to by⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Kerry Hinds ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠coaching programs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠fertility yoga classes,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠collaborative workshops⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

Apr 10, 202401:04:21
The connection between oral health & fertility 👅 With Dr. Katie Lee D.D.S.

The connection between oral health & fertility 👅 With Dr. Katie Lee D.D.S.

Every now and again I come across something that makes me think - 'what?' why are not more people doing this for their fertility? And this is one of those instances.

Friends - your mouth matters to your fertility. And this conversation that I have with Dr. Katie Lee is mindblowing - if you haven't seen a dentist recently - you'll surely be calling for an appointment - because your oral microbiome is related to you fertility - ovulation, implantation, pregnancy, and the health of your child moving forward.

From her book, Saved by the Mouth, and her own experiences with fertility treatment - Dr. Katie Lee is on a mission to make oral microbiome testing standard of care when people are getting a fertility make up.

This is what we cover in this amazing episode:

  • How the mouth microbiome affects fertility
  • The Mouth Body connection
  • How the oral microbiome is created
  • The connection between gut health & oral health
  • When to go a see a dentist (during preconception, pregnancy, and post partum)
  • The specific mouth bacteria that affect fertility - from fertility, ovulation, implantation, miscarriage, still birth
  • Get your partner checked
  • Male factor of poor oral microbiome - ED, sperm mobility, motility, and morphology
  • Estrogen and Progesterone interplay with mouth bacteria
  • Timing of deep cleaning
  • How to get a saliva test

Dr. Katie Lee's first-hand journey in recovering from the effects of dental trauma led her to specialize her career on the mouth-body connection® and dental implants. Dr. Lee searches for proven technologies that improve clinical outcomes and the patient experience and loves to educate her peers on those technologies. Dr. Lee authored a book entitled Saved By the Mouth to educate patients and clinicians on the importance of oral health. Dr. Lee has won many accolades, including Top 40 under 40 Dentists in America, and International Woman of the Year in Dentistry. She has been featured on local Fox and NBC news stations discussing the importance of oral health.

This is an eye opening episode that I hope will give some you an avenue to explore moving forward with your fertility journeys.


Book: Saved by the Mouth



40 Days to Fertile Freedom Small Group Program⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Fringe Fertility is brought to by⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Kerry Hinds ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠and⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠coaching programs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠,⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠fertility yoga classes,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠collaborative workshops⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

Apr 02, 202444:49
Pt 2: What I wish I knew before starting IVF

Pt 2: What I wish I knew before starting IVF

Entering the IVF world can be overwhelming, stressful, exciting, and scary. It's almost as if you need to learn a whole new language, have a degree in fertility acronyms to follow a thread on facebook, or completely understand the intricacies of your hormones like an endocrinologist! It's a lot. And on top of that you're trying to navigate all the mental, emotional and physical layers of the journey.

This is the 2nd Part of 8 things I wish I knew before starting IVF - my heart to heart with you all! The one I wish someone sat me down with when I was going through it.

Part 1 is Season 1 episode 15 and both of these podcast segments are based on a blog post a did a few years ago and feature with Resolve New England.

Here are numbers 5 - 8:

  • Give mind/body fertility practices a chance
  • Find ways to deal with the stress
  • Find your people
  • Realize that babies are not a zero sum game


Fertile Body Yoga: Fertility Yoga

Resolve New England Support Groups

Resolve Support Groups

40 Days to Fertile Freedom Small Group Program⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Fringe Fertility is brought to by⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Kerry Hinds ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠and⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠coaching programs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠,⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠fertility yoga classes,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠collaborative workshops⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

Mar 26, 202425:41
Menstruation, PMS, & Fertility with Julie Lipsett, LMHC, FAE

Menstruation, PMS, & Fertility with Julie Lipsett, LMHC, FAE

Often it’s not until people begin their trying to conceive phase of life that they start paying attention to their menstrual cycle. Mainly to figure out when exactly your fertile window is so that, if you’re in a hetero relationship, time sex properly. But really - we need to start paying attention sooner!

We have a tricky relationship with our monthly bleed. When we don’t want to get pregnant, it’s a nuisance, and when we’re trying to get pregnant and we see blood on the toilet paper - it’s devastating. Both scenarios, your bleed is associated with something negative. 

Considered the 5th Vital sign, the quality and function of your menstrual cycle is paramount for understanding your fertility. More and more awareness is being placed on menstrual cycle, but there is still a long long way to go to understanding the whole cycle and how it affects your life and fertility.

In this episode, the lovely Julie Lipsett and I have a VERY cool conversation about all things related to your menstrual cycle. We also dive into the history of PMS which is a very interesting avenue of exploration. 

Julie is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a certified Fertility Awareness Educator.. Since graduating from Drexel University with a degree in Music Therapy and Counseling in 2017, she has worked as an outreach therapist in the neighborhoods south of Boston, a special education counselor, and then as a virtual outpatient therapist. 

She decided to incorporate Fertility Awareness into her practice in 2021, after experiencing the life-changing benefits of the method herself. Because menstrual cycles are so intimately connected to our overall wellness and mental health, she felt like it was a natural next step. She became a Fertility Awareness Educator after a two year certification course through The Well School of Body Literacy. 

Here’s what we covered in the episode.

  • The importance of Menstrual Cycle Awareness

  • What is the fertility awareness method

  • Charting vs no charting?

  • The average length of the menstrual cycle

  • Ayurveda, menstruation, and fertility

  • Cycle Syncing & the seasonal references

  • The history of PMS

  • The importance of understanding your body and having good body and medical literacy when going to appointments






40 Days to Fertile Freedom Small Group Program⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Fringe Fertility is brought to by⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Kerry Hinds ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠and⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠coaching programs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠,⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠fertility yoga classes,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠collaborative workshops⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

Mar 20, 202459:24
Fearlessly Fertile: How mindset can impact your fertility with Rosanne Austin

Fearlessly Fertile: How mindset can impact your fertility with Rosanne Austin

Fertility coaching and mindset work is becoming more and more mainstream in the fertility world. And there is a good reason for this - it makes a HUGE difference in your life and your experiences with fertility, as well as help with conception.

I’ve got the one and only Rosanne Austin on the podcast today to talk about how mindset can impact fertility and how to go about making powerful changes in how you’re showing up for your fertility.

Rosanne Austin, JD, PCC, received her coaching training from the Coaches Training Institute in San Rafael, California. She is certified by and a member of the International Coach Federation.

Rosanne is also a proud member of California State Bar. She received her Juris Doctorate from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from San Francisco State University, graduating Summa Cum Laude.

Rosanne is the author of 3 bestselling books and her work has been featured on leading podcasts. When she is not writing, mentoring, speaking, teaching, leading her transformational events and programs, or loving on her husband and son, Rosanne gives back by serving organizations committed to providing resources to survivors of Human Trafficking and for the protection of abused/abandoned dogs and cats.

And at the time of this recording - Rosanne is going on a speaking World Tour! See if she’s coming to you.

In the podcast today we talk about - 

  • ​​Rosanne’s Fertility Story: From Sexual Assault Prosecutor to Fertility Mindset Coach

  • TTC when you’re ‘old’ and jumping straight into IVF

  • Becoming aware of mindset and how much it was influencing experiences, choices, fertility

  • What is a Fertile Mindset?

  • The energetics of conceiving

  • The law of attraction & vibration

  • Babies have source energy and are vibrating at the highest level

  • The investment of having a baby

  • Women being lured away from femininity 

  • 2 places to begin your mindset shift

  • Boundaries and the Velvet Rope Technique

  • Do the people I surround myself with believe in me and my ability to get pregnant

  • Rosanne’s World Tour!

  • Yoga as a gateway drug

I think you will all appreciate Rosanne’s candid and fearless approach to talking about fertility - it’s refreshing and to the point - just like her!


World Tour:

From Maybe to Baby:

Fearlessly Fertile Podcast:


40 Days to Fertile Freedom Small Group Program⁠⁠⁠⁠

Fringe Fertility is brought to by⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Kerry Hinds ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠and⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠coaching programs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠,⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠fertility yoga classes,⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠collaborative workshops⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

Mar 12, 202455:35
Will going upside down in yoga give me endometriosis?

Will going upside down in yoga give me endometriosis?

Mar 07, 202414:44
The Politics of Fertility (and what you can do to support access to IVF) with Lauren Hart Clancy

The Politics of Fertility (and what you can do to support access to IVF) with Lauren Hart Clancy

If you feel like the politics of fertility are in our face these days, you’re not alone. Since the fall of Roe v. Wade, the aftermath of that ruling, and more recently the attack on IVF in Alabama and legislation in the cue for personhood laws (life starts at conception) in red states (with sweeping bans on access to reproductive procedures) it’s enough to make someone scream and swear - a lot.

Which I do in the podcast. Because it’s too much - and I keep saying ‘how can this be?” and ‘what the fuck is happening?’ 

I didn’t want to talk about fertility and politics alone - because it’s not something that I feel educated enough on to speak to - but I’m ready to drop some f bombs around what’s happening out there. So I enlisted someone who knows what they're talking about.

Lauren Hart Clancy, a former fertility yoga student, joins me for this and brings a calming presence to talking about the politics of fertility - AND WHAT WE CAN DO TO PROTECT OUR RIGHTS! 

Here is what we cover:

  • What is public health and why Lauren is on a mission to empower individuals to reach their health potential and get the support they deserve

  • The Village Advocate - Lauren’s newest venture that provides a hub for those seeking support and in search of ‘helpers’

  • Resolve New England’s support groups and advocacy

  • Finding Fertility Yoga at the right time

  • Finding your people/building your village

  • We talk about the Alabama ruling (12min)

  • What YOU can do to support access to IVF and reproductive health (22min)

  • General bewilderment of those in charge and the importance of voting

I think that you find Lauren’s knowledge and level-headedness when talking about such emotional issues is refreshing. Yes, we can be mad and angry AND yes, we can do something about it as well. 


The Village Advocate IG:

Resolve New England:

Resolve IVF Advocacy Day: Take Action:

Doctors For Fertility:

ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine):

40 Days to Fertile Freedom Small Group Program⁠⁠

Fringe Fertility is brought to by⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Kerry Hinds ⁠⁠⁠⁠and⁠ ⁠⁠⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠⁠⁠⁠ – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in⁠ ⁠⁠⁠coaching programs⁠⁠⁠⁠,⁠ ⁠⁠⁠fertility yoga classes,⁠⁠⁠⁠ and⁠ ⁠⁠⁠collaborative workshops⁠⁠⁠⁠.

Feb 28, 202440:43
Corporate Hustle to Fertile Flow with guest

Corporate Hustle to Fertile Flow with guest

This episode will be relatable to so many who have decided to conceive and live a fast paced - hustle bustle kind of life. When life is busy, and you have a demanding job, adding fertility testing and treatments can add to the craziness of it all.

Living and maintaining this high level of output and being used to succeeding with hard work - it can be a wake up call when the things that you’re used to doing usually reap reward, but then not in the fertility world.

In this episode I talk with an alumna student who shares her story of going from her corporate job and busy lifestyle to relinquishing some control and learning how to slow down. Seeing that fertility does not abide by the same rules as most of the other parts of her life.

Here’s what we talk about in this episode:

  • The importance of comfy yoga spaces!

  • What happens when your ‘perfect family building plan’ doesn’t happen

  • Talking about infertility with friends - the stigma

  • The overwhelm of information on things to restrict when trying to conceive

  • Finding fertility yoga

  • Learning how to slow down and let go of some control

  • Fertility Yoga’s benefits from a student perspective

  • Politely Declining invitations

  • Social Media - using discernment & remembering that you need to digest everything

  • Seeking support beyond the medical realm

  • Relationships with partners and how as the person carrying the child you are the educator and your partner defers to you about everything

40 Days to Fertile Freedom Small Group Program⁠

Fringe Fertility is brought to by ⁠⁠⁠Kerry Hinds ⁠⁠⁠and ⁠⁠⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠⁠⁠ – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in ⁠⁠⁠coaching programs⁠⁠⁠, ⁠⁠⁠fertility yoga classes,⁠⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠⁠collaborative workshops⁠⁠⁠.

Feb 21, 202434:04
The Power of Yoga Nidra
Feb 14, 202425:47
How to Express Yourself While Going Through Infertility with Elena Clamen
Feb 07, 202422:36
Castor Oil Packs & Rewilding for Fertility with Phoebe Lyman

Castor Oil Packs & Rewilding for Fertility with Phoebe Lyman

This episode is so FULL of great information for your fertility and living - and they may seem random at first but you will see that they are truly connected!

My guest today, Phoebe Lyman is an, Abdominal Manual Therapist and Preconception Coach, who integrates rewilding principles into fertility support. Based in Los Angeles, she specializes in deep abdominal organ therapy to prepare individuals for pregnancy. As the founder of WildCulture Collective, Phoebe also fosters an online community advocating for ecologically-grounded and anti-capitalist family building. Guided by the belief that intentional preconception that prioritizes ecological reconnection is the key to restoring harmony with the earth and each other, Phoebe's mission is to empower individuals on their journey towards conscious conception.

As you can tell from the bio - there is so much to talk about here!

First we talk about Castor Oil packs and Phoebe explains why they can be a supportive addition to your fertility self care routine. We then dive into her conscious conception work that weaves in rewilding as an antidote to capitalism. Yes, yes, yes. It’s so good. 

Here is what we cover in this episode:

  • Castor oil packs - why, how, and when

  • What is rewilding and it’s connection to enhanced fertility

  • How rewilding is the antidote to capitalism

  • Rewilding as the feminine, and capitalism as masculine

  • Rewilding in urban areas

  • Fear and anxiety about the state of the planet and the future we’re leaving for our children

  • Living the life you want for your future children now

  • How fear interacts with fertility, the physical body/pelvic floor

  • Collective Children 

  • Babies are not zero sum

I think you are going to love this episode - you can feel Phoebe’s passion come through as well as her articulate and spot on explanation of rewilding and how it can be so powerful for our fertility. I say it in the episode, but when I read her Wild Conceptions: resisting capitalism through fertility and rewilding - I was so excited because she was able to put into words concepts that I have felt and been trying to explain for so long - but never had the words to explain! 

Definitely check out the workbook but also the Pillars of Preconception Free MiniCourse - links below!


Wild Conception Workbook:

Pillars of Preconception Free Minicourse:


IG: @wildculturecollective 

Fringe Fertility is brought to by Kerry Hinds and Fertile Body Yoga – a virtual holistic wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in coaching programs, fertility yoga classes, and collaborative workshops.

Jan 31, 202401:02:37
Mindfulness, Meditation & Fertility with Bec Conant

Mindfulness, Meditation & Fertility with Bec Conant

Dealing with fertility can be overwhelming - and one of the ways I believe that you can settle this overwhelm is with a mindfulness practice. And one of the best mindfulness practices around is meditation.

In the world of fertility, we are always looking for ways to support our fertility, yet often we turn to things outside of ourselves - yet there is so much power that comes from within us. And as far as start up costs and accessibility - mindfulness meditation is free and there for when you need it.

I’m excited to bring you this podcast episode because mindfulness and meditation is something that I expose my students and participants in my programs to. In fact I’ve got a new 40 days to fertile freedom group right now and 50% of them chose meditation as their daily practice for 40 days! 

There are so many myths, misunderstanding, and misconceptions of what mindfulness is and what meditation is - I thought best to bring in someone who has studied and practiced deeply in meditation and mindfulness.

In this episode I have Bec Conant, a friend, colleague, and mentor who is going to break down all the noise around meditation and mindfulness for you - and of course we talk about how it can be helpful to fertility beyond dealing with overwhelm.

Bec Conant is the Founder and Director of Om Births, an online yoga program designed specifically for expecting and new parents. Bec is a certified 500hr Prenatal Yoga teacher, and Meditation teacher, and has over 25 years experience. She is a certified Pelvic Floor Yoga Teacher and lives in her hometown of Boston MA with her husband and 6 yr old son.

Bec leads the Mommy Sangha. An Online meditation community for moms of all ages and stages designed to incorporate and support a mindfulness practice in the midst of the journey into and through parenthood. She holds meditation teacher certifications from Kaia Yoga and Dharma Moon.

Her book The Om Births Approach was published in 2023 and offers a framework for using yoga and mindfulness to prepare fully for the birth and postpartum experience. Go to the resource list for the link to the book! 

Here’s a few highlights from our conversation around fertility and meditation & mindfulness.

  • Fertility Overwhelm and how mindfulness can help

  • The Mindfulness and meditation connection

  • How to ease into a mindfulness practice

  • Studies on meditation and how they relate to fertility

  • Building resilience with meditation

  • Self awareness through mindfulness and meditation

  • 6 meditation myths debunked! 

I hope that this episode inspires you to sit, breathe, and make friends with yourself with mindfulness meditation.


Om Births Website

Bec’s Book: The Om Births Approach

40 Days To Fertile Freedom Program with Kerry

Free Guided Meditations from Kerry

2 Week Wait Meditation

Fringe Fertility is brought to by Kerry Hinds and Fertile Body Yoga – a virtual wellness hub for those going through fertility. She focuses on the mind, body, energy & soul while supporting people in coaching programsfertility yoga classes, and collaborative workshops.

Jan 24, 202401:05:54
Sex & Fertility with guest Dr. Mandi Murtaugh PT, DPT

Sex & Fertility with guest Dr. Mandi Murtaugh PT, DPT

CONTENT WARNING: in this episode, we talk about sex. There is a short conversation about sexual trauma, and we use anatomically correct words for genitalia. 

This episode is in the context of heterosexual couples - we acknowledge that same sex and queer couples experience things differently when it comes to sex and how it interacts with fertility. There is however lots of great information on reconnecting with your partner while navigating fertility treatment that is applicable for everyone.

Sex is complicated. Whether it's before you start to build your family, when you’re trying to conceive - all the way through our sexually active years. 

When you’re trying to conceive sex becomes regimented, something that needs to happen at a certain time (the want disappears). And if you’re doing IVF, sex is sometimes stopped altogether when you’re doing IVF because there is a fear of a spontaneous pregnancy. Yes - it seems so backwards.

Sex and fertility is something that not a lot of people are talking about - but it’s important. So I’m tackling it today with my amazing guest Mandi Murtaugh. Mandi is a pelvic floor physical therapist, yoga teacher, and heart-centered coach. Inspired by the lived experience of her own long journey to parenthood, she specializes in walking with clients through all stages of family building–from pre-conception through fertility treatment and beyond. She lives in Tacoma, WA with her family.

We talk about A LOT in this episode:

Here are the highlights:

  • Why more people should be talking about sex and fertility

  • How society, culture, and upbringing affect views and experiences with sex

  • The energies of sex - masculine & feminine

  • The pelvic floor and sex

  • Painful sex

  • The nervous system and sex

  • Trauma and the nervous system

  • Sexual Trauma and sex, IVF treatment

  • How IVF affects sex

  • Regaining connection with partner

  • The power of touch

  • Recognizing what you want to receive

  • Noticing your own rhythms of desire and not relying only on the charts

Mandi approaches these topics in a trauma informed and loving manner - making a taboo topic more approachable and accessible to us all. 


Season 1, Episode 14 - Naturopathic Medicine and Fertility with Dr. Tiffany Bloomingdale

Mandi’s website:


This podcast is brought to you by Kerry Hinds and Fertile Body Yoga, a virtual yoga studio that is dedicated to supporting those on their fertility journeys - mind, body, energy + soul.

Jan 17, 202401:00:59
The patriarchy, people pleasing, and perfection and how they are affecting your fertility

The patriarchy, people pleasing, and perfection and how they are affecting your fertility

The fertility journey is hard enough as it is without the conscious systemic expectations that we put on ourselves or that society dictates. I don't want this for you or your fertility. By being aware, acknowledging, and making steps to change some of these engrained patterns can have profound affects on your mental, emotional, physical, energetic, and spiritual health. And, of course, your fertility.

I call them the 3Ps - the patriarchy, people pleasing, and perfectionism. Also referred to as the 3 strange bedfellows of fertility.

This episode has a lot of truth bombs in it - so buckle my friends.

I talk about:


  • The patriarchy's view of a woman's worth in society
  • The patriarchy and workplace structure and working on 24 hour time lines instead of monthly cycles
  • Our society's massive love affair with all things masculine and dismissal of the feminine
  • How fertility, conception, pregnancy, birth & parenthood flourish in the feminine
  • And how IVF is a masculine
  • And what to do about it!

People Pleasing

  • what it is and the health issues associated with it
  • Why we as those raised female, have people pleasing engrained in us
  • What people looks like in fertility
  • How to get out of people pleasing tendencies
  • Setting boundaries and asking for help


  • a study that showed people who have perfectionism traits have a harder time dealing with fertility and fertility treatment
  • those with perfectionism have a higher rate of depression and anxiety
  • perfectionism is a life of procrastination & paralysis
  • How perfection shows up in fertility
  • How to tell perfectionism to piss off
  • The 80/20 rule

I am just brushing the surface with this one, but I want to use this episode to demonstrate some of the deep work we are going to be doing in the upcoming 40 Days to Fertile Freedom program!

This is an ongoing program - so check out this link for current dates:

40 days to Fertile Freedom Program

Dr. Gabor Mate - When the Body Says No

Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk - The Body Keeps the Score

Perfectionism & Fertility Study

This podcast is brought to by Kerry Hinds and Fertile Body Yoga - a yoga studio dedicated to supporting the body, mind, and soul of those going through fertility and fertility treatment.

Jan 09, 202428:20
Fringe Fertility Tip: The 2 Week wait and 4 things to do so it doesn't suck
Jan 03, 202417:36
A new way to do new years when you're trying to conceive (ep. 20)

A new way to do new years when you're trying to conceive (ep. 20)

The changing of the years is upon us and with the new year comes a whole lot of activity around reflection and setting goals for the new years. When you're trying to conceive - new years are really loaded. You may want to desperately say good riddance to 2023, and am so excited to start fresh in the new year. Or - on the flip side, you may not be ready to say goodbye to 2023 because it is one more year that you were not blessed with your baby. It's hard.

Here is my take on how you, as someone who is trying to conceive, can release 2023 gently and land softly into 2024 - no matter how you feel about resolutions and reflection.

In this episode I talk about what I do every change of the year and why. I talk about drishti, or focus, and how we can gaze at what we already have within ourselves that is positive and how to take it into the new year.

Included in this episode:

  • Why, for some, new years resolutions are not the way to go
  • What is drishti
  • How to set our drishti, or focus, on what we already have create
  • The concept of where the attention goes energy flows
  • A little about manifesting
  • Some examples of setting your drishti for 'finding more joy in your life' and 'eating healthier fertility friendly foods'.
  • Turning down the volume on your loudest desires and tuning into the more subtle sensations that you have within
  • A beautiful exercise and visualization you can do to imprint all that you have already created into your soul and spirit

I hope that you will find in this episode a gentler way to look at what you'd like to create 'more' of in your life. It's already there - we just need to listen.

Fringe Fertility is brought to by Kerry Hinds and Fertile Body Yoga- a virtual yoga study that is dedicated to supporting those who are trying to conceive with mind, body + soul practices.

Dec 30, 202315:09
Fringe Fertility Tips: The power of a hug

Fringe Fertility Tips: The power of a hug

I’m offering you some quick and effective techniques to support your fertility, calm your nervous system, and release stress in a new episode segment called - Fringe Fertility Tips. After talking to many of you about what you desire and need during your fertility journey, you said you'd like more easy tools that improve your overall life and bring you some joy. 

On this episode of Fringe Fertility Tips, I talk about the power of a hug. If the of topic touch is activating to your nervous system - then please check out some of the other great episodes with quick tips - like the fertility clinic stress buster technique (ep 14).

Hugs are an effective way to nourish your fertility and bring some love and joy into life.

But what is the perfect hug and what is happening when we give and receive hugs? 

In this episode I break down the ‘anatomy of a hug’ and how it impacts fertility and why you may want to include more hugs into your day.

  • What is the optimal number of hugs a day

  • What is the optimal length of time for hugs

  • The difference between fast touch and slow touch

  • C-tactile afferents (slow touch nerves) and how they work

  • The effects of slow touch - indirect effects on fertility

    • Lowers cortisol & raises oxytocin and endorphins

    • Decrease anxiety and reactivity to stress

    • Improved sleep

    • Improved immunity

    • Improved overall wellbeing

  • What about petting your animals?

  • My experiment of increased hugging

  • Hugging yourself

  • The energetics of hugging and good hugs vs bad hugs

  • My favorite ‘perfect hug’ restorative yoga posture

I hope that you found some tidbits in this episode that will make your life and fertility better. 

If you do the hug experiment - please let me know how it goes and what effects you felt! I’m always curious to know what other think. 


This podcast is brought to by Fertile Body Yoga - a virtual yoga studio dedicated to supporting the body, mind, and soul of those navigating their fertility journeys.

Dec 12, 202322:14
How 'fragrance' is messing with your fertility - with Sarah Michels

How 'fragrance' is messing with your fertility - with Sarah Michels

Using non-toxic & fertility-friendly products on our bodies and in our home is so important - when you’re trying to conceive AND for your and your family’s overall health.

Endocrine disruptors, especially xeno-estrogens, are running rampant and unregulated in most skin and body products. Studies show that these chemical additives can mess with your reproductive hormones and fertility.

It’s overwhelming to know where to begin - so we want to get to the major offenders first and begin to remove these from the home and stop messing with your reproductive hormones.

One of the biggest offenders is FRAGRANCE. 

And that is the main topic of our discussion today. 

My guest for this episode is Sarah Michels - she is the brains, beauty, and braun behind Infuse Organics - which makes clean, non-toxic skin and body care products from the herbal and medicinal plants that she grows on her own farm. Sarah and her family work together to create healthy, sustainable, and effective products that keep you and your family safe from harmful chemicals while also keeping you smelling amazing. People all over the US and Canada trust her clean, lovely smelling, and effective products.

Today we untangle the web of self-care products and how they are silently causing our bodies and hormones damage - focusing on one of the main culprits - fragrance. Here is what we touch on:

  • What is the biggest offender in the CVS aisle

  • The power of olive oil + essential oils

  • Why ‘Fragrance’ is so nasty

  • Xeno-estrogens and phthalates (the nasties)

  • Fragrance increases cortisol?!?!?

  • Green Washing in the beauty industry

  • All the ways that Kerry has been duped by labeling!

  • The FDAs failure to control the chemicals going into your bath and beauty products

  • Essential Oils and how they’re different from fragrance

  • Laundry detergent, shampoo & conditioner, plugins and febreeze

  • How to remove toxic personal care products step by step

Sarah’s passion for your health and the products she creates really shine through on this episode. If you’re ready to clean up your self care products and don’t know where to start - this is the perfect episode for you. And Sarah’s online store is the perfect place to start!


Dec 05, 202340:51
How to do the holidays when you're TTC

How to do the holidays when you're TTC

When you’re TTC, dealing with fertility treatment, or infertility - the holidays can be overwhelming. Alongside the increase of social gatherings, is the increase of stress surrounding said gatherings. 

Even though this time is particularly hard - there are ways that you can prepare yourself for a more easeful and perhaps joyful holiday season. 

It starts with some preparation so that you can have systems in place that are supportive - like setting boundaries for yourself, prioritizing your mental/emotional/physical health as a priority, and finding ways to let the light in.

I called in my friend and colleague Elena Clamen for this episode. She is a licensed mental health counselor and expressive arts therapist in private practice in Massachusetts. The focus of her practice is reproductive mental health. Elena supports women and couples navigating infertility, IVF, donor conception, surrogacy, pregnancy lost, postpartum, and more. She provides both individual and group support. In addition to her clinical work, Elena is an adjunct instructor at Lesley University in the Expressive Arts Therapy Department. She served as a member of the Resolve New England Board from 2008-2021.

Elena offers our listeners great strategies for navigating the holidays so that you are not only surviving, but also enjoying yourself.

Here are some highlights of the tips and tricks we talked about on this episode:

  • Expectations of the holidays

  • Control what you can

  • Set boundaries

  • Allow yourself to feel joy

  • Holding joy and grief simultaneously

  • Creating new traditions

  • Creating non-negotiable time for yourself (yes! You have the time)

    • Yoga

    • Deep Rest

    • Movement & the power of walking and fresh air

    • Breathwork

Elena’s compassion and knowledge added so much to this conversation. With these added tips and techniques - we hope that you are able to let some light in this holiday season and have more easeful moments in your gatherings.

If you’re listening to this around the end of November or the beginning December and would like to join the special Holiday Yoga Series with Kerry please come!

Elena runs a weekly primary infertility support group - anyone can join these group sessions. You can contact her at

Fertility Clinic Stress Buster Technique: Blog post / Podcast episode

is brought to by Fertile Body Yoga - a virtual yoga studio dedicated to supporting the body, mind, and soul of those navigating their fertility journeys.

Nov 29, 202333:58
Fertility & Coming Home to Your Body with Emily Everton PT DPT

Fertility & Coming Home to Your Body with Emily Everton PT DPT

This episode is packed full of so many fertility tips - it’s hard to know where to start! If your relationship with your body isn’t perfect - then this episode is for you. So basically all of us! 

I’d especially encourage those who have a relationship with disordered eating, missed periods, pelvic floor dysfunction, unexplained or secondary infertility, and endometriosis to listen - but truly if you’re dealing with fertility and fertility treatment - you will benefit from this episode.

Today’s guest has created a beautiful approach to healing our relationships to our bodies. It is composed of many different techniques, personal experience, and knowledge.

Emily Everton is a holistic Women’s Health Doctor of Physical Therapy and founder of Embody Physical Therapy & Wellness, in Hopkinton, MA. 

Emily specializes in Orthopedic and Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, and is especially passionate about all things menstrual health, fertility, and perinatal care. Emily is a certified Mercier Fertility Specialist and incorporates Mercier Therapy, a deep pelvic organ mobilization technique, into her practice to help women with a variety of conditions including pelvic pain and fertility challenges. 

In addition to her work as a PT, Emily is also a Women’s Health coach primarily supporting women with Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (missing periods) and irregular menstrual cycles. In her coaching she helps women restore ovulation, get their period back, regulate their menstrual cycles, and assist with fertility.

Though Emily’s work was initially inspired by her own lived experience with disordered eating, orthorexia, RED-S (relative energy deficiency in Sport), Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, infertility, and a poor relationship with her body…she is consistently inspired by the wonderful girls and women she is so fortunate to support on a daily basis.

Here’s what we talked about today’s episode

  • What is hypothalamic amenorrhea and RED-S 

  • What we interpret as the body not functioning is actually a hint from the body - leading us to the right area to explore and balance

  • The Vagus nerve and fertility

  • Why the pelvic floor matters when we’re talking about fertility

  • The pelvic floor and egg retrievals

  • A story about releasing my tongue tie and my pelvic floor response!

  • What is Mercier Therapy and who is it for 

  • Why you may want to throw away your tight jeans

  • Overall inspiration for how to live in your body in a connected way

I loved having Emily on show! She has a tremendous depth of knowledge around the body and how to cultivate healing in a holistic and transformative way.  Her lived experiences inspire her work and you can feel her passion through the airwaves!

If you’re interested in working with Emily in person or virtually - check out her links below.


  • Emily’s Instagram:

  • Emily’s Website:

Fringe Fertility is brought to you by ⁠Kerry Hinds⁠ and ⁠Fertile Body Yoga⁠ - a virtual yoga studio dedicated to supporting those on their fertility journeys - mind, body, and soul. 

Nov 21, 202355:09
Manifesting Your Miracle Baby with Lisa White

Manifesting Your Miracle Baby with Lisa White

Manifesting has become the new mindfulness - as in, it’s an exciting and interesting way to live your life - and apply to your fertility journey.

But, what is manifesting and how does it work? Can you manifest your miracle baby? Is it instantaneous?

Sometimes we need a little guidance and that is why I brought in Lisa White to the conversation.

Lisa White is a soulful IVF Coach specializing in helping women navigate the emotional ride of IVF with a focus on mindset and energetic support. She is the #1 bestselling author of ‘HOLD ON, BABY – A Soulful Guide to Riding the Ups and Downs of Infertility and IVF.’ She is the host of the SOULFUL IVF Podcast and the creator of the IVF Soul Align Method; A unique framework she personally lived and now guides clients through.  Her 22-year background as an Occupational Therapist helps contribute to the holistic lens she brings to her clients in supporting them not only thru IVF but also with life skills in general. 


She has been a lifelong practitioner of manifestation and intentional living and applied these same principles on her IVF journey. With one healthy embryo holding on for her and her husband, they beat the odds and found “success” despite a long road of unexpected setbacks and surgeries. Through it all she stayed hopeful and empowered, trusting in the unfolding of it all. 


In 2023 she received an award from the European Fertility Society for “Highly Commended” in the Best Fertility Coach category and in 2021 was awarded “Highly Commended” in the Best Fertility Book Category. 

And so today, Lisa is going to take you through how you can begin to utilize manifestation in your life and fertility journey!

We cover in this episode:

  • Lisa’s fertility experiences

  • What is manifestation

  • How you can integrate manifestation into your fertility journey

  • The importance of energetics 

  • Lisa offers a simple exercise to get your manifestation abilities going

  • Learn a little bit more about finding joy in your life WHILE also tr

I loved having Lisa on the podcast talking about energy and manifesting! Her kindness and positive outlook to the fertility journey is refreshing - without falling into the realm of toxic positivity. We both understand how the fertility journey can seep into all corners of life - and manifesting is one way to find joy in life while also trying to conceive.

Give these a try - I’d love to hear how the manifesting goes! Drop us a DM on IG - @fertilebodyyoga


  • Lisa’s Instagram:

  •’s Website

This podcast is brought to from - a virtual yoga studio dedicated to supporting the body, mind, and soul of those navigating their fertility journeys.

Nov 15, 202355:55
What I wish I knew before starting IVF (Part 1)

What I wish I knew before starting IVF (Part 1)

Entering the world of IVF is overwhelming. And many of us enter the fertility treatment world under prepared for what is to come. I often hear from many students that they wish that someone had told them what it would be like, or how it would affect their lives. 

There is a step missing in the world of IVF as many people walk into that office not knowing what will happen and how they can make their journey less overwhelming and all encompassing. 

When you go to the fertility doctor - they are taking over the mechanics of making babies. But that embryo will be placed in your body to find its new home - so YOU are still important. Your mental/emotional health, your physical health, and your spiritual and energetic health.

Well - I have for you over 2 episodes - 8 things I wish I knew before starting IVF. I’m here to give you that heart to heart you deserve.

My hope is to empower you to transform your experience with IVF to being more informed, in agency of your choices, and experience more ease as you accept the path you’re on and find joy in life while TTC. And really that is what Fertile Body Yoga and the Fringe Fertility Podcast is all about.

Here is what we tackle in this first episode:

  • Why it’s important to understand what IVF entails

  • Understanding that IVF is not a guarantee nor is it easy or something you ‘just do’

  • How managing expectations can balance emotionality

  • Why we give up our power to doctors and why we shouldn’t

  • Finding acceptance so that you can surrender and go with the flow instead of fighting it

This is such an important conversation to have and I’m so glad I get to share with you my insights that I gathered - AFTER the fact - in hopes that they will support you now in your experiences with IVF.


Fringe Fertility is brought to you by Kerry Hinds and Fertile Body Yoga - a virtual yoga studio dedicated to supporting those on their fertility journeys - mind, body, and soul. 

Nov 14, 202322:54
The Fertility Clinic Stress Buster Technique
Oct 31, 202320:14
Naturopathic Medicine and Fertility with Dr. Tiffany Bloomingdale ND

Naturopathic Medicine and Fertility with Dr. Tiffany Bloomingdale ND

Have you ever wondered how a Naturopathic Doctor could help you on your fertility journey? Or how an ND is different from an MD and why would you want to go to a Naturopath? Well - in this episode we’re going explore the world of Naturopathy and why you may want to consider seeing an ND when you’re TTC.

On the episode today I have Dr. Tiffany Bloomingdale of Avant-Garde Healing Arts. She is a licensed naturopathic doctor practicing in the Seattle area. She is passionate about women’s health and the perinatal and postpartum care. She is also a yoga teacher and was a yoga student of mine. 

We talk about a lot in this episode:

  • Her story of pregnancy loss and honoring her fertility journey

  • We detail the difference between an allopathic doctor and a naturopathic doctor

  • Tiffany outlines what she would do as an ND if a 39 year old woman walks into her office with a history of infertility, had gone through multiple rounds of IVF, had been pregnant once and miscarried

  • What her go to lab work is for patients

  • As a homeopathic doctor - she explains what homeopathy is and how it works

This was such an interesting conversation and one that we don’t hear about a lot in the fertility world. Tiffany’s honesty about her miscarriage and transformative journey left me in tears - but I hope that you can find inspiration in her words. 

If what you’ve been doing isn’t working - it’s time to look down different pathways for different support. As Tiffany says, her office is often the last stop for people after years of allopathic medicine - what a world it would be if we went to an ND first to heal our whole selves…before trying to fix only the symptoms of a foundation problem.


  • Tiffany’s Instagram:

  • Tiffany’s Website:

  • Kerry’s Pregnancy Loss Yoga Program:

Oct 20, 202354:22
Essential Oils & Fertility: 4 Ways to use essential oils to support your fertility

Essential Oils & Fertility: 4 Ways to use essential oils to support your fertility

Using essential oils is becoming more and more common, even though a couple decades ago they were considered a fringe practice. Perhaps you’re curious about essential oils or have used them before, but now that you’re trying to conceive, you’re unsure where to begin. With all the blog posts and information on the internet, it’s hard to know what’s what! 

Using essential oils in your home and on your body has become more common, but, when dealing with infertility and fertility treatments, it’s hard to know what is safe for fertility, what is actually positively affecting fertility, and also which oils to stay away from. Even though, as I’m sure you have guessed, essential oils are not going to directly cure infertility or get you pregnant, but they can be very supportive through secondary pathways.

I’m here to guide you in using essential oils for your fertility! I love essential oils and use them all the time in my home and on my body. I used them when I was going through my fertility journey and found them to be very supportive. I also recommend to my yoga students while doing fertility yoga, do diffuse some oils - ones that they find calming.

Here is what we are going to talk about today! 

  • What essential oils are

  • Which essential oils are supportive to fertility & which ones are best to leave out of your blends

  • 4 ways to use EOs for fertility support

    • Fertility Massage Oils

    • Going non-toxic in the home & on your body

    • Mental & Emotional support specific to fertility

    • Essential Oils as an aphrodisiac

  • Kerry’s special blends for fertility support

  • Best practices of essential oils and precautions

  • A starter kit for you if you’d like to dive in!

As you can tell - I love talking about essential oils and all the ways we can use them to support fertility.


Original blog post:

Fertility Massage information:

Oct 12, 202339:54
Connecting with your Spirit Baby with guest Justine Cohen

Connecting with your Spirit Baby with guest Justine Cohen

When it comes to dealing with fertility challenges - big questions inevitably arise: Why me? What am I doing wrong? Why is this taking so long? I’m doing everything right, and I’m still not pregnant!?  These are big spiritual questions that western medicine can’t help you with. So where to turn? Spirit Babies of course! Connecting with your Spirit Baby CAN help with answering these questions.

There is mystery surrounding Spirit Babies - What are they? How do we connect with them? Do I have a Spirit Baby? All valid questions - and we are here to answer them! 

In this episode I am talking again with Justine Cohen all about Spirit Babies and how our upcoming workshop (held twice a year) is a perfect way to ease into the Spirit Baby Realm.

Justine Cohen is a psychic medium in the fertility space, specializing in spirit babies. She's a priestess and ceremonialist, initiated in the energies of Ancient Egypt and the Celtic Magdalen. She provides connection to spirit babies, spiritual womb healing, feminine embodiment, and personal transformation. She's also a plant medicine co-facilitator and currently lives in Los Angeles.

And so today, Justine is going to take you through how you can begin to create connections with your spirit babies in your daily life, as well as describe how spirit babies show up earthside. I also share my experiences with spirit babies and why I love sharing this work with my students.

What we talk about!

  • What are spirit babies

  • Kerry’s first encounter with Spirit Babies and how it shifted her fertility journey from one of frustration and anger - to acceptance and patience

  • Creating a fertility team effort with yourself, spirit baby, and partner (if you’re TTC with one)

  • Do you have spirit babies only during your fertile years? Or do you have them before and after?

  • Kerry talks about her Spirit Baby reading with Justine

  • Why connecting with Spirit Baby before you’re pregnant is so important

  • Connecting with your Spirit Baby after pregnancy loss or still birth

  • Workshop info - September 23rd, 2023 - 10am PT/1pm ET includes a 2 hour group event PLUS a private reading with Justine

I always love talking with Justine because she brings so much hope and clarity to the fertility journey. We know that dealing with fertility issues is so so so hard on the body, mind, and soul - and Spirit Babies can be an amazing way to start to release some of the heaviness and bring a deeper perspective to your journey - going beyond the body and into spirit.


  • Justines’s Instagram:

  • Justine’s Website:

  • Spirit Baby Connection & Fertility Yoga Workshop with Private Reading: September 23rd, 10am PT/1pm ET - Livestreamed & Recorded:

Sep 13, 202355:46
Fertility & Perimenopause with Jennifer Redmond

Fertility & Perimenopause with Jennifer Redmond

In today’s episode, my guest Jennifer Redmond and I talk about 2 things that no one loves talking about - perimenopause and fertility & how these two things interact. 

This is an important topic - for all women - for those that haven’t entered peri-menopause yet, for those TTC, and for those that will be a new mom in their early/mid forties. 

There is a ton of valuable information and insights in this episode. So definitely take a listen, even if you think it doesn’t apply to you.

Jennifer Redmond empowers women to take a 360-degree view of their wellness and helps them implement customized dietary and lifestyle changes to boost fertility or manage (peri)menopause. A fertility and hormonal health expert, she is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach and graduate of the Women’s Functional and Integrative Medicine Professional Training Program. Formerly, as the co-founder and editor-in-chief of FertilityAuthority, and the Director of Communications for RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association she has literally written and edited thousands of articles on fertility and women’s hormonal health. Jennifer is also the Board President of Resolve New England, where she leads a Childfree after Infertility Support Group.

What we cover in this episode:

  • Why we should be talking about perimenopause and fertility

  • What are the signs and symptoms of perimenopause

  • Jennifer’s nutritional tips for hormonal health - for supporting fertility & perimenopause

  • Being a mother to young children while going through perimenopause and how it’s different

  • The mental/emotional effects of hormonal change

  • Why we shouldn’t fear perimenopause and instead notice it’s subtle changes

  • How to support yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally through hormonal shifts

I really enjoyed recording this episode with Jennifer. Her wealth of knowledge and experience with hormonal health is so deep and her positive and warm energy made this somewhat taboo topic easy to talk about! 

If this episode spoke to you - I hope that you will check out what Jennifer has to offer for hormonal health support - for fertility and perimenopause! Also remember that a consistent nurturing yoga practice can help to balance hormones and support your fertility and any transitions you may be going through.


  • Jennifer’s Instagram:

  • Jennifer’s Website:

  • Fertility Yoga Classes:

Aug 30, 202353:52
Tales of IVF Abroad with Jen Edmonds

Tales of IVF Abroad with Jen Edmonds

IVF is overwhelming, and doing fertility treatments abroad adds a whole new layer of intricacies and stress! More and more people are either travelling overseas to do treatment, or for others, they happen to find themselves living in a different country and then choose to do fertility treatment. 

There are new languages and cultures to navigate, miscommunications, and isolation to deal with.

I did my fertility treatment in Germany as a North America and my special guest - Jen Edmonds did her treatments in Thailand and Dubai as an Australian!

Jen is a fellow fertility yoga teacher and supporter and space holder of those on their fertility journeys. Her story is full of rich insight on doing fertility treatment away from home. Originally a pilates teacher, her IVF journey led her to fertility yoga - first as a student, then as a practitioner and she has a wonderful online yoga studio where she connects with people all over the world.

And so today, Jen is going to take us on the roller coaster ride of her fertility experiences in Thailand, Sydney, and Dubai. For those that find yourself in this situation - I hope you will find some wisdom and comradery in our discussion!

We talked about:

+ Doing IVF in a different culture

+ Navigating language barriers and miscommunications

+ Laughable moments (now! Not then)

+ Advice for those doing IVF away from their homeland

+ The costs of doing IVF in different countries

+ How to support yourself when doing IVF aboad

We had a great time recording this episode and Jen’s insight and openness is what made this

conversation so powerful. We hope you love listening to it! 

Share your thoughts with us on Instagram @fertilebodyyoga and don’t forget to subscribe and like to Fringe Fertility!


+ Jen’s Instagram: jen.elementpilatesyoga


Aug 09, 202350:28
5 Common Yoga Mistakes People Make When TTC
Apr 23, 202320:42
Spirit Babies with Justine Cohen

Spirit Babies with Justine Cohen

Taking care of your spiritual and energetic health is an important piece of the fertility puzzle. While trying to conceive, some tend to focus most of their energy on the physical body. Yet when we start to begin our fertility path, many questions start to arise that the tangible and physical can’t explain.

Spirit Babies are an amazing way to connect with your future child and to bring some peace and understanding to the journey. A way to feel less isolated and alone as you do all that you can to bring your baby earthside.

So you’re interested in spirit babies, but where to begin? Spirit babies are intriguing and more and more people who are trying to conceive are starting to seek guidance on how to connect with their spirit babies.

The best place to start is right here with this podcast!

Justine Cohen, the Spirit Baby Lady, is a spirit baby medium and womb healer. She provides personal one-on-one spirit baby readings, as well as workshops from coast to coast of the US. 

Every year, Justine and I offer an online Spring and Fall Spirit Baby and Fertility Yoga Workshop.

Join me and Justine as we dive into the realm of spirit babies and all they have to offer you on your fertility journey!

In this podcast we discuss a lot!

  • What are spirit babies?

  • Why I love spirit babies as a companion to the fertility journey

  • How to connect to your spirit baby

  • What happens with spirit babies after pregnancy loss or termination

  • What are the signs of spirit babies

  • How to know if you have a spirit baby

We had a great time recording this episode and Justine’s wise, warm, and positive energy is what made the conversation so enlightening. We know trying something new and unknown can be extremely intimidating (especially when you are trying so many things for your fertility!) but this is truly the time to embrace exploring fertility beyond the physical body. There is more to the story ;)

If your mind and heart is open to connecting with your spirit baby, then this is the perfect episode to tune into. Listen and don’t forget to share your thoughts with us on Instagram @fertilebodyyoga, leave a comment, and follow us! 



  • See when the next workshop is:

    Justine’s Website: ⁠

    Justine’s IG account:

    Link⁠ to Spirit Babies Book by Walter Makichen

  • Mar 28, 202359:35
    Endometriosis - a 27 year journey with Guest Heather Smidt

    Endometriosis - a 27 year journey with Guest Heather Smidt

    Endometriosis has been misdiagnosed, underdiagnosed, misunderstood, and dismissed by many in the medical field for far too long. There are millions of women walking this earth in pain and not getting the help they need and deserve. And that needs to change!

    Endometriosis is also a common barrier to conception and pregnancy - and that’s why we’re talking about this today.

    In today’s episode, I interviewed my first guest! Health Smidt of Wanderwell Acupuncture. She is an acupuncturist, massage therapist, reiki master, cranial sacral therapist, and fertility expert.

    Heather is also an endowarrior and has extensively researched, treated herself and others with acupuncture, and is an advocate for endometriosis awareness.

    This episode is for EVERYONE -  especially helpful for those with unexplained infertility, multiple losses, or multiple failed IVF rounds. Plus - perhaps you have been minimizing the pain and suffering you go through during your period and could possibly have endo.

    Here’s what we talk about in this episode:

    • What endometriosis is and isn't

    • What sorts of surgeries and diagnostic procedures are available

    • The intersection of endometriosis and fertility

    • We hear Heathers CRAZY story of dealing with endo for 27 years before getting a diagnosis

    • How to treat Endometriosis holistically

    • Where to find trustworthy and helpful information about endometriosis

    I loved having Heather on the podcast! She really is one of my favorite humans in the world - so full of knowledge and compassion for this community. If you live in the Boston area - go get a total reset!


    This podcast is brought to you by Kerry Hinds and Fertile Body Yoga - a virtual yoga studio dedicated to supporting the body, mind, and soul of those navigating their fertility journeys.

    Mar 23, 202355:28
    Kerry's Fertility Story
    Mar 07, 202322:09
    Fertility, Ayurveda, and Your Dosha

    Fertility, Ayurveda, and Your Dosha

    Taking care of yourself to benefit your fertility and reproductive health can be overwhelming. There is so much on the internet to explore, it’s hard to know what is right for you. You may also wonder why something worked for one person and not another.

    Even though much of fertility can be a shared experience, an individual’s fertility is - well - highly individual. We’re all different, and so are our fertility factors, lifestyles, cultures, beliefs, and experiences. That’s why one all-encompassing “perfect” program for fertility doesn’t exist. Not even IVF is perfect.

    So…where should one focus? 

    Luckily, yoga and ayurveda have offered us a framework for working with individual differences - while also simplifying them into categories. 

    In this episode of Fringe Fertility, Kerry talks about the different Doshas (Kapha, Pitta, Vata) and how to determine what your predominant dosha is. 

    Once you figure this out you can begin to approach your fertility through a doshic lens so that you can better understand what will serve YOU the best.

    That there is a perfect fertility program out there for you!

    Take a listen to begin to understand your dosha and how it will affect your fertility - physically, emotionally, and energetically.

    What we cover:

    • What is a dosha?

    • What is my predominant dosha?

    • Vata Dosha and Fertility

    • Pitta Dosha and Fertility

    • Kapha Dosha and Fertility

    • Dosha management for optimal fertility

    Ayurveda is an ancient and wise healing and life modality - and definitely worth your time to learn about. 


    The Fringe Fertility Podcast is brought to you by Kerry Hinds and Fertile Body Yoga - a virtual yoga studio dedicated to supporting the mind, body, and soul those on their fertility journey.

    Feb 03, 202326:38
    Is hot yoga bad for your fertility?

    Is hot yoga bad for your fertility?

    If you do hot yoga, you may be wondering…Is hot yoga bad for my fertility?

    You may have a hot yoga practice and are also trying to conceive and curious about whether you should put your hot practice on hold. Or maybe you’re doing IVF and really want to improve your chances of a successful cycle.

    You might hear some conflicted advice on this one. And Kerr is here to give you a yogic perspective - since of course we are talking about yoga.

    In this episode Kerry unpacks hot yoga and fertility and how you can approach your yoga practice to truly boost your fertility.

    • When is hot yoga ok? 
    • A quick refresher on stress and fertility
    • Stress Response and Hot Yoga
    • Hot Yoga and the 2WW
    • The energetics of hot yoga and fertility
    • Why it’s hard to give up hot yoga for the benefit of your fertility
    • Aligning your yoga practice with your fertility

    This is a question that I get so often when I have hot yoga students arrive in a fertility yoga class. It’s a great question and one that needs to be addressed as more and more hot yoga classes are being offered and more and more people are doing it! 

    If you’re ready to make a mindset shift into yoga for fertility benefits - then check out what’s coming up in the studio


    Take the Dosha Quiz

    The Science of Stress and Fertility

    Stress & Fertility with Dr. Alison Zimon of CCRM

    This episode is brought to you from Kerry Hinds of Fertile Body Yoga - a virtual yoga studio dedicated to support the mind, body, and spirit of those going through their fertility journeys.

    Jan 09, 202326:10
    Increase Feminine Energy with Fertility Yoga

    Increase Feminine Energy with Fertility Yoga

    Fertility Treatment and people offering fertility support has recently become more and more widespread, available, and state of the art.

    Having different avenues to boosting fertility is excellent. But there’s no denying that having all that information can be a little… overwhelming. 

    We’re all different and that’s why one all-encompassing “perfect” fertility routine doesn’t exist. 

    That being said, there are some basic guidelines we can follow when we dive into the world of fertility and all the options out there.

    Supporting those who are trying to conceive holistically is what I’m all about here at Fertile Body Yoga. Especially when it comes to your energetic and subtle body!

    And so today, I begin to unpack feminine energy and why it’s so important to embrace during your fertility journey.

    • The energy of the western world & IVF
    • How feminine energy is fertile energy
    • How to cultivate more feminine energy in your life
    • What are the different feminine and masculine energies

    I had fun revisiting and bringing some life to this popular past blog post! I know that sometimes embracing the subtler sides of existence is seen to many as ‘out there’ or ‘too woo hoo’ - but really, we are constantly connecting with energy, why not be purposeful on the energy we put around us! Especially when we are trying to conceive and doing fertility treatment.

    If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the things to do, then this is the perfect episode for you! Tune in, and don’t forget to share your thoughts with us on Instagram @fertilebodyyoga and don’t forget to follow or comment on this podcast!


    • Original blog post: Increase Feminine Energy with Fertility Yoga

    Jan 07, 202317:56