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The Golden Soul

The Golden Soul

By Gabriella Lopardo

Hello beautiful soul ! This will be a space for real raw and vulnerable conversations. On The Golden Soul, we will be discussing a variety of topics that include healing, spirituality, subconscious reprogramming, self development, all things self love and so much more. I know this journey can feel lonely at times and that's why I wanted to create a space to share authentically, express with an open heart and most importantly, connect with you. Whatever the reason is that brought you here, I hope you find everything you are looking for and more! Love & light
Currently playing episode

Ep 01. Hello Golden Soul ☼

The Golden Soul Aug 17, 2022

Ep 15. Breaking This Stigma Of Therapy With Stefanie

Ep 15. Breaking This Stigma Of Therapy With Stefanie

In today's Episode of The Golden Soul I have a special guest on, my dear friend Stefanie. Stefanie is a Licensed Professional Counselor and the owner of Beautiful Mind Counseling Center. She is passionate about helping her clients identify and implement coping strategies to assist in handling stressors and challenges they may face in their day-to-day lives. In this episode we talk about all things therapy- breaking the stigma around therapy, how to find the right therapist for you, how spirituality and mental health can coexist, our own healing and so much more. Stefanie truly has been a light on my own journey and continues to facilitate healing for all through guidance towards deeper self discovery. This girl has a huge heart and holds such a natural empathic energy, I just know you will love her as much as I do! I hope you enjoy this one

Apr 07, 202301:07:10
Ep 14. Trusting The Highs And Lows Of Life

Ep 14. Trusting The Highs And Lows Of Life

An episode all around surrendering to the highs and lows of life. Trusting that all life experiences serve a greater purpose, and that purpose being deeper growth and self expansion. It all is part of our greater plan here. The more we lean into what life gives us, the more we are able to trust that it is happening for us. As we surrender, we let go, and as we let go, we let life flow. When we let life flow, life because a beautiful experience of abundance & gratitude. The dance of life we get to practice over and over again . I hope you enjoy this one

Feb 08, 202327:54
Ep 13. Social Media, Body Image And Comparison With Real With Emma
Jan 18, 202301:14:18
Ep 12. 2022 Lessons & 2023 Intentions

Ep 12. 2022 Lessons & 2023 Intentions

2022 is near and dear to my heart! So many pivotal moments within my life that has allowed me to shed the old and welcome in the new. In today's episode, I dive deep into my learnings from this past year and exactly what I am taking away from 2022. Reflection is one of my favorite things to do and there is nothing like the end of a beautiful year to do that. I also go into some of my 2023 intentions for the new year. Sometimes a new year can feel daunting, overwhelming and intimidating, I challenge you to step more into a feeling state as to how you want to feel in 2023. It doesn't have to take a new year to make a change, it can happen in a single moment. The larger picture is that change is a choice. With that my love, I hope you enjoy this episode and gain something from it. Happy New Year

Jan 12, 202345:17
Ep 11. Where I Have Been, The Doing Trap & Flow State

Ep 11. Where I Have Been, The Doing Trap & Flow State

Boy it has been a minute, but a break was needed and I will explain everything in today's Episode.  I talk all about my own process in unlearning the trap of doing more to feel worthy and good enough. I touch on my experience in healing and learning to discerning between what serves me and what was there to fill a void. I also talk about how I tap into the flow state to find more authentic balance within my life to feel pure happiness. This one is a bit all over the place, but my mind has felt messy so it is a reflection of that ! As always, thank you guys for listening... Sending you love & light

Jan 04, 202342:28
Ep 10. My Experience With Grieving A Heartbreak

Ep 10. My Experience With Grieving A Heartbreak

In today's episode I get super vulnerable in sharing my experience with the grief that comes with a heartbreak. This one is extremely personal and vulnerable, even for this girl ! I share openly and honestly about the importance of processing emotions fully throughout grief  while diving deep into trusting the journey along the way. Heartbreak is never easy, but knowing that there is always a silver lining around the corner allows for more comfort and bigger picture thinking through trust. I barely scratched the surface here with what I could have said regarding lessons and tools to help in the process of healing. I would be open to recording a series of some sort so any and all feedback would be lovely. As always, thank you guys for listening... Sending you love & light

Nov 03, 202238:04
Ep 09. Reconnecting with your Moon Cycle, Feminine Energy & Conscious Relationships with Mikayla Policella

Ep 09. Reconnecting with your Moon Cycle, Feminine Energy & Conscious Relationships with Mikayla Policella

My first podcast guest and she happens to be one of my favorite souls; my dear friend Mikayla Policella. Mikayla has been a mentor of mine throughout the past year and has guided me on my self evolution journey. She is a soon to be therapist in the spirituality space with a passion for helping women heal in all forms: emotionally, physically and spiritually. In today's episode we talk all about feminine energy, the wounded masculine and feminine in relationship, our moon cycle, conscious coupling, getting off the pill and reconnecting with your body. Specifically, we dive deep into understanding our moon cycle and the beautiful intuitive knowledge women can gain when connecting with it. She shares with us details of each phase during our moon cycle and how to honor ourselves as women within this time. We also discuss healing as a wounded feminine and attracting in a healed masculine, getting off hormonal birth control and stepping into our femininity. Mikayla has a wealth of knowledge and does not hold back in this episode. It is packed with so much great information, ladies get your pen and paper out because I am sure you will learn a lot through Mikayla's words.  

Mik has a passion for helping humanity heal as a whole and it shows through her effortless guidance in this episode.  She sheds light through her own healing by sharing her story and guiding others on this journey of life. She is special beyond words and I know you will gain something from her expression

To connect or work with Mikayla, you can find her on twitter: @mikaylaxcvi and IG: @mikaylapolicella.

Book recommendations : 

Period Repair Manual: Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods

The Way of the Superior Man

Oct 26, 202201:07:28
Ep 08. Solitude For The Soul

Ep 08. Solitude For The Soul

In this week's episode of The Golden Soul, I talk all about a topic that has been huge on my self-development journey : Solitude. Spending almost one full year alone, healing, peeling back the layers, unlearning to then relearn who I truly authentically am, all of it has been extremely expansive on my personal joinery of life. I go into the specific details as to why I have taken so much time to myself and the massive changes I have seen in my life since doing so. This is a topic I am extremely passionate about, especially after seeing and feeling what solitude has done for my overall life. I spoke fully from my heart here and that's why this episode is easily my favorite podcast episode yet- I hope you love it too !

Oct 19, 202236:32
Ep 07. Romanticize Your Life Baby

Ep 07. Romanticize Your Life Baby

In this week's podcast episode I talk about the biggest buzz right now - romanticizing your life. I discuss 5 things I do within my everyday life to make the simple moments feel special. When we focus on the small things to feel grateful for, we start to live an embodied life through that feeling of gratitude. It’s an energy you can feel. You can tell when someone is living in alignment with gratitude because of the genuine happiness they exude, not because of what they have, but because of how they choose to view what they have. 
Choosing to look at life through the lens of gratitude is how you attract more to be grateful for. Even during more difficult moments in life, if you can find one thing to feel grateful for, it will be the light that leads you back to love.  Romanticizing your life and making it feel special within the every day is secret to living a life in alignment with love. 

Oct 05, 202236:46
Ep 06. Let Compassion Set You Free

Ep 06. Let Compassion Set You Free

In this week's episode, I talk all about my favorite thing in the world : Compassion. Compassion allows you to see life through a lens of “people are doing the best they can with what they have”.

This isn’t a way to bypass any emotional hurt someone inflicted onto you, but it is more so a way of not taking on that hurt from someone else’s internal world and making it a reflection of you.

The saying “people can only meet you to the depth in which they have met themselves” and there is so much truth behind these words. Everything is a projection. Hurt people hurt people. So when someone inflicts that pain onto you through projection, it’s in your highest good to see through the project and see the hurt person underneath. This allows us to see people for who they actually are, which is always love buried underneath the pain. Compassion, empathy, understanding energy, love, etc are all things we can offer when someone is projecting onto us and vice versa.

Although this takes a heightened level of self awareness, it is truly one of the only ways to set yourself free from others actions. Others wrongdoing is always a reflection of how they feel about themself.Compassion is a super power. Once you have it, you are able to view it all as a reflection of others' inner self love (and vice versa). And when you do this, you set yourself free. Compassion sets you free from others' projections. Compassion leads to forgiveness. Those hurting need love & light the most in this world, be that light by offering them healing space that is created through your healed soul. This is how we will heal the world one person at a time

Sep 28, 202236:12
Ep 05. 5 Steps To Cultivating Self-Love

Ep 05. 5 Steps To Cultivating Self-Love

In this week's episode, I share 5 steps I've taken to cultivate a loving relationship with self. Choosing to work on my relationship with myself has single handedly been the most transformative experience of my life. Loving self means making choices in alignment with your true worth + value.
 Without love for self, we settle ... in our career, relationships, wellbeing and overall choices made in life. This world teaches you to search external for everything you could ever want in the lifetime. Truth is, it's all within us. The more love you have for self, the more you will be able to feel that love throughout your everyday life experience. Everything starts from within. 
I have seen my life flourish in ways I never knew was possible since focusing on my relationship with myself. Specifically, these 5 steps have allowed me to create the most nourishing, caring and loving relationship possible with myself. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I loved recording it

Sep 14, 202226:49
Ep 04. Everything Starts With Self-Love

Ep 04. Everything Starts With Self-Love

In this week's episode, I talk about the embodiment of self-love. This world, especially society teaches us to search external for everything we could ever want in this lifetime. Truth is, it's all within us. We can all experience life in this beautiful flow state, if we turn inward to find what we have been searching for this entire time, and that is a love our soul deeply desires from self. Next episode will be 5 action steps to take when cultivating a deeper sense of self-love. In the meantime enjoy this episode about all things self-love and the importance of creating an unbreakable relationship with self

Sep 07, 202222:11
Ep 03. Set Yourself Free With Inner Child Work

Ep 03. Set Yourself Free With Inner Child Work

In this week's episode, I dive deep into all things inner child work: what it is, how it works and why it has been a catalyst for growth on my healing journey. The only way to heal the abandonment wound from childhood is to stop abandoning yourself. Healing the abandonment wound means reconnecting with that child within that has felt abandoned by you. When our inner child is wounded, we continuously seek approval, validation, love and everything else from sources external from us to fill that void. Healing and reconnecting with your inner child allows them to then feel safe, seen and loved by the one person who they wanted it from all along, ourselves. Without healing our inner child, they have the ability to subconsciously control so many aspects of our life to attempt to get their needs met. This is the deepest work I have ever done with myself but also the most transformative. The more I reconnect with the wounded child within, the more I heal as an adult. By reparenting and becoming what your inner child needed as a child, you fill that void you have been seeking externally. Giving yourself, specifically your inner child all of the love you always wanted from others is how you heal the root of the trauma. Going back to the source, reparenting and loving them through those difficult emotions is how they can rebuild that trust. There will be MANY inner child work episodes to come, this is the work that has given me true peace and love in my life. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I loved recording it ... love & light

Aug 31, 202231:13
Ep 02. How I’ve Regained Trust In The Universe

Ep 02. How I’ve Regained Trust In The Universe

In my first full episode, I dive deep into my own personal experience with trusting the universe. How a more difficult time in my life, ended up being a catalyst for my growth, allowing me to become the woman I have always wanted to be. I've learned to truly trust, surender and believe that we are all being guided towards what is meant for us. You can't connect the dots moving forward, only backwards - I know this from my own journey. At the end of the episode I go into a few tangible tools that have allowed me to connect with source. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I loved recording it & remember, the universe always has your back. Love & light

Aug 24, 202230:36
Ep 01. Hello Golden Soul ☼

Ep 01. Hello Golden Soul ☼

Hello beautiful ! Thank you for being here and welcome to The Golden Soul. So excited to finally be launching my first ever episode where I go over what you can expect from this podcast These conversations will be real, raw and vulnerable while being a space for all to heal. I will be launching a new episode every Wednesday 10:00 am EST. Whatever the reason is that brought you here, I hope you find everything you are looking for and more! So much gratitude for you, wishing you love & light
Aug 17, 202210:46