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Finding Hyer Ground

Finding Hyer Ground

By Gadi Hyer

Messianic Jewish Perspectives on Modern Day Events.
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Episode XIV - The Holy Spirit - Rüakh HaKodesh (רוח הקודש) - "He", "She" or "It"?! A Bible Study!

Finding Hyer GroundSep 02, 2022

Episode XXIV "Does The Church Suffer From An Easter Infection?"

Episode XXIV "Does The Church Suffer From An Easter Infection?"

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in this podcast are personal and belong to the content creator. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual. Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to something different. Shalom Aleikhem, my dear listeners, both believer & non believer alike! It's your humble servant from Seattle, the manic messianic, coming back to you with yet another eye opening podcast of Finding Hyer Ground! Since the Jewish feast of Passover has been upon us once again at the end of April, I figured I'd touch on the subject, explaining what Passover actually is and also, what it is NOT! You might ask yourself "Self, what in the WORLD does a Jewish festival like Passover have anything to do with Jesus?!" Well, my dear friends, the answer to that question is "EVERYTHING!!!" After all, Messiah Yeshua IS The Lamb of ADONAI, come to take away the sin of the world! Passover is first found in Exodus, Chapter 12 and Sha'ul (Paul) speaks of the Pesakh (Passover) in 1st Cor. 5:7 [7] "...Get rid of the old hametz, so that you can be a new batch of dough, because in reality you are unleavened. For our Pesach lamb, the Messiah, has been sacrificed. [8] So let us celebrate the Seder not with leftover hametz, the hametz of wickedness and evil, but with the matzah of purity and truth..." Here we clearly see Pesakh פסח (Passover) clearly mentioned by Sha'ul as the reason to remove the leaven (sin) in our lives. We know through the Brit HaKhadashah (New Testament) that Messiah Yeshua was both crucified and resurrected during this Pesakh פסח Passover festival. Now that we've started to get an idea of what Pesakh Passover is, it's time to ask if there's a connection between the 'Jewish' Passover and the 'Christian' Easter...? If so, what is it...?! How on earth did we go from Matzah and Yeshua to bunnies and eggs, which happen to be pagan symbols of fertility? All of these answers to these questions and more on this upcoming episode XXIV, Part One of my three-part series concerning the connection between Passover and Messiah Yeshua, with Part Two - Episode XXV - being about the TRUE timeline of the crucifixion and resurrection of Yeshua and destroying the myth of 'Good Friday' and Part Three - Episode XXVI - will touch upon the Communion Connection and how the Christian Communion is in fact a micro Passover Seder! I hope you all enjoy this podcast, my dear listeners, believers and non believers alike, and I pray that Rüakh HaKodesh Holy Spirit reveal more of ADONAI's Truth to you through it! Glory be to יהוה אלוהים, His Anointed One and Rüakh HaKodesh Holy Spirit Who raised Him from the dead!
May 06, 202456:58
Episode XXIII - Everything You Always Wanted to Know About The Gospel (But Were Afraid to Ask*)

Episode XXIII - Everything You Always Wanted to Know About The Gospel (But Were Afraid to Ask*)

*Not really EVERYTHING but it sure made you look! Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in this podcast are personal and belong to the content creator. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual. Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to something different. Welcome Honduras! 🇭🇳 In this podcast episode, I will be presenting a topic of discussion that I probably should have brought up quite a while back and perhaps even started #FindingHyerGround with. You've often heard me talk about something called "The Good News" or "Gospel" in connection with the Person - Messiah Yeshua. It had suddenly dawned on me 22 episodes down the road that I really hadn't broken down in greater depth this topic and attempt to answer some basic questions: What exactly IS this "Good News" that I keep on ranting about? Good News about what? Why is it SO important, to such a level that people have forsaken their own lives for it...? Why does Yeshua Himself empower the Good News to the same level as Himself like He does in Mark 8:35? As we look together deeper into this subject, we will come to discover not only the supreme importance of this Good News, but also how it stems and grows out from the Hebrew TaNaKh תנ"ך, cleverly and clandestine hidden in plain sight through the Torah, Prophets & Scriptures. I say 'cleverly hidden in plain sight' because once an individual has an actual spiritual encounter with Yeshua Jesus in their lives life and realizes that the Brit HaKhadashah New Covenant is real and true, it's absolutely impossible to NOT see Messiah Yeshua present through the ENTIRE narrative of the Word of ADONAI. This "Good News" (in Hebrew "B'soRah בשורה) is, in fact, the culmination of the Hebrew TaNaKh תנ"ך because the Hebrew Old Testament incessantly alludes to Messiah Yeshua throughout via prophetic Christophanies. Yet what's equally significant is that, first and foremost, the New Testament Brít Hakhadashah is 100% Jewish, through and through. Written by mostly Jews and targeted to the Jew ESPECIALLY yet of EQUAL importance to the Gentile, "...the central figure of of the New Testament, Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) is a Jew, born into a Jewish family in Beit Lekhem (Bethlehem), grows up amongst Jews in Natzeret (Nazareth), ministered to Jews in the Galil (Galilee) and died and rose from the grave on the Jewish holiday of Pesakh (Passover) in the Jewish capital, Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) - all of this happens in Eretz Isra'El (The Land of Israel), the land that ADONAI gave to the Jews." (Paraphrased from Stern's introduction to the Complete Jewish Study Bible). I say that Yeshua IS a Jew because He is STILL ALIVE and sitting at the Right Hand of YHVH. NOWHERE in Scripture does it ever suggest that He stopped being Jewish. His twelve closest friends were Jews and His disciples which numbered in the "tens of thousands" in Jerusalem alone were all predominantly Jews. HaBrít Hakhadashah was entirely written by Jews (Luke was a Gentile turned Jew (proselyte)) and its message is targeted "to the Jew ESPECIALLY, but EQUALLY to the Gentile." (Romans 1:16). It's LONG overdue for the people who introduced the Good News of Salvation to the world, to receive it back in the same Jewishness it was given! This vital Jewishness had been lost through the centuries through misteaching and resentment towards the Jews and the time for rectification has come! I pray you are blessed in the Wisdom of ADONAI in this latest installment of Finding Hyer Ground. Thank you so very much for listening and please leave a good word if you feel so inclined! Thank you for your support! ADONAI bless you and keep you!
Mar 20, 202453:29
Episode XXII - "Who in the Heck is Malkitzedek?! (And Why Is He So Important...?!) - A Bible Study

Episode XXII - "Who in the Heck is Malkitzedek?! (And Why Is He So Important...?!) - A Bible Study

Shalom, my dear listeners, believer and nonbeliver alike! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year celebration! Happy 2024! 🎉 In this episode, I will finally touch on the topic of a most elusive and mysterious Biblical figure - Malkitzedek (Melchizedek). Only making an appearance for a brief moment in the book of Genesis but leaving an everlasting imprint throughout the entire Scripture, the origins of this person have been a mystery for millennia! After some diligent research, I might have uncovered the mystery, though the reveal just might bring up even more questions (that usually happens!) This episode is one Biblical roller-coaster! Also, get ready to deep dive into the Epistle of Messianic Jews (Hebrews) as I read for you the first half of the Epistle (chapters 1 - 8) in order to present a bigger, clearer portrayal of the great importance of the double role of Malkitzedek. I do hope you enjoy this episode and that hopefully you hear Rüakh HaKodesh Holy Spirit speaking to your spirit through my words. Humbly yours, the manic messianic! Also, I'd like to welcome my latest country to join my international list - Welcome to Columbia 🇨🇴 Bosnia & Herzegovina 🇧🇦! May ADONAI shine His Light upon you all! Blessings & Shalom!שלום
Jan 09, 202401:21:50
Episode XXI - שר שלום - The Prince of Peace - وزير السلام

Episode XXI - שר שלום - The Prince of Peace - وزير السلام

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in this podcast are personal and belong to the content creator. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual. Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to something different! Shalom, my dear listeners from all over the world! Welcome Iraq 🇮🇶 & Nigeria 🇳🇬 ! Shalom be upon you all, in Messiah Yeshua's Name! In this episode, I could not help but discuss the impact of the Israel/HAMAS war has had on me as an Israeli citizen, a veteran of the IDF (Israel Defence Force) AND also as a Jewish believer in Messiah Yeshua! This podcast might surprise you by going in an unexpected direction! I am here to spread His Good News and the heart of His Good News is His love and peace, after all! Also, I will be sharing my experience visiting a new local church here in Seattle by the name of The Pursuit - Seattle and the surprise I had in store for me while attending Sunday evening service on November 5th! Let's just say I got to see a VERY interesting person - the Green Prince himself - Mosab Hassan Yousef, also known as 'The Son of HAMAS'! I am a very big fan of him, his life story and his life changing testimony! I will also share with you my way of diffusing an argument through the help of Rüakh HaKodesh with a dear brother of mine regarding this topic of the Israel/HAMAS war. Very sad this had to happen this way. His name isn't important, that I still love him as my brother in Messiah Yeshua, does! Also, I make a plea to the Arabs of the world to reconsider things in life. It should never be perceived as a threat but a genuine call to think things through and think about Yeshua as an option. He came and willingly gave His life up for you, too! Perhaps one day you will have peace in knowing that Messiah Yeshua alone IS the Prince of Peace and ONLY He can and will bring peace to the Middle East! I hope this podcast episode blesses you all! In Spirit and in Truth, with loving urgency! Shalom! - the manic messianic! Here is the included link to the event at The Pursuit - Seattle with Mosab Hassan Yousef 👇🏻 أصدقائي الأعزاء. هذه ليست عملية احتيال أو أي شكل من أشكال الخداع. هذه دعوة حقيقية ودعوة من يهودي أنقذه المسيح يسوع من خطيته، لكي تعيد النظر في حياتك ومكانتك أمام الخالق الحقيقي، إله اليهود. لقد أرسل ابنه الوحيد، يسوع المسيح، الذي هو خالق الكون، وُلد كإنسان لتحقيق أكثر من 300 نبوءة مسيانية في الكتاب المقدس العبري وإزالة خطيتك حتى تتمكن من أن تكون واحدًا مع خالق الكون. إنه الطريق الوحيد للسلام لأنه أمير السلام. الله هو الحياة والمحبة والسلام، وليس الموت والكراهية والحرب. أدعو الله أن يكشف لك روح الله القدوس حقيقته الأبدية، حتى تتمكن من الحصول على الأمل والحياة على أكمل وجه. بارك الله فيكم وحفظكم؛ ليشرق وجهه عليك ويرحمك. يرفع الله وجهه عليك ويعطيك السلام باسم المسيح يسوع. חברים יקרים. זו אינה הונאה או כל צורה של הונאה. זוהי קריאה והזמנה אמיתית מיהודי שניצל מחטאו על ידי משיח ישוע, לשקול מחדש את חייך ואת עמדתך בפני הבורא האמיתי, אלוהי היהודים. הוא שלח את בנו יחידו, ישוע המשיח, שהוא בורא היקום, שנולד כבן אדם כדי להגשים למעלה מ-300 נבואות משיחיות בתנ"ך העברי ולהסיר את חטאך כדי שתוכל להיות אחד עם בורא היקום. הוא הדרך היחידה לשלום כי הוא נסיך השלום. אלוהים הוא חיים, אהבה ושלום, לא מוות, שנאה ומלחמה. אני מתפלל שרוח הקודש של אלוהים תגלה לך את האמת הנצחית שלו, כדי שתהיה לך תקווה וחיים במלואם. יברכך ה' וישמרך; יאר ה' פניו אליך ויחנך; ישא ה' פניו אליך וישם לך שלום; בשם המשיח ישוע.
Nov 23, 202301:00:32
Episode XX - "Stop Loving Israel to Death!" - The 'Hired Hand' that is Pastor John Hagee (CUFI)"

Episode XX - "Stop Loving Israel to Death!" - The 'Hired Hand' that is Pastor John Hagee (CUFI)"

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in this podcast are personal and belong to the content creator. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual. Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to DIFFERENT. Shalom, my dear listeners! In this Two Year, Episode XX of Finding Hyer Ground, apart from sharing my personal lessons and experiences from deep worship, I've decided to bring to your attention a great example of false doctrine that's being taught amongst Christians, coming from a one pastor John Hagee of 'Christians United for Israel' ministries. VERY upsetting stuff!

A dire warning from our Rabbi... 👇🏻

“Beware of the false prophets! They come to you wearing sheep’s clothing, but underneath they are hungry wolves! You will recognize them by their fruit. Can people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every healthy tree produces good fruit, but a poor tree produces bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, or a poor tree good fruit. Any tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire! So you will recognize them by their fruit. “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only those who do what My Father in Heaven wants. On that Day, many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord! Didn’t we prophesy in Your Name? Didn’t we expel demons in Your Name? Didn’t we perform many miracles in Your Name?’ Then I will tell them to their faces, ‘I never knew you! Get away from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’

Mattityahu (Mat) 7:15‭-‬23 CJB

Pastor John Hagee has taken it upon himself to teach falsehoods that go against the very words of Paul and, even more importantly, Messiah Yeshua Himself. My good friend, Dr. Eitan Bar who is the former director of One For Israel ministries, wrote a letter of loving rebuke against this teaching and I felt compelled to join him and share with you just exactly what he's teaching and why it's not just wrong but heresy and blasphemy!

Oh, brother Hagee, we love you with Messiah Yeshua's love but I call you to repent from your false teaching! Stop loving Israel to death! We are praying for you! 🙏🏻🤍🕊️😔

What does pastor Hagee say that's so theologically outrageous...?! Tap that play button and find out!

Here's the link to the actual article from!

May Rüakh HaKodesh enlighten you with ADONAI's great wisdom! Be strengthened and blessed in the Name of Messiah Yeshua! 👑✡️✝️🙌🏻🙏🏻🤍🕊️🔥
Sep 18, 202301:19:44
Episode XIX 'ג "The Tri-Unity (NOT Trinity) in the Hebrew TaNaKh תנ"ך - Part III - The Conclusion"

Episode XIX 'ג "The Tri-Unity (NOT Trinity) in the Hebrew TaNaKh תנ"ך - Part III - The Conclusion"

Shalom, my dear listeners! Welcome back to the third and final part of Episode XIX! Here, we will explore an article put together by my brothers & sisters at Jews For Jesus ( discussing the very nature of the previous two episodes - Is the triune character of ADONAI ELOHIM in fact in the Hebrew TaNaKh (Old Testament) or is it something that was invented by Christianity...? Bringing together all the talking points I've touched upon in the previous installments of Episode XIX, this third conclusive part will tie everything up nicely, connect all the dots and leave you with the staggering conclusion that in fact the Tri-Unity of YHVH is Jewish and BIBLICAL throughout the entire TaNaKh תנ"ך. May Rüakh HaKodesh bless you through this discovery! Enjoy and may Messiah Yeshua bless you in His abundance of favor, grace and mercy! Included below is the link to the article from J4J!
Jul 31, 202349:26
Episode XIX 'ב - The Tri-Unity (NOT Trinity) in the Hebrew TaNaKh תנ"ך - Part II

Episode XIX 'ב - The Tri-Unity (NOT Trinity) in the Hebrew TaNaKh תנ"ך - Part II

Shalom be upon you, my dear listeners! In this second installment of Episode XIX, I will tell you about the MOST interesting Bible study in the passage of Genesis 18:22-33 that I had with one of my best friends in life and brother in Messiah Yeshua of 17 years and counting - LesPaul Stewart of Greeley, CO. Together we stumbled upon a mystery represented in the actual typeface of the text itself, pertaining specifically to the words 'ADONAI', 'Adonai', 'YHVH (יהוה) and ELOHIM (God). This discovery and the conclusions LesPaul & I have come to in reference to the Tri-Unity of YHVH ELOHIM יהוה אלוהים - Abbah Father, The Holy One of Israel, The Son of YHVH & Rüakh HaKodesh The Holy Spirit, are all here in this (hopefully) enlightening episode! Also, there's a small surprise at the very end! I do hope and pray that this episode blesses you and makes Messiah Yeshua even more tangible in your lives, dear friends, brothers & sisters! Enjoy! 👑✡️✝️🙌🏻🙏🏻🤍🕊️🔥😊
Jul 16, 202350:56
Episode XIX 'א - The Tri-Unity (NOT Trinity) in the Hebrew TaNaKh - תנ"ך

Episode XIX 'א - The Tri-Unity (NOT Trinity) in the Hebrew TaNaKh - תנ"ך

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in this podcast are personal and belong to the content creator. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual. Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to DIFFERENT. Shalom, my dear listeners, believers & non-believers alike! For those who are still searching, I hope and pray that ADONAI has made Himself apparent in your life! For those who have already found Him, I pray that He has been most gracious to you! Please come join me as I attempt to explain just what IS God exactly and also to explore the phenomenon that is more commonly referred to as the Trinity, though upon closer inspection the term Tri-Unity would be much more accurate! The God of the Bible is The One Most Supreme God that is made up of three aspects: Abbah Father יהוה, The Only Begotten Son יהוה - Messiah Yeshua and last but DEFINITELY not least Rüakh HaKodesh The Holy Spirit יהוה. These three aspects of יהוה are One by unity rather than numeric value. But is this something that Christianity made up? Or is it hiding in the Biblical Hebrew language, otherwise unavailable to the English speaker...? Come with me - the manic messianic - as I unravel this mystery through my own experiences that have been granted to me by Rüakh HaKodesh and through studies I've done in the Hebrew Bible! I hope you gain wisdom, understanding and insight to comprehending His Word! Blessings and enjoy!
May 19, 202301:00:46
Episode XVIII: "You Are Being LIED to!" - An introduction to "What is the Truth?"

Episode XVIII: "You Are Being LIED to!" - An introduction to "What is the Truth?"

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in this podcast are personal and belong to the content creator. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual. Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to DIFFERENT. Shalom, my dear listeners from all over the world! I've been away from you for far too long and the Manic Messianic is back with yet another juicy podcast episode full of biblical knowledge we can sink our teeth into! In this episode, yours truly will be discussing the fact that the world around you and the crushing majority of everything you're exposed to is lying to you! Shocking, isn't it?! But it's to be expected from a world that has fallen into deception by the Adversary, who is the god of this world, according to 2nd Corinthians 4:4, who is the Father of Lies! We shouldn't be so surprised to find out that everything in the world is deceptive and that our government, mainstream media and entertainment industry lie to us every day about everything! There's only ONE guaranteed Truth in this world and life of ours and that would be none other than Messiah Yeshua, Himself. Yokhanan 14:6 states that He is The Truth! Yokhanan 17:17 states that His Word is Truth! If you're brave enough to embark on your quest to learn what the 'uncomfortable' Truth is, then hit that play button, friend! Also, yours truly will be delving into the Chapter V of "Reading Moses - Seeing Jesus", the amazing book put together by my friends at, titled "The Adam-Israel Connection!" Here, we will see very interesting parallels between Adam's role of tending the Garden of Eden and Israel tending the Land of K'Na'an (Canaan). These parallels will lead us deeper and further into the revelation of how the Torah points directly to the Salvation that is attainable ONLY through the King of the Jews, ADONAI in flesh and blood - Messiah Yeshua המשיח ישוע! May Rüakh HaKodesh רוח הקודש bless you with the presence of ADONAI through this podcast! Enjoy! 👑✡️✝️🙌🏻🙏🏻🤍🕊️🔥
Mar 22, 202359:52
Episode XVII - Humility: A Quickstart Guide - Part II - Crumbs from The Master's Table

Episode XVII - Humility: A Quickstart Guide - Part II - Crumbs from The Master's Table

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in this podcast are personal and belong to the content creator. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual. Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to DIFFERENT. Shalom, my dear listener! Welcome back to this new episode and my first ever episode of 2023, discussing further the broad topic of Humility in Scripture. After giving you a brief lesson in the structure of the Jewish calendar, I explore an article regarding the etymology of the Hebrew words 'Ani/'Anav (עני/עניו), Shaphel (שפל) and Cana' (כנע), all three depict different types of Humility found in Scripture, courtesy of my good friends at Then we look deeper into the passage I share with you from Dvar ADONAI (The Word of ADONAI), which is Matthew 15:21-28 and focus upon the Canaanite woman who begs for the attention and mercy of The Rabbi, only to get compared to a dog! If you think Yeshua is pleasant, warm & cuddly all the time, you have the wrong Yeshua! Why did Messiah Yeshua compare this poor woman to a dog and is there a deeper message in this story pertaining to the Body of Messiah that is overlooked? Don't stay wondering! Hit that play button and come find out! If you like what you hear, please feel free to leave a comment (be nice!) or even ask me a question! May Yeshua's Shalom be with you at all times!
Jan 20, 202301:01:57
Episode XVI: Humility - A Quickstart Guide!

Episode XVI: Humility - A Quickstart Guide!

Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to DIFFERENT. Shalom!שלום Welcome back to yet another episode of Finding Hyer Ground! So glad you could make it! Humility. What is it and why is it important? I took some time to ask from Rüakh HaKodesh (רוח הקודש) to show me what humility is and boy, oh BOY, did I get a lesson! This episode is merely an introduction on the subject, defining what biblical humility is while taking a closer look at some key Hebrew words and examples of humility in the Word of ADONAI. There will definitely be other podcasts discussing the matter as I, with the councel of Rüakh HaKodesh & my Brother in Messiah of 16 years and counting LesPaul Stewart of Greeley, Colorado, discovered at least six different aspects of biblical humility and I'm convinced that there's a seventh one since The Rabbi has this certificate obsession with the number seven... 🤭 I pray that Rüakh HaKodesh show me more when Abbah is ready to reveal it to me! I do hope and pray that you receive blessings from this podcast episode and I ask for Abbah to anoint it through His Rüakh HaKodesh, in Messiah Yeshua's Name! Thank you for taking your time to listen and PLEASE leave a comment or ask me a question! If Rüakh HaKodesh leads you to contribute to my humble mission to make the most famous Jew in history even MORE famous, follow the corresponding link and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Todah Rabbah! תודה רבה 🙏🏻🤍🕊️ (Special thanks to and
Dec 08, 202255:22
Episode XV "Reading Moses - Seeing Jesus: Chapter 4: The Creation Mandate" from @oneforisrael

Episode XV "Reading Moses - Seeing Jesus: Chapter 4: The Creation Mandate" from @oneforisrael

Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to DIFFERENT. !שלום Shalom! In this episode of FHG, I do a little bit of a follow-up on my previous Episode XIV dealing with Rüakh HaKodesh as well as delving into Chapter 4 of "Reading Moses - Seeing Jesus" a book from that shows the way how Torah points to and is fulfilled in our Messiah, The Living, Spoken Torah Word of YHVH - Yeshua. This book is put together by Doctors Seth D. Postell, Eitan Bar & Erez Soref, respectively. (Broadcasting said material is with written consent from We will see a startling connection between Adam & the Garden of Eden and the Priest and the Tabernacle. Want to learn how this works? Come on in and check out my latest & greatest, courtesy of the One who forged this humble servant into the instrument of His service - Messiah Yeshua - in Spirit and in Truth! I hope you hear a word of truth in this, dear listener. Thank you for following me as we explore further together the Truth of the Word of YHVH, The God of The Bible. Be blessed! 👑✡️✝️🙌🏻🙏🏻🤍🕊️🔥
Sep 20, 202201:00:32
Episode XIV - The Holy Spirit - Rüakh HaKodesh (רוח הקודש) - "He", "She" or "It"?! A Bible Study!
Sep 02, 202201:07:16
Episode XIII - "There's Nothing 'Christian' about Christianity! (it's all JEWISH!)"

Episode XIII - "There's Nothing 'Christian' about Christianity! (it's all JEWISH!)"

Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to DIFFERENT. !שלום Shalom! After a two month hiatus, the Manic Messianic is back with an explanation for his mysterious absence and what he had learned from רוח הקודש Rüakh HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) during that time! There's nothing "Christian" about Christianity! It's ALL JEWISH! Have I completely lossed my mind?! Sounds too "out there"?! Well, give an ear because this episode will clear things up for you! Also will be looking into Chapter 3 of "Reading Moses - Seeing Jesus" by Doctors Seth D. Postell, Eitan Bar & Erez Soref of, which is titled: "The Torah's Remedy - The Messiah"! Be blessed by Rüakh HaKodesh in some way while you listen! Enjoy!תהנו
Jul 12, 202201:08:39
Episode XII - "Failure of Faith Leads to Death" - from the Book 'Reading Moses - Seeing Jesus'
May 02, 202250:56
Episode XI - "The Torah Anticipates Lawbreaking" - from the Book "Reading Moses - Seeing Jesus"

Episode XI - "The Torah Anticipates Lawbreaking" - from the Book "Reading Moses - Seeing Jesus"

Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to DIFFERENT. Shalom to you and blessings in the Name of Messiah Yeshua! In this episode, I dialed it back just a bit and returned to the root of it all sharing with you from the most spectacular book from - "Reading Moses - Seeing Jesus". I will be sharing with you some Talmudic wisdom I happen to come across by ways of a very wise man, then I will share with you Chapter 1 of said book, dealing with certain patterns in the Torah that point to the Messiah Yeshua, Himself! I hope Rüakh HaKodesh blesses you all through this knowledge that I'm so blessed to be able to share with you, my dear listener! May ADONAI ELOHIM be somehow revealed to you in a mighty way, today and every day, in the Name of The Messiah, Yeshua! 🙌🏻🤍🕊️🔥🙏🏻
Apr 15, 202251:14
Episode X: "Cut the Baby In Half!" - (A Tale of Two 'Ho's)
Mar 22, 202201:57:23
Episode IX - 'Do Not Boast Against the Branches'

Episode IX - 'Do Not Boast Against the Branches'

Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to DIFFERENT. - Going into depth regarding this unspoken, passive-aggressive antisemitism within the Gentile Body of Messiah in America and the Western World. Breaking down Romans 11:11-15 through a Jewish lens, definition of the Hebrew word for 'Hebrew' - עברי and presenting to you the introduction of both the Complete Jewish Study Bible & the book 'Reading Moses - Seeing Jesus'.
Feb 20, 202201:18:16
Episode VIII - Passive & Active Antisemitism Inside & Outside of the Gentile 'Church' of America.
Feb 05, 202201:08:51
Episode VII - 'Israel' and 'The Church' - Separation Theology and Remnant Theology - A Closer Look.
Jan 15, 202201:05:23
Episode VI 'Israel' and 'The Church' - What's the relationship?! (A lesson on Replacement Theology)
Jan 08, 202201:21:54
Episode V/IIIc - Connecting all the Dots and Challenging The Leaders of The Body of Messiah!
Dec 11, 202154:29
Episode IV/IIIb: Laying Down the Foundation for Church Reunification - Oral Torah vs Written Torah!

Episode IV/IIIb: Laying Down the Foundation for Church Reunification - Oral Torah vs Written Torah!

Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to DIFFERENT. - In actuality Episode IV should be Episode IIIb, a continuation to my previous podcast. Here I touch on the very foundation of the Messianic faith by analyzing the heart of what Messiah Yeshua disputed and debated with the Rabbis of Israel - the critical difference between the Written Torah, The Word of God and the Oral Torah of the Pharasees and Scribes, which would become later the Mishnah & G'Marah, also known as the Talmud. Becoming familiar with this pillar of Rabbinical Judaism is crucial to learning and expanding on your faith in the Jewish Messiah! Enjoy! Please go visit for more information!
Nov 16, 202155:43
Episode III - Church Unification (and salt!)

Episode III - Church Unification (and salt!)

Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible.
Come listen to DIFFERENT. - In this three part podcast, I will present to you a brief history of Israel, various breakdowns of Hebrew words, the definition of the concept of 'church', why it is in desperate need of reuniting under one common banner and what in the world does salt have to do with any of this? If you want to find out, you'll have to wait for episode IIIb! (or is it episode 4?)
Oct 17, 202141:32
'Hadassah' - 'הדסה'

'Hadassah' - 'הדסה'

Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible. Come listen to DIFFERENT. - This episode is quite personal. When the world and life hurt us as children, the natural action is to run straight to Mom or Dad. So why are there so many brokenhearted people who don't instinctively run to Abbah Father, who knows ALL ABOUT broken hearts? Find out what happened to me in one of my most darkest moments of my life and how ADONAI is helping me heal from emotional destruction.
Oct 05, 202146:41
Welcome! Shalom! שלום לכולם וברוכים הבאים

Welcome! Shalom! שלום לכולם וברוכים הבאים

Disclaimer: The passage of Scripture read out loud in the beginning of each podcast episode will be in Hebrew followed by the direct translation in English from the Complete Jewish Study Bible.
Come listen to DIFFERENT. - Blessed are those who come in the Name of Messiah Yeshua! This is the pilot episode of many that will follow, pertaining to my life story and testimony of how I came to know Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) while living in Israel. You'll notice that I'm a bit nervous since this is my first time doing anything like this. I will improve in time, I promise you! Enjoy this introductory first chapter in our mutual quest for finding higher ground together and please bare with me as everything will come together gradually, revealing the bigger picture in episodes to come! Blessings of abundance in God's love to you all, in Messiah Yeshua's Name!
Sep 28, 202145:25
September 20, 2021

September 20, 2021

Sep 20, 202100:59