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God's Healing Components with Denise M Burroughs

God's Healing Components with Denise M Burroughs

By Denise M Burroughs

The God of the Bible still heals! That healing can manifest mentally, emotionally or physically. Healing through words that comfort, encourage, strengthen, and speak life.
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What is the Greatest Miracle, Ever?

God's Healing Components with Denise M Burroughs Apr 19, 2022

1 John 3:2

1 John 3:2

Christian, what is the most valuable thing you have? Hold onto it!
Mar 25, 202403:07
Is That Your Name?

Is That Your Name?

Names have power to prophesy, direct and brand. Christian, don’t embrace the negative names of the world that do not comfort, encourage, or strengthen you!
Nov 01, 202304:07
It Is A Real Government!

It Is A Real Government!

Your acceptance of Jesus Christ has effected a spiritual transfer. You are now a citizen of the kingdom of God, and it is a real government!
Aug 31, 202303:51
Talk Back To It!

Talk Back To It!

Everything has a voice. Don’t be silent to your negative issues—-talk back to it!
Aug 21, 202303:01
Can you obey? Will you obey?

Can you obey? Will you obey?

God can give you a promise concerning your issue. Can you do your part?
Aug 14, 202305:28
Your Thoughts Matter!

Your Thoughts Matter!

How you think has shaped your life! It matters what you think.
Jul 03, 202305:07
Walk It Out!

Walk It Out!

Healing is not always instantaneous. Most of the time it is a process that must be walked out.
Jun 26, 202306:28
How Does God rate you?

How Does God rate you?

We all have opinions about our Christian walk with God, how does He rate you?
Jun 19, 202304:14
They Are Following You!

They Are Following You!

Every Christian is a light from the greater light—Jesus! There are those trapped in the darkness that need light—your light.
Jun 12, 202304:24
Who Do You Say You Are?

Who Do You Say You Are?

Through identification, we define, describe, and distinguish who we are over our lifetime. Who do you say you are?
Jun 05, 202304:11
My Peace I Leave…

My Peace I Leave…

Jesus lived and encountered the pressures of life. In our difficulties He strengthens and encourages us with His peace.
May 29, 202303:43
Victory Over Fear!

Victory Over Fear!

Fear is an ever-present entity, but it can be overcome.
May 23, 202320:05
Is Your Past Toxic?

Is Your Past Toxic?

Everyone has a past, but you don’t have to live under its accusations.
Mar 17, 202305:08
You Must Own It!

You Must Own It!

All God’s promises are “ye,” but we must agree.
Mar 09, 202324:36
His Promise, Your Answer.

His Promise, Your Answer.

One way God answers our problems is with a promise. His promises are his pledge of faithfulness and victory over your situations. Your part is to agree.
Feb 13, 202303:48
Encouragement The Better Medication!

Encouragement The Better Medication!

Encouragement can mean giving someone courage in the face of adversity. Choose to encourage someone today.
Feb 06, 202305:06
Try A Little Gratitude!

Try A Little Gratitude!

Gratitude or being thankful is not always an easy thing. Try looking at it from a different perspective.
Jan 16, 202309:06
I Bless You!

I Bless You!

A blessing is always appropriate. Receive!
Jan 08, 202301:38
He Sees You

He Sees You

You are not insignificant to God. He sees you and He looks at you with love, joy and great anticipation,
Nov 18, 202204:24
A Healing Adventure part 2

A Healing Adventure part 2

This is part 2 of the healing journey. I walked with my brother.
Nov 04, 202206:08
Healing Adventure #…part 1

Healing Adventure #…part 1

Walking alongside someone on their healing journey is an opportunity to learn life lessons from God, while being the strength and encouragement for another person.
Oct 21, 202206:40
Don’t Block Yourself!

Don’t Block Yourself!

There are two parts to a prayer of petition: God who hears and answers prayer and the person who has prayed, receiving the answer. There are things we hold on to that block our receiving from God,
Sep 07, 202206:36
What has God said about this?

What has God said about this?

The wisest counsel comes from God. Seek Him first!
Aug 31, 202206:23
You Must Persevere!

You Must Persevere!

God answers prayer. Your goal must be to persevere as you seek and wait for His answer, and it’s manifestation. This is what you place your faith in.
Aug 22, 202206:04
Episode 25: Has Your Faith Ever Failed You?

Episode 25: Has Your Faith Ever Failed You?

As we walk by our faith in God,  we will experience victories and failures as we learn how to navigate the kingdom of God.  Here are a few well-learned lessons.

Aug 17, 202206:28
What Do You Do With A God Promise?

What Do You Do With A God Promise?

The promises of God are the Key to bringing the power of God into your situation and giving you peace of mind.
Jul 18, 202208:32
What Is Your First Response?

What Is Your First Response?

How do you approach your challenges? May I suggest a starting point that has the ability to bring an amazing outcome?
Jul 11, 202208:49
Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now?

We serve a talking God! Our Heavenly Father talks to His children, Jesus our king speaks to His subjects, and the Holy Spirit who is our guide and teacher communicates with His students.
Jul 04, 202211:59
What Do You Do With A God Promise?

What Do You Do With A God Promise?

The promises of God can be found in the Bible and can be a source of strength to you and the truth of God in your situation. His promises have the power to rearrange your issues through your faith.

Jul 02, 202208:32
Batten Down The Hatches, Matey!

Batten Down The Hatches, Matey!

Weathering the storms of life can be successful when you do it Jesus’ way.
Jun 27, 202207:32
Count It All What?!!

Count It All What?!!

There are situations wherein the answer or victory lies in looking at it from a different perspective. If your issue has got you bogged down, take another look.
Jun 20, 202210:22
Somethings to remember as you pray for the healing of others.

Somethings to remember as you pray for the healing of others.

These are just some “rules of thumb,” that I remember as I minister healing prayer to others. Always expect God to heal as you pray!
Jun 13, 202207:30
Are You “All In?”

Are You “All In?”

In our culture, there is a such thing as healing “options” that may or may not get the job done. Can you trust Jesus alone? Jesus still heals.
Jun 06, 202210:24
If It Be Thy Will, Heal.

If It Be Thy Will, Heal.

Many are unsure of God’s will in healing, especially if you or a loved one experienced a healing failure. Healing is still the will of God.
Jun 02, 202208:60
What is the Greatest Miracle, Ever?

What is the Greatest Miracle, Ever?

Every healing is a miracle. It reveals the love of God for His creations. Jesus paid the price to heal our relationship with God and change us. You are valuable!
Apr 19, 202211:06
It’s Not As Hard As You Think

It’s Not As Hard As You Think

Doing life can be difficult. When God is For you, who or what can be against you? It’s not as hard as you think!
Apr 07, 202207:30
Who Is Your Peace?

Who Is Your Peace?

Peace can be hard to hold onto until your realize that true peace is a person.
Mar 31, 202209:10
ThisSimple Truth Changed My Attitude About Healing

ThisSimple Truth Changed My Attitude About Healing

Our a walk with Christ is a partnership in which He leads. He wants to be a part of every area of our lives and every situation—-especially in circumstances where His healing touch is needed.
Mar 24, 202209:60
The "U" Factor

The "U" Factor

No one can escape being offended at some time or by someone.  Unforgiveness can lead to bitterness, bondage and open a door in your life to Satan.  Forgiveness can set you free and give life.

Mar 18, 202208:59
Did You Bring Your Medication?

Did You Bring Your Medication?

A medication is a substance used for medical treatment. Just as a medical provider utilize medications for treatment, God does too. On a first appointment, you may be asked to bring your current medications. Don’t forget these three of your Godly medications!
Mar 15, 202211:03
The Healing Conversation

The Healing Conversation

There is praying to God and praying with God. The Healing conversation is necessary to know what God is saying about your situation and what Is your part of His plan.

Mar 03, 202210:16
Is Healing a Fact or the Truth?

Is Healing a Fact or the Truth?

What you focus on, you empower In your life. Is your situation a fact or the truth? Are you frustrated with the fact of your issue? Realize a fact can change—-especially when God’s promises enter the picture.
Feb 19, 202209:24
What Is The Power Behind Healing?

What Is The Power Behind Healing?

Eternal life is “God-Life” resident in every believer. When this life is released healing always follows!
Feb 10, 202210:35
Episode 5: Why Am I Sick?

Episode 5: Why Am I Sick?

In the battle to healing and wellness, we are not alone.  God fights with us and for us.  He doesn't make us sick to teach us things but lessons can be learned.

Jan 26, 202212:34
Is Healing a Right or a Privilege?

Is Healing a Right or a Privilege?

If anyone is sick they want to be healed, and God wants to heal you! Whether you believe it to be a right or a privilege---or both; will influence your faith, direct your prayers and impact your view of God.  Which is it? Maybe for the Christian it is neither.

Jan 21, 202212:04
Kingdom Healing part 2: Who Is the King?

Kingdom Healing part 2: Who Is the King?

The kingdom of God is in the midst of us. Who is the king of the kingdom of God in the earth? Join me as we reveal the identity of the king.

Jan 11, 202209:49
Kingdom Healing: Part One

Kingdom Healing: Part One

We are exploring the question: What is the kingdom of God?

Jan 03, 202208:41
Healing Is For You!

Healing Is For You!

Jesus still heals.  He is no respector of persons and He wants to heal you.

Nov 04, 202112:27
November 3, 2021

November 3, 2021

Nov 03, 202100:18