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Galit Speaks

Galit Speaks

By Galit Tsadik

Weekly Schedule: Live on YouTube every Wednesdays at 5pm PST

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Ep. 60: Galit Speaks interviews Daniel John Carey: Misfortune to Success

Galit SpeaksJul 06, 2023

Ep 71: Empowerment, Rhythm, and Service: A Veteran's Journey with Michael Fieger

Ep 71: Empowerment, Rhythm, and Service: A Veteran's Journey with Michael Fieger

Join us for an inspiring conversation as Galit Speaks engages in a dialogue with Michael Fieger, delving into diverse topics ranging from empowering veterans through mentorship, to the vibrant rhythm of Latin dancing, and the unique journey of running a USMC veteran-owned business. Topic 1: Empowering Veterans: A Weekend Mentorship Journey
In this segment, Michael Fieger will share his experiences and insights gained from mentoring veterans during weekends. Together, they'll explore the challenges, triumphs, and the transformative power of mentorship in the lives of veterans, shedding light on the profound impact it has on their journey of transition and growth. Topic 2: The Rhythm of Life: A Deep Dive into Latin Dancing
Discover the pulsating heartbeat of Latin dancing as Galit and Michael delve into its cultural significance, physical and mental benefits, and the sheer joy it brings to individuals and communities. From salsa to samba, get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Latin rhythms. Topic 3: Pride and Service: The Journey of a USMC Veteran-Owned Business
Michael Fieger's journey as the owner of a USMC veteran-owned business, Devil Dog Marketplace, will take center stage in this segment. Together, they'll explore the skills and values transferred from military service to entrepreneurship, the challenges faced, and the immense pride in serving the community through business.

Feb 09, 202454:15
Ep. 70: Navigating Mental Health, Movies, and Writing with Anne Feustel
Feb 01, 202449:02
Ep. 69: Unlocking Emotional Resilience with Murielle Fellous

Ep. 69: Unlocking Emotional Resilience with Murielle Fellous

Join us for an enlightening livestream as Galit Speaks engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Murielle Fellous, a remarkable individual with a wealth of wisdom to share. In this interview, Murielle will delve into the art of learning and cultivating emotional self-regulation, unlocking the potential to break free from the fight, flight, or freeze response that often plagues our nervous systems.

During this livestream, Murielle will also provide a captivating demonstration of EFT/Tapping techniques designed to reduce anxiety and stress, offering practical tools for our daily lives. Moreover, she'll remind our audience that they are not alone on their journey, encouraging a deeper connection with a higher power that can guide and support us.

Murielle Fellous's own transformative journey from raising three children as a single mom in both France and the US, to spiraling into depression during her children's tumultuous teenage years, forms the backdrop of her powerful narrative. Her promise to herself, born out of her own pain and suffering, is to ensure that no mother faces these challenges in isolation.

Discover Murielle's approach to life and parenting, a unique perspective she calls "co-parenting with the Universe." Join us for this livestream, where we explore resilience, emotional well-being, and the profound lessons Murielle has to offer from her own life's journey. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and inspiration for your own path. USE FACEBOOK POST AND ADD THIS TO IT!

Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Oct 05, 202358:28
Ep. 68: Neurodiversity Inclusion: Bridging Differences for a Brighter Future

Ep. 68: Neurodiversity Inclusion: Bridging Differences for a Brighter Future

Join us for an enlightening livestream as Galit Speaks sits down with Michelle Markman, CEO of ND Coach Inc., for a deep dive into the world of neurodiversity inclusion. In this candid interview, Michelle shares her insights on how embracing neurodiversity in the workplace can lead to innovation and growth.

Discover how the stand-offish colleague at your office might just have a unique perspective that could drive your team forward. Michelle explores the idea that different brains come with both gifts and struggles and discusses how neurotypicals and neurodivergents can collaborate harmoniously, fostering a brighter future for all.

Learn more about Michelle Markman, a dedicated daughter, wife, and mother who wears many hats as a hard-working manager, entrepreneur, and volunteer leader. When she's not advocating for the destigmatization of autism and neurodiversity, Michelle is coaching, managing, and connecting with others. Her passion lies in empowering neurodivergent individuals to lead fulfilling and successful lives, helping them overcome obstacles and turn their dreams into reality.

Don't miss this inspiring conversation that promises to shed light on the power of neurodiversity and the endless possibilities it brings to the workplace and beyond. Tune in to gain valuable insights and strategies for creating a more inclusive and innovative future.


Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Sep 28, 202352:28
Ep. 67: Galit Speaks interviews the Sirenatrix: Getting Wet Safely

Ep. 67: Galit Speaks interviews the Sirenatrix: Getting Wet Safely

Join us for an extraordinary livestream event as Galit Speaks interviews the enigmatic Nix, the Sirenatrix, on a journey into the mesmerizing world of Aquatic BDSM. Nix, a professional educator in underwater recreation and a seasoned dungeon monitor, is about to dive deep into the alluring and daring realm of underwater kink.

In this exclusive interview, Nix will reveal the secrets behind their groundbreaking workshop, set to make waves at the Folsom Street Fair. While the concept of Aquatic BDSM might seem avant-garde, Nix reminds us that it's not entirely new, but rather a hidden gem waiting to be explored safely.

Underwater play can be a tantalizing adventure, but without the right knowledge and precautions, it can also be fraught with peril. Nix's workshop aims to demystify the world of underwater kink, emphasizing the importance of safety and risk mitigation. Through their expertise, they seek to shed light on the hidden dangers lurking beneath the surface and to provide a guide to enjoying aquatic adventures responsibly.

During the livestream, Nix will passionately discuss the art of introducing water into kink experiences, showing how it can be a source of excitement, healing, and deeper connection. They will equip you with invaluable knowledge, helping you forge stronger bonds with the element, your partners, and your own body and mind.

But the excitement doesn't stop there! Following the interview, you're invited to plunge into pleasure, learning, and exploration with Nix during their hands-on workshop. And after the educational dive, stick around for the Pool Party where all attendees can mingle, splash, and socialize.Prepare to embark on a captivating journey into the depths of Aquatic BDSM, guided by the wisdom of Nix, the Sirenatrix. This livestream promises to be an unforgettable exploration of pleasure, safety, and connection beneath the surface of desire. USE FACEBOOK POST AND ADD THIS TO IT!

Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Sep 14, 202301:08:46
Ep. 66: Galit Speaks interviews Daniel John Carey: Plant-based Regenerative Nutrition

Ep. 66: Galit Speaks interviews Daniel John Carey: Plant-based Regenerative Nutrition

Join us for an enlightening livestream as Galit Speaks sits down with the remarkable Daniel John Carey! In this engaging interview, we'll delve into the world of veganism, nutrition, and the incredible journey that led Daniel to embrace this plant-based lifestyle.

Daniel's personal transformation from kidney failure to a thriving plant-based lifestyle will inspire and educate. As the author of "Plant-based Regenerative Nutrition," published this year, he brings a wealth of knowledge to the table about how a plant-based diet can promote healing and vitality.

But that's not all! Daniel's expertise extends to the environmental impact of the meat, dairy, and seafood industries. With his forthcoming book on this very topic, he's poised to shed light on the crucial need for sustainable food choices and the preservation of our planet.

Additionally, we'll explore Daniel's passion for organic gardening and his dedication to supporting regional organic farmers. Learn how his advocacy for sustainable agriculture aligns with his vegan lifestyle, creating a harmonious approach to wellness and ecological responsibility.

With a diverse background in publishing and screenwriting, Daniel's insights are sure to captivate and educate. Join us for a conversation that transcends boundaries, inspiring positive change for both our bodies and the Earth. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of an insightful dialogue on veganism, nutrition, and the future of sustainable living. Tune in, and let's make a difference together! USE FACEBOOK POST AND ADD THIS TO IT!

Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Sep 07, 202359:06
Ep. 65: Galit Speaks interviews Alyssa Berthiaume: Stories of Resilience, Advocacy, and Empowerment

Ep. 65: Galit Speaks interviews Alyssa Berthiaume: Stories of Resilience, Advocacy, and Empowerment

Join us for a captivating and empowering livestream event as we bring together the diverse experiences and expertise of Alyssa Berthiaume. A true native Vermonter, Alyssa wears many hats—she's a practicing feminist, a mom navigating life's adventures, and the Lady Boss Owner of The Write Place, Right Time. Her journey encompasses empowerment, advocacy, survival, education, and healing through the power of storytelling.

Livestream Highlights:

1. From Silence to Strength: Advocacy in Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Alyssa's journey into the realms of domestic violence and rape crisis intervention is a testament to her commitment to creating positive change. Join us as she shares how writing and storytelling can empower survivors and advocates alike. Discover how stories can be a force for healing and how voices can become powerful instruments of change.

2. Triumphing Beyond Trauma: Alyssa's Journey as a Survivor In this session, Alyssa candidly opens up about her own experience as a sexual assault survivor. Her story is one of resilience and triumph, demonstrating the potential for personal growth and healing. Learn how Alyssa's writing journey became a pathway to not only her own empowerment but also a source of inspiration for others seeking to overcome adversity.

3. Educating, Empowering, and Embracing Identity Alyssa's passion for education and mental health advocacy shines as she discusses her role in teaching women's studies and promoting mental well-being. Uncover the intersections of identity, education, and empowerment as Alyssa shares her insights. Explore how narratives, both personal and academic, contribute to a more empathetic and informed society.

In this singular livestream event, Alyssa Berthiaume will guide us through these transformative topics, intertwining narratives of survival, advocacy, education, and empowerment. Her experiences exemplify the resilience of the human spirit and the potential for positive change through the art of storytelling. Join us for an evening of inspiration, growth, and the celebration of brave voices making a difference. USE FACEBOOK POST AND ADD THIS TO IT!

Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Aug 31, 202301:01:03
Ep. 64: Vibrant Aging and Your Lifestyle with Kate Kunkel 🌟

Ep. 64: Vibrant Aging and Your Lifestyle with Kate Kunkel 🌟

Join us for an enlightening and empowering livestream as Galit Speaks engages in a captivating interview with the remarkable Kate Kunkel. Kate's journey from personal tragedy to becoming a beacon of hope is nothing short of inspiring. She has transformed her mother's battle with dementia into a powerful mission, and her expertise in brain health and wellness is both scientifically grounded and heartfelt.

About Kate Kunkel: Kate Kunkel, a renowned sound therapist, vegan nutritionist, and brain health advocate, has committed her life to helping individuals take control of their mental and physical well-being. As an Amen Certified Brain Health professional and Apollo ReCode coach, Kate's knowledge is backed by scientific rigor and empathetic dedication.Kate is also the international bestselling author of "Don't Let the Memories Fade," a holistic guide to preventing dementia and creating a healthier, more vibrant future. Her "Healthy Brain Series," which includes "The Vegan Brain" and "The Musical Brain," explores the connections between lifestyle choices and cognitive well-being.

Livestream Highlights: Aging Gracefully: Discover how aging can be a time of vitality and growth rather than decline. Kate will share strategies to avoid Alzheimer's, dementia, and other age-related health issues, empowering you to take charge of your well-being.

Music, Mindfulness, and Brain Boosting: Explore the transformative impact of music and mindfulness on brain function. Learn how these practices can enhance memory, improve focus, and protect against cognitive decline.To Be... or Not to Be... Vegan: Delve into the benefits of adopting a vegan lifestyle. Kate will shed light on how compassionate dietary choices can improve both personal health and the health of the planet.

Don't miss this opportunity to engage with Kate Kunkel and Galit Speaks as they delve into the transformative potential of vibrant aging, music, mindfulness, and conscious dietary choices. Join us for an enriching conversation that will empower you to take charge of your well-being and embrace a life filled with vitality. USE FACEBOOK POST AND ADD THIS TO IT!

Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Aug 17, 202352:36
Ep. 63: Galit Speaks interviews Jeni Kennedy: Abuse, Addiction and Embracing Identity

Ep. 63: Galit Speaks interviews Jeni Kennedy: Abuse, Addiction and Embracing Identity

Join us for a powerful and inspiring interview with Jeni Kennedy as she shares her courageous journey of overcoming an abusive relationship, battling addiction, and embracing her identity as part of the LGBTQ+ community. In her early 20's, Jeni found herself trapped in an abusive relationship with an older man who she thought loved her. Little did she know that he would subject her to subtle forms of abuse, complicating her life further. However, her story didn't end there. She will shed light on how this tumultuous relationship led to a 20-year-long love affair with cocaine and alcohol, which started off seemingly exciting but eventually turned her life upside down.

Despite the challenges she faced, Jeni's story is one of resilience and transformation. Along her journey, she became a mother, found a loving partner, and even became a life coach. She will delve into the struggles she encountered, the failed attempts at recovery, and the immense loss of friends and family that she experienced.

Now, as Jeni embraces her true self, she stands as a shining example of strength and hope. She proudly identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community and has embraced her identity wholeheartedly. She will share the significance of self-acceptance and finding one's place within a supportive community.

Join us for an empowering conversation as Jeni Kennedy, version 5.0 of herself, talks about her transformative journey. From surviving an abusive relationship, battling addiction, to finding happiness, she is proof that it's never too late to rewrite your story. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain insight, inspiration, and guidance from someone who has emerged from the darkest moments to live a fulfilling life. Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Aug 10, 202342:32
Ep. 62: Galit Speaks presents: Polyamory Unraveled: A second Interview with Jessica Lynn

Ep. 62: Galit Speaks presents: Polyamory Unraveled: A second Interview with Jessica Lynn

Welcome back to part 2 of our insightful livestream series, "Polyamory Unraveled," where Galit Speaks sits down with the renowned relationship expert, Jessica Lynn. Join us as Galit delves deep into Jessica's journey and expertise, gaining profound insights into ethical non-monogamy and finding the relationship structure that suits you best.In this interview, Galit will explore Jessica's personal experiences, struggles, and triumphs in her journey from a monogamous relationship of six years to embracing ethical non-monogamy. Jessica's unique perspective as a licensed therapist and clinical social worker allows her to navigate the complexities of non-monogamy with unparalleled expertise and compassion.

Drawing from her background and practical knowledge, Jessica will share practical advice and actionable tips for those interested in exploring polyamory. Whether you are considering opening up your existing relationship, curious about polyamory, or navigating multiple relationships, this interview will provide valuable insights to help you navigate the challenges and rewards of ethical non-monogamy.Galit will explore the psychological aspects of polyamory, discussing topics such as emotional intelligence, jealousy management, and effective communication within non-monogamous dynamics. Together, they will unpack common misconceptions and societal stigmas surrounding polyamory, promoting a better understanding of consensual non-monogamous relationships.

Throughout the interview, Jessica will also highlight the importance of self-awareness and self-discovery in finding your ideal relationship structure. She firmly believes that everyone deserves to design and embrace relationships that align with their individual needs and desires. By sharing her knowledge and personal stories, Jessica aims to inspire and empower others to reach relationship success on their terms.If you missed part 1 of "Polyamory Unraveled," don't worry; this interview stands on its own as a valuable resource for anyone interested in ethical non-monogamy. Prepare to be enlightened, challenged, and inspired as Galit Speaks engages Jessica Lynn in an in-depth conversation about polyamory and finding the relationship structure that works for you.

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to gain invaluable insights from an expert who combines professional expertise with real-life experiences. Join us for an enriching discussion that will leave you with a deeper understanding of ethical non-monogamy and the tools to embrace the relationship(s) of your dreams. Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Aug 03, 202301:17:00
Ep. 61: Galit Speaks interviews Gregorio Lewis: From Homeless to Hopeful

Ep. 61: Galit Speaks interviews Gregorio Lewis: From Homeless to Hopeful

Join us for an inspiring and deeply moving livestream as Galit Speaks interviews the remarkable Gregorio "Craig" Lewis, a true example of triumph over adversity. Gregorio's life took an unexpected turn, leading him into a period of homelessness in Europe after facing a sudden career setback. However, his unwavering spirit and determination allowed him to navigate through the darkest times and emerge stronger than ever.

From experiencing the depths of desperation and upheaval, Gregorio found himself in Mexico, starting over with virtually nothing to his name. Despite the challenges, he embraced the unknown and rebuilt his life, finding hope and purpose in a foreign land.

Throughout this candid conversation, Gregorio will share his experiences and the transformative lessons he learned along the way. His journey of resilience and recovery serves as a powerful reminder of the human capacity to endure and grow, even in the face of immense hardships.

One of the key aspects of Gregorio's journey is his pursuit of financial stability. He will provide insights into the hurdles he encountered and the strategies he employed to achieve a greater degree of security. Through resourcefulness and a relentless willingness to adapt, Gregorio demonstrates the potential for growth and success, no matter the circumstances.

As an author, Gregorio "Craig" Lewis has dedicated himself to helping others who have faced similar struggles. His workbooks are designed to support and guide individuals who feel unwanted, hurt, or rejected, as well as those who seek to be agents of change and healing in their communities.

Don't miss this extraordinary conversation with Gregorio Lewis, filled with powerful insights and a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Join us for a heartwarming and thought-provoking livestream that will leave you inspired and motivated to face life's challenges with courage and hope. Gregorio's journey proves that with hard work and perseverance, dreams can come true, no matter how dire the circumstances may seem.

Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Jul 27, 202354:22
Ep. 60: Galit Speaks interviews Daniel John Carey: Misfortune to Success

Ep. 60: Galit Speaks interviews Daniel John Carey: Misfortune to Success

Join us for a captivating livestream as we delve into the remarkable journey of Daniel John Carey, an inspiring individual who has overcome tremendous obstacles to find success and happiness in life. In this exclusive interview, Daniel will share his powerful story, highlighting his resilience and determination to rise above a tremendously dysfunctional childhood and a life plagued by misfortunes.

Daniel's path to redemption was far from easy. He faced the harsh reality of homelessness, compounded by health challenges such as kidney failure and a debilitating back injury. However, he refused to let these setbacks define him. Through unwavering determination, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, relearning life's intricacies and prioritizing his own well-being.

Daniel's passion for screenwriting and his innate ability to help others in the field became a catalyst for his transformation. With a background in script reading for producers and years of assisting aspiring screenwriters, he founded a thriving screenplay writing workshop in Los Angeles. Guiding a diverse group of writers, Daniel honed his expertise and shared his valuable insights, leading to the development of his widely acclaimed book on screenwriting, which has become a staple in film schools.

Drawing on his collection of philosophical and life theory quotations, which he began compiling as a teenager, Daniel crafted two profound books, "Dream Another Dream" and "Dream Your World," which delve into the realms of life redesign and rehabilitation. These works offer a unique perspective, fusing wisdom from historical figures with Daniel's personal experiences, providing guidance and solace to those who have faced or are facing turbulent times.

Not content with merely sharing his literary prowess, Daniel extended his passion for health and wellness into writing a book titled "Plant-based Regenerative Nutrition," published in 2023. Leveraging his expertise as a ghost co-author for doctors and nutritionists, he championed the benefits of plant-based nutrition and exercise, an integral part of his own life journey.

Throughout this livestream, Daniel will candidly discuss his struggles, triumphs, and the key principles that propelled him forward. His commitment to financial security, including through continual investments in index funds, has played a pivotal role in building a more stable future for himself. By embracing a holistic approach to life, encompassing emotional, physical, and financial well-being, Daniel has emerged as an exemplar of resilience and transformation.

Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to hear Daniel John Carey's empowering story firsthand. Tune in to gain invaluable insights, be inspired by his remarkable journey, and discover the potential within yourself to overcome adversity and forge your own path to success.

Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Jul 06, 202301:02:53
Ep. 59: Galit Speaks interviews Pey Carter: Unveiling Hidden Struggles

Ep. 59: Galit Speaks interviews Pey Carter: Unveiling Hidden Struggles

Join us for an insightful and powerful livestream interview as we delve into the life and experiences of the extraordinary author and public speaker, Pey Carter. Pey's journey is marked by resilience, courage, and a determination to raise awareness about multiple invisible illnesses, domestic abuse, and military sexual trauma. Through the art of storytelling and narrative justice, we aim to foster deeper discussions, inspire change, and highlight the importance of inclusion in literature and media.

Pey Carter's life has been shaped by a multitude of conditions, including Ehlers-Danlos, dysautonomia, PTSD, autism, and avoidance/restrictive food intake disorder. By openly sharing their personal experiences, they aim to dismantle the stigma surrounding mental health and invisible disabilities. Pey's remarkable resilience and strength have led them to become an advocate for those facing similar challenges, offering hope and inspiration to countless individuals.

During this livestream, we will explore Pey's compelling journey, shining a light on the often-overlooked aspects of living with invisible illnesses. We will delve into the impact of these conditions on daily life, relationships, and mental well-being. Pey will share their insights into the realities of experiencing domestic abuse and military sexual trauma, offering a unique perspective that encourages empathy and understanding.

Pey Carter and their daughter are also on the verge of releasing their first picture book, "Bendy Bones and Stretchy Skin: An Ehlers-Danlos Book." This remarkable publication not only showcases their own experiences but also aims to educate and empower young readers, spreading awareness about Ehlers-Danlos and promoting inclusivity.

Join us for this livestream event as we engage in an intimate conversation with Pey Carter. Through their powerful storytelling and unwavering commitment to justice, we will gain valuable insights into the challenges faced by individuals living with invisible illnesses, domestic abuse, and military sexual trauma. Together, we will explore the transformative power of literature and media in fostering a more inclusive society, where everyone's voices are heard and understood.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of an inspiring conversation that has the potential to create lasting change. Tune in to our livestream interview with Pey Carter and join us on a journey of empathy, awareness, and transformation.

Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Jun 29, 202356:20
Ep. 58: Galit Speaks interviews Jessica Lynn: Exploring Polyamory and Finding Your Relationship Structure

Ep. 58: Galit Speaks interviews Jessica Lynn: Exploring Polyamory and Finding Your Relationship Structure

Join us for an insightful livestream with Jessica Lynn, licensed therapist, clinical social worker, and ethical non-monogamy relationship coach. In this session, Jessica will delve into the fascinating world of polyamory, helping you explore different relationship structures and find what works best for you.

Polyamory, the practice of having multiple consensual, romantic relationships simultaneously, has gained significant attention in recent years. However, navigating the complexities of non-monogamy can be challenging without proper guidance. Jessica's personal experience of transitioning from a monogamous relationship of six years to embracing ethical non-monogamy provides valuable insights and lessons learned.

As a trained clinician, Jessica understands the unique psychological and emotional dynamics involved in alternative relationship structures. Through her expertise and compassionate approach, she aims to empower individuals in their quest for fulfilling relationships. Whether you are curious about polyamory, currently exploring different relationship options, or seeking advice on how to thrive in a non-monogamous setup, this livestream is for you.

During the session, Jessica will discuss the foundations of polyamory, dispel common misconceptions, and share practical tips for navigating ethical non-monogamy. She will draw from her professional knowledge and personal stories to offer guidance on communication, boundaries, jealousy management, and building healthy connections within polyamorous relationships.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and advice from an expert in the field. Join Jessica Lynn as she shares her expertise, empowering you to design and embrace your relationship dreams. Whether you are new to polyamory or looking to enhance your understanding, this livestream will provide valuable knowledge and support.Note: This livestream is for educational purposes only and does not constitute therapy or personalized advice. Please consult a professional if you require specific guidance tailored to your circumstances.

Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Jun 08, 202301:00:31
Ep. 57: Galit Speaks interviews Jenny Lee: Joyful Mornings Ended

Ep. 57: Galit Speaks interviews Jenny Lee: Joyful Mornings Ended

Join us for a transformative live stream with life coach Jenny Lee, as she shares her wisdom and expertise on how a joyful morning routine can heal your nervous system and lead to better emotional and mental health. In this session, Jenny will delve into the importance of setting boundaries and building a relationship with yourself to support your mental well-being.

In today's fast-paced world, many women find themselves wearing multiple hats and experiencing a constant state of depletion and overwhelm. Jenny understands the unique challenges faced by busy women and believes that implementing a morning routine centered around joy and self-care can make a significant difference.

Happiness is a habit, and Jenny Lee is passionate about guiding women towards cultivating resilience and prioritizing their nourishment before serving the world. With her 20 years of teaching experience and personal journey of self-discovery, Jenny is equipped with the tools to help women become aware of their own self-care needs.

Having experienced her own struggles with self-care, including postpartum depression and divorce, Jenny knows firsthand the transformative power of morning rituals and self-care embodiment. Through her own healing journey, she uncovered a deep connection to happiness and inspiration, which she now shares with others.

During this live stream, Jenny will delve into the ways in which a joyful morning routine can heal your nervous system, rewire your mindset, and pave the way for better emotional and mental health. She will provide practical tips, actionable strategies, and insights to help you build a morning routine that nourishes your soul and fosters self-love.

Don't miss this opportunity to join Jenny Lee on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and reconnecting with your dignified and highest self. Tune in to learn how to transform your mornings into a time of joy, self-care, and mental well-being. USE FACEBOOK POST AND ADD THIS TO IT!

Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Jun 01, 202301:00:52
Ep. 56: Galit Speaks interviews Nellah Mx: Stripper turned Advocate

Ep. 56: Galit Speaks interviews Nellah Mx: Stripper turned Advocate

Join me as I interview Nellah Mx on her incredible life. We will be discussing her journey from gentlemen’s clubs to women’s advocacy.

Nellah was born in small town in Central Slovakia. She always excelled in academic and extracurricular activities, listened to her parents, and strived to conform to societal rules and labels. Her passion was dance and, by the age of sixteen, she was managing her own dance group and leading personal and group trainings. Later in life, she was mesmerized by spirituality and, with guidance of a psychologist, she began practicing various techniques including meditations, breath work, Holotropic breathing, and energy work.

After the fall of communism, she decided to try her luck and enter the world of big money, the entertainment industry. She traveled to Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, and Japan and gradually became a dancer in gentlemen’s clubs where she stumbled into a life of substance abuse, trauma, and superficiality. After a near death experience, she made a sudden decision to leave the industry. To survive and pull herself out of the darkness, she seized an opportunity to relocate to the United States, intending to change her life. She worked through the language barrier and speech difficulties to complete a Master’s degree in Forensic Psychology, constantly transforming and improving herself.

Over the years, she has done significant mental and spiritual work by herself and with her clients, mostly focusing on victims and perpetrators of crimes. She practices various psychological methods such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectic behavior therapy, mindfulness, motivational interviewing, and flooding. The lack of spirituality led her to start a coaching practice where she combines therapeutic approach with meditations, breath and energy work. After years in the mental health field, she realized that her biggest asset is her and her approach to people, not the methods she mastered. She loves people, the regular and the edgy ones.

Her biggest passion is writing. It comes naturally to her-she just has to take a pen and write. She writes everything-stories, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or movie scripts. In her writings, she often discusses sensitive topics that are mostly considered taboos and uses her knowledge to provide deep personality analyses, cognitive and behavioral transformation, and trauma processing. Her book “A Stripper: From Japan Through Switzerland Into the Deepest Secrets of Her Soul” paints a picture of the reality of the entertainment industry as it pertains to club dancing and sex work. It is her memoir that represents thousands of untold stories of women and men in the industry. The book transports a reader to the seedy environment of nightclubs, overflowing with promiscuous entertainment outlets, dark corners of erotic manifestations, and the superficiality of it all. It is not just sensational expose of a young woman gone astray, it also touches upon sexism and societal pressure which manipulates women into these precarious roles. The story sheds light on the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes that develop as the result of this type of work and reveals traumatic experiences that go hand in hand with substance abuse. Most of all, it unveils the rotten core of the industry that benefits from oppression and degradation of women and men. A place, where money is more than human life and people are treated as commodity. Nellah clearly shows the mental, emotional, and physical damage caused by this line of work and offers guidance on the way out because transformation is possible. She questions the sole purpose of the industry and its tremendous impact on the whole society. A system that causes damage to people who can be sold, beaten, raped, or killed simply should not exist. Together we can make a better world for the future generations, the world where human life is valued more than money.

May 25, 202356:21
Ep. 55: Galit Speaks interviews Louisa Valentin: Women’s health, healing and empowerment
May 18, 202359:53
Ep. 54: Galit Speaks on her Fertility Journey
May 11, 202356:45
Ep. 53: Galit Speaks interviews Tasa Elizabeth: From Childhood DV to becoming a Vegan Parent
May 04, 202359:34
Ep. 52: Galit Speaks interviews Sam Mitchell: Autism Rocks and Rolls

Ep. 52: Galit Speaks interviews Sam Mitchell: Autism Rocks and Rolls

Tune in as we discuss:

- Autism


- Overcoming Mental Health Issues

A message from our guest:

Hello! My name is Sam Mitchell and I run a successful podcast called Autism Rocks and Rolls. I have autism myself and my podcast has exploded and become very successful! I would like to be a guest on your podcast to spread the mission of my podcast and nonprofit.

I am at 13K downloads. I have had some big names on my show: Armani Williams, first NASCAR driver open about having autism, and American Idol Rocker James Durbin who has autism and Tourette’s. My biggest guest of all was Dr. Temple Grandin, professor in Animal Science at Colorado State University and autism activist. I just had WWE legend Mick Foley on my show! Huge guests are upcoming as well!

I also am a motivational speaker, entrepreneur, sell merchandise, have several sponsors, sell ad space, am a (creative writer if creative writing podcast) writer and blogger, and love to promote my podcast and business. I also have a published TED Talk called Souled Structure. I only recently graduated high school!My official Website is

I am a high-functioning human being on the autism spectrum, but have a mission: to show people that I am not broken, do not need to be fixed, there is no normal in this world, and I am successful, with autism. I want to celebrate the successes of all people. I embrace who I am and feel as though everyone should do the same. My mission is powerful and this extraordinary idea is catching on and getting the world’s attention.

I have made it to the top 10 in the People's Choice Podcast Awards, placed second in the state of Indiana for the JAG Entrepreneurship project, was selected as the best business at the CEO trade show in Indiana, have had tremendous guests on my show, and am in the top 200 podcasts in all of Canada.

I look forward to chatting with you and am hoping you will help me with your platform to spread awareness about autism and mental health.


Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Apr 27, 202353:34
Ep. 51: Galit Speaks interviews Niko Kowell: Trans and Queer People in Diving
Apr 20, 202301:14:16
Ep. 50: Galit Speaks interviews Joseph Robert Pagano: No Addict Left Behind
Apr 13, 202359:41
Ep. 49: Galit Speaks interviews Kellina Powell: What is it like being deaf?
Apr 06, 202342:19
Ep. 49: Galit Speaks: Adapting like a Shark!

Ep. 49: Galit Speaks: Adapting like a Shark!

My podcast guest for today canceled so I'm adapting! Let's talk about why I identify with sharks and why they are my spirit animal!

USE FACEBOOK POST AND ADD THIS TO IT! Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks! Instagram: @GalitSpeaks Facebook:

Mar 30, 202316:08
Ep. 48: Galit Speaks interviews Mandi Barstow
Mar 23, 202301:02:39
Ep. 47: Galit Speaks interviews Louis Marinucci

Ep. 47: Galit Speaks interviews Louis Marinucci

Join Louis Marinucci AKA Merman Adventura Philli and I as we discuss topics like: 🦈🧜‍♀️🦄 Autism 🦈🧜‍♀️🦄 Diving 🦈🧜‍♀️🦄 Mermaiding and more Louis Marinucci is a diver with autism, a mermaid, twitch streamer, & YouTuber.

USE FACEBOOK POST AND ADD THIS TO IT! Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks! Instagram: @GalitSpeaks Facebook:

Mar 16, 202345:19
Ep. 46: Galit Speaks interviews Vanessa Louise_ The Naked Coach
Mar 09, 202352:37
Ep. 45: Galit Speaks interviews Amber Tichenor
Mar 02, 202357:59
Ep. 44: Galit Speaks interviews Stephanie Tolk
Feb 16, 202301:00:15
Ep. 43: Galit Speaks interviews Megan Perkins
Feb 02, 202357:35
Ep. 42: Galit Speaks interviews Steve Pearlman, Ph.D.

Ep. 42: Galit Speaks interviews Steve Pearlman, Ph.D.

Join Steve Pearlman, Ph.D. and I as we discuss:

Critical thinking as related to... everything

Steve's neurobiological method for critical thinking

Steve's experience as a subject matter expert in sexual assault prevention

Who is Steve?

Since 1992, Steve has taught critical thinking and writing in higher education, including elite liberal arts colleges and state universities. In 2011, Steve founded one of the United States’ first departments in higher education specifically focused on teaching critical thinking skills. His work resulted in something exceptionally rare in academia: documented, campus-wide improvements in critical thinking.

A premiere expert in critical thinking, Steve has presented at countless educational institutions, conferences, and businesses about improving critical thinking and related habits of mind. He is frequently found in national and international media, including CBS Atlanta, The Hill, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Connecticut Today, First Coast Connect, The Nation Speaks, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, and Point of View Radio.

Devoted to the idea that everyone needs access to elite critical thinking skills, Steve founded The Critical Thinking Institute to bring his unique, proven methodology to the general public.

In addition to academic articles, Steve is the author of America’s Critical Thinking Crisis: The Failure and Promise of Education, as well as the host of the podcast (for educators), Headagogy.

Jan 19, 202358:42
Ep. 41: Galit Speaks interviews Nicole Zelek
Jan 12, 202349:41
Ep. 40: Galit Speaks interviews Sarah Romulo
Jan 05, 202301:00:32
Ep. 39: Galit Speaks interviews Deanna Walker
Dec 29, 202259:11
Ep. 38: Galit Speaks Interviews Kekua Kobashigawa
Dec 22, 202201:07:01
Ep. 37: Galit Speaks interviews Wade Simmons
Dec 15, 202257:26
Ep. 36: Galit Speaks interviews Marie Adell
Dec 08, 202258:55
Ep. 35: Galit Speaks interviews Amanda Fludd

Ep. 35: Galit Speaks interviews Amanda Fludd

Join us as we discuss:

The black experience in business

Mental health and entrepreneurship in terms of courage

Navigating the emotions of growth as we build

How our trauma shows up in business

Amanda Fludd is a Licensed Psychotherapist with a Private Practice in NY, Corporate Mental Health Consultant, and a Mindset Coach to Minority women in business. She has over 15 years of experience as a therapist and coach, taking those skills from the couch to support professional women in shifting past fear, perfectionism, and all the emotional noise they experience that puts limits on their goals.

She is passionate about women building their emotional toolbox and embracing the importance of mental health in their everyday lives. Her background in Mental Health gives her an edge as a coach, as she infuses the psychology of how we think and the power of mindfulness to inspire women to calm their inner critic, trust their abilities and live fiercely as they challenge their potential.

She is a wife, mom, and an avid runner (even though she dislikes it) with 4 half marathons under her belt this year alone. She keeps moving to keep the weight off her hips, kit kats in her hands and to stay connected to the opportunities running brings.

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Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Dec 02, 202201:02:41
Ep. 34: Galit Speaks Interviews Sabre Bruffy

Ep. 34: Galit Speaks Interviews Sabre Bruffy

Join me as I talk to Sabre Bruffy about:

Dealing with your trauma

Making your mess into your message

Rewriting your story and taking back your power

Sabre is a 27 year old New Earth Leader, Visionary, Dream Activator, Quantum Healer, Mentor & Digital Nomad.

Founder of Wealth Warriors Movement she introduces an incredible model for truth seekers to activate & live by sharing their unique soul essence on social platforms.

The model she shares has been around many years & she saw the vision of this being the solution for light leaders, visionaries & artists around the world to be ABUNDANT while living in their genius zone.

6 years ago Sabre decided to sell everything & live out of her van to follow her dreams as an artist because her soul knew it did NOT belong in the matrix.

She started vending her medicine wear & performing at festivals fully sustaining herself with her alternative path but found she was completely burned out & her passion was just not there.

She knew she needed to get online.

Having this New Earth Business Model as an asset to build High Ticket & Legacy Income through an Automated System that allows her & her tribe to get paid to be THEMSELVES...

Was PERFECT for her vision of Co-creating with her tribe thriving & LIVING their gifts as multidimensional beings.

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Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Nov 24, 202235:38
Ep. 33: Galit Speaks Interviews Katharina Hellmann!

Ep. 33: Galit Speaks Interviews Katharina Hellmann!

Join Katharina Hellmann and I as we discuss:

Building and sustaining mental and emotional health and resilience in the face of the climate crisis,

- processing emotions around climate change such as grief, anxiety, scarcity, overwhelm, anger: why it is important and how to do it,

- brain processes and neurological events leading to climate anxiety and how to address that,

- mindset shifts and thought work that help to address the climate crisis,

- how to overcome eco-anxiety and take climate action

- How to find out what climate action can actually mean for you

- why reducing our carbon footprint is important and what are the most effective things to do this with minimal effort or changes to personal lifestyles

- How to identify and overcome obstacles that are in the way of making and sustaining lifestyle changes that reduce our carbon footprint,

- how to repair and navigate relationships with other people who don’t seem to care or do anything about climate change

- how to rewire our brain for empowerment, determination and hope.

Katharina Hellmann is a Certified Life Coach and Certified Climate Change Coach. Katharina Hellmann helps eco-conscious people turn climate change anxiety into empowered, effective climate action, slash their carbon footprint and live more sustainably without having to give up what they really love in their life.


Stay connected with all things Galit Speaks!

Instagram: @GalitSpeaks


Nov 17, 202201:00:44
Ep. 32: Galit Speaks Interviews Afsaneh Moradian
Nov 10, 202201:10:36
Ep. 31: Galit Speaks Slumber Party Edition_ Kink, Queerness and Community!
Nov 04, 202256:17
Ep. 30: Galit Speaks interviews Krista Lockwood
Oct 27, 202201:14:36
Ep. 29: Galit Speaks interviews Dr. LJ Johnson
Oct 20, 202201:02:48
Ep. 28: Galit Speaks interviews Marcia Martin
Oct 06, 202201:03:13
Ep. 27: Galit Speaks interviews Hilary Russell

Ep. 27: Galit Speaks interviews Hilary Russell

Tune in as I interview Hilary Russell! We will be tackling topics like:

-Leveraging the Power of Positive Thinking

-Leadership as a woman CEO in the tech industry


Hilary is the CEO of TRC Agency, a 7-figure digital marketing firm based in Salt Lake City, UT. She is a certified NLP Practitioner and Program Owner at Entre Institute, where she fulfills her passion for helping entrepreneurial individuals progress through their journeys. Hilary also hosts the Marketing Mastermind Podcast, a weekly podcast designed to help business owners reach new levels within their mindsets and businesses.

Throughout her career, Hilary has helped many of her clients scale multi-million dollar businesses, and has consulted with public corporations to increase their production rates by up to 70%. Through her expertise in sales and marketing strategy, combined with her work as a mindset coach and teacher, Hilary has impacted the lives of thousands of entrepreneurs all across the globe to reach their unique visions of personal and business success.

Sep 29, 202201:00:32
Ep. 26: Galit Speaks interviews Joi Renique!
Sep 22, 202259:14
Ep. 25: Galit Speaks interviews Sandhya Jha!
Sep 22, 202201:02:36
Ep. 24: Galit Speaks interviews Leslie Lew
Sep 01, 202201:05:30
Ep. 23: Interview with Michelle Steiner
Aug 25, 202249:26