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Gym Profit Rocket with Trevor Buccieri

Gym Profit Rocket with Trevor Buccieri

By Trevor Buccieri

Join best selling author, multi-seven figure gym owner and business growth coach Trevor Buccieri as he dives into what he’s done to create a growing multi-seven figure gym business and the secrets behind how he created Gym Sales Rocket, a system that not only saved his business, but has enabled him to expand and grow it in a way he never even knew was possible.
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Following up: Walk-ins and website traffic

Gym Profit Rocket with Trevor BuccieriOct 21, 2019

Knowing when to let people go from our business

Knowing when to let people go from our business

There’s nothing that can ruin a business faster than the wrong people. So today we’re going to discuss letting the wrong people go from our business, because when people don’t care about your business, it shows in their performance, and… clientele knows. Word travels fast. So it’s absolutely crucial for us to get the right team that understands our goals, our work ethic, and most importantly, our mission. This episode is super important for all entrepreneurs, be sure not to miss it!

Oct 24, 201911:52
Following up: Walk-ins and website traffic

Following up: Walk-ins and website traffic

Did you know that 50% of leads are never followed up with?! That’s 50% of revenue lost! 

As gym owners, we owe it to ourselves and our clients that each and every one of our customers feels valued.  The fact is that 80% of sales happen between the first contact with the customer and the fifth or even twelveth follow-up. I highly suggest listening to this episode to learn how following up can double your clients… or even more.

Oct 21, 201918:20
The Sales Persons Role

The Sales Persons Role

Hey, gym owners. What's up? I'm here to talk about the salesperson role and their importance to growing our business, also why trusting your people and dividing responsibilities between them makes your business successful. The salesperson, for example, is key to achieve this success. Want to find out more? Listen to this new episode now!

Oct 17, 201917:37
Developing Relationships Of Trust Inside Your Brand

Developing Relationships Of Trust Inside Your Brand

As the gym industry has been booming over the last decade, with gyms and fitness facilities opening left and right, we need to get ahead of the game and stand out from the rest in order to continue growing. One of the ways to do so is by becoming relationship masters - it’s about realizing that we’re actually in the business of building relationships of trust inside and outside our gym. So, how do we do that? That’s exactly what we’re going to address in today’s episode so let me invite you to listen to it and learn the tricks you need to improve your relationships!

Oct 14, 201918:47
How To Manage Your Team Like A Beast

How To Manage Your Team Like A Beast

In today’s new episode of Gym Profit Rocket podcast, I address the problem with micromanaging and doing everything ourselves, especially as entrepreneurs. BIG ERROR! Delegating responsibilities effectively is a big part of leading a business - doing a hundred tasks yourself is just not doable. At the beginning, I was the admin, trainer, manager, and salesperson, and I thought I could do it all, but in the end, this situation shattered the quality of my work.
Listen to this episode now and find out what you need in order to create a successful process to grow your company.

Oct 10, 201923:40
Creating Products To Sell In Your Niche

Creating Products To Sell In Your Niche

Hey! What's up, Gym owners with a desire to continue growing? In this new episode of my podcast, I'll share with you the most efficient and profitable ways to create new products to sell in your market niche. In order to stand out from the rest, you need to offer diverse and high-quality products or services that will keep your customers loyal to you. Learn how to take advantage of your niche market and how it helps your business grow!

Oct 07, 201915:60
Creating a Value Ladder

Creating a Value Ladder

Do you know what the "value ladder" is? In this new episode of my podcast, I tell you all you need to know about the most efficient way to create a ladder that is unique to your company. A value ladder is about offering more than just one or two different things to our clients; it's about thinking big and expanding, creating multiple streams of revenue across our company. If you are new to this concept, I invite you to listen to this episode and get a new perspective on how to do business. Listen now!

Oct 03, 201917:10
Explode Your Cash

Explode Your Cash

What comes to mind when you hear “lead collection”? Most people think about paid advertisement like Facebook or Instagram leads. But in reality, it’s way more than that; walk-ins, referrals, website inquiries, events, all of those are leads that can convert into sales. After many years of being in the business, I have developed an efficient process where I use these leads to track which areas are crushing it and which areas need improvement; it also helps to keep my team accountable and accurately tracking sales numbers. This episode features step by step the process so you can adapt it to your own business and get the most out of it. If you’re curious, play listen!

Sep 30, 201913:08
Value Based Communication with Dr. John DeMartini

Value Based Communication with Dr. John DeMartini

Hey, gym owners! I'm so pumped to release this episode because Dr. John DeMartini was able to join me and share his experience and knowledge. He's one of the world's leading human behavior, personal and professional development specialist - for sure, one of the most amazing people in his field.  He's also an international speaker and founder of the DeMartini Institute.  

Listen to today's episode where we discuss valued-based communication and ways to build relationships based on trust.

Sep 26, 201901:15:59
Don't Let Your Business Affect Your Life!

Don't Let Your Business Affect Your Life!

Businesses don’t have a shut-off button. They’re always running in the back of your head, and it’s hard to disconnect - even more when you’ve had a rough day. So the question is: how do you not let it run into your family? How do you keep a smile on your face after two or three meetings in a single day? Today, we’re talking about tough business decisions, and ways to NOT let them affect your daily life. Laura and I  will share with you our personal tips to take on challenges without letting tough situations control our life. Let’s do this!

Sep 23, 201920:02
Pre-qualify To Increase Your Show Up Rate

Pre-qualify To Increase Your Show Up Rate

Do you want to know the trick to double your show up rate? Let me tell you hitting over a 60% or even 70% show up rate can be easily achieved with the right process. I have created a prequalification process that’s been proven to just EXPLODE the number of show up rates that you’re getting now. This is your opportunity to boost your sales number and make your gym the #1 in the market. Let’s go!

Sep 19, 201928:03
Having Difficult Conversations

Having Difficult Conversations

As a business owner, we are definitely going to have difficult conversations at some point. It’s just going to happen. A long time ago, I had an incident with an almost-client that made me realize I had poor people skills. It was a real eye-opener. Since then, I started really working on my communication with people, learning how to manage my emotions and basically improving my communication skills, which was a big game-changer in my career. Get ready for this intense episode where my amazing wife Laura and I talk about how to come through difficult conversations. Let’s go!

Sep 13, 201921:37
Put Yourself First To Create Momentum Everywhere

Put Yourself First To Create Momentum Everywhere

If we want to do help others, we first need to work on ourselves. Today I want to talk about priorities, and this is a big fact: you must be the first priority, always. It might sound selfish, but it is the opposite of that. Think about it: how can you help your family if you don't take care of yourself?

In this new episode of Gym Profit Rocket, "Put Yourself First To Create Momentum Everywhere", I share with you what are the benefits your family and business get when you order your life's priorities.

Sep 12, 201918:10
My Level Up Method for Growth

My Level Up Method for Growth

Education never ends. Growth requires education and application. But, education doesn’t mean you have to read two books a week, or that you need a doctorate in order to grow; it means immersing yourself in content that helps you get where you want to be. It’s about inhaling information that is useful for you, studying it, applying it, restudying and mastering it. Today’s episode is exactly about this, listen to my beautiful wife Laura and I talk about the best ways to invest in your education and continue growing on both a personal and professional level. Get ready and let’s do this!

Sep 09, 201921:02
Revamp your relationships with your team

Revamp your relationships with your team

My wife Laura taught me one of the most valuable life lessons for all relationships: it’s all about listening. It’s crucial for couples, family, friends and even (especially) employees. It creates a unified culture where employees know and feel that you truly care about them and about their goals. In this episode, Laura and I discuss how to help our team connect their goals to what their role within the company, and how their daily tasks, even small ones, bring value to their life. We shared great tips and insights to improve your communication with your team and making the best out of it! Sounds good? Let’s go!

Sep 05, 201924:58
Follow Up Schooling

Follow Up Schooling

One of the best things that all human beings share, is our capacity to create links between two people; we can build relationships of trust. In this new episode of GYM PROFIT ROCKET podcast, my beautiful wife Laura and I tell you about working together in a business, in marriage and what constitutes perfect relationships. If you want to know more details about how to link the business world and your family successfully, listen to this new chapter NOW.

Sep 03, 201925:33
Your Support System As An Entrepreneur

Your Support System As An Entrepreneur

Being an entrepreneur means it can get lonely at times; many times we feel that no one gets us or understands the battles we're going through. Luckily, my beautiful wife and partner in life, Laura, has been with me since we've known each other.

So this is today’s topic; we're going to be talking about your support system and why you absolutely need one. Whether it's your partner, spouse, friend, parent, sibling, it's important to be able to have a person (or more than one) that you can lean on and share your feelings and thoughts with. Someone you can be completely open with.

Today I’ll share some very personal stories that helped us grow as a couple and made our business success possible. So what are you waiting for? Let’s do this!

Aug 29, 201924:02
How To Use Marriage As FUEL For Entrepreneurship

How To Use Marriage As FUEL For Entrepreneurship

As entrepreneurs, we want to do it all. We’re always on the move trying to get things done, both inside and outside our business. Fortunately, being an entrepreneur does not mean we need to sacrifice our family time, in fact, we can spend more time on them if we manage to organize our time.

This is why communication is SO important with our significant other. Communication is essential to grow your business and keep your family happy at the same time. Something that I've learned over the years is that in a marriage, you need to work as a team, you need to remind each other that no matter what, they will unconditionally support you

This is one of my favorite episodes so far because my beautiful wife, Laura, joined me to talk about how we worked hard to achieve success and managed to stay together closer than ever. Don’t waste another second, come listen now!

Aug 26, 201922:51
Is Your Sales System Working?

Is Your Sales System Working?

Let me tell you something: Everything in life is sales.

When I first started in this business, I was leaving everything to chance. As long as my business was growing, I didn't want to worry about statistics or numbers. But by doing so, I was leaving so much money and opportunities on the table. I look back to it and it's just mind-blowing.

Discovering the big impact metrics can have on any business was a real game-changer. Setting up specific metrics and targets boosted my gyms' numbers like crazy. But before achieving this, I had to thoroughly examine my sales system and sales team. It took effort, planning and mostly accountability from everyone involved, but the results were priceless. So take a look at your own sales system and get your business in the right direction.

Aug 22, 201916:41
Growing and Scaling Your Business

Growing and Scaling Your Business

 Growth requires us to do things differently. When we entrepreneur, normally we make everything up as we go, and it works fine until we reach the point where we feel like we’re not getting anywhere. It feels like we’re running in circles.

Luckily, I was able to jump over the hurdle when my coach back then, Pat Rigsby, drove me into effective delegation and it made me be aware of the importance of systems. Without systems, you don’t really have a business, all you have is you running around guessing what to do next.

Which is why this episode is so important for every entrepreneur who wants to grow their business exponentially: it will teach you how to create your own systems from scratch so your business can run smoothly. Ready? Let’s do this!

Aug 19, 201915:23
Developing Your Brand's Attractive Character

Developing Your Brand's Attractive Character

When our clients feel identified with our brand, when they feel like they relate to us, they buy what we have to offer them. A trusting relationship is formed. In modern marketing, we need an attractive character that represents our brand in order to achieve success. That means we need to BECOME that attractive character that will draw people to us instead of away from us. The secret is showing them that our brand is absolutely essential to them. But that's not the only secret! 

Listen to this episode of Gym Profit Podcast Rocket to find out how I did it!

Aug 16, 201915:43
Bringing Your Business To The Next Level

Bringing Your Business To The Next Level

Quick secret: Never let your business depend on just one thing. In today's episode of Gym Profit Rocket, I shared with you why it's smart to invest time and work expanding your business - don't gamble everything for only one service. This is about second money that you didn't know was there, and also about providing more quality services to your customers. I also talk about wanting to go to the next level and building my business for longevity.

I have stopped letting my business depend on one thing. I finally feel secure in my business. What are you waiting for? It's time to grow your business! Learn more about how I was able to expand my business and how it benefitted me.

Listen to "Bringing Your Business To The Next Level" RIGHT NOW!

Aug 13, 201914:40
Excel The Communication Process With Your Team

Excel The Communication Process With Your Team

Communication is absolutely crucial in pretty much every aspect of life. I was confident my communication skills were great, or so I thought, but as my business grew from two to four locations, my communication with my team became weaker and weaker. And it got even worse after more locations opened! There was chaos, confusion and even rumors about where the company was heading. I knew I needed to bring my team together, and I had to do it ASAP. 

Thankfully that changed when I adapted my communication method that one that resonated with everyone in my team. If you’re ready to know how I managed to get everyone on the same boat, and what is the one book that helped me fix this problem, listen now! 

Aug 09, 201911:44
The 2-Word Ultimate Success Formula

The 2-Word Ultimate Success Formula

In this new episode of Gym Rocket Power podcast, I will share with you my journey towards success and all the struggles I had to pass through to get there.  Before getting to this point, I was tired of following other people's dreams, I wasn't listening to my own heart and I was feeling empty by the end of the day. But after I defined what success meant to me, and not what people on TV said I was supposed to be doing, my journey became clearer and more precise. 

Join me in this episode and learn how YOU can make your own dreams come true!

Aug 06, 201916:02
If You Don't Control Your Time, Someone Else Will.

If You Don't Control Your Time, Someone Else Will.

 Like many other people, I avoided calendars for the longest time because I felt calendars would end up controlling me. But I learned that if you don’t own and control your time, someone else will. Especially as an entrepreneur, people will constantly demand our time with questions, problems, etcetera. And if we don’t manage our own time, we will feel like we didn’t accomplish anything at the end of the day. 

Getting into a routine and following rituals was one of the best decisions I took. I truly believe in rituals. A buddy of mine once told me that “organization is key to success” so I’m trying to follow that advice to a T— getting a calendar and setting up reminders on my phone have had a huge impact on my current success. 

So what are you waiting for? Listen to this episode and start training your mindset and set your goals for the day ready! Let’s do this!

Aug 02, 201918:50
Why Use Sales Scripts

Why Use Sales Scripts

I remember when I was selling my first training programs, I had absolutely no sale structure. I was sure that my product was superior to others, but I was underselling myself, I had no confidence in selling. Selling was simply never taught to me. I spent a long time wondering, how am I going to scale my business? How can I teach an employee how to sell if I can’t do it myself?

Then I discovered sales scripts and my whole game changed when I got my first script. It gave me the structure I needed and made an enormous improvement in my sales. If you want to double or more your sales, this episode was made just for YOU.

Jul 30, 201913:58
The Importance of Finding Help in Other People

The Importance of Finding Help in Other People

Did you know that it's possible to get more "me-time" and double your revenues simultaneously?

Delegation is key to growing your business and growing yourSELF in the process.

We all want to excel at our jobs, and for that we need to know the processes. Each successful project has an excellent method. Listen to the new Gym Profit Rocket episode and discover The Delegation Process, how to find help in other people, and how to grow your business together.

Jul 26, 201917:17
How To Follow Up Like A Beast!

How To Follow Up Like A Beast!

Here is a secret: Follow up is where all the money is at. It’s the best way to transform potential buyers into actual clients. At some point in my journey, I realized many opportunities were slipping through the cracks because I wasn’t following up more than once or twice.  At first I didn't care much about it because I was still making money, just not as much as the beginning. But when I decided I wanted this business to be long term. I found out that I needed to do things in a different manner.  So, come over and listen to today’s episode to find out the way I changed my business and learned to follow up like a beast!  

Jul 23, 201917:16
What You Need To Do To Put More In The Bank

What You Need To Do To Put More In The Bank

 Finances are not my thing. As a matter of fact, I tried avoiding them even after opening up my franchises. My amazing wife took care of the financial aspect of it, because I considered myself a trainer, not a financial analyst; and to be honest, I was scared of them. Shortly after, I realized I’d have to handle this sooner rather than later, because numbers are needed in order to strategize and shape the future of any company. However, reading dozens of finance and investment books simply wasn’t cutting it. In this episode of Gym Profit Rocket, I revealed my methods to manage this uncomfortable topic without losing your mind. 

Jul 19, 201910:26
Your Team Will Never Care As Much As You Do About Your Dreams

Your Team Will Never Care As Much As You Do About Your Dreams

 When you start up your own business, you have all these amazing ideas that consume your thoughts, and you want a team that has the same energy that you have. But here’s the hard truth: no one will ever care about your dreams as much as you do. When I opened my first gym, I had no idea how to inspire my team — I simply did not know how to connect their goals to mine. In this episode, you’ll learn how you can motivate your team from within and how this motivation benefits both your business and their personal goals.

Jul 16, 201915:06
Patience With Self During Growth

Patience With Self During Growth

When we want to get ahead, we have to work towards that purpose every day. In 2017, I opened four locations and wrote two books. I tried to develop live programs based on my books. Despite all of this, things were not going great for me - the business was hemorrhaging money. I was being too desperate and impatient, I wanted to get results right at that moment. I needed to look for a solution to stop the bleeding.

In this episode, I will tell you what I had to do in order to restore my business.

Jul 14, 201916:51
Know Where You Are Going But Get Ready, FIRE, Aim.

Know Where You Are Going But Get Ready, FIRE, Aim.

 Like many entrepreneurs, my endeavor didn't start in a perfect moment. My wife was pregnant, there was a lot going on. This moment was one of the most important of our lives. But regardless of everything, I opened my first brick-and-mortar in my own basement. Then... everything ran its course. 

Jul 14, 201915:11
Transforming objectives into results

Transforming objectives into results

Most people have dreams, a few have clear objectives and much less know how to turn those objectives into tangible results! In this episode, I will share with you how I was able to build a system to ensure I never "drop the ball" when working to transform objectives into results! Let's do it!

Jul 13, 201916:34
Entrepreneurship and Marriage

Entrepreneurship and Marriage

At one point in my life I was a miserable, overweight kid. I decided something had to change and I turned to working out my body and my mind. I trained HARD! Training hard taught me to keep pushing in all areas of my life; even when things got hard in my business, marriage, relationships and more. 

Jul 12, 201917:29
Entrepreneurship And Fatherhood

Entrepreneurship And Fatherhood

Being both a caring father and a successful entrepreneur is hard work, but possible if you manage your time right. In this podcast episode, you can learn how to maintain afloat your everyday life at the same time you follow your craziest dreams. 

Jul 10, 201915:46
Who Is In Your Circle?

Who Is In Your Circle?

It's said that you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with. As high level entrepreneurs it's important to de deliberate with who we spend our time with. Sometimes we have to audit our circle and remove ourselves from relationships that don't help us grow forward.  

Jul 10, 201911:25
The False Perfect Picture Of Entrepreneurship

The False Perfect Picture Of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is not always pretty. Many people want to be entrepreneurs, but few are dedicated and disciplined enough to do the hard work necessary to succeed. In this episode Gym Profit Rocket I'm pulling back the curtain about the new opportunities I found after facing difficulties during my journey and the true meaning of entrepreneurship.

Jul 09, 201919:20
Mentorship Is Key

Mentorship Is Key

On the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship we have highs and lows and sometimes it seems like we are encountering many lows. We can either battle it alone or we can reach for help and guidance.  Fast track your success and rebound from those low times much quicker when you have the guiding hand of someone who has accomplished the goal you're aiming for. 

Jul 09, 201910:49
Ground Zero

Ground Zero

It’s an honor to be here today. Looking back at all the times I have fallen, learned to think differently and triumphed, I’m humbled to have the opportunity to help as many gym owners explode their businesses as I can. Being a part of peoples journey as they break through challenges and grow, inspires and pushes me every day.

This part of my journey began as a seven figure gym owner ready to massively expand my business. The goal was to grow from 4 to 8 locations, franchise the business, and write 2 books in just 1 year.

The goals were met, but very quickly the business took a turn and began hemorrhaging money uncontrollably and nearly led to me losing absolutely everything I had built and worked so hard for. Honestly, I almost lost everything I own and had to move in with my wife’s parents. True Story.

This podcast is the story of exactly what I’ve done to build a growing multi-seven figure gym business, and the secrets behind how I created the follow up management system called Gym Sales Rocket that not only saved my business, but has enabled me to expand and grow it in a way I never even knew was possible.

There are so many clients we’ve already helped, but so many more who need our help. That said, us staying in business is a MUST. What we do is just too important. We are saving lives here. We deserve to run profitable, growing gym businesses without having to worry about bills or how to manage or grow the business.

My mission moving forward is massively accelerating gym owners businesses. I’ll be taking everything I’ve learned and all I’ve created through my business Core Capacity Transformations, and getting it into as many gym owners hands as I’m able.

We’ve got lives to change here.

Jul 08, 201945:11