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Gjin's Mindful Minutes

Gjin's Mindful Minutes

By Gjin Ow

Become a Paid Subscriber: Simple guided meditations to tune in that are quick, easy to absorb enhancing your overall wellbeing and release any unwanted worries. Each Tuesday, join Gjin Ow, years of experience in meditation and wellbeing, who will guide you to each episode. To feel calm in the chaos, To feel quiet when it's noisy, To be still when things are constantly moving. And if you want to enjoy the full experience, please subscribe to my channel for AD FREE and variety of my episodes.
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Noting Judgement (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

Gjin's Mindful MinutesJan 17, 2022

No Big Deal

No Big Deal

We are going to meditate, and not a make a big deal out of it.

This no big dealness, is really good for you.

It doesn't need to be an activity that you have to get it right.

You're already getting it by trying, staying and existing.

And it's part of allowing our minds to rest, trust and heal.

Sep 04, 202304:09
Victory over Mind breathwork

Victory over Mind breathwork

Let me take you to explore your breath.

You can take this anywhere and anytime. Workout or at home, or just a way of re focusing your mind back to one place and give your thoughts a break.

The breathwork above is also known as Ujjayi, which directly means victory over the mind.

A small manipulation in the out breath,

Almost like we turned to 'Darth Vader' in that moment or trying to frost a glass pane with our mouth closed.

Let's try and be victorious over our thoughts (well, able to control them woohoo)

Aug 21, 202306:08


SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Subscribe for as low as NZ0.99 a month for access.

Hi, it's Gjin again. This particular practice or technique actually helped me a lot. Story behind it I was at weekly long trips (3 hours) to work and wanted to explore if I could actually meditate with my eyes open. Seeing I had subscribed to the Calm App, I bumped into Shinzen Young's class. And it brought me to another level of awareness because we do have our eyes open in everyday life. Enjoy.

Aug 07, 202308:59
Awareness in 3 parts

Awareness in 3 parts

With today's session, we are breaking things down a little more but subtly. Taking your awareness into 3 parts. We are softly giving our consciousness a nice massage for this one. Without anyone else to help, no need for a massage chair. Such a nice one for the winter weather. Enjoy.

Jul 24, 202306:46
Breath in 3 Acts (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

Breath in 3 Acts (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

3 rounds, 1 minute each.

First round is to count your breath.

Second round is to deep breathe.

Thirds round, count your breaths again. And then compare it to the first round.

What just happened? Tune in to find out more...

Jul 10, 202309:01
Deconstructing Thoughts

Deconstructing Thoughts

What is deconstructing thoughts? It's simply to really really notice what is going on in your mind and perhaps label it. As much subtlety as it seems, this little skill can open up and enhance your awareness a little step further in knowing what exactly is going on in your mind.

And sometimes, it might just stop you in your trial of thoughts.

Let's give it a try

Jun 26, 202306:16
Walking Meditation

Walking Meditation

Have you ever thought what muscles do you use when you walk?

And which foot comes forwards before the other?

Do you start walking by taking your right foot forwards?

Often we succumb into pure unconsciousness when it comes to walking, our vital movement that takes us from one place to another.

Give this one a try, it'll open up your awareness more. This one is also amazing because it isat your convenience, to stand and walk if you're the type that prefers tolisten to podcasts at daytime.

Jun 12, 202306:40
Sending love notes to your body

Sending love notes to your body

If you've done meditation, you will probably know this one as a body scan. Something that we use as well at the beginning of a yoga nidra session. It's just following my voice as I will speak out the parts of your body. For this session, I highly recommend that you lie down, planning to fall asleep. Here we go.

May 29, 202307:00
Taming the wandering mind

Taming the wandering mind

Ever wondered why your mind keeps wandering?


Because that's what it naturally does to live. Our mental and emotional state takes a different flow from other things such as our breath to survive us in our daily activities. There is no need to judge a thought that you have, nor push away feelings that you think you don't deserve. We are allowing everything to just be.

Just be. Giving ourselves to just be ourselves. Fully.

I know that apparently men know how to 'space' out completely in a box, and so if you're a guy listening to this, let's see if we can space out for longer. Here we go.

May 15, 202306:31
Here comes Season 7 - I am back after a 1 year Hiatus!

Here comes Season 7 - I am back after a 1 year Hiatus!

So many things has happened in the last year~ moving, settling, upskilling and starting new projects.

I'm now yoga teacher trained and took another upskill into the meditation world.

Excited now to share the knowledge I have to enhance and bring the best out of you.

Episodes will be fortnightly.

Seasons will remain as 10 episodes.

Speak soon!

May 01, 202301:39
Giving a chance for us to create Space

Giving a chance for us to create Space

Our mind is always a constant chatter. Flowing with thoughts, feelings, past events and future to-do list. If it's not this thought or feeling, it would be another, a never ending story.

With that, it becomes tiring, draining and exhausting. Try this practice to allow you to find a space again to de-clutter or pause the flowing mind for under 10 minutes.

May 16, 202208:04
Breathing in 3 Acts that instantly relieves in 3 mins

Breathing in 3 Acts that instantly relieves in 3 mins

Want to de-stresss in just 3 minutes? Follow this process :). 2 Skills, short, sharp but absolutely fulfilling.

Oh, it's 8 mins long if you want to know more about the thought process behind those 3 mins. 

May 09, 202208:36
Coming back to a Homebase - 10 mins

Coming back to a Homebase - 10 mins

Exploring homebases (longer version). This is a part of extending the concentration we don't have to necessarily focus on just coming back to our breath but we could explore other things which we can define as a homebase to come back to such as;
background sounds;
the physical sensations of breath;
the physical sensations of the body;

Let's begin.

May 02, 202209:58
Coming back to a Homebase - 5 mins (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

Coming back to a Homebase - 5 mins (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Subscribe for as low as NZ0.99 a month for access.

Exploring homebases (short version). This is a part of extending the concentration we don't have to necessarily focus on just coming back to our breath but we could explore other things which we can define as a homebase to come back to such as;
background sounds;
the physical sensations of breath;
the physical sensations of the body;

Let's begin.

Apr 26, 202205:44
Resting the mind in 5 minutes

Resting the mind in 5 minutes

How nice would it be just to rest the minds for just 5 mins. Blissful. Well then try this :).
A short little exercise to allow you to ease the mind almost spontaneously in a gentle manner of fact. This can be done during the day somewhere quiet like in the car, or during lunch break, or in the evening when you have a moment. Try with a place where you can close your eyes, then try it with the eyes open when you are familiar with the exercise.
Apr 18, 202205:57
Self Body Scan - 10 mins
Apr 11, 202211:21
A Self Body Scan - 5 min
Apr 04, 202206:42
Concentration - 10mins (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

Concentration - 10mins (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Subscribe for as low as NZ0.99 a month for access.

Taking off from the previous episode, this is the extended version as we give ourselves the chance to expand and strengthen our concentration by teaching ourselves to come back to our breathing space again and again. There are many benefits in strengthening our concentration, just like actively working a muscle at the gym. They are:

  • Increase focus and learning concentration.
  • Improve memory and attention span.
  • Allow better sleep.

If you need a coach, I will help guide you through listening to this episode. Let's begin.

Please rate, subscribe and review (seriously, this goes a loooooonngg way)

Email Gjin your questions on Follow Gjin on Instagram on @Genial82

And if you want to enjoy the full experience, please subscribe to my channel for AD FREE and variety of my episodes.

Mar 28, 202210:21
Basic Concentration - 5mins
Mar 21, 202206:09


SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Subscribe for as low as NZ0.99 a month for access.

Being in the unknown. 

This one is one of my original one that had sparked during one of my sessions that I was teaching at the gym. As we are now living in a place of noticeable changes and perhaps a little fear sparked to the unknown, this practice already reminds you that you are already in it. 

Give it a try

Mar 20, 202208:04
End of Season 5. Here comes Season 6!

End of Season 5. Here comes Season 6!

Just taking a short break before I start a brand spanking new season from next week! 

Here are my snapshots: 

Breathe (simple eh?)

I'll be back and hopefully running off tuning off themes from each season and tuning on to what you all might want to listen to on a Tuesday :). Stay tuned!

Mar 14, 202203:47


A wonderful meditation piece by the Calm founder Tamara Levit. She reminded us about the importance of self-nurture. Unfortunately, self-care isn't taught in school. So as we evolve into adulthood, we don't always have the tools to self-nurture. We may also succumb to society's conditioning that conflicts with self-nurturing, where we learnt to treat ourselves with tough love and harsh words. Fortunately, the practice of meditation is an act of self-nurturing. Each time we sit and turn inwards, we come back to ourselves, offering kindness and compassion that we don't always receive from the world around us. So today let this be a reminder, and the permission slip to love and nurture yourself.

Mar 07, 202209:29
Cherokee's Wolves

Cherokee's Wolves

Quite a famous story and an ancient tale from the Native American Cherokee which has been shared down to many generations, touching lives including mind. It is a story about 2 wolves fighting, of a battle between good and evil. Stay for this practice to find out which wolf will win.

Feb 21, 202208:04


SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Subscribe for as low as NZ0.99 a month for access.


Sharon Salzburg's loving kindness meditation. A brief background about her; she's a co-founder of Insight Meditation society, a best-selling author and perhaps known more for Vipassana and loving kindness meditation in the western world. I know her for that even though that practice was originated from India, this one sank in her deep that she decided to share and advocate the knowledge far and wide. 

'May all beings be safe. 

May all beings be happy. 

May all beings be healthy. 

May all beings live with ease.'

Feb 14, 202209:48
Self Soothe

Self Soothe

Steps to self soothe. With the help of the gratitude exposure from last week this exercise will help identify the instant ways to be kind to yourself whenever a discomfort situation arises. 

For this, you can practice without the need to sit still or lie down but to continue your daily activities while listening to this podcast. Enjoy!

Feb 07, 202208:07
Experiencing Gratitude

Experiencing Gratitude

10 years ago I've started this habit of writing down 3 things to be thankful each day and it stopped just because my priorities were shifted to seeing the world. As I have come back to my roots and with a family, something started to nudge me to start the habit up again. And for 2 years now I have been writing or thinking about 3 things I am grateful of each day and somehow it helped me admire and appreciate the things I have right now. 

This practice delves slightly further to a fulfilling session just reminding or allowing us to be in this beautiful space. Let's try.

Jan 31, 202208:52
Intro to Yoga Nidra (Sleep Yoga)

Intro to Yoga Nidra (Sleep Yoga)

SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Subscribe for as low as NZ0.99 a month for access.

Basics of Yoga Nidra. I am currently on a 40-day journey, whereby to quickly summarise what Yoga Nidra is about is pretty much 'sleep' yoga. Just like meditating, I lie instead of sit and listen to a set-up script. Yogra Nidra is quite famous to help those with sleep issues and I was hooked into the script just because of how it can set anyone up to have a blissful experience no matter how new anyone is to meditation. And if you need a sleep story, this one can help a long way. Let's try.

Jan 24, 202217:29
Noting Judgement (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

Noting Judgement (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Subscribe for as low as NZ0.99 a month for access.

And following on from the previous episode about resolving internal conflict, conflict surfaces when there is some judgement. Perhaps the judgements that lead to negativity. So in today's session, we will try to note these as a matter of fact without really judging because they are merely our thoughts linked to the past experiences we have. Noting is a good practice because it takes us away from reaction into observation. Enjoy~!

Jan 17, 202208:39
Resolving Internal Conflict (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

Resolving Internal Conflict (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Subscribe for as low as NZ0.99 a month for access. Following on from the previous chapter about being kind to our thoughts, there is likely some things that surface to our minds which gives us discomfort, that brings out perhaps sadness or pain. 

Often in society these days we are taught to push them away, suppress them or ignore them. 

I have learnt through my journey is that once I just sit next to these thoughts, feelings or emotions, just for a small moment, they too dissipate slowly. It was the fear of being with them that held me back.

 I learnt to be just a little braver with that little step gave me a huge leap of courage and calmness.

 Let's try.

Jan 10, 202209:04
Kindness to Thoughts

Kindness to Thoughts

Just like a puppy, our minds love to go astray. To wonder and constantly move without stopping. In this ever-changing environment our mind will keep constantly react, respond and repeat to external an internal dialogue just to keep up with the resilience. 

Sometimes it gets overwhelming and hence our minds do need a break. 

As well as a break, we do also need to be kind to our minds. It is natural for it to constant flow with thoughts, emotions and feelings.

 Let's explore this kindness as well as resting our mind with today's session.

Jan 03, 202208:44
Season 4 done. Onwards to Season 5!

Season 4 done. Onwards to Season 5!

There we have! End of Season 4, but I found that quite enjoyable with personalised background music. 

The theme continues to Season 5 where we continue with background sounds (subtle, yet effective) and maybe moving into more Yoga Nidra-ish theme.

We will take a pause through the holiday season and will be back in the new year. Season greetings, and Happy 2022! Little message from me before we head off for a break.

Dec 20, 202106:22
Mindful Meditation (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

Mindful Meditation (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Subscribe for as low as NZ0.99 a month for access. A mindful moment with Tara Brach. I met her through my calm app and found her sessions captivating. Her background is that she is the founder of Insight Meditation community of washington, and wrote books such as radical acceptance, true refuge and radical compassion. One of the most popular mindfulness teacher in the USA. 

Her cues lands and there is nothing to aim for but to just be present where we are and being mindful to the presence. Let's explore.

Dec 13, 202107:05
Visualisation: Beach

Visualisation: Beach

I have always loved the beach when I was little, since I grew up in a tropical climate country. 

Those days when my family would take trips to the island had been special memories to me right up to now. 

This episode takes you on a journey into visualising ourselves at a beach, and so it may be only suited to those who have been there. Even then, the exercise would benefit all as it is a journey to enhance all 5 senses when entering a space of nature. 

Go ahead and explore.

Dec 06, 202108:13
Feeling Tones

Feeling Tones

Feeling tones. 

The pleasant, unpleasant and neutral.
This I have actually introduced briefly in the first season, but now we delve deep slightly. 

All about feeling.
About listening to the feeling internally.
And all about staying and sitting with this feeling without fear. 

Calmly and simply. 

Try it, it's not as scary as you think.

Nov 29, 202110:53
Resting the Mind

Resting the Mind

Sometimes you just wonder 'how in the world that this mind of mine cannot stop conjuring the past, planning the future, even having a friendly chat with me and never stops to rest?'. 

It is amazing how much our mind can keep going, if I were to compare it to exercising or mowing the lawn I bet the whole park would be done over a day or I'd be one of the fittest person in the planet. 

Little do we know, our minds do not know how to rest when it needs to. 

So perhaps tune into this episode to see if it works for you. 


Nov 22, 202108:15
Compassion - 4 Infinite Thoughts (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

Compassion - 4 Infinite Thoughts (SUBSCRIPTION ONLY)

SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Subscribe for as low as NZ0.99 a month for access. 4 infinite thoughts. 

Intertwined, connected and whole yet undefined. 

I'll leave this to you to figure out those thoughts. 


Nov 15, 202108:16
The Importance of Practice

The Importance of Practice

I know...when we hear that word 'practice', it can seem hard, monotonous and a struggle

I would go 'ugh'

But did you know it takes 20 days to kick-start a habit?

That way, you don't even need to 'practice'

You just 'do'

You would just 'be'

But hey, why not delve deep in the practice within a practice? That itself is also a practice.

I love the marvels of meditation. Whatever we do, we think, we be. Practice or not.

Because we are, in the moment.

Nov 08, 202107:20


We are all interconnect with the 4 elements in this world - elements of Earth, air, fire and water. Enhancing our awareness to the beauty of the environment, and enhancing our sensory awareness to this beauty. Enjoy.

Nov 02, 202108:31


Being invincible. Courtesy of Tamara Levit's meditation session from the calm app, this specific episode from her acknowledges mental health day which has passed a few weeks ago. It acknowledges the invisibility of mental health issues, and reminding that the more we accept ourselves, the more invincible we get.

Oct 25, 202108:13


SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Subscribe for as low as NZ0.99 a month for access.

For this practice / exercise you can do it while you're moving about going on with daily activities with eyes open.

Try this:

Notice 5 things you can see;

Notice 4 things you can feel in your body;

Notice 3 things you can hear;

Notice 2 things you can smell;

Notice 1 thing you can taste.


Oct 18, 202106:17
Silence (the irony :D)

Silence (the irony :D)

As ironic as it sounds!

Oct 11, 202107:54
Season 3 done, here comes Season 4....with background music!

Season 3 done, here comes Season 4....with background music!

Season 3 done! How was it? Did you like the stories? Were there any that striked out? Do share it please with me.

Once again, hi my name is Gjin, and the aim of having this podcast is to share any of my knowledge and experience to you about meditation. A brief background about myself a full time working mother with 2 children with one having special needs, a group fitness instructor teaching Les mills BODYBALANCE and BODYPUMP, qualified NZ PT (Which I have yet to practised) and credited meditation facilitator. Oh, and one lousy entrepreneur who probably can't handle owning a business just because there is so many things against my values. But hey we need money to survive to a certain extent as ironic as it sounds…

Again we recap, Season 1 is all about finding some basics just like finding an easy exercise to come into to expand this arena of being mindful. Season 2 draws a little deeper to being with feelings or emotions that linger in me for the past few years. Season 3 was about story telling, perhaps on a lighter note that you can listen to it as a daily activity.

Season 4 - Dealing with emotions. This time with some music background (I'll have to figure out how to turn the background music on without jeopardising the mic! Take note, this is a fusion of season 1 and 2 as we blend and continue to bring out the essence in meditation.

Oct 04, 202104:14
A Beautiful Poem

A Beautiful Poem

Last chapter of the season! Enjoy this beautiful poem by John Roedel. 

So beautiful, it has over 1,000 hits on Facebook....

Sep 27, 202105:49
The Horse and The Butterfly

The Horse and The Butterfly

The horse - elegant, powerful and strong

The butterfly - light, graceful and simple

A great story about the prison of the mind...

Sep 20, 202107:45
Sit by Side

Sit by Side

A story about Buddha and his disciple, Ananda and about the river stream. Enjoy :)

Sep 13, 202105:52
Goals Dropped

Goals Dropped

A story about a man who saved up and used all his money, efforts and time to find enlightenment. This is the story of his journey.

Sep 06, 202106:01
Himalayan Musk Deer

Himalayan Musk Deer

Once upon a time there used to be musks deers that reside in the Himalayas...until this story came about.

Aug 30, 202104:01
The Journey of 2 Monks

The Journey of 2 Monks

A great lesson about letting go as we delve deep into a journey of 2 monks...

Aug 23, 202103:39
How to Catch a Baby Dragon

How to Catch a Baby Dragon

Once upon a time, there was this intention to catch a baby dragon for its immense power. There are a few baby dragons to catch, but as each warrior attempts they fall into a trap to which another picks and learns lessons from but not completely because then they fall into another trap. And another.

What is this teaching us? Hmm, let's find out. Perhaps there is no need to catch a dragon after all.

Aug 15, 202110:58
2 Angry Tigers

2 Angry Tigers

Now this one is worth a scene...

Aug 09, 202105:12