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Global Transitions

Global Transitions

By Aleka Bilan

A little podcast about the wide world. Asking three simple questions to get at the heart of transitions, global mobility and connectedness. Sharing the power of individual stories to explore our common humanity on this earth.

Aleka Bilan is an Associate Certified Academic Coach, an adult Third Culture Kid, and a former international school counselor and educator. She is the daughter and parent of TCKs, who believes in the power of stories to connect us all. Learn more about her services for students, schools and organizations at
Currently playing episode

Ep.3 - Lessons Learned, Part 1, with Bec Taylor

Global Transitions Apr 07, 2020

Ep.14 - Minecraft as a Transition Tool

Ep.14 - Minecraft as a Transition Tool

If you live in a Minecraft household, like I do, then perhaps it is the bane of your existence. Or, perhaps, you marvel at the creativity and collaboration and sheer breadth of possibility on the platform. In any case, I didn't think it was key to my own children's coping mechanisms with transition until I saw my sons building all of our former homes (and favorite vacation destinations) in Minecraft worlds. That way, they could remember - and visit anytime! My TCK son, who celebrated his 11th birthday last year in a passport immigration line in Jakarta, tells us more.

Note: The 1.17 software update dropped on the day this was published, so there was much excitement in our house and neighborhood!

Jun 09, 202112:41
Ep.13 - Lessons learned from a life of crossing cultures
Apr 06, 202118:16
Ep.12 - This is your Brain on Transition
Sep 16, 202014:04
Ep.11 - Dear Teachers
Jun 03, 202007:30
Ep.10 - Dear Class of 2020

Ep.10 - Dear Class of 2020

This is my open letter to the high school students graduating during the pandemic, a global cohort of graduates. I would like to acknowledge the loss of their rituals of celebration, their sadness, their anger -- and their resolve, their possibility as humanity's future, a cohort like none other. 

In case you missed them, here are the celebrity commencement speeches and USAmerican celebrations from: Oprah Winfrey -; Former US President Barack Obama -; and John Krasinki's Some Good News -

And if you're unfamiliar with, or need a refresher on the "RAFT" acronym (Reconciliation, Affirmation, Farewells, Think Destination) - please see two seminal works on this topic: "Third Culture Kids, 3rd Edition: Growing up Among Worlds" by Ruth Van Reken,  David C. Pollock, and Michael V. Pollock and "Safe Passage: how mobility affects people & what international schools should do about it" by Doug Ota.

May 27, 202009:16
Ep.9 - Time

Ep.9 - Time

Have you been feeling "unmoored" lately, wondering where the time went, or even what day it is? Feeling like you're living through your own version of the movie "Groundhog Day"? During the coronavirus pandemic, I remember how time is a human construct and discuss how we can manage when our typical, routine markers of time have disappeared. Additionally, learn how we cannot mark time units through transition or grief or re-opening processes. Instead, what can we do?

Learn more about Bernie Lenoue and his support of international students at his website: College Support International.
Want to hear TED speakers on "Shifting Time"? Listen to this episode of the TED Radio Hour on NPR.
Read two recent articles on our perception of time during the pandemic, one from Wired and another from Discover magazines.
May 20, 202009:58
Ep.8 - Humanity happens

Ep.8 - Humanity happens

Life transitions - birth, death, marriage, parenthood - are all still happening during this Covid-19 global pandemic. Sadly, too much dying.  However, what is at the core of these rituals? What will anthropologists record and historians remember about this episode in the human story? How is this epoch part of the enduring chain of humanity's journey? Through joyous celebrations and mournful losses, we ponder, we reflect, we move forward, together.

May 13, 202007:03
Ep.7 - Resilience
May 06, 202009:15
Ep.6 - Grappling with Guilt

Ep.6 - Grappling with Guilt

Guilt has loomed large for folks during the time of Covid-19.  Whether it's an expat who could choose to leave their school's host country or someone who is bored in quarantine but knows that there are those much worse off, how do we grapple with the guilt? What can we learn from guilt, empathy, choice and control that could help us weather future transitions?

Dr. Brene Brown states: "Based on my research and the research of other shame researchers, I believe that there is a profound difference between shame and guilt. I believe that guilt is adaptive and helpful – it’s holding something we’ve done or failed to do up against our values and feeling psychological discomfort."

If you're interested in learning more about Brene Brown's work, and haven't listened to her original TED talk, you can find it here, or subscribe to her new podcast "Unlocking Us" here.

Apr 29, 202007:08
Ep.5 - Lessons Learned, Part 3, with Kathleen Schultz

Ep.5 - Lessons Learned, Part 3, with Kathleen Schultz

On Febuary 13th, 2020, I chatted with Kathleen Schultz, Director of University Counselling at Dulwich College - Shanghai Pudong campus. I wanted to learn from a school counselor and a parent working in China how high school students were coping with this sudden transition to staying at home and learning online. At the time, Kathleen was in Prague, her children were with her husband's family in Sweden, and she had just come from Shanghai; I was in Jakarta with my own young children. 

Now, we are both scattered once again. Some international schools in China consider reopening their high school divisions. As I listen to our conversation two months later, while the rest of the world is grappling with what our colleagues in China first encountered, her comments seem prescient. The mental health toll of this pandemic on teachers, parents and particularly adolescent students around the international education community will have effects long into the future.

My thanks to Kathleen and the hundreds of international school counselors around the world who continue to support their students, families, colleagues and community every single day.

If you are an educator, please take care of your mental health and resilience with these tips from the CIS Wellbeing blog here and here. As school counselors, educators and parents, the International School Counseling Association (ISCA) has compiled a very thorough list of resources here

Apr 21, 202013:05
Ep.4 - Lessons Learned, Part 2, with Melanie Vrba

Ep.4 - Lessons Learned, Part 2, with Melanie Vrba

In North America, some school districts have just begun online learning this month. However, there are schools who have been on this journey for many weeks, and have been generously sharing their knowledge, pitfalls and celebrations.

In a recorded Zoom conversation from February 20, 2020, Aleka speaks with Melanie Vrba, High School Principal at the Western Academy of Beijing in China. The school had been closed for about a month at this point, and in their conversation, Melanie shares some lessons learned for school leaders, parents and students facing a sudden transition in their schooling life.
LINKS: (1) Follow @WAB_LIVE on Twitter (2) Interested in boosting the relationship wellbeing and mentoring culture at your international school? Contact Ellen Mahoney at SeaChange Mentoring, and follow her podcast here.
Apr 15, 202021:52
Ep.3 - Lessons Learned, Part 1, with Bec Taylor

Ep.3 - Lessons Learned, Part 1, with Bec Taylor

In today's episode, I interview Bec Taylor, Elementary School Teacher-Librarian at the International School of Beijing. She is an elementary educator, married to an elementary educator, parenting and teaching her own elementary-aged children for 10 weeks now. I hope educator-parents who are teaching their own and other's kids from home due to school closures can gain some pearls of wisdom from Bec. This is the first of a three-part series in which I interview colleagues from international schools in China, so that others just beginning this journey can learn from them.

Show Notes:

Updated number of school children impacted by Covid-19 school closures from UNESCO:

Follow Bec on Twitter @becinthelibrary

Apr 07, 202024:39
Ep.2 - The Transition Zone

Ep.2 - The Transition Zone

In this second #TransitionsTuesday, we discuss transitions in life as human beings, and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also reflect on how to adapt to and emerge from these times.
Apr 01, 202007:11
Ep.1 - Oh, good grief!

Ep.1 - Oh, good grief!

In the first #TransitionsTuesday with Aleka Bilan, we learn what Third Culture Kids (TCKs) can teach the world about how to deal with the grief of Covid-19 isolation, and feel hopeful about the joys to come.
Mar 25, 202006:10