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Know Your Marketing ROI Podcast

Know Your Marketing ROI Podcast

By Matt Quirk

This podcast is for service based business owners like attorneys, consultants, and more, looking to get more leads, qualify them quickly, and build systems that can keep them happy for years to come.

We talk marketing and advertising. Learn from others what has worked for them and what hasn't worked. AND share tips for building systems to attract more of YOUR best clients.
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5 Powerful Strategies to Improve Your B2B Content Syndication Campaign ROI

Know Your Marketing ROI PodcastMay 07, 2024

How to create better content for social media promotion in B2B

How to create better content for social media promotion in B2B

The only logical thing to do is think backwards and then forwards again. Ideally, you would identify the channels for promotion of a piece of content before creating that content. Simple. Now creating content for social media promotion in B2B will forever be easy. When is life ever ideal when starting something new or making changes to the status quo?

Never. Exactly. In B2B, we often build in tandem in an agile structure because we’ve all got a lot going on.

Creating content without knowing how it will be promoted can be really hard. Both for the content strategist and for the digital marketers who end up promoting it. On my team, we talk a lot about how to present on social media, get more out of thought-leadership content, and create better opportunities for engagement. Which of course leave me asking, “How can we create better B2B content for social?”

Here I focus on content that has already been produced and now needs promotion. These same tips and processes will work if you’re building your marketing and content teams from scratch as well.

May 14, 202408:27
5 Powerful Strategies to Improve Your B2B Content Syndication Campaign ROI

5 Powerful Strategies to Improve Your B2B Content Syndication Campaign ROI

Content syndication gets a lot of flack for being an ineffective way to market in B2B, but nearly everyone I know and am connected with still uses it. I believe there’s good and bad content syndication programs, but that isn’t important. What is important is that you can improve your Lead quality from content syndication by doing some small, yes additional, but small things differently.

I’ve got 5 strategies I suggest you try to pimp your content syndication campaigns.

  • Become a part of the community before you start doing lead generation
  • Demonstrate you can help your audience by actually helping them
  • Automate follow-up to launch as soon as possible
  • Remind them of the value they got and what to do with it to see maximum benefits
  • Do something unique to make their experience with you, your brand, and your content incredibly memorable

All of these require more work than you are likely doing today, but that is a GOOD thing. Content syndication is a great channel to capture attention with, but it’s only a fleeting amount of attention.

That’s why we have to do more work to keep it captured and mature attention into trust. One of the best ways I know to do that is to demonstrate you can help your audience by actually helping them.

The good news is you’re already doing this with your content syndication assets. Now we need to figure out how to leverage those small, fleeting moments of captured attention. And we’re going to do that with at least 1 of these 5 strategies.

How to improve the performance of leads you get from b2b content syndication campaigns

May 07, 202410:46
How do small law firms advertise?
Feb 09, 202108:20
How solo attorneys can get their first clients
Feb 02, 202108:39
Get new clients for your law firm on Facebook

Get new clients for your law firm on Facebook

Social media platforms are a great way to get infront of and connect with your next client, but it can feel overwhelming. On today's episode we cover a few steps to saving time, being unique, and bringing the value to your social media presence... all so you can get more of your best buyers to work with you.

Social media platforms are a great way to get in front of and connect with your next client, but it can feel overwhelming. On today's episode we cover a few steps to saving time, being unique, and bringing the value to your social media presence... all so you can get more of your best buyers to work with you.

Nov 17, 202012:26
3 Tips to Qualify your leads to get your Best Clients

3 Tips to Qualify your leads to get your Best Clients

How do you qualify your leads so you only speak to your best clients? We're going to focus on 3 big tips to help you qualify prospects and leads BEFORE you have to speak with them on the phone or in person.

DOWNLOAD: Best Offer Worksheet -

Why should I qualify leads before speaking to them?

Your time is incredibly valuable, right? So why would you spend your time speaking to prospects or leads that do not match who your 'Best Buyers' are?

As an attorney your time should be spent working on client cases. Not spent on asking the same questions over and over and over. You can leverage templates to help, but using a CRM with your website and forms can really help streamline things.

Your 3 tips to qualify leads before you have to speak with them directly
  • Use an intake form
  • Tell people exactly who you can help the MOST
  • Delegate it
Qualify leads with an intake form

Use an intake form or questionnaire to help pre-qualify clients that want to connect with you and your firm. This helps you to filter out those that match 100%, 75%, and lower the crucial elements that your best buyers have.

You can leverage Web forms, sites like , and most CRMs have forms you can link to or embed on web pages.

Tell people exactly who you can help the MOST

This is a crucial step to all your content. When you tell your audience exactly who you work best with, they respond when they match! It's kind of the easiest way to qualify any lead you might get.

Establish your best buyer criteria, tell everyone about that criteria. Frame it as you can help many people, but these people you can help the most, best, easiest.

Delegate your lead qualification to someone else

A lot of us struggle to delegate anything, let alone lead qualification. This is a great way to get things off your plate, but you can't just give it away half-assed.

Make time to outline and document your process for qualifying leads, make sure you train and "test". Whomever you train, do a mock-session to help them identify opportunities and get better.

Top 3 tips to qualify your law firm leads

In summary, lead qualification doesn't have to be "rocket science". Just be clear and make it simple for your prospects to qualify themselves.

  • Use an intake form
  • Tell people exactly who you can help the MOST
  • Delegate it

If you'd like help building your qualification systems, connect with us and see if we are a fit for each other!

We help solo-attorneys and growing law firms attract and qualify new clients by building digital marketing systems that do the work for them.

Nov 10, 202008:45
Where to start when you're getting started

Where to start when you're getting started



The other day I had a meeting with a prospective client and we discussed how to focus in on what's worked, what you care about doing, and what energizes you to do for and with your clients! 

In order to know where to start when you're getting started with marketing for your business you need to answer a few questions first. 

1. What are all the things you provide for your clients? What are your offers? 

2. What is your most profitable offer? 

3. What do you get the most enjoyment from? 

Once you've answered all these questions then you'll be ready to tackle a marketing program for your business. See there are lot's of "things" you can do to market your business and get new leads. But the best things are the simplest! Do more of what has worked in the past is always a great place to start. Next best place, do more of what your audience is asking for! 

Check out the Best Offer worksheet and go through the exercise yourself. I all but guarantee you'll find incredible value in it and be able to find the ONE thing you should get started with immediately when it comes to your marketing. 

Best Offer Worksheet:

Feb 18, 202006:40
Stop being afraid to be on video

Stop being afraid to be on video

All of us know we need to be building a tribe, right?

Creating content and putting it out there into the world... Right? You do know that... right?

Check out the video version here:

In today's video I'm going to give you a thrashing about putting yourself out there on the internet in video!

One of the biggest complaints I get about doing video is, "I don't look good on camera" or "I don't like talking to lots of people"... you literally do this as your job AND no one cares what you look like.

The point to all of this is that your target clients need to know, like, and trust you.


As an attorney or lawyer, you need to make your clients feel that they can put their faith in you to get the outcome they desire. A great way to break the ice on this is to... prove that you can help them, by actually helping them!

Novel concept, I know.

Law firm marketing could be all about lead generation and find ONLY those people that are ready now, today, to hire you or your law firm.

This is missing about 90% of all other people that could potentially have a need for you in the near and/or distant future!

Building a tribe that knows, likes, and trusts you as an attorney or law firm is paramount to your long-term success today and into the future.

Jan 27, 202003:55
3 Ways to Market Your Firm Better with Less Time

3 Ways to Market Your Firm Better with Less Time

Welcome in! Today we are going to talk about three different and unique ways to market your law firm in less time.

Three unique ways... you're doing some of these things... but, there are some good advances in technology and better functions with things that you're currently utilizing.

Jan 09, 202010:51
Offer the solution to their problems

Offer the solution to their problems

If you don't know who I am, I'm Matt Quirk and attorneys hire me to build systems that attract AND qualify clients BEFORE you speak to them on the phone or in person.

Focus items:

  • Offering a guide or cheatsheet or something they can download that gives people a solution to a problem they are currently experiencing
  • This shouldn't be an end-all-be-all solution, but providing a single solution to a single pain or problem they are experiencing...

This pain or problem should be a part of the bigger picture

e.g. - Debt collectors calling night and day > The solution might be to get a lawyer to send a letter on their behalf... the bigger problem here is that they need to be filing bankruptcy

e.g. - Hospital is threatening to send to collections > The solution might be to advise a payment plan proposal to hospital... the bigger problem is they were injured and need a strong legal advocate (YOU)

Dec 31, 201903:26
Be the FIRST to give and make sure it's personalized

Be the FIRST to give and make sure it's personalized

What the what is this guy talking about?? Reciprocity?? Really?

In today’s episode we're gonna talk about 1 of the 6 principles of persuasion from Dr. Robert Cialdini, RECIPROCITY.

The quick and dirty of this principle is that people feel an obligation to give back when they have received something. Especially when the thing they received is perceived as valuable to them.

So what does this mean for marketing & advertising in the legal space?

Well I'm gonna tell you!

Sometimes the simplest act of kindness can be enough for someone to return the act and or one-up it. Take for example the act of holding a door open for the person behind you as you enter a building.

There's usually some sort of second barrier once you're inside.

The stranger you held the first door open for will be much more likely to return the act of kindness now that you gave he or she something of perceived value first.

The concept is simple, but applying it is often less simple.

One way to build the desire for reciprocation could be to provide your clients with a personalized on-boarding packet. I emphasize personalized for a point I'll make later.

Ensure each client knows what to expect when working with you, your hours, your best contact numbers, and then take it a step further by personalizing it for THEM.

Yes this may take a little more time to produce, but the rewards you'll see from this small act of giving are massive.

You could even personalize the title of the on-boarding packet... something like "John Stevens' personalized plan to easing the Bankruptcy process" or something similar.

So the moral here is to be the FIRST to give and ensure that what you're giving is personalized and unexpected.

If you'd like help attracting and qualifying even more clients for your firm or agency please give us a call: 623-748-4782 OR shoot an email to

Dec 23, 201902:60
Internet marketing is a joke and email is DEAD!

Internet marketing is a joke and email is DEAD!

This whole internet marketing thing is a joke and email is dead.

That's just what internet marketers WANT you to think! 

In today’s episode we talk about the naysayer.

The people that you hear from saying you shouldn't wast your money with online marketing or advertising.  These are the same people that are actually crushing it and don't want YOU to ruin what they have. 

See there's a Jedi mind trick savvy marketers play on each other... 

They use marketing psychology to try to "trick" the rest of us into believing that the internet is a fools errand.

There's no money in it! It'll just bleed you dry.

Instead, just focus on word of mouth with your clients. 

There's something in that statement, but for today let's just stay focused on these Jedi mind tricks.

It's just reverse psychology presented as a belief you likely already hold. It's easier to get someone to believe something they already believe than it is to get them to latch onto a new concept.  You can use this concept to YOUR benefit. 

Now that you know the truth, that marketing your business online can actually work, you can investigate what your friends and colleagues are doing... you know, a little spy work on your competition. 

If you'd like help attracting and qualifying even more clients for your firm or agency please give us a call: 623-748-4782 OR shoot an email to

Dec 17, 201901:59
Ending your year strong to start next year with even more best clients

Ending your year strong to start next year with even more best clients

We get real about making time for yourself and agency or firm so you can have the best start to 2020 possible!
Dec 10, 201903:39
Get you some goals for your marketing & advertising!

Get you some goals for your marketing & advertising!

In this episode I share the what behind defining goals for your marketing and advertising. The importance of understanding what networks are where your best clients hang out on AND how to know their mindset on each network so you create the best advertising for them where they are.
Dec 05, 201907:58
Attorney Advertising Tips for Leveraging the Outcomes You Get for Clients

Attorney Advertising Tips for Leveraging the Outcomes You Get for Clients

In this episode we talk all about how to utilize advertising and marketing within your legal practice in order to leverage the outcomes you get for your clients to bring in even more clients.
Nov 16, 201904:13
How to measure success when you're running ads

How to measure success when you're running ads

Even with metrics defined, knowing how to measure your advertising for success isn’t easy, but today I’m gonna help you clearly identify how to measure successful advertising for your practice.

If you don't know who I am, I'm Matt Quirk and attorneys hire me to build systems that attract AND qualify clients BEFORE you speak to them on the phone or in person.

Nov 05, 201904:03
What to measure when you run ads

What to measure when you run ads

Knowing what to measure for ROI can be confusing, so today I’m gonna help clarify what you should be measuring for success with your advertising.

If you don't know who I am, I'm Matt Quirk and attorneys hire me to build systems that attract AND qualify clients BEFORE you speak to them on the phone or in person.

Today's episode is all about knowing what to measure when attorneys like you spend money on advertising. The best advice I can give is to start with the end in mind.

Give this episode a listen and a review on your favorite pod-catcher of choice!

Oct 29, 201904:23
Knowing your ROI

Knowing your ROI

In this episode, we cover what you need to know about your return on investment and how to get the most out of a quick results plan, plus one tidbit of information on qualifying your leads before you connect with them.
Oct 24, 201904:32
The first thing you should do before you advertise your legal practice
Oct 13, 201902:47