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Global Thread

Global Thread

By Yasmin Aliya Khan

The Global Thread podcast weaves the past into the present and looks onward to the future. A fresh approach to world politics, global concerns, and humanitarian issues, Global Thread seeks to educate, pique interest, and offer insights into the stories we see in the news cycle. Ultimately, we are all seeking to better understand the world that we live in.
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Season 2, Episode 7 | Ethiopia

Global ThreadFeb 02, 2022

Season 2, Episode 7 | Ethiopia

Season 2, Episode 7 | Ethiopia

An ancient civilization that's unfortunately come to be known for famine and civil war, the conflict in Ethiopia now threatens to destabilize the entire Horn of Africa.

Feb 02, 202239:21
Sudan [and South Sudan]

Sudan [and South Sudan]

Sudanese Interim Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok was deposed in a military coup in October... only to be reinstated in November. The coup resulted in widespread protests, but the protests haven't stopped since Hamdok's return. Find out what the people of Sudan are protesting now and, of course, how we got to this point.

Dec 29, 202135:21
Season 2, Episode 5 | China's Belt and Road Initiative

Season 2, Episode 5 | China's Belt and Road Initiative

China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a massive infrastructure project that they’re rolling out across Asia, Africa, and parts of Europe. By investing in nations around the globe, China is effectively expanding its sphere of influence. What could this mean for the US and its allies, and what can be done, if anything, to counter China’s approach?

Oct 26, 202128:28
Season 2, Episode 4 | Afghanistan, Part 2

Season 2, Episode 4 | Afghanistan, Part 2

We’re back with Part 2 of our coverage of the situation in Afghanistan. In this episode, we discuss the Taliban, Osama bin Laden, the post-9/11 era, and the recent removal of US troops from Afghanistan.

Sep 29, 202143:50
Season 2, Episode 3 | Afghanistan, Part 1

Season 2, Episode 3 | Afghanistan, Part 1

To call the situation in Afghanistan “complex” is an understatement, so much so that I had to split this topic up into two episodes. In Part 1, we cover the history of Afghanistan, the Truman Doctrine, the Cold War, and the beginnings of the modern Afghan government. 

Sep 15, 202133:05
Season 2, Episode 2 | Belarus

Season 2, Episode 2 | Belarus

Belarus is a landlocked country that sits at the apex of several larger and more powerful nations. Under the authoritarian leadership of Alexander Lukashenko, the Belarusians have suffered more than their fair share of crimes against humanity. After such a complex and sordid history, though, why is Belarus so relevant to geopolitics today?

Aug 31, 202139:47
Season 2, Episode 1 | Taiwan v. China

Season 2, Episode 1 | Taiwan v. China

China is currently readying its military in anticipation of reclaiming what they believe to be theirs - the island of Taiwan. However, with the US and Japan allied with Taiwan in an effort to curb Chinese aggression and ambition, the implications of a Chinese attack on Taiwan could be huge.

Aug 09, 202130:52
Episode #8 | Unrest in Haiti

Episode #8 | Unrest in Haiti

Haiti, a nation that's unfortunately come to be known for enduring incessant hardship, is currently experiencing political unrest primarily surrounding demands for its current president to step down amidst increased government corruption, police brutality, and kidnappings. Couple that with a citizenship/deportation issue (among other things), and you've got 2021 Haiti. What was the US' role in getting Haiti to this point, and is there anything that can be done for Haiti going forward?

Apr 14, 202140:03
Episode #7 | Armenia vs. Azerbaijan: Nagorno-Karabakh

Episode #7 | Armenia vs. Azerbaijan: Nagorno-Karabakh

After decades of conflict over the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region, Armenia and Azerbaijan have recently re-ignited the fight. What led to this conflict, why are Russia and Turkey involved, and what outcome can any of us hope for?

Mar 30, 202133:16
Episode #6 | The Biden Administration's Attack in Syria

Episode #6 | The Biden Administration's Attack in Syria

Last week, the Biden administration launched their first foreign attack against Iranian-backed militia based in Syria. Why did they do this, what other options did they have, and what are the foreign policy implications of the decision?

Mar 10, 202137:00
Episode #5 | Rebel Violence in the Central African Republic

Episode #5 | Rebel Violence in the Central African Republic

The Central African Republic, or the CAR, is currently dealing with some post-election drama that was years in the making. Conflict between various rebel groups has decimated the land and displaced or killed large swaths of the population. Political unrest and instability have, in a direct way, contributed to the growing tensions over the years, with authoritarian administrations inflicting military force on the general populous. So how did we get from a newly independent nation in 1960 to a nation in turmoil contending with a highly contested democratic election?

Mar 03, 202127:24
Episode #4 | The Texas Energy Crisis and Enron

Episode #4 | The Texas Energy Crisis and Enron

Last week, the Texas power grid failed horribly as the result of deregulatory energy policies, lack of oversight, and lack of preparedness. When the state was hit with frigid cold temperatures, ice, and snow, millions of Texans were left without electricity or gas to heat their homes, without a reliable water supply, and without cell service. Dozens of Texans died in their homes and cars by way of freezing to death or from carbon monoxide poisoning. Meanwhile, state elected officials pointed fingers and evaded blame at a time when they should have been addressing the crisis. Can we expect next time to be any better?

Feb 23, 202128:44
Episode #3 | The Release of Loujain al-Hathloul

Episode #3 | The Release of Loujain al-Hathloul

Women's rights activist and advocate for women's right to drive, Loujain al-Hathloul, has been released from prison in Saudi Arabia. Her release was the direct result of the Biden administration's efforts to stand up against human rights abuses taking place in Saudi Arabia, but what does her release mean, and why was she imprisoned in the first place?

Feb 15, 202120:58
Episode #2 | Military Coup in Myanmar

Episode #2 | Military Coup in Myanmar

The Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar has suffered its fair share of one-party military rule interspersed with periods of attempted democracy. In the latest instance, the military police has overthrown the November 2020 election results claiming widespread voter fraud with little to no evidence. The leader of the National League for Democracy Party, Aung San Suu Kyi, has been detained and is currently under house arrest. Where is this heading, and how can President Biden respond against the coup without inflicting more suffering on the people?

Feb 09, 202122:45
Episode #1 | The Farmers Protest in India

Episode #1 | The Farmers Protest in India

The farmers in India are - and have been for some time - protesting against their government's recently released farming reform bills. The combined effects of the bills would make life significantly harder for the already troubled farmers while inviting large multinational corporations into India's agriculture industry. Are the bills all bad, though, and can they possibly be justified in the name of globalization? How have similar situations played out for American farmers?

Feb 01, 202125:54
Welcome to the Global Thread Podcast

Welcome to the Global Thread Podcast

Hello, I'm Yasmin Aliya Khan and I'm the host of Global Thread, a podcast that seeks to understand the world by digging into the past. Here's what you can expect from the pod - keep an ear out!

Jan 26, 202102:26