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Never Past Your Prime

Never Past Your Prime

By Greg

Making some time for nuance with one man’s pseudo-philosophical musings on muscles, macros, and mindset. Subscribe to the written version at
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Is it true that political polarization is getting worse? (Part 1)

Never Past Your PrimeOct 01, 2023

Have you tried strength training for your tendons?
May 27, 202412:54
Do you believe making nutritional progress means NOT enjoying what you eat?
May 21, 202407:36
What would life be like without an identity? (Identity Series: Part 4)

What would life be like without an identity? (Identity Series: Part 4)

In this episode, I share a beautiful story about an indigenous tribe from author Marc Lewis, which highlights what it’s like to live without the need to protect an identity. We also discuss how identities are formed, the path of the shedding the belief we are responsible for others’ emotional states, and the balance between meeting our own needs without disregarding those of others.
May 14, 202414:11
What can we learn about identity from Cristiano Ronaldo’s recent tantrums? (Identity Series: Part 3)

What can we learn about identity from Cristiano Ronaldo’s recent tantrums? (Identity Series: Part 3)

In this episode, we examine how Ronaldo’s struggles to hold on to the identity of “best player in the world” are leading him to some…unsavory behavior. We also look at why we create our most cherished identities in the first place, and how recognizing the identity component of others’ behavior can lead to compassion rather than judgment.
May 06, 202412:01
How do we avoid creating identities for ourselves and others? (Identity Series: Part 2)

How do we avoid creating identities for ourselves and others? (Identity Series: Part 2)

In this episode, we continue our series on identity by discussing the perils of letting others create an identity for us or doing the same to someone else. We also talk about how the word “sometimes” is a subtle but powerful escape route from any identity trap.
Apr 30, 202411:21
Why do our strongest identities lead to suffering? (Identity Series: Part 1)

Why do our strongest identities lead to suffering? (Identity Series: Part 1)

In this episode, we discuss why our identities cause pain for ourselves and our loved ones. We also talk about how learning this can lead to some of the most liberating experiences one can have.
Apr 22, 202410:58
Is the “all or nothing” mindset holding you back?

Is the “all or nothing” mindset holding you back?

In this episode, we talk about how common it is for people to hold themselves to a standard of either perfection or no action when pursuing nutrition or fitness goals. We talk about why this is sub-optimal, and how to use the “always something” mindset instead.
Apr 14, 202407:57
You don’t believe ALL of your thoughts, do you?
Apr 07, 202412:30
How could just breathing make THIS happen?

How could just breathing make THIS happen?

In this episode, I talk about the powerful emotional release (and subsequent benefits) I’ve experienced since participating in a breathwork and ayahuasca retreat in March 2024.
Apr 01, 202411:32
What can you do if it feels like hunger controls you?

What can you do if it feels like hunger controls you?

In this episode, we discuss hunger through the lens of “animalistic urges” we’re expected to master, like not biting or hitting someone who upsets us. We also cover three experiments that can help you hone the skill of “mastering mild hunger,” which I believe to be vital for a healthy relationship with food and one’s body.
Mar 26, 202406:16
What is the nature of thought?

What is the nature of thought?

In this episode, a share a key insight from a recent ayahuasca retreat.
Mar 19, 202409:36
Should most people avoid running?
Mar 11, 202409:54
How could playing video games be a spiritual practice?

How could playing video games be a spiritual practice?

In this episode, I share an embarrassing story that illustrates how much one particular video game used to have an almost unique ability to make me angry. I also share the Zen Buddhist (non-meditative) practice that helped me overcome reactivity with this issue. Luckily, this method can be used with just about anything that provokes an overreaction.
Mar 04, 202411:28
Is this the most insidious (but also fixable!) type of stress? (Stress Series: Part 4)

Is this the most insidious (but also fixable!) type of stress? (Stress Series: Part 4)

In this episode, we discuss “identity stressors,” chronic stress-inducing tendencies that lead us to suffer despite not actually being life-threatening. We also cover developing “response flexibility,” a method for overcoming these identity stressors.
Feb 27, 202412:21
What would you change if you knew stress was worse than smoking? (Stress Series: Part 3)

What would you change if you knew stress was worse than smoking? (Stress Series: Part 3)

In this episode, we examine why we’re so blind to the negative effects of chronic stress. As a useful and optimistic parallel, we also look at how attitudes and policies regarding smoking cigarettes have changed in the past few decades. Perhaps a less-stressed future is inevitable!
Feb 20, 202410:48
Can stress really cause physical pain? (Stress Series: Part 2)

Can stress really cause physical pain? (Stress Series: Part 2)

In this episode, I share two stories to highlight specifically that physical pain doesn’t need a physical cause. We also touch upon the idea of pain as a messenger, but one we often misinterpret.
Feb 13, 202413:16
What do erections and low back pain have in common? (Stress Series: Part 1)

What do erections and low back pain have in common? (Stress Series: Part 1)

In this episode, we discuss how the link between stress/emotional trauma and physical pain has historically been dismissed, and why that’s a mistake. Luckily, that is changing. For example, research has shown that there is no correlation between back pain and structural abnormalities of the spine. So, many medical professionals now recommend AGAINST X-rays for low back pain, saying that it can ultimately delay a patient’s recovery.
Feb 06, 202411:21
Should you trust studies over your own experience?

Should you trust studies over your own experience?

In this episode, we look at a recent meta-analysis of one-rep max strength testing and the lack of data supporting the practice of using dental floss to discuss the value of both individual experience and scientific studies.
Jan 30, 202410:55
Who says your best days are behind you?

Who says your best days are behind you?

In this episode, we discuss the perils of clinging to the past and believing thoughts that say things will never be as good as the used to be. Great news…those thoughts are wrong!
Jan 22, 202409:48
What’s the quickest path to unnecessary suffering?

What’s the quickest path to unnecessary suffering?

In this episode, we discuss how common goal setting methods often lead to totally avoidable mental anguish, and what you can do instead.
Jan 16, 202409:13
What is “nutritional inner peace” and how do we find it?
Jan 09, 202416:13
You’re not still using these common fitness phrases, are you?

You’re not still using these common fitness phrases, are you?

In this episode, we examine some common phrases people use when setting goals, like “lose weight,” or “tone up.” We talk about how these terms contain hidden assumptions that may make people who use them less likely to achieve their goals, as well as what to say instead.
Jan 02, 202414:40
What did I learn from the two-week “no phone” experiment?

What did I learn from the two-week “no phone” experiment?

In this follow-up piece to December 4th’s episode, I discuss the challenges and benefits of deliberately avoiding using my iPhone outside of work hours. Enjoy!
Dec 26, 202312:08
What’s the most overlooked gift each holiday season?

What’s the most overlooked gift each holiday season?

In this episode, we talk about how the pressure to give gifts can ruin the magic of generosity. We also discuss the benefits of a “no-gifts” policy with loved ones.
Dec 19, 202307:14
Why is it normal to struggle with nutrition?
Dec 11, 202311:13
What would it take for you to give up your smartphone?
Dec 04, 202312:28
As Niche As It Gets: Fixing the D-III National Soccer Tournament

As Niche As It Gets: Fixing the D-III National Soccer Tournament

In this week’s episode, we depart from last week’s philosophical heaviness contemplating the meaning of life, to something far less consequential. Division-III soccer.
Nov 27, 202316:06
What is the meaning of life? Musings on Meaning: Part 2

What is the meaning of life? Musings on Meaning: Part 2

In this episode, we discuss that favorite question of our species, “What is the meaning of life?” from both a religious and non-religious angle. Enjoy!
Nov 21, 202311:38
Why do things like this happen? Musings on the Fragility of Life (Part 1)
Nov 14, 202307:35
Is national pride inherently dangerous?

Is national pride inherently dangerous?

In this episode, we talk about a concept called “national gratitude,” and why it’s less likely to lead to violence and other issues than its cousin, national pride.
Nov 07, 202307:57
Have you tried “snacking on sleep?”
Oct 31, 202310:17
Was this too crazy to be a coincidence?

Was this too crazy to be a coincidence?

Synchronicities are fun reminders that we’re part of an interconnected universe, functioning in ways we don’t understand. In this episode, I share a cool story of a synchronistic event that happened after a recent soccer game, and left me feeling quite humbled and grateful.
Oct 23, 202308:52
Have you ever said this to a significant other?

Have you ever said this to a significant other?

In this episode, we dive into beliefs, expectations, and pre-conceived notions in relationships. We talk about how they can harm partnerships, one phrase you should avoid, and simple rules of thumb for relationship satisfaction.
Oct 17, 202308:59
What’s one simple change that would instantly improve politics? (Part 2)

What’s one simple change that would instantly improve politics? (Part 2)

In this episode, we talk about why only allowing individuals (rather than organizations) to make ANY political donations would massively improve the state of politics in the U.S.
Oct 10, 202311:14
Is it true that political polarization is getting worse? (Part 1)

Is it true that political polarization is getting worse? (Part 1)

In this episode, we examine something many people take for granted: that the U.S. is more politically divided than ever. Survey data (and anecdotal evidence) both suggest that this isn’t true. What a relief!
Oct 01, 202309:17
Are some people inherently bad…or worse, evil?

Are some people inherently bad…or worse, evil?

In this episode, I use a combination of neuroscience research on infants and my admittedly anecdotal experiences from meditation retreats to make the case that no person is intrinsically bad, and that innate evil doesn’t exist.
Sep 26, 202312:47
Is this true about the people you don’t like?

Is this true about the people you don’t like?

In this episode, we discuss reactivity in interpersonal situations, and I go through a checklist that can help us determine if another person’s behavior is showing us something we’d like to work on within ourselves.
Sep 18, 202308:56
If you went to college, what do you owe your alma mater?

If you went to college, what do you owe your alma mater?

In this episode, I share the story of the worst job I ever had as a way to highlight how the value proposition of a college education has changed over the years. I also discuss a key reason why older generations may feel more affection towards their respective alma maters…and it’s not rising tuition costs!
Sep 10, 202311:42
What do U.S. sports leagues do WAY better than European soccer? (Part 2)

What do U.S. sports leagues do WAY better than European soccer? (Part 2)

In the final installment of this two-part series, we discuss the vast difference in offseason length between the NBA, NFL, and MLB compared to European soccer. We also dive into the surprising economic implications of this.
Aug 29, 202310:34
Will the soccer world ever start taking this problem seriously? (Part 1)

Will the soccer world ever start taking this problem seriously? (Part 1)

In this week’s episode, we discuss the worsening injury epidemic in professional soccer. We cover the culture of overtraining that makes this possible and cite multiple key examples. Part 2 will cover what we can do about it.
Aug 29, 202308:35
How do you know if you have a “healthy” relationship with drugs? (Part 3)

How do you know if you have a “healthy” relationship with drugs? (Part 3)

In the finale of our 3-part series on drugs, we talk about the balance between enjoyment of and dependence on substances and activities. We also discuss a couple simple experiments and small mental shifts that can help us avoid dependence.
Aug 22, 202309:43
Why aren’t these drugs legal? (Part 2)

Why aren’t these drugs legal? (Part 2)

In Part 2 of our 3-part series on drugs, I share the details of my first experience with psilocybin mushrooms in 2017.
Aug 15, 202311:27
Is it true that drunken words are sober thoughts? (Part 1)

Is it true that drunken words are sober thoughts? (Part 1)

In this episode, we discuss society’s drug of choice-alcohol. We talk about its ego-enhancing effects, and examine whether “sober you” or “drunk you” is more “real.”
Aug 07, 202309:21
Why should the Barbie movie be required viewing for all philosophy students?

Why should the Barbie movie be required viewing for all philosophy students?

In this episode, I discuss my experiences watching “Oppenheimer” and “Barbie” in the same weekend. The surprising takeaway was the number of parallels between “Barbie” and “non-duality” a key component of Eastern religion and philosophy.
Jul 30, 202313:30
Is the NBA’s best player un-athletic?
Jul 24, 202307:49
Wait…did they just officially say that diet soda causes cancer?

Wait…did they just officially say that diet soda causes cancer?

In this episode, we discuss what the World Health Organization’s classification of aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic” actually means. As ever, nuance is necessary, and moderation is the answer.
Jul 18, 202307:31
What if it USED to be okay to say that? (Part 2)

What if it USED to be okay to say that? (Part 2)

This is a follow up to last week’s episode, “Is it okay to say that?” In it, we discuss “euphemistic evolution,” or how societal language standards change over time. We also discuss the responsibility we bear for our words, and the power they have.
Jul 11, 202309:55
Is it okay to say that? (Part 1)

Is it okay to say that? (Part 1)

In this episode, we discuss a chant heard during soccer games featuring Mexico’s national team. FIFA has labeled it homophobic, and we explore why its usage has persisted despite nearly a decade-long effort to educate fans and convince them to stop using it.
Jul 04, 202309:56
How much should you worry about this?

How much should you worry about this?

In this episode, we talk about how a focus on small details often detracts from our goals. It uses up valuable time and energy that would be better spent focused on the basics. Many people fall into this trap when pursuing their nutrition goals.
Jun 27, 202307:30
When it comes to weight loss, are you a “part-time monk?”

When it comes to weight loss, are you a “part-time monk?”

In this episode, we look at dieting behavior through a non-traditional lens…eastern philosophy. Enjoy!
Jun 20, 202306:43