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Fresh Morning Dew

Fresh Morning Dew

By Fresh Morning Dew

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Just Maintaining

Fresh Morning DewMay 17, 2023

My Favorite Time of the Year

My Favorite Time of the Year

My Favorite Time of the Year - Episode #6 St. Matthew 2:9-11 Christmas is the most joyous time of the year! It started over 2,000 years ago when the angels harmonic choir announced his birth with singing and when the wise men found him they to rejoiced and presented him with gifts, gold, frankincense and myrrh so let us rejoice and be exceedingly glad for a savior was born whom we celebrate this season!
Dec 19, 202303:34
You’ve Got The Power! - Episode #4

You’ve Got The Power! - Episode #4

Everything that you could ever want or imagine is within you and according to Ephesians 3:20, it’s according to the power that worketh in us so speak it and watch it come to past.
Dec 08, 202303:58
God’s Power, God’s Purpose & God’s Plan - Episode #4

God’s Power, God’s Purpose & God’s Plan - Episode #4

Preparing for the New Year? Then get ready for an outpouring of God’s blessings upon you through his Power\ he has Purpose for you and a Plan to elevate you to new heights in the upcoming year!
Nov 28, 202304:10
Black Friday

Black Friday

From a biblical perspective our Black Friday began when Jesus Christ was hanging on the cross to save the sins of this world and according to scripture found in St. Matthew 27:45, from the six to the ninth hour darkness covered the entire earth for our savior had already died but on the third day he arose with all power in his hands.
Nov 24, 202304:41
How To Turn Your Thanksgiving Into Thanks-Living

How To Turn Your Thanksgiving Into Thanks-Living

In I Thessalonians 5:16-17 Paul gives four ways to turn our Thanksgiving into Thanks-Living. First Rejoice; second Pray without ceasing; Third, In everything give thanks and Fourth, It is the will of God.
Nov 20, 202305:23
It’s Yours!

It’s Yours!

It’s Yours! For the asking, for the taking, believe that you receive it and you shall have what you say! “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof” Psalem 24:1
Nov 10, 202302:18
The Power of Putting God First

The Power of Putting God First

When we put God first it releases his blessings upon us with Power! Through our first fruit giving (tithe) God promises to open up the windows of Heaven and pour us out a blessing we want have room to receive it! That’s the power every believer should want in their lives.
Jul 15, 202314:38
Just Maintaining

Just Maintaining

Are you at a dead end or you’re just being content on just living day to day? Well God has a plan for you and it involves becoming a productive Stewart the things God has given you.
May 17, 202305:49
Don’t Get Mad At Me I Tried To Tell You!

Don’t Get Mad At Me I Tried To Tell You!

I’ve been waiting to hear from my so called non bible scholars since this pandemic came on the scene and I’ve yet to hear nothing. Some of them have been very vocal as to the validity of the Bible contradicting it and saying it is untrue. Everything they didn’t believe and didn’t want to believe they disputed it and challenged Christian believers trying to draw us into their empty conversations calling us dumb and crazy for believing this infallible Word of God which is the Bible. All I can say now is, Don’t Get Mad At Me Because I Tried To Tell You!
Jun 09, 202237:10
Is There A Balm In Gilead?

Is There A Balm In Gilead?

Looking at the latest events in the world, there have been storms and rain in places like never before; earthquakes in divers places, wars and rumors of wars, and pestilences and diseases all over the world. The stock market has been shaky, sports and entertainment venues has been shut down, supermarkets are running low and out of supplies, price gauging is being report, the whole world including our country is in a complete pandemic. Folk are running around with masks on emptying supermarkets and grocery stores, spending all their money and looking for surges for a virus that many still do no have. But I heard the Lord saying, “The end is not yet!” I am in complete control, but, I have something against you!
Jun 09, 202228:59
A Sunday Morning Conspiracy

A Sunday Morning Conspiracy

On their way to the tomb, who would remove the stone so that they could anoint the body of Christ but to their surprise the stone was already moved and Christ’s body was gone. Did Christ arise or was his body stolen away?
Jun 09, 202240:26
A Miracle At Midnight

A Miracle At Midnight

There are many miracles in which God made ways out of no way even when it looked like there was no way of escape but God always makes a way!
Feb 06, 202039:14
Giving Birth To Your Miracle pt. 2

Giving Birth To Your Miracle pt. 2

God is still in the miracle working business and does his best work around the Christmas Season so before the New Year get pregnant with your miracle!
Feb 06, 202044:29
Detours To Your Destiny

Detours To Your Destiny

No matter where you are in life God always provide a road map to your destiny. Although the road may get rough but eventually you will end up where God has destined you to be.
Feb 06, 202046:48
It’s My Due Season!

It’s My Due Season!

Often we think that because the year is coming to a close that God suddenly stops blessing but in reality it is near the end of the year when God does his best work!
Feb 06, 202051:16
The Naaman In You, What's Your Leprosy?

The Naaman In You, What's Your Leprosy?

In the book of II Kings Chapter 5 verses 1-10 talks about a man named Naaman. He was a mighty man of valor and the captain of the Syrian Army, but, he had a terrible disease called leprosy. Often time we tend to look at others and their faults or shortcomings until we forget about our own. In this lesson Naaman goes in search for the one man who could heal him of his Leprosy a man by the name of Elisha which proves that God can heal us of all our Leprosy. What's yours? 

Sep 06, 201947:45
Lord Deliver Me!

Lord Deliver Me!

When we face threatening circumstances or when we go through trials and misfortunes of life, we can be sure that God will deliver us! Whether in life or death, no matter how foolish we are or how foolish we havw acted, we must know and trust God to restore and deliver us! 

Aug 20, 201934:07
When Deliverance Is Delayed

When Deliverance Is Delayed

What Happens when deliverance is delayed? What about when your answer doesn't come right away or when we pray it gets worse instead of better? What happens when we get a different answer than the one we expected to get? These are just a few of the question we will answer in today's message entitled, "When Deliverance Is Delayed?" 

Aug 20, 201942:20
Faith For The Next Level

Faith For The Next Level

One of the most frustrating and confusing things we encounter in our earthly journey is those times when we seem to be moving…without making progress. You understand, those times in your life when you have motion but no momentum to propel you forward, to cause you to advance and move to the next level of the abundant life that God has for you. In this lesson we will discuss the keys to give us Faith For The Next Level.
Jul 12, 201953:30
Bipolar Christians Part II

Bipolar Christians Part II

In today's churches we are suffering from bi-polar disorder. However, this sermon shows not only the symptoms but the cure and is designed to help individuals gain a closer walk with God.
Jun 08, 201934:20
Bipolar Christians

Bipolar Christians

In today's churches we are suffering from bi-polar disorder. However, this sermon shows not only the symptoms but the cure and is designed to help individuals gain a closer walk with God.

Jun 07, 201912:44
Waiting On Pentecost

Waiting On Pentecost

It is often said that patience is a virtue! Unfortunately in today’s society folk want things expediently and are unwilling to wait. The disciples of Christ commanded to wait on the promise that would give them power to achieve life’s greatest accomplishments.
May 31, 201936:06
Running With The Horses

Running With The Horses

Often we are met with struggles that hinder us from achieving our destiny. In this lesson today we will call them foot soldiers and if you are having problems with them then how can you run with the horses.
May 31, 201949:07
Walking In Your Desert With Purpose

Walking In Your Desert With Purpose

Everyone of us will go through a wilderness experience at some point in our life But God is faithful to deliver us!
May 03, 201936:48
Don’t Act Like You Don’t Know Me!

Don’t Act Like You Don’t Know Me!

In St. Matthew 16:13, Jesus asks the disciples, “Whom do men say that I the son of man am?” And the began to name some of the prophets and others but only Peter gave the correct answer after Jesus asked, but who do you say I am?’ Some folk will delight who you are and act like they don’t know because of your past but only God knows your future and destiny!
Apr 12, 201930:58
The Five Traits of a Super Bowl Christian

The Five Traits of a Super Bowl Christian

The game of life is often played on the battlefield and to become a winner you must have Desire, Discipline, Commitment, Sacrifice and Character which are the five elements for becoming a Super Bowl Christian!
Feb 04, 201940:29
The Lord Is Bringing Us Into A New Season

The Lord Is Bringing Us Into A New Season

God has given us the ability to get wealth but many don’t know this. Here are 7 prophecies concerning you this year as God is bringing us into a New Season of blessings!
Jan 10, 201938:36
Reasons For The Season!

Reasons For The Season!

Jesus is the reason for the season and he is the key to unlocking your blessings in 2019.
Dec 31, 201848:51