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God & Government

God & Government

By God and Government

A discussion forum on politics, civics, and history in the context of biblical faith.

Your host, John Steinreich, is an historian and author and cohost Marc Richardson is a voice over artist and security professional. Their discussions cover the crucial issues of the day with reference to Scripture to help ground their dialogue in wisdom.
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November 12, 2020

God & GovernmentNov 12, 2020

Trifecta of Trouble—Three Topics of Our Tough Times

Trifecta of Trouble—Three Topics of Our Tough Times

The dynamic duo of “God and Government,” John and Marc, discuss three difficult topics that Americans are facing today: the anti-Israel protests on our campuses, the border crisis, and the very unusual circumstance of the 2024 presidential election. The guys tackle these issues from experience and scripture, in an effort to help listeners to sort out and understand what is happening at the present moment. Scripture references include Deuteronomy 7, Numbers 20, and 1 Timothy 2.
Apr 29, 202401:10:25
“Make It Stop!!!” (Examining Reactions to Donald Trump from a Biblical Perspective)

“Make It Stop!!!” (Examining Reactions to Donald Trump from a Biblical Perspective)

Ever since he came down the escalator back in 2015 to announce his run for the presidency, there has been a growing pathology in the body politic surrounding Donald Trump. This has been somewhat jokingly referred to as “Trump Derangement Syndrome”—those on the right claim that it describes the outrage of the left who reflexively oppose Donald Trump, while those on the left claim that it is the right who are deranged Trump cultists. As we are gearing up for the 2024 election and Donald Trump is the expected Republican nominee, public discourse invariably will be filled with pro- and anti-Trump sentiments. How does a person of good conscience deal with this phenomenon? The “God and Government” team discusses TDS and how to navigate the upcoming zeitgeist of Donald Trump’s return to the campaign stage. Scripture references include Psalm 94, Exodus 2, 2 Timothy 2, and 2 Timothy 4.
Apr 01, 202401:04:50
“Texodus” (interview with Mark Tapson)
Jan 29, 202401:04:42
Never Again…Once Again

Never Again…Once Again

The Bible gives the admonition that we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122). In this current era, we are seeing that even within the church at large support for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel is not as robust as Scripture would the faithful exhibit. The "God and Government" team talk at length with Dink Toller about the history of modern Israel, the current conflict between Israel and Hamas, and the spiritual and political complexities facing Jews around the world. Scripture references include Genesis 12, Isaiah 2, and Romans 9.
Nov 21, 202301:04:09
Lock, Stock, and No Smoking Barrels
Oct 02, 202356:09
Back in the Saddle Again

Back in the Saddle Again

After a hiatus during which host John Steinreich took time to relocate from California to Texas, the “God and Government” team is back in the saddle again for another lively discussion about biblical and political philosophy. Co-host Marc Richardson commandeers the microphone and puts host John Steinreich on the interview chair. Marc asks John about his personal spiritual journey, his artistic endeavors, and what influenced him to put the “God and Government” project together. Scripture references include Romans 12 and 13 and Ephesians 5.
Sep 20, 202301:02:35
One State, Two State…Red State, Blue State

One State, Two State…Red State, Blue State

Host John Steinreich has decided to take the leap of faith to leave the blue state of California and to move to the red state of Texas. Cohost Marc Richardson has already made that change and has relocated to North Carolina. The guys discuss the social, policital, and spiritual reasons for leaving the progressive enclave of California and what the benefits of living in a more conservative state are. Scripture references include Luke 4, 2 Samuel 10, and Matthew 10.
Jun 26, 202301:00:10
Straight, No Chaser: Issues of Import for Black Americans

Straight, No Chaser: Issues of Import for Black Americans

Black Americans continue to be at the center of America’s political discourse and they are being impacted by social issues including transgender ideology, the reparations movement, and the crime crisis. In our round table discussion with Bible teacher and returning guest, Sam Tolley, the “God and Government” takes on these hot button topics with scriptural conviction. Sam is a Bible teacher who lays out the truth in a “straight-no-chaser” style. Scripture references in this episode include Deuteronomy 22, Romans 1, 1 Timothy 4, and Ezekiel 18.
Apr 17, 202301:03:03
Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Malachi 2:16 is a famous verse in the Old Testament which contains God’s admonition, “I hate divorce.” God believes in marriage and He wants couples to work things out rather than splitting over their differences. Is that scripture applicable to nations in this episode the God and government team welcomes guest, Dan Hagadorn for a roundtable discussion on the hot topic of “national divorce.“ America is in the throes of an ideological cold war between the left and right, and there is much talk of the possibility of the United States, breaking into smaller nations, where people of different political orientations can gather together rather than being forced to live together under a single banner. Join us for this very lively discussion on a very challenging topic!
Mar 20, 202357:21
Basketful of Crazy

Basketful of Crazy

The "God & Government" team takes a wide ranging look--with both humor and seriousness--at a variety of matters all of which point to a certain level of madness in the sociopolitical sphere.  John and Marc discuss national security, freedom of speech, racial demagoguery, and the corruption of the entertainment industry among other issues in light of the Bible.  Scripture references include 1 Timothy 2:2, Proverbs 18:17, Proverbs 29:9, and more.  Make sure to check us out on Facebook and on Parler @godandgovernment.
Feb 27, 202301:01:19
Past, Present, and Future
Jan 09, 202301:05:52
Midterms, Media, and More
Nov 14, 202201:05:11
“Freewheelin’ on Faithful Antiracism”

“Freewheelin’ on Faithful Antiracism”

Hosts John Steinreich and Marc Richardson have an extended discussion on the latest cultural nomenclature filtering its way into the church. The guys examine the phenomenon of Marxist ideology weaving its way into the church through the introduction of trendy ideas in the popular culture such as Critical Race Theory and Faithful Antiracism.
Sep 21, 202252:60
“Marx of the Beast”
Apr 20, 202201:06:57
“Tinseltown Has Lost its Luster”
Apr 08, 202258:51
“You Ain’t Black...really?”

“You Ain’t Black...really?”

Black Americans who espouse conservative values face all kinds of pushback and mistreatment. The “God and Government” team tackles this challenging topic in a provocative interview with political commentator Rob Lett. Scripture references include 1 Timothy 4:16, Matthew 18:12, and Galatians 3:28. Rob can be found online: Twitter @robthespeaker, Facebook @robthespeaker,, and on YouTube “Rob Lett”.
Mar 24, 202257:25
"The Cancel Culture Blues"

"The Cancel Culture Blues"

(Listeners can find the lyric video to the music segment of this podcast on Youtube at or on Rumble at If you would like to purchase an mp3 of the song for $1 for your audio library, email us at
Here at "God and Government" we encourage everyone to enter into the free speech zone. One of the most precious gifts of God to man is our complex and creative mind that allows our species to express our thoughts, to transmit them from person to person and generation to generation, and to build upon one set of ideas in order to fashion all kinds of technologies which allow us to thrive in an often hostile natural world. The Bible tells us that God freely expressed Himself in the beginning and the universe sprang into being. Jesus Christ is described by the Apostle John as being the Word of God. The Christian is encouraged in Ephesians 4:26 to "put away falsehood" and to "speak the truth with his neighbor." Speaking freely is a biblical value. In America, we have the blessing of the First Amendment to the Constitution which prohibits Congress from enacting any law that prohibits freedom of speech. This means that from our nation's inception it has been an American value, practiced albeit imperfectly in many seasons of our nation's history, and it has been through free speech that evils like slavery, segregation, oppression of women, and mistreatment of the underprivileged have been exposed, refuted, and defeated. Now, however, the phenomenon of the "cancel culture" has emerged to challenge the foundation of free speech, as those who do not wish to debate ideas openly seek to silence their opponents through various methods of formal censorship, deplatforming, social shaming, and outright hostility. We at "God and Government" stand firmly against the cancel culture and in favor of free speech. So we are proud to present our theme song—an original tune performed by "Johnny D and the Choir Boys" entitled "The Cancel Culture Blues"!
Mar 06, 202207:33
Audio Essay: “Hey GOP, Get a Clue!”

Audio Essay: “Hey GOP, Get a Clue!”

Juneteenth celebrates the announcement of the end of slavery in 1865. As we all know, the Republicans were the party of emancipation, and therefore their party completes the work of the American Revolution by finally freeing black Americans from bondage. Why is it then that today’s GOP could not bring itself to hep Donald Trump push Juneteenth as a federal holiday as part of his Platinum Plan? Why did several Republicans in the House vote against this measure, thereby allowing the Democrats to steal the holiday from its rightful political heir? Find out this audio essay by host John Steinreich.
Jul 12, 202109:15
“Is Change Gonna Come?”
Jun 02, 202157:05
“Teach Your Children (Not So) Well”
May 19, 202101:00:58
“European Disunion”
Mar 31, 202101:00:34
“Free Speech Ain’t So Free”
Mar 24, 202159:42
“Resistance to Tyrants”
Mar 17, 202157:43
“Couldn’t Stand the Weather”

“Couldn’t Stand the Weather”

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
The crisis of the unusual cold spell in Texas created a calamity for millions of Lone Star state residents. This prompted the “God and Government” team to consider climate policy as related to Scripture. John and Marc discussed at length the impact of climate science on our current political debate. Scripture references include Genesis 1:28, Jeremiah 2:7 and Matthew 6:26 to 30
Mar 03, 202149:16
“Whither the GOP?”
Feb 17, 202136:19
“What is the Cancel Culture?”

“What is the Cancel Culture?”

Host John Steinreich and cohost Marc Richardson engage in a cutting-edge interview with author Mark Tapson of the David Horowitz Freedom Center about the phenomenon known as “the cancel culture.” The panel will discuss this hot topic as related to the scriptural passages Amos 7:10-14, 1 Peter 4:1-4, and 1 Peter 2:9.
Feb 03, 202154:43
Race-Colored Glasses
Jan 19, 202109:55
Welcome to 2021

Welcome to 2021

John and Mark have a wide ranging discussion on various topics including the differences between blue states and red states, election integrity, and spiritual spiritual approach to political leaders in office.
Jan 14, 202134:35
We All Know Something’s Coming

We All Know Something’s Coming

The ideological divide today is as great as it was if not more so than at the time of the Civil War. Can our nation survive under a single national banner when the two political sides are so far apart as they are now?
Dec 13, 202009:03
Thanksgiving Special

Thanksgiving Special

John Steinreich and Marc Richardson discuss religious liberty, a proper understanding of the Pilgrim origins of the American founding, and the biblical nature of remembering history in light of Joshua 4:1-12.
Nov 23, 202032:41
The Immaculate Election

The Immaculate Election

Back in December 1972, Franco Harris caught a pass that has forever become known as the immaculate reception, winning a playoff game against the Oakland Raiders in the most unexpected fashion. Will the 2020 presidential election go down in history in a similar way? Could it be that Joe Biden has won the immaculate election?
Nov 21, 202008:09
God and Government — Post Election thoughts

God and Government — Post Election thoughts

John Steinreich and Marc Richardson discuss a wide range of topics including the church’s drift away from traditional biblical standards, Proverbs 11:1 and how it relates to the 2020 election; and threats to religious liberty
Nov 16, 202029:47


Welcome to the “God and Government” podcast. Follow us on social media: @godandgovernment
Nov 13, 202010:52
November 12, 2020

November 12, 2020

Nov 12, 202000:23