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Get To The Point with Leslie Ann Quillen

Get To The Point with Leslie Ann Quillen

By Leslie Ann Quillen

GET TO THE POINT is the official podcast for REAL FITNESS TRAINING. GTTP is a podcast for busy women who want real conversations about fitness, nutrition, and living a healthy, fit lifestyle - but don’t have time to listen to rambling stories or 2-hour podcasts. We get to the point and cover the topics YOU want to learn about, like nutrition, training, and mindset. Let's GET TO THE POINT!
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Episode 32: Three Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW To Start Changing Your Lifestyle

Get To The Point with Leslie Ann QuillenNov 10, 2020

Episode 63: A Fit, Positive Pregnancy - Part 1
Nov 30, 202334:14
Episode 62 - Client Spotlight: Tara Lost 100 lbs. Here's How She Did It.
Jul 06, 202329:31
Episode 61: When Other People Don't Support Your Goals
Jun 19, 202323:52
Episode 60: The Ownership Series - Part 3
Apr 07, 202334:47
Episode 59: The Ownership Series - Part 2
Apr 03, 202329:42
Episode 58: The Ownership Series - Part 1

Episode 58: The Ownership Series - Part 1

Welcome to a 3-part series on the word we've been obsessed with so far this year: OWNERSHIP. It's the missing piece in so many attempts at fat loss and lifestyle change, so we're tackling it head on and dedicating 3 episodes to it!

In Part 1, you'll hear from one of the coaches on the RFT team, Kelly Erickson, about what ownership means to her and how she's used to change her own body - and life. If you've ever suspected that you are the biggest road block to reaching your goals, this episode will give you a dose of tough love and some practical steps for getting out of your own way!

Apr 03, 202323:53
Episode 57: Ending Food FOMO ("Fear of Missing Out")
Dec 28, 202233:53
Episode 56: The Most Important Meal You're Not Eating
Dec 14, 202226:01
Episode 55: Why You're Not Losing Weight on a Low-Carb Diet

Episode 55: Why You're Not Losing Weight on a Low-Carb Diet

If everything we see on social media is true, then it looks like Low-Carb/No-Carb Diets are KILLING THE GAME - right? We see dramatic "before and after" photos and hear stories of double-digit drops on the scale in a matter of weeks. All from not eating carbs! 

It sounds easy enough - but is it too good to be true? If you're trying to lose fat on a Low-Carb/No-Carb diet and you are STUCK - this episode is a must-listen. We're breaking down the top 4 reasons why low carb dieters fail, AND I'm sharing solutions you can implement right away.

Let's get to the point and talk all things CARBS! 

Nov 23, 202231:36
Episode 54: The Word That Is Henceforth Banned

Episode 54: The Word That Is Henceforth Banned

There's a word....a word that's become so over-used and SO much a part of the health and fitness lexicon, that you've probably bought into believing it, too. I know I did. You think you *need* this thing, and that you can't be successful without it.
But after almost 10 years into running an online nutrition and fitness coaching business, I've realized that this word doesn't do what people think it does. It's become a crutch, and it may be holding you back, too.
And so, from today forward, this word is being purged from my vocabulary - and you won't see it in our online programs like FAT LOSS LIFESTYLE SCHOOL anymore either.
Listen to Episode 54 and let me know what you think...
Nov 21, 202234:48
Episode 53: How "Mixing and Matching" is Hurting Your Results

Episode 53: How "Mixing and Matching" is Hurting Your Results

A strange phenomenon is happening in online training and nutrition coaching programs: I call it, "Mixing and Matching" - and it will kill your results. In episode 53, learn why combining strategies for nutrition and training doesn't work (for example, signing up for a fat loss program while training for an endurance event like a marathon.) 

If you're planning to work with me or another coach in 2023, you owe it to yourself to listen to this episode AND fully embrace the program you sign up for.

Nov 12, 202216:38
Episode 52: Creating a Fitness + Nutrition Filtering System

Episode 52: Creating a Fitness + Nutrition Filtering System

How do you know if the way you're eating and training is right? With SO many different opinions about what (and when) you should eat and how you should train, it might seem impossible to answer this question!

If you're going to reach your goals, you have to be in this for the long run - and that means having the ability to shut out the noise. You need a "filtering system": a method for determining if what you're doing is working. In episode 52, I'm sharing the 3-step system we use with our clients in Fat Loss Lifestyle School to help them stay focused and shut down self-doubt and overwhelm. 

Nov 10, 202219:16
Episode 51: Behind the Scenes of Our New Program
Aug 27, 202219:11
Quick Hit: Is It Time to Stop Saying "YES"?

Quick Hit: Is It Time to Stop Saying "YES"?

Saying "YES" to everything means saying "NO" to the things you want most. 

Perfectionists and high-achievers love saying "YES" to everything. We truly believe we can do EVERYTHING and do it well - but it's not true! 

If you're currently caught in a self-induced storm of busyness, this episode is for you! YOU have goals too, remember? Listen now to get focused for the week ahead and take action on the things that move you closer to what you really want! Let's GET TO THE POINT!

Jul 18, 202211:52
Episode 50: Making the Most of Midlife and Menopause with Kelly Erickson

Episode 50: Making the Most of Midlife and Menopause with Kelly Erickson

She was in her early 50s and felt lousy: No energy. Terrible sleep. Hot flashes. Cravings. Every workout was painful and she felt like an alien in her own body. (If you're a woman in menopause, you can relate!)

Fast-forward a few years and now she's bringing hope and positivity to women in menopause as a Fat Loss Lifestyle School Coach. In this episode, Coach Kelly Erickson shares her experience with menopause and why it doesn't mean the end for your body, your fat loss goals, OR your life!

Jul 18, 202219:23
Episode 49: Is Instagram Ruining Your Results?

Episode 49: Is Instagram Ruining Your Results?

Want to get as overwhelmed and confused about social media as possible? INSTAGRAM IS HERE TO HELP.
This is one of the top complaints we get from clients before they start working with us in FLLS: that fitness and nutrition feel overwhelming, and that everyone has an opinion on what's right and best - and it all conflicts!

WE HEAR YOU. In this episode, you'll learn about some recent exchanges we've had with overwhelmed/confused clients, and how we helped them reduce the noise and focus on what matters! This episode has some simple strategies you can implement right now to move from "paralysis by analysis" to ACTION (and results!)
Jul 08, 202221:08
Episode 48: On "Relationships with Food"

Episode 48: On "Relationships with Food"

We don’t use the phrase, "Relationship with Food" - yet we frequently have clients in our program tell us, "I'm here to fix my relationship with food." ((Head scratcher.)) Where does this phrase come from? (Not from us...) What does it REALLY mean? And can we help you "heal" or "fix" your relationship with food? Coach Jenn and Leslie Ann are breaking it all down in episode 48 of GTTP. If you think you have a bad relationship with food and think it's needs fixing - this episode is for you!
Jun 21, 202227:06
QUICK HIT: Failure to Plan B

QUICK HIT: Failure to Plan B

Failing to plan is planning to fail. We all know the importance of planning when it comes to following a nutrition and training program. But this QUICK HIT episode takes planning one step further. If your nutrition and training program only works under perfect circumstances, not only will the results be short-lived, but it will never become your lifestyle. Listen to the QUICK HIT now in under 15 minutes.
Jun 14, 202215:44
Episode 47: Eating for Fat Loss WITHOUT Tracking Macros or Calories

Episode 47: Eating for Fat Loss WITHOUT Tracking Macros or Calories

This is a Q&A episode answering a question we recently got on Instagram! If you follow us on social media, or you've checked out the FLLS website, you know we don't track macros or calories. While these can be valuable tools to use at some point in your fat loss/health journey, we believe they aren't the best tools for getting started - so we created our own!

In this episode, learn how we build fat loss-friendly meals in FLLS without tracking macros, counting calories, etc. If you've been frustrated - or driven crazy - by macro-tracking, we're here to share the good news: you don't have to track macros every day to lose body fat or build muscle.   Listen now to learn more!

Jun 09, 202225:39
Episode 46: Breaking the Diet Cycle by Building Self-Trust

Episode 46: Breaking the Diet Cycle by Building Self-Trust

What if you've tried (and failed) every diet program out there - but you still have goals? You want to hire another coach or trainer, but your track record isn't one of success...yet. If you're scared to spend money on ANOTHER coach or fat loss program, but you still have a dream you just can't let go of - Episode 46 is for you! I'm sharing actionable strategies you can use right now to start building self-trust to PROVE to yourself that you can do it! You're capable of breaking the diet cycle and getting REAL results - and you don't have to spend a dime to get started. Just listen to this episode...

May 26, 202225:38
Episode 45: A Conversation With New Moms

Episode 45: A Conversation With New Moms

In this episode, we're talking all about new motherhood with two first-time guests to the podcast, Ashley Abelson and Lacey Brown. Both moms of young children - as well as the newest members of the Fat Loss Lifestyle School team - Ashley and Lacey share their stories of balancing motherhood with their health and fitness goals. 

May 21, 202247:55
Episode 44: Simplifying Nutrition with Dr. Adrian Chavez

Episode 44: Simplifying Nutrition with Dr. Adrian Chavez

In Episode 44, we're busting myths about nutrition AND explaining how simple it can be to eat for better health. Our guest is Dr. Adrian Chavez, a Ph.D. in nutrition, and he's on a mission to make nutrition simple. If you feel overwhelmed by all of the nutrition and fitness noise, this episode will help! Dr. Adrian also breaks down some popular myths on topics like gut health, continuous glucose monitors, and food sensitivity testing.  After the episode, you can find Dr. Adrian on Instagram at @dr.adrian.chavez

Jan 20, 202253:26
Episode 43: Quick Hit - The Reason Most People Give Up By January 19

Episode 43: Quick Hit - The Reason Most People Give Up By January 19

NEW: "Quick Hit" episodes are short episodes designed to get you to TAKE ACTION on one simple thing. In Episode 43, we're talking about why most people GIVE UP on their New Year's Resolutions by January 19. Don't let this happen to you! Listen now and then, after the episode, take action and tell me about it so I can cheer you on!
Jan 11, 202213:27
Episode 42: "It's not a diet!" with Liz from The Clean Eating Couple

Episode 42: "It's not a diet!" with Liz from The Clean Eating Couple

In Episode 42, we welcome Liz Falcigno to the podcast. Creator of the hugely popular recipe blog,, Liz shares how she started living a healthier, fitter lifestyle and what it's REALLY like to be an online small business owner. She's also dishing on popular diet programs and sharing her best tips for busy women who want to make sustainable changes to how they eat and train in the new year. Let's GET TO THE POINT!

Dec 16, 202145:58
Episode 40: Holding the Middle Ground with Fitness and Nutrition

Episode 40: Holding the Middle Ground with Fitness and Nutrition

Tired of swinging between the two extremes of all or nothing with fitness and nutrition? Episode 40 breaks down 5 ways we hold the middle ground with food and workouts year-round at Fat Loss Lifestyle. FLLS Head Trainer Jenn Lucas is back for today's episode, and we're sharing exactly how we can help you get results without extreme diets, pointless and punishing workouts, or the need for perfectionism. 

Dec 04, 202146:43
Episode 38: The Comeback - Coming Back from Setbacks to Your Health and Fitness

Episode 38: The Comeback - Coming Back from Setbacks to Your Health and Fitness

In today's episode, I'm joined by two of the Fat Loss Lifestyle School coaches: Erin Yost and Kelly Erickson. We're talking about setbacks and - more importantly - comebacks after illness, injury, and the glorious body- and life-altering experience that is pregnancy! This is a longer, more conversational episode, but you’ll get to know more about Erin and Kelly!
Aug 18, 202153:46
Episode 39: Finding the Middle Ground on Weekends

Episode 39: Finding the Middle Ground on Weekends

Weekends are where fat loss dreams go to die - but it doesn't have to be that way! In Episode 39, learn how Fat Loss Lifestylers hold the middle ground and stay consistent with nutrition and workouts 7 days a week.
Aug 18, 202126:28
Episode 37: Inside the World of Crossfit with Coach Jenn Lucas

Episode 37: Inside the World of Crossfit with Coach Jenn Lucas

WODs. Box. HSPU. Double-unders. AMRAP. For time.
In Episode 37 of the GTTP Podcast, Fat Loss Lifestyle's Head Trainer Jenn Lucas is taking us inside the world of CrossFit! If you've ever been mystified or intimidated by Crossfit, Coach Jenn breaks down everything you need to know before you step inside your local CF.
Even if you're not interested in Crossfit, this episode is a must-listen if you usually scroll through Instagram or YouTube to find your daily workouts. Coach Jenn explains why programming and technique matter for results. Let's GET TO THE POINT!
Jul 02, 202140:53
Episode 36: Fitting Group Fitness Into a Fat Loss Lifestyle

Episode 36: Fitting Group Fitness Into a Fat Loss Lifestyle

Here at FLLS, WE LOVE GROUP FITNESS. Almost everyone on the Fat Loss Lifestyle School team got her start in fitness by taking and/or teaching group fitness classes.
Unfortunately, group fitness doesn't come with an instruction manual, and we see many of our clients falling into the same traps we did: taking way too many classes, over-training, and not prioritizing the workouts that align with our goals.
In this episode, you'll learn some of the common pitfalls of group fitness classes, and learn how to incorporate them into your lifestyle in a sustainable way. FLLS team members Jenn Lucas and Kelly Erickson join me for this hour-long episode. Join us as we talk all things group fitness!
Feb 12, 202156:12
Episode 35: Making Sense of Metabolism

Episode 35: Making Sense of Metabolism

If you've ever believed a slow or broken metabolism was to blame for weight gain or the inability to lose fat, Episode 35 will give you a whole new framework for understanding how your metabolism actually works. (Spoiler alert: if your metabolism stopped working, you'd be dead right now.)

This episode delves into concepts and terminology you may be unfamiliar with if you've only ever done mainstream fad diets. (It is, after all, in their best interest to keep confusing you and misleading you about how your body works so you keep buying their sketchy diet program and products...) The good news is this: once you know the truth about how human bodies work - and how YOUR body works - you'll never fall for another extreme diet or reckless weight loss strategy again.

Let's get to the point! 

Feb 03, 202139:32
Episode 34: Beating Procrastination with Melissa Machat

Episode 34: Beating Procrastination with Melissa Machat

Working out. Eating more vegetables. Drinking water. Getting enough sleep.
We all know what we NEED to do to live a fitter, healthier lifestyle - so why don't we do it?
If you've ever said, "I know what I'm supposed to do...but I just can't make myself do it" - this episode with mindset expert Melissa Machat will rock your world!
Jan 29, 202139:24
Episode 33: Will This Work For Me?

Episode 33: Will This Work For Me?

With a little over 3 weeks left in 2020, it's "that time" again: people are starting to research and consider which weight loss program they'll begin in January. If you've already tried (and been unsuccessful) at dozens of programs and weight loss attempts, you are likely messaging coaches and trainers asking one question: "Will this (your program) work for me?" 

In Episode 33, we'll discuss why there's no such thing as a "sure thing" when it comes to fat loss programs (there are other important factors to consider!), and you'll learn a better way to frame your decision-making when choosing a program and working on your goals.

Let's get to the point!

Dec 08, 202030:55
Episode 32: Three Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW To Start Changing Your Lifestyle

Episode 32: Three Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW To Start Changing Your Lifestyle

"Hi, I'm new here, and I need help." Girl - I hear you! I've gotten lots of these messages in the past couple weeks - and this episode is for YOU! In episode 32, I'm sharing 3 strategies you can start implementing RIGHT NOW that will set you up for success with fat loss and lifestyle change. 

Because here's the truth: buying another program doesn't guarantee your success. We've worked with thousands of women, and the ones who are the most successful at lifestyle change are the ones who STOP, SLOW DOWN, and really commit to the process - not clicking "buy" in a moment of panic and hoping this program will be "the one" that finally works. 

January 1 is about 8 weeks away, but there's no reason you can't get started laying the groundwork NOW - and this episode will help you do just that. Let's go!

Nov 10, 202025:42
Episode 31: What if Emotional Eating...Isn't?

Episode 31: What if Emotional Eating...Isn't?

"I'm an Emotional Eater." - this is one of the most common statements we hear from women who are struggling with fat loss. In fact, women with this issue frequently sign up for Fat Loss Lifestyle School - and what happens amazes them. They discover that they aren't really emotional eaters, and that the problem was something else entirely. In this episode, we'll discuss how these "identity labels" hold us back from achieving our goals, and how we resolve the vast majority of "emotional eating" cases at FLLS.

Oct 20, 202028:55
Episode 30: Fat Loss for Busy Moms: Meet Coach Krissy

Episode 30: Fat Loss for Busy Moms: Meet Coach Krissy

In episode 30, you'll meet FLLS Coach Krissy Meyers, a certified Personal Trainer and fat loss nutrition coach. Krissy shares her journey from dieter to the fit, strong, active woman she is today. Kelly also shares some valuable insights on maintaining a fat loss lifestyle during different seasons of life, like motherhood and post-menopause. Let's get to the point and meet Coach Krissy!
Jul 28, 202029:52
Episode 29: Meet Coach Kelly

Episode 29: Meet Coach Kelly

In Episode 29, you'll meet Kelly Erickson, the newest coach here at Fat Loss Lifestyle School. Based in Tampa, Florida, Kelly brings years of experience and expertise as a coach and fitness professional to the FLLS team. A graduate of FLLS herself, Kelly shares her journey from yo-yo dieter to the fit, strong, active woman she is today. Kelly also shares some valuable insights on maintaining a fat loss lifestyle during different seasons of life, like motherhood and post-menopause. Let's get to the point and meet Coach Kelly! 

Jul 08, 202033:06
Episode 28: The Siren Song of Specialty Foods

Episode 28: The Siren Song of Specialty Foods

The Specialty Foods Industry now accounts for almost 1/5th of the total food/grocery industry - but it's becoming an even larger percentage of what we're eating, especially among women with fat loss goals.

In this episode, we'll talk about why specialty foods - no matter how Keto, Paleo, Gluten-free, or Vegan they may be - can't hold a candle to real food, and how specialty foods could be sabotaging your goals AND happiness.


Jun 13, 202025:57
Episode 27: Redefining Accountability

Episode 27: Redefining Accountability

"You keep using that word. I do not think that means what you think it means..." 

"Accountability" is a major buzz word right now in the online world. In a world where everyone is an online coach, "accountability" is frequently sold as the missing link between you and the thing you want: a better body, a healthier lifestyle, a more profitable business. 

But what does accountability actually mean? In this episode, I'm sharing what accountability REALLY is - and what it isn't - and why it matters if you have health and fitness goals. 

May 06, 202025:03
Episode 26: F*ck Dieting with Amy Perry
Apr 23, 202031:33
Episode 25: How To Make Working From Home Work For You

Episode 25: How To Make Working From Home Work For You

The world is changing fast. If you're not already working from home, you may be soon due to the current state of world affairs. In this episode, I'm sharing the exact strategies I've used to work from home - both for other organizations and while running my own - to help you hit the ground running with WFH life. 

Working from home is an incredible opportunity to instill discipline and new habits and to improve your health, but most people won't see it for that. The "snow day" or "holiday" mindset has them showing up for online meetings in their PJs, drinking a pot of coffee per day, and eating a steady stream of so-called "quarantine snacks."

That doesn't have to be you.

In this episode, we'll cover: how to set up your schedule, how to arrange daily tasks to maximize your productivity, and how to incorporate your health and fitness goals INTO your daily work schedule.  

Now is the time to get serious about lifestyle change and truly create the work-life balance that's been missing. Let's get to the point!

Mar 25, 202025:34
Episode 24: The Power of Trusting the Process

Episode 24: The Power of Trusting the Process

"Trust the process" is hands-down probably one of the most annoying things that Personal Trainers and Coaches say, right? 

In this episode, we're breaking down the catch phrase and talking about what it actually looks like TRUST THE PROCESS when you're trying to change your body and live a healthy, fit lifestyle.

Feb 13, 202017:04
Episode 23: Why It's SO Hard To Be Consistent

Episode 23: Why It's SO Hard To Be Consistent

You know what to eat. 

You know you need to workout.

But you struggle with actually doing it consistently.

We hear you loud and clear: it's HARD to be consistent with nutrition and workouts - but it's not impossible.

We've been where you are - YES, we struggled with consistency too! - but now we're on the other side and we're here to show you: you can do this. 

The first step is understanding how you got here. If you can identify WHY you're struggling with consistency, then you can begin to solve the problem.

After the episode, join us for our FREE 5-day training series called "The Consistency Cure." The training begins Monday, January 27 in our Fat Loss Lifestyle Insiders group on Facebook. Join the group now - we'll see you there!

Jan 24, 202019:50
Episode 22: Putting Your Health and Fitness First with Kelly Roach

Episode 22: Putting Your Health and Fitness First with Kelly Roach

"I'm too tired. I'm not motivated. I'm too busy. It's not that important." If you've ever used these excuses for why you can't prioritize eating right and working out, listen up!  In today's episode, we're flipping the table on excuses with Kelly Roach,  a former Fortune 500 executive and CEO of Kelly Roach Coaching. Learn how this busy CEO, wife, and mom prioritizes her health and fitness goals while running two companies and still spending quality time with her family.  If you're a woman who wants to make a difference in the world, this episode will inspire you AND give you practical tips for renewing your commitment to your health.

Jan 17, 202030:41
Episode 21: How to Moderate Sugar and Alcohol During the Holidays

Episode 21: How to Moderate Sugar and Alcohol During the Holidays

If you think the only way to get through the holidays without eating all the cookies and drinking all the wine is to lock yourself in your house until January 2, this episode is for you. 

In episode 21, we tackle two of the most addictive foods on the planet: sugar and alcohol. Common trigger foods for many, sugar and alcohol become an even bigger problem during the holidays. From holiday parties to your own family traditions, is there any way we can moderate our consumption of sweet treats, wine, and cocktails, and still enjoy the holidays?

I'm sharing three proven strategies you can use at your very next event or party - real-world, practical skills that we've used with ourselves and clients in Fat Loss Lifestyle School for years.

Spoiler Alert: None of our strategies involve white-knuckling your way through the holiday season using massive amounts of willpower. 

Dec 11, 201924:22
Episode 20: You Can't Out-Train a Bad Diet

Episode 20: You Can't Out-Train a Bad Diet

"You can't out-train a bad diet." 

If you know any Personal Trainers or Nutrition Coaches, chances are - you've heard them say this. But is it true? What are the risks associated with training on a poor diet? 

In Episode 20, I'm breaking down the "why" behind this rule - and explaining why putting nutrition first will make your fat loss efforts FAR easier. 

Let's get to the point! 

Dec 07, 201926:08
Episode 19: The Biggest Mistakes I See Women Make With Their Health and Fitness Goals

Episode 19: The Biggest Mistakes I See Women Make With Their Health and Fitness Goals

2019 has been the biggest year yet for Fat Loss Lifestyle School! To thank you for all your support this year, I'm doing 30 Days of Fat Loss Lifestyle podcasts and emails! Of course, I'm kicking it off with a new podcast episode designed to help you make the MOST of the next 30 days! In Episode 19, I'm sharing the biggest mistakes women make with their health and fitness goals - so we can STOP making them and start getting what we want. Be sure to listen all the way to the end of this episode; I have a fun assignment for you! 

Dec 02, 201917:48
Episode 18: "Hey Leslie Ann, Can I have wine and bread every day and still get fat loss results?"

Episode 18: "Hey Leslie Ann, Can I have wine and bread every day and still get fat loss results?"

Episode 18 tackles a question we get from women who are interested in our online program, but still not sure if it's right for them. 

It's, "Hey Leslie Ann, I am thinking about Fat Loss Lifestyle School, but I don't want to give up my daily XYZ. Can I still do your program and/or still get fat loss results?"

In this episode, I'm giving you an overview of the 5-6 step process of behavior change and specifically answering your questions about how fat loss is impacted by things like frequent consumption of alcohol and highly processed carbs (like bread, cereal, crackers, bagels), as well as endurance training. NOTE: There is nothing inherently wrong these three things, they are just the categories we get asked the most questions about! 

Nov 14, 201923:24
Episode 14: How Do Treat Foods Fit Into a Fat Loss Lifestyle?

Episode 14: How Do Treat Foods Fit Into a Fat Loss Lifestyle?

Last week, I posted a photo of a dessert I made in my Instagram stories. It was a loaf of Chocolate Zucchini Bread.

And then my DMs exploded:

"Is that your Treat Meal?"

"Is that fat loss-friendly?"

"How often can I have treats like that and still get results?"

Valid questions - and if you've ever wondered how to handle all of life's fun treat foods with your desire to lose body fat and maintain/build lean muscle - this episode is all you.

Sep 11, 201924:30
Episode 13: How to End Situational Eating

Episode 13: How to End Situational Eating

A box of donuts on the conference table at your morning meeting.

Leftover sheet cake in the office break room from a coworker's birthday party.

Your kids' snacks.


Free samples at the grocery store.

If you've ever found yourself in these situations, where you're eating something "just because it's there" or "because everyone else is eating it" - this episode is for you!

It's called, "Situational Eating" - and it puts us in a powerless, reactive position, where our ability to make the right choices with food depends entirely on the environment we're in. I'm guessing you can't live in a protective bubble though, right? You HAVE to interact with the outside world, where there are meetings and holidays and social gatherings and yes - FOOD.

People who live a Fat Loss Lifestyle do things differently. We choose what and when we eat, and no longer struggle with Situational Eating.

Want to know how we do it? HINT: It isn't super human willpower. Listen to Episode 13 NOW and learn how to put the stomp on Situational Eating.

Jul 25, 201931:08
Episode 12: Why Tracking Macros Does Not Guarantee Fat Loss

Episode 12: Why Tracking Macros Does Not Guarantee Fat Loss

Macro Tracking.

If If Fits Your Macros.

Flexible Dieting.

Have you tried these popular fat loss strategies? Maybe it worked for you at first - but then it stopped working, even though you were "hitting your macros." Or maybe you got great results tracking macros in the past, but now, every time you go back to it, it just doesn't work?

Macro Tracking is not a "sure thing" for fat loss - and it can even lead you down a pretty dark path of obsession and restriction with food and exercise. 

In episode 12, we're talking about macro tracking and why it DOES NOT guarantee fat loss results. Can it work for some people some times? YES. But it does not work for every one all the time. If you've tried Macro Tracking and it didn't work OR it made you crazy - this episode is all you!

Jul 17, 201926:30