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Hope & Possibility with Dr. Gregory Jantz

Hope & Possibility with Dr. Gregory Jantz

By Gregory Jantz

Dr. Jantz is a foremost authority on mental health in the United States. As the pioneer of the Whole Personal Care approach to treatment and the founder of The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, Dr. Jantz is a best-selling author of over 45 books. A go-to media expert on anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, eating disorders, addiction and abuse, Dr. Jantz provides his unique perspective as well as the tools and techniques for all of us to improve our mental health on a daily basis.
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#22 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses PTSD and How to Overcome It

Hope & Possibility with Dr. Gregory JantzJan 18, 2023

#49 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Trauma Bonding, Part 2
Apr 29, 202417:42
#48 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Trauma Bonding, Part 1
Apr 22, 202414:33
#47 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Stress and Burnout
Apr 04, 202416:24
#46 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Orthorexia
Mar 07, 202421:41
#45 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Grief and Loss
Mar 01, 202424:37
#44 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Why Failure Is Never Final

#44 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Why Failure Is Never Final

Feb 09, 202424:31
#43 – Dr. Jantz in Discussion with Pastor Paul Daugherty

#43 – Dr. Jantz in Discussion with Pastor Paul Daugherty

In this podcast episode, Dr. Jantz talks with Paul Daugherty, lead pastor at Victory church in Tulsa, OK, author, and podcast host. Daugherty recently released his book Mind Games about the mental health crisis occurring in churches today. This book dives into the church's unfortunate track record of handling mental health issues and offers practical tools for overcoming depression, anxiety, and insecurity.

Dr. Jantz and Daugherty discuss his personal story of battling depression after the loss of his father and the highs and lows of his healing journey. As someone who experienced mental health struggles first-hand, Daugherty is on a mission to help others find mental and emotional victory. Listen to this podcast for an enlightening conversation about Daugherty's story and strategies for living a life of HOPE.

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have significant anxiety, trauma, phobias, and depression. The Center uses the Whole Person Care approach to healing.

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges. If you or someone you care for is struggling with a challenging relationship or depression, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call ⁠⁠⁠888.771.5166


Jan 16, 202444:14
#42 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Emotional Intelligence
Dec 15, 202320:23
#41 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Signs of Emotional Abuse

#41 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Signs of Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse can come in many different forms. But whatever the form, it can leave deep and lasting scars.

It can be defined as being deliberately treated unjustly, by one person or a group of people, consistently over time. Emotional abuse can occur in many different relationships, whether it’s in your relationship with your spouse, friend, or a co-worker.

Emotional abusers are often unpredictable, manipulative, and are motivated by getting power and control, and these behaviors can cause intense pain for the victim.

In this podcast episode, Dr. Jantz explains the signs of emotional abuse to be aware of, and some strategies for dealing with an emotional abuser to feel emotionally and physically safe. In upcoming episodes, Dr. Jantz will break down the different types of emotional abusers and what to do if you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship.

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have significant anxiety, trauma, phobias, and depression. The Center uses the Whole Person Care approach to healing. It is recognized as a Top 10 Depression Treatment Center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges.

If you or someone you care for is struggling with a challenging relationship or depression, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call ⁠⁠⁠888.771.5166⁠⁠⁠

Dec 08, 202321:08
#40 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Strategies for Managing Anxiety

#40 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Strategies for Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is the leading diagnosis in the country. What do you do if anxiety’s got you paralyzed? Everyone experiences anxiety uniquely. You might struggle with physical symptoms, such as a feeling of heaviness you can’t seem to shake and panic disorders, or you might struggle with mental symptoms, such as a shame-filled belief system. Anxiety affects your whole body in a way that you might feel like it’s holding you captive. Since there are many roots and causes of anxiety, it can be difficult to know where to start on your road to recovery.

In this podcast episode, Dr. Jantz walks you through some of the foundational issues that can contribute to anxiety and, from there, how to create a plan to manage your anxiety. He discusses some damaging fundamental beliefs you might be holding onto, past traumas, lifestyle choices, and even dietary deficiencies that might be making your anxiety worse and what steps you can take moving forward to live a life free from anxiety.

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have significant anxiety, trauma, phobias, and depression. The Center uses the Whole Person Care approach to healing.

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges. If you or someone you care for is struggling with a challenging relationship or depression, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call ⁠⁠⁠888.771.5166⁠⁠⁠

Nov 14, 202326:19
#39 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Emotional Strength in Uncertain Times
Oct 31, 202318:38
#38 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Whole Person Care for Depression
Oct 17, 202324:05
#37 – Dr. Jantz Discusses How to Deal With Ghosting
Oct 03, 202318:31
#36 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Breaking Free from Technology Addiction
Aug 22, 202323:16
#35 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Gaslighting Warning Signs: Manipulation Tactics, Empowering Recovery, Pt 2
Aug 02, 202323:11
#34 – Dr. Jantz Discusses How to Deal With Gaslighting
Jul 20, 202312:49
#33 – Dr. Jantz Discusses What Defines a Healthy Person
Jun 16, 202323:58
#32 – Dr. Jantz Discusses How to Deal With a Narcissist

#32 – Dr. Jantz Discusses How to Deal With a Narcissist

A narcissist will exaggerate achievements and expect to be recognized as superior without accomplishments to support it. They have a heightened sense of self-importance and are pre-occupied with fantasies of achievement, brilliance, beauty, and more. They demonstrate a sense of entitlement, and they want and expect to be treated with extra favor, automatic compliance, and excessive admiration.

They believe they are special, unique, and can only be understood by other special, high-status individuals. Notably, there is a lack of empathy and compassion for others.

As a mental health counselor, I have treated a number of people who fit this narcissistic behavior. Many people exhibit one or more of these issues occasionally, and even frequently. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are narcissists. And we need to be mindful of using labels when we talk about individual behavior. Narcissism is deeply engrained and persistent over time. And it is, again, characterized by a lack of empathy.

Narcissism is challenging to overcome. It is a deep-rooted sense of self that stimulates and sustains the ego. It is a power thing, and often imposed on “victims.” A first step is for the narcissist to see that they actually have a disorder. Once that realization occurs, then the process of creating a more balanced, even, and compassionate life needs to occur.

But this podcast is intended for the victims of those who are in a relationship with a narcissist.

In this podcast, I help the listener understand what defines a true narcissist. Then we talk about what you can do if you are in a relationship with a narcissist. If you are, you understand the victimization that can take place. Finally, I provide some actions and techniques you can incorporate to begin healing.

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have significant anxiety, trauma, phobias, and depression. The Center uses the Whole Person Care approach to healing.

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S. and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges. If you or someone you care for is struggling with a challenging relationship or depression, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call ⁠888.771.5166


May 22, 202327:08
#31 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Keys to Resilience

#31 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Keys to Resilience

In this post-pandemic, stress-filled world, we need to be able to triumph over daily challenges – triumph over trauma, over emotional struggles, over physical and spiritual challenges, and more.

During the pandemic, we became saturated with anxiety, chronic stress, depression, and maybe some addiction or substance abuse issues. Suddenly, this accumulation led us to break from reality. I call this a reality break resulting from oppressive anxiety.

Most of us are somewhere within the spectrum of post-pandemic stress and saturation. Some are still struggling mightily with high anxiety saturation. Others are still just feeling “blah,” like you can’t get your old mojo back.

But now is the time to experience post-pandemic growth. In this podcast, I’m going to talk about how to not just keep yourself emotionally well, but to keep growing and achieving triumph over the challenges of daily life.

The key is to create consistent resilience, reinforced by hope, strength, and balance.

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have significant anxiety, trauma, phobias, and depression. The Center uses the Whole Person Care approach to healing.

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges. If you or someone you care for is struggling with a challenging relationship or depression, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166

May 09, 202315:32
#30 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Overcoming Anxiety and Phobias (Especially for Gen Z)

#30 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Overcoming Anxiety and Phobias (Especially for Gen Z)

What happens when phobia and anxiety take hold of your life? For many of us, and especially Gen Z, we continue to struggle with a society that seems filled with stress, worry, and fear. There is a newer term that psychologists are using to describe the hopelessness and apathy being felt by many – especially Gen Z. It is the term foreshortened future. A foreshortened future describes those who don’t see any hope for the future, who are struggling to sense their place in society, feel apathy and often withdraw from daily life.

In this podcast, Dr. Jantz helps us understand why we feel such anxiety in today's world. He goes over phobias that can take hold of our thoughts, making us feel, say, and react in ways that are not who we want to be. And, as always, Dr. Jantz provides the tools and techniques that we can all use every day to help improve our mental health.

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have significant anxiety, trauma, phobias, and depression. The Center uses the Whole Person Care approach to healing.

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges. If you or someone you care for is struggling with a challenging relationship or depression, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166

Apr 26, 202325:16
#29 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Triumph Over Trauma, Part 2

#29 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Triumph Over Trauma, Part 2

While the word trauma can feel uncomfortable, and the definition of trauma may seem broad, it does have a definition that we can all relate to. Trauma can be either a one-time event, or a series of events, that causes great emotional pain that is overwhelming, and that we don't typically recover from. It usually has whole person implications – emotional health, physical health, immune health, relational, spiritual, and more.

The pandemic exacerbated trauma. We had anticipatory anxiety. It triggered a lot of latent, past trauma. We are noticing that a huge increase in unresolved trauma, and it is often more pronounced and debilitating that depression or anxiety.

Left untreated, the effects of trauma often get worse. The good news is that trauma is not just treatable, but can be overcome. It requires care, and a plan to recover. There are no shortcuts. There are newer tools that can be helpful...but there are no short cuts to recovery.

In this podcast, Dr. Jantz covers the 10 significant truths to trauma. He explains what the characteristics are of someone who lives with unresolved trauma. And finally, he walks through ways you can help improve and begin to work through your trauma on a daily basis.

Trauma does not have to be a life sentence. Forward this podcast to friends who may be struggling with trauma. It may manifest in depression, anxiety, excessive worry and fear, or quick-to-anger behavior. In each case, this podcast may be a great resources to begin the recovery process.

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have significant anxiety, trauma, and depression. The Center uses the Whole Person Care approach to healing.

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges. If you or someone you care for is struggling with a challenging relationship or depression, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166

Apr 11, 202324:28
#28 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Triumph Over Trauma

#28 – Dr. Jantz Discusses Triumph Over Trauma

If there is one issue we know about the cause of depression, anxiety, addiction, and mental health can be traced back to unresolved trauma. Trauma can be excruciatingly painful. It lingers. It resurfaces. It hides around the corner to confront us at inopportune times. It saps us of our confidence, our strength, and our happiness.

Often referred to as PTSD, or post-traumatic disturbances, trauma stems from a singular or series of dramatic and potentially shocking events. It can be from the battlefield in war. It can be from seeing a horrific accident. It can result form violence inflicted upon yourself, or another. It can be from an intensely abusive relationship, or sexual assault. It can be from the sudden loss of a loved one.

The question ultimately becomes, "how do I resolve my trauma and move on in a healthy and productive way?"

It begins by looking at the root causes of the trauma. They may be from childhood. They may be from a recent difficult relationship. It could be from suppressed memories from the battlefield. It could be a combination and accumulation of those and others.

Once the root causes are understood, then the work of resolving those life episodes needs to begin. Therapy is almost always the best way for someone to achieve resolution, and to regain the confidence and strength they need to live a fulfilled and balanced life moving forward.

If you experience trauma, there is HOPE! We know from therapeutic results, that trauma is not just treatable, but can be overcome.

In this podcast, Dr. Jantz helps us understand how life events can lead to trauma. He explains what the characteristics are of someone who lives with unresolved trauma. And finally, he walks through ways you can help improve and begin to work through your trauma on a daily basis.

In today's post-pandemic, high-stress world we live in, trauma is at epidemic levels. This podcast can help those who struggle with it. Forward this podcast to friends who may be struggling with trauma. It may manifest in depression, anxiety, excessive worry and fear, or quick-to-anger behavior. In each case, this podcast may be a great resources to begin the recovery process.

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have significant anxiety, trauma, and depression. The Center uses the Whole Person Care approach to healing.

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges. If you or someone you care for is struggling with a challenging relationship or depression, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166

Apr 02, 202325:15
#27 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses How to Achieve Emotional Wellness

#27 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses How to Achieve Emotional Wellness

The Holy Grail of mental health – emotional wellness. It is the goal for all of us. But how can we achieve it in a world that can feel like it pushes, and pressures, and batters us with new challenges on a daily basis.

Mental health challenges – whether depression or anxiety, relationships and emotional abuse, PTSD, or an eating disorder – have a ripe environment to thrive in today's society. 

But there is HOPE! Today, we know more about the brain, our physiology, and the connection between sleep, fitness, and nutrition and our mental health, than ever before. Armed with that knowledge, there are steps we can take every day to cleanse and strengthen our mental health.  

In this podcast, Dr. Jantz explains the history of mental health treatment, and why today we have more knowledge and tools than ever before. He then explains the keys to emotional wellness. Emotionally well people share common characteristics:

• An ability to deal with reality

• Emotion regulation

• Ability to manage unpleasant emotions

• Ability to adapt to change – a new job, moving...normal life changes

• Can initiate forgiveness and shows grace 

• Can let go of anger, bitterness, resentment, and toxic emotions 

• Has the capacity to give and receive love

• Practices gratitude 

• Has optimism and hope for the future

These characteristics may be challenging at times, as life presents unique challenges. But emotionally healthy people always re-center back to these traits. Are you there? Do you need help getting there? Start by journaling and affirming these positive attributes in your thoughts, words, and actions. Be consistent, and do it daily. Recognize when you lapse, and strive to do better. Over time, your thought/word/action pattern will take root. 

Forward this podcast to friends who may be struggling with their emotional wellness.

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have significant anxiety, trauma, and depression. The Center uses the whole person care approach to healing.

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges. If you or someone you care for is struggling with a challenging relationship or depression, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166

Mar 15, 202322:60
#26 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Silent Depression in Relationships

#26 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Silent Depression in Relationships

Depression is at epidemic levels, and shows no signs of abating post-pandemic. It is the second most diagnosed health issues in America.

But what is "silent depression," and why is it so prevalent – and not discussed – in relationships?

Silent depression is something we work hard to hide. Silent depression can be silent simply because the person doesn't recognize they are in a depressed state. Another way it is silent is by the individual suppressing known symptoms, or discounting and denying it. Either way, the depression is real.

The danger of silent depression is that everything feels normal, because it has evolved over time. The result is long-term,, deep-seated depression that can take more time and therapy to resolve. It can erode intimacy, control mood, behavior, social engagement, and effect one's entire quality of life.

In this podcast, Dr. Jantz explains how one can find themself in silent depression, and then what to do about it. This is particularly present in long-term marriages and other close relationships. It results in emotional isolation.

Forward this podcast to friends who may be struggling with silent depression in their relationships.

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have significant sleep issues, as well as those who are struggling with anxiety, trauma, and depression. The Center uses the whole person care approach to healing.

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges. If you or someone you care for is struggling with a challenging relationship or depression, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166

Mar 07, 202322:40
#25 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Enmeshment Trauma, a Form of Dysfunctional Relationships

#25 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Enmeshment Trauma, a Form of Dysfunctional Relationships

Enmeshment trauma. It sounds severe, but what is it? Enmeshment refers to a type of codependency where one becomes enmeshed in another to the point where their identity revolves around someone else. It is an encompassing "reality" where one feels they can't exist without not just the other person, but also without their historical experiences upon which to draw. When the potential loss of that relationship becomes a possibility, severe trauma can be felt. 

This is stronger than a normal breakup, which can be very difficult in its own right. Couple that with the perceived loss of identity – and the potential loss of all that is enmeshed in one's identify – and you can see how it can go from difficult to traumatic. Without help, not just recovery is very challenging. but the ability to avoid continual enmeshment in each future relationship becomes harder and harder. 

Recovery from enmeshment can take a long time, and relapse is a very real concern. Surrounding one's self with strong, balanced, and healthy people is a good start.

In this podcast, Dr. Jantz explains what enmeshment trauma is, how it makes you feel, and how it can develop insidiously over time. He then offers tools to help overcome enmeshment. 

Don't miss this podcast – and forward it to friends who may be struggling with dependent relationships. 

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have significant sleep issues, as well as those who are struggling with anxiety, trauma, and depression. The Center uses the whole person care approach to healing.

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges. If you or someone you care for is struggling with a challenging relationship, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166

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Feb 20, 202322:31
#24 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Sleep, Its Importance to Mental Health, and How to Improve Your Sleep Quality

#24 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Sleep, Its Importance to Mental Health, and How to Improve Your Sleep Quality

When it comes to discussing mental health, we don't usually think of sleep as one of the first topics. But you could argue that improving the quality of our sleep could have a more dramatic impact on our mental well-being than almost anything else. We all know we feel better after a good night’s sleep, and that we are more irritable and hazy when sleep deprived. But there now is scientific evidence showing sleep is critical to not just our physical health, but our mental health as well. In fact, not enough, or poor-quality sleep is shown to increase negative emotional responses to stressors, while decreasing positive emotions.

When we are getting consistent, restful, deeper REM sleep, we have more physical and mental energy, and our body doesn't need to work as hard to focus and complete tasks. We have more strength to withstand challenging situations, and have a more positive outlook on life. 

But wanting good sleep, and getting good sleep can be two different stories. Why is quality sleep so elusive to so many of us? And are there things we can do in our daily routine to help without resorting to prescriptions or strong over the counter products?

In this podcast, Dr. Jantz explains what contributes to poor sleep, how it makes you feel, and what consistently poor sleep can do to our mental health. He then gives us practical tips that we can all do to help improve our quality of sleep.

You don't want to miss this podcast – it may be the one that literally gives you a new lease on life! 

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have significant sleep issues, as well as those who are struggling with anxiety, trauma, and depression. The Center uses the whole person care approach to healing.

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges. If you or someone you care for is struggling with agoraphobia, PTSD or anxiety, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166

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Feb 13, 202326:10
 #23 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Agoraphobia and How to Overcome It

#23 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Agoraphobia and How to Overcome It

You may have heard a relatively new or uncommon word lately from the  family of anxieties – agoraphobia. In fact, while traditionally fairly  rare (affecting 1-2% of the population), we are seeing a dramatic  increase in it post-pandemic.   

But what is agoraphobia? It is an extreme or irrational fear of entering  crowded places, leaving one's home, or being in areas where escape is  harrowing.   

In his new memoir, Spare, Prince Harry shares his past struggle with  agoraphobia. This has brought light to an affliction with which many  suffer in silence.   

Whether rational or not, the physical and psychological effects of  agoraphobia are very real. It is a form of anxiety that may affect more  than 10 million Americans, and is on the rise. It is more prevalent in  women than men.  We are talking about more than just getting nervous to address the crowd  at a conference or a Chamber of Commerce dinner. That is a normal  reaction when one is unaccustomed to having many people stare at them  while speaking.   

Agoraphobia goes well beyond that. The mere thought of leaving the house  to get groceries can cause an intense fear and physical reaction, Left  untreated, agoraphobia can worsen over time. In fact, only about 10% of  people who suffer from Agoraphobia will recover without treatment.   

In this podcast, Dr. Jantz explains what agoraphobia is, how it makes  you feel, and what we can do to overcome it.  Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of  HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have  experienced extreme betrayal, shame, guilt, anxiety, and depression. The Center uses the whole person care approach to healing.  

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health  center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental  health challenges.  If you or someone you care for is struggling with agoraphobia, PTSD or  anxiety, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about  what a treatment program can look like for you.  

Call 888.771.5166 

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Feb 06, 202318:59
#22 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses PTSD and How to Overcome It

#22 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses PTSD and How to Overcome It

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health challenge. But it can also be confusing – confusing for some professionals to correctly diagnose, and confusing for the one suffering from it. We know that PTSD almost certainly involves depression as well as anxiety. Both can appear independently, or simultaneously. In either case, PTSD can be debilitating, making the one suffering feeling like they need to withdraw, like there is no hope, that any social situation situation can instantly become an embarrassing and very uncomfortable place they need to escape from.

We often refer to military veterans, especially those returning from serious conflict and war, as being highly susceptible to PTSD. And that is very true. We need to take care of the mental health of our military members. But PTSD can occur to anyone. If there was trauma in the past, it can not only linger, but fester and cause increasingly more difficult challenges as one gets older.

In this podcast, Dr. Jantz explains what PTSD is, how it can affect us, and what we can do to overcome it.

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have experienced extreme betrayal, shame, guilt, anxiety, and depression.. The Center uses the whole person care approach to healing.

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges.

If you or someone you care for is struggling with betrayal and trust issues, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166
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Jan 18, 202328:19
#21 – Dr. Jantz Tells Us How to Become More Resilient

#21 – Dr. Jantz Tells Us How to Become More Resilient

Jan 14, 202317:57
#20 – Dr. Jantz Gives a Message of HOPE for the New Year 2023
Dec 30, 202222:15
#19 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Trust After Betrayal

#19 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Trust After Betrayal

One of the most difficult things to do in life is to trust someone again after they have betrayed you. Even if your mind tells you it is okay to trust again, the heart can have a block that can feel impossible to break through.

But why is it important to trust again? Can a relationship survive and even thrive without full trust? Trust certainly helps make a relationship "whole," and enables two people to have a foundation of strength that can endure other difficult challenges like health and financial issues. 

In this podcast, Dr. Jantz explores the challenges we face when trying to restore trust. He walks through the responsibilities from both people, the betrayer, and the betrayed. It is not easy to restore trust; but the rewards are many. Dr. Jantz gives many techniques and tools that you can use today to start rebuilding trust

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have experienced extreme betrayal, shame, guilt, anxiety, and depression.. The Center uses the whole person care approach to healing.

The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering with mental health challenges.

If you or someone you care for is struggling with betrayal and trust issues, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166
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Dec 22, 202217:35
#18 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Freedom From Shame
Dec 12, 202215:53
#17 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Holiday Stress and Anxiety

#17 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Holiday Stress and Anxiety

There is always some stress around the holidays. Expectations, family in town, end-of-year stuff. But does this year feel even more filled with stress...even chronic, unrelenting stress? We have come through three years of pandemic-related, election-related, economy-concerned, public safety concerned, times. If you are looking for things to add stress and anxiety to your life, you don't have to look very far!

But that's not the life we have to live. We still can live a balanced, calm, and thoughtful life. We just need a few new tools for our toolkit. 

In today's podcast, talk about why we feel extra stress during this time of year. We then discuss ways to control or stress, and simple tools and techniques not just to get by, but tho thrive during this holiday season. 

If you are struggling with stress, anxiety and depression this season, please listen to this podcast. Share it with a friend who needs some encouragement this season. There is Hope and Possibility for a happy and fulfilling holiday season this year. 

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have experienced significant depression, trauma, relationship betrayal, anxiety, PTSD, and more. The Center uses the whole person care approach to healing. 

Stress, anxiety ,and depression are treatable. The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering from traumatic relationships.

If you or someone you care for is struggling with stress, depression, or anxiety, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166
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Dec 05, 202217:30
#16 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Seasonal Affective Disorder

#16 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Seasonal Affective Disorder

Have you been asking yourself questions like “I feel sad for no reason?” or “Why am I so tired all the time?” Have these questions started popping up alongside a sudden change in the weather?

If you said “yes” to any of the above, a condition known as seasonal affective disorder (or SAD for short) could be the culprit.

Also known as seasonal depression or the “winter blues,” seasonal affective disorder is a unique form of depression. It typically begins and ends around the same time each year and, as the name suggests, is related to seasonal changes.

If you struggle with seasonal affective disorder, you probably notice that your symptoms begin in the fall and last through winter, getting better when the weather starts to warm up and the days start to lengthen once again.

In about 10 percent of people with seasonal affective disorder, symptoms occur instead during the spring and summer, then get better in the fall and winter.

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have experienced betrayal in their relationships. The Center uses the whole person care approach to healing. Please share this with those who may be struggling with betrayal.

There is good news. Unhealthy relationships are treatable. The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering from traumatic relationships.
If you or someone you care for is struggling with a difficult relationship, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166
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Nov 13, 202217:00
#15 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Loneliness, and The Power of Connection

#15 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Loneliness, and The Power of Connection

Healthy relationships. We all want them in our lives. But how to we attract them, how do we build them, and how do we keep them healthy?

Dr. Jantz discusses how to achieve healthy relationships through the power of positive connection. In a recent survey, 61% of Americans said they were lonely. Of those, most said they cannot identify even one close friend. Many of us didn't have a strong relationship mentor. We observed, but those relationships we watched were frequently not the best. So, we may not have any real foundation to know what healthy connection looks and feels like.

Often, we move toward acceptance, though that might not be the healthy choice. So, what are the things that keep us from healthy relationships? And what are the things we can do to invest in positive connection and healthy relationships? 

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have experienced betrayal in their relationships. The Center uses the whole person care approach to healing. Please share this with those who may be struggling with betrayal. 

There is good news. Unhealthy relationships are treatable. The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering from traumatic relationships.

If you or someone you care for is struggling with a difficult relationship, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166

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Nov 02, 202217:05
 #14 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses How to Heal and Recover from Betrayal

#14 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses How to Heal and Recover from Betrayal

If there is one area that cuts deeper than almost anything, it is betrayal. And for many of those worlds that have been rocked, there is no greater need in life than healing from betrayal. 

Have you or a loved one been the recipient of betrayal? It can be devastating, and left unresolved, can suck happiness and meaning from our lives. But there is hope. Working through a betrayal can be extremely hard, but it can also be extremely healing. Sometimes relationships can recover. Sometimes they cannot. But for the betrayed individual, is it crucial to heal and recover. 

In this podcast, mental health and relationship expert Dr. Gregory Jantz helps you understand not just why betrayal happens, but how you can work to cleanse yourself of the pain, resentment, anger, and hopelessness that can often follow. There is hope, healing, and a life of fulfillment and happiness on the other side of betrayal. Dr. Jantz will provide meaningful tips and thoughts to help you on your journey. 

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have experienced betrayal in their relationships. The Center uses the whole person care approach to healing. Please share this with those who may be struggling with betrayal. 

There is good news. Unhealthy relationships are treatable. The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering from traumatic relationships.

If you or someone you care for is struggling with a difficult relationship, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166

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Oct 19, 202220:28
#13 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses How to Develop Healthy Relationships

#13 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses How to Develop Healthy Relationships

Dr. Gregory Jantz discusses what defines a healthy relationship, and how  to invest in your relationship to make it healthier.   

Who is trustworthy? What is a healthy relationship? Is there hope and the possibility of a healthy relationship?   

There is! But it can take work, and it can take recognizing red flags.   

This series continues with real life issues – shame, abuse, anxiety.  Today, let's talk about healthy relationships. You may be in an unhealthy relationship today. Let's talk about whether it can change, or whether we need to adjust and transition.   

In this podcast, Dr. Jantz helps you understand how unhealthy  relationships develop, and tools to course correct. Or, to recognize  when they may be beyond repair. We also talk about techniques to create a  healthy relationship from the outset, and how to continue to invest in a  relationship to keep it healthy.   

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of  HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have been in  very unhealthy relationships. The Center uses the whole person care  approach to healing. Please share this with those who may be struggling  with an unhealthy relationship. There is good news. Unhealthy  relationships are treatable. The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized  as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands  suffering from abusive relationships.   

If you or someone you care for is struggling with a difficult  relationship, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist  about what a treatment program can look like for you.   

Call 888.771.5166   

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Sep 23, 202216:43
#12 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses How to Deal With Toxic People

#12 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses How to Deal With Toxic People

Dr. Gregory Jantz discusses the challenge of how to deal with toxic people. At best, they can rob you of time, emotion, and have you question your own sense of worth. At worst, toxic people can literally sap the life from you, leaving you hollow, broken, unsure, irritable, afraid, and feeling alone. 

The Deceiver, The Gaslighter, The Guilter, The Control Freak, The Put-Down Artist. They are toxic people,, and they create turmoil in relationships of all kinds. They keep you constantly off balance, making you feel as if you are the dysfunctional one. 

In this podcast, Dr. Jantz helps you understand what defines a toxic person, and how to find the courage and tenacity needed to take the first steps toward wholeness and well-being. You’ll discover how to spot toxic people, and how to deal with them effectively. You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Learn to set boundaries and reclaim your life! 

Dr. Jantz’s award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats those who have been the recipient of toxic abuse in their relationships. the Center uses the whole person care approach to healing. Please share this with those who may be struggling with a toxic relationship. There is good news. Toxic relationships are treatable. The Center • A Place of HOPE is recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., and has treated thousands suffering from abusive relationships. 

If you or someone you care for is struggling with a difficult relationship, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you. 

Call 888.771.5166 

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Sep 09, 202218:54
#11 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Emotional Abuse & Relationships

#11 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Emotional Abuse & Relationships

Relationships can be challenging, as well as rewarding. But when abuse enters into one, the dynamic changes significantly. Left unresolved and  attitudes can harden, making it more difficult to course correct.

Can two individuals change the dynamic, re-center, re-balance, re-respect, and forgive when emotional abuse has taken hold?  

Dr. Gregory Jantz discusses the serious issue of emotional abuse in close relationships. Emotional abuse is wide spread, with up to 4 in 5  adults experiencing emotional it in their lifetime.   

In this podcast, the 4th in this Emotional Abuse series, Dr. Jantz discusses why relationships devolve into emotional abuse, and what you can do to help recover an emotionally abusive relationship.   

Is your relationship repairable? Dr. Jantz provides powerful tools that can help.   

How do you know when too much damage may have been done? Dr. Jantz provides thoughts on helping one understand when “enough may be enough,”  and when more effort can be helpful.   

Dr. Jantz is one of the world’s leading experts on emotional abuse, and the author of the seminal best-selling book Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse. Additionally, his award-winning treatment facility, The  Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats emotionally abusive relationships using the whole person care approach to healing.   

Please share this with those who may be struggling with an emotionally abusive relationship.  

There is good news. Anxiety, worry and fear from abusive relationships is treatable. The Center • A Place of HOPE, the treatment facility founded by Dr. Jantz and recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., has treated thousands suffering from abusive relationships. 

If you or someone you care for is struggling with a difficult relationship, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist  about what a treatment program can look like for you.   

Call 888.771.5166  

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Aug 30, 202216:45
#10 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses What to Do About Emotional Abuse

#10 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses What to Do About Emotional Abuse

Dr. Gregory Jantz discusses the serious and difficult issue of emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is pervasive, and its occurrence is unfortunately increasing. as much as 50 and 80 percent of adults can expect to experience emotional abuse in their lifetime. 

In this valuable podcast, Dr. Jantz discusses what to do when you find yourself or a loved one in an emotionally abusive. Importantly, he provides tips and techniques you can use every day to help improve an emotionally abusive relationship. 

Is your relationship repairable? Dr. Jantz provides powerful tools that can help.

There are some hard truths about emotionally abusive relationships. While Dr. Jantz remains ever hopeful about the ability to repair, heal, and grow from a difficult relationship, not every situation is salvageable. In very serious cases, there may be hope in separating for a while to calm down, reflect, and reset. But how do you know when too much damage may have been done? Certainly physical and sexual abuse are absolutely huge red flags. Dr. Jantz provides thoughts on helping one understand when “enough may be enough.”

Dr. Jantz is one of the world’s leading experts on emotional abuse, and the author of the seminal best-selling book Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse. Additionally, his award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats emotionally abusive relationships using the whole person care approach to healing.

Please share this with those who may be struggling with an emotionally abusive relationship.

There is good news. Anxiety, worry and fear from abusive relationships is treatable. The Center • A Place of HOPE, the treatment facility founded by Dr. Jantz and recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., has treated thousands suffering from abusive relationships. If you or someone you care for is struggling with a difficult relationship, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166
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Aug 09, 202218:23
#9 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses the Different Types of Emotional Abuse and Abusers

#9 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses the Different Types of Emotional Abuse and Abusers

 Dr. Gregory Jantz continues his mini-series on emotional abuse. There is a high correlation between emotional abuse and physical abuse. Dr. Jantz notes that initial verbal abuse, especially early in a relationship, is often a predictor of physical abuse later in a relationship. Emotional abuse can be verbal berating, but it can also manifest in other forms. Men are more likely to commit emotional abuse, though it is not exclusive to the male gender. 

Emotional abuse include ridicule, belittlement, exerting control in many or all aspects of a relationship, overbearance, silence or isolation, the threat of exposing personal information or secrets, and more. Over time, it wears on the emotional and psychological well-being of the partner. The damage to the other's mental health can be deep-seated and long-lasting. Treatment is often needed to recover. 

Considered one of the world’s leading experts on the various forms of abuse, Dr. Jantz is the author of the seminal best-selling book Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse. Additionally, his award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats emotionally abusive relationships using the whole person care approach to healing.

Today, Dr. Jantz discusses the different types of emotional abuse, and what are the characteristics of those who abuse emotionally. As always, Dr. Jantz provides tips and techniques you can use every day to help improve an emotionally abusive relationship. He notes that there may be times to acknowledge when an emotionally abusive relationship may not be recoverable. 

For listeners suffering from emotionally abusive relationships, Dr. Jantz provides knowledge and comfort, and helps them know there is hope and healing from this difficult relationships.

Please share this with those who may be struggling with an emotionally abusive relationship.

There is good news. Anxiety, worry and fear from abusive relationships is treatable. The Center • A Place of HOPE, the treatment facility founded by Dr. Jantz and recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., has treated thousands suffering from abusive relationships. If you or someone you care for is struggling with a difficult relationship, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166
Subscribe to this podcast to receive notifications of future episodes.

Jul 21, 202214:55
#8 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses How to Deal With an Emotional Abuser

#8 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses How to Deal With an Emotional Abuser

Dr. Gregory Jantz discusses the serious and difficult issue of emotional a use. In the realm of abuse – physical, sexual, verbal, workplace – emotional is perhaps the most pervasive in personal relationships. Research shows that between 50 and 80 percent of adults may experience emotional abuse in their lifetime. In addition, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention labels emotional abuse as an adverse childhood experience that affects 11 percent of children.

Considered one of the world’s leading experts on the various forms of abuse, Dr. Jantz is the author of the seminal best-selling book
Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse. Additionally, his award-winning treatment facility, The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, successfully treats emotionally abusive relationships using the whole person care approach to healing. 

In this informative and interesting podcast, Dr. Jantz discusses what characterizes emotional abuse and, importantly, he provides tips and techniques you can use every day to help improve an emotionally abusive relationship. He also provides thoughts on helping one decide when "enough may be enough."

Emotional abuse can rob individuals and couples of the opportunity for productive and happy relationships. Left unaddressed, it cam become accepted and "the way it is." But it doesn't have to be that way. Understanding how relationships devolve into emotionally abusive ones, but then how one can address it in a positive way, is what Dr. Jantz discusses today. For individuals suffering from emotionally abusive relationships, Dr. Jantz helps listeners know there is hope and healing from this difficult relationships. 

Please share this with those who may be struggling with an emotionally abusive relationship.

There is good news. Anxiety, worry and fear from abusive relationships is treatable. The Center • A Place of HOPE, the treatment facility founded by Dr. Jantz and recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., has treated thousands suffering from abusive relationships. If you or someone you care for is struggling with a difficult relationship, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what a treatment program can look like for you.

Call 888.771.5166

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Jul 14, 202219:12
#7 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Why There is Hope For Those Struggling With an Eating Disorder

#7 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Why There is Hope For Those Struggling With an Eating Disorder

Dr. Gregory Jantz has spent his entire professional life developing the most effective treatment possible for those struggling with eating disorders. Considered one of the world’s leading experts on eating disorders, Dr. Jantz is the author of the seminal best-selling book Hope, Help, and Healing for Eating Disorders: A Whole-Person Approach to Treatment of Anorexia, Bulimia, and Disordered Eating. 

In this informative and interesting podcast, Dr. Jantz discusses what characterizes an eating disorder and, importantly, he provides tips and techniques you can use every day to help improve your disordered eating.

Eating disorders and disordered eating ravage and consume too many lives. Anorexia, for example, is the most deadly of all mental health afflictions. Left untreated, eating disorders can have permanent, devastating physical and emotional effects. They can harm relationships, and pressure professional performance. For individuals suffering from eating disorders, Dr. Jantz helps listeners understand the treatment approach that addresses the emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual dimensions of healing. 

Please share this with those who may be struggling with an eating disorder. 

There is good news. Eating disorders – even severe anorexia or bulimia – are treatable. The Center • A Place of HOPE, the treatment facility founded by Dr. Jantz and recognized as a top 10 mental health center in the U.S., has treated thousands suffering from anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and other disordered eating. If you or someone you care for is struggling with an eating disorder, please call The Center today and visit with a specialist about what an eating disorder treatment program can look like for you. 

Call 888.771.5166

Subscribe to this podcast to receive notifications of future episodes. 

Jun 28, 202223:35
#6 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Depression, What Defines It, Symptoms, and How You Can Overcome It

#6 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Depression, What Defines It, Symptoms, and How You Can Overcome It

Dr. Gregory Jantz has spent his entire professional life understanding the complexities of depression. Now considered one of the world's leading experts on depression, and the author of the best-selling book Healing Depression For Life, Dr. Jantz discusses what characterizes clinical depression. And as he always does, Dr. Jantz provides tips and techniques you can do every day to help improve your depression symptoms. 

Bi-polar, manic depression and co-occurring depression and anxiety are discussed. He founded the treatment approach Whole Person Care three decades ago and explains how that approach is key to recovering from depression. In this episode, Dr. Jantz speaks frankly, but in a very approachable way, about why you have become depressed, and what steps you can take to change your course. There are a lot of great takeaways and discussion items in this podcast. Enjoy!

Jun 16, 202221:02
#5 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses How to Know If You Are Emotionally Healthy

#5 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses How to Know If You Are Emotionally Healthy

Dr. Gregory Jantz has spent his entire professional life pushing the field of mental health treatment to do more, to be better. He founded the treatment approach Whole Person Care three decades ago. At the time, it was considered on the fringe. 

Today, it is regarded as the most successful approach to mental health treatment ever devised. In this episode, Dr. Jantz explores how to evaluate one’s mental healthiness. There are a lot of great takeaways and discussion items in this podcast. Enjoy!

Jun 02, 202218:59
#4 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses The Difficult Topic of Suicide

#4 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses The Difficult Topic of Suicide

Dr. Jantz is the national mental health expert, and the founder of The Center • A Place of HOPE, a Top 10 Center for Depression Treatment. Today, Dr. Jantz discusses the difficult topic of suicide. But it needs to be discussed. There is a suicide epidemic in the U.S., and it is dramatically affecting young people, especially, young males. Dr. Jantz helps you understand the "why," and also things to do – and not do – to help someone who is contemplating suicide. If you or a loved one is considering suicide, call the Notional Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-8255.

To access more resources on suicide, anxiety, fear and worry, read the blog on and

If you or a loved one is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please know that depression and overcoming suicidal thoughts is treatable. To learn more about treatment, call The Center • A Place of HOPE at 888.771.5166.

May 25, 202228:52
#3 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Anxiety and Panic Disorders

#3 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Dr. Jantz is the foremost authority on anxiety in the United States. In this podcast, Dr. Jantz discusses the physical effects of anxiety and stress. He focuses on the experience of a panic attack, and living with a panic disorder. He includes personal tools you can use to help alleviate anxiety and stress.

To access more resources on anxiety, read the blog on and

If you or a loved one is struggling with anxiety, please know that severe anxiety is fully treatable. To learn more about anxiety treatment, call The Center • A Place of HOPE at 888.771.5166.

May 19, 202224:48
#2 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses the Anxiety Virus Season

#2 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses the Anxiety Virus Season

Dr. Jantz is the foremost authority on anxiety in the United States. In this podcast, Dr. Jantz discusses not the cold and flu season – but the anxiety virus season! Anxiety distorts reality. It can cause us to do things we often regret. Dr. Jantz sheds light on why we feel the way we do during acuter stress, and also provide action items we can do today to help alleviate the pull of anxiety. 

May 11, 202217:50
#1 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses the Anxiety Pandemic

#1 – Dr. Gregory Jantz Discusses the Anxiety Pandemic

Dr. Jantz is perhaps the foremost authority on anxiety in the United States. In this podcast, Dr. Jantz walks us through the anxiety pandemic gripping the country, and indeed the world. He notes statistics identifying anxiety as the leading mental health concern in the world, the new vocabulary we now use to describe our anxiety-filled society, and importantly, tools each of us can use every day to help lessen anxiety, worry, fear, and anger.

May 04, 202223:27