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Garden Goth

Garden Goth

By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD/Mind, Soul, and Self LLC

Garden Goth is hosted by Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD. In this show we dive deep into the psyche & explore the duality of life/death. Topics include gardening, nature, spirituality, magick, the occult, death/dying/rebirth, the supernatural, & paranormal. Guests, classes, meditations. Christina has a PhD in Health Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology Training, is an Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist, Master Gardener, Botanical Artist, Witch, Death Doula, & Cemeterian. Memento Vivere, quia Memento Mori. Remember to live, because remember you die.
Currently playing episode

Kerry Frederickson

Garden GothSep 16, 2022

Between Lives Journey with Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD

Between Lives Journey with Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD

This 2.5 hour podcast episode is a "Between Lives Regression," a special type of Past Life Regression with Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD. A Between Lives Regression, focuses on your soul journey from before your birth and after your death to your life in the spirit world. It is a deep hypnotic regression to that special time a soul spends in the spirit world between incarnations. During this session, you journey to the spirit world where you experience yourself as an immortal soul, meet your guides, master teachers, loved ones, and enlightened beings who help you explore your soul lessons, soul contracts, soul gifts, life’s purpose, and other deep questions about your existence as an immortal soul. You are also given an opportunity to meet with your spirit guide(s) and soul group. Christina's technique uses deep relaxation, hypnosis, guided meditation, journeying, and creative visualization 

Christina has found that the following people tend to have the best results with Regressions:

  • Individuals who have experience with meditation, guided meditation, guided imagery, and creative visualization
  • Those who are creative, artistic, and imaginative
  • Individuals in touch with their intuition and spirituality
  • People who believe in reincarnation and past lives


To get the most out of this episode, the following is recommended: Quiet location where you will not be disturbed; use earphones; lay down on a bed or couch; comfortable clothes; blanket, pillow, and something to cover your eyes; watch your caffeine intake beforehand so you don’t have a hard time relaxing. Please also have a pen and paper on hand to journal your experience afterward. Soft music or a fan playing in the background can be helpful to create white noise. Essential oils or incense can also be helpful to have to help you relax.

Safe travels!

Christina is the host of Garden Goth, an Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist, Master Gardener, Botanical Artist, Natural Perfumer, Psychopomp, Cemeterian, a Death Doula, and a High Priestess in Training. She has a PhD in Health Psychology, a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology, a Minor in Sociology, and is trained in Transpersonal Psychology. She specializes in Gothic Gardening, Cemetery Gardening, Poison Gardening, and Heirloom Gardening. For more info:

May 10, 202402:28:59
Past Life Regression with Christina

Past Life Regression with Christina

The belief in past lives, reincarnation, & the immortality of the soul can bring comfort to some people regarding death/dying.

This 110-minute podcast episode is a Past Life Regression with Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD. Christina's technique uses deep relaxation, hypnosis, guided meditation, journeying, and creative visualization to undercover memories from your past lives and incarnations. It is a highly internal process in which you visit a past life firsthand and experience it through your psychic/spiritual/Clair senses of sight, sensing, hearing, feeling, and knowing. Consciously remembered or not, your unconscious mind holds the memories of many past lives. Almost everyone can recall a past-life memory. It is possible because your subconscious mind holds all memory through time/space. Past lives can “bleed through” into our current lifetime and influence it in numerous ways. Do you find yourself repeating certain patterns over and over? Often, present-life issues we are struggling with have a past-life origin and the stories contain amazing lessons. The lessons are revealed by the life patterns we recognize in the stories. Emotional, spiritual, and physical concerns in your current life may also have their origin in a past life.

For over a decade, Christina has successfully regressed over 600 people in both individual and group settings. Her clients have gone back to lives in Eqypt, Colonial America, Atlantis, Lemuria, Pompeii, World War 1 and 2, the Vietnam War, The Wild West, The Victorian Era, Prehistoric times, and beyond.  Clients have also gone back to lifetimes on other planets and to non-human lifetimes. PLR provides an opportunity to heal trauma, release karma/stuck energy in these lives as well as forgive and be forgiven for transgressions.

There are many reasons to do a past life regression: to gain insight, to experience healing, to heal issues with no rational cause (fears, pain, etc), to process soul lessons, to forgive others who have hurt you so the past can be healed, to release and dissolve karmic entanglement, to gain an understanding of your gifts and challenges in this lifetime and how to move beyond them, and to gain more awareness of your soul contracts, karmic relationships, soul mates, and soul groups. Christina will guide you back to the life that needs to be addressed.  You are also given an opportunity to meet with your spirit guide(s) and soul group. 

Christina has found that the following people tend to have the best results with Past Life Regressions:

  • Individuals who have experience with meditation, guided meditation, guided imagery, and creative visualization
  • Those who are creative, artistic, and imaginative
  • Individuals in touch with their intuition and spirituality
  • People who believe in reincarnation and past lives

PLEASE DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE WHILE DRIVING! To get the most out of this episode, the following is recommended: Quiet location where you will not be disturbed; use earphones; lay down on a bed or couch; comfortable clothes; blanket, pillow, and something to cover your eyes; watch your caffeine intake beforehand so you don’t have a hard time relaxing. Please also have a pen and paper on hand to journal your experience afterward. Soft music or a fan playing in the background can be helpful to create white noise. Essential oils or incense can also be helpful to have to help you relax.

Safe travels!

Christina is the host of Garden Goth, an Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist, Master Gardener, Botanical Artist, Natural Perfumer, Psychopomp, Cemeterian, a Death Doula, and a High Priestess in Training. She has a PhD in Health Psychology, a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology, a Minor in Sociology, and is trained in Transpersonal Psychology. She specializes in Gothic Gardening, Cemetery Gardening, Poison Gardening, and Heirloom Gardening. For more info:

Mar 29, 202401:49:55
Death & Dying- Psychopomps, Death Doulas, Death Walkers, & Exit Guides

Death & Dying- Psychopomps, Death Doulas, Death Walkers, & Exit Guides

Death is one of life's most potent and sacred passages, as well as one of the most denied, ignored, and feared. Christina works as a cemeterian/family service counselor at two cemeteries and has found that many people do not want to talk about death, do not know what to do when someone is dying, and have no idea what to do when someone dies. Garden Goth's upcoming episodes will focus on all the various aspects surrounding death, dying, and deathcare; including metaphysical concepts such as past lives, etc. The goal is to provide education to empower, demystify, and reduce anxiety regarding death.

This podcast episode is a 3 hour Psychopomps workshop (audio only). Christina taught this live workshop to a dynamic group of psychics, mediums, and healers. Psychopomps are a concept originating from Greek mythology. Psychopomps are soul guides that escort and guide newly deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife. Their role is not to judge the deceased, but simply to guide. Modern Psychopomps are called Death Doulas, Exit Guides, and Soul Midwives. We discuss examples of Psychopomps throughout history, soul guiding techniques in different spiritual traditions, deities/gods/goddesses that are Psychopomps and how to work with them. We discuss ways that you can facilitate this sacred work (with family, friends, clients, patients, as a volunteer in hospice) and ways to tap into the veil. Death is a journey we all will take when it is our time….there is nothing to fear.

Christina is the host of Garden Goth, an Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist, Master Gardener, Botanical Artist, Natural Perfumer, Psychopomp, Cemeterian, a Death Doula, and a High Priestess in Training. She has a PhD in Health Psychology, a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology, a Minor in Sociology, and is trained in Transpersonal Psychology. She specializes in Gothic Gardening, Cemetery Gardening, Poison Gardening, and Heirloom Gardening. For more info:

Feb 09, 202403:01:40
Scrying: Mirror, Crystal Ball, & Water

Scrying: Mirror, Crystal Ball, & Water

Another special video podcast episode with Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD! This 3-hour episode is part of our divination series and explores the divination technique of scrying. Christina makes and vends black mirrors for scrying at witches' markets, spirit fairs, and paranormal events and is surprised at how many people are not familiar with scrying or have never even heard of it.

Traditionally, scrying is performed with the use of a reflective surface, such as a mirror, water, or crystal globe. The word “scrying” actually comes from the Old English word descry which means “to make out dimly” or “to reveal.” Therefore, scrying is about revealing the unseen through the use of our intuitive second sight (Clairvoyance). Second sight is our capacity to see things that can’t usually be perceived through our five senses.  You will learn all about the history of scrying and second sight. Christina will cover numerous scrying tools, techniques, and methods. This podcast class will cover entering a trance state to have the best experience with scrying. We will also go over intuitive development, energy protection, energy clearing, ethics, and raising your vibration in this class.  Christina will guide you into a deeply relaxed trance state where you will then experiment with multiple scrying techniques and use it to intuitively answer life’s questions and participate in self-discovery. ***To fully participate in this podcast class, you will need a mirror, bowl of water, and shiny objects (like crystals). Christina will also teach you how to make a scrying mirror. Enjoy!!

Christina is the host of Garden Goth, an Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist, Master Gardener, Botanical Artist, Natural Perfumer, Psychopomp, Cemeterian, a Death Doula, and a High Priestess in Training. She has a PhD in Health Psychology, a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology, a Minor in Sociology, and is trained in Transpersonal Psychology. She specializes in Gothic Gardening, Cemetery Gardening, Poison Gardening, and Heirloom Gardening. For more info:

Jan 05, 202402:55:31
Candle Magick and Candle Divination

Candle Magick and Candle Divination

Another special video podcast episode! This 2.5 hour episode explores Candle Magick and Candle Divination with Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD. Make all your hopes, desires, dreams, and goals come to fruition! Candle magic is one of the simplest and most powerful forms of magick and manifestation. Anyone with a candle can cast a spell, prayer, or manifestation.  In this special class, Christina covers how to choose a candle for magick, candle magick colors, magickal correspondences, how to prepare a candle for magick, spellcasting & manifestation, and guides you through a complete ritual of candle magick from start to finish. Then, learn all about the art of Ceromancy or candle divination and how to divinate ....the way a candle burns, the way the flame burns, how to read the wax drippings to determine the answer or messages , smoke divination, and flame scrying. 

Christina is the host of Garden Goth, an Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist, Master Gardener, Botanical Artist, Psychopomp, Cemeterian, a Death Doula in Training, and a High Priestess in Training. She has a PhD in Health Psychology, a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology, a Minor in Sociology, and is trained in Transpersonal Psychology. She specializes in Gothic Gardening, Poison Gardening, and Heirloom Gardening. For more info:

Dec 01, 202302:26:43
Spirit Boards, Talking Boards, Ouija Boards, and Psychic Circles

Spirit Boards, Talking Boards, Ouija Boards, and Psychic Circles

Its Spooky Season! Halloween is near!! This extra special podcast episode is a 5-hour video class with Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD and guest Ashley Trapp.

Christina believes very strongly in demystifying all the stigma and fear surrounding Ouija Boards. Christina recorded this online Ouija Board class in 2021 as part of her year long divination program. In this series, we explored Tarot, Tea Readings, Oracle Cards, Astrology, Runes, etc. Since so many people are afraid of Ouija Boards, Christina decided to gift this online class to her listeners to educate them because knowledge is power. The more information you have about a topic, the less likely you are to fear it.

Spirit Boards, such as Ouija, are perhaps the most misunderstood and taboo type of divination!  Christina has been using and collecting Ouija and Spirit Boards for almost 30 years. Christina and her husband Bill also make, handcraft, and sell Ouija and Spirit Boards. In this episode, Christina shows her Ouija Board collection as well as breaks down all the myths and urban legends involving Spirit Boards. We cover all the different types of Spirit Boards, Talking Boards, and Psychic Circles, how to use, and how to interpret messages.  You learn the history of Spirit Boards and Christina introduces you to numerous resources.  We discuss this tool for mediumship, spirit communication, and paranormal investigation. Christina also introduces you to KONXARI CARDS and hybrid readings using Tarot, Oracle, Konxari, and Spirit Boards. We discuss making your own Spirit Board and how to cleanse, consecrate, and charge your divination tool. We also go over intuitive development, energy protection, energy clearing, ethics, and raising your vibration. 

Visit Christina at the following upcoming markets and fairs where she will be vending her Ouija Boards (as well of lots of other divination tools and products):

Great Lakes Paranormal Conference in Glenbulah, WI September 22 to 24, 2023: Paranormal Conference | Great Lakes Paranormal Conference

Bitchcraft in Milwaukee October 8, 2023: Bitchcraft Fair Milwaukee 2023 (

Milwaukee Paranormal Conference October 14, 2023: Milwaukee Paranormal Conference - 2023 Tickets & Info (

Witches Market in Sheboygan, WI November 18, 2023: (1) The Witches Market | Facebook

Krampusnacht in Milwaukee, WI December 3, 2023: Milwaukee Krampusnacht 2023: Sunday Dec. 3! – The Original Milwaukee Krampus Celebration!

Christina is the host of Garden Goth, an Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist, Master Gardener, Botanical Artist, Psychopomp, and a High Priestess in Training. She has a PhD in Health Psychology, a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology, a Minor in Sociology, and is trained in Transpersonal Psychology. She specializes in Gothic Gardening, Poison Gardening, and Heirloom Gardening. For more info: christina.wilke.burbach | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

Please check out Christina's other divination classes that are available for purchase: ⁠⁠

Ashley Trapp is a Reiki Master Practitioner, Practicing Witch, and is currently completing her Master's Degree in Counseling. Thank you very much Ashley for assisting me in discussing Ouija Boards. Love Christina :)

Sep 22, 202304:58:05
Journey to the Underworld

Journey to the Underworld

A special mini episode!! Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD takes you on a guided meditation/journey to the Underworld to experience a symbolic death and rebirth! The Underworld is a supernatural world of the dead in various spiritual traditions and myths. It is located below the world of the living and is the land of our ancestors, spirit animals, ghosts, death, and rebirth. It is also the realm of the chthonic (Underworld) deities (Hekate, Persephone, Anubis, Hel, Hades, Freya, etc.). Ponder what needs to die within you so you can be reborn.

Christina is the host of Garden Goth, an Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist, Master Gardener, Botanical Artist, Psychopomp, and a High Priestess in Training. She has a PhD in Health Psychology, a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology, a Minor in Sociology, and is trained in Transpersonal Psychology. She specializes in Gothic Gardening, Poison Gardening, and Heirloom Gardening. For more info:

Sep 01, 202342:18
Katie Nack and Blue Lotus Crystals

Katie Nack and Blue Lotus Crystals

My Garden Goth podcast guest this episode is Katie Nack of Blue Lotus Crystals. We discussed witchcraft, mystical experiences, being an art witch, creating art without apology, working with Deities, having witchy/magickal children...(we coined the term witchickal), her business Blue Lotus Crystals, crystals, witch kits, Witches Markets, experiences vending as a small business, and her upcoming candle making class.

Katie Nack is the owner, operator and curator of Blue Lotus Crystals. She has been a practicing witch since 2009. She has a certificate in Crystal healing through Hibiscus Moon Crystal academy and is attuned to level 2 reiki by Christina Wilke-Burbach.

She is a mom of 2... you might see her kiddos at her booth at the witches markets or other events. She lives in Sheboygan WI where her husband grew up, and she loves the community they've found here.

On her social media you can expect to see videos and pictures about crystals, obviously, but also various types of witchcraft, spells, tips, garden and herb magic, and whatever her hyper focus is at that moment. She basically wants to create a space to share her personal spiritual path with others online and in person. You can find ALL her links at

Aug 11, 202301:22:55
Punk Rock Gardening with Christina!

Punk Rock Gardening with Christina!

A special mini gardening class with Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD!!

Punk embraces a DIY (do it yourself) ethic.

Interest in gardening has risen in the past 3 years due to the pandemic. People are spending more time at home, have more free time, and want to become more self-sufficient and sustainable. Prices for food and supplies have skyrocketed and supply chains have been interrupted. DIY Gardening may be the answer!!

The idea behind this class is on building self-sufficiency, sustainability, and self-reliance while caring for mother earth and nature. Topic covered include urban gardening, planting with native plants, permaculture, seed saving, food preservation, land conservation, upcycling, recycling, reducing waste, saving and collecting water, and composting.

Punk, also called punk rock, is a form of rock music that originated in 1975–80. Often politicized and full of vital energy, punk spread as an ideology and an aesthetic approach, becoming an archetype of rebellion.


• Mutual aid

• Animal rights

• Environmentalism

• Humanitarianism

• Anti-racism, anti-sexism, gender equality, racial equality, health rights, civil rights, animal rights, disability rights

• Anti-War

• Anti-authoritarianism

• Free Thought

• Non-Conformity

• Anti-consumerism and anti-corporatism

How can we apply these concepts to gardening??? Punk Rock Gardening?? Let's discuss in this podcast episode!!

Christina is the host of Garden Goth, an Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist, Master Gardener, Botanical Artist, and specializes in Heirloom plants and Gothic Gardening. For more info:

Jul 28, 202301:29:59
Robin/Raven Demerath
Jul 07, 202301:35:25
Plants and Spirituality, Plant Spirit Guides, & Guided Plant Meditation
Jun 09, 202335:49
Sandy Wilke

Sandy Wilke

The Garden Goth podcast guest this episode is Christina's mom, Sandy! Topics discussed include: Planning for retirement. Planning for your death. Writing your own obituary. Estrangement of family. Evaluating our earthly relationship with material possessions. How Sandy helped her grandmother, mother, and father cross into spirit. Her near-death experience. Death/rebirth. The TV show Outlander. Renewal of wedding vows in Hawaii. Having a bucket list and traveling. I am so honored my mom was brave and courageous enough to discuss such powerful topics. Thank you mom, I love you! "One day you will wake up & there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now." --Paulo Coelho

May 26, 202301:03:56
Saul Ravencraft
May 12, 202359:36
The Death Card In Tarot
Apr 28, 202346:53
Gina Armstrong
Apr 14, 202354:21
Santa Muerte

Santa Muerte

A special mini episode!! Christina Wilke-Burbach takes you on a guided meditation to meet and communicate with Santa Muerte. Santa Muerte is a female deity and folk saint in folk Catholicism and Mexican Neopaganism.  A personification of death, she is associated with healing, protection, and safe delivery to the afterlife by her devotees. Christina is the host of Garden Goth, an Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist, Master Gardener, Botanical Artist, and specializes in Heirloom plants and Gothic Gardening. For more info:

Mar 31, 202325:27
Bill Burbach
Mar 17, 202301:00:43
Taylor Beam
Mar 03, 202359:13
Indoor Gardening and House Plants with Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD

Indoor Gardening and House Plants with Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD

Topic: Indoor Gardening and House Plants with Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD. This indoor gardening mini class focuses on having a year-round garden in your home! Bring the outdoors inside! This episode covers reasons for having indoor plants, caring for indoor plants, tips and techniques for success, common challenges with indoor plants and how to remedy them.

Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD is the host of Garden Goth. She has a PhD in Health Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology Training, is an Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist, Master Gardener, Botanical Artist, and specializes in Heirloom plants and Gothic Gardening. and

Feb 17, 202357:25
Samantha Eisner

Samantha Eisner

Topics discussed: Besom Boutique. Fashion/accessories for alternative & goth lifestyles. Vending at pop-up shops. Becoming your authentic self. Death, dying, grief, healing, & contemplating your mortality. Witchcraft and spirituality. Sustainability in small businesses. Upcycling, recycling, and making more earth-friendly decisions. With guest Samantha Eisner.

Samantha Eisner is the owner of Besom Boutique, an online shop specializing in eclectic accessories for the modern day mystic. Besom Boutique is a blend of alternative, gothic and witchy accessories to help people represent their most authentic selves. We believe in supporting all those who are looking for unique was to express themselves through fashion. We believe you should always be yourself, because it’s beautiful. TikTok, Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest- @besomboutique

Feb 03, 202357:54
Erika Block

Erika Block

Topics discussed: Her book - American Gothic. The process of writing a book. Her upcoming books. Magick. Prophetic dreams. The paranormal and supernatural. Her Victorian home and gardens.  Making friends with Trees. Plants as sentient beings. Being a creative person.

E L Block is an award-winning designer, artist, and author. She has 25 years of experience in the art, music, publishing, film, and fashion industries. Her work has been featured in the national media, including People Magazine, The View, Good Morning America, and the Today Show. American Gothic is her first novel.

Jan 20, 202358:03
Sam Oschwald Tilton

Sam Oschwald Tilton

Topics Discussed:  Life Purpose. Life Passion. Soil health. Weed management. Winter Activities for Gardeners. Magic of Plants. Crop death and the circle of life. Community gardening. Building diversity in gardening clubs. With guest Sam Oschwald Tilton.

Sam Oschwald Tilton studied horticulture at Michigan State University. He has traveled the world studying, researching, and teaching about plants. He is incredibly passionate and knowledgeable about a variety of horticulture topics, especially weed management, vegetable gardening, community gardening, and soil science.

Jan 06, 202358:58
Angela U. Drakeford
Dec 23, 202257:53
Cheri Meyer
Dec 09, 202259:57
Christine Voboril
Nov 25, 202257:53
Kristina Nez Begay
Nov 11, 202257:48
TinaMarie Olig

TinaMarie Olig

Topics Discussed: Death and Dying. Surviving Cancer and a Near Fatal Accident. Hospice Nursing. Motorcycles. Pet Therapy. Behavioral Euthanasia. Supportive Spouses. With guest TinaMarie Olig.

TinaMarie Olig is a Licensed Practical Holistic Nurse, Hospice Nurse, Reiki Practitioner, Certified Reflexologist, Aromatherapist, Empath and Intuitive. She holds a Certification in Complimentary Health and loves using all modalities in assisting people on their journeys of living or dying with inner peace.

Oct 28, 202255:04
Gothic Gardening With Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD
Oct 14, 202259:40
Annie Casavant Zoch
Sep 30, 202259:50
Kerry Frederickson
Sep 16, 202259:03
Rebecca Duquesnoy
Sep 02, 202259:14
Claire Carlson
Aug 19, 202259:57
Melissa Adlebush (AKA Aurora)
Aug 05, 202259:25
Kim Regner
Jul 22, 202259:10
Nina Soul
Jul 08, 202201:15:38
John Tully
Jun 24, 202201:00:53
Gardening 102
Jun 10, 202201:07:38
Gardening 101
May 27, 202201:03:01
Andy Williams

Andy Williams

Pet Euthanasia. Losing Loved Ones. Near Death Experiences.  Industrial Music. Creativity. Land Conservation. With guest Andy Williams: Dad. Husband. Son.  3D Printer. Conservationist and Nature Lover. Piping manager. Grower of Christmas Trees and Food. Crypto Trader.  Just trying to enjoy the world around me while leaving space for other creatures.

May 13, 202259:55
Amanda Strojinc
Apr 29, 202257:46
Jenn Fodden

Jenn Fodden

Living an authentic life. Death & Dying. Self-sustainability. Ambitious Gardening Projects. With guest Jenn Morris Fodden: Jenn is a retired palliative healthcare provider from Canada now living in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Herbalist, poet, photographer, writer, hedgewitch - reclaiming my zen. TikTok – jemherblife | Instagram – jemherblife

Apr 15, 202250:60
Bill Burbach
Apr 01, 202251:38
Erica Huntzinger
Mar 18, 202251:43