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By Greg Cawsey

Current affairs social commentary & counterpoise by Gregory Cawsey. Because offering a commoner's insight to better understand this world is a
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Gen X Is Having Their "I Told You So" Moment

JUSTCAWS May 10, 2024

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

Background to the latest JUSTCAWS post...

As another Wild Fire Season blows upon us Justin Trudeau continues to follow Winston Churchill's Advice

The most annoying thing - other than smoke itself from Canada’s annual wildfires, is how we now spend more time arguing over cause rather than taking action. I don’t care if its arson, climate change or both, I want the fires put out and efforts made to minimize the chances of them happening again.

Last year, when wild fires hit most of the northern parts of North America, the U.S. doubled down on its significant federal resources and infrastructure to further fund its National Forest Service Agency to fight and prevent forest fires. In fact, while Canada burned and blew smoke south the United States had the lowest amount of fires in decades. Obviously, it is not all cause and effect here as weather patterns play a key role, but President Biden’s Infrastructure Law recognized the urgency and continues to make significant investments to reduce wild fire risk across state, private, and tribal lands.

Which brings us to the source of all the wild fire smoke and political mirrors - Canada. Unlike States, Canada, a country covered in forests - doesn’t have a federal agency to fight fires and protect them.

That job is left primarily to the provinces and territories to administer with the federal government providing some funding. This had led to a system that has to lean heavily generous foreign support to fill in the gaps of our own limited capabilities.  Combine this with the growing threat of more fires and the federal government is finally adding more cash. But as Mark Ramzy of Torstar points out Trudeau has made it clear the federal government would rather support than lead.

So why might that be?

Read the rest...

May 24, 202421:01
Gen X Is Having Their "I Told You So" Moment
May 10, 202417:21
Yes, Sue Social Media - But School Boards Are Hypocrites If They Don't Ban The Phones
Apr 16, 202407:28
Fighting Climate Change the RIGHT Way

Fighting Climate Change the RIGHT Way

I know I should keep myself from adding to April Fools Day references made to connect the upcoming

April 1st Carbon Tax hike as foolish and Trudeau taking Canadians as fools. I’ve always believed that the best and worst thing about democracy is that people get what they deserve. So I believe Star Wars Obi-Wan said it best,  “Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?”

Thankfully, Canadians are now in full buyer’s remorse with this government and its signature tax. But to completely turn the page, Conservatives will have to offer an alternative to win the hearts and minds of voters like me who care both about the economy and the environment. 

Still, before I explain how to right this wrong, I should explain to any Canadians still supporting the Carbon Tax why it stinks and the smell, like the one coming from this gone bad government is only getting worse. 

Canadians like fairness, but this tax is anything but. The pain from it is excessive and not evenly distributed among the economic classes.  

First off, Canadians have finally realized, they are no way close to being better off financially after receiving their rebates - assuming they even get them. Many vulnerable Canadians don’t even file. So they are paying the higher supply chain food costs, but are getting nothing back in this quarterly rebate scheme. 

The independent Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux clearly demonstrated in his report that when you factor in the full impact of higher carbon costs - we’re poorer for it. “We estimate that most households will see a net loss, paying more in the federal fuel charge and GST, as well as receiving lower incomes, compared to the Climate Action Incentive payments they receive,” Giroux wrote.  As Canadians have discovered it’s not only the carbon you directly consume and pay for, but all the added carbon cost the farmer pays to run their gas powered equipment and fuel used to transport our goods to us.  In an economy that still runs on fossil fuels - the carbon tax is everywhere. 

Carbon tax advocates will tell you that if you can reduce your carbon footprint - your carbon rebate will more than offset your increased cost. Problem with that logic is that not everyone can afford to do the right thing.  Many people can’t work from home. Some jobs require a big truck  and not everyone can afford the upfront costs of switching to an electric vehicle or retrofitting their home. Assuming they are lucky enough to even afford a home.  Fuel demand is not elastic, its a necessity to people's way of life.

Read more at:

Apr 04, 202407:02
Everything is Racist? Not Buying It.

Everything is Racist? Not Buying It.

The need to shock people to gain attention is nothing new. Advertisers have been doing it for years. Remember those cheesy ad headlines - SEX - now that I have your attention. Well now the protest movements have taken a page from Madison Avenue to do their own version. They describe anything they believe needs changing and describe it in alarmist terms.

Canada is a racist country that commits genocide. Excuse me, what was that?

Now that social justice warriors have your attention a stunned public can continue to be enlightened on how everything they thought they knew, is in fact, wrong. Dare to temper their extreme views with nuance and context - good luck. Your comeuppance will be to be labelled the very thing you question. Many learned it was best to just let them continue.

Trouble with that, is that silence is often misinterpreted as acceptance. While often the exact opposite is true. The pressure to comply can lead to a bitter resentment and retrenchment. I have heard the grumblings from reasonable people. It certainly doesn’t lead to greater understanding if dissenting voices are silenced.

It is why I can’t hold my tongue when I hear claims that the very public education system I so proudly serve and cherish is charged with being systemically racist. In a lifetime spent as a student and now teacher in very diverse school settings I have not seen hateful acts of discrimination against individuals based on their race. Prejudice, bias, sadly yes. But actively discriminating students based on their race - thankfully, no.

Our system continues to produce countless talented grads of all races that contribute every day to this incredibly diverse province. Just last month I witnessed a student led provincial competition, DECA, where I was heartened to see so many kids of different backgrounds thriving once again. They are living proof of the equality of opportunity we provide to all our students.

This is not saying that our school system, does not suffer from other less inflammatory, but still deeply concerning charges. Our system, like society does have racial bias and prejudice that we must continue to overcome. But calling everything racist does not serve that goal. First, by throwing around that word so loosely it diminishes its power. Much worse is that using such inflammatory language to make people feel uncomfortable isn’t working. It is sowing resentment and is counterproductive in creating the open dialogue necessary for honest discussions on how to address and extinguish the darker qualities all humans possess. This door in the face sales technique may work selling something to customers, but making extreme accusations puts people on the back foot and cause them to ignore the very issues that need addressing.

That is a shame because we need to lean in to find common ground. We can’t put our heads in the sand to stark realities that need fixing. Achievement and student success results are too tilted to believe there is nothing wrong. Too many school faculties do not represent the ethnic backgrounds of the communities they serve. We can and must do better.

If reading this you still believe in your world that racism in our society is systemic and those opposed are only wanting to protect the status quo, you are entitled to your opinion. As am I. But passing off incendiary remarks as facts - is wrong.

Sadly, there are people who identify everyone by their race and see all of us as either being oppressed or an oppressor. Their ends justifies the means logic makes them think its fair game to use inflammatory rhetoric to accuse, abuse and intimidate others.

There is a word for people who think like that. We can’t let them speak for us and take us backward.

By Gregory Cawsey

Mar 11, 202404:56
Making Voting Great Again

Making Voting Great Again

Background and audio to latest post. Also give preview to next column on how I now see Nikki Haley becoming the next POTUS.

Feb 16, 202413:25
Understanding NFL Media Dominance

Understanding NFL Media Dominance

Listen to the background of last two posts regarding NFL media dominance.

Jan 31, 202413:32
Protesting Hate
Jan 14, 202411:13
Being Right, Now

Being Right, Now

Listent to column... Being Right, Now

By Gregory Cawsey

Jan 06, 202405:53
Supporting Nikki Haley To Be POTUS
Dec 30, 202314:23
Calling Out Call Out Culture

Calling Out Call Out Culture

Question something or offer criticism - "You're _________. Both the left and right do it, to silence dissent. Moderate middle can't let extremes silence us.

Dec 15, 202307:15
Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Energy

At COP28, Countries Launch Declaration to Triple Nuclear Energy Capacity by 2050, Recognizing the Key Role of Nuclear Energy in Reaching Net Zero. Finally! What took you so long?

Dec 08, 202315:50
Fact-Based News

Fact-Based News

Trust but verify.  News media needs to regain the former, so it can develop a new business model providing the latter. 

Nov 24, 202325:25
Knowing What Side You're On
Nov 23, 202321:07
Coverage For Canadian University Sport

Coverage For Canadian University Sport

I would be less agreeable to defunding the CBC, if it got back to its mandate and started telling our stories. Our own Canadian University athletes are one group that deserves some attention from the public broadcaster. The venues, cast and storylines are all ready to go. Greg makes the case why this programming is needed to introduce the next generation to the CBC. 

Nov 22, 202310:14
 Giving Canadian Federal Parties Political Advice

Giving Canadian Federal Parties Political Advice

Many of my posts focus on American politics, so today I want to give some attention to Canadian politics. I want to lay a non- partisan, serious pathway forward for each. 2025 is still a long way out to sit around in self induced political paralysis. All three parties need a plan to victory, or for the NDP, relevance. My bad. Again, non partisan rhetoric. Here goes…

The NDP needs to end its alliance with the Liberals. Use a wedge issue, like national pharmacare to be the line in the sand that can create some separation between you and the dead party walking Liberals.

Speaking of the Libs, the party needs a rallying cry to wake from its self induced public loathing. Lucky the use of the notwithstanding clause is about as unpopular as Trudeau. Start seriously speaking out about constitutional reform, and how Justin is going to finish what his father started. That might get liberal hearts beating again, and renew enthusiasm heading into the next election.

The Conservatives need to continue the pivot from the opposition party, to one that acts like its the actual government. Yes, kill the carbon tax, but it can’t be all no to this and that. Speak more to what your party will do and PP, do it with a smile.

Have more to say on this if you care because I believe giving the Canadian Federal Parties Political Advice is a ⁠⁠

Nov 21, 202328:58
Peace in Gaza

Peace in Gaza

Latest Column on Issue...

Protests in support of Palestine are growing here at home and across the world. This is not surprising when seeing images of war and brutality coming out of Gaza. There has also been a call for a ceasefire in the region getting louder as well. I would support this call, if I thought it meant the hostages would be freed and Hamas would also stop its attacks. Our own Liberal government does not believe that would happen, so you can pray or shout for it, but any type of peace in Gaza is not happening anytime soon. 

This current conflict and the accompanying protests also serve as examples to why what JFK referred to as "genuine peace," remains elusive.

Too many Palestinian supporters do not believe in the right for Israel to exist. Their numbers are too great and their voices are too loud to ignore. Even in places miles away from the Mideast, support within protest movements of organizations like Hamas, that seek to destroy Israel, show symbols of hate for all to see. It is for this reason that while I am sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinian people, I wouldn’t go near a protest and see them as counterproductive. 

On the other side is Israel, a modern, liberal democracy that shares many of the same governing values of Canada, making it a natural ally.  The historical atrocities that the Jewish people have endured, generate rightful sympathy and continued support of protecting a Jewish state. It would however, be wise for Israel however not to test whether that support is unconditional.   

Charges of anti semitism should not follow genuine criticism of the Israeli government and its leader. I, like many, take⁠ issue with Netanyahu working with Hamas⁠ prior to this conflict to destabilize the region. I find his motives duplicit and any desire for genuine peace dubious. If a movement toward peace can be renewed, Netanyahu and those like him must go.  

I also appreciate the anger from Palestine as more Israeli settlers further entrench themselves on disputed territory. Israel is not blameless in causing anger and resentment.  This in no way condones or justifies a brutal attack. The ambush by Hamas was deliberately planned to kill and kidnap as many Jewish people as possible. There was no collateral damage in this hateful act. 

What this attack should not kill is the desire for that genuine peace. But it will not happen until all the bad actors leave the stage. Any talk of a Palestinian state bordering Israel will be just that, talk, until Hamas is gone. To make that happen Israelis must gain the moral high ground by not taking the ground of others. Israeli leadership can never legitimize terrorists by trying to make those wanting peace illegitimate. On the other side, Palestinians must realize that recognition of statehood will never be born from hate.

Calling for genuine peace may seem hopeless right now, but I the rest at ⁠⁠

Nov 18, 202322:21
Knowing What Side You're On
Nov 11, 202310:14
Peace in Ukraine

Peace in Ukraine

I find stalemates frustrating at the best of times. Arm wrestles and tugs of war that don’t end quickly seem to go on forever.  

Sadly, for the citizens of Ukraine these are not good times indeed.  The months of this war risk spilling into another year and no one sees an end to this conflict coming anytime soon. 

Ukraine’s latest offensive has not been the success once hoped. It is becoming increasingly clear that without the West’s continuing supply of weapons and equipment, Ukraine can only hold the line.  

The idea that Russian citizens will someday soon realize the madness of their leader and turn on Putin was doubtful right from the start. Now with drone attacks coming from Ukraine bringing the war to Russian soil - good luck with that.

Russia is in this for the long haul. They are now well aware that they cannot prevail with the West’s long distance support of Ukraine.  Their only hope is that the resolve among the citizens of Western democracies will at some point break. 

We are already seeing cracks of support in the U.S. and other countries where people are struggling with once in a generation inflation. The populace is starting to make its move toward politicians who say charity starts at home. 

Before Russians can see this writing on the wall, we must cut a deal. We can do this now from a position of strength or later from weakness, but a deal will happen. 

For those who might see this as giving in to Russia, I would agree. But we did that as soon as we ignored Ukraine’s request to join NATO. We did it when we let Russia march into Ukraine and played the card of ineffective sanctions rather than direct military intervention. 

The “crippling” sanctions have been muted by China and even India’s energy trade support.  The time for finally finding our spine is now.  Yes, a deal will give Putin some of eastern Ukraine, but many of the citizens in that region have greater allegiance to Russia - so it is hardly an unwelcome annex to many there.  

The other consequence of a negotiated peace agreement is whether appeasement will embolden Putin.  That I would suggest is up to the West. 

The new territory of Ukraine must immediately be brought into the NATO fold. If this new line in the sand is crossed - God help us, but we must respond with the full might and commitment of the western allies, the likes of which have not been seen since Korea. 

Currently, the biggest obstacle to getting a deal done isn't Russian cooperation - but Ukraine’s. Zelenskyy.  His aspirations for victory are to be admired, but not rationally respected. He must be made aware that if Western support dries up his country will be in grave danger. The loss of life from such a bloody, desperate conflict is something that must be avoided - at all costs. 

Those costs are not painless, but they are diplomatic.  Balancing a stalemate should be to maintain peace, not war.  

Our grip cannot hold forever. The risk of falling toward greater death and destruction only grows.  It’s time for the West to act now and pull to the side of peace.


Nov 01, 202313:28
Killing The Carbon Tax

Killing The Carbon Tax

So here we go again. More self - inflicted pain felt most by the working poor. Right on the heels of the pandemic where the less important delivered food to the too important to go out crowd. Now we have record food and gas prices.  

I am not going debate the merits of our covid lockdown response here - but it is rather clear suffering was not evenly felt. The line "we are all in this together" - became a punchline rather than a rallying cry.  Covid was the threat and we were told to shut down.  Now the climate crisis is back on the front burner and it’s the existential threat we must extinguish. Yet again, we are asking the working poor to do most of the heavy lifting. 

To combat climate change progressive leaning... read the rest at

Oct 29, 202322:02
More Housing

More Housing

The Greenbelt currently dominates Ontario news - that I felt the need to add something to defend the pro build stance the government has taken. Found in speaking with too many Green Belt defenders that the environment was being used as a smokescreen. Some don't understand the economic need for much greater immigration and are using environmental protection as the excuse to limit growth and newcomers.

I won’t defend if any criminal behavior is found, but I will make the case of why Southern Ontarians need to wake up to the fact that the status quo was not working in preparing for the world that is arriving on our doorstep.  This issue has so many layers - was better to organize my thoughts this way...

Oct 26, 202313:51