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That Shit Movie's Quite Good

That Shit Movie's Quite Good

By Graeme Crow

Graeme Crow loves movies like cocker spaniels like rolling in wet, weird stuff. He’s a sport nut, has a ridiculous amount of televisions, and likes to watch movies far too many times. There are photos of him on the About page in a dress. His wife wrote this bio.
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Battle Los Angeles

That Shit Movie's Quite GoodNov 18, 2020

Dark City

Dark City

What happens when you watch a movie, then sit down to record without notes. Well in today's episode Uncle Phil and Graeme did just that, as they discussed the Alex Proyas Film Dark City. A scifi film noir thriller set in a world where the sun never rises. We think we did a pretty good job and so did 

Alex Proyas. This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat so sit back and enjoy as we review Dark City.


Aug 23, 202201:13:44


We're back with a new episode, Payton Westlake is a genetic scientist who happens to be in the wrong apartment (his) at the wrong time when a criminal organisation comes looking for a document that would incriminate them and a construction magnate, in dirty dealings. Burnt to a crisp, he sets about his twisted revenge whilst trying to save the woman that he loves.
Phil and Graeme unpack today's film and lift the mask on Darkman, So sit back turn the sound up to 11 (because the audio is dodgy due to our inability to record remotely) and enjoy.
No really the audio is shite!!!!!
Feb 08, 202201:09:58


Elvis is alive and living a solitary life in a run down Texas nursing home when he is confronted by an ancient Egyptian mummy with a penchant for snakeskin boots and Captain Jack Sparrow’s wardrobe. Can he, and the once thought dead JFK, forgo their colostomy bags and Zimmer frames and defeat the mummy before he takes the souls of the nearly departed?
Sit back and enjoy today's offering as we discuss Bubba-Hotep.
Oct 08, 202101:01:17
The Wild Geese

The Wild Geese

Colonel Falkner is hired to rescue an imprisoned African president before he's handed over to the countries dictator, assembling 50 hardened mercenaries, they set off for central Africa. Can they complete the mission or will the London based merchant banker double-cross them before they get out? Today we discuss morals amongst mercenaries, a white banker trying to do a Cecil Rhodes, and why this film is a bit problematic.
Enjoy as we return to the ‘70s to review The Wild Geese.
Aug 12, 202101:44:13
Hunter Killer

Hunter Killer

There's trouble brewing in Russia, and who better to send in to cease hostilities but Capt Glass (Gerrard Butler) of course.

Will he and his seal team be able to rescue the Russian President from a military coup or are they just plain chicken,

and will Finn make it to bed in time to get plenty of rest before his maths exam.

listen to today's episode to find out. (No bears were harmed or ridden by presidents in this episode).

Jun 24, 202101:17:32


Gerard Bulter is Jake, the creator of a weather-controlling satellite. Armed with nothing but the worst American accent since Liam Neeson played an Appalachian mountain man in the Patrick Swayze film Next of Kin, he will try and uncover a nefarious government plot that threatens global stability.

Sit back as uncle Phil and Graeme are once again joined by Phil's eldest Finn as they unpack this disaster romp from Writer, Director Dean Devlin. 

Apr 01, 202101:41:00
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

8 Score and 5 + change years ago Abraham Lincoln was taken from this world by an assassin's bullet, but it was some 40 years prior that he made a decision that would lead him down a path to emancipation but also free America from the curse of vampires that terrorized the land. While committed to this task he also found time to marry Mary Todd and run a political campaign for the presidency. Hang on a second, look we all know the vampires are not true. However, it does make for a rip-roaring story that weaves together the real-life events with the fictional. So sit back as Graeme and Uncle Phil dive into 2012's Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter..

Mar 04, 202101:32:40
The 13th Warrior

The 13th Warrior

Ahmed Ibn Fadlan has been chosen to go on a quest with some less than well bathed Volga Vikings.

Is it a good idea, probably not as the evil they are about to face eat the dead. on the way he'll learn their

language, make a sword and do some killing. Sit back as Graeme and Uncle Phil are joined  by Phil's son Finn

to discuss 1999's The 13th Warrior.

Feb 18, 202101:38:38


School holidays in the small Maine town of Derry are pretty uneventful, that is until a not so friendly clown
pays a visit via the storm water drainage system under the town. Now all hell is a bout to break loose and
the only ones that can save the town are a group of teenage outsiders from the local high school.
Uncle Phil and Graeme are joined by their daughters as they review todays film and wonder, Why are they
going down the dark corridors of a really creepy house, they really should know better. I know I'm never
going under the house again. Just in case...
Jan 26, 202101:20:47


Alex Hopper has been enlisted into the navy by his brother who commands a ship after a failed burrito sortie whilst trying to impress the
admirals daughter. While on naval exercises an alien vanguard arrive on a mission of world domination to throw a spanner in the works.
What happens next is the board game that everyone loves.
Jan 13, 202101:41:14
Battle Los Angeles

Battle Los Angeles

Earth has been invaded and only a small company of marines stand between the aliens and the fall of Los Angeles.
Can Sgt Nantz (Aaron Eckhart giving his best Clint Eastwood performance)and his squad survive the onslaught,
bring in the stranded civilians and find a way to halt the invasion, of course they will this is Hollywood.
Sit back and enjoy todays episode as Graeme and Phil discuss this trope filled piece of gun totting cinema.
I thought I was out and they pulled me back in oooo raaah, it's Battle Los Angeles.
Nov 18, 202001:31:24
John Carpenters The Fog

John Carpenters The Fog

Halloween is coming, and we here at That Shit Movie's Quite Good decided to bring you a spooky special. So buoyed by our love of John Carpenter we jumped into his late 70's
back catalogue, Unfortunately instead of picking the original Halloween or Prince of Darkness we picked the Fog, a film that in our memory seemed quite scary. You can imagine
our disappointment then as we sat through this ghost story of betrayal and revenge in a sleepy California seaside town, to coin Obi One (these aren't to ghosts we're looking for).
Oh well! sit back and enjoy John Carpenters The Fog.
Oct 29, 202001:28:05
The Long Kiss Goodnight

The Long Kiss Goodnight

Samantha Caine has the perfect life in small town America, except she has memories of a previous life.
With the help of a dodgy private eye she's going to uncover more than she expected.
in todays episode Graeme and Uncle Phil look at the action movie containing the original Atomic Blonde (Charly Baltimore).
Oct 15, 202001:30:12


Arnie's leading a crack team of D.E.A. agents who have stolen $10 million, and now they're being picked off one by one.
Is it the Mexican cartel or is it someone among them doing the killing. Who has the money and who are you going to trust,
when your plans have been sabotaged.
Oct 01, 202001:06:34


Was the old west wild or was it just a continuous game of brinkmanship. On todays episode
Graeme and uncle Phil discuss the life and times of Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday, and the events
leading up to and after the infamous gun fight at the O.K. Corral. So sit back and enjoy because
I'm your Huckleberry.
Sep 14, 202001:22:09
Alien Covenant

Alien Covenant

Graeme and Uncle Phil are at it again, this time to peel the skin back on Ridley Scott's continuation of the Alien franchise.
It's a story of faith, belief and exploding chests.

Will the colonist survive their ordeal in the furthest reaches of the galaxy? Probably not!!!!

Sit back and enjoy this blood soaked review.
Sep 01, 202001:30:54
That Shit Movie's Outland

That Shit Movie's Outland

here's a new sheriff in town and he's going to bring down a corrupt mining boss, and it's all set on Io. A western in space what's not to love, so sit back and enjoy Uncle Phil and Graeme discuss this outings movie Peter Hyams' Outland.
Jul 16, 202001:25:21
That Shit Movie's Armageddon

That Shit Movie's Armageddon

Michael Bay has given the world a wide range of entertaining movies and his fair share of stinkers. In today's episode uncle Phil and Graeme discuss his world-saving extravaganza Armageddon and ask why does he love the colour orange and is it best to soft dock from behind or from the front, So sit back as we fumble our way through Zoom and enjoy today's offering Michael Bay's Armageddon.
Jun 15, 202001:12:58


Graeme and Hugo join forces to discuss Hugo's new favourite movie, sit back and enjoy the blue hedgehog Sonic.
Jun 15, 202007:24


There's a lot of running in Neil Marshell's Centurion, So much running you could almost get away with slowing it down and playing Vangelis' Chariots of Fire over the top as the soundtrack. Although there are no chariot's, there are centurions on fire.
So sit back as Graeme and Uncle Phil discuss running, whether it's really necessary to see someone get impaled in the genitals and if either would leave the other behind if they were injured in Roman Britain (Hell Yes, I want to live).
Feb 24, 202001:02:55
Big Trouble In Little China

Big Trouble In Little China

David Lo Pan is trying to break a two-thousand-year-old curse by finding a woman with green eyes and offering her as a sacrifice, Can Jack Burton save her or is he just the sidekick of the movie. Sit back and listen to Graeme and Uncle Phil as they discuss demons, kungfu films and whether Jack Burton has Actually paid his due's by cheque.
Feb 06, 202043:56
That Shit Movie's Quite Good Reign of Fire

That Shit Movie's Quite Good Reign of Fire

Ella is back and ready to slay dragons, or at least this dragon movie. So sit back as we discuss whether Matthew McConaughey has watched Apocalypse Now too many times whilst getting into character, Was Christian Bale only thinking of a paycheque and Why does this film have no middle act.
Jan 29, 202038:04
That Shit Movie's Quite Good Highlander

That Shit Movie's Quite Good Highlander

Uncle Phil is back! He's fully dressed and ready to rumble as Graeme and Uncle Phil talk about Highlander. Listen to them discuss the subliminal ploy/conspiracy theory Phil has about the sale of green apples and immortals battling for a prize that doesn't seem that great. Also, green apples.
Dec 09, 201901:05:56
That Shit Movie's Quite Good The Last Witch Hunter

That Shit Movie's Quite Good The Last Witch Hunter

If there's anyone that talks more in movies than your movie-loving host, Graeme, it's his daughter, Ella. Join the two of them as they get stuck into The Last Witch Hunter and Ella questions why Vin Diesel can't grow back his cool Viking hair in 800 years.
Dec 08, 201935:44
That Shit Movie's Quite Good Starship Troopers

That Shit Movie's Quite Good Starship Troopers

Join Graeme Crow and 'Uncle Phil' (no, he's not a dentist, but he is in disguise) as they gleefully pull apart Starship Troopers, try to decide if it's all meant to be taken seriously or a satire for psychic Nazis.
Nov 25, 201934:60
That Shit Movie's... Showgirls

That Shit Movie's... Showgirls

Nomi Malone hitchhikes to Las Vegas to become not just a showgirl, THE showgirl. We know she's tough because of the leather jacket, pocket knife, and amazing eye makeup. No one wholesome does such amazing eye makeup. She auditions for a show, has no talent to speak of, but makes it with the help of the coolest best friend, Molly, hoping the star of the Showgirls, Cristal Connors (named after champers) ages faster, and by sleeping with the boss.
Nov 21, 201930:10