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Keeping it Real with Gina Keeping

Keeping it Real with Gina Keeping

By Gina Keeping

Welcome to the Keeping it Real podcast with your host, Gina Keeping. Each week I bring you an inspiring person or message where we talk about all things life and business related. Where our conversations are real. The information is inspiring. A splash of fun. Lots of laughs and we dive into life lessons and deep conversations about ALL the things. If you want to be inspired and learn how to transform both your life and business, dive on in and have a listen.
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[225] If business and/or life is hard for you right now, this is for you.

Keeping it Real with Gina KeepingMay 13, 2024

[227] Are you living on autopilot? A must listen if you are just going through the motions.
May 27, 202421:28
[226] What is Feng Shui and how can it positively impact your life and business? A soulful conversation with Susan Day, Feng Shui Consultant.

[226] What is Feng Shui and how can it positively impact your life and business? A soulful conversation with Susan Day, Feng Shui Consultant.

I have to be honest, I wasn’t really interested in feng shui until Susan broke down what it was and how it could positively impact your life, your energy, your creativity and even your business. 

I really thought I had to be good at design and home decor and it turns out it has NOTHING to do with that. 

In this fun and soulful conversation, Susan breaks down what feng shui is and demystifies some of the common misconceptions. She shows us in real time how making small changes can positively impact your life and business and gives some amazing tips. 

Trust me, you aren’t going to want to miss this episode. 

About Susan:

Susan Day is a feng shui consultant and graduate of the Mindful Design School. Susan lives surrounded by nature in Newfoundland Canada and spends most of her spare time out in nature in all seasons and weather. She loves to hike, snowshoe and kayaking with her husband Roger.

Susan’s love for nature and home, her education and lived experiences give her a unique perspective on harnessing the lifeforce of Mother Nature and bringing it into home and being. Susan’s ability to relate to people and meet them where they are allows her to help her clients find ease and alignment within their own lives. 

My website is and my Instagram and Facebook handle is @susansalignedlife. I have a Feng Shui 101 Self Study workshop that I like to promote and people can find out more about that and my other offerings here: They can also sign up for my newsletter on my website to receive easy to implement feng shui tips. 

To learn more about the host, Gina Keeping, visit and to follow her on social media, check out her instagram handle at

May 20, 202456:47
[225] If business and/or life is hard for you right now, this is for you.
May 13, 202427:14
[224] Are you focused too much on the end result?
May 06, 202422:49
[223] What does this have to do with business?
Apr 29, 202420:41
[222] A trend I see in the online space that is hurting business owners
Apr 22, 202422:30
[221] 3 things I am doubling down on in Q2 (all the secrets)
Apr 15, 202420:14
[220] Is your business set up for freedom?
Apr 08, 202421:51
[219] If you are a worst case scenario thinker, you need this tool ⬇️
Apr 01, 202422:36
[218] 3 things you need to hear to have a great week.
Mar 25, 202421:50
[217] What I learned from taking a pottery class
Mar 18, 202418:50
[216] What is subconscious reprogramming and what does it have to do with living the life you want and growing that successful business you desire? [with special guest Jen Gutfriend]

[216] What is subconscious reprogramming and what does it have to do with living the life you want and growing that successful business you desire? [with special guest Jen Gutfriend]

You can’t outwork an outdated mindset. 

I have said this time and time again but often I get the question about how. While  you can get some amazing tips, tools and strategies all through the Keeping It Real podcast, I wanted to broaden your awareness with a new tool that can be so helpful. 

What would it mean to get rid of that doubt? Those insecurities? The fears? The lack of confidence?

I  mean I think it goes without saying that it would change your life. 

In this episode, Subconscious Mindset Coach, Jen Gutfriend joins us and shares her expertise on subconscious reprogramming, hypnosis and mindset. 

This conversation was SO expansive and you will walk away with tools in your pocket and a whole new reframe around mindset. 

About Jen:

Jen is a subconscious mindset expert who helps ambitious female entrepreneurs easily unfuck their brain using powerful subconscious mindset tools so they can manifest the business and life of their dreams. She helps you stop dreaming and start manifesting it all. 

Offers- Currently promoting my unfuck your brain tune up sessions. Don’t have an affiliate link but always ask where people found me.

Best way to connect with me is IG or email 

To learn more about the host, Gina Keeping, visit and to follow her on social media, check out her instagram handle at

Mar 11, 202456:15
[215] How to know WHAT to invest in and WHEN? (escaping the sales tactics)
Mar 04, 202423:40
[214] Your self-worth could be hurting your net worth and the quality of your life.
Feb 26, 202428:43
 [213] How to actually  make change?
Feb 19, 202422:51
[212] Why I ditched my habits and regretted it immediately.
Feb 12, 202423:16
[211] Failing is encouraged and required for success. Let's talk about it.
Feb 05, 202423:23
[210] Are you doing too much and trying too hard?
Jan 29, 202424:15
[209] What is somatic therapy and how can it completely transform your life and business? Listen to find out as I chat with Chelsea Carter, creator of Somatic Breath Activation

[209] What is somatic therapy and how can it completely transform your life and business? Listen to find out as I chat with Chelsea Carter, creator of Somatic Breath Activation

Woah. Have you ever had one of those conversations that you leave feeling activated and expanded? This was it for me. 

Lately,  I feel like I have been sitting on a best kept secret of how to really unlock potential and finally found the perfect person to dive in and reveal it all. 

This conversation helps you transform your daily actions by making small, simple changes and helps you tap into your confidence, worthiness and your true highest self. 

This conversation will challenge your everyday living and help you really find peace and purpose…without quitting your 9-5 job. 

This is one you are going to want to listen to twice. 

About Chelsea:

Chelsea holds the soul mission to connect humans with their highest self, community and nature. She is a talented intuition & embodiment coach, retreat creatrix, medicine woman, mentor to space holders and heart-centered entrepreneurs, intuitive Ceremonialist, meditation guide and more.

Chelsea is the creator of the Somatic Breath Activation, a powerful breathwork technique that unleashes your truth and power. In her sacred circles, gatherings and retreats, she curates an environment for rewilding, embodiment and inner transformation.



Full-Access BreathVault: Breathwork & Somatic Membership for $5 for the first month! Use code: keepingitreal 

Ready to uplevel your morning routines?

Hop on the Rock Your Morning Routine Waitlist to get all the details. 

To learn more about the host, Gina Keeping, visit and to follow her on social media, check out her instagram handle at

Jan 22, 202456:47
[208] This one small change can transform your mornings (and your day).
Jan 16, 202421:48
[207] 3 ways I am supporting myself during a HUGE up-level right now
Jan 08, 202418:30
[206] Struggle with setting new year's resolutions? This will help.
Jan 01, 202418:12
[205] Skip the boxing day sales and do this instead.
Dec 25, 202315:05
[204] It’s time to ditch the self-sabotage and get out of your own way.
Dec 18, 202322:00
[203] Pulling back the curtains and sharing things that are and aren’t working in business right now.
Dec 11, 202322:24
[202] Are you focusing too much on these 3 things that are killing your progress and success?
Dec 04, 202322:00
[201] Catch yourself wanting your results yesterday? This episode is all about practicing one thing to help you overcome your impatience.
Nov 27, 202322:51
[200] Embracing the growth seasons as you step into your next thing.
Nov 20, 202322:11
[199] 3 things I did to grow my business that most business owners won’t do
Nov 13, 202322:19
[198] Money chats with my husband…
Nov 06, 202320:38
[197] Does Your Money Mindset Need A Tune Up? (my personal transformation)

[197] Does Your Money Mindset Need A Tune Up? (my personal transformation)

You're in for a treat today as we dive into a story that's as personal and lively as it gets. In this solo episode, I'm going to spill the beans on how changing my money mindset sent shockwaves through my life, and trust me, it's been a transformation.

Let's talk about money. It's not just paper and numbers; it's the big boss of our lives, shaping our beliefs, dreams, and, dare I say, our future. I came from a place where money was as scarce as can be. Stress and anxiety were unwelcome roommates in my family, and it felt like every cent was worth its weight in gold. I had what you might call a "scarcity mindset" engraved in my brain.

When I started my business, you better believe this mindset had a huge impact…and not a good one. 

But as I dove into this world of growth, one fine day, the skies parted, and the universe handed me a swift kick in the behind. It was time to rethink my relationship with money. The struggle was real, and it was time for me to rewrite the rules.

Fasten your seatbelts, because this journey was a wild ride. I had to overcome challenges, doubts, and my fair share of "what on earth am I doing?" moments. But, hey, I was on a mission to break free from the scarcity trap!

And guess what? As I transformed my money mindset, my life got an upgrade. Not only did my bank account swell, but my whole existence underwent a miraculous makeover. My relationships got a facelift, my business exploded and I felt like I was surfing on a wave of abundance. 

So if you're itching to change your money mindset, whether you're swimming in financial woes or just want to level up your financial game, this episode is your guide to personal transformation through a spiced-up money mindset. Let's dive in!

To learn more about the host, Gina Keeping, visit and to follow her on social media, check out her instagram handle at

Oct 30, 202320:57
[196] Break up with your burnout and start feeling good again. An amazing conversation with Ashley O’Connor Registered Nurse turned Health, Fitness, and Career Coach

[196] Break up with your burnout and start feeling good again. An amazing conversation with Ashley O’Connor Registered Nurse turned Health, Fitness, and Career Coach

In this empowering episode, we put the spotlight on the unsung heroes of our society: women. We welcomed Ashley O’Connor, Registered Nurse turned health, fitness, and career coach for nurses and caregivers to discuss the unique challenges women face and how to maintain balance in the face of it all. 

Ashley began by sharing her remarkable journey from a burnout victim to a conqueror who understands the tremendous demands women and caregivers often place on themselves. She transformed her burnout experience into a beacon of hope and an invitation for all women to join the empowerment party.

The episode took a deep dive into the world of burnout, with a keen focus on the unique signs and symptoms that often plague women. It's like trying to solve a riddle wrapped in an enigma, disguised as the world's most challenging Sudoku puzzle.

Of course, the balancing act was central to the discussion. Women, who are often the primary caregivers in their families, find themselves juggling work, family, and their own well-being. It's like trying to perform a high-wire act while simultaneously juggling flaming swords and soothing a crying baby!

We also dove into the crazy rat race of the health and fitness world. The conversation revolved around empowering women to prioritize themselves and their physical well-being. Ashley revealed her unique approach to how she helps her clients find their regime that works for them - not a cookie cutter approach.

The real treasure of the episode, however, was Ashley's guide to self-care tailored to women, acknowledging the incredible amounts of themselves they give. From mastering the art of saying "no" gracefully to practicing mindfulness and small, simple steps that truly work for busy caregivers, it's like a hug for your heart and soul.

This episode is a celebration of women, acknowledging the caregivers and the superheroes among us. It's a must-listen for anyone in need of a dose of inspiration, empowerment, anyone struggling with burnout and a reminder that it's okay to put yourself first sometimes. Tune in and take charge of your life, because you deserve it!


Follow Ashley O’Connor on Instagram HERE

Sign up for her Burnout Club and use code KEEPINGITREAL for %15 off.

To learn more about the host, Gina Keeping, visit and to follow her on social media, check out her instagram handle at

Oct 23, 202359:52
[195] This energy leak could be costing you your success and happiness.
Oct 19, 202326:46
[194] Have a pesky belief that you just can’t shake? Try this ⬇️
Oct 16, 202316:41
[193] How to navigate when people you love don’t support your growth or goals.
Oct 12, 202323:53
[192] How to stand out and outperform those around you
Oct 09, 202319:53
[191] How often are you disqualifying yourself from your goals and dreams?
Oct 05, 202313:56
[190] Ready to unlock your high performance and mental toughness?
Oct 02, 202318:04
[189] Want to know how to get results faster?Alison and Sarah share how they collapsed time around their goals and how they have gotten the personal and business success they have today.

[189] Want to know how to get results faster?Alison and Sarah share how they collapsed time around their goals and how they have gotten the personal and business success they have today.

Sep 28, 202340:26
[188] How to go from burnout ➡️ effective and efficient
Sep 25, 202317:36
 [187] How to get over your freakin’ self.
Sep 21, 202324:16
[186] Is your need to “have it all together” and “be the person who knows all things” holding you back from your next level?
Sep 18, 202315:01
 [185] Are you committed to your long term goals or are you quitting before it gets good?
Sep 14, 202320:24
[184] What is alignment and how do I get it?
Sep 11, 202322:36
[183] “Don’t be afraid to contradict yourself!”
Sep 07, 202320:24
[182] Is fear the reason why you aren’t going after what you want?
Sep 04, 202319:04
[181] Lessons learned when navigating difficult environments/situations
Aug 31, 202322:34
[180] Not Every Season Is A Growth Season
Aug 28, 202314:21
 [179] A behind the scenes business shift + why we made a pivot. Emily and I share how we are navigating a HUGE unconventional business decision.
Aug 24, 202336:59
[178] [Day 3 / 3 Free Training] Why you haven’t found your abundance yet.
Aug 21, 202334:12