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Gusty Styler | Practical Solutions For Biggest Problems

Gusty Styler | Practical Solutions For Biggest Problems

By Mradul Kumar Sharma

I am Mradul Sharma And I will be giving you Practical Solutions for your Biggest Problems in Hindi. I will be Uploading episodes related to Self-Improvement and Spirituality. I hope you will love to spend valuable time consuming this problem-solving content, and you can also check out my Youtube channel - Gusty Styler, and connect with me personally on Instagram at gustystyler!
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(36) Top 7 Time Management Tips to Plan/Make Schedules | How to Make Schedules?

Gusty Styler | Practical Solutions For Biggest ProblemsAug 15, 2020

(42) Develop SELF-LOVE with these Tips | How to Love Yourself Fully in Hindi?

(42) Develop SELF-LOVE with these Tips | How to Love Yourself Fully in Hindi?

When you love yourself, you have an overall positive view of yourself. This doesnt mean you feel positive about yourself all the time. That would be unrealistic! For example, I can temporarily feel upset, angry, or disappointed with myself and still love myself. If this is confusing, think about how this works in other relationships. I can love my son even though I sometimes feel angry or disappointed with him. Even in the midst of my anger and disappointment, my love for him informs how I relate to him. It allows me to forgive him, consider his feelings, meet his needs, and make decisions that will support his wellbeing. Self-love is very much the same. Which means, if you know how to love others, you know how to love yourself!

Nov 28, 202110:13
(41) This one TIP will SKYROCKET your COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS | How to Talk to Anyone? (HINDI)

(41) This one TIP will SKYROCKET your COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS | How to Talk to Anyone? (HINDI)

I use this one tip a lot in my daily life and believe me it helps me a lot to respond better in any given situation. This only tip alone has contributed a lot to my improvement in communication skills, it helps me control my anger and ego too.

Nov 18, 202104:56
(40) Everything About No-Fap| Popular Myths Busted and Personal Experience of NO-FAP Part -2 (Hindi)

(40) Everything About No-Fap| Popular Myths Busted and Personal Experience of NO-FAP Part -2 (Hindi)

This is the second part of the previous podcast and in this podcast, I have talked deeply about some concepts regarding NO-FAP and my experience while being on a NO-FAP journey!

Nov 09, 202123:11
(39) Everything you need to know about No-Fap | My No-Fap journey

(39) Everything you need to know about No-Fap | My No-Fap journey

As most of us are trying to follow nofap so this video is made to help you guys who are serious about nofap journey.

This podcast will help you to develop your mental state because most of us lack at this state, we counter triggers at the physical level but we can't control our thoughts about porn and masturbation. We lack mental clarity and stability which results in relapsing.
Oct 29, 202028:09
(38) I tried Daily Routine of Elon Musk for 7 days | Results discussed in Hindi

(38) I tried Daily Routine of Elon Musk for 7 days | Results discussed in Hindi

By far, this routine was the most hectic schedule I have ever followed in my life till now! I LEARNED a lot from this schedule and implemented a lot in my life too!
Aug 31, 202006:35
(37) I Read 6 Books in 3 days | How to Read More Books in Less Time?

(37) I Read 6 Books in 3 days | How to Read More Books in Less Time?

Know how to read more books and what Tips i used that helped me to read 6 books in 3 days!

I have shared my experience of reading Books in less time, what tips i actually used that helped me to read faster and in lesser amount of time. I not only read all those books I also absorbed the information of the book and implemented in my Life!

Firstly i took a challange of reading 7 books in 7 days but eventually when I got indulged more in reading, it looked very interesting and I started to read more books and ended up with reading 6 books in 3 days.

You won't believe me until you start to read more books, I promise you will fall in love with books if you read them correctly!
Aug 20, 202005:51
(36) Top 7 Time Management Tips to Plan/Make Schedules | How to Make Schedules?

(36) Top 7 Time Management Tips to Plan/Make Schedules | How to Make Schedules?

Have You Ever Struggled with Making or Planning Schedules? Personally, I struggled! So, I have Brought Top 7 Time Management Tips Personally Used by me to Plan/Make Schedules.

I have Practically used all of the tips I have included in my video and The last tip which I have told is Just recently Recognised by me and that's the reality of Schedules while planning it or making it.

I have tried various Techniques to make my schedules and from all those Schedules I have made I have picked up Top 7 Tips to make or plan schedule or day for you Guys.

Hope you guys will love every bit of info I have collected in the past few years of my self-improvement journey.

Schedules are very important because they give a clear direction to your day, you get to know what you will actually do during a day or a week.

I have told you the best of all tips in this video so that you may not lack in any area while making schedules.
Aug 15, 202011:47
(35) Why Breakups Hurts You? 2 Tips to Get Over from Breakups Explained in Hindi

(35) Why Breakups Hurts You? 2 Tips to Get Over from Breakups Explained in Hindi

Breakups hurts you because you are left by a person whom you loved the most but Really you don't need to feel hurt from now after this Podcast Episode, Breakups are Good. You need to have a correct Perception towards breakup and as soon as you will develop this perception you will get over from your Breakup. Follow me on Instagram at GUSTYSTYLER and Subscribe to my Youtube channel at GUSTY STYLER!
Aug 14, 202009:31
(34) How to Overcome Feeling Sleepy During the Day? Reason Explained in Hindi

(34) How to Overcome Feeling Sleepy During the Day? Reason Explained in Hindi

A very basic but value adding Topic, we all have this small problem but it is difficult to Overcome, so here I have brought to You this Podcast to Overcome this Problem.
Aug 13, 202002:49
(33) 2 Reasons of Bad Relationships and Break-ups Explained in Hindi

(33) 2 Reasons of Bad Relationships and Break-ups Explained in Hindi

Mostly Relationships Fail because they don't have a Great Foundation! So here I have told you How you can Build a Great Foundation for a Relationship!
Aug 12, 202002:49
(32) 2 Sources of IMMENSE Energy Throughout the Day (Explained in Hindi)

(32) 2 Sources of IMMENSE Energy Throughout the Day (Explained in Hindi)

These 2 Sources are my Major Sources of Energy and these are not of only me but of Many other Successful People! You have to follow them in order to get most out of your day!
Aug 11, 202002:56
(31) 7 Basic tips to start Nofap successfully | Nofap for Beginners Guide in Hindi

(31) 7 Basic tips to start Nofap successfully | Nofap for Beginners Guide in Hindi

As most of us are trying to follow nofap so this video is made to help you guys who are serious about nofap journey. I have discussed pre-preparation and basic about no fap in Hindi, HOW A BEGINNER CAN START FOLLOWING NO FAP? IS IT NECESSARY TO BE MENTALLY PREPARED FOR THE OBSTACLES IN NO FAP JOURNEY? This video contains 7 basic tips for beginners in Hindi to start your nofap journey successfully! This video will help you to develop your mental state because most of us lack at this state, we counter triggers at the physical level but we can't control our thoughts about porn and masturbation. I have shared with you 7 basic tips for beginners in Hindi to start their no fap journey with lesser obstacles in the way. We lack mental clarity and stability which results in relapsing. NoFap is a website and community forum that serves as a support group for those who wish to give up pornography and masturbation. Its name comes from the slang term fap, referring to male masturbation. Reasons for this avoidance vary by individual and may include religious and moral reasons, self-improvement, and physical beliefs that are not supported by mainstream medicine. The group's views and efforts to combat pornography addiction have been criticized as simplistic, outdated, and incorrect by neuroscientists, psychologists, and other medical professionals. _Founding of Nofap_ NoFap was founded in June 2011 by Pittsburgh web developer Alexander Rhodes after reading a thread on Reddit about a 2003 Chinese study which found that men who refrain from masturbation for seven days experience a 145.7% spike in testosterone levels on the seventh day. This hit the front page of a popular forum on Reddit. The website states that some NoFap participants aim to "...improve their interpersonal relationships", do a "challenge of willpower – to seize control of your sexuality and turn it into superpowers", but always with the goal of being able to "abstain from PMO (porn/masturbation/orgasm)." While the website is most commonly associated with men seeking to quit porn and reduce masturbation, there are a minority of females who are users of the website as well, who is nicknamed "Femstronauts"; Rhodes has estimated that five percent of participants are women. The expression "fap" is an onomatopoeic Internet slang term for male masturbation that first appeared in the 1999 webcomic Sexy Losers to indicate the sound of a male character masturbating. Alexander Rhodes appears in the documentary written and directed by Nicholas Tana called Sticky: A (Self) Love Story, in which he discusses his findings and his opinions about masturbation. After this, Rhodes created NoFap as a "subreddit" forum community on Reddit. The endeavor is sometimes referred to as fapstinence. Salil Jamadar Web series: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
Aug 10, 202014:20
(30) Good Thoughts vs Bad Thoughts? Overcome Overthinking | How to Control Thoughts in Hindi

(30) Good Thoughts vs Bad Thoughts? Overcome Overthinking | How to Control Thoughts in Hindi

Firstly, Always Keep this thing in mind that There is no such thing as a Good or Bad thought! Thoughts are just Thoughts. Learn more in the Podcast episode.
Aug 09, 202002:58
(29) Should you be an Early Bird or Night Owl Explained in Hindi!

(29) Should you be an Early Bird or Night Owl Explained in Hindi!

What I Prefer is being an early bird but it's not that case that everyone has to be an Early Bird, it's All Upto one's choice, Schedule and Circumstances!
Aug 08, 202002:42
(28) The Power of Repetition - Become Master at Anything You do (Explained in Hindi)

(28) The Power of Repetition - Become Master at Anything You do (Explained in Hindi)

This is a 2 Minute Talk Series where I will tell you the Power of Repetition to become mater at anything in Hindi.

The power of Repetition is the secret formula for the success of many people because it helps to understand one subject very closely and when you understand something deeply then you have fewer chances to fail in that subject!
The more you repeat something, the more you become a master at it.
Successful People fail but they don't give up and this leads to more repetition of a process that makes them master their field.
If you will watch negative news more often then your aura will become negative because you have repeated that but if you do just opposite of that, watching positive videos then your mindset will become positive.

The Power of Repetition can increase the Probability of your Success by 10X.

Jeff Weiner, CEO of Linkedin remarked in an interview:

“A friend of mine once paraphrased David Gergen, saying on the subject of repetition, “If you want to get your point across, especially to a broader audience, you need to repeat yourself so often, you get sick of hearing yourself say it. And only then will people begin to internalize what you’re saying.”
Aug 07, 202002:56
(27) The Biggest Misconception About PATIENCE - Explained in Hindi

(27) The Biggest Misconception About PATIENCE - Explained in Hindi

I have Explained the Biggest Misconception we have in Mind About PATIENCE!
Aug 06, 202003:11
(26) The Compounding Effect - How 1% Rule Work and Affects Your Growth (The 1% Rule for Success)

(26) The Compounding Effect - How 1% Rule Work and Affects Your Growth (The 1% Rule for Success)

The 1% rule will help you in that aspect of life where you procrastinate things and get long term success in Life.

Albert Einstein when asked what he considered to be the most powerful force in the universe answered: Compound interest!
The One percent Rule is Similar to the compounding effect and it is a secret of success too.

Compounding interest is an asset in financial investments yet it can also benefit your life in more ways than one. In fact, the concept behind it is the reason why it will work for you. The principle of compounding interest suggests the combination of your small achievements will lead you to the success you have been working for. The 1% rule teaches you to appreciate every success you experience – big or small. However, compounding interest can be a double-edged sword depending on how you apply it to your life. Bear in mind if you continue to discount whatever victory you accomplish then you risk missing out on the success you want. Learn more about the 1% rule to find out how it can work best for you.
The 1% rule for success is the rule in which you work 1% every day to grow yourself and by the end of a year you will be grown 365% than you were, it's basically compounding of the work you are doing every day which will reap you compounded result by the end of a particular time period.
Aug 05, 202007:52
(25) Take it Easy - Stress and Depression Motivation | Hindi Motivational Video

(25) Take it Easy - Stress and Depression Motivation | Hindi Motivational Video

We are Nowadays mostly affected by society more than our internal desires and Passion, We often forget our purpose in life and we go where our life is taking and
during this journey, we face depression, anxiety, and stress and when these hurdles come in our life we often give up but this is where you need to be careful and not
take and bad decision which might affect you, You are stressed and in stress, you might end up getting on the wrong path but here you need to take a moment and step
back from daily hectic schedule and "Take it Easy".
We usually get trapped in the fake hustle culture and after watching successful people's routines we tend to follow them and sometimes we fail because it's their routine.
The thing which worked for them doesn't necessarily mean that it will work for you too, You will have to adjust everything according to you because every individual is different,
everyone's priorities are different, everyone's perspective is different.
Every time you feel stuck in life just take a moment and step back in life, stay present in the moment and find solutions, "Take it Easy".
life is very simple but you need to be prepared for the struggles of life, conquer every struggle with ease by "Taking it Easy".
Aug 04, 202006:59
(24) Failure is Not an Option | A Hindi Motivational Video by Mradul Sharma

(24) Failure is Not an Option | A Hindi Motivational Video by Mradul Sharma

A Motivational Video in Hindi on why The Failure is not An Option! You don't fail because you fail, you goal because you don't get up.
Aug 03, 202003:55
(23) Should You Masturbate or Not? Explained Scientifically and Spiritually in Hindi

(23) Should You Masturbate or Not? Explained Scientifically and Spiritually in Hindi

I have Thoroughly Explained My Views on Masturbation. Listen this full short Episode in Hindi
Aug 02, 202003:06
(22) 2 Lifetime Habits for a Peaceful and Happy Life Explained in Hindi

(22) 2 Lifetime Habits for a Peaceful and Happy Life Explained in Hindi

2 Lifetime Habits Peaceful जिंदगी के लिये | ये Habits आपके Body के लिए Magical हैं|

These 2-lifetime habits will transform you in a magical way and after that transformation, you will never try to come back to your normal life because for you after the transformation this normal life will seem to be boring.

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. Scholars have found meditation difficult to define, as practices vary both between traditions and within them.

Source: Wikipedia

ध्यान एक अभ्यास है जहां एक व्यक्ति एक तकनीक का उपयोग करता है - जैसे कि माइंडफुलनेस या किसी विशेष वस्तु, विचार, या गतिविधि पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना - ध्यान और जागरूकता को प्रशिक्षित करने के लिए, और मानसिक रूप से स्पष्ट और भावनात्मक रूप से शांत और स्थिर स्थिति को प्राप्त करना। विद्वानों ने ध्यान को परिभाषित करना मुश्किल पाया है, क्योंकि परंपराएं परंपराओं और उनके भीतर दोनों में भिन्न होती हैं।

स्रोत : विकिपीडिया

NoFap is a website and community forum that serves as a support group for those who wish to give up pornography and masturbation. Its name comes from the slang term fap, referring to male masturbation. Reasons for this avoidance vary by individual and may include religious and moral reasons, self-improvement, and physical beliefs that are not supported by mainstream medicine. The group's views and efforts to combat pornography addiction have been criticized as simplistic, outdated, and incorrect by neuroscientists, psychologists, and other medical professionals.
NoFap was founded in June 2011 by Pittsburgh web developer Alexander Rhodes after reading a thread on Reddit about a 2003 Chinese study which found that men who refrain from masturbation for seven days experience a 145.7% spike in testosterone levels on the seventh day. This hit the front page of a popular forum on Reddit. The website states that some NoFap participants aim to "...improve their interpersonal relationships", do a "challenge of willpower – to seize control of your sexuality and turn it into superpowers", but always with the goal of being able to "abstain from PMO (porn/masturbation/orgasm)."

nofap एक वेबसाइट और कम्युनिटी फोरम है जो पोर्नोग्राफी और हस्तमैथुन की इच्छा रखने वालों के लिए एक सहायता समूह के रूप में कार्य करता है। इसका नाम पुरुष हस्तमैथुन की चर्चा करते हुए स्लैंग टर्म फैप से आता है। इस परिहार के कारण अलग-अलग होते हैं और इसमें धार्मिक और नैतिक कारण, आत्म-सुधार, और शारीरिक विश्वास शामिल हो सकते हैं जो मुख्यधारा की दवा के लिए समर्थित नहीं हैं। पोर्नोग्राफी की लत से निपटने के लिए समूह के विचारों और प्रयासों की आलोचना की गई है, न्यूरोसाइंटिस्ट्स, मनोवैज्ञानिकों और अन्य चिकित्सा पेशेवरों द्वारा सरल, पुरानी और गलत है।
NoFap की स्थापना जून 2011 में पिट्सबर्ग वेब डेवलपर अलेक्जेंडर रोड्स ने 2003 के एक चीनी अध्ययन के बारे में रेडिट पर एक धागा पढ़ने के बाद की थी जिसमें पाया गया कि जो पुरुष सात दिनों तक हस्तमैथुन से परहेज करते हैं, वे सातवें दिन टेस्टोस्टेरोन के स्तर में 145.7% स्पाइक का अनुभव करते हैं। इसने Reddit पर एक लोकप्रिय मंच के पहले पृष्ठ को हिट किया। वेबसाइट कहती है कि कुछ NoFap प्रतिभागियों का लक्ष्य "... अपने पारस्परिक संबंधों को सुधारना" है, "इच्छाशक्ति की चुनौती - अपनी कामुकता पर नियंत्रण रखना और इसे महाशक्तियों में बदलना" है, लेकिन हमेशा "संयम" में सक्षम होने के लक्ष्य के साथ PMO (अश्लील / हस्तमैथुन / संभोग) से। "
Aug 01, 202003:31
(21) I Tracked Every Minute of My Life For A Week | Results Explained in Hindi

(21) I Tracked Every Minute of My Life For A Week | Results Explained in Hindi

I tracked every minute of my life for a week to get unlimited productivity during work.
When I was tracking my every minute of my life, I literally felt like I have a lot of hours in my day than usual because when I was Tracking My every minute of my life I didn't waste my time!
I worked according to the day organized by me a night before which made my day easier to conquer.

मैंने काम के दौरान असीमित उत्पादकता प्राप्त करने के लिए अपने जीवन के हर मिनट को एक सप्ताह तक ट्रैक किया।
जब मैं अपने जीवन के हर मिनट को ट्रैक कर रहा था, तो मुझे सचमुच ऐसा महसूस हुआ कि मेरे पास मेरे दिन में सामान्य से अधिक घंटे हैं क्योंकि जब मैं अपने जीवन के हर मिनट पर नज़र रख रहा था तो मैंने अपना समय बर्बाद नहीं किया!
मैंने एक दिन पहले मेरे द्वारा आयोजित दिन के अनुसार काम किया जिससे मेरे दिन को जीतना आसान हो गया।
Jul 31, 202006:37
(20) Do This Setting in Your Phone to Become Ultra-Productive - Explained in Hindi

(20) Do This Setting in Your Phone to Become Ultra-Productive - Explained in Hindi

The setting in your Phone which will definitely make you productive and give you laser-sharp focus!

I have been using this setting on the phone for 6 months and this simple setting has made me 2 times productive than I used to be!
By the end of this video, you will get to know why your phone is sucking your productivity away from you and how it is slowly degrading your power to focus on work.
This setting on your phone will give you a boost in your productivity and focus!
Everyone knows this setting but no one has seen this setting the way I did and this perception made me productive and I gained Focus during my work hours.

आपके फ़ोन में सेटिंग जो निश्चित रूप से आपको उत्पादक बनाएगी और आपको लेज़र-शार्प फोकस देगी!

मैं 6 महीने से फोन पर इस सेटिंग का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और इस सरल सेटिंग ने मुझे पहले की तुलना में 2 गुना उत्पादक बना दिया है!
इस वीडियो के अंत तक, आपको यह पता चल जाएगा कि आपका फ़ोन आपकी उत्पादकता को आपसे दूर क्यों कर रहा है और यह कैसे धीरे-धीरे काम पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने की आपकी शक्ति को कम कर रहा है।
आपके फ़ोन पर यह सेटिंग आपको अपनी उत्पादकता और फ़ोकस में बढ़ावा देगी!
हर कोई इस सेटिंग को जानता है लेकिन किसी ने भी इस सेटिंग को नहीं देखा है जिस तरह से मैंने किया और इस धारणा ने मुझे उत्पादक बना दिया और मैंने अपने काम के घंटों के दौरान फोकस प्राप्त किया।
Jul 30, 202003:52
(19) No Social Media for 3 Weeks During Quarantine | Advantages and Disadvantages | Results in Hindi

(19) No Social Media for 3 Weeks During Quarantine | Advantages and Disadvantages | Results in Hindi

I took NO SOCIAL MEDIA CHALLENGE DURING QUARANTINE, Do it have any Disadvantages despite Advantages? and What results did I get after 3 Weeks!

I tried no social media challenge for 3 weeks and the benefits that I reaped from it were neither miraculous not they were very less. During this quarantine, I started to use social media a lot and it eventually resulted in less productivity, so after observing it I decided to take a break from social media for 3 weeks!
I opened insta 2 times during this challenge, the first time it was urgent and the second time it was just a craving.
Jul 28, 202012:14
(18) Why do we Fail to Achieve a Goal? The Real Reasons

(18) Why do we Fail to Achieve a Goal? The Real Reasons

I have Talked about some reasons as to why are we not a me to Achieve our goals!!
Dec 17, 201904:29
(17) Warren Buffet Productivity Secret! How to be More Productive in a Day?

(17) Warren Buffet Productivity Secret! How to be More Productive in a Day?

So, I have finally found out how Warren Buffet is so Productive in the day, and when I implemented these tips I was really astonished by seeing the results!! My Productivity went off the roof!
Dec 16, 201903:12
(16) How to Succeed in Almost Anything? Few Steps to Succeed!

(16) How to Succeed in Almost Anything? Few Steps to Succeed!

Success is not about Achieving only big success it can be as small as riding a bike! So this Podcast is all about being Successful in almost anything ✌️ Enjoy guys!
Dec 15, 201904:23
(15) No Fap Benefits - You will be Amazed by the Results

(15) No Fap Benefits - You will be Amazed by the Results

Members of the NoFap community have reported experiencing a number of mental benefits, including:
*Increased happiness
*Boosted confidence
*Increased motivation and willpower
*Lower levels of stress and anxiety
*Heightened spirituality
*Improved attitude and appreciation toward the opposite sex
Some of the physical benefits shared by NoFappers are:
*Higher energy levels
*Muscle growth
*Better sleep
*Improved focus and concentration
*Better physical performance and stamina
*Improved or cured erectile dysfunction
*Improved sperm quality .... This Podcast is Really Going to be Amazing, be sure to listen it full!
Dec 14, 201903:42
(14) Why Studies Bores Us? Explained Briefly

(14) Why Studies Bores Us? Explained Briefly

Most of the Students have this problem that They get bored with Studies and it's Obvious that it happens because it has some scientific Reasons behind it which leads to boredom! I have Explained this in this Podcast so that you can overcome this boredom easily!
Dec 13, 201902:44
(13) Why do we Fail to Follow Our Routines?

(13) Why do we Fail to Follow Our Routines?

I have covered a very simple reason as to why do we Fail to Follow Our Routines?
Dec 12, 201903:16
(12) How to be More Charismatic? 4 Steps to be more Charming!

(12) How to be More Charismatic? 4 Steps to be more Charming!

4 Steps to be more Charming, it will make you more Charming when you will follow them, people will be attracted to you easily!
Dec 11, 201903:52
(11) How to be more Productive? 3 Steps to become more Productive!

(11) How to be more Productive? 3 Steps to become more Productive!

Productivity means having the quality or power of producing especially in abundance! I have brought to you 3 Steps to become more Productive!
Dec 10, 201904:26
(10) The 40% Rule - Push Your Limits and Unlock Your Potential

(10) The 40% Rule - Push Your Limits and Unlock Your Potential

The 40% rule always helps us to break through out limits and push ourselves to unlock our great potential!!
Dec 09, 201902:12
(9) How to set PRACTICAL GOALS? Implementing Daily Tasks | Self-Improvement

(9) How to set PRACTICAL GOALS? Implementing Daily Tasks | Self-Improvement

This 9th Podcast is all About setting Practical Goals! We all set goals but we feel difficult to follow them because we don't set them the most Practical way! So, in this podcast I will thoroughly tell all the steps to set PRACTICAL GOALS!
Sep 18, 201907:36
(8) How to Quit Bad Habits And Build Good Habits? Develop Good Habits!

(8) How to Quit Bad Habits And Build Good Habits? Develop Good Habits!

This is the 8th Podcast in which I have thoroughly explained everything on how you can quit bad Habits And Build Good Habits in place of them!
Sep 11, 201921:11
(7) 5 Ways to Build Self-Confidence! How to Build Self-Confidence?

(7) 5 Ways to Build Self-Confidence! How to Build Self-Confidence?

In this 7th Podcast I have told you 5 Ways to Boost or Build Self-Confidence! I have personally followed all of the tips! If you want deep info hear the full podcast and implement them daily!
Aug 31, 201909:38
(6) Segmented Sleep VS Continuous Sleep! Which one is Better for you?

(6) Segmented Sleep VS Continuous Sleep! Which one is Better for you?

This PODCAST is all about Segmented Sleep VS Continuous Sleep in which I have told you what is better for you Segmented Sleep or Continuous Sleep! Listen to this closely to consume it properly!
Aug 29, 201908:29
(5) How to Stop Caring What Other People Think of You?

(5) How to Stop Caring What Other People Think of You?

Guys, This is the conversation between me and my friend, we are talking about how to stop caring about other's opinion? Because in India we matter others opinion more than ours! So we will dig deep into this topic so listen till the end!
Aug 27, 201915:24
(4) You Must have 1 of these 3 Things to be Successful! (Self-improvement in Hindi)

(4) You Must have 1 of these 3 Things to be Successful! (Self-improvement in Hindi)

Here In this Podcast I have told you guys importance of three things which can lead anyone to Success! If you have one of these three things then you are going to be Successful, no doubt! So make sure hear this Podcast full to get all the info!
Aug 25, 201904:42
(3) 5 Ways to Look Attractive for Men | Ways to Attract Anyone!
Aug 23, 201912:49


This is the GUSTY SELF-IMPROVEMENT #2 AND In this podcast you will find that why do we actually go to the holy places like Temple, Mosque, Church and Gurudwara! Actually this whole podcast wouldn't have been a reality of this thought didn't have come to mind! And surprisingly this thought come to my mind when I was sleeping and the questions and answers to this questions was given by a great monk in my dreams and this was an amazing experience!For my Hindi works you can check out my channel Gusty STYLER on YouTube I put all the video in Hindi there...!
Jun 21, 201904:38
 (1) How actually Visualisation Works? [Self-improvement]

(1) How actually Visualisation Works? [Self-improvement]

In this particular episode, you will get to know about how actually the visualization works? What it is? How will it affect your life? And at last Do it really works? For my Hindi works you can check out my channel Gusty STYLER on YouTube I put all the video in Hindi there...!
Jun 18, 201907:51