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Expand Your Mind

Expand Your Mind

By Ron

Become a Paid Subscriber: This channel is focused on inspiring people to be the best version of themselves. I’ll be sharing personal experiences, discussing financial literacy, dating, what’s doing in the news/media/entertainment, speaking on mental health and etc. Many other various topics will be discussed as well. You will be introduced to many different individuals on this podcast discussing great topics. Enjoy and keep an open mind 💫🧠.
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If the sexual attraction is’s DONE

Expand Your Mind May 22, 2019

The Art of Commitment ✨❤️

The Art of Commitment ✨❤️

The Art of Commitment ✨❤️. com·mit·ment
The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
Mar 23, 202206:06
That “Moving with the flow” mentality is destructive‼️

That “Moving with the flow” mentality is destructive‼️

That “Moving with the flow” mentality is destructive‼️ It’s easy to become weak, harder to stay strong. The rewards in staying strong and fighting against adversity is amazing. Never give up.
Feb 28, 202206:29
Getting it out the mud VS. Having the silver spoon‼️

Getting it out the mud VS. Having the silver spoon‼️

Getting it out the mud makes you no better than the person who had the silver spoon in life. Having the silver spoon growing up makes you no better than the person who had to get it out the mud in life.
Feb 15, 202210:24
Is God your ruler or is money your ruler?? 👀

Is God your ruler or is money your ruler?? 👀

Hebrews 13:5-6
King James Version
5: Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

6: So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
Sep 22, 202011:01
"WAP” (promotes promiscuity)

"WAP” (promotes promiscuity)

Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's New Video for "WAP” (promotes promiscuity).
Aug 07, 202007:43
Looks do matter 🗣🗣🗣

Looks do matter 🗣🗣🗣

Looks do matter but that shouldn’t be the only determining factor in choosing a partner.
Jul 28, 202007:27
Rest In Peace George Floyd ✨🙏🏾✊🏾

Rest In Peace George Floyd ✨🙏🏾✊🏾

Nothing will change....The fight will continue. God will be back soon. Stay strong....
May 28, 202009:02
My angel Trena Jordan 😇🙏🏾

My angel Trena Jordan 😇🙏🏾

Today I lost my Aunt to murder. I’ve never felt this type of pain. Please keep my family in your prayers. No one deserves to be in a toxic relationship....we all deserve the best love. Pay attention to the warning signs and get awayyyyyyyyyy. Domestic violence is taking the lives of too many.
May 01, 202011:54
✨Never stop doing what you love✨

✨Never stop doing what you love✨

Never stop doing what you love. You never know who is watching you. You could inspire or be inspiring someone just by simply doing what you love. Life doesn’t stop once you become an is an adventure that must be lived to the fullest.
Mar 25, 202008:17
Eye on the prize (Never stop visualizing being great) ✨

Eye on the prize (Never stop visualizing being great) ✨

Once you stop practicing self discipline all things will eventually fall apart in your life. Once you lose sight of becoming better the benefits of becoming better no longer interests you. You begin to not care about a lot in life and just begin to exist. That’s why it’s important to never stop visualizing the rewards that come from staying focused and disciplined.
Mar 17, 202007:34
Men shouldn’t have to ignore women to get their attention 😭😭

Men shouldn’t have to ignore women to get their attention 😭😭

Know your worth 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Feb 14, 202005:11
Committing through the storms 🌨

Committing through the storms 🌨

✨✨ Don’t pleasure chase your whole life. Committing teaches you so much. The lack of commitment can be the main reason you never succeed in life and remain stagnant. ✨✨
Jan 20, 202007:02
Emotional trauma (stop running from your pain)

Emotional trauma (stop running from your pain)

It’s okay to not be okay. Face your problems, acknowledge how you feel and understand that the pain won’t last forever. Stop allowing your pain to become your identity.
Dec 29, 201909:23
My personal experience practicing Semen Retention ‼️‼️‼️

My personal experience practicing Semen Retention ‼️‼️‼️

I challenge you to 7 days of Semen Retention ✊🏾. No porn, no sex, no masterbating/ejaculation....The goal to to promote better self discipline within yourself. Sex runs the works literally, don’t let it run you. Gain control of your sexual energy.
Dec 13, 201911:03
The guide to keeping your woman‼️‼️

The guide to keeping your woman‼️‼️

Leaders must pay attention to what’s going on around them in order to lead others. You can’t be a leader if you don’t know what’s going on. Pay attention to your can’t lead your woman if you don’t know your woman 👸🏽
Dec 03, 201909:29
November 8, 2019

November 8, 2019

Nov 08, 201900:60
God doesn’t bless disobedience

God doesn’t bless disobedience

God doesn’t reward disobedience. God gives you want you need, the devil gives you what you want. Don’t let the Devil deceive you.
Nov 07, 201909:15
Why should men practice semen retention? Here is why 💫🧠

Why should men practice semen retention? Here is why 💫🧠

Semen Retention: is the practice of avoiding ejaculation. (Mental benefits)
* more confidence and self-control
* less anxiety and depression
* increased motivation
* better memory, concentration, and overall cognitive function
(Physical benefits)
* greater vitality
* increased muscle growth
* thicker hair, deeper voice
* improved sperm quality
(Spiritual benefits)
* deeper relationships
* stronger life force
* better overall happiness
Oct 17, 201908:09
Reasons why relationships/marriages fail 💔

Reasons why relationships/marriages fail 💔

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 💫🙏🏾

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. . .

Aug 27, 201910:21
Break Free From Toxic Emotional Trends 💫🙏🏾

Break Free From Toxic Emotional Trends 💫🙏🏾

Break free from toxic emotion trends. Healthy relations give you peace. —————————————————————————A healthy relationship is when two people develop a connection based on:
Mutual respect.
Separate identities.
Good communication.
A sense of playfulness/fondness.
Aug 07, 201907:18
Stop Objectifying Women ‼️‼️

Stop Objectifying Women ‼️‼️

Uplift, respect and give love.....that doesn’t hurt anyone.
Aug 02, 201906:25
Battling your demons ✊🏾

Battling your demons ✊🏾

Keep fighting, God is always close by.
Jun 15, 201907:60
Stop trying to impress women with what you have 💫🧠

Stop trying to impress women with what you have 💫🧠

Stop trying to impress women with what you have. Try impressing her with who you really are inside and not what you can provide for her. Fake love does exist. Many men are with women now a days who are only with them for their status or money. Impress her with your mind and everything else should fall into place (if she loves your mind/soul first).
Jun 12, 201908:40
Dark side of the entertainment industry

Dark side of the entertainment industry

Dark side of the entertainment industry. You may want to listen 🙏🏾
Jun 03, 201913:12
If the sexual attraction is’s DONE

If the sexual attraction is’s DONE

Sexual attraction is actually very important in a relationship. It shouldn’t be the foundation but that part of the relationship should be thriving.
May 22, 201905:26
Give from the heart ❤️

Give from the heart ❤️

Give from the heart and the rest is in Gods hands.
May 10, 201903:34
Getting the love you deserve ❤️💫

Getting the love you deserve ❤️💫

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Apr 16, 201905:23
Expressing my inner-self (Mini episodes of depression)

Expressing my inner-self (Mini episodes of depression)

Tonight I was feeling down, empty, lost and confused. I decided to press record and share with you all my thoughts. Don’t be ashamed to express other emotions besides happiness. It’s okay to feel down’s temporary. Fight through become stronger. I’m just trying to show people its okay to not feel your best at aren’t weak, you are human.
Apr 12, 201905:23
Rest In Peace Nipsey Hussle (my thoughts)

Rest In Peace Nipsey Hussle (my thoughts)

Nipsey Hussle, Rapper and Activist, Is Shot Dead in Los Angeles.
Apr 01, 201908:11
Men are more than just providers.

Men are more than just providers.

Men are more than just providers. Women shouldn’t rely on men to be their success, create your own success. Join forces and build together.
Mar 13, 201909:06
Take action TODAY 💫

Take action TODAY 💫

Stop talking about it....DO IT. Time keeps moving....You have to be the change.
Feb 19, 201902:57
Blessings from God? Or Building Satans kingdom?

Blessings from God? Or Building Satans kingdom?

Satan is the God of this world/society. - Donald Wade

Corinthians 4:4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
Feb 12, 201911:20
Entrepreneurs (passion wins, not greed/laziness)

Entrepreneurs (passion wins, not greed/laziness)

So many young people in this generation will be working till they die because they aren’t saving/investing. On top of that many are just relying on entrepreneurship but lack the proper education on how to run a business. So they spend many years freelancing when they could be building up retirement. Many of us in our 20’s have the opportunity to retire in our 50’s (that’s not old)....but so many aren’t building that work experience. The best thing you can do is build that work experience while building that business on the side. Also you can have your regular job and create multiple sources of income coming in as well. You have to play smart because you can’t buy time wasted back.
Feb 07, 201908:59
God Good 😇🙏🏾

God Good 😇🙏🏾

This is a song I wrote and recorded called God GOOD (beat prod. by Uncleshad). I hope you all enjoy. Please share the good vibes.
Feb 05, 201901:56
What is your definition of success??

What is your definition of success??

Not everyone’s definition of success is the same. Success is what you define it as. Stop letting social media and others influence you on what success is. Be happy with your life and your own personal accomplishments. Life is all about peace and happiness.
Jan 30, 201907:19
Break Free From Your Own Mental Bondage

Break Free From Your Own Mental Bondage

Break Free From Your Own Mental Bondage. Stop settling for less and go after your dreams. Don’t stop....spread your wings and fly.
Jan 10, 201905:45
Surviving R. Kelly the docuseries (My thoughts)

Surviving R. Kelly the docuseries (My thoughts)

R. Kelly's accusers and inner circle revisit shocking allegations in new docuseries.
Jan 04, 201910:19
Social media: blessing and a curse

Social media: blessing and a curse

Discussing the positive and negative aspects of social media.
Dec 20, 201806:46
Be kind to others.

Be kind to others.

Kindness can go a long way. It doesn’t hurt to be nice to people.
Dec 18, 201807:13
Sex Appeal is important.

Sex Appeal is important.

Sex Appeal is important. People start getting comfortable is relationships/marriages neglecting keeping their partners attracted to them. Attraction plays a big part in keeping relationships/marriages together. There will be a part two coming soon.
Dec 13, 201806:25
Managing your money to create generational wealth down the road.

Managing your money to create generational wealth down the road.

This episode I’m discussion the importance of good money management. Too many people have bad spending habits and that’s causing many to live pay check to pay check.
Dec 11, 201808:13
What is love???? My views on love...

What is love???? My views on love...

This episode is about how society/social media is tainting peoples mind on what love should be like and people not understanding what true love is.
Dec 10, 201809:53
Stop caring what others think of you (Be you, be free)

Stop caring what others think of you (Be you, be free)

What would your life be like if you didn’t care what others thought of you???? Stop living life caring for others approval/validation. Be you, be free, do what you want with your life.
Dec 03, 201806:09
Prostitution or nah???

Prostitution or nah???

My thoughts on women selling themselves through social media.
Nov 26, 201807:58
Learning How To Be Alone

Learning How To Be Alone

We all struggle with being alone at times but it’s best that be learn how to be. Alone time gives you time to grow closer to God, focus on goals and gaining inner peace.
Nov 15, 201803:36
Men and sex (explicit)

Men and sex (explicit)

Men need to make better decisions out here because too many children are being born into broken home
Nov 14, 201811:15
Living within your budget.

Living within your budget.

Discussing the importance of being financially responsible and learning how to maintain wealth.
Nov 13, 201808:53
Forgiveness is so vital to life

Forgiveness is so vital to life

Forgiveness is so vital to living a peaceful life.
Nov 07, 201807:49