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Arcturian Healing Method Podcast

Arcturian Healing Method Podcast

By Gene Ang

Learn about the Arcturian Healing Method and listen to interesting interviews and healing sessions on healing, consciousness, and the New Earth.
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Arcturian Three Treasures Healing Sessions: Wealth

Arcturian Healing Method PodcastMay 18, 2024

Iceland Power of Transformation Healing

Iceland Power of Transformation Healing

Please enjoy this 50 minute healing session recorded in Iceland's capital of Reykjavik. We did this session from the capital to connect with the transformational energies and consciousness inherent in the land of Iceland. 

The healing session is meant to connect with these energies of alchemy to change quickly, rapidly, and in a balanced way any patterns in our physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and/or divine bodies that we have been hoping to change in this life.  You may have specific goals or intentions in mind or you might want to access your higher superconscious wisdom to change something that your personality self is not currently aware of.  Either way, we access the power of transformation of the place of Iceland to assist through resonance these changes. 

Iceland is still forming and this is evidenced by its powerful geological structures and many active volcanoes.  Also, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge cuts right through the middle of Iceland where the North Atlantic and Eurasian tectonic plates meet.  Portions of the ridge also are right near Reykjavik.  We can access these tectonic shifts in the outer world and harness them for inner world changes.  We are in resonance with this macrocosmic dynamic power to create microcosmic changes within ourselves. 

Jun 01, 202449:27
 Arcturian Time Windows Interview on You Wealth Revolution Spring 2024
May 28, 202401:41:11
Arcturian May Full Moon Transmission: Increasing Our Healing Power

Arcturian May Full Moon Transmission: Increasing Our Healing Power

Please enjoy the Arcturian May Full Moon Transmission to download the patterns to increase our healing abilities and power with the help of the Divine, Our Guides and Teachers, the Angels, the Archangels, the Spiritual Hierarchy, and the Arcturians. 

The transmission focuses on a number of subtle body areas.  These include:

1) Increasing the flow in the channels and chakras in the hands

2) Increasing the flow in the channels and chakras in the feet

3) Opening our heart center for increased compassion

4) Developing our head center for increased clairvoyance

5) Strengthening our belly center for increased staying power

After the 45 minute transmission there is a 30 minute group Pillar of Light meditation to anchor the light onto the planet and to build our subtle bodies.  We focus on stillness and silence to access the divine whisper.

May 22, 202401:18:28
Arcturian Three Treasures Healing Sessions: Relationships

Arcturian Three Treasures Healing Sessions: Relationships

Please join us for these deep healing sessions where we work on manifesting three areas in our life that bring abundance, joy, and bliss to all aspects of our lives.  

In this 50 minute healing session we focus on Arcturian Healing For Relationships. Here we bring into our life our primary soul partner.  If we already have our primary relationship, we work on strengthening these bonds and purifying all our subtle energy channels and chakras to be radiant on all levels.  This session makes us magnetic on all levels by working on all the seven subtle bodies.

May 20, 202444:08
Arcturian Three Treasures Healing Sessions: Wealth

Arcturian Three Treasures Healing Sessions: Wealth

Please join us for these deep healing sessions where we work on manifesting three areas in our life that bring abundance, joy, and bliss to all aspects of our lives.  

In this 50 minute healing session we work on Arcturian Healing For Wealth: Here we work with new Arcturian Energies and Frequencies to bring abundance and prosperity into our lives.  We manifest the means to live a life of fulfillment, success, and wealth on all levels.  This helps to move your wealth thermostat to a higher level and brings more generosity and abundance into your life.

May 18, 202443:35
Arcturian Mental Health Toolkit: Overcoming Anxiety

Arcturian Mental Health Toolkit: Overcoming Anxiety

Please join us for this healing session meant to raise the frequency of our subtle bodies to help combat feelings of anxiety.  In this healing session we clear old patterns and unwanted feelings, thoughts, and behaviors which are no longer helping us or leading to negative thoughts and emotions.

We clear thought forms and emotions leading to this state as well as imprinting thought patterns of peace and calm.  We work to balance the limbic system and amygdala-two key brain structures involved with anxiety.  We also balance the autonomic nervous system and in particular the Vagal Response which leads to the capacity to heal and regenerate quickly.

May 16, 202449:16
Arcturian Mental Health Toolkit: Overcoming Grief

Arcturian Mental Health Toolkit: Overcoming Grief

Please join us for this healing session meant to raise the frequency of our subtle bodies to help combat feelings of grief.  In this healing session we clear old patterns and unwanted feelings, thoughts, and behaviors which are no longer helping us or leading to negative thoughts and emotions.

This session will focus on grief.  We use the Arcturian Healing Method frequencies to heal and balance feelings of loss and desperation.  These are natural feelings we can go through when we have lost something important in life.  We help ease this process by balancing brain structures involved in grief and heal patterns of thought and emotions involved in loss.

May 14, 202448:53
Arcturian Mental Health Toolkit: Overcoming Depression and Low Energy

Arcturian Mental Health Toolkit: Overcoming Depression and Low Energy

Please join us for this healing session meant to raise the frequency of our subtle bodies to help combat feelings of depression, anxiety, and grief.  In this healing sessions we clear old patterns and unwanted feelings, thoughts, and behaviors which are no longer helping us or leading to negative thoughts and emotions.

The focus of this session is on overcoming feelings of depression and low energy.  We clear any thoughts, feelings, and emotions leading to feelings of depression.  We also work on brain structures having to do with the neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

May 05, 202449:16
Arcturian Pristine Awareness Transmission

Arcturian Pristine Awareness Transmission

This was a transmission done before the Death, Dying, & Afterlife training.

Pristine Awareness is our state of mind after you have taken away our body and personality self.  What is left?  This is Pristine Awareness.  We can recognize and stabilize this awareness now while still in this life.  This will serve us well during the death and dying process and beyond.

This transmission connects to God, Source, and Love, Our Guides and Teachers, the Arcturians, and Our Higher Self to bring through this consciousness of Pristine Awareness.  We ask for patterns to assist in stabilizing this awareness during sleeping, dreaming, awake, and pure bliss states of mind.  Finally, the transmission allows us to maintain this awareness during all the stages of Dying and beyond which are known as the 6 Bardos in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition.

Apr 30, 202448:34
Wesak Power Retreat Purification Meditation

Wesak Power Retreat Purification Meditation

Please enjoy this Pillar of Light Purification Meditation (20 minutes) that was part of Day 01 of the Wesak Power Retreat. Purify your channels and chakras with divine light violet light and empower them with golden energy during the meditation. Great tool to prepare for the Wesak Full Moon and Full Moons in general.

Apr 22, 202422:48
Arcturian Self-Mastery Meditation and Transmission

Arcturian Self-Mastery Meditation and Transmission

Please join us for this transmission and meditation in preparation for the April Full Moon.  We did an Arcturian Self-Mastery Transmission where we invoked and worked with the Divine, Our Guides and Teachers, the Arcturians, Our Holy Guardian Angel, and Our Higher Soul to fully develop the virtues and qualities that lead to self-mastery.  This was a 45 minute transmission.

Afterwards we did a 30 minute Pillar of Light Meditation meant to fully cleanse all the chakras, channels, and seven subtle bodies so that they can hold more light and energy that will be downloaded during the full moon of April.

Apr 19, 202401:42:56
Arcturian Becoming the Sphinx Transmission

Arcturian Becoming the Sphinx Transmission

In this transmission we connect with the information field of the ancient Sphinx located on the Giza Plateau.  This 50 minute transmission works by visualizing the Sphinx in front of you.  We connect to the first chakra above the head of the Sphinx.  This then allows the complete download of the information field of the Sphinx to be downloaded into our system.  The purpose of the transmission is to embody those aspects of the Sphinx relevant to us now.  The Sphinx is known as a Galactic Being here to help people ascend on their path.

Apr 14, 202450:17
Galactic Retreat III Interview With Rayania Chaenn

Galactic Retreat III Interview With Rayania Chaenn

Please enjoy this inspiring interview on Rayania Chaenn's telesummit Galactic Retreat III. We discuss all aspects of spiritual growth and healing during these exciting times.

Apr 11, 202458:09
Iceland Unveiled

Iceland Unveiled

Please join us for this information session on the upcoming summer trip to Iceland 2024: Ignition tour.  Join us to learn about the trip and the significance and timing of the trip. 

Runa Bergmann, our spiritual tour guide, will be going over the high points of the tour schedule and describing the significance of the power places we will be visiting.  Runa is an amazing shamanic and lightworker practitioner with over 30 years facilitating journeys throughout Iceland and other power spots on the planet.  We also worked together last year on an amazing trip to Iceland.

Gene will then go over the work we will do with the 5 Elements of Nature and the Soul Retrieval training being held as part of the trip.  We will also go over the meditations and transmission involved on the trip as well as do a final 20 minute meditation/transmission to connect with the Spirits of the Elements and bless the Earth.

Apr 10, 202401:14:06
Arcturian Source Code Transmission

Arcturian Source Code Transmission

In this transmission based session, we work directly with Source to bring through energies, frequencies, and consciousness to reawaken latent aspects of our DNA to bring through the New Human.  We reactivate in ourselves new ways of working, new abilities and capacities, and new ways of envisioning reality.  With the assistance also of our Guides, Awakened Star Beings, and the Arcturians we download this 50 minute transmission meant to help accelerate our consciousness, further our development of our subtle bodies, and assist the new frequencies and increased vibrations on the planet.  Some of these new abilities include telepathy, clairvoyance, bi-location, and unified field thinking and awareness (non-dual consciousness).

Apr 06, 202449:48
Interview On Arcturian Abundance and Flow

Interview On Arcturian Abundance and Flow

Please enjoy this interview with Judy Anderson on her tele-summit Jazz Up With Judy. 

We discuss the topic of Arcturian Abundance and Flow. In this show, we focus on how we can bring abundance and flow into all aspects of our lives through energy work and connections to the Arcturians. 

We focus on three key areas in our life: wealth, relationships, and purpose.

1. Learn about how purification of the energy body affects our abundance and flow.

2.  Learn three key energy practices to help our abundance and flow?

3.  Learn how to work with the Arcturians and your Guides to bring through abundance and flow.

4.  Learn how love underlies attracting abundance and flow into your life.

5.  Learn how forgiveness allows us to overcome any blockages or resistance to Life's Energy Flow.

Mar 30, 202401:05:26
Arcturian Full Moon Transmission and Meditation: Chakra Healing for Wealth and Relationships
Mar 23, 202401:00:53
Resurrection Body-Transforming Our Elements Into Light
Mar 19, 202401:09:34
Iceland Elven True North Healing Session

Iceland Elven True North Healing Session

Please enjoy this one hour healing session recorded in Reykjavik, Iceland which is facilitated by the healing forces and beings in the Iceland Elves who can give us insight, guidance, and assistance in our life goals, purpose, and mission. 

We start by purifying our subtle bodies and consciousness with the Elven Pure Water Frequency.  This is followed by a systematic download from the Elves to bring insight and information into our energy field and consciousness.  This is symbolized by the sacred geometry tool of the drafting compass which allows the geometer to carefully draw out his or her plans based on sacred information and in packed form of geometries.  The Elves assist us in writing out the scripts of our lives based on these sacred geometrical symbols and processes.

Mar 05, 202458:44
Extraterrestrial Contact Meditation on Mt. Coolum (Coolum Beach, Australia)

Extraterrestrial Contact Meditation on Mt. Coolum (Coolum Beach, Australia)

Please enjoy this 18 minute meditation meant to download galactic codes with the assistance of the spirits of Mt. Coolum located on the Sunshine Coast in Australia.

This is a powerful meditation to do to move forward in the next few months and the next cycle as the earth and humanity accelerate both personally and globally. Participants of this meditation commented on the quantum shifts they received by being part of this inaugural event.

Thanks so much!

Feb 29, 202417:36
Extraterrestrial Contact Meditation Discussion in Coolum Beach, Australia

Extraterrestrial Contact Meditation Discussion in Coolum Beach, Australia

Please enjoy this talk that was given in Coolum Beach on Extraterrestrial Contact Meditation right before going out to do such a meditation on Mt. Coolum.  In the next episode we will also post the meditation that was done on Mt. Coolum to call in the Extraterrestrial Beings.

Feb 26, 202444:47
Arcturian Water Dragon Healing Session

Arcturian Water Dragon Healing Session

This is a 20 minute healing session recorded at Coolum Beach, Australia. We connect with the Arcturians and the Spirits of the local Water Dragons to futher understand the mysteries of life.

Feb 22, 202419:46
Galactic Torus Transmission

Galactic Torus Transmission

Please join us for this sacred and important 50 minute download transmission from the Galactic Center. We align on our individual Pillar of Light, with the Center of Our Earth, the Center of the Sun, and the Center of the Milky Way (the Galactic Center) to connect to powerful cosmic energies. These powerful celestial planets, stars, and galaxies are also massive spiritual beings that can assist us in our path.  By consciously connecting to them, we can access additional information that informs our path, strengthens our energetic bodies, and helps accelerate our evolution and the evolution of the planet.

The transmission will download this information from the Galactic Center.  We work with the Divine, Our Guides, Star and Celestial Beings such as the Arcturians and InterGalactics, the Solar Logos, and the Galactic Logos.  We can bring our heartfelt intentions for our path, any healing intentions, and intentions for this time.

Feb 16, 202443:49
 Arcturian Black Dragon Clearing Obstacles Transmission

Arcturian Black Dragon Clearing Obstacles Transmission

Please enjoy this 50 minute Arcturian Black Dragon Clearing Obstacles Transmission.  It is a tradition in cultures that celebrate the Lunar New Year to do spiritual and energy practices to clear during this time.  This may be as simple as lighting firecrackers. clapping with the hands, or beating a drum to disperse the old energies in a space to more elaborate rituals invoking fierce compassionate deities to ensure no harm comes in the new year.  Here we work with the Arcturian Black Dragon, the positive aspects of the black color band, and the dragon archetype to clear all the obstacles, negativities, and low energies from the past year both personally and collectively as we enter the new lunar year cycle.  The Arcturian Black Dragon Transmission clears energy on all 7 subtle body levels (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and divine).

Feb 09, 202450:12
Arcturian January Full Moon Meditation

Arcturian January Full Moon Meditation

Please join us for a 30 minute Arcturian January Full Moon Meditation. We focus on the main energy centers in the Pillar or Light for peace, stillness, and recovery.

Jan 27, 202428:59
Arcturian Divine Feminine 5 Chakra Meditation

Arcturian Divine Feminine 5 Chakra Meditation

Please enjoy this Arcturian Divine Feminine 5 Chakra Meditation where we meditate on five different divine feminine forms in the following chakras: the head, the throat, the heart, the navel, and the sacral center.  We also arise as our own most perfect divine feminine form which will help embody this aspect of our being.

Jan 25, 202436:15
Arcturian Third Eye Awakening and Spiritual Discernment Transmission

Arcturian Third Eye Awakening and Spiritual Discernment Transmission

In this transmission we take a deeper look at awakening the third eye center at the head and how to utilize this in spiritual discernment. 

This 50 minute Arcturian Third Eye and Spiritual Discernment Transmission helps to fully awaken the third eye tunnel and cleanse the energetic lenses that make up this energy structure.  The transmission also enhances the ability to discern and track various spiritual input into our system and into the system of others such as clients, friends, family members, spaces, and even internet websites.  This is a much needed ability as we learn to navigate the new energy and information age.

Jan 14, 202449:20
Multidimensional LightWorker Transmission

Multidimensional LightWorker Transmission

Please join us for a transmission based on sightings at Mt. Shasta meant to upgrade our LightBody and Consciousness Fields.  In this transmission we are exposed to the Vortex of Light, a turbine of light created by the Galactic Beings from these sightings meant to transform and accelerate all the cells in our seven subtle bodies (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and divine).  With this acceleration the purpose is to become conscious, mindful, and intentional in our work in other dimensions besides the physical. 

Many Masters and physically incarnated Adepts recognize that simultaneous to their activity in the physical world they are also acting in many other worlds and dimensions such as the etheric plane, the astral plane, the causal plane, and higher.  We are also currently existing in these higher planes of existence yet we may not be conscious or intentional of our existence and activity on those other planes of existence.  This transmission is meant to make us more fully aware and intentional of our activity in those other planes.

Jan 07, 202448:52
Interview on Arcturian Veils To Awakening

Interview on Arcturian Veils To Awakening

In this show hosted by Judy Anderson we go over the patterns that block our full awakening to unity consciousness.  Even though we may consciously want to awaken or become enlightened, we subconsciously fear the dissolution of our separate self or ego.  Here we discuss ways and go over processes to address these hidden patterns blocking our full awakening,
1.  Learn what it means by veils to awakening.

2. Learn why it is important to identify the veils to awakening on our spiritual path.

3.  Learn how we can work with these subconscious patterns

4.  Learn the key examples or experiences demonstrating these subconscious blocks to awakening.

5.  Learn techniques and practices to dissolve these subconscious patterns blocking our unity consciousness.

Dec 30, 202301:04:37
Arcturian December Full Moon Meditation

Arcturian December Full Moon Meditation

Please enjoy this 30 minute Pillar of Light meditation where we download the full moon energies of December as we head into the New Year.

Dec 29, 202329:48
Arcturian Council of Twelve: Understanding Destiny Patterns 03

Arcturian Council of Twelve: Understanding Destiny Patterns 03

Altering Our Group Destiny Patterns-We are all interconnected to groups of other souls and beings.  This may be our spiritual family, our physical family, our ancestors, our work group, and our physical spiritual groups.  When we significantly alter our personal destiny patterns this reverberates to all the groups we are connected to.  However, some specific intentions can alter the group pattern directly. 

Here we work with a 50 minute transmission that starts out by perceiving the destiny patterns of groups we are connected to and then altering our input into the pattern if needed.  We work with the Divine, Our Guides, Our Higher Self, and specifically the Arcturian Council of Twelve.

Dec 24, 202343:33
Arcturian Council of Twelve: Understanding Destiny Patterns 02 Transmission

Arcturian Council of Twelve: Understanding Destiny Patterns 02 Transmission

Altering Our Personal Destiny Patterns-Personal destiny is not set.  Everyday and every moment reality is changing and buzzing on a quantum level with change.  Our consciousness and perception changes our experience of reality and helps to shape the final output of what occurs in the physical and inner worlds.  A change in perception or intention can bring about a whole cascade of events leading to a new and vital experience. 

Please join us for this 50 minute healing session which works specifically with the Divine, Our Guides, Our Higher Self, and the Arcturian Council of Twelve to alter our destiny pattern if needed in a positive and healing direction.

Dec 19, 202344:08
Who Are the Celestial Galactics?

Who Are the Celestial Galactics?

Listen to this introductory talk on the Celestial Galactics, a group of interdimensional beings contacted by Gene and a group of retreat particpants in Crestone, CO at a 2023 retreat. These Higher Beings are bringing through a new frequency to help accelerate the development of the planet.

Dec 17, 202356:28
Arcturian December New Moon Meditation

Arcturian December New Moon Meditation

Please join us for a 30 minute Arcturian December New Moon Meditation where we work with the energies of the Arcturians and New Moon to build the Pillar of Light in our energy field. We focus on the head, throat, heart, belly, and first transpersonal chakra above the head.

Dec 15, 202331:28
Arcturian Council of Twelve: Understanding Destiny Patterns 01 Transmission

Arcturian Council of Twelve: Understanding Destiny Patterns 01 Transmission

Please join us for a deep dive utilizing the brand new Arcturian Council of Twelve Healing Frequencies as we explore destiny patterns and how causes and conditions and various timelines interact to bring forth the life that we live in the here and now.  This fifty minute group healing session works with the Divine, Our Teachers and Guides, and the Arcturians to fully perceive and then influence our destiny patterns.  Each person's destiny pattern is an interconnected set of causes and conditions which is fluid and malleable.  We specifically work with the Arcturian Council of Twelve.  These are Arcturian Beings who can work with our Soul and Guides to alter destiny patterns if needed and for the overall good.

This healing session will enhance our clairvoyant perception to perceive and understand our own and other's destiny patterns in order to get a clear picture of what is involved. 

Dec 12, 202344:38
Arcturian November Full Moon Meditation

Arcturian November Full Moon Meditation

Join us for a 30 minute Pillar of Light meditation where we build the head, heart, and hara centers. This is a great time to bath in the energies of the full moon and the Arcturians.

Dec 01, 202331:01
Advanced Arcturian DNA Activation-Nervous System Upgrade

Advanced Arcturian DNA Activation-Nervous System Upgrade

In this DNA activation process, we utilize the Arcturian DNA Activation Frequencies to upgrade our nervous system and sensing abilities.  This upgrade to our system alllows us to sense more accurately and consciously subtle energy and information on all 7 subtle body levels including the physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and divine levels. 

Each of these subtle body levels has unique energies and information that impacts our system.  For the most part this information remains at subconscious levels.  This activation and meditation upgrades the nervous system to allow this information and energy to become conscious at will.  Use this session and process to improve all levels of clairvoyance, sensing, and telepathy.

The 50 minute Advance Arcturian DNA Activation uses an advanced luminous white Arcturian Healing Frequency.  Also used during this session is the Arcturian DNA Activation Frequencies.

Nov 28, 202349:05
Arcturian Longevity Transmission

Arcturian Longevity Transmission

Please enjoy this Arcturian Longevity Transmission meant to gather back the Lifeforce and to balance the elements.  This is a particular transmission where 5 energetic spheres representing the 5 elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space) are energetically encoded into our head, throat, heart, navel, and base chakras.  In addition, advanced Arcturian Healing Method Frequencies are used both before and after the transmission to prepare and integrate the subtle bodies respectively.

Nov 19, 202350:06
Arcturian New Moon Meditation in November

Arcturian New Moon Meditation in November

Please enjoy this 30 minute Pillar of Light Meditation with the Arcturian Energies and potential energies of the New Moon of November. This is a great way to build your energy body while setting new goals and intentions for the month.

Nov 17, 202330:04
Mt. Kailash Transmission

Mt. Kailash Transmission

Please enjoy this 20 minute Mt. Kailash Transmission where you can connect and receive the downloads from the spirit of Mt. Kailash.The transmission specifically serves three purposes and has these corresponding phases. 

First, if you are planning to go to Mt. Kailash, it will provide the energetic information to prepare and complete the trip on the physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and divine levels.  Second, the transmission assists in strengthening or making anew an energetic and karmic link to this power spot.  Third, the transmission's energy and information helps in remembering any past lives associated with Mt. Kailash that can help you in this life.

If you are interested in joining the upcoming trip to Mt. Kailash and Tibet, you can explore the trip below

Nov 06, 202320:40
Interview on COSMIC TRUTH Online Global Event With Lise Anne Ashhaara

Interview on COSMIC TRUTH Online Global Event With Lise Anne Ashhaara

Please enjoy this 30 minute interview on COSMIC TRUTH Online Global Event With Lise Anne Ashhaara (to read more about the event please click ⁠here⁠).

In this interview, we discuss topics relevant for our ascension and activation during these accelerated times. In particular, we talk about Global Portals of Ascension Around the World.

Nov 03, 202336:27
Melchizedek's Subtle Bodies of Light Transmissions- I AM Presence

Melchizedek's Subtle Bodies of Light Transmissions- I AM Presence

This is the final third transmission in this series where we work with Melchizedek's energy and consciousness.  In this third session you will be attuned to the Ego (or I AM Presence) of Melchizedek.  People who would like to make a stronger link to Melchizedek and the themes of love, service, and working for humanity will enjoy these sessions.

In this 50 minute session, we go into resonance with the template of Melchizedek's I AM Presence which acts as a model to bring forward our own full expression of our I AM Presence.  This resonance with Melchizedek's I AM Presence is in-line with resonating with the I AM Presence of the Christ Being too.

Nov 03, 202351:19
Melchizedek's Subtle Bodies of Light Transmissions-Astral Subtle Body

Melchizedek's Subtle Bodies of Light Transmissions-Astral Subtle Body

In this three part transmission series, we work with Melchizedek's energy and consciousness.  In each session you will be attuned to a specific subtle body of Melchizedek starting with the Etheric, moving to the Astral (mental/emotional, and finally the Ego (or I AM Presence).  People who would like to make a stronger link to Melchizedek and the themes of love, service, and working for humanity will want to partake in these sessions.

In this first 50 minute session, we go into resonance with Melchizedek's astral subtle body. We work on having the same template of Melchizedek in terms of emotional stability and control and a full array of emotional expression as well as the mental capacities inherent in a Master Healer and Avatar.

Stay tuned to the next transmission in future podcast episodes where we connect with the I AM Presence of Melchizedek.

Oct 17, 202351:02
Arcturian October New Moon Meditation

Arcturian October New Moon Meditation

Please join us for the Arcturian October New Moon Meditation where we create golden spheres of light at our head, throat, heart, belly, and soul star chakras. Use this meditation to create new intentions for this month.

Oct 14, 202331:60
Melchizedek's Subtle Bodies of Light Transmissions-Etheric Subtle Body

Melchizedek's Subtle Bodies of Light Transmissions-Etheric Subtle Body

In this three part transmission series, we work with Melchizedek's energy and consciousness.  In each session you will be attuned to a specific subtle body of Melchizedek starting with the Etheric, moving to the Astral (mental/emotional, and finally the Ego (or I AM Presence).  People who would like to make a stronger link to Melchizedek and the themes of love, service, and working for humanity will want to partake in these sessions.

In this first 50 minute session, we go into resonance with Melchizedek's etheric subtle body. We make a connection with Melchizedek's full spectrum of colors and frequencies in this being's aura.

Stay tuned to the next two transmissions in future podcast episodes. where we connect with the astral and I AM Presence subtle bodies of Melchizedek.

Oct 12, 202351:39
Arcturian Grid of Gold Energy Healing

Arcturian Grid of Gold Energy Healing

Join us for this empowerment and group healing where we work specifically with the Arcturians to power our fifth dimensional grid of energy that comprise all space-time objects and in particular our Earth and our physical body.  This energetic grid structure is empowered with gold energy and vibration by the Arcturians and our Guides as we self-heal and open ourselves up to further initiation processes that will occur this year. 

This one hour energy healing session systematically raises the energy grid underlying our seven subtle bodies: the physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and divine with divine gold energy.  By raising each subtle body's grid structure to this color vibration, we open up our consciousness to resonate with like divine thought forms and Higher Beings. 

Some of the effects of raising each body to a gold vibration include:

1) Physical-healing of physical symptoms and increase in clairvoyant and healing abilities through the new nervous system.

2) Etheric-the coveted Golden Body of the Etheric is easier to achieve and maintain when the underlying grid structure is empowered with a gold vibration.

3) Emotional-Feeling centered, calm, and at peace with the clarity of gold.

4) Mental-Insightful and creative thinking as you are open and in resonance with divine packed thought forms and higher beings of this gold quality

5) Causal/karmic-neutralization of bad karma or difficult causes and conditions; bad luck turning into good luck

6) Spiritual-an enhancing of your timeline to run into the run people and right conditions at the right time-a type of Midas Touch for Destiny.

7) Divine-connecting with Source and Unconditional love and becoming a free channel for this to flow into the world and others.  We become impersonal and don't take things personally because we know we are interconnected and part of the greater web of life.

Oct 09, 202358:28
Shaman of Light Transmission

Shaman of Light Transmission

In this 50 minute Shaman of Light Transmission recorded at Lake Titicaca, Peru, we access the Galactic Sun and the Light from the Galactic Center of our Milky Way and transmit this through the Father Sun of Our Solar System into our Heart of Light.   The transmission then continues to release the Light in Our Heart back to the Father Sun of Our Solar System and finally returning back to the Galactic Sun at the Center of the Milky Way.  This transmission fills our Light Bodies with the energy of the Cosmos and make us better transmitters and receivers of Light.

Oct 06, 202349:29
Light Body Activation – the Monad, Divine Spark, Mt Shasta and ET Contact with Gene Ang

Light Body Activation – the Monad, Divine Spark, Mt Shasta and ET Contact with Gene Ang

What does Mt. Shasta and ET Contact have to do with Light Body Activation?  Everything! Gene Ang shares his recent trip to Mt. Shasta and experiences of Power Ups with ET Contact who transmit Light Frequencies to us to assist in our Awakening Process and development of Light Body Aspects.  Enjoy this presentation with Gene who offers a mini transmission of the Monad Activation along with a Meditation to awaken the Twin Souls within us.

This interview was hosted by Lauren Galey on her recent virtual retreat: Light Body Activations & DNA Upgrades.

Oct 05, 202301:08:04
Interview with Veronica Parks on Her Telesummit Series "Soul Healing Summit Season II"

Interview with Veronica Parks on Her Telesummit Series "Soul Healing Summit Season II"

Please enjoy this interview and activation with Veronica Parks on her telesummit series Soul Healing season II. We discuss the Arcturians and how they can be a positive influence in your personal and spiritual life.

Oct 01, 202348:26
Arcturian September Full Moon Meditation

Arcturian September Full Moon Meditation

Please enjoy this 50 minute Arcturian September Full Moon Meditation. We go systematically through the energy centers in the Pillar of Light. Work on your Stillness and access to higher levels of consciousness.

Also work with the power of the full moon, the large group energy, and the Arcturian Downloads that make up this meditation.

Sep 29, 202349:41