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Gavin Manerowski

Gavin Manerowski

By Gavin Manerowski

Gavin Manerowski is a fitness freak from Gatwick, London. He is a gym lover and trainer that instruct and motivate individuals or groups in exercise related activities that includes cardiovascular exercises.
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Manerowski- Best Exercises for Abs In 2019

Gavin ManerowskiAug 29, 2019

Fitness Freak

Fitness Freak

Manerowski is one of the best fitness freak in London.

Nov 25, 201900:06
Gavin Manerowski

Gavin Manerowski

Gavin Manerowski,  the outstanding gym instructor, with his various years of dealing with people who are overweight back to their desired shape, has something to say about why people become overweight. Read on for the full scoop!

Nov 07, 201901:12
Why people become overweight?
Nov 06, 201900:49
Fitness and Body Health

Fitness and Body Health

Listen the podcast below and take the tips about your body.

Nov 01, 201900:43
Gavin Manerowski Best Exercises

Gavin Manerowski Best Exercises

Gavin Manerowski is a gym trainer in London and now he is going to discuss best exercises for abs, the best abs workouts for getting a ripped stomach, courtesy of some of the best trainers in the United Kingdom like Manerowski.

Hardstyle plank

Lying face down on the ground, prop yourself up into a forearm plank position. Make sure your elbows are aligned underneath your shoulders, and that your hands are balled up in fists. Your forearms should be parallel to one another. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds per set.

Dead Bug

Lay face up on the floor with arms straight above your shoulders. To start, bring your knees directly over your hips and bend at the knee so that your calf forms a 90-degree angle with your thigh. Next, simultaneously lower your left arm above your head while straightening your right leg and sending it towards the floor. Pause, return to the starting position, and then repeat on the opposite side. Do 14 alternating reps to complete one set.

Hollow extension-to-cannonball

Get into a cannonball-type shape on your back, hugging your knees into your chest—yes, just like you’re at the pool at summer camp again. Simultaneously extend your legs and arms outwards into a “hollow” position, pressing your lower back to the floor. Hold for five seconds before curling up again, and complete five reps for one set.

Dumbbell side bend

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in your right hand, palm facing inwards towards the torso. Keep your back straight, activate your core, and then bend to the side as far as possible—but only at the waist. Hold for one second at the bottom of your range of motion, and return to start for one rep. Do between 12 and 20 reps for one set.

Oct 10, 201901:41
5 Simple Tips for Fitness Success

5 Simple Tips for Fitness Success

A fitness freak and a trainer Gavin Manerowski explore some simple and effective tips that can help you in your fitness success.

Sep 17, 201902:57
Exercises That Can Help You To Get Six-Pack Abs At Home

Exercises That Can Help You To Get Six-Pack Abs At Home

Craze of getting six- packs abs is in trending all over the globe. So herewith Gavin Manerowski – a fitness freak and a trainer let’s explore some exercises and work-out that can help you to get six-pack abs at home.

Sep 10, 201902:57
Manerowski- Best Exercises for Abs In 2019

Manerowski- Best Exercises for Abs In 2019

Let's Checkout  Podcast by Manerowski On the topic of  Best Exercises for Abs In 2019.Learn from with the Industry experts by  gavin manerowski

Aug 29, 201901:44
Gavin Manerowski | 4 Best Full Body Exercises

Gavin Manerowski | 4 Best Full Body Exercises

Staying healthy and fit is not a choice, rather it is a necessity. For the individual, it is necessary to take care of mind, body, and soul. And it is only possible if you choose exercises over laziness, and healthy diet over junk food. When we talk about exercises, it is important to consider full body exercises as it helps your complete body to stay fit and healthy. 

Let’s explore few good full body exercises with the gym fitness expert Gavin Manerowski.

Push up Planks Jumps

According to Gavin Manerowski, push-up planks jump makes your regular push-ups more interesting and at the same time increase your heart rate. To perform this exercise, place your body in a push-up position on the floor by keeping your shoulders directly over your hands. Now tighten your abs, and thighs, then slightly bend down so that your chest touches the floor. Then push back up, and jump your feet toward your hands. After this, you need to Jump back to the starting push-up position. Basically, that’s one repetition!

Squat Tuck jump Combo

The squat tuck jump combo is a full-body exercise that will immediately make your legs burn in. All you need to do is, take a standing position with your legs hip-width apart and place your toes slightly outward. Squat down as low as it is possible for you, then jump upward as you bring your knees toward your chest. Go back in a squat position and repeat immediately. Basically, that’s one repetition!


According to fitness experts including Gavin Manerowski, the burpee is one of those exercises that most people have love and hate relationship with. By doing Burpee you will get a full body workout in a few minutes, and increase heart rate. However, to do this exercise one need a focus and intensity. To perform this exercise, stand in a straight position, squat down, put your hands on the ground, push your legs out behind you, then pull the legs back up into a squat position. After this, stand and jump as you move your arms overhead. 

Speed Skater Lunges

Speed skater lunges are one of the best exercises when it comes to full body exercises. It makes you sweat in a matter of minutes. And if you think they’re only a leg exercise — you’ll be surprised, once you start getting results from this exercise.

To perform this exercise, you need to stand in a side lunge position while keeping one leg bent in a parallel position to the floor and the other one straight to the side. Now jump up with full enthusiasm as you switch legs. Now you have to bend your leg that is previously straight and straight your leg to the other side that is previously bent. Ensure you keep your core tight and maintain the posture as low as possible as you switch.

Final Words

So, these few good full body exercises suggested by gym fitness expert Gavin Manerowski that can make your body in shape will keep you fit and energetic every day. If you have any full body exercise on your mind, please do share with us.

Jun 11, 201902:59
Gavin Manerowski | Apply Healthy Living Ideas to Real Life

Gavin Manerowski | Apply Healthy Living Ideas to Real Life

Once you lose good health, you can never get it back, therefore it is necessary to take care of health while we are alive. In a hectic life, we often neglect the importance of a healthy lifestyle and regret later, especially when we have to spend hard-earned income on medications. Therefore, fitness expert Gavin Manerowski encourage everyone to opt for a healthy lifestyle and stay fit and happy.

Let’s explore a few good tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle with Gavin Manerowski from London

1) Follow Annual Checkups

According to fitness trainer Gavin Manerowski from London, people often neglect regular health checkups in everyday life. The health checkup actually helps individual to avoid many health problems at an early stage. If you follow a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can easily prevent issues like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. Neglecting such issues and treatment will make health issues more dangerous. It is advisable to keep a personal record of your health statistics. It must include a waist-to-height ratio, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels.

2) Choose Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Anything in excess is injurious to the mind, body, and soul. Whether you consume hard drinks or do smoking in excess, these bad habits can cause a range of diseases and problems. These problems and diseases include high blood pressure, lung cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, liver diseases, etc. Smoking is not only injurious to our health, but also expensive. The money you are spending on smoking can give you more benefits if you invest it somewhere else.

3) Check Food Labels Carefully

Most times while buying healthy food items we go for branded items. However, many of us, maybe not aware of the fact that there are many alternatives to mainstream products are available. The best part is the majority of them are very good and better than the originals. You can look for discount grocery stores nearby from where you can buy items in bulk. These warehouses and stores offer health and beauty products, veggies, etc., in stocks at the best price.

4) Physical Activities

Going out for a brisk walk, meditation or yoga are the best ways to stay physically active without costing a rupee. Even you can join various groups in or around your area to have more fun and enjoyment. Joining these groups allow you to meet different people from all walks of life and interacting with them gives you something new to learn. When you try to achieve something in a group it gives you motivation and increase your enthusiasm. Also, gives you more reasons to stay happy and fit. In the beginning, you might find difficulty in maintaining a daily routine to follow physical activities, but once you make up your mind everything will become possible.

Final Thoughts

So these are the few tips from the fitness expert Gavin Manerowski to stay fit and happy. No matter what your age is, adopting a healthy lifestyle is necessary for every individual. As soon as you change your bad habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle, the more blessed you will later. If you have any query or thought to discuss regarding healthy life or fitness, feel free to write below in the comment box. 

May 30, 201903:09