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Hacking Happy with Penny Locaso

Hacking Happy with Penny Locaso

By Penny Locaso

Welcome to the Hacking Happy podcast. I'm your host Penny Locaso and I'm the world's first Happiness Hacker with a bold mission to teach 10 million women how to flourish on their terms by 2025 without guilt.

This podcast is designed to help you reignite your spark so that you can channel it towards injecting more balance, presence and connection into each day without burnout.

If that sounds like something you could use a little more of let's get started!
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How to become an expert.

Hacking Happy with Penny LocasoMay 12, 2024

How to become an expert.
May 12, 202443:32
The money secrets of women
May 05, 202441:27
How motherhood enhances your brain with Dr Sarah Mckay
Apr 29, 202444:06
Lessons of a Lifestylepreneur - Part 2
Mar 25, 202422:54
Lessons of a Lifestylepreneur - Part 1
Mar 15, 202427:28
The truth shall set you free
Mar 10, 202422:16
To feel is to heal

To feel is to heal

In this episode, we explore the power of feeling to heal. I share the concept of compassionate inquiry and how this trauma therapy approach provides a means to start to reconnect with your ability to feel whole again.

We expose how suppressing feelings can have long-term negative effects on our health and happiness, and I share a practical process to help you cultivate a feeling practice for healing.

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Allowing oneself to feel is a powerful way to heal and gain insight into emotions and experiences.
  • Compassionate inquiry is a therapeutic approach that helps reveal unconscious dynamics and liberate oneself from self-generated suffering.
  • Suppressing feelings can have long-term negative effects on health and happiness, and it is important to cultivate a practice of feeling and processing emotions.
  • Practical practices for cultivating a feeling to heal include paying attention to tension in the body, dropping into the body, welcoming and exploring feelings, and integrating the experience through writing.

Links & Resources

Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast

Thanks for listening to this week's episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review.

It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

Feb 25, 202423:49
If the body keeps the score, move it.

If the body keeps the score, move it.

Have you ever felt like you're constantly battling against invisible forces in your life, your work or your business? Wrestling with emotions, you can't quite explain and behaviours that seem out of your control?

If the answer is hell yes, this week's podcast on trauma was made for you.

I'm going to share how...

  • Trauma isn't just about what happens to you but how it reshapes our inner world.
  • Avoiding trauma processing can lead to disconnection from ourselves and hinder our path to fulfilment and our potential.
  • Understanding trauma is pivotal for fostering self-compassion and empathy towards ourselves and others.

Together, we'll explore...

  • Insights into the invisible forces shaping your life and relationships.
  • Simple yet powerful methods to reconnect with your body and start the journey towards healing.
  • The transformative potential of embodiment and self-awareness in reclaiming your wholeness and stepping into your power.

Join me as we learn how to listen to our body's whispers to heal. Links & Resources

Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast

Thanks for listening to this week's episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review.

Your reviews enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

Feb 18, 202420:40
The neuroscience of presence with Divya Darling
Feb 11, 202436:39
Creating the space to breathe again with Jessica Connor
Feb 04, 202431:45
Downsize Your Mental Load with Mia Northrop
Jan 29, 202434:46
Wonder Woman Vs The Present Woman. Which one will you choose?
Jan 21, 202416:34
How to find the right coach for you.
Jan 08, 202415:21
Permission to rest and reflect.
Dec 17, 202329:58
Ditching Balance to follow the juice.
Dec 04, 202338:53
If you could write a letter to balance what would you say with Shanelle Franklin and Tamara Linke
Nov 27, 202355:06
Permission to return to balance with Francie La Flow
Nov 23, 202341:46
Have you met Balance?

Have you met Balance?

Have you met Balance yet?

Ok, so when I say that I’m guessing I sound a little crazy but I’m not. You see I spent many years of my life chasing work-life balance rather than listening to what my body and my mind were trying to tell me and in my corporate career it left me burnt out.

It felt like the harder I chased balance, the more elusive she became and the more disconnected I became from myself, from my true essence and the ones I loved.

When I let go of what society defined as balance and created the space to listen to what my body and mind needed for me to show up as the woman I wanted to be, I discovered something simple and life-changing.

Balance was not a destination; it was a way of being, and it is found in the micro-moments of recharge and rest that you choose to inject into each day. The more I invest in these sacred pockets of time, the more impact I have and the more I feel connected to the woman I want to be in the world.

I know I’m not alone when I say the pursuit of balance is burning us out. It’s for this exact reason that I want you to meet Balance on this week’s podcast. She has a message for you, and I know you’re going to want to hear it.

Links & Resources

Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast

Thanks for listening to this weeks episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

Nov 12, 202313:14
A date with vulnerability
Nov 06, 202325:53
The power of intuition in aging well.

The power of intuition in aging well.

Learning to trust your intuition.

If you're body is whispering to you, can you hear it? The busy pace of life has left many of us so in our heads checking off a never-ending to-do list that when our body calls to us for help we can't hear it.

Perhaps this is why so many women from 40+ feel like they're going crazy before uncovering that they are, in fact, Peri Menopausal.

We've become experts in ignoring our body's warning signals. It's for this exact reason that in this episode of the Hacking Happy Podcast we speak to Natalie and Lisa from Own Your Health Collective.

Together we explore the myths of menopause, why your intuition is so critical to aging well and how to not feel so alone in your journey.

Links & Resources

Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast

Thanks for listening to this weeks episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review.

It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

Oct 22, 202341:50
 High-Functioning Burnt-Out Woman Syndrome
Oct 15, 202326:14
Surrender - The unspoken secret to unlocking balance.
Oct 08, 202357:22
Dispelling the myths of balance - Part 2

Dispelling the myths of balance - Part 2

In this podcast, we pick up where we left off in Podcast #103 and go deeper into dispelling the myths of balance.

I'll share with you the next 5 myths of balance as an invitation to reconsider your relationship with balance and how it impacts how you show up in life. Enjoy!

Links & Resources

Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast

Thanks for listening to this week's episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review.

It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

Oct 01, 202312:35
Finding Balance as a mum with young kids with Alicia Payne & Rose Inglis
Sep 24, 202357:12
Dispelling the myths of balance - Part 1
Sep 17, 202320:54
The secrets of a Mumpreneur with Carrie Kwan
Sep 13, 202343:11
The secret is self awareness and showing up with Craig Harper
Sep 11, 202352:24
What I've learnt from 100 episodes of the Hacking Happy Podcast
Sep 03, 202325:20
Six figures in school hours with Kate Toon
Aug 27, 202340:04
Stepping into who you are with Leah Selfe

Stepping into who you are with Leah Selfe

Aug 20, 202342:42
The practice of presence with Tali Brash

The practice of presence with Tali Brash

Do you find yourself longing to be more present in the moments that matter? Have you ever considered that perhaps the voices in your head hold the secret to freeing yourself from the noise and finding more freedom in life.

Join The Voices of Method Founder Tali Brash and me as we go deep into how connecting with the voices within can empower you to start living more in alignment with the life you long for. Resources & Links

  • If you're ready to invest in reigniting your spark with a supportive tribe of soul-led women who get you because they're on the same journey, check out The Calm Collective group coaching program HERE 
  • If you need to create the space to self-disrupt and inject more of what gives you meaning into your life, join me on my upcoming reTREAT HERE 

Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast

Thanks for listening to this week's episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

Aug 14, 202342:59
The Angry Woman (A taboo topic) - Part Three

The Angry Woman (A taboo topic) - Part Three

Welcome to part three of the taboo topic of "The Angry Woman."

In this episode, I bring in 2 angry mums and friends Carly Smith & Nikki May to share their perspectives on their anger.

We talk about how it shows up in the every day, why we don't talk about it enough, how it presents physically in our bodies and how we process our anger from a place of understanding and self-compassion.

Join us as we put the taboo on the table and give voice to angry mums who need to feel heard.

Resources & Links

  • Connect with Nikki
  • Connect with Carly
  • If you're ready to invest in reigniting your spark with a supportive tribe of soul-led women who get you because they're on the same journey check out The Calm Collective group coaching program HERE 
  • If you need to create the space to self-disrupt and inject more of what gives you meaning into your life join me on my upcoming reTREAT HERE 

Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast

Thanks for listening to this weeks episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!


  • Eatough, V., Smith, J. A., & Shaw, R. (2008). Women, Anger, and Aggression: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23(12), 1767–1799. Thomas, S. P. (2005).
  • Women’s Anger, Aggression, and Violence. Health Care for Women International, 26(6), 504–522.
Jul 30, 202350:02
The Angry Woman (A taboo topic) - Part Two

The Angry Woman (A taboo topic) - Part Two

Understanding your anger

Welcome to part two of the taboo topic of "The Angry Woman." In this episode, we'll delve into what the science has to say about angry women. Where does anger show up for most of us, what drives it and what are some helpful ways to process it.

Join me on a journey of self-discovery when it comes to my own anger. My intention is to normalise the feeling of anger, diminish the shame associated with it and give women like you permission to understand and process the emotion constructively and from a place of love.

Links & Resources

  • If you need to create the space to self-disrupt and inject more of what gives you meaning into your life join me on my upcoming reTREAT HERE

Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast

Thanks for listening to this weeks episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review.

It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!


  • Eatough, V., Smith, J. A., & Shaw, R. (2008). Women, Anger, and Aggression: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23(12), 1767–1799.
  • Thomas, S. P. (2005). Women’s Anger, Aggression, and Violence. Health Care for Women International, 26(6), 504–522.
Jul 20, 202329:32
The Angry Woman (A taboo topic) - Part One
Jul 16, 202318:34
Haters and finding your voice.
Jul 10, 202317:45
Transformation Therapy: What it is and why it might be just what you need to get out of a funk.
Jul 06, 202316:02
Is attachment holding you back?
Jul 03, 202322:18
Redefining productivity to realise your dreams with Tiffany Taylor.

Redefining productivity to realise your dreams with Tiffany Taylor.

Meet the coach behind the coach. I started working with Coach Tiffany a year ago to elevate my productivity and create even more space for what gives me meaning and energises my soul. Tiffany Taylor is a Global Speaker, Master Business Coach + Mentor for high-performance business leaders. In this episode of the podcast, we explore how to redefine productivity so that you can unlock your true potential, how to use your calendar to motivate you into taking meaningful action each day, and why vision is critical to progress.

Episode Links & Resources

  • Connect with Coach Tiffany Taylor via her website HERE
  • If you're ready to invest in reigniting your spark with a supportive tribe of soul-led women who get you because they're on the same journey check out The Calm Collective group coaching program HERE
  • If you need to create the space to self-disrupt and inject more of what gives you meaning into your life join me on my upcoming reTREAT HERE

Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast Thanks for listening to this weeks episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

Jun 13, 202327:41
Why rejection is a sign you're growing & making progress towards your dreams.

Why rejection is a sign you're growing & making progress towards your dreams.

Why rejection is a sign you're growing & making progress towards your dreams.
Rejection as opportunity, not an obstacle.

How do you feel when you get rejected? For most of us, it can conjure up feelings of not being good enough or failing and then result in us not continuing to progress toward a dream.

But what if rejection was the gateway rather than the dead end to making progress around the things that light a fire in your soul?

In this week's podcast, I share how rejection is fundamental to the opportunities I receive to do the work I love, how it is a sign you are growing and making progress and how to challenge the lens through which you view rejection in order to realise opportunities you never imagined possible.


Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast
Thanks for listening to this week's episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

Jun 01, 202328:44
Where to find your spark.
May 18, 202328:48
Why you have to let go to lean in.

Why you have to let go to lean in.

The number one ingredient required to grow and expand into the person and the life you long for is space.

Space to reflect, to brainstorm, to plan and to just be and sit in the present moment and allow it to inspire you. Space is what so many of my prospective clients tell me they need and yet for so many of us space feels elusive. Space is and will always be elusive if every moment of every day is full. Space only comes when we let go. Let go of the things that no longer serve the direction we wish to head in.

On this podcast, I bring in a beautiful friend and co-worker Mariah Mcinnes to go deep on why we need to let go in order to lean into more of what gives us meaning.

Together we explore our journey toward letting go of each other after working together for over 2 years and how the courage to do so is allowing both of us to expand our businesses.

Mariah's journey of letting go of a safe career and leaning into the life of a digital nomad will inspire and surprise you in its magic and imperfection.

Follow Mariah's journey as a digtial nomad on insta here.

If you need to create the space to self disrupt and inject more of what gives you meaning into your life join me on my upcoming reTREAT here.


Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast

Thanks for listening to this weeks episode!
If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

May 16, 202349:22
Brave women write with Carolyn Tate

Brave women write with Carolyn Tate

There are those people that you stumble across that influence the trajectory of your life in ways you could not imagine when you first connect with them.

Carolyn Tate is one of those people for me and she's someone I'd like you to meet.

Carolyn was instrumental in connecting me to the power of finding purpose and equally in the realisation that I could use my voice on stages to impact the lives of thousands.

The author of six books Carolyn is a pioneer of purpose in Australia and has inspired countless individuals to pursue their purpose and make an impact.

In this weeks podcast Carolyn and I reconnect and explore the power of purpose in stepping towards the life you long for. We also tap into her latest book Brave Women Write a powerful call-to-action for women to harness the power of their words to create meaningful change for themselves and the world.

If you're looking for practical tips on how to write the next chapter of you this podcast is not to be missed.

For more on Carolyn's work, to grab a copy or her book or join her FREE writing group CLICK HERE

Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast

Thanks for listening to this weeks episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

May 07, 202339:42
Small changes change your life
Apr 28, 202327:30
Ageing, alcohol and why you feel shit.
Apr 06, 202349:54
What a real 8 year business journey looks like - Part 2

What a real 8 year business journey looks like - Part 2

This episode of the Hacking Happy podcast continues where we left off last week and forms Part 2 in my series entitled What a real 8-year business journey looks like.   

In case you missed Part 1 I highly recommend you venture back and listen to Episode 82 first to get the full story.   

In short, it's 8 years since I turned my back on a crazy salary in a global giant, registered my business name and stepped into the great unknown that comes with building a business from absolutely nothing.  

When I reflect back, I remember thinking can I do this? Am I crazy? This is now one of the most common questions I get asked by prospective coaching clients who want to make a significant shift in their career, and life of the business.  

This is why I created this two-part podcast series,  to expose what it really looks like to build a business over 8 years.  

This is not your Instagram-filtered BS journey of how I became a millionaire in six months it’s a journey into experimentation, expansion, reflection and the roller coaster ride of emotion that goes with it.  

So, strap yourself in as I walk you through my experience in the hope that if you are on the precipice of wanting to make a shift into shaping your own purpose-led business you do so with eyes wide open and a sense of knowing you are not alone.   



Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast!

Thanks for listening to this week's episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review.   

It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

Mar 16, 202316:38
What a real 8 year business journey looks like - Part 1

What a real 8 year business journey looks like - Part 1

This month I celebrate a milestone of significance in my journey as what I endearingly term a Lifestyleprener.   

It’s eight (8) years since I turned my back on a crazy salary in a global giant, registered my business name and stepped into the great unknown that comes with building a business from absolutely nothing.  

When I reflect back, I remember thinking can I do this? Am I crazy? 

This is now one of the most common questions I get asked from prospective coaching clients who want to make a significant shift in their career, and life of business; this is why in this week’s podcast (and the next), I want to expose what it really looks like to build a business over eight (8) years.  

This is not your Instagram-filtered BS journey of how I became a millionaire in six months; it’s a journey into experimentation, expansion, reflection and the roller coaster ride of emotion that goes with it.  

So, strap yourself in as I walk you through my experience in the hope that if you are on the precipice of wanting to make a shift into shaping your own purpose-led business, you do so with eyes wide open and a sense of knowing you are not alone.   

To celebrate this wild and wondrous journey with you, I want to extend an invitation to attend my FREE hands-on workshop, 3 Steps to create the space to reignite your spark! Register here  

Thanks for listening to this weeks episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review.  Your reviews enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

Mar 10, 202318:47
What is Moxie and where to find it!
Mar 05, 202324:38
When it's time to reTREAT with Laetitia Andrac

When it's time to reTREAT with Laetitia Andrac

Ever wondered what a retreat is, why you would invest in one and how they provide you with an opportunity to shift and make the change you long for when you can't do it in your every day? If so, then this podcast is for you. My dear friend and upcoming reTREAT co-conspirator Laetitia Andrac (AKA the business doula) and I connect on why we believe retreats are so valuable to our journey and growth. Join us in a conversation that exposes thoughts and feelings that neither of us have shared previously. Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast Thanks for listening to this weeks episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review. It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier! Episode Resources Unlock the YOU you dream of whilst nourishing yourself to the core with deep human connection whilst surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. Secure your spot at The reTREAT HERE 
Feb 20, 202336:56
When it’s time to show up as who you really are with Alex Bakowski

When it’s time to show up as who you really are with Alex Bakowski

Imagine shaving off parts of who you really are to fit in and how over time, that would impact your ability to love what you do and who you are.  

Meet Alex Bakowski, a successful executive who, at the top of her game, decided to walk away from her safe career so that she could add back those shaved-off parts, show up as her true self and shape a future of work that enables others to do the same.  

In this story of transformation, Alex shares: 

  • How she found the clarity and self-belief to start her first business,
  • Why connection is central to meaningful work,
  • And why she is committed to shaping more human workplaces.

You can connect with Alex via her Website or LinkedIn

Subscribe & Review The Hacking Happy Podcast

Thanks for listening to this weeks episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review.  It's your reviews that enable me to impact more lives for the happier!

  • If you're interested in finding out more about coaching with me book a free clarity call here
  • Email me here to jump on the pre-invitation waitlist for our upcoming exclusive Noosa Hinterland retreat.
  • Apply for the 2023 Calm Collective intimate group coaching program here.
Feb 06, 202327:20
Why the ocean holds the answer to where in 2023
Jan 20, 202311:38