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Fully You Podcast by Grace and Ruddy

Fully You Podcast by Grace and Ruddy

By Grace and Ruddy

Fully You is a community where every week we define concepts, exchange on our personal experiences and share content from books, articles to videos that refer to the topic under discussion.

The purpose of this community is to initiate a conversation together, on everyday topics but also to remember that we are not alone in questioning key elements of life...
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Fully You #4 - Aimer la vie !? (en duo)

Fully You Podcast by Grace and RuddyNov 17, 2019

Fully You #32 Simple steps to handle trauma
Jun 01, 202018:49
Fully You #31 (S')investir avec Kémo Florence

Fully You #31 (S')investir avec Kémo Florence

S'investir - mettre son énergie dans quelque chose - placer des fonds dans quelque chose - accorder beaucoup d'importance - invest, commit.

The Rules of Wealth: A personal code for prosperity and plenty - Richard Templar

Investir au Pays - Philippe SIMO

Père riche, père pauvre - Robert Kiyosaki

Réfléchissez et devenez riche - Napoleon Hill

Devenir, le journal, à vous de vous emparer de votre histoire - Michele Obama

Instagram : @kemo_florence 

May 25, 202049:59
Fully You #30 L’inspiration

Fully You #30 L’inspiration

Definition du sujet
*l’inspiration *(Larousse). L’enthousiasme, le souffle créateur qui anime l'écrivain, l'artiste, le chercheur : Chercher l'inspiration.
Mais c’est aussi, l’Influence exercée sur un auteur, sur une œuvre

Comment trouver l’inspiration ? Et ou puisse tu ton inspiration?

Curated content
- L'inspiration. Vous devez la pourchasser avec une masse - Jack London
- Concept réthorique d’Aristote appelle : ETHOS, PATHOS, LOGOS
- 8 Steps to Continuous Self Motivation Even During the Difficult Times :

Abonnes-toi, mets 5 étoiles si tu as aimé, commente, partage et rejoins nous sur le groupe Facebook privé

May 18, 202017:42
Fully You #29 Dealing with what you can’t control and others
May 11, 202016:15
Fully You #28 Ikigai, le retour

Fully You #28 Ikigai, le retour

1. Definition du sujet:
Ikigai (Article du journal Le Monde; Wikipedia)
Lors d’une conversation avec une amie, celle-ci m’a parle d’un article du journal le Monde definissant sur le concept Ikigai.
Concept japonais ( qui siginifie « joie de vivre ( » et de la « raison d'être ». Selon l' article du Monde, Ikigai permet de trouver sa raison d'être en aidant à décoder les mécanismes de la pensée. Elle peut être utile pour prendre des décisions en harmonie avec ses envies les plus profondes.

2. Contenu
Livre, Ikigai de Ken Mogi :
Article Le Monde :

3. À ton tour échangeons sur le groupe Facebook :

May 04, 202011:38
Fully You #27 Get out of your Comfort Zone
Apr 27, 202017:20
Fully You #26 avec Sandy de @Abenafrica - Entreprendre: vocation, choix, devoir ?

Fully You #26 avec Sandy de @Abenafrica - Entreprendre: vocation, choix, devoir ?

Aujourd'hui nous avons l'honneur de recevoir Sandy Abena, qui a créé ABENAFRICA ( ( qui a pour mission de nous faire voyager à travers l'Histoire et les pays de l'Afro World. Son projet a pris forme il y a quelques années à côté de son travail, et en plus d’autres activités. Un parcours inspirant !

Problématique : Pourquoi entreprendre aujourd'hui ?

Recommendations :
Sandy Abena
Tout le monde n'a pas eu la chance de rater ses études - Olivier Roland
How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie (anglais : - français :

Le Pouvoir Du Moment Present, Eckhart Tolle -
The eight P's of entrepreneurship :

Lean Startup - Eric Ries
The $100 Startup - Chris Guillebeau

Discussion : Qu'est-ce qui te pousse à entreprendre ?

Si tu aimes notre Podcast, abonnes-toi, partage, mets nous 5 étoiles sur Apple Podcast pour permettre à d'autres personnes à rejoindre la conversation et apporter leur point de vue à la discussion.

Suggestions en DM sur Instagram ou par email :

Apr 20, 202040:46
Fully You #25 (duo français) La co-création à distance
Apr 12, 202026:10
Fully You #25 (english duo) Co-creating remotely
Apr 12, 202027:43
Fully You #24 (en duo) - #Quarantine la vie en confinement de Singapour à Paris

Fully You #24 (en duo) - #Quarantine la vie en confinement de Singapour à Paris

Partage de nos expériences pendant COVID19.

Problématique - Comment on vit la crise en Asie et en Europe ?

Nos expériences : physiquement / mentalement

Échange sur comment le gouvernement a géré à Singapour et en France

Impact sur notre podcast -  retour sur les épisodes sur le confinement et l'anxiété

TOP3 recommendations / tips

Apr 06, 202037:32
Fully You #23 Managing Anxiety

Fully You #23 Managing Anxiety

1. Subject Defined

Definition from APA

Anxiety is an emotion characterised by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure. ... They may avoid certain situations out of worry. They may also have physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, dizziness or a rapid heartbeat

From Wikipedia

Anxiety is an emotion characterised by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervous behaviour such as pacing back and forth, somatic complaints - physical manifestation of anxiety, and rumination. It is the subjectively unpleasant feelings of dread over anticipated events...

3. Curated Content

Red Table Talk episode on Facebook with Dr. Ramani Duvarsala and Jay Shetty

4. Your turn

From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( - Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.

To support kids :

Take time to talk with your child or teen about the COVID-19 outbreak. Answer questions and share facts ( about COVID-19 in a way that your child or teen can understand.

Be a role model.

A few things to remember :

Get back to the present with the 54321 technique, anxiety is the future or in the past.

Take a moment to breathe deeply, it can affect you in ways you can’t even imagine.

Connect with people when you feel strong enough to, transform experience with digital, call them with video on.

Break down your anxiety, don’t let your amygdala drive your actions, get back to your senses and be grateful of the smalls things life is offering you.

Patience, kindness, this shall pass.

Mar 30, 202026:16
Fully You #22 Le confinement

Fully You #22 Le confinement

Le confinement. Définition :

Le confinement est
* Action de confiner, de se confiner dans un lieu ;
* Fait d'être retiré; action d'enfermer (dans des limites étroites.)
* Ensemble des conditions dans lesquelles se trouve un explosif détonant quand il est logé dans une enveloppe résistante. (On entre dans une nvlle ere, la nature réajuste ce quelle a à réajuster: la population, notre approche du travail avec le télétravail, les fermetures des frontières, etc.)

Comment garder une routine saine et sortir vainqueur de ce confinement?

Experience personelle

1. Routine: meditation du matin “tu es en vie et en bonne santé!” Et d’être grateful/ reconnaissant; qq étirement pour ton dos qui doit souffrir de ton positionnement sur ton bureau temporaire; garder une activité physique; avoir sa routine d’hygiène quotidienne et faire des pauses ttes les 45MIN pour reset son cerveau; manger correctement
2. Tirer profits de cette situation: reprend ta liste de résolution Ou comme je le préconise svt ton plan d’action de l’année et revoit ttes les taches admin pas faite; livres pas lus; idées pas mises en place. Super opportunité de faire cela car 1. Tu es moins distraite par les sorties (bien que internet et TikTok sont des nvx moyens de distraction) 2. Tu prends le temps de pour occuper ton temps
3. Envoi du love à tes loves one car rien est acquis dans cette vie. Tout peut basculer alors prend ton tel, FaceTime, video call et appelés les tiens. Rigoler, trinquer virtuellement à la vie qui nous sourit et surtout dis leur que tu les aimes

Ccl : Soi heureux et positif car ce mindset va te permettre d’attirer de la positivité et de mieux faire face à cette situation qui dieu seul sait cb de temps elle va durer.. et ce moment de calme, c’est le meilleur moyen pour mieux repartir dans un quotidien et une année sacrément mouvementée! C’est comme en décembre qd tu commences à faire un peu d’introspection pour mieux rentrer et célébrer la nvlle année. On prend les meme et on recommence 2020, l’année 20/20
Mar 22, 202012:47
Fully You #21 How to handle fear, panic, hysteria during a crisis?

Fully You #21 How to handle fear, panic, hysteria during a crisis?

1. Subject Defined

This episode was recorded over the weekend from Paris on the week-end were quarantine was announced because of the CoronaVirus also know as COVID19.

Today we are asking ourselves how to handle fear, panic, hysteria during a crisis ?

: an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.

be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or harmful.


sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behaviour.

feel or cause to feel panic.


exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement.

an old-fashioned term for a psychological disorder characterised by conversion of psychological stress into physical symptoms (somatization) or a change in self-awareness (such as a fugue state or selective amnesia).


a time of intense difficulty or danger.

a time when a difficult or important decision must be made.

the turning point of a disease when an important change takes place, indicating either recovery or death.

2. Personal Experience

From my humble experience I can only talk for what I know, learn, read.

Fear is something I experienced and still experience often, however, I rationalise my thoughts to process what I fear and most of the time it’s fades away. The reptilian brain is made to your survival.

Staying optimist is harder than panicking yet so rewarding for you and your surroundings, not being blind by the danger but rather an opportunity to be better, do better and as an outcome have better down the line.

I tend to stay calm in adversity to find a quick path to resolution, either partial or full resolution.

In some crisis, anger would be a fair emotion, some angers nurture changes.

Finally understood why people are buying toilet paper, it’s an alternative to make face mask, as crazy as it sounds. If you do your search you’ll see that it’s also a way for making one quite easily.

When people are jumping around, screaming all over the place, I try to isolate myself and understand what’s is causing so much disorder, check the facts and comes back to what I feel like makes sense, and most of the time it calms down my mind, I can only control myself with my own actions. My actions can influence (for the better hopefully) other people.

My personal point of view is that we are currently in a media led crisis, that is affecting lives of every person who is lucky enough to have access to internet, media and “modern living” conditions. We need to be careful on our actions, by following what members of non biased health organisations are recommending, today we should be in quarantine To slow down the rate of progression of this virus, even if you feel great, you might be carrying the virus and spreading it to people who have a weaker immune system than yours.

3. Curated quote from social media

Selling on fear during a pandemic is garbage, it’s not about how much you made, but how - GaryVee

Being a hero right now is currently staying home - Steves Hounkponou

Whatever it is you fear. Have twice as much courage on it this year. - Tai Lopez

Intellect over emotions - Mike Rashid

4. Your turn

"If you want to cure the world, don’t emanate fear - emanate love." - Ram Dass

So the question for you how do you handle fear, panic, hysteria during a crisis ? DM us your answer on IG or email us

Mar 16, 202014:33
Fully You #20 Humilité en voici en voilà!

Fully You #20 Humilité en voici en voilà!


Définition: un Sentiment, état d'esprit de quelqu'un qui a conscience de ses insuffisances, de ses faiblesses et qui pousse à réprimer tout mouvement d'orgueil.
SYNONYMES : * effacement - modestie

Problématique Comment le lâcher prise peut nous permettre de gagner en humilité ?

Experience personnelle: L’humilité requiert à avoir cette capacité à
1. Vouloir / dder d avoir la faculté à obtenir telle et telle chose (sagesse, compétence, patience, etc.)
2. À faire le travail nécessaire pour obtenir ce que l’on veut MAIS
3. être capable de se distancer par rapport aux résultats et surtout à cmt on souhaite que cela se manifester dans nos vies.

Pourquoi? Parce que l’être humain a par nature une pensée limitante. Si tu fais le taf et te détache du outcome donc résultat tu seras surpris. En tt humilité, je suis donc prête à laisser une part de moi qui aime contrôler la laisser à l’incontrôlable!

1. Reconnaissons nos points d’amélioration et taffons dessus
2. Soyons visionnaire en se focalisant sur la big picture plus qu aux desirs de court terme
3. Ayons cette abilitée/ faculté à désirer qqchose en fournissant le 70% du taf et laisser la nature faire ce qui peut représenter 30% —> pour moins de frustration

Mar 09, 202010:27
Fully You #19 Procrastination

Fully You #19 Procrastination

Procrastination :
the action of delaying or postponing something.
The prefix pro means forward, and crastinus means of or belonging to tomorrow

Personal experience:
"I ask myself, is it important or just urgent. If so why, what’s the impact for not doing it. Will I regret to postponed it?"
These type of questions helps to focus and deliver what’s need to be done.
"When committing to things with other people, we tend to do it, just because we said so out loud in public"

Content :

  • David Meltzer : The best you can in a short period of time, so it’s done now. Rather than putting things aside, schedule to do it and then do it. Just skip all steps and do it NOW.
  • Mark Twain : "Eat a Live Frog Every Morning, and Nothing Worse Will Happen to You the Rest of the Day"
  • Einseinhower Quadrant Important/Urgent :

Question to you:
What do you do to act now instead of procrastinating? What helps you?

Mar 02, 202014:50
Fully You #18 avec Maraim - Comment le sport contribue à notre développement personnel

Fully You #18 avec Maraim - Comment le sport contribue à notre développement personnel

1. Sujet définis et problématique
Sport :
Activité physique exercée dans le sens du jeu et de l'effort, et dont la pratique suppose un entraînement méthodique et le respect de règles.
Activité physique visant à améliorer sa condition physique.

Développement personnel :
Le développement personnel ce sont toutes les démarches qui nous permettent d'atteindre un objectif en terme de qualité dans certains domaines de nos vies. Ses synonymes pourraient être accomplissement de soi, ou épanouissement personnel.

Problématique : "Comment le sport contribue à notre développement personnel ?”

2. Expériences personnelles
Aujourd’hui nous avons la chance d’avoir Maraim Coach International

Notions à retenir, morceaux choisis, astuces :
But ultime du sport c’est le bien être, c'est le plus important
Le sport permets de se dire "Je suis capable de..."
Prendre un cahier avec des notes, pour voir l'évolution de ses performances physiques
La comparaison aux autres est destructrice
Se comparer à soi, hier
Avant de gravir la montagne, on commence à se base, pas à pas.

Nutrition ne veux dire 'diète' directement, c'est revoir sa définition de la nutrition, trouver son équilibre
Contre balancer
Pour avoir une semaine saine et nutritive: manger avant de faire les courses, en ayant une liste de ce que l'on veux acheter avant d'y aller

3. Livres / Contenu / Articles  
*Lire un livre c'est choisir ce qui s'aligne avec soi même ou pas*
Les quatre accords toltèques : La voie de la liberté personnelle :
Le Secret :

En ce Black History Month : "La foi, c'est faire le premier pas même quand on ne voit pas tout l'escalier."
Martin Luther King Jr  : "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."

STRONG app pour suivre son progrès en sport (iOS/Android) :

4. Extension des réflexions / Questions pour l'auditrice/auditeur.
Et toi comment sport peux ou pourrait contribuer à ton développement personnel ?

Pour toute suggestion/rétroaction constructive, envoyez-nous un courriel à ou un DM sur

Feb 24, 202044:36
Fully You #17 L’estime de Soi

Fully You #17 L’estime de Soi

L Estime de Soi vs l’Amour-propre

Définition :

JJ Rousseau - discours sur l’origine de l inégalité montre que la Sté a fait naître et accroître les vices de la nature humaine. Il conçoit alors l amour de soi comme l’origine des passions douces et affectueuses tandis que l’amour propre est source des passions haineuses et irascibles.

“ L amour propre est le plus grand de tous les flatteurs”, maximes de François de la Rochefoucauld

Comment avoir plus d’estime de soi?

Experience personelle:
1. Le pardon: pardonnons-nous. Accepte ton passé et met ton énergie sur ton présent et futur.
2. L’acceptation: acceptons-nous. Qui m’aime me suive! En réalité notre singularité est ce que nous devons être:) Donc concentrons nous sur qui nous sommes- notre Fullyouness! Et kiffons!!
3. La délicatesse/ l’Attention: Soyons à l’écoute et délicat avec nous meme dans les moments durs de nos vies.
4. L’Entourage. Ayons au moins une personne à qui nous convier

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

L’estime de soi demande beaucoup de courage. C’est un Long process qui mérite d’être expérimenté pour set us free/pour etre libre et se sentir léger dans notre vie présente et future. Cela demande de s’écouter et de prendre le temps d’avancer. Cela demande aussi de la reconnaissance/ gratitude 🙏🏾 Soyons fière de nos accomplissements et plus délicats envers nous meme.
Citation à méditer : “J’ai eu longtemps un visage inutile, mais maintenant j’ai un visage pour être aimé, j’ai un visage pour être heureux”, Paul Eluard, poète français


“L’ennemi de l amour, c’est l’amour propre”, Jacques de Bourbon busset
Feb 17, 202008:26
Fully You #16 Worthiness
Feb 10, 202007:37
Fully You #15 La Discipline
Feb 03, 202018:17
Fully You #14 How to define your balance in life?

Fully You #14 How to define your balance in life?

Episode 14 - Balance :

an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.

a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.

put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall.

"How to define your healthy balance in life?"

My experience :

I’m still defining a balance in my life.

Monday to Friday I follow a plan

Saturday - I'm treating myself

Sunday - Setting up the week and back to the plan

"all about quality not quantity."

Content :

TED talk : Guy WINCH - How to turn off work thoughts during your free time

"Sometimes it’s not about changing jobs, but just changing how you think."

Death Doula on Preparing For Death & Creating An End Of Life Plan - I'm Here For The Food Ep. 12

"What must I do to be at peace with myself, so that I may live presently and die gracefully?"

Your challenge if you accept the mission :) :

Take some time in the morning, at lunch time or finishing your day. 

Set some minutes aside and just ask yourself : "What would be the perfect balance for me?"

Subscribe and share to a friend if you liked that episode.

If you really like it, leave a 5 stars and comment on your review on Apple Podcast it helps us to stand out and improve our show and help you better.

Any constructive suggestion/feedback DM us or send us an email at

Until the next episode !

Jan 27, 202014:56
Fully You #13 Ta Conscience en 2020

Fully You #13 Ta Conscience en 2020

2020, année 20/20!! Pour cela ayons une conscience positive et une certitude/ confiance en soi au Max!
Jan 20, 202031:32
Fully You #12 Purpose

Fully You #12 Purpose

Hey it’s Ruddy welcome to episode 12 of Fully You Podcast,

Fully You Podcast is made to enable your full potential in diverse aspects of your life. To help you spread greatness around you and achieve your dreams.

We are sharing definitions of concepts every week, our personal experiences, content, books, articles relating about the subjects and then we are extending the conversation with you, listener.

In today’s episode we will talk about purpose

1. Definitions

the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.

an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.

determination; resoluteness.

2. Personal Experience

I’m still defining my own purpose. To find it, improve it I take time aside in a place where I feel is stable, calm and I can listen to myself.

Recently I’ve done a training about purpose, vision and values at work that helped me to draft what I wanted by the end of my life, or what I thought I was call into.

The method in a few steps :

Step One - in simple sentences to talk about your past, your present and the future you aspire to be, to do, to have. Thinking about my childhood, my current state of being and my goals.

Step Two - Define your values, in short sentences/words that truly resonates within yourself.

I talked about health, wealth, creativity, connection to nature and more.

Step Three - Define your unique gifts (by yourself or with the help of others) - my belief if some of my gifts are empathy, well organised (on certains tasks because I do procrastinate sometimes) and spreading good energy around me (when I’m recharged)

Step Four - Realising how your gifts would benefit others - Mine would help by spreading good energy, a different perspective of a story and building one by one a true self-belief. I’m, myself work on it. A friend of mine, open is own restaurant @greenlovesalades

One thing to remember in this process is that your future it’s aspirational, it’s a journey, you might never get there, and you have to walk the talk.

Set yourself 2-3 big goals.

Looks at your vision at the beginning of every week and when the week is done review, adjust and repeat.

Make sure you have a circle of people you’re being accountable for, people you trust, people who are honest with you, people who cheers you up.

And when you feel down, just ask yourself, which next step/action I need to take now to get closer to my vision.

3. Recommendend

The first recommendation is the episode from Grace (en français) où elle parle d’un principe qui s’appelle IKIGAI, épisode 3) for my fellow English speakers it’s episode 3 it’s in French if you want to hear some.

In the same training they were a couple of links, I found valuable - you can check them in the description of the Podcast.

Craft an Inspiring Personal Vision for Your Life RIGHT NOW :

Define Your Personal Core Values: 5 Steps :

TED Playlist Talks to help you find your purpose :

Sometimes you hear the same things over and over, and it clicks at a different time in your life to make sense to you. Our brains functions in different ways, at different moment of our lives.

4. Open conversation.

To open the conversation I want to ask you, what is your purpose ? How did it evolve ?

Jan 13, 202010:07
Fully You #11 avec Wendie Zahibo : comment rester authentique en tout contexte

Fully You #11 avec Wendie Zahibo : comment rester authentique en tout contexte

Happy 2020 chères/chers auditrices et auditeurs!
Nous avons la chance de recevoir en tant que première invitée à notre Podcast, Wendie Zahibo. Créatrice, entrepreneure pluridisciplinaire.
Disclaimer : désolé pour les pics de volume entre nos différentes voix nous étions tous dans 3 lieux différents, nous nous améliorerons sur la qualité avec Anchor App (ce que l'on utilise pour enregistrer à distance).
En espérant que la discussion vous plaira!
N'hésitez pas à nous envoyer des DMs sur Instagram (@fullyou.podcast) pour nous faire des retours sur cet épisode et/ou le format plus long (que l'on pense réitérer).
À bientôt.
Jan 06, 202044:20
Fully You #10 Visualisation

Fully You #10 Visualisation

La visualisation, un outil qui peut te servir pour une nouvelle année au top, et ce, en cohérence avec tes aspirations!
Dec 22, 201905:24
Fully You #9 Open Mindness

Fully You #9 Open Mindness

Hey it’s Ruddy welcome to Fully You Podcast,
You want to be more while staying align to your values ?
This podcast is made for you as we want to enable your full potential in diverse aspects of your life to spread greatness around you and achieve your dreams
We will share definitions of concepts every week, our personal experience, content/books/articles relating about the subjects and then would like to extend the conversation with you, listener.

1. Subject Defined
willing to consider new ideas; unprejudiced.
"a serious and open-minded newspaper”
Open-mindedness is receptiveness to new ideas. Open-mindedness relates to the way in which people approach the views and knowledge of others.
Open-mindedness is usually encouraged in group settings, within different cultures and new environments.

2. Personal Experience
From my perspective, I think my open-mindedness started by hearing Wouk music from my sister, when I was younger I used to hate and when I aged I couldn’t thank enough my sister to have save all these classical songs in my subconscious. Or when a friend expresses a different view than mine I put myself in their shoes, to understand their point of view without forgetting where I stand. When the other point of view makes sense to me, I agree to change my paradigm to see things differently. While travelling, I get to absorb other cultures, to fit in, and to learn the best out of everyone.

3. Books Reads / Content / Articles
How this subject came up to mind, it was because of a book I already quoted earlier in the Podcast, Principles by Ray Dalio. I was browsing to nourish my curiosity on Youtube and I saw an interview between Mr. Dalio and Sean Combs also known as Diddy. For a moment I was questioning if it was the same guy - of course it was. I bought his book back in February of 2019 during a layover of 10 hours at JFK, I ran in the city to get a few books and good food in New York and came back to the airport with great memories.
Long story short. One of his life principles if to be radically open-minded.
To seek people who disagree with him to see things from a different light with people who articulate thoughtful disagreements. It’s the best way to get the best of everyone, and to spot blindspots. People brains and thoughts are wired differently and the different processes are complimentary.
Be radically open-minded.

4. Extension of thoughts / Questions for the listener.
On my side I reflect quite often on my value while being open to hear from anyone who have a thoughtful approach different than mine.
What about you, when was the last time you were open-minded ?
For me it was trying to be on a plant based diet until I go to Guadeloupe for Christmas and my birthday.

By the way this episode is the last of 2019 for me as I will disconnect from the digital world to connect with my beloved family. But we have something special coming up on January 6th 2020 for you, you can listen to the other episodes we have put out here until that.

Thanks you for listening
Please subscribe and share with a friend if you liked that episode.
If you really like it, leave 5 stars and comment on your review on Apple Podcast
Any constructive suggestion/feedback send us an email at or DM us
Until the next episode !
Dec 16, 201907:35
Fully You #8 Clarity

Fully You #8 Clarity

Hey it’s Ruddy welcome to Fully You Podcast,
This podcast is made to enable your full potential in diverse aspects of your life to spread greatness around you and achieve your dreams
We will share definitions of concepts every week, our personal experience, content/books/articles relating about the subjects and then would like to extend the conversation with you, listener.

1. Subject Defined
the quality of being coherent and intelligible.
"for the sake of clarity, each of these strategies is dealt with separately"
the quality of transparency or purity.
The state or measure of being clear, either in appearance, thought or style; lucidity.

2. Personal Experience
I experience clarity when I have space to think, breathe and act.
When I'm overwhelmed I rather not talk, I'm putting my thoughts together to make sure I make myself understood. When I'm planning something with a short deadline I use my headphones with to stay focus and execute.
There’s currently a huge strike all over France and the people who can work remotely might have the opportunity to clarify their mind

3. Books Reads / Content / Articles
Journaling, which is writing down whatever goes in your mind without any judgment just writing.
Stop, Breathe, Notice, Reflect, and Respond, is a way of being proactive and aware of external factors and situation.

4. Extension of thoughts / Questions for the listener.
Where do you need clarity? Where do you lack clarity? Do it and let us know in the comment?

Thanks you for listening
Please subscribe and give 5 stars if you found this Podcast relevant. If you want a shout-out from Grace and I, leave a comment with the 5 stars with any constructive suggestion/feedback.
You can follow us on our Instagram at fullyou.podcast (on parle français and english)
Until the next episode !
Dec 09, 201905:12
Fully You #7 Gratitude

Fully You #7 Gratitude

Hey it’s Ruddy welcome to Fully You Podcast,
This podcast is made to enable your full potential in diverse aspects of your life to spread greatness around you and achieve your dreams.
We will share definitions of concepts every week, our personal experience, content/books/articles relating about the subjects and then would like to extend the conversation with you, listener.

1. Subject Defined
Gratitude : the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Gratitude, thankfulness, or gratefulness, from the Latin word gratus ‘pleasing, thankful’, is a feeling of appreciation felt by and/or similar positive response shown by the recipient of kindness, gifts, help, favors, or other types of generosity, towards the giver of such gifts.

2. Personal Experience
List of things I’m grateful for
After spending great moments with people I love, exchange ideas with, customers I share more than just business
I've some close friends I can talk about personal ideas. Family that really care for me. I'm healthy, breathing, living, most of the time in a clean mindset.
Last night I was at a showcase with a dancehall artists with a really good friend of mind staying in Paris just for a day, we had the best fun ever.

3. Books Reads / Content / Articles
You can't be anxious at the same time when you practice gratitude
Tony Robbins
Quora article saying that complaining is making the problem even bigger if you keep on complaining on the same thing.

4. Extension of thoughts / Questions for the listener.
What are the main moments in your life when you were grateful?

Thanks you for listening
Please subscribe and give 5 starts if you found this Podcast relevant to get a change to win a friendly conversation with Grace and I
Any constructive suggestion/feedback send us an email at
Request access to our Instagram at fullyou.podcast
Until the next episode !
Dec 02, 201907:07
Fully You #6 Les hauts et les bas, comment les gérer ?

Fully You #6 Les hauts et les bas, comment les gérer ?

Comment mieux appréhender les aléas de la vie, y faire face et continuer d'avancer.
Dec 02, 201906:13
Fully You #5 Dedication - how to stick to what you want to do?!

Fully You #5 Dedication - how to stick to what you want to do?!

Some tips and advices to still do what you want to do even when you don’t feel like it and books read about the subjects.

Hint: it’s a mind game.

Nov 24, 201905:01
Fully You #4 - Aimer la vie !? (en duo)

Fully You #4 - Aimer la vie !? (en duo)

Episode en duo ou nous parlons de comment aimer la vie même dans des moments difficiles.

Grace et Ruddy.

Nov 17, 201916:07
Fully You #3 - Ikigai

Fully You #3 - Ikigai

Qu'est-ce c'est que le Ikigai ?

Nov 10, 201905:32
Fully You #2 - Motivation & Inspiration

Fully You #2 - Motivation & Inspiration

Difference between the 2 concepts. Are you motivated or inspired?

Nov 10, 201905:19
Fully You #1 - Introduction

Fully You #1 - Introduction

Why Fully You? Présentation Grace & Ruddy.
Nov 10, 201909:58
November 10, 2019

November 10, 2019

Nov 10, 201900:41