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Future Primitive Podcasts

Future Primitive Podcasts

By Future Primitive

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Apart of Me

Future Primitive PodcastsFeb 08, 2020

For Joanna

For Joanna

A heartwarming offering from author, scholar of Philosophy and Religious Studies and psychedelic explorer Christopher Bache for Joanna...and all of us.
Oct 24, 202009:54


Joanna Harcourt-Smith is invited to speak at an IndigenousWays virtual event, an indigenous women-led nonprofit based in Northern New Mexico, co-founded by Tash Terry and Elena Higgins.

“IndigenousWays promotes living in balance for diverse communities through music, arts, outreach and events. Our vision is to reach Indigenous & LGBTQIA2+ communities through outreach with music, the arts, and indigenous wisdom that creates and enhances survival and sustainability. Our values are expressed in the Diné (Navajo) concept, “Hozho”, which means the Beauty Way of life.”
Aug 24, 202047:29
Making America Sacred Again

Making America Sacred Again

Glenn Aparicio Parry speaks with Joanna about: American ideals were founded upon Native American values; a medicine tale about chaos; a quick shift of collective consciousness; the revealing of the American shadow; unity and the choice before us; addressing the wound in the American psyche; we need a form of politics that includes Nature; tuning to the Spirit of the land; these times, a reappraisal of the sixties in a higher level.
Jul 17, 202001:00:19
Homegrown National Park

Homegrown National Park

Doug Tallamy speaks with Joanna about : A new approach to ecological conservation; “Homegrown National Park”; the demonization of Nature; insects, the little things that run the world; the vital role of wildlife for our health; Aldo Leopold and the land ethic; the impossibility of perpetual economic growth in a finite planet; “Native Plant Finder”, finding the plants that support your local ecosystem; any war against Nature is a war against ourselves; the monarch butterfly; things you can do to stop the insect decline; creating landscapes that sequester carbon and manage our watersheds; collaborating with the resilience of Nature; you are Nature’s best hope.
Jun 12, 202052:25
The Fluidity of Reality

The Fluidity of Reality

Richard Grossinger speaks with Joanna about: there are ranges of knowledge that cannot be included in science; the politicization and ideologization of science, experience and spiritual freedom; physical reality and conscious reality simultaneously create each other; the fluidity of reality; “the ecological problem is a problem of consciousness”; deeper than trauma; doing the work to match the Mystery; the magnifying glass of this crisis; the archetypal element of the DNA; the spiraling of all the dimensions together; alchemy is coming back into the language of climate change.
May 31, 202057:50
Becoming a True Human Being

Becoming a True Human Being

We are happy to come back!<br />
In this week’s episode psychiatrist and integrative physician David Kopacz speaks with Joanna about: Encouraging children to plant green living things; dancing with the trees; the dormant seed inside oneself; walking the medicine wheel; becoming a true human being; we are medicine bags; being and vibration; the cycle of rejuvenation; separation is illness, healing is coming back together; the archetypal template of spiritual democracy; the Refounding Mothers of Democracy; coming home to peace.
May 22, 202051:38
Truth Cannot Be Imprisoned

Truth Cannot Be Imprisoned

Errol Morris and Hamilton Morris speak with Joanna about: Quarantined in the family house and loving each other; fascinated by the Iboga plant; the different paradigms of the history of psychedelic thinking and the evolution of Timothy Leary; a story of the psychedelic era; living and working in these strange days; being a mystery to oneself; an important insight while playing the cello on ayahuasca; the tendency of psychedelic medicines to precipitate the better parts of ourselves; the mystery and science of colors in psychedelics ; the intriguing liberation of Timothy Leary.
Apr 18, 202001:10:14
Nights of Grief and Mystery

Nights of Grief and Mystery

Stephen Jenkinson speaks with Joanna about: paying attention to the crisis for an understanding of the time we are in; the skillfulness of grief; the greater achievement is lucidity, not comfort; the “Nights of Grief and Mystery” experience; the task in the second half of life; drawn in by the particulars of a piece of ground; Earth is a consequence of death; the generativity of dying; being caught after a long persistence.
Apr 10, 202050:57
Green Alchemy

Green Alchemy

John Todd speaks with Joanna about: rethinking everything with the coronavirus; inspiring a whole new generation to change the course of the planet; a profound sense of hope about our future; scale and complexity along a continuum of healing; ecology is evolution story in the present; eco-machines, the birth of a regenerative ecological technology; don’t know mind and following a few simple rules; collaborating with the intelligence of ecosystems in the eco-machines; the New Alchemy Institute, looking at big picture problems; carbon farmers and the potential to regreen the Earth; the Weather Makers and the regreening of the Sinai desert.
Apr 03, 202050:17
The New Voice of an Ancient Spirit

The New Voice of an Ancient Spirit

Pegi Eyers speaks with Joanna about: we need to return to our original indigenous knowledge; the complexity of reclaiming our pre-colonial culture in American culture; being a Celtic animist; listening to the ancestral trauma; communing with the Earth beings; reweaving the patterns of Western culture; bringing together in equality the gifts of human diversity; learning from the traditional indigenous values; the value of bravery and initiation into adulthood; from the “me” to the “we”; participating in a new world coming into being.
Mar 30, 202047:09
Pattern Mind

Pattern Mind

Joel Glanzberg speaks with Joanna about: the origin of Regenesis, regenerative planning and development; becoming conscious together of the place where we live; giving back the love and freedom of a childhood in the woods; a life-changing reading of a spiritual vision; belonging to a living and sacred landscape; “Pattern Mind”, a forthcoming book about living in alignment with the patterns of Nature; living in a world of invisible layers; overcoming our shame and remembering our original instructions; the care that unites us; the ancestral use of disruption to develop more complex ecosystems; how do we learn from a virus…?.
Mar 15, 202044:30
The Ancestral Mother

The Ancestral Mother

Max Dashu speaks with Joanna about: 50 years of questioning patriarchy and systems of domination and reclaiming the matricultures; searching the history of indigenous cultures before the European colonizations; studying the cultural patterns of what we call patriarchy; the whore labeling, a patriarchal way of discrediting women; divide and conquer, the basic principle of systemic domination; the Mosuo culture of Yunnan, one of the most egalitarian societies on the planet; the historical - not inevitable - process of patriarchalization; a massive pattern across cultures of women, primarily, making clay figurines in the image of the ancestral Mother, the primary pattern of Paleolithic and Neolithic; scriptural religions carriers for the memes of patriarchal thinking; the shared culture of the Great Mother; the fight of the Wet'suwet'en Nation for their ancestral and spiritual rights as land guardians; coming back to core spiritual principles in defense of Earth and life; Chaos and Wisdom, an ancient, sacred mystery rediscovered by the new science of chaos theory; decolonizing ourselves and reclaiming our pathways back to Mother Nature.
Mar 07, 202047:58
Trusting the Sacred Medicines

Trusting the Sacred Medicines

Francoise Bourzat speaks with Joanna about: a book born from the course “Expanded States of Consciousnes and Psychotherapy”; first experience with indigenous medicine; a resonant, mysterious and familiar connection to Nature; what she learned from Doña Julieta Casimiro, a Mazatec master healer; trusting the “Holy Children”; purified by the principle of psycho-spiritual composting; the resonance of interdependence in us; the importance of a code of ethics in the field of psychedelic therapy; surrender as a rite of passage; reclaiming our animal, organic nature; therapeutic characteristics of the main entheogens; expressing our potential as compassion in action.
Feb 29, 202001:01:33
The Future is Local

The Future is Local

Helena Norberg-Hodge speaks with Joanna about: localizing, a systemic path to nature and community; the learning dance of the ancient local and the new local; the structural shift needed to create a happier, healthier way of life; localization can do away with ideological, political divides; local food economies produce much more than monoculture; localizing allows people to engage in a meaningful and joyful way; remarkable, rapid restoration of life can happen; listening to our hunger for reconnection to nature and community; the artifical sense of competition and scarcity imposed on us; the rich sense of personal identity and ability to share and care in a traditional society; to moving in a personal and ecological direction with intimacy and vulnerability; practicing big picture activism, locally.
Feb 21, 202051:51
Apart of Me

Apart of Me

Louis Weinstock speaks with Joanna about: the shadow side of modern Western culture; the invisible harms of addictive technologies and social media on our children and young people; unplugging ourselves from the distraction economy to meet our uncomfortable feelings and truths; designing a new service for creating communities for young people experiencing grief; human beings are wired to meet face to face; finding ways of connecting the on-line word to the off-line word; transforming our emotional experience into compassionate action in the world; a new remembering of unconditional love; “Apart of Me”, a free app that helps young people through bereavement; “I am enough”.
Feb 08, 202052:32
Incarnating the Unknown Future

Incarnating the Unknown Future

John Woodcock speaks with Joanna about: the disconnect that is killing us; enduring the purification process by the Mother; the undoing of the heroic consciousness; the emergence of “living thinking” from the future; bringing the new, including the darkness; Salvador Dali and the fluidity of a new reality; the sacred speech of Nature; the new language of the poetic mind; ”deliverance will come from a storm of light”; welcoming darkness with love; human love and the grief and despair of the Goddess; birthing the future within us.
Feb 01, 202001:04:21
Your Medicine Chest

Your Medicine Chest

Linda Burnham speaks with Joanna about: the head center as a place of spiritual liberation; our greatest wholeness; the complexity of healing; the natural energies of your hands and heart; the divine impulse in all living things; touching in a sacred manner; “your medicine chest”, medicines in your pantry; a natural remedy for concussions and bruises; the living experience of healing.
Jan 27, 202052:03
From Growing Up to Growing Down

From Growing Up to Growing Down

Timothy Morton speaks with Joanna about: appreciating different time scales is part of ecological awareness; we are realizing we are part of the planet by despoiling it; acknowledging the fear of mass extinction; the convulsive power of beauty; the interdependence of ecological health and mental health; don’t grow up, grow down; living in an ambiguous, spooky and beautiful world; fakeness, truth, and the forces of oppression; the quivering quality of being alive.
Jan 19, 202042:46
Nourishing an Emergent Reality

Nourishing an Emergent Reality

adrienne maree brown speaks with Joanna about: a social justice and liberation activism that feels good; punitive justice versus transformative justice; mercy and seeing the whole of the person; giving ourselves permission to feel everything; nourishing communities allow for a new future; emergent strategy immersions; a key insight of both pleasure activism and emergent strategies; changing the world through small and consistent actions; a way to overcome our guilt; developing a future where whiteness is not at the center; the conversation between black communities and indigenous communities; being willing to work deep at a small scale and build up.
Jan 10, 202044:34
Asking the Right Questions

Asking the Right Questions

Daniel Christian Wahl speaks with Joanna about: the feeling behind creating regenerative cultures; the potential of the present moment; the paradox between humility and audacity; the key question about human survival; connecting young people with the living practices of regeneration; acting in urgent times with hope and knowledge; changing the underlying narrative of our culture; feeling the identity with the deep mycelial connection; how we see informs what we see; coming together in planetary collaboration to transform our way of being; sitting with a question in the wilderness.
Jan 07, 202059:19
Bringing Breath to Life

Bringing Breath to Life

Will Johnson speaks with Joanna about: Rumi and the practice of eye gazing; remembering the great wide open throught the felt presence of body and breathing; cannabis, an ally in waking up the vibratory presence of the body; cannabis and the spontaneous dance of Shiva; surrendering to breath and awakening the body; the real value of entheogens; the holding pattern of the egoic mind in the body; breath as the common practice to experience the sacred in the three Abrahamic traditions; Buddha’s instruction for breathing through the whole body; the somatic, palpable experience of oneness of the founders of monotheistic religions; a somatic meditation.
Dec 27, 201950:28
The Genesis of Now

The Genesis of Now

Richard Doyle speaks with Joanna about: a life-changing meeting with ayahuasca; transcendental experiences in the classroom; the hijacking of nondual experience by institutionalized religion; detoxifying the patriarchal missapropriation of the Bible; a journey to discover our essential unity with the Divine; reading a text with complicity like a weaving and a dancing; “look within and find your inner banana peel”; remembering our radical intimacy with each other; the joyful work of claiming our freedom.
Dec 06, 201901:05:36
Diamonds from Heaven

Diamonds from Heaven

Chris Bache speaks with Joanna about: the straightforward description of a 20 year journey working with LSD following Stanislav Grof’s protocol; the process of writing down a cosmological adventure; in service of the Great Mother; the meaning of suffering in deep psychedelic exploration and in our evolutionary journey; one of the strongest and recurring themes in this exploration; humanity is approaching a collective awakening; we are built for accelerated evolution, the birth of the Diamond Soul and the Future Human; communing with the mystery of the Beloved; the connection between cosmic love and living oneness; reincarnation and the Diamond Soul; becoming a conscious participant with the mind of the Earth.
Nov 29, 201955:24
A Vital Paradigm for the Future

A Vital Paradigm for the Future

Thomas Roberts speaks with Joanna about: a course on “psychedelic renaissance”; “mindapps” and “mind design”; psychedelics as “ideagens”; the religious use of psychedelics and a new religious reformation; multi-state theory of the human mind, problem-solving and development in different mindbody states; other forms of intelligence in other mindbody states; rare, unusual, even impossible things for our ordinary mindbody state might be symptoms of a deeper and wider reality; mystical experiences and the increase of psychophysical wellness; ayahuasca takes the lead; transcendence is the real healing.
Nov 22, 201949:29
Gaia and Psyche

Gaia and Psyche

Andrew Fellows speaks with Joanna about: Anthropocene, the damage we are inflicting to the planet; the paralel between James Lovelock’s Gaia theory and Carl Jung’s theory of the psyche; the panpsychist view, on the rise; identifying the 3 mechanisms that block our transition to a regenerative culture; discovering Deep Ecology; the unique quest for wholeness, not perfection; the ecological religion of shinto; numinous encounters in Japan and Peru; psychedelics and the profound affinity for trees; evil as absence of goodness versus active principle; the essence of frugality; Brexit, the denial mode of nostalgia; the Chinese story of the bird that grew bigger and bigger..; unus mundus, the underlying unity of mind and matter; the wall of patriarchy and the rebalancing of the feminine, Greta Thunberg, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jacinta Arden; ecological crisis and meaningful suffering; joining the dots of individuation and deep ecology.
Nov 12, 201901:03:56
The First Psychedelic

The First Psychedelic

Mike Jay speaks with Joanna about: a history of the first psychedelic; a long history before Aldous Huxley’s “The Doors of Perception”: Chavín de Huántar, in the Peruvian Andes; the difference between Western approaches and indigenous approaches to these plants; collective, ecstatic bonding; the difference between Huxley and Sartre experiences with mescaline; being with the transfigured world, here and now; Merleau'Ponty and the embodied psychedelic experience; the difference between mescaline and the other psychedelics; the male bias in the Western psychedelic literature; a new generation of women in the psychedelic world; finding a solution beyond the war on drugs; meeting the plants in their own terms.
Nov 01, 201948:10
Our Maternal Lineage

Our Maternal Lineage

Cathy Skipper and Florian Birkmayer speak with Joanna about: the need for healing our ancestral story; plant communication and ancestral lineage; the feminine rising in the embodied energy of our mother lineage; finding out who we are beyond trauma; the alchemy of menopause; the wounding of the feminine in men; the healing of the masculine and feminine in relationship; the synchronistic dance of working with the shadow and finding ancestral information; reconnecting with the palpable, nurturing earth energy of our ancestors.
Oct 22, 201945:50
Finding A Way Home Together

Finding A Way Home Together

Dougald Hine speaks with Joanna about: the genesis of the Dark Mountain project and the manifesto “Uncivilization”; facing the darkness about climate change and going beyond; recovering a sense of how to be a shelter to each other; facing the shadow of cultural poverty in our wealthy culture and finding a way home together; the everyday practice of hospitality and conviviality; the sacred emerging in a space that allows the articulation of darkness and despair; cultural rupture and prophetic words; the future begins at a shared table; imagination, politics and the unfinished struggle in our hearts; a hope that lies in the far side of despair; remembering the truth of initiation into adulthood as a culture.
Oct 11, 201954:37
The Path of Primordial Light

The Path of Primordial Light

Zvi Ish-Shalom speaks with Joanna about: the vast ground of our primordial nature; the direct experience of the Mystery itself; words and the mysticism of sound; healing together the scroll of humankind; his most profound experience of compassion; we are cells of the Earth being; waking up and waking down, the two poles of the spiritual path; the Celestial Mother and the journey of the individual soul; the Path of Primordial Light.
Oct 04, 201946:36
El Tiempo Está Vivo

El Tiempo Está Vivo

Gabriela Jurosz-Landa habla con Joanna acerca de:: una temprana afinidad con la cultura Maya; otra concepción del tiempo en la cultura Maya…y en la antigua cultura europea; el trágico resultado de la desconexión con la naturaleza en la cultura occidental; el calendario Maya Cholqui’j; el sentido cualitativo del tiempo; el día de nuestro nacimiento tiene una resonancia energética concreta con la naturaleza; todo está vivo y comunica con nosotros; “el que conoce su pasado conoce su futuro”; vivir armonizados con la esencia original.
Sep 30, 201913:01
The Aliveness of Time

The Aliveness of Time

Gabriela Jurosz-Landa speaks with Joanna about: the cycles of time and 2012; the concrete, qualitative aliveness of time for the Maya culture; the day we were born determines our animal guardian vibration; a vivid , rich ecology of time; transcendence and transformation through Nature, prayer and vibrant ceremony; communicating with the qualities of time; the initiation process to becoming a Maya daycounter; asking for wisdom from the numinous forces; opening doors through lifting our heart; the place of women in Maya culture and spirituality; opening to new possibilities as a human beings.
Sep 27, 201949:12
A Bursting Heart

A Bursting Heart

Janelle Hardy speaks with Joanna about: breaking through the resistance to write; getting older and letting go of perfectionism; a bursting heart; discovering the mythologies that we’ve been raised in; the taboo of the sensuous; the inarticulate belief systems we inherit; support of the body for writing; an ancestral visitation; lessons from doing carpentry work; tapping into the foundation of those who came before us; the tale of the seal woman, sensitivity and navigating between two worlds.
Sep 21, 201950:49
What We Have Forgotten

What We Have Forgotten

Meggan Watterson speaks with Joannna about: Mary Magdalene, a direct connection to the divine; the discovery of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene; a patriarchy-challenging, heart-expanding form of Christianity; the electryfiyng truth in “Thunder, Perfect Mind”; a personal quest and act of devotion; love and the ultimate and radical equality; the sacredness of Earth; finding the naked truth in all the suppressed voices of women; facing the genocide caused by the shadow of Christianity; the vibrant, embodied gnosis of love; waking up from the seven powers in the ego; what we have forgotten; coming home to love.
Sep 07, 201942:52
Falling in Love with Love

Falling in Love with Love

Loch Kelly speaks with Joanna about: effortless mindfulness, a shift of identity into a more natural level of mind; a direct method of awakening similar in all the wisdom traditions around the world; a democratic, immediate way of shifting into awake awareness; childhood glimpses into a dimension of interconnected, loving, embodied presence; practising awareness yoga; the unique paradox of this approach; a guided glimpse of effortless mindfulness; “small glimpses, many times”; feeling the pain of the world from a boundless tenderness; simple, elegant doorways to freedom; falling in love with love.
Aug 09, 201946:11
Finding Authenticity

Finding Authenticity

Tanya Constantine speaks with Joanna about: memoir as catharsis; who is Eddie Constantine?; an American in Paris; a difficult childhood; a testament to the resilience of the human spirit; being the child of a celebrity; looking for authenticity; a long process of clearing pain and trauma; searching for the truth of one’s identity; the medicine of MDMA; becoming a finder; grounding with the Earth and the Sun; relaxing into who you are; a balance between doing and being; competing with Frank Sinatra and Charles Aznavour; trying to understand.
Aug 05, 201945:39
The Natural State of Being

The Natural State of Being

Jan Van Ysslestyne speaks with Joanna about: the Ulchi culture, people of Eastern Siberia; Doro, an ancient Daoist way of being in the world; technology also comes from Nature; an ancient oral history coming back to Neolithic times; the natural art and skill of shamanizing; an intimate relationship with Nature and the Universe; Nature as a system of complementary and cooperative experience; the paradox of individuation and connection; play, the most important thing that is; everything is a verb; healing is the singing; an ocean of fascinating creation myths; restoring the life force of the soul; natural, effortless perceiving through silent feeling; a spontaneous song by Grandfather Misha.
Jul 30, 201956:33
A Quiet Revolution

A Quiet Revolution

Pip Waller and Lucy Wells speak with Joanna about: plant spirit medicine, all about relationship; the uniqueness of medicine received from plants; re-emergence of our original, ancestral knowing; signs of the cry of the spirit; the loss of our indigenous ways in Europe; the medicine of rootedness; praying to the roots of the one tree; the mesenger plants; an ongoing, humbling process of initiation and service; feeling divinity in nature; Fire, the deep ocean of joy, connection and transformation in living, breathing life; a journey through the Chinese medicine wheel of the year; the ancient, mysterious yew tree.
Jul 19, 201956:40
Words from a Maasai Chief

Words from a Maasai Chief

Maasai Chief Nickson Parmisa speaks with Joanna about: the Maasai way of life; the Maasai origin story and spirituality; the key role of livestock in Maasai life; empowerment for Maasai women today; the challenge of combining traditional life and innovation; leadership in Maasai culture; protectors of wildlife; Acacia Moyo, where tradition meets technology.
Jul 16, 201950:15
Eldering into Hope

Eldering into Hope

Stephen Harrod Buhner is an Earth poet and the award-winning author of books on nature, indigenous cultures, the environment, and herbal medicine. He comes from a long line of healers including Leroy Burney, Surgeon General of the United States under Eisenhower and Kennedy, and Elizabeth Lusterheide, a midwife and herbalist who worked in rural Indiana in the early nineteenth century. The greatest influence on his work, however, has been his great-grandfather C.G. Harrod who primarily used botanical medicines, also in rural Indiana, when he began his work as a physician in 1911. He has been the senior researcher for The Foundation for Gaian Studies for the past 30 years. In that time he has explored Gaia's complex organism interactions and how human beings can reinhabit their interbeing with the Earth, taking their place once more in the circle of life. All of his many books deal with that exploration and what he has discovered on the journey, among others, “Herbal Antivirals, “Healing Lyme: Natural Healing and Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis and Its Co-infections”, “Sacred Plant Medicine”, “The Secret Teachings of Plants”, “Ensouling Language” and “Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm”.
Jul 06, 201949:26
Roots Deeper Than Whiteness

Roots Deeper Than Whiteness

David Dean speaks with Joanna about : the circularity in systems of oppression; the system of domination began dissociating people from the land; the connection between economic exploitation and racism; the roots of white supremacy; the scientification of racism; inquiring into the history of Western culture through developing a summer program integrating basketball with social justice education; the key tool to unlocking white resistance to movements for racial justice and progress; dismantling white privilege for the collective liberation of everyone; a life-changing advice from Fania Davis, Angela Davis’ sister; reconnecting ancestral energy and restorative justice; emotional healing and social justice work; “roots deeper than whiteness”, developing skills for solidarity-based organizing.
Jun 29, 201942:46
The Science of the Sacred

The Science of the Sacred

Nicole Redvers speaks with Joanna about: medicine and the nature of things; the journey of perseverance and community service; the challenge of reconciling two cultures within; an example of the science of the sacred; the modern rediscovery of interconnectedness known to traditional indigenous cultures; epigenetics, trauma and healing; the reverberation of laughter; vibrational medicine and the sound of the Universe; the “grandmother diet”; the holistic wisdom of indigenous systems around the world; ways to reconnect to our original self; our original purpose.
Jun 17, 201942:09
The Medicine of Connection

The Medicine of Connection

George Greer speaks with Joanna about: the work of teaching how to do MDMA-assisted therapy; the unique characteristics of MDMA; the openness of love is always present, fear is a distraction from it; the healing effect of psilocybin in high doses; two stories of healing existential transformation with psilocybin mushrooms; the life-changing summer of 1968; the helpful complementarity of meditation and psychedelic work; MAPS, Heffter Research Institute and the spirit of Esalen; passing on the lineage of Stan Grof and Leo Zeff to the next generation; generosity as the core value of Burning Man; the process of training psychedelic therapists; safety first.
Jun 07, 201948:54
Healing with the Black Mother

Healing with the Black Mother

Alessandra Belloni speaks with Joanna about: growing up with the Black Madonna; the universal Mother is everywhere; the hidden continuity, from Cybele and Isis to the Black Madonna; sacred chants of the Divine Feminine; a life-changing vision of the Black Madonna, feeling other’s people pain and the pain of the Earth; guided to the dancing and singing rituals of the Black Mother in Southern Italy; tammoriatta, the wild communion with the Divine Mother; the sacred erotic; healing the trauma of sexual abuse with the communal spider; Mama Schiavona and the sacred mountain of Montevergine; the ancient tradition of the femminielli; the journey of grief into ecstasy; Black Madonna, revering Mother Earth as a Living Being; a prophetic dream calling to change our relatioship with the Earth; joining inner and outer activism.
Jun 03, 201950:34
The Root of Life

The Root of Life

Larry Glover speaks with Joanna about: the wild resiliency that connects us to the heart of the cosmos; Nature’s capacity for change and transformation; a shift in identity for belonging; falling in love with the Earth; moving beyond rebellion to freedom; a theology of awe and wonder, the mother of all religions; a life-changing meeting with a black bear; Nature lives inside of us; an emerging story of kinship with the planet; a practice of communion with all of life; rediscovering breathing as a door to being present; the integration of peak experiences; the aspen trees and remembering the common root of life.
May 27, 201901:00:36
Peace from the Soil

Peace from the Soil

Emmanuel Karisa Baya speaks with Joanna about: a prayer answered from the soil; his beginnings as a farmer; learning to listen to the soil from the heart; feeling the love from the soil; creating the Magarini Children Center & Organic Demonstration farm; the soil will let you know what to do; from traditional farming to learning organic farming in Japan; natural crop protection; children learning that loving the soil is loving ourselves; supporting 252 children and families; asking the soil for water in a long draught; learning conflict resolution at the Deep Democracy Institute; the singing of the plants; recreating the broken relationaship with nature through the trees; singing back peace.
May 18, 201953:15
Life is Art

Life is Art

Stepehen Nachmanovitch speaks with Joanna about: interdependence, the source of improvising; the poetic genius of Thich Nhat Hanh, emptiness is interbeing; the dance of the secular and the sacred; fluidity makes things new; breathing and time; the gateway to living life as art; mistakes create extraordinary things; the circularity of leadership; allowing oneself to have a fresh perception of objects or processes; the life-affirming power of beauty; how an experimental musician changed a small town for the better; life is art itself.
May 11, 201951:21
Radical Authenticity

Radical Authenticity

Leslie M Browning speaks with Joanna about: learning to move forward with traumatic experiences; healing is a journey; making meaning out of the loss; connected in vulnerability; the healing magic and beauty of the Southwest; the solace and nurturance of the “wild silence”; embracing our complexity; the daily practice of radical acceptance; poetry and memoir, soul and life journey; sharing our stories in the radical authenticity community.
Apr 26, 201946:40
The Ecstasy of Nature

The Ecstasy of Nature

Steven Herrmann speaks with Joanna about: an American poet shoulder to shoulder with Walt Whitman; a traiblazer of women’s rights; the importance of listening to our own authentic voice; the integrity of language; a visionary of ecstatic states through language and Nature; she expanded the understanding of our embeddedness in the complexity of Earth and its natural rhythms; tasting an ecstatic elixir in the garden; bringing a female voice to spiritual democracy; a breaker of all bounds of normative stereotypes; a brave explorer of consciousness; the resurrection of the world.
Apr 20, 201955:53
Gratitude Changes Everything

Gratitude Changes Everything

Evelyn Rysdyk speaks with Joanna about: Bhumi Devi, a divine feminine being called Earth; a mythopoetic image for supporting Mother Earth; embraced by the Earth family and the Cosmos; a very tangible connection to the deepest ancestors; the longing for re-membering Nature and each other; the elder role of a spiritual tradition; the sense of caring in Nepalese culture; a joyful expression of the sanctity of life; the soulwork of changing our perception; celebrating the sensory world and the wider world surrounding it; altering our trajectory in a joyful way; the gift of gratitude to Nature.
Apr 12, 201949:32
Freeing Mystery

Freeing Mystery

Judith Blackstone speaks with Joanna about about: the natural experience of fundamental consciousness; trauma and the constrictions in our body; the ripening of our humanness; the increasing recognition of the importance of embodiment in contemporary spirituality; opening ourselves to a blend of love, awareness and physical sensation; the spontaneous arising of self-love deep within; “form is emptiness, emptiness is form” describes the permeability of consciousness; the gateway of the central channel; the healing property of fundamental consciousness; a lifetime of embodied exploration; her mysterious healing experience; a breathing meditation in the core of ourselves.
Apr 05, 201951:47