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Grace Community Church

Grace Community Church

By Grace Community Church

Our Three Fold Focus
"The Gospel + Safety + Time"
We focus on three things, gospel, safety, time. First the gospel , which is the good news that Jesus came and died for sinners so that we might be forgiven and have a loving relationship with God. The gospel makes the church a safe place, it's a place for sinners. The church is a safe place to share our struggles and to get help. The gospel shows us that God is patient so the church also should be. It takes time as we grow in our faith. We all need someone to come alongside of us who is patient and will stay with us for the long haul.
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Grace Community ChurchFeb 19, 2024

Hell is Real!

Hell is Real!

Although a growing number are denying or questioning the reality of hell, neither Jesus or John did. Hell is described as a place of never ending torment.

Jun 02, 202444:20
Babylon has fallen

Babylon has fallen

The bigger they are the harder they fall! That is certainly true of the coming collapse of the idolatrous system the bible calls Babylon.

May 27, 202442:53
What if you knew your future?

What if you knew your future?

What if you knew what your future held? What would you do differently? Although there is much about the future we can't know the Bible does provide insight as to what the future holds.

May 20, 202437:14
Another Beast Rises

Another Beast Rises

False religion joins forces with the governments of the world to form a formidable opponent for the people of God. But never fear Christian God is always in control and uses the actions of the false prophet to bring about his eternal plans and purposes!

May 17, 202436:01
The 144,000

The 144,000

Who are the 144,000 standing on Mount Zion with the Lamb? Are they 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses? Are they 144,000 Jewish evangelists?

May 13, 202432:03
Respect Your Elders

Respect Your Elders

It's disgraceful and sinful the way that many churches and church members treat those whom the Lord has given to them to oversee their spiritual care and development. The Bible is clear as to how a church is to treat those who have oversight of their spiritual lives.

Apr 29, 202437:19
The Beast Rises

The Beast Rises

The great red dragon having been expelled from heaven and been defeated by Christ at the cross continues to persecute the people of God though the beast that rises from the seal.

Apr 22, 202436:15


The Christian life is a battle in the war that rages between the people o f God and the Christian's adversary. Therefore it's important for the believer to understand that the victory has been one and the devil is a defeated foe!

Mar 25, 202442:13
Handling our accuser's accusations

Handling our accuser's accusations

Although Satan can no longer accuse us to God because of our Advocate the Lord Jesus Christ that doesn't mean that he can't accuse us personally. How can we handle Satan's accusations against us?

Mar 12, 202438:57
Satan, our defeated foe

Satan, our defeated foe

Though Satan by by God's permission continues to influence the world we live in he is in reality a defeated foe and therefore as Christians we can overcome him him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

Mar 12, 202446:08
God's Victory and Satan's Defeat

God's Victory and Satan's Defeat

Revelation 12:1-17. The great red dragon of Revelation 17 presents a terrifying picture. But the reality is that he is a defeated foe. John reveals five defeats that the dragon suffers at the hand of God and his people.

Feb 26, 202439:38
Money Matters

Money Matters

God loves a cheerful giver! God provides principles for us to help us become both generous and cheerful givers!

Feb 19, 202450:09
Power in Prayer

Power in Prayer

Is there a key to powerful praying? If there is then what are they? Jesus teaches us that we will have power in prayer when we follow his commands in John 15:7

Feb 12, 202448:21
The Heavenly Father's Good Gift

The Heavenly Father's Good Gift

God as our good heavenly Father desires to give good gifts to those who ask him. What does it mean that He will give his children the good gift of the Holy Spirit?

Feb 05, 202445:55
What is Baptism?

What is Baptism?

The Christian's baptism is so much more than a simple public profession of faith. The believer's baptism depicts a wonderful reality of who a Christian is in Christ.

Jan 29, 202431:40
Ask Seek Knock

Ask Seek Knock

The Bible teaches that we as Christians have not because we ask not. And many times, when we do ask, we don't persist in prayer. One of the keys to answered prayer is to be persistent in prayer.

Jan 08, 202442:33
I Give Myself To Prayer

I Give Myself To Prayer

Effective prayer is hard work! But the payoff is enormous!

Jan 01, 202444:21
A Christmas Miracel

A Christmas Miracel

Have you ever waited on the Lord to answer your prayers and are just about ready to give up? If so, look to the example of Zechariah and Elizabeth as they received the answer to a prayer they had been praying for decades, and be encouraged!

Dec 18, 202344:39
Great Expectations

Great Expectations

Christmas is a time of anticipation. The Christian has something far greater to look forward to than just Christmas Day. The Christian life is a life of Great Expectation!

Dec 11, 202336:31
The Why of Christmas

The Why of Christmas

Why do Christians celebrate Christmas? Short answer Because of the eternal decrees of God!

Dec 04, 202346:28
Husbands Love Your Wives

Husbands Love Your Wives

Many marriages are characterized by a lack of unity, a lack of harmony, and a lack of peace! But it doesn't have to be this way. God has given us the perfect blueprint for marriage. A vital component of the blueprint is the husband's responsibility to love his wife in a very specific way. Listen to learn how your marriage can be a happy one!

Nov 13, 202338:43
Murphy Brown was Wrong!

Murphy Brown was Wrong!

Despite what our culture says, marriage is declared by our Creator to be good. God saw that Adam was alone and said that it was not good. Therefore God created the perfect companion and counterpart for him. Thereby declaring that marriage is good!

Nov 06, 202338:04
How Can I Submit When I Don't Want To?

How Can I Submit When I Don't Want To?

Everyone has a problem with authority. It's part of the curse of the fall and the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Yet all Christians are called to submit to God's authority and the authorities that God has placed in our lives. How can we submit to our God given authorities when we don't want to? Peter gives us three motivations to help us submit to each other, to the Lord and secular authorities.

Oct 23, 202346:60
Before You Say I Do

Before You Say I Do

Those who desire to be married have a God-given desire to do so. But several things need to be considered before you say "I Do."

Sep 28, 202343:35
Tame the Tongue Part Two

Tame the Tongue Part Two

The tongue is a measuring stick of our sanctification and our spiritual condition. Jesus said that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Therefore we must pay attention to how we are using our tongue. James points out the potential dangers associated with our tongues.

Sep 18, 202337:34
Who Do You Love More?

Who Do You Love More?

As a Christian Jesus makes it clear that our him and his people - the church are to be the priority in our lives. Are the people of God your priority?

Sep 04, 202341:46
What will you do?

What will you do?

The church exists to reveal the truth about God. It is the responsibility of every member of the body to carry out that assignment. The good news is God has provided all the resources we need to be confident as we carry out the assignment.

Aug 28, 202342:05
What's my gift?

What's my gift?

All Christians have been given a spiritual gift that is to be used to build up the body of Christ and specifically the local church family. But how do you know what your gift is? Listen and learn!

Aug 21, 202341:28
Biblical Fellowship

Biblical Fellowship

Is Biblical fellowship having a potluck lunch together after the Sunday morning service? The Bible defines Biblical fellowship in a much more robust and helpful way. Biblical fellowship is how the church is to function both for the good of those in and out of the church. Listen and Learn!

Aug 21, 202348:54
Spiritual Gifts and Service

Spiritual Gifts and Service

Does the Bible limit our service only to those areas in which we are spirtually gifted? Listen to find out the answer!

Aug 08, 202335:07
What are spiritual gifts?

What are spiritual gifts?

Understanding what spiritual gifts are and how they are to function in the church is critical to the overall health of the church.

Jul 31, 202335:11
Your Ministry To The Body

Your Ministry To The Body

What is the purpose of spiritual gifts? What happens when they are neglected?

Jul 26, 202334:25
How does someone become a part of the church?

How does someone become a part of the church?

What must take place in order for a person to become a member of the church?

Jun 20, 202347:27
Why are you allowed to be here?

Why are you allowed to be here?

Why are you allowed to be a member of God's church? What had to take place in order for you to be included?

Jun 20, 202336:55
Why are you here?

Why are you here?

How is the church built? Who oversees the church and fits the pieces of the body together?

Jun 05, 202353:15
Mission Accomplished

Mission Accomplished

When will the rapture of the church take place? Only when the church has finished the commission given to it by the Lord of the Church Jesus Christ. Once the gospel has been preached to all the nations and the last elect soul has come to Christ then the church will hear those long awaited words "Come up here!"

Jun 05, 202337:47


When the seventh angel blows the seventh trumpet the day all Christians have been longing for will become a reality.. The Lord and his Christ will establish their eternal kingdom!

Jun 05, 202336:32
The Two Witnesses

The Two Witnesses

Much speculation swirls around the identity of the two witnesses of Revelation 11. But is their identity really a mystery? Maybe not!

May 15, 202333:46
How Do I Know God Loves Me?

How Do I Know God Loves Me?

Three proofs from Romans 5 that demonstrates God's love.

Apr 10, 202334:19
A Mighty Angel

A Mighty Angel

As John 10 opens John sees a mighty angel descend to earth. Who is he and why has he come?

Apr 03, 202336:21


The twentieth century was a century of bloodshed and violence with over100 million people killed by war. Yet, that number pales in comparison to the death toll that will take place when the sixth angel sounds his trumpet.

Mar 26, 202341:57
The First Woe

The First Woe

What is Satan like?  What is God like?  As the fifth trumpet sounds and the demonic hordes are released from the bottomless pit the contrast between the wickedness of Satan and the holiness of God becomes crystal clear.  God protects his own while Satan and his demons attack his own.  

Mar 20, 202341:12
Four Trumpets and Three Woes

Four Trumpets and Three Woes

Is Mother Nature behind all of the storm and natural disasters that take place?  Or is it the judgment of God against sinful unrepentant humanity?  Listen to find out what the Bible says!

Mar 13, 202337:44
God's Warning Shot

God's Warning Shot

 As Revelation 8 opens John sees seven angels be given seven trumpets.  As the first four trumpets sound God's judgment is unleashed on the earth.  But along with the judgment we see the patience and the grace of God as his judgments against the earth are partial allowing sinful humanity to repent of their sins and come to Christ for salvation.  

Mar 08, 202339:43
Yes, your prayers do matter!

Yes, your prayers do matter!

Do you ever wonder if. your prayers matter? Do you wonder if your prayers make any difference at all? If you feel like prayer is wasted time listen and learn that Yes, your prayers do matter!

Feb 27, 202345:39
Total Dependence

Total Dependence

As Psalm 119 comes to a close the Psalmist declares his total dependence upon God to help him live in obedience to God's revealed will in his word.  

Feb 21, 202336:56
How Firm a A Foundation

How Firm a A Foundation

What are you building your life on? Are you building your life on the shifting sands of a dying culture? Or are you building your life in the eternal rock solid eternal truth of God’s word? The Psalmist made the wise choice to build his life on the foundation of God’s word. Listen and Learn!

Feb 13, 202341:13
Give Me Life!

Give Me Life!

Where do you turn in times of trouble? Do you turn to family and friends? Certainly they can provide some help and support. But there are times when no one else but the help of God will do. Listen and Learn from the urgent plea of the Psalmist as he faces his persecution and his adversaries.

Feb 06, 202344:47
The Cry of a Troubled Heart Part 2

The Cry of a Troubled Heart Part 2

Martin Lloyd-Jones was an advocate of Christians learning to talk to themselves rather than listening to themselves. Listen and learn how th Psalmist talked to himself which resulted in brining him calm and comfort in the midst of his trials.

Jan 30, 202345:29
The Cry of a Troubled Heart

The Cry of a Troubled Heart

Prayer is critical to living the Christian life. Sadly many Christians fail to grasp this and so they don’t prayers they should. The Psalmist teaches us some vital components of prayer that will make our prayer lives effective.

Jan 23, 202344:56