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Goals With Soul

Goals With Soul

By Joanna Ingram

This is Goals With Soul, the leading global podcast for visionary thought-leaders expressing their personal brand truth to create an impact and feel lit up every day!

Your host is Joanna Ingram, former Advertising Agency Director turned Brand Messaging Consultant, Business Coach, and Energetics-Curator.

Listen in as we blend revenue generation with energetics, brand marketing strategy with the Law of Attraction, and reach ambitious business goals with intuition and ease.

If you're looking to build your magnetic personal brand with less effort and more ease, let's dive in!

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146: How To Skyrocket Your Sales Using Instagram, With Maggie Colette

Goals With Soul May 23, 2023

167: Who Are Your REAL Soul Clients?

167: Who Are Your REAL Soul Clients?

Do you know what a real soul client is?

It’s such an important question, but in this industry it’s not asked enough.

This might be a newsflash, but we’re not just about business.

We have lives filled with experiences that might be raw, and we might still be reeling from them. Me included.

2023 was a challenging year for me in my personal life.

I knew had the desire and ability to create my dreams when it came to my business, but I also knew I didn’t have the capacity.

I had to pause.

We’re often taught that it’s our fault if we have low vibration, but you know what? Sometimes sh*t just happens!

That’s the way the universe is designed...

We’re made to experience the contrast of light and shade so we can gain clarity on the things we really want.

We’re given experiences to help our soul’s journey as we evolve as people. So many of us have created businesses by learning how to overcome challenges in our own journeys.

We share our experiences from scars, not wounds.

We reenergize and bounce back, stronger than ever and ready to help others do exactly the same.

So, how does this relate to soul clients?

There’s an assumption soul clients come to us fully formed, ready to ace our container.

But that assumes they’re not struggling.

I had a client recently who I knew in my heart was a good fit, but after one session together she was having doubts. This made me doubt the situation too.

I sat back and considered the situation and realized that the client was indeed my soul client and incredibly capable, but she was going through a difficult time. She needed my support to gain the confidence and clarity to get back to who she was.

And that’s exactly what happened!

The experience you’re going through doesn’t detract from the person you are. She was my soul client; she just came to me from a place of struggle.

And that’s OK. Actually, it's PERFECT!

Why do we value climbing a mountain from base camp when so many of us start climbing those mountains from way down below sea level?

Enjoy the listen!


Book Your Business Energetic Breakthrough Session HERE and realign everything that you hold dear, refocusing in a way that will deeply energize you.

Feb 06, 202420:43
166: [Special Ep] Being Creative, Resilient, and Surviving Ovarian Cancer With my Sister, Sara Ingram

166: [Special Ep] Being Creative, Resilient, and Surviving Ovarian Cancer With my Sister, Sara Ingram

How do you dig deep into your soul's resilience when you're faced with the most devastating news about your health?

Moreover, how do you rise from that experience as a woman, mother, teacher, and entrepreneur?

In this special episode, I interview my phenomenal sister, Sara Ingram, Ovarian Cancer Survivor and Awareness Advocate, School Vice Principal, and Creative Entrepreneur.

This lady is a source of endless inspiration to me, and we share how our upbringing has made us both the same...and different.  

How we have weathered similar challenges like divorce and health scares, and how we approach day-to-day challenges around family and business.

It was a great joy to have Sara join me in the UK, in my bedroom podcast studio, for this she lives thousands of miles away in New Zealand.

Stay tuned to the end of the episode for shocking news that rocked our family following this recording.

This is our final episode in Season 5 and for 2023.  

My heartfelt thanks to you for listening to and supporting Goals With Soul this year - as we made the top 1.5% global podcast ranking!

If you enjoy the show, please leave a 5* review on Apple Podcasts and subscribe so you get Season 6 saved into your favorite podcast app in January 2024.

Wishing you, your family, your network, and your community a blessed holiday season and on to 2024 full of health, happiness, and prosperity.

And make sure to visit Sara Ingram in her social places:

Support her Ovarian Cancer Awareness:

Visit her BeaniBros Page:

Dec 19, 202347:46
165: How To Book Sales Calls in the DMs With Sales Queen Anna Furu

165: How To Book Sales Calls in the DMs With Sales Queen Anna Furu

How do you feel when you hear the word sales?

For a lot of us it fills us with horror…but it doesn’t have to.

Today I’m diving into some nuts and bolts of making sales with my guest, Anna Faru. Anna is a Business & Mindset Coach for female coaches. Her clients have made over $2,9 million USD collectively. She's worked with 100s of women & helped them develop customized marketing strategies to attract more dream clients, in ways that feel deeply aligned for them. When she’s not coaching, you’ll find her reading a smutty novel on her Kindle or climbing with her hubby.

In this episode you will learn:

>> That sales don’t have to be icky – and integrity and sales are not mutually exclusive

>> DMs are where it’s at when it comes to genuine sales built on trust and connection

>> How to initiate those genuine DM connections – think of it like a mingle party!

>> Not to be afraid of the friend zone…it’s a milestone!

>> You shouldn’t be scared to repeat yourself – it helps your clients gain clarity on what they really want

Sales aren’t greedy – they’re the best way to help people make really amazing transformations.

In previous years it used to be easier to get sales, but the market is more crowded now. We need to stand out with integrity – and meet our clients where they are, which just so happens to be in the DMs.

Nurture relationships, build the vibe and then work from their cues. What are their goals and challenges and how do they align with your area of coaching? When you’ve ascertained that, you’re poised to say, “I can help you with that!”. Because why would you not offer to help if you can?

And if it’s a no? You’ve not wasted time – they’re a valuable community member who might refer someone else to you.

If you’re good at coaching, you’re already good at communicating and establishing trust. Focus on genuine interactions and connections and the sales will flow from there. Just start having those conversations!

Enjoy the listen!


You can find Anna's Instagram here or visit her on Facebook.

Click here to access her Consistent Income Training. ______________________ I would absolutely love it if you could ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠leave a 5* review⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠, to help Goals With Soul reach even more listeners. And don't forget to hit subscribe too, so you never miss out on an episode!

Dec 12, 202341:27
164: How To Step Into the Spotlight With Visibility Queen Florence Andrews

164: How To Step Into the Spotlight With Visibility Queen Florence Andrews

How do you feel about standing out?

Playing big, getting visible, and moving into a position where you can welcome new opportunities and increase impact?

Today’s guest has personally inspired me to think about visibility in an entirely new way. Florence is a Visibility Coach to high-achieving female coaches who are ready to step out of hiding and into the spotlight of their personal brand. She's also a Hollywood and West End Lead Actress.

Florence is committed to helping ambitious women-led personal brands unlock their income, impact, and icon factor through the power of magnetic presence, one-of-a-kind positioning, and a truly aligned and simple visibility strategy that takes them from blending in to standing out in their niche.

In this episode, you will learn:

>> That playing small doesn’t help anyone…you OR your clients!

>> The value of reframing fear as excitement – after all, fear is often the cover to our deepest desires

>> To do it scared first…and accept it might not be great first time!

>> Not to confuse high standards with impossible-to-reach perfectionism

>> Pausing in your content presentation isn’t a weakness – it’s a strength, allowing your words to be absorbed. Hold the pause!

It’s instilled in us to stay small and keep our opinions to ourselves, but we need to be thought leaders, reaching that next frontier of courage where we show up and play big – where we are the alpha.

Your clients seek the gold you can share, so show up confidently. People don’t necessarily look for the highlight reel now. When things go wrong, people look for how you respond and how you recover.

After all, sales and community building are all about genuine human connection.

So don’t script yourself – tap into that gold! Trust your own wisdom and feel the flow.

As Florence says, we’re never going to be everyone’s cup of tea – but we might just be someone’s shot of tequila!

Enjoy the listen!


You can find Florence over at her online home on Instagram, @florence_andrews_coaching Click here to download her free visibility bundle and free training. You can also book a free discovery call with Florence to diagnose the missing piece for your visibility and see how she can support you by clicking here. _______________________ Whether you're new here or you're a long-term listener, I'd love it if you could ⁠⁠⁠leave a 5* review⁠⁠⁠, to help Goals With Soul reach even more listeners. And don't forget to hit subscribe too!

Dec 05, 202345:24
163: Energize Your Hustle & Elevate Your Health With Christiane Schroeter

163: Energize Your Hustle & Elevate Your Health With Christiane Schroeter

How important is wellness and self-care when you're building a business?

In this episode, we're diving into this topic with my guest, who shares how to stay healthy and vibrant whilst building your business with fun and joy.

Dr. Christiane Schroeter is a Health & Happiness Coach who supports entrepreneurs in finding their best selves by kickstarting their health, and the Host of the top global ranked podcast, Happy Healthy Hustle.

As she puts it herself, Christiane has walked the walk so she can talk the talk!

In this episode will you learn:

>> Common reasons why wellness isn’t being prioritized by entrepreneurs and how to overcome them

>> How to weave in daily self-care habits that really make a difference and make use of boundaries to bookend your day

>> The positive impact modeling wellness practices has on your children and those around you

>> The importance of building a community around your wellness goals to lift each other up…and to motivate you to get back up if you get off track (which, FYI is normal!)

>> The 5 pillars of health we need to pay attention to

It takes intentionality to prioritize wellness amidst the hustle - especially as a solopreneur. But it’s the framework on which your success is built.

If you aren’t well, your business goals just aren’t going to be attainable.

Mood has such an impact when you are your business – it puts us in the energized place needed to boost our businesses and propel them forward.

If, like me, you’re juggling all the things, it won’t be long until you come up against a niggle, so it’s time to look after yourself now - not later down the line.

Enjoy the listen!


You can find Christiane over on her website, as well as on Instagram @hello.happy.nest

Click ⁠here⁠ for Christiane’s 15 Health Hacks to help you power through your day. _________________________

Whether you're new here or you're a long-term listener, please make sure you're subscribed to Goals With Soul, and I'd really appreciate it if you could ⁠⁠⁠leave a 5* review⁠⁠⁠ too – it really does help Goals With Soul reach even more listeners!

Nov 28, 202335:16
162: How To Scale To $100k Months With Growth Strategist Kara Renninger

162: How To Scale To $100k Months With Growth Strategist Kara Renninger

Today we’re diving into the deeply important topic of growth and scaling – and how to do this with more ease and flow.

My guest today is outstanding Growth Strategist and former client, Kara Renninger.

Leveraging her 15 years of expertise, she helps entrepreneurs align their actions with their goals using the Balance and Scale Method™ so they can grow repeatable and predictable revenue, have an even bigger impact, and, ultimately, work less hours while finding more joy.

Sounds great, right?!

In this episode, you will learn:

>> How to know when it’s time to scale

>> What a scaled business should look like vs simply having your own business

>> How to scale to 7-figures without burnout

>> The role messaging plays in scaling your business

Scaling is often something people don’t quite get until they’re at the point where they’re feeling the pinch!

Kara shares her lived experience of scaling her business – going from a one-woman band to being able to take on even more clients and grow her business without compromising her time and mental health.

She reveals the critical importance of data and how real freedom comes from planning for yourself using data-driven decisions.

Sometimes, we tell ourselves stories that aren’t true, and data helps us see the truth - and it feels so much better to make decisions from insight rather than guesswork. Plus, it reveals opportunities you can harness!

The hard facts will reveal what isn’t performing, seeing through vanity metrics. When used in conjunction with your intuition, it’s even more powerful.

Scaling your business allows you to take a step back, reaping the benefits of your successful business whilst enjoying increased freedom and time.

It can seem intimidating to sit in the CEO seat and make the decisions that are going to increase your impact in the world, but it’s not as scary as you think it is!

Enjoy the listen!


Find Kara over on her website, where you can access her free masterclass, along with an activity to help you get clear on what you should Keep, Start, and Stop doing right now.

You can also find her on Instagram and LinkedIn ___________________________ Whether it's your first time here or you're a long-term listener, please make sure you're subscribed to Goals With Soul, so you're alerted each time a new episode drops.

I'd love it if you could ⁠⁠leave a 5* review⁠⁠ too – it really does help Goals With Soul reach even more listeners!

Nov 21, 202339:09
161: The Truth About My Life [Vulnerable Share]

161: The Truth About My Life [Vulnerable Share]

This may be one of the most vulnerable episodes on Goals With Soul EVER...but I'm called to share nonetheless.

One of my core brand values has always been authenticity.

I left corporate because I was no longer satisfied in a career where I couldn’t be completely myself.

But at the beginning of building my own business I went down a path of bringing my corporate experience into it and finding that it wasn’t actually bringing me the joy I sought - which soon led to burnout.

I had to take time out to lean into my divine feminine and figure out what ease and flow really meant.

Being authentic isn’t always easy, as it leans into a high amount of vulnerability, and this week’s episode reflects just that as I get real about what’s going on in my life right now.

We see that glossy veneer on Instagram of everyone living their best lives, but that hides the vulnerabilities we all have.

Life isn’t always rosy. Try as we might to be high-vibration, life can throw curveballs.

We all have stories to tell.

I have a rule not to share from wounds but from scars. From personal growth and lessons learned rather than pain felt right now.

Well, today I’m breaking this rule!

I’m not doing any marketing right now.

That’s right – me, the marketing coach, not doing any marketing. Not scheduling any presentations or launches.

Why? My child needs me.

It’s intense. Almost as intense as when I sat huddled by her incubator in the NICU all those years ago. Life is somewhat on pause. It’s complete surrender.

I’ve felt called to explore my own shame as a marketing expert who has her own marketing on pause.

But expertise is a skill that’s earned, and it cannot be dimmed by circumstances. My clients continue to get results independent of which stage I am at in my own business.

Part of the surrender is to be without agenda. To not know the outcome. To trust the process.

Sometimes you’re at a crossroads and you have to pick a lane, even just for a short while. And these lanes lead to growth and opportunity of their own.

Progress isn’t linear and we have to be open to the twists and turns along the way.

Enjoy the listen!


If this episode has resonated with you, please hit subscribe and ⁠leave a 5* review⁠ – it really does help Goals With Soul reach even more listeners!

And if you have a story to share with me, please email

Nov 14, 202317:15
160: How To Lean Into Joyful Longevity With Award-Winning Broadcaster Marla Letizia

160: How To Lean Into Joyful Longevity With Award-Winning Broadcaster Marla Letizia

This week’s episode is excitingly unique, as I interview the vibrant and super inspiring Marla Letizia about all things aging and longevity!

Marla Letizia, aka Nanny Bubby, is a grandmother, award-winning broadcaster, and entrepreneur who hails from Las Vegas.

She was the first female hired in production in Las Vegas history and quickly became the first female director of the evening newscast at KSHO-TV-13, going on to a successful career across news and radio - all whilst raising her two children.

In 2015, Marla became interested in cooking and began to be known by close friends and family as Nanny Bubby®, the name her grandchildren call her. In February 2019, she debuted on KLAS-TV 8 with a cooking segment called, “Cooking Confidence Coaching with Nanny Bubby.” In 2023, she added another string to her bow as she became the founder of the Long-Life Era Community.

Her Long-Life Era Pledge was born of the idea that – newsflash! – life doesn’t end at mid-life! We all have the opportunity to live long, healthy, and fulfilling lives well into our 80s, 90s and, as Marla pledges, 100 and beyond!

In this episode you will learn (and be inspired!)

>> That mid-life may not quite be when you think it is…you might be in it already, and that’s OK!

>> What the long-life era is and the opportunities it brings

>> To embrace your long-life era and pursue your passions to maintain your sparkle

>> That the happiness u-curve shows us that, contrary to popular belief, we get happier as we get older

Our lives are composed of several eras – childhood, young adulthood, mid-life and long-life. Society often seems to be geared towards the younger eras but Marla is taking a stand against that and celebrating the beauty of later life.

Taking inspiration from Roger Bannister, who smashed the 4-minute mile and laid the gauntlet for many others to follow, Marla launched her long-life pledge, building a community of like-minded people who recognize they can live to be 100…and beyond!

Of course, you need to prepare for your long-life era.

Health isn’t just physical – it’s mental and emotional. It’s impacted hugely by isolation and loneliness, so it’s imperative we bring our communities offline and live life IRL – in real life! And that’s what Marla is building with her community.

Wisdom can’t be taught, it can only be shared, and the wisdom Marla shares is certainly invaluable.

Enjoy the listen!


You can find Marla over @NannyBubby on IG, as well as her website

Join the Long Life Era Community by clicking HERE

Sign the contract to live to be a centenarian by taking the Long Life Pledge:

Click HERE for the NannyBubby Shopping List Gift _______________________________

If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please hit subscribe and leave a 5* review – it really does have a phenomenal impact on who Goals With Soul reaches!

Nov 07, 202353:06
159: How To Profit & Connect With Your Copywriting With Sammy Musgrave

159: How To Profit & Connect With Your Copywriting With Sammy Musgrave

In today’s episode we are diving into one of the biggest frustrations that I see amongst coaches and creatives – how to create better copy that truly resonates with your ideal client.

Sammy Musgrave is a seasoned copywriter and marketing maven. She works with visionary female coaches - the kind who want to make a big difference and a tidy profit without feeling icky about it.

Her methodology is rooted in a "connection-first" philosophy. That means her clients quickly build trust, become go-to authorities, and see sales skyrocket - all without using the same old pushy tactics that everyone else is using.

When Sammy isn't playing in her creative zone, you can usually find her in one of three places: hanging out at the horse barn, spending time in nature with her husband and her dog Bear, or lost in one of the captivating worlds nestled within the pages of her favourite fantasy and sci-fi novels.

Copywriting sits beautifully alongside my favourite topic – messaging! And it all begins with who your ideal client is, so it’s vital you’re clear on your perfect avatar from the outset.

In this episode you will learn:

>> What connection-first messaging REALLY is

>> How to make promises that actually convert

>> How to infuse your copy with your personality

>> Where ChatGPT is at when it comes to copywriting and how to make it work for you

Sammy got tired of stiff, corporate marketing that lost the human element that’s critical to effective marketing.

Truly successful marketing centers on connection and resonance.

But how do we create that in our copy?

Sammy shares her connection-first methodology, which puts human connection at the forefront of copywriting. It’s a skeptical market out there, so now is the time to connect with people deeply and play that long game. The decision-making process is longer but still just as fruitful.

You just need to nurture your prospective clients. And keep showing up, shifting beliefs!

And don’t be afraid to be repetitive – it’s exhausting creating fresh content, and from a messaging perspective, chances are you’re not really honing in on what you do best if your keep churning out new content.

Our content also needs to respect the autonomy of our prospects, seeing them as powerful, capable decision makers that we trust. And who, in turn, learn to trust us and our expertise.

We also touch on ChatGPT – where does this fit in? Is it ready to replace content writing completely?

Spoiler: no!

It’s not quite there yet.

But it’s evolving by the day! Consider it at present as your own junior copywriter that can assist, but alone won’t quite get you the result you want. It needs support.

The real magic will always be in YOU being authentically YOU.

When you stop editing yourself, the gold comes to the surface. Be human, speaking to another human.

Enjoy the listen!


Enjoying Goals With Soul? Please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and share what you value about the show (and don't forget to subscribe!). ________________________

You can message Sammy over on Instagram - @sammymusgravecopy or visit her website

Oct 31, 202341:25
158: The Secret To Increased Income With Conscious Wealth Mentor Karen Baines

158: The Secret To Increased Income With Conscious Wealth Mentor Karen Baines

Today we’re talking about one of my favourite topics – alignment! Specifically, how it affects the income in your business.

My guest is Karen Baines, Conscious Wealth Mentor™ and founder of the Conscious Wealth Code™. For over a decade, Karen has worked with passionate, ambitious entrepreneurs by showing them how to master their own creational process, particularly around their business and finances.

One of the main areas that Karen works with is Alignment, which allows you to see what you need to do differently, what to change and how to change it.

THE vital component of running a business is your finances – your income – money.

Understanding the energy of alignment gives you an opportunity to unlock and reach that elusive next income level.

By following many of Karen’s teachings, I completely turned around the misalignment in my business - and I can't wait to share that with you here!

In this episode you will learn:

>> The tell-tale signs that you are out of alignment

>> What the 3 commodities of alignment are, and how to utilize these to boost your alignment and build your business

>> That alignment is a very unique and personal thing – if you’re not aligned, it doesn’t matter what you’re consuming or doing in terms of marketing, you won’t get the breakthroughs you want until you’re energetically aligned

>> The toxicity of obligation and the importance of moving out of it and doing things for YOU – moving into a space of freedom and creativity that raises your vibration

Money represents value – from an energetic perspective, when you devalue yourself by having wishy-washy boundaries, you are vibrating at a ‘less than’ frequency, and the universe will therefore bring ‘less than’ consequences.

Therefore, by raising your vibration by setting boundaries, filling up your creative cup and moving away from feelings of obligation, the universe will match your vibration and reward you accordingly.

Money is the tangible by-product of alignment that tends to happen last on the journey. By taking the steps Karen shares, you will reach the aligned state and financial success you desire.

The best definition of alignment is ‘you do you!’ so go show the universe what you’re made of!

Enjoy the listen!


You can DM Karen on Facebook or get in touch via her website,, where you can take her Money Alignment Assessment. ___________________ If you are enjoying listening to Goals With Soul, please subscribe via your favorite Podcast app! And if you’re listening over on Apple Podcasts, please leave a 5 star review - every review helps Goals With Soul reach more soul-led entrepreneurs just like you!

Oct 24, 202344:58
157: How To Move Past Scarcity & Into The Power Of Hell Yes!

157: How To Move Past Scarcity & Into The Power Of Hell Yes!

*If you’re an impactful coach or healer who wants to better articulate the value of your unique brilliance, I have opened up just 2 spots for FREE messaging assessments.

Click HERE to secure your spot.*

What happens when you’re speaking to your dream client and you face the dreaded money objection?

Perhaps it’s an objection you’re currently facing with your own business decision-making too - insecurity, uncertainty, stuck in indecision – not brave enough to press the button and say yes!

How do we overcome it?

In this week’s episode, I delve into the 4 levels of consciousness around marketing.

We’re all in those lower energy states of reactionary and wilful at certain times, making snap decisions that aren’t necessarily the most considered.

When in the upper levels of consciousness, intellectual decision-makers want to understand everything involved. As a service provider, you need to provide this information so potential clients can make that informed choice.

Then you have your intuitive people who dive in with a HELL YES when it just feels right.

Reactionary people may give you that quick yes, but are they the clients you actually want? If you are offering something longer-term that requires commitment and accountability, their reactivity may well drain your energy.

But whilst a client may come to you in a reactionary state, that just means the time isn’t now. I believe in divine timing – when the moment is right, the magic will happen.

This is why I avoid scarcity or bro marketing. It just doesn’t align with my beliefs.

When I first came up with my Business Energetics Manifesto, I set an intention that I was no longer available to work with clients that drained my energy.

This meant taking different actions – having the confidence to kindly decline clients who weren’t a perfect fit.

This opened up a spaciousness that allowed me to attract and welcome the perfect-fit clients.

And that HELL YES energy achieves the best results!

Enjoy the listen!


If you’re an impactful coach or healer who wants to better articulate the value of your unique brilliance, I have opened up just 2 spots for FREE messaging assessments.

Click HERE to secure your spot.

Oct 23, 202318:43
156: How To Speak Up For Yourself (Without Being a Dick!) With Amy Green Smith

156: How To Speak Up For Yourself (Without Being a Dick!) With Amy Green Smith

Are you a people pleaser?

I’d never really identified as one before but my guest today challenged that view. Amy Green Smith is a certified and credentialed life coach and hypnotherapist, masterful speaker, and personal empowerment expert. Amy uses her roles as coach, writer, podcaster, and speaker to move individuals to a place of radical personal empowerment and self-worth. With acute focus on helping people “find their voice”, she is highly sought after for her uncommon style of irreverence, wisdom, and humor and has been a featured expert in Inspired Coach Magazine and on Fox 5 San Diego.

In this episode you will learn:

>> The definition of people pleasing – and the surprising reasons why you might be one!

>> Why it’s not always a bad thing - it actually fits into the responses of fight, flight, freeze or fawn

>> How to distinguish between what to battle and what to let go of – hint: you shouldn’t allow your silence to make you a liar!

>> The ways you can galvanize yourself to be bold enough to stop people pleasing!

A basic human instinct is to constantly be alert and scanning for threats constantly - another is the need to belong. People pleasing fits into this. In the early days of civilisation you had to fit in with a group in order to survive and subconsciously, our minds still recognise this.

The problems come when your people-pleasing tendencies come at a cost to you.

Amy shares practical hacks to overcome people pleasing – you don’t have to be harsh, you can still be gentle.

And speaking up doesn’t always have to be a giant conversation – it can be simple, concise and effective. It’s about boundaries and respect.

Working on these tendencies helps you have those difficult conversations – with an adult child who needs some tough talk, or an underperforming team member for instance. You can confront these issues without being confrontational.

Sometimes it’s about an open conversation and other times it’s about taking a firm, stoic stance. It depends on your boundaries and the intricacies of the topic at hand.

It’s about having grace and kindness whilst not bending.

And of course, when you’re not creating and managing your own boundaries, you’re going to stay stuck – and energetically, that just won’t work for you!

Enjoy the listen!


You can find Amy on Instagram or her website

To access her free eWorkbook and Workshop, click here.


If you want to fill your coaching books with the clients you most want to work with by connecting and resonating with marketing that feels great, I’ve opened up 2 spots this month for my Messaging Magic Intensives. Send me the word MAGIC over on Instagram and I’ll share the details!

Oct 10, 202351:17
155: How To Leverage Being Only Two Steps Ahead

155: How To Leverage Being Only Two Steps Ahead

Is something holding you back from fully shining your light? Is there hidden resistance in your messaging?

This week, I asked one of my clients how aligned she felt with her brand positioning, to which she said a solid 8 or 9.

Sounds great, right?!

My question was, how do we make this a 10?

It turned out that her sticking point was around her authority – she felt she wasn’t advanced enough in one aspect of her life, which was preventing her from thinking she could support her clients with their similar goals.

She was hiding her light!

You might wonder, if you are suffering with some of the symptoms with the things you want to help your clients with, does it make you a good person to help them?

The answer is yes!

When we find solutions that work for us and works for our clients, we continue to deploy these solutions in our own lives in order to achieve the outcome we desire.

And sharing that personal journey and vulnerability is incredibly powerful.

Guidance doesn’t have to come from some guru who tells you they’ve done everything perfectly, prescribing strict steps that seems unrealistic. People want authenticity and relatability as they seek their results.

When I started sharing here on Goals With Soul how being an overthinker was affecting my ability to manifest, it was a turning point for me.

This really resonated with my listeners and I was asked when I was going to hold a manifesting workshop – this seemed crazy, how could I teach this when I spoke of how much I was struggling with it?!

But there is such value in being just a couple of steps ahead as your clients seek guidance.

The online coaching space is about connection and relatability.

You don’t have to have all aspects of your life fully in shape in order to be a mentor.

It’s OK to be authentic and to be vulnerable in the content that you share.

Let your vulnerability exemplify the core message that you teach.

Enjoy the listen!


If you’re an ambitious and intuitive coach or healer who would like to articulate the value of your unique brilliance, DM the word “MAGIC” to @iamjo.ingram on Instagram, or email for more details.

Oct 03, 202312:12
154: How I Created A £12m Passive Income Business With Lisa Johnson

154: How I Created A £12m Passive Income Business With Lisa Johnson

We're kicking Season 5 special guest interviews off with a bang, as I welcome the fabulous Lisa Johnson!

Lisa is a multi-seven-figure Global Business Strategist who makes 90% of her money through passive or semi-passive income streams.

In one launch alone during the global pandemic in 2021, she made £2.5m in a week - earning £1m in the first hour of sales!

After a tough childhood spent in social housing, Lisa went on to have successful careers in law, banking and the entertainment industry. Her background in overcoming obstacles has helped mould her into a bold, straight-talking coach who is never afraid to be an authentic and outspoken truth-teller. She took herself from £30k in debt to making over £10m in the first five years.

Lisa has a number one business podcast, Making Money Online, and is the author of the bestselling book Make Money Online. She is a huge believer that everyone can become a success no matter their background.

The magic came when she discovered her gift for making business really simple.

What started as free advice became a side hustle that now earns her multi-7 figures every year!

Her business model is around passive income, and she shares her steps to success right here...

In this episode, you will learn:

>> What passive income – and what it ISN’T!

>> How to overcome the common blockers stopping you from launching your own passive income stream

>> The move from urgency marketing to a more authentic approach that puts integrity at its heart

>> Why a loyal audience is so much more powerful than simply a large audience

You can offer value to clients at all levels on the spectrum – from passive evergreen courses to high-touch one on one coaching. Passive content enables you to be accessible to clients who may not otherwise be able to afford access to you.

What will your passive income stream be?!

Enjoy the listen!


You can find Lisa on Facebook, Instagram and her website,

Listen to her podast, Making Money Online with Lisa Johnson, here. _____________________ Gift for you...If you'd like to learn the code to elevate your messaging and consistently attract aligned clients that truly light you up, watch my FREE training Masterclass HERE.

Sep 26, 202349:27
153: Give Yourself Permission To Be The Expert And Attract The Clients You MOST Want To Work With

153: Give Yourself Permission To Be The Expert And Attract The Clients You MOST Want To Work With

Welcome to season 5 of Goals With Soul!

This episode explores the topic of expertise. What are you an expert in?

So often I see incredibly talented coaches, healers, and consultants, hiding their expertise instead of shouting loud and proud about it, courtesy of those mindset gremlins – fear of judgment, imposter syndrome, and even perfectionism.

The result is your dream clients don’t understand why they should work with you. Because the expertise that you express is directly related to the trust that you build.

And the trust you build translates into sales and happy clients!

When I take clients through my Brand EPICS process, we always start with the 5 five aspects of self, which undoubtedly reveals something hidden that isn’t being expressed in their marketing. It’s the additional magic you get when you work with them, but you just don’t see it until you do!

I had that hidden magic.

I came from a successful career in advertising, building up SO much experience, but decided that I couldn’t share all of this – there were some things I just didn’t feel expert in. So, I didn’t think I deserved to share them.

But guess what? When I did start sharing them, the clients I attracted were my ideal match and created fantastic results.

Those areas of expertise I’d been hesitant to share turned out to be my greatest passions!

The clients I work with now are uniformly perfect clients because I’m not afraid to be me.

An external agency doesn’t have to certify us as being an expert in something. I have no dislike of education, absolutely not, but it can keep you stuck in a cycle of believing you need more and more of it.

The truth is you are already an expert and authority in what you do.

You have opinions and share them wildly. Scary, I know, but be bold - be a thought leader!

Crafting brand opinions allows you to be known as an expert in your niche.

Develop a framework that you can easily explain in a couple of minutes, explaining the uniqueness and power of exactly what you do to transform for your clients.

My process is called the Aligned Client Code and it consists of 3 core elements: messaging, marketing, and business energetics. And no other business coach in the market blends those 3 elements in the way that I do.

Which makes perfect sense because that unique blend comes from me!

The bottom line is you are unique and brilliant. How can you shine?

Enjoy the listen!


This month I have opened up 5 FREE Messaging Assessment spots in which you can get my eyes on how you express your expertise, articulate your value, and attract your soul clients. Click HERE to book your place.

Sep 19, 202316:24
152: How To Attract Clients With Business Energetic Alignment

152: How To Attract Clients With Business Energetic Alignment

This week we're getting back to basics about business energetics!

Working on my business energetics has changed my business for the better over and over. It’s easily overlooked, but when you implement it, the changes are immense.

It’s the foundational pillar of my Aligned Client Code and brings messaging alive, allowing you to attract aligned clients that bring you joy.

And that’s we’re here for, right?!

This pillar exists to support the two pillars above it – Authentic Messaging and Aligned Marketing.

It’s imperative that your energetics support your client attraction uplevel. You may well have followed a swipe file in the past and found it just didn’t work for you and that’s all down to the energy behind it.

The right energetics will supercharge your results in your business.

I know this first hand – I’ve worked with dozens of clients on energetics, but the first person I tested it on was ME!

In this episode, I share how boundaries affect energetics, easily turning a hell yes into a hell no! I also discuss how brand values are powerful tools to help you connect with your ideal clients.

But it’s not all about the clients!

Think about how you allocate your time – YOU are at the very heart of everything. Take care of yourself at the highest level.

Protect your energy. Fill that cup!

Because if your cup isn’t full, how can you possibly support your clients in the best possible way?

Don’t underestimate the power of energetic shifts – they power our joy and propel us on to bigger and better things…and that includes even more joy!

Enjoy the listen!


Right now, I am looking for 5 ambitious and intuitive coaches looking to implement the Aligned Client Code™️ to elevate their business and attract the HELL YES! clients they’ve always desired – is that you right now?! If so, DM me the word ALIGNED over on Instagram, and I’ll share more details.

Jul 04, 202321:30
151: The Secret to Attracting Clients You Love To Work With

151: The Secret to Attracting Clients You Love To Work With

Why can it be so difficult to get clients?!

Especially when you're spiritually led and looking to attract your dream clients!

Getting clients is the goal for so many of included! Clients = sales = money, right?!

It can be so frustrating when things just don't all come together in a way that truly lights us up, attracting the clients we really want to work with.

So many business mentors will tell you that there is a silver bullet strategy to solve all your problems...and sometimes it might work a little bit, but a lot of the time it doesn't work at all!

So you keep trying strategies in the vain hope one will come good!

You might see growth, but are they your perfect clients? Are they actually the client you are seeking, even if you're onboarding them?

You start wondering if it's your it you?

And soon, the goal of getting clients just becomes a big pain in the ass!

What you really want are those hell yes clients! The ones willing to invest not just their money, but their time and energy into their business success.

And, of course, they then get the phenomenal success they came to you for!

It's not about getting just any's about getting aligned clients that light you up.

And strategy only works if you're in alignment with it and you've made that leap energetically.

And that's where messaging makes all the difference!

One of the biggest shifts I made was to decide that I would work with people who were elevated - not necessarily in income, but attitude.

When you make that transition, the energy shifts too. When you nail that aligned avatar you start stepping into perfect fit client attraction.

Enjoy the listen!


If you're curious how working with me can shine that spotlight and join those dots between the clients you're attracting and the clients you DREAM of attracting, DM me the words HELL YES! over on Instagram and I'll share your next step with you!

Jun 27, 202323:10
150: How To Network Your Way To Business Success With Anna Wolfman

150: How To Network Your Way To Business Success With Anna Wolfman

The episode dives into one of the most vital and aligned ways to build your coaching business with ease...which is community.

I was always someone who was happy to operate alone when it came to business…I am sociable, yes, but did I easily ask for support?

Not quite such an easy yes…

I know that for me, this stems from my childhood. Once I realized and accepted this, I discovered that out there is an entire community of like-minded women, working solo to grow their businesses. I took the plunge with some conversations, and those led to friendships and collaborations. They even resulted in me collaborating to create the Connection Retreat!

This week’s guest has built her business around the beauty that is community.

Anna Wolfman is the Founder & CEO of the Femunify Skill Exchange Membership, where female entrepreneurs, coaches, and freelancers exchange their services and expertise to help each other build and grow their businesses.

After spending over 13 years building a successful corporate career, she tuned into the inner voice that told her she was destined for more. Anna started Femunify while she was on maternity leave with her second baby, and after dedicating several months to building out this community, she bravely took the leap and resigned from her corporate job to go all in on her business and herself.

She is now blazing her own trail as an entrepreneur and community curator that helps female entrepreneurs build the businesses of their dreams – faster, smarter, together.

In this episode you will learn:

>> The importance of growing your network, not just your followers, and nurturing it too

>> To overcome the ‘ick’ factor when you hear the word networking – it’s a powerful way to leverage yourself and your business and build your very own community

>> Why messaging clarity is a fundamental part of successful networking

>> How the secret sauce with networking is all about give and take - with no agenda

Think of networking like planting seeds for many years to come. It’s trusting the process. It’s seeing opportunities beyond the next client.

Look for ways to collaborate and support each other, so you can achieve things you couldn’t have done alone.

We have to put ourselves in situations where synergy can happen, and nothing is a better example of this than networking! It can lead to pure magic.

It’s time to invite in that magic through human connection!

Enjoy the listen!


Check out Anna's website, on which you can find her free guide - Proven & Actionable Ways to Accelerate Your Business Growth – Without Breaking The Bank!

Connect with Anna over on Instagram here. _________________________

Access my FREE Messaging Training Here

Jun 20, 202347:18
149: Playing Small, The Cat & The Pottery 'Situation'

149: Playing Small, The Cat & The Pottery 'Situation'

Today’s episode is about how to PLAY BIG...and inspired by – of all things - a cat wandering into my pottery class…yes, really!

3 or 4 months ago I took up pottery – I know I have a tendency to overwork (I’m sure you can relate, right?!), so I knew I needed to put in time for a creative pursuit.

I get such a kick out of my work and a real sense of achievement, but I wasn’t really going back to that grounded place my soul needs most. Pottery allows me to be mindful and focus only on what’s in front of me. It’s a real lesson in slowing down.

And taking the time to slow down and be quiet allows intuition to drop in.

It’s easy to overwork and to focus on work we don’t love, just to stay safe, push forward and remain in what we deem to be the right lane. But when intuition speaks to you, it will confirm to you that isn’t the right approach.

We all have mindset gremlins that are designed to keep us safe, like that fear of judgment, imposter syndrome, that “staying small”.

But you are here to make an impact. You’re here to move past those gremlins and strive for all you can achieve.

Today I talk about those subconscious beliefs that keep us in a pattern that hold us back from advancing our businesses.

You want those clients that give you tingles. Then you KNOW you’re on the right track.

But oftentimes, even though this is what you’re looking for, this desire is nowhere to be seen in your messaging!

That gremlin on your shoulder can creep in, telling you you’re doing the wrong thing, or that you’ll lose credibility if you share this in your marketing.

It takes commitment to defeat these gremlins and get uncomfortable, but you can start small – even the smallest of actions is a step in the right direction.

Whatever it is that’s keeping you safe is also keeping you small – and you know it’s time for you to play big.

Enjoy the listen!


Ready to elevate to your next audacious level in order to attract those sought-after clients that give you tingles?

To find out how my Aligned Marketing Strategies can help you, DM me the word ALIGNED over on Instagram.

Jun 13, 202312:22
148: Business & Life With A Yogini Spirit, With Jane Marie

148: Business & Life With A Yogini Spirit, With Jane Marie

Today I’m thrilled to be interviewing one of my very own clients, Jane Marie!

Jane Marie is a Life Coach who supports her clients to reconnect with their intuition. She believes in the power and connection of self-love.

In her life coaching practice, she combines her experience as a yoga instructor with Ayurveda, meditation, and breath work which creates her Freedom Fabulous method. Her fusion of Eastern holistic modalities are delivered with a Westernized twist that supports the evolution of the human spirit.

Her Freedom Fabulous method nourishes the connection with one's self, thus allowing the ego to rest and take the back seat. She knows that when the self-love connection is firing, that is when her clients can confidently make changes in their lives so that they can live confidently in fulfillment.

In this episode, you will learn:

>> The beautiful way in which yoga blends mind and body wellness

>> About the ancient practice of Ayurveda and how it goes hand in hand with yoga

>> How vital it is to seek balance in a hectic world

>> The link between the throat chakra and brand messaging - as crazy as that may sound!

These days when everybody is overstimulated, it’s essential to have a quiet space in which your body can slip into a parasympathetic state where you can just be - but to Jane Marie, yoga goes far beyond the mat.

She draws on ancient Ayurvedic practices, helping her clients understand the basics of their tridoshic life and painting a picture of how they can use this knowledge to achieve balance. Understanding how you move through your day and the decisions you make can determine what might bring you out of balance and also back into it.

Jane Marie understands that humans are evolving as a species, and there are huge benefits from bringing traditionally Eastern practices into our Western lives.

Life is going to happen, and there’s no place to go other than the next day, so having that time on the yoga mat to ground yourself helps keep that ‘monkey mind’ calm and in a position to make the right decisions to keep you in balance.

It’s about movement, flow, and fluidity. And not just physical movement – it’s about movement through our lives, overcoming obstacles and making powerful decisions. It’s that soulful flow.

Enjoy the listen!


You can find Jane Marie over on Instagram She also offers two free authentic Soul Flow Yoga virtual classes each month on the 1st and 3rd Sundays - click here to sign up. ____________________________

If you're ready to elevate your brand messaging this side of the summer so you can attract those high-vibe clients, and you've not yet watched my FREE messaging training, click here.

Jun 06, 202326:03
147: What Alignment REALLY Means: And How To Boost Your Soulful Business

147: What Alignment REALLY Means: And How To Boost Your Soulful Business

Do you know what true alignment in business really is?

Today’s episode comes from my own deeply personal experience, as I learned how to show up in my business in a way that’s both aligned and profitable.

Most of us desire feminine flow and ease above all else, especially if we’ve come from industries filled with wounded masculine energy.

Where showing up always feels like hard work, and we’re just not lit up.

We want to take our foot off the accelerator and enjoy the journey, tapping into the power of the divine feminine – the balance and harmony that can exist when we combine intuition and energy with taking inspired action from a place of certainty, clarity, and courage.

But sometimes, we can let the pendulum sway too much.

We tip into the wounded feminine – indecision, overwhelm, and even victimhood.

I share how I called in alignment when I hit this burnout stage, and how that led to me using a lack of alignment as an excuse not to do all the things.

Listen up as I cut through the BS!

Don’t confuse a lack of alignment with not going for the bigger spiritual goals that I KNOW you have or you wouldn’t be here in this industry listening to this podcast.

Sometimes that divine masculine does need to step back in. You might not want to do something, but take that first step and allow that alignment to come in. Serve your future self.

Find that balance and harmony.

What are you holding back on using lack of alignment as an excuse?

Enjoy the listen!


Ready to welcome support to elevate your client attraction through your aligned brand messaging?

Limited spaces are available on my [FREE] 1-to-1 Aligned Messaging Breakthrough Session - to grab your spot, click HERE

May 30, 202312:19
146: How To Skyrocket Your Sales Using Instagram, With Maggie Colette

146: How To Skyrocket Your Sales Using Instagram, With Maggie Colette

We love Instagram, but does it always love us back?!

My guest this week has studied that pesky algorithm so that you don’t have to!

For 10 years Maggie Colette broke her soul in the corporate world, before falling in love with the first-class-champagne lifestyle of a travel blogger! Now she helps Female Entrepreneurs unleash their potential and sky rocket their sales, all through a little app on their phone - Instagram.

She went from 5K followers to 65K in less than a year (and now over 300k!) and getting re-grammed by the likes of BossBabe and KHLOE KARDASHIAN.

If you’re a Female Entrepreneur who’s ready to go viral, grow your audience and get paid by showing up on Instagram then make sure to listen in to this episode!

In this episode you will learn:

>> To embrace Instagram for what it is and show up as YOU – then you’ll see the shift!

>> As long as you’re great at what you do, you can profit from even a small audience

>> The value of committing to focusing on what works, showing up consistently and connecting with your audience – taking the time to build your community

>> How to harness the power of each type of Insta content - from lives to reels

>> That showing up isn’t icky – promise!

Social media is a powerful marketing tool so it’s important not to be afraid to share your message – there are people out there who need to hear it.

And in order to get the most out of Instagram, you need to leave other people’s thoughts and opinions at the door.

In a public space it’s inevitable that you will get pushback. However, when you are creating content from the heart, you are going to attract the right people into your world – and they’re not going to judge you.

Like everything worthwhile, it takes work – you have to consistently put the time in, showing up and staying committed.

If we’re not giving people an opportunity to know, like and trust us – and ultimately, then to work with us - we’re doing them a disservice.

Ultimately, sales boil down to connections and value, and Instagram is an amazing tool through which we can achieve our goals!

Enjoy the listen!


DM Maggie over at her Instagram ___________________________ Book your [FREE] 1-to-1 Aligned Messaging Breakthrough Session with Joanna (limited spaces only) - click HERE.

May 23, 202355:40
145: The 3 Ways To Raise Authority In Your Marketing To Attract Elevated Clients

145: The 3 Ways To Raise Authority In Your Marketing To Attract Elevated Clients

Today's episode is all about creating authority in your marketing.

We're familiar with the concept of know, like and trust, but in this episode we deep-dive into the third element - getting potential clients to trust us enough to get them over that finish line, that they choose to become clients.

And how do we do this? That's where the authority piece comes in, and in this week's episode, I share 3 key methods to bring trust and authority into the heart of your marketing.

You'll learn all about...

1) The practicalities of creating a framework within which to base your marketing activities - because aligning your methods within a solid framework leaves no room for doubt that you are the one your ideal avatar has been looking for.

2) The immense power of belief shifting. This involves setting out to your clients a step-by-step path that will move them out of being stuck and propel them towards their goals.

3) This one can sound a bit scary, but it's all about 'opinion sharing'. We often fear judgment and don't want to put ourselves out there with opinions that may polarise our audience. But there is room to share relevant opinions and thoughts in order to establish yourself as a solid thought leader.

You don't have to be an oracle - there's value in you just being open to questioning things others may be afraid to voice, helping them to make transitions in their thoughts.

When these 3 things are implemented, you will see a change in the clients engaging with you - they will match with your energy as you step into your power.

Enjoy the listen!


Are you ready to take that next step in messaging and client attraction elevation?

My new group program, Aligned Messaging & Marketing, begins May 2023. I am mentoring a small group of intuitive coaches to completely transform their levels of visibility, how they stand out online, and the clients they attract.

Find out if this is the right fit for you right now, for more details DM me the word ALIGNED over on Instagram.

May 16, 202317:08
144: Spiritual Wisdom For Living In Messy Reality With Sarah Beth Hunt

144: Spiritual Wisdom For Living In Messy Reality With Sarah Beth Hunt

Do you sometimes struggle to stay focused and aligned in a busy world?

I am so excited to share a conversation today about living in the messy reality, all whilst pursuing a life and business filled with spiritual wisdom.

For me, blending strategy and energy has been fundamental to my success AND freedom, so I am thrilled to bring my amazing guest to you today.

Sarah Beth Hunt is the creator of Messy Luminous Being, a meditation and yoga platform with a podcast, online journal, and memberships that help women weave inner practices into messy real life. Sarah has trained in the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhist meditation, traditional yoga, and the school of messy real life with her partner & two beautifully wild boys.

In this episode you will learn:

>> How to open your mind to the soft whisper of intuition

>> Practical tips on how to bring spiritual practices into your everyday life

>> The beauty of breathwork and meditation, even when you don’t have much time

>> How vital it is to acknowledge the potential we all have for a negative mindset and behaviors and to make a conscious choice not to ‘feed this wolf’.

It’s hard to remember sometimes that the most important thing is who are ARE.

Sarah Beth shares the idea of impermanence that’s central to Buddhist teachings, and how critical it is to realize that what we will take with us are not the things we have, but the energy we create.

The outside world constantly gives us opportunities to grow and develop our energy and as we grow, we attract the things and people we become more aligned to.

And you just can’t fake that energetic frequency!

Many people out there are doing the same thing as you, but when it comes to resonance you are unique. You need to find the clients who are tuned in to you.

Enjoy the listen! __________________________ Sarah-Beth's Ebook, Forward From Here: spiritual vision in pandemic times, is available here.

Sign up to her Messy Luminous Being newsletter here.

You can also find her over on Instagram and her website


>> Ready to attract your soul clients with authentic brand messaging? Right now I am looking for 3 established, visionary coaches ready to dial in their most energetically aligned clients – if this sounds like you, DM me the word ALIGNED over on Instagram and I'll share more details.

May 09, 202343:44
143: How To Rock Your Visibility

143: How To Rock Your Visibility

Are you truly visible in a way that attracts your soul aligned clients?

Lacking visibility isn’t as simple as just not posting online – it can be churning out any old content for the sake of it, leading to depleted energy and burnout. Falling into a cycle of apathy, meaning your dream clients just can’t find you.

Fear of judgment, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism– any one of these can completely side-swipe even the most outwardly confident coaches out of their visibility patterns.

So, how do we overcome these challenges?

At the root of it all is messaging clarity – knowing and feeling deeply aligned with what you have to say gives you the courage to show up and be visible.

And clarity and courage are the dream combination that transform how we create our content.

It’s easy to hide in marketing and be a hidden coach, meaning you have all of the potential to create change in the world, yet you’re hiding your light and spirit from showing up in your marketing so others can energetically connect with you.

When you dial that message in – that clarity and elevation – the magic comes in.

If you’re not attracting the right clients, there’s a disconnect in your messaging somewhere.

You want to work with the clients that make the work easy. And believe me, that can happen, and you DO deserve it!

So, how can you step into your elevated self and be visible?

Enjoy the listen!


Are you ready to articulate your soul purpose so your soul clients can resonate with you to create true transformation?

If so, my Aligned Messaging & Marketing Program is for you!

If you're an established, visionary coach ready to be personally mentored by me to elevate your client attraction through authentic messaging and marketing, let's chat! – message me the word ALIGNED over on Instagram to find out more.

May 02, 202317:29
142: How To Conquer Your Business With Erin Marcus

142: How To Conquer Your Business With Erin Marcus

Are you ready to conquer your business?!

If so (and I bet it's a YES!) you're gonna LOVE today's episode!

Joining me on the Podcast this week is Erin Marcus, the founder and CEO of Conquer Your Business, an international company helping entrepreneurs and small business owners get out of reaction mode so they can be in charge of their businesses….and in charge of their lives.

I am super excited to share our inspirational conversation, and you will discover:

>> How it’s not just what you know, it’s also who you are that propels you to success

>> Why we need to unlearn the outdated work ethic that success always requires waiting a long time for your hard work to pay off

>> How and why it's OK to go back to clients who initially say no…it doesn’t have to be the end of the conversation!

Pushing yourself to uplevel means taking a deep look at what works for your business. What do your clients need from you and are you fulfilling this? Where in their journey do they fall apart and, critically, how can you help them through this?

Erin discusses how vital it is to allow room for thinking, not just keeping yourself busy with doing. Adding time into your calendar to reflect and figure things out is a non-negotiable if you want to uplevel.

The solution is never doing more things – it’s doing fewer things that have a bigger impact. Then you make more money and can hire more people to do more things.

Whether you're choosing to build a business based on exclusivity, or you're creating an empire, you need to be clear on what works for you energetically.

You’re in charge – create your business type with purpose! THAT will bring you joy.

It’s time to put the rubber to the road and decide you’re no longer staying stuck - you've got a world to conquer!

Enjoy the listen!


⁠You can find Erin over on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or her website You can also listen to her Podcast here. _______________________ >>> Want to learn the paradigm-shifting way that successful soul-led coaches consistently attract soul-aligned clients?

My Uplevel Messaging Masterclass is now available as FREE on-demand training - click HERE to access it.

Apr 25, 202342:44
141: How To Attract Clients With Your Powerful Mission
Apr 18, 202313:19
140: How To Live In Tune With Liz Roberta

140: How To Live In Tune With Liz Roberta

Are you intuitive when it comes to business?

Intuition is incredibly important when it comes to building our businesses with ease. In fact, the reason I renamed this Podcast Goals with Soul is because we’re allowed to be ambitious and desire growth but do it in tune with ourselves.

They’re not mutually exclusive!

But allowing that intuition to flow is sometimes difficult, even though we know it’s one of the most important things we can do as solopreneurs, as this week's guest knows!

Liz Roberta is a Hay House author and Award Winning Spiritual Life & Business Coach who was named the “Emerging Voice” of 2020 by Kindred Spirit magazine, one of the “5 Most Influential Female Coaches of 2021” by Entrepreneur Mogul and one of the “50 Under 50” for 2022 by The NYC Journal.

Liz is a certified Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Meditation Teacher and Hypnotherapist. Her Millennial Manifestor blog has been read by nearly half a million people all over the world, and she has done 5000+ card readings for clients over her career. Her Hay House Published book, Living In Tune, is one of the industry-leading books on intuition.

In this episode you will learn:

>> How to recognise and unlock the intuition you inherently possess

>> What can block this intuition

>> The power of silence to allow room for intuition to drop into your life and bloom

It’s easy to stay in that masculine brain energy where it’s all about rational decision-making, but you need to remember to listen for the soft whisper of intuition.

And a huge part of connecting to our intuition is being able to trust in ourselves.

When you come from a place of doubt, you’re not aligned - we need to trust the messages that we are given. Sometimes it’s more powerful to just STOP, pause, and allow intuition to filter in, than to keep pushing on from a place of doubt and struggle.

Entrepreneurship is about experimentation and it’s the same with intuition.

There is a middle path between intuition and entrepreneurship and that’s where the magic is. Let go and feel the flow.

Enjoy the listen!


You can find Liz on ⁠Instagram⁠, over at her website ⁠⁠, and on her ⁠Podcast⁠. More details on her book can be found here. ________________ Are you a high-achieving, visionary coach, stuck in a cycle of overthinking about your messaging? Do you want to attract clients that leave you feeling energized and are you ready for a radical uplevel?

>>> Drop me a DM over on Instagram with the word ALIGNED and I’ll share details on how you can elevate your client attraction with authentic brand messaging.

Apr 11, 202337:59
139: The Magic Of Business Energetics To Attract Dream Clients

139: The Magic Of Business Energetics To Attract Dream Clients

This week I’m sharing an absolute game-changer!

If you’ve failed to get your messaging on point, your marketing aligned, and ultimately attract those aligned clients that thrill you, it’s time to dive into the foundations of energetic mastery for business.

This has a massive impact for my clients and so I am SUPER excited to share it!

Energetics recognize that we are holistic systems – great messaging and marketing cannot exist alone without us taking care of the rest of ourselves.

You can get the messaging right and get it in the right places, but if the energy is misaligned, it just won’t achieve the results it should.

Your energy needs to align with your marketing – if you’re calling for empowered, boundaried clients, you need to reflect this in yourself too!

Sometimes that requires you to say no, even though it can feel scary!

But if you’re constantly over-proving, you’ll soon find yourself depleted, closing those energetic doors that should be welcoming in aligned clients. The ones who will respect your office hours, and understand they are responsible for their own success, with your support.

And this starts with you. You are the architect of your own business energetics.

When the energetics are right, it amplifies your marketing. You will be vibrating on the right frequency as those soul clients.

You need to put out the energy you want to draw back in. It might involve some hard decisions, but you’ll reap the rewards long-term, feeling the shift as you call in those higher-level, elevated clients.

What boundaries do you need to put in place to get these energetic shifts?

Enjoy the listen!


Right now, I am looking for 3 inspired, up-and-running female coaches that want to work on this in much more detail so they can completely shift within their business and call in their most aligned clients. If this sounds like you, DM me the word ALIGNED on Instagram and I will share all the details! ________________________

And if you’re enjoying Goals With Soul, please leave a review over on Apple Podcasts and help us grow!

Apr 04, 202314:46
138: How To Say 'Heck Yes!' To Podcast Hosting With Tiphany Kane

138: How To Say 'Heck Yes!' To Podcast Hosting With Tiphany Kane

Do you wish you were more of a HECK YES kind of person?!

This week’s episode is all about saying HECK YES in life, in particular whether to say yes to becoming a Podcast host!

I am passionate about Podcasting, so it’s great to have today’s guest here today to share her passion and knowledge with me.

Tiphany Kane, M. Ed. is known as “The Heck Yes! Coach”. She is passionate about coaching women to turn painful “no's” in life & business into empowered opportunities to find the “Heck Yes!”. Tiphany is an entrepreneur, public speaker, coach, and writer, who brings her passion for the art of the spoken word to people who need help finding their voice. She weaves in her own personal stories of escaping a cult at 19 years old, leaving a toxic abusive marriage 20 years later, and then leaving a 20 year career in public education to start a business. Tiphany is the host of 2 podcasts; Radical Audacity in Love & Life and Mastering the Podcaster Mindset.

In this episode you will learn:

>> How to find your HECK YES!

>> Recognising all the mini heck yes opportunities that crop up every day

>> Harnessing the unique power of podcasts as long-form content that builds trust and authority with your audience

>> The beauty of building warm leads you don’t have to sell to – just tell your audience how to work with you!

>> The joy of there being no gatekeepers – nobody can stop you!

Podcasts are intimate authority-builders in which you can build and connect with an entire community all of your own. It doesn’t matter whether you have 10 or 1 million listeners either; to your listeners, you have authority. And when you can build that authority, what it does for you is amazing, opening doors to further brilliant opportunities.

You don’t have to be the expert – just a couple of steps ahead of people seeking your help who are trusting in your knowledge and experience to light the path ahead.

Is it time to say HECK YES!?

Enjoy the listen!


You can find Tiphany over on Instagram, Facebook and her website

Click here for her Podcasts: Radical Audacity in Love & Life and Mastering the Podcaster Mindset ______________________________ >> Right now I'm looking for 3 empowered coaches looking to attract their most soul-aligned clients. To learn more, drop me a DM with the word "AUTHORITY" over on Instagram and I will share the details.

Mar 28, 202340:55
137: How To Transform Your Messaging From Stale To Sell-Out

137: How To Transform Your Messaging From Stale To Sell-Out

Hey Coach! Is your brand messaging working?

In today’s episode, we look at why your messaging may not be quite hitting the mark and how you can transform it to resonate with those in your audience who really need your help and encourage them to step forward and start working with you.

Listen as I dive into 3 specific ingredients that, when combined, make for magnificent messaging!

The first ingredient is the messaging itself. How do you build know, like and trust with your potential clients if you’re not speaking to them?

But it’s more than just saying something…it’s saying the right thing. It’s about speaking to the best-elevated clients for you and your business. The ones bringing that HECK YES energy that gets the results.

Of course, messaging needs to be expressed, which leads me to the second ingredient – aligned marketing. 

You can do all the work crafting a fantastic message, but if it isn’t pushed out to all the places where you show up, you’re doing your potential clients a disservice.

But how can you call those aligned clients in if you aren’t feeling it yourself?

The third ingredient is energetic alignment. 

It’s about having boundaries and a way of working within your business that allows you to become that energetic match for those people that you really want to attract. Those soul clients.

It's being ready for them. The doors are open!

And if you’re cluttering up your closet with misaligned clients, where’s the room for the aligned ones?

When these 3 ingredients come together, THAT’S when the magic happens!

Enjoy the listen!


>> Right now I'm looking for 3 empowered coaches who want to attract their most soul-aligned clients. If you're curious to find out what it looks like to expand and express your soul's messaging, drop me a DM with the word "ALIGNED" over on Instagram and I will share the details.

Mar 21, 202324:09
136: How To Expand Success With Somatic Coach, Nicole Pond

136: How To Expand Success With Somatic Coach, Nicole Pond

Do you know what's holding you back when it comes to expanding your business? When you're called to work with elevated clients and make an amazing impact in the world, you are bound to encounter blocks - both externally and within yourself. I am always open to finding ways to overcome these blocks, leaning into different modalities such as somatics - the mind-body connection - which is where this week's guest comes in. Nicole is a former University of Cambridge Research Scientist turned Somatic Healer to 6-figure Leaders. She helps ambitious women entrepreneurs break free from their triggers, so they can truly embody unbreakable self-belief, create ease within their business and skyrocket them to their next level of growth & success. Her mission is to empower bold leaders to escape from their past traumas and conditioning so they can create wildly successful businesses that bring them joy and freedom. Nicole believes success is only fleeting if you don’t do the somatic work that allows you to hold the expansion that wild success entails. What you'll learn in this episode: >> How self-healing elevates your business results >> Why somatic work is more impactful than mindset work >> How to notice trapped emotions in the body >> Why we've been conditioned to achieve at the expense of our body - and the consequences Emotions can be trapped in our bodies long after an event has occurred, impacting us on a deep level and even affecting our immune systems.  We are often drawn towards mindset work to heal and overcome these but increasingly, people are turning to energetics and somatics to help with this release. Nicole is a huge advocate of this powerful modality, sharing how it helps you uncover these deep inner blocks and release the stress holding you back. Enjoy the listen! ____________________________ You can find Nicole over on Instagram, LinkedIn, and her website  Click here for her Somatic Starter Kit. ____________________________ >>> Right now I'm looking for 3 visionary coaches who want to elevate their brand messaging so they can consistently sign-aligned clients and fall back in love with their work.  If that's you, drop me a DM with the word "READY" over on Instagram and I will share the details.
Mar 14, 202334:30
135: How To Amplify Your Intuitive Gifts With Allyson Scammell

135: How To Amplify Your Intuitive Gifts With Allyson Scammell

>>> Right now I’m looking for 3 successful, soul-led coaches who are looking to elevate their brand message and business energetics so they can consistently sign aligned clients and fall back in love with their work.  If that's you, drop me a DM with the word "ALIGNED" over on Instagram and I will share the details.


This week we’re talking all about intuition. 

Running a soul-led business is part strategy but dialling in our intuition allows us to unlock that all-important ease.

My guest this week Allyson Scammell is a master intuitive coach, psychic medium, and energy healer. Her mission is to help soul-guided leaders and entrepreneurs to upgrade their energy frequency to gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. As the founder of the Soul Guide Academy and host of Soul Guide Radio Podcast, Allyson has helped thousands of leaders and lightworkers to earn more, serve more, and grow spiritually along the way.

In this episode you will learn:

>> How to unblock your portal door to intuition

>> The many ways intuition can flow through your senses

>> How to find your own unique intuitive language to aid clarity in your divine messaging

>> Why you should visit the gym of your intuition daily to build that intuition muscle

Allyson knows that so many of us feel blocked when it comes to tuning into the spiritual gifts available to us.

The number one thing that jams our connection to our intuition is an energy block – not trusting the guidance we are receiving. These negative thought systems close the door to our intuition.

When coming from corporate we’ve been in our rational, business minds for so long, that it can be difficult opening ourselves up to intuition. It’s not tangible, meaning we don’t have the physical proof we’re used to. This is when our senses and innate knowing come in.

Our spirit guides want us to be prosperous and abundant so we can impact the world at a greater level. They’re rooting for us! The energy frequency is one of love and infinite abundance. Always enough, never scarce. 

Tapping into that in your business opens you up to your divine guidance team – and those team members don’t need paying!

Remember, sometimes things unfold in a different way than we expected but, if we’re tuned in, we can recognise why this has happened early on and reap the benefits the changes bring.

Enjoy the listen!


You can find Allyson’s Facebook group here, catch her over on Instagram, and listen to her Podcast here

Click here for her Energy Upgrade Meditation.


>>> Right now I’m looking for 3 successful, soul-led coaches who are looking to elevate their brand message and business energetics so they can consistently sign aligned clients and fall back in love with their work.  If that's you, drop me a DM with the word "ALIGNED" over on Instagram and I will share the details.

Mar 07, 202356:37
134: How To Recession-Proof Your Coaching Business – Attract More Sales And Thrive

134: How To Recession-Proof Your Coaching Business – Attract More Sales And Thrive

Is your business recession proof?

Consumer confidence declines as prices rise, and inflation is on the way up, meaning most of us are seeking to save money. However, consumers do still continue to strive to make their lives better and that’s where coaches come in. There’s still room for us!

In this week's episode I share how to dial up your brand messaging to maximise your know, like, and trust factors, in order to not just survive but thrive through the economic downturn.

It means becoming more desirable by sharing reassuring messages that reinforce an emotional connection with your brand. 

We seek out brands we can trust with that resonant messaging, so standing out from the crowd is essential. 

At times of economic difficulty it’s hard to think of putting more money and time into marketing as a good idea, but historically, the companies that do so during times of downturn do well. 

And at the root of it all is your messaging. It’s all about that know, like, and trust.

Listen in to learn:

- Ways to drive up that all-important trust in you and your business

- Why authentic brand messaging will both attract and repel

- The power of authentic, resonant messaging

- Expressing your mission and crafting brand messages that inspire

Is your messaging speaking to your potential clients' hearts?

Enjoy the listen!


Are you an established, soul-led coach, looking to elevate your brand messaging and business energetics so you can consistently sign aligned clients? 

If so, DM me the word READY on IG @iamjo.ingram and I'll share the details with you.

Feb 28, 202308:48
133: How To Stop Saying 'YES', with Nope Coach, Suzanna Culberg

133: How To Stop Saying 'YES', with Nope Coach, Suzanna Culberg


UPLEVEL: How To Elevate Your Messaging to Consistently Attract Energetically-Aligned Clients Using the Aligned Client Code™️

CLICK HERE TO ACCESS: https://uplevel


This week...when it comes to business, what are your boundaries like? 

You might think they're great, but do you really know what a boundaried business looks like?

For instance, I used to think I was going the extra mile by doing my clients' homework for them, but that isn’t the answer. And it certainly doesn’t attract energetically-matched self-starters who are willing to put in the work themselves!

And a misalignment in energy doesn't benefit either party.

This week my guest is self-titled Nope Coach and author Suzanne Culberg, who helps over-givers and people pleasers learn to set boundaries and say 'No' without feeling mean.  Suzanne is known for her straight-talking and her wacky t-shirts, and lives in Sydney, Australia with her husband and 2 awesome children.

In this episode you will learn:

- A new perspective on boundaries and how they help you and your business

- How a business manifesto can allow you to say no with kindness and love

- What brief creep is and how to avoid it!

Constantly pushing boundaries depletes your time, money and self-respect - and overserving your clients is not serving them

It doesn’t mean stopping on the dot at the end of your client's session with you – if you’re in flow, by all means keep going! But the point is, you are in control. 

They allow everyone to know where they’re at, providing security and respect in your client-coach relationships.

Boundaries are personal to you and your capacity – personal life, workload, mental health - thus naturally ebb and flow. It’s down to you to assess them and - crucially - stick to them.

You may be the problem here, but you are also the solution! Understanding your boundaries allows you the space to find what lights you up so you can live it!

Enjoy the listen!


You can find Suzanna on Facebook, Instagram, and her website, where you can also sign up to her newsletter.

Listen to her amazing podcast here.


Right now I am looking for 5 successful, soulful coaches, who want to uplevel their authentic brand messaging and call in their most aligned clients ever. 

If this sounds like you, drop me a DM with the work "ENERGIZED" over on Instagram and I will share the details.

Feb 21, 202351:28
132: How To Raise Your Prices to Attract Premium Clients

132: How To Raise Your Prices to Attract Premium Clients

SPECIAL INVITATION >> Want to attract energetically aligned clients?  FREE TRAINING for successful, soul-led coaches, 


In this free training, you'll discover:

✨ The REAL reason you’re attracting low-vibe clients (and it’s got nothing to do with your copywriting skills or marketing game-plan)

✨ Your ELEVATED brand essence that will activate your most expansive and energized dream clients (you’ll be shocked at how simple this is once you understand THIS simple concept)

✨ The ONE simple shift to make you a “Soul-Client Magnet” that you can do right away

✨ Feel ENERGIZED and never second-guess your true purpose again 'coz your clients are sending you “you’ve changed my life, I don’t know how to thank you!” voicenotes



In this episode:

Are you ready to attract those high-vibe, dream clients who make you feel phenomenal?

I'm frequently asked how to do this by my clients. We want those 'go for it' clients who are ready to do the work and make those big leaps, so an obvious shortcut is to raise prices, right? 

Well, if you've ever tried this strategy in the past, you'll know it's not quite as simple as that, regardless of what some so-called experts may tell you!

Raising your prices is a result of something you do - it's not the starting point.

We can't leap ahead, charging those big prices, until we feel energetically aligned with them.

I am all for premium pricing and high levels of investment for the right value delivery. One of the most frustrating things I see in this industry are super brilliant women - like you! - selling themselves short. 

So, how do we bridge the gap when we want to summon that income?

Listen in this week as I share:

- How everything begins with your brand messaging alignment

- Why over-proving and over-efforting is counterintuitive when it comes to adding value for your clients

- The importance of not just looking for what's lucrative when it comes to making money; it needs to light you up or it's just not sustainable

Of course, energy plays a pivotal role too; more specifically, your business boundary alignment.

Do you work all evening, fill your diary, skip dinner with friends? Find yourself constantly over delivering for your clients and then feeling resentment?

You've got to clean that energy up!

The premium clients you want to attract are boundaried self-starters who are attracted to similar people. Are you an energetic match for them?

Shifting energy creates the space required to attract those dream clients. 

And when you team that with potent, aligned messaging, you are ready to unlock that desired uplevel and start raising your prices.

Enjoy the listen!


Are you looking to elevate your brand messaging and business energetics so you can consistently sign aligned clients?

If so, DM me the word UPLEVEL on IG @iamjo.ingram and I'll share the details with you.

Feb 14, 202322:03
131: How To Be A 'Hell Yes!' Podcast Guest with Kelly Mosser

131: How To Be A 'Hell Yes!' Podcast Guest with Kelly Mosser

Want to supercharge your marketing without dancing on reels?!

As a solopreneur, you know how critical it is to get your marketing down! There are so many ways to do this, but many of us focus on key areas we’re not aligned with. We need a multitude of strategies in order to be most effective.

So, have you considered podcast guesting?

It might feel uncomfortable or out of reach, but this week's guest is here to share with us just why Podcast Guesting is an amazing marketing method for coaches at every level.

Kelly Mosser is a soulful business strategist who’s obsessed with transforming “hidden gem” experts into paradigm-shifting thought leaders by helping them get visible, find their voice, and spread their powerful message. She has a decade of experience supporting businesses from Fortune 500 powerhouses to hungry mid-sized startups and scrappy solopreneurs. 

She's the creator of the Hell Yes Guest Method, which helps entrepreneurs explode their influence, create brand super-fans, and boost their bottom line - algorithm free. Her podcast, The Aligned Success Show with Kelly Mosser, is ranked in the global top 1%, and her work can be found in Forbes and Yahoo Finance.

Podcasts offer the quality of attention that most social media methods are lacking. 86% of people who press play on an episode will finish the entire thing, so you benefit from the time and space to connect with the audience and build their trust. 

In this episode you will learn:

- How to seek out podcasts that align with you and pitch yourself successfully

- What it means to be a good podcast guest

- The joy of receiving a great pitch as a podcast host

- Why bigger isn’t always better – the power of niche audiences

Kelly also discusses the importance of strategy behind your podcast guesting, why you should think of it as a 'traveling webinar', plus the 3 required components of an effective call to action.

There are a multitude of amazing podcasts out there that you are the perfect fit for, and you can play a part in helping them grow. 

Enjoy the listen!


Find Kelly over on Instagram or listen to her Podcast here

To find out more about her Hell Yes Guest Course click here

CLICK HERE for her template and step-by-step guide to pitching yourself as a podcast guest


Want to attract your energetically-aligned clients? 

I am looking for three established, soul-led coaches looking to elevate their brand message and business energetics so they can consistently sign aligned clients and fall back in love with their work. 

If that sounds like you, DM me the word ALIGNED on IG @iamjo.ingram and I'll share the details.

Feb 07, 202356:28
130: How To Sign High-Value Dream Coaching Clients

130: How To Sign High-Value Dream Coaching Clients

Want to thrive through the recession, creating unbelievable impact and abundant income? The sad fact is that many will find that the coaching industry doesn't always live up to its hype this year.

Irritating colleagues and insufficient pay are cited as two key problems as to why employees dread work on a Monday morning - and these issues can follow us into solopreneurship too.

Whilst clients are not strictly defined as colleagues, interactions with them will affect your energy and the way that you feel.

And as we all want to be profitable and avoid burnout, the energy needs to be right.

The good news is that, as business owners, we can continuously uplevel our clients, attracting the ones that uplift us.

The key is to focus on brand marketing strategy, to help you stand out in the crowd. Your messaging needs to attract clients who do the work and bring the energy, so are the best fit for you. 

You need to be the thought leader your dream clients turn to.

The most critical part of marketing is messaging - without messaging that cuts through and resonates with your ideal clients, all your other strategies will have to work that bit harder...or not at all.

Listen in as I take you through the 3 tenets of my Messaging Edge Framework, which is key to attracting those high-value clients. 

In a time of economic uncertainty, where people are being more selective than ever with their budgets, maximizing your clients' trust and attention is more vital than ever.

In a sea of similar coaches, shout about what makes you different...and go get those next-level, soul-aligned clients!

Enjoy the listen!


Read my Exec Contributor article "How To Create A Joyful & Sustainable Six-Figure Coaching Business Without Burnout" HERE.


If you'd like to consistently attract perfect match, energetic clients with authentic brand messaging, elevated authority, and aligned marketing strategies, DM me the word ALIGNED on IG @iamjo.ingram and I'll share the details with you.

Ready for immediate Messaging feedback on where your key gaps are? Apply for a Messaging Assessment here.

Jan 31, 202319:03
129: How To Create Energetically Aligned Business Results With Rachel Alyce

129: How To Create Energetically Aligned Business Results With Rachel Alyce

Ready for a business energetics uplevel? This week I'm excited to bring you that with my first guest of 2023! 

Rachel Alyce is a spiritual author, intuitive Business Strategist, and energetic coach for coaches, healers and other service-based entrepreneurs create aligned business success.

I speak to Rachel all about her journey to energetic mastery and how important this is as a foundational business growth strategy.

In this episode, you will learn:

- The huge impact of Rachel's Saturn Return and what it did for her and her business

- How to shift from little girl energy to radical responsibility

- That energy shifts can be micro-actions - they don't always have to be massive steps

- How vital good health is when it comes to energy

Rachel shares with us all about the 'energetic pattern disruptor'; how looking at the energetic patterns in your life - what comes through repeatedly? What blocks do you have? - can allow you to make changes and clean your energy up.

We discuss how strategy and energy need to be looked at in conjunction with each other - strategy sets the foundations, whilst energy takes you next level.

It's time to consult your higher self, asking for the guidance and support needed to make the energetic shifts that will move YOU along your path.

Enjoy the listen!


You can find Rachel over at her website or on Instagram 


If you'd like to consistently attract perfect match, energetic clients with authentic brand messaging, elevated authority, and aligned marketing strategies, DM me the word ALIGNED on IG @iamjo.ingram, and I'll share the details with you.

Jan 24, 202336:52
128: Stop Hiding & Step The Heck Up!
Jan 17, 202313:10
[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - Manifesting Secrets For Over-Thinkers

[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - Manifesting Secrets For Over-Thinkers

Welcome to BE MAGNETIC WEEK!  ✨ In this Episode, learn the Law Of Attraction secrets for overthinkers!


>>> Ready to discover your missing messaging piece to sign soul clients, raise your prices and stand out in your industry?

SIGN UP for the FREE Magnetic Messaging Masterclass HERE!


Whilst a big part of the law of attraction is positive thinking that alone is not enough - you need to heed these signals and take action!

This can be easier said than done, though, especially if you've grown up as an overthinker with a negative bias as I have.

If you don't play your part, the law of attraction just won't work for you. And not getting results doesn't feel good.

It's easy to lean into the busy things that don't move us out of our comfort zone, but we need to lean into the real needle-pushing tasks that will propel us forward. Naturally, these are often the most challenging ones!

And of course, as a heart-centered coach, your brave action will benefit not only you, but also the clients looking to you for guidance.

The law of attraction doesn't mean you won't encounter difficulties - of course, you will. But they are there for a reason - the lessons learned along the way. And when you create greater meaning behind them, they're much easier to challenge.

If you are trying to tap into positivity to evoke the law of attraction, but it's not working because of negative thinking, trying to just think positive is NOT going to work!

However, looking at your goals to find the areas of deep resistance and leaning into them to learn the lessons needed so you can move beyond them WILL work. It's time to put on those big girl pants!

Let this episode be YOUR signal to do just that!

Enjoy the listen!


SIGN UP for the FREE Magnetic Messaging Masterclass HERE!

Jan 15, 202327:47
[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - Raise Your Vibe To Manifest Success

[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - Raise Your Vibe To Manifest Success

Welcome to BE MAGNETIC WEEK!  ✨ In this Episode, learn how to elevate your vibration to create manifestations


>>> Ready to discover your missing messaging piece to sign soul clients, raise your prices and stand out in your industry?

SIGN UP for the FREE Magnetic Messaging Masterclass HERE!


It's super critical to review your achievements and celebrate your successes along the way to your goals.

We all have a vision of our success, and at times it can feel difficult to keep this in focus. It is all too easy to get caught up in the to-do list, or the things we feel haven’t been successful – but what about the things that have?

As you push forth with your plans and goals, you need to take the time to review the journey so far, not just to learn but to acknowledge and to celebrate.

Reviewing how far we have come and recognizing our achievements allows us to be truly grateful, one of the foundations that enables us to manifest even greater success.

It is also vital to ensure we check in with ourselves and prioritize the self-care we deserve – you cannot pour from an empty cup. As entrepreneurs, it is all too easy to forget this as we strive to hastily tick things off our endless to-do list.

Tune in to this episode to prompt you to reflect on your own journey and bask in the joy of your own achievements, as well as to commit to some simple, regular acts of self-care, raising your own vibe so you can create even more of the success you deserve.


Stop the messaging guesswork and create IMMEDIATE “How can I work with you?!” vibes from clients...

SIGN UP for the FREE Magnetic Messaging Masterclass HERE!

Jan 14, 202312:54
[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - Signs From The Universe To Guide You

[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - Signs From The Universe To Guide You

Welcome to BE MAGNETIC WEEK!  ✨ In this Episode, learn how to spot the signs and signals from the Universe


>>> Ready to discover your missing messaging piece to sign soul clients, raise your prices and stand out in your industry?

SIGN UP for the FREE Magnetic Messaging Masterclass HERE!


Every time I feel high vibe and fantastic I see green parrots. I know some live in my local woods, but they only ever appear when I'm experiencing genuine ease with non-attachment and allowing my vibrations to rise.

When I went through my surrogacy journey, I trusted my divine path when I heard a special song. 

But why do we get these signals?

It's all about leaning in with trust - feeling the certainty that things are working out for you, not necessarily at this moment, but for the highest good. As soon as you have trust, you can move forward with enthusiasm and momentum, and signs and signals are a great way of acknowledging this trust. They let us pursue our dreams even when it feels difficult in the moment.

In this episode, I share details of my daily Pranic Healing practice in the woods daily. It will help release negative blocks, increase trust and gratitude, and offer an opportunity to call in help from your guides.

Are there ways you can let in reassurance from the universe, even in times of struggle?

It's time to raise your vibration, open your heart, and trust in the universe.

Enjoy the listen!


It's time to call in those “Next Level” clients (and income to match)...

SIGN UP for the FREE Magnetic Messaging Masterclass HERE!

Jan 13, 202310:42
[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - How To Call In Abundance

[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - How To Call In Abundance

Welcome to BE MAGNETIC WEEK!  ✨ In this Episode, learn how abundance is all around you, when you let it be! 


>>> Ready to discover your missing messaging piece to sign soul clients, raise your prices and stand out in your industry?

SIGN UP for the FREE Magnetic Messaging Masterclass HERE!


As soul-based coaches, many of us love the idea of creation - calling in all the things we desire and creating an amazing life for ourselves.

But of course, it's not always simple! Manifestation is amazing, with instant results for some, but most of us need to work a little harder to stop the mind chatter and allow those breadcrumbs to feed into our vortex.

Whilst the universe gives us these busy lives filled with clutter and challenges, it also gives us the grace to navigate these and attain our goals despite our obstacles.

This podcast was recorded in Portugal, where I enjoyed the most glorious holiday with my family, in a place I could never have imagined being. When traveling with my family, we have always chosen time over luxury, opting for longer, simpler holidays rather than shorter, fancier ones, so that's always where my mindset was at. I felt this was just what was meant for my family.

But then our usual type of accommodation was canceled and, last minute, this AMAZING, luxurious place came up - somewhere beyond any of my expectations!

The universe gifted us this effortless synchronicity!

You see, when you are in tune with the universe, it gifts you opportunities like this.

As I looked around me in this beautiful resort, I just KNEW I was meant to be there.

The universe can see our brilliance, and we deserve the beauty in life and to feel the abundance flowing around us. And if we take the opportunity to tune in, we discover even more of those magical breadcrumbs that lead us to this.

Enjoy the listen!


Ready to attract your most energizing new clients? 

SIGN UP for the FREE Magnetic Messaging Masterclass HERE!

Jan 12, 202323:27
[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - The Magic Of Non-Attachment To Receive Miracles

[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - The Magic Of Non-Attachment To Receive Miracles

Welcome to BE MAGNETIC WEEK!  ✨ In this Episode, we're diving into the essential manifesting tool of TRUST


>>> Ready to discover your missing messaging piece to sign soul clients, raise your prices and stand out in your industry?

SIGN UP for the FREE Magnetic Messaging Masterclass HERE!


It is all too easy to get attached to the projects' outcomes; we make plans, set goals, have precise ideas of how things should go and the results we expect.

But how about putting it to the universe? Asking for a particular outcome but stating that you are willing to compromise?

Becoming less attached to the things we so desperately want might sound counterintuitive, but it allows us to find solutions and open ourselves up to the possibility of unexpected magic.

As type A, driven businesswomen, we can hold on too tight to things, preventing us from receiving what the universe is so desperate to give us - leaving no space for miracles to drop in.

And who doesn't love a miracle?!

Sharing our personal stories and messages is a fantastic way to create transformation for your clients, and in this episode, I share my own story about how my very own mini-miracle dropped in once I managed to relax and let go a little.

Time to loosen the reins and welcome in even more of those magical moments!


You know your work is game-changing for clients, but you just can’t seem to articulate what you do in a way that feels right...sound familiar? 

SIGN UP for the FREE Magnetic Messaging Masterclass HERE!

Jan 11, 202313:08
[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - Why Manifesting Fails (And What To Do About It!)

[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - Why Manifesting Fails (And What To Do About It!)

Welcome to BE MAGNETIC WEEK!  ✨ In this Episode, you'll learn how to overcome RESISTANCE to manifest your desires

SIGN UP for the FREE Magnetic Messaging Masterclass HERE!


Why can some people manifest with ease, and yet others struggle to create their own reality?

We're talking about how to manifest in our daily lives with consistency, how to keep making manifestations happen.

Learn what holds you back from unlocking magnetism, and what holds driven and ambitious women back when it comes to building results in your business with ease.

Vibration and easing into success don't have to be difficult - if you just let go!

Listen in to get your vibe leveled up today!


>>> Ready to discover your missing messaging piece to sign soul clients, raise your prices and stand out in your industry?

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Jan 10, 202311:31
[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - How To Be Fully Supported By The Universe

[BE MAGNETIC WEEK] - How To Be Fully Supported By The Universe

Welcome to BE MAGNETIC WEEK!  ✨ In this Episode, we're diving into the essential manifesting tool of TRUST.

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There is so much to worry about when you build your own business. How will I pay the bills? How will I be successful? How do I solve the problems in front of me? It can get overwhelming. 

I know this first hand. After I was laid off from my role in corporate I took the leap and began building my own business - and I felt ALL the anxiety, often asking myself 'can I do this?'. 

The truth is, we can. 

It all comes back to trust and certainty. People who do big things have something others don't - a certainty that it will happen for them. And this belief never wavers, even when things don't seem like they're going their way. 

Leaning into certainty is one of the most constructive things you can do as a solopreneur.  

In this episode I have included a snippet from a group client call where I discuss the topic of trust and belief. I share details of an amazing breathwork session where I had a spiritual moment, realizing that I was fully supported by the universe - it's all about trust. And that realization felt amazing! 

We are all divine beings with the ability to link to the energy around us. And when that clicks in for us it is transformational.  

Whatever the doubt is, if you trust, it will all work out for the best. And trust doesn't mean everything will go perfectly - you need to trust in the reasons for each step and the bigger picture they are leading to. 

Enjoy the listen! 


>>> Ready to discover your missing messaging piece to sign soul clients, raise your prices and stand out in your industry? 

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