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Coffee With Candace

Coffee With Candace

By Coffee with Candace

We can't all be IG famous and some of us have a 9-5 which is why we provide pointers to help you advance in your career ranging from Resume writing & editing, interview prep, and the importance of branding.
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I'm More than Qualified! Why was I Rejected?

Coffee With Candace Jan 20, 2019

Welcome to the Morning Dump

Welcome to the Morning Dump

You may ask, "What's the Morning Dump?" Well, it starts the night before, and basically everything weighing on you from the day you take to bed with you. You wake up feeling weighed down from the day before. The Morning Dump is a way to let go of things and "shit" that no longer serve you. Also, in this segment, you'll be meeting holistic life coach and mindful mentor Arnetta Velez. 👏 👏 👏 Together, we will be joining forces and sharing content focused on health, work, mindfulness, and so much more.
Mar 15, 202318:55
Oh that's Horrible...

Oh that's Horrible...

No company is perfect and managers are people too but what happens when horrible companies combine with bad bosses ... you get a horrible outcome. Tune into some "oh that's horrible moments" based off my findings of (anonymous) bad job postings or employee exchanges. I'll add my 2 cents and If you follow me on LI would love your insight too.
Nov 06, 202210:12
Recession Proof Industries

Recession Proof Industries

Times are strange... I mean let's be honest the last two years have been strange but throw in a looming recession and hot damn we have a full on shit show. If you're nervous about "job security" or looking for a job right now check out these industries that tend to thrive during economic uncertainty.
Oct 12, 202225:39
I Quit My Job!

I Quit My Job!

You should never stay with a horrible employer out of fear that your tenure will be messed up. So many people stay and subject themselves to cruel work environments out of fear of leaving. Arguably if you know a place is not right for you map out a plan to exit left but sometimes in those rare occasions peace mind overrides staying in a bad situation. In this podcast I speak about my experience and the decision to leave my first week of starting a new job 🙃.
May 06, 202108:24
Road to Success = Stay in Ya Lane

Road to Success = Stay in Ya Lane

Everyone else doing big things around you? Everyone seems to be getting promoted or shiny new titles? Well guess what? You can too but you need to focus on yourself and stay in your lane. A track star can see their opponents but focusing on their whereabouts on the track will slow them what do they do? Look straight ahead and stay in their lane and you should to.
May 06, 202106:27
Whether it's zoom, MS teams, blue jeans or Skype when interviewing don't make these mistakes.

Whether it's zoom, MS teams, blue jeans or Skype when interviewing don't make these mistakes.

I've had so many hiring managers ask me what's the proper protocol when managing virtual interviews. Stay tuned for all the many tips to help you put your best foot forward!
Feb 01, 202107:47
November 13, 2019

November 13, 2019

Nov 13, 201900:53
🧭Navigating Unemployment ⛵

🧭Navigating Unemployment ⛵

Update - Relevant to Corona Virus and the state jobs. If you've ever been handed a pink slip or given the ol' "Your Fired" you understand the stress, concern and downside that can come from losing a job but apart from that it can also be a blessing in disguise. Join me this week as we navigate unemployment (the good. the bad. the ugly)

Apr 09, 201913:31
MONEY: Do You Have a Side Hustle?

MONEY: Do You Have a Side Hustle?

Bling Bling BAYBEE!!! Turn your hobby into your side hustle! Get paid for your passion. Make money doing things you love. Most of us work a '9-5' and sometimes that salary just isn't enough, stayed tuned this week as we explore LEGAL ways to generate some 'moolah' and start your own side gig for little to no cost at all. Want to go on that vacation you've dreamed of? Tired or calls from Debt Collectors? Planning a wedding? This week we tap into alternative quick start ups that you can launch. Start laying your foundation of success and do great things.

Feb 19, 201913:07
Careers & College What You Need to Know

Careers & College What You Need to Know

Careers While Continuing Your Education or maybe your fresh on the market and about to pursue your dreams! Check out this weeks podcast on tips, advice and a special guest.
Feb 04, 201912:19
I Spy With My Recruiter Eye ...An Open Social Media Profile

I Spy With My Recruiter Eye ...An Open Social Media Profile

How would you feel about a hiring manager digging around in your social media? I don't just mean the cheesy "how to combat sleepiness at work" shared post on LinkedIn but they look for IG, Facebook, Snapchat etc to figure out who you are. Now not all managers do this but there are some who do. So let's chat about the importance of locking it up! Say begone to faux social media judgements and hello to opportunities.
Jan 31, 201903:49
Relying on Luck to Land A Job?

Relying on Luck to Land A Job?

Mirror Mirror on the wall I'm looking for a job that has it all. (Cute huh?)
Jan 23, 201914:01
I'm More than Qualified! Why was I Rejected?

I'm More than Qualified! Why was I Rejected?

You applied the recruiter replied and it sadly was a rejection. Why? You have the skills to pay the Bill's but did they actually read your resume? This week we dive into those little nuances when dealing with recruiters.
Jan 20, 201902:54
Ace The Interview & Land The Job

Ace The Interview & Land The Job

This week we discuss how to confidently ace a job interview. The importance of trusting your gut when presented with multiple job offers and how to overcome a seemingly awesome interview that ends in heartbreak.
Jan 14, 201912:06
Help!! I Keep Applying to Jobs with No Response!

Help!! I Keep Applying to Jobs with No Response!

It's not you it's the software. Your job application might be lost in outer space if you applied this way!
Jan 06, 201912:32
Why Your Recruiter Ghosted You

Why Your Recruiter Ghosted You

You applied for the job, maybe you had a phone screen or interview then 'POOF' silence. You never hear back from the recruiter or hiring manager, this episode focuses on why this happens and what you can do.
Sep 08, 201809:27
The Hiring Manager is Not Your Friend

The Hiring Manager is Not Your Friend

Put some respect on my name!!! Ok maybe not that extreme..but when you are applying for a job whether you send an email or a phone interview make sure to keep it classy and professional.
Sep 07, 201804:26
I Need to Address This Issue

I Need to Address This Issue

Not landing the job or even receiving calls to interview? This simple hack may just do the trick
Aug 11, 201802:40
Meet John Doe

Meet John Doe

Invisible Resumes are No Bueno!!
Apr 11, 201805:57
Interviews are 50/50

Interviews are 50/50

Are you confident when you interview?
Mar 23, 201807:46
Your Resume Sucks Cont.

Your Resume Sucks Cont.

Mar 15, 201804:12
Why Your Resume Sucks & How to Fix it

Why Your Resume Sucks & How to Fix it

We can't all be IG famous (or maybe we could) but for the real folks in the real world with a real 9-5 if you are looking for your new J.O.B with zero luck then maybe your resume sucks. Tune in for some Coffee with Candace Pointers.
Mar 13, 201823:02