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Healing E-Motion with Hazel Hyslop

Healing E-Motion with Hazel Hyslop

By Hazel Hyslop

Hi I am Hazel Hyslop and I am a Systemic Psychotherapist, Executive Professional Coach and Trainer with special interest in exploring topics about women, wellbeing and leadership. In my newest Podcasts, I will be talking about work, well-being, relationships, hormones and so on. Here I present a series of topics that aims at empowering and supporting wome and I hope that you will get you involved in the converstaion too.

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Narratives that influence us as women

Healing E-Motion with Hazel HyslopMay 13, 2024

Narratives that influence us as women

Narratives that influence us as women

I share stories from my family and culture that influence me as woman and look at the parrallels in the current context, where women face gender bias, shame, imposter syndrome, etc.

I give personal and professional examples of women in my life.

I am starting conversations that are sometimes difficult to talk about.

May 13, 202419:57
New series: "Bringing Your Heart To Work"

New series: "Bringing Your Heart To Work"

Really excited to restart my Podcast after a long break. This series will be for women who are work in spaces that forces them to abandon their natural skills such as empathy, compassion, emotional intelligence and intuition in order to fit in to a male dominated industry. My series will add to theh conversation as to why we do this and what can we do differently in order to lead authentic lives.

Apr 24, 202401:24
Healing E-motions S3Ep2: "My Emerging Relationship with Myself through the Decades" My guest Heather Day

Healing E-motions S3Ep2: "My Emerging Relationship with Myself through the Decades" My guest Heather Day

In this new series, I am addressing Relationships in different Contexts. One of my Specialism is in Systemic and Family Psychotherapist, helping Individuals, Couples, Families and Organisational teams, address relational issues. Today's focus is on Relationship with Self through the Decades with Heather Day. After Seven years of developing My 7 Step Model of Journey to Well-being, I have decided to trial it here in my Podcasts. In this approach, I  want to challenge the idea that we have to fit into a frame in order to be happy. I propose that its our difference that gets people's our attention. Yet we have learnt to adapt into a frame that says if you don't do it this way that there is something wrong with you. You see this in families and organisations. Being different gets you labelled as weird, quirky, mad etc. So, people learned to fit in by hiding their differences. How many organisations do not elevate an employee because of their Race, Gender, Disability or Sexuality? How many times were you told, you are too experienced for this job, or too edgy?   My guest Heather Day, shares her healing journey with us, including her experiences of burn-out and breast cancer. Heather's transformational journey and study of energy healing led her to create Vibrant Life Women. Heather supports women to release old limiting patterns so they can reconnect to their 'True Self' and create a vibrant life. Contact Heather on 07966067883 E book ( Kindle only) You are Beyond Limits

May 13, 202246:12
Healing E-motions S3: Ep1 "Relationship with Self"

Healing E-motions S3: Ep1 "Relationship with Self"

In this new Podcast series, I am addressing relationship in different context. Today's focus is on Self. After seven years of working my model "A six Step Journey to well-being", I have decided to trial it here in my Podcasts. Its a model that I use in my work and it forms the frame of my book (still in editing mode). I want to challenge the idea that we have to fit into a frame in order to be successful. For example, everyone on social media, seems to have the same formula on how to promote yourself and how to be successful. Forgetting that one size doesn't fit all!

In the methodology that I use, I am proposing that being different is the new formula for success. I believe that,  its your difference that gets people's attention. Yet we have learnt to adapt into a frame that says if you don't do it this way that there is something wrong with you. You see this, in families and organisations. Being different gets you labelled as weird, quirky, mad, defiant and so on. People learn to fit in by hiding their differences, only to end up being stressed and unhappy. So many organisations do not elevate an employee because of their difference. Whether that be, Race, Gender, Disability or Sexuality. Or it might be because you have dreadlocks, or pink hair, or that you creative. How many times were you told, you are too experienced for this job, or too edgy? How about in your family, you were told, that you are too sensitive?

Here I want to start the conversation by suggesting that when you are clear on who you are and when others can accept you, for you, there is less need to expect everyone to fit into a framework that is long-outdated! Creating a frame that makes allowances for differences, would, I imagine, invite more curiosity, encourage greater participation and commitment to building relationships.

Apr 22, 202226:39
New Series: Relationships Relationships, Relationships

New Series: Relationships Relationships, Relationships

In the last 5 months, I have had a pause from Podcasting. During that time, I have moved home from London to the South Coast and my daughters have flown the nest. Though recent extended visits from my youngest makes this debatable. This space has allowed me to reflect on my relationship with Podcasting. Why am I doing it and for whom? Would I want to continue and if so, what would I talk about. How can I remain authentic to the process and not get positioned by expectations or even judgement of others. Finally I made a decision to do a series on Relationships.. Yes you heard me. Relationships! Who doesn't like to talk about relationships. whether its your relationship or that of others. In this new series, I am covering various themes on relationships, such as:-

Relationship with Self

Relationship with your Partner

Relationship with Work

Relationship with Spirituality

Relationship with your Body

Relationship with family

Relationship with the Environment 

Relationship with food and so on...

I hope that you can follow me and join in or even be interviewed for an episode. 

Apr 13, 202203:55
Healing E-motions S2 Ep11: "The Millenial woman and Mental health with Mena Emuh"

Healing E-motions S2 Ep11: "The Millenial woman and Mental health with Mena Emuh"

There is so much written about the Millennial generation. If I am honest it took me a while to embrace this concept...Like, is this another one of those name branding that gets forced on us. However, I am slowly..and I say slowly embracing this narrative long after its no longer needed. Like now we are beyond the focus of the Millennial and now its the Tic Toc Generation..Roll eyes....
Anyway I digress, because todays Podcast is very much focus on the Millennial Woman. She is Mena Emuh. Model, Businesswoman, Coach. Mental health Advocate and more. She is feisty, she is confident and more specifically, incredibly intelligent and honest. This is why I wanted to interview her. Not because of the labels, but more because she comes with a raw, yet refined authenticity that I love. Here she speaks openly about being a Millennial woman and her journey with mental health and more. You won't regret taking time to listen to this Podcast.
Nov 09, 202146:59
Healing E-motions S2 Ep10: "Being a Professional and a Parent and dealing with Burnout"

Healing E-motions S2 Ep10: "Being a Professional and a Parent and dealing with Burnout"

Todays Podcast features the talented and inspirational Dr Esther Cole. Dr Esther Cole, Clinical Psychologist, is the Early Career Award Winner (2020) for her role in initiating and co-editing the book: "Psychological Therapy for Paediatric Acquired Brain Injury".  Dr Cole identifies as a third generation British Jamaican, and the proud mother of three children currently under 8. She is also the Clinical Director of Lifespan Psychology - The Diverse Practice, a group therapy practice for adults, children and families internationally, online and in London, UK. 

In this Podcast Dr Cole speaks honestly and openly about her work and most importantly about her own journey as a professional and parent dealing with stress and burnout. She describes how she overcame a traumatic experience of burnout in 2019/20 following working in the NHS, writing a book, raising two children and simultaneously starting her private practice. Dr Cole aims to connect with the audience and her clients by using her own personal challenges and resilience, as well as her professional training and research, to help others overcome similar difficulties. I truly believe that this is a message that will challenge mindsets about work and success, but most importantly help many of us to rethink how we look after our well-being

See links below to the the article and book mentioned in the Podcast as well as contact details for Dr. Cole


Instagram: @lifespan_psychology

Amazon Book: Psychological Therapy for Paediatric Acquired Brain Injury

Oct 01, 202149:25
Healing E-motions S2 Ep8: "Thriving in Adversity-The Resilience Factor"

Healing E-motions S2 Ep8: "Thriving in Adversity-The Resilience Factor"

This episode focuses on Adversity and surviving adversity through The Resilience factor. I share some of my own experiences of adversity and how I overcame them. I also offer tips on how to manage and stay on course when you are facing challenges. When you are going through adversity, you are mostly functioning in the survival mode. You most likely want to give up. Sometimes all you need is a reminder, a message from someone to keep going. Perhaps this Podcast might be the reminder you need today.

Sep 03, 202137:43
Healing E-motions: S2 Ep5 "Who decides that you are not Enough"

Healing E-motions: S2 Ep5 "Who decides that you are not Enough"

We are constantly walking around with feelings of not enough-ness. I am not good enough, I don't have enough. There isn't enough and on and on. It's like a broken record at the back of our minds. The trouble is, that we have bought into this lie and live our lives with poor self esteem, low self worth and lots of self doubt. We are constantly comparing ourselves or being compared by others. Instead of trying to live our lives by our own wisdom, we are constantly seeking approval. My message in this Podcast, is that I have HAD ENOUGH of setting limits on myself. I have HAD ENOUGH of others trying to set those limits for me.. I think its time to start fighting back. Don't you? It take courage and a dose of "I don't care" sometimes to take those limits off. Hope this can start to spark a conversation, but most importantly know that you are enough.

Jul 26, 202127:38
Healing Emotions: S2 Ep4 "You can Begin Again!"

Healing Emotions: S2 Ep4 "You can Begin Again!"

I don't know where you are right now. It might be a relationship change, bereavement or career change. You maybe feeling a variety of emotions, e.g sadness fear or even excitement.  Many of us who have been at home in the last year, have mixed feelings about going back into the office spaces or even doing social activities. 

Is there a dream or a project that you are putting on hold? Perhaps its a good time to start all over? This Podcast addresses the issue of starting over as well as give a guided exercise on to take the next step on your journey.

Jul 06, 202127:56
Healing Emotions: S2 Ep3 "Women and Success"

Healing Emotions: S2 Ep3 "Women and Success"

What does it mean to be successful as a woman?  Did you know that according to the research, women approach and experience success different to men. We tend to be more circular, intuitive etc, while men are linear in their approach. In this Podcast, I am sharing personal stories of success, in the generation of women in my family. I am also exploring the idea that a woman's greatest source of success, is learning to trust her feelings, her instincts and adapting to life challenges and opportunities as they show up. For too long, women have been laughed at, for being too sensitive or emotional, especially in the work context. Leading  to feelings of shame or failure. Perhaps its time that women start to embrace the gift of intuition and emotions, because when you are truly in alignment with your inner satnav, the decisions you make, almost always will never be wrong.

Jun 18, 202138:31
Healing E-motions S2 Ep2: "Six Impossible things before Breakfast" Is it time to Look forward?

Healing E-motions S2 Ep2: "Six Impossible things before Breakfast" Is it time to Look forward?

Getting stuck or lost on life's journey is normal. A crisis, a trauma, a disability can create roadblocks to moving forward in life. Blocks such as self doubt, fear, anger or limiting beliefs can sabotage progress. When this happens, we tend to loose or confidence in ourselves or in life as a whole. A simple act of reminding yourself of a time when you did the impossible can help to get you back on track. This is what Alice in Wonderland did. She had forgotten who she was, she lost her true identity and forgot what her purpose in life was. By reciting 6 impossible things before breakfast, allowed her to find courage to defeat her adversary and have confidence to step into her role as a leader and adventurer. So, can you name 6 impossible things you did today, this week or in your life? How did that change you? is it time that you reconnect to that part of you? Please share your story with me. I would love to hear. On a different note, would you like to be interviewed on my Podcast. I would love to share your story. Why not get in touch.

May 21, 202130:27
Healing E-motions: S2 Ep1 "Descent into Burnout"

Healing E-motions: S2 Ep1 "Descent into Burnout"

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical and  mental exhaustion, caused by excessive and  prolonged stress. It occurs when an individual  feels overwhelmed, emotionally drained and  unable to meet constant demands. The World Health  Organization (WHO) has  dubbed stress as the  modern-day health  epidemic. The fallout  from workplace stress  has a huge impact on  global well-being as  well as on our overall  economy. Managing stress and burn-out is both with the individual and his/her employer. Smart employers know that organisations are only as strong as their people. Having suffered with burn out at different stages of my life as well as working with many clients experiencing stress and burn out, I have an ongoing interest in this area. This is why I am passionate about talking about mental wellbeing. I write about it, I address it in therapy and coaching and now I am delivering training to organisations with @sylwia.glowa on this. As we end Mental Health Week Awareness, Todays Podcast hopes to contribute to this ongoing conversation.

May 15, 202135:55
Healing E-motions Episode 21: Self Harm advice for parents and young people

Healing E-motions Episode 21: Self Harm advice for parents and young people

From my observation over past 10years, self harming behaviours seem to have been on the increase in young people. I notice a pattern between the  transition from primary to secondary school and later during GCSCE's year.

"Self-harm occurs most often in teenagers and young adults; recent data found rates ranging from 6 to 14 percent for adolescent boys and 17 to 30 percent for girls. Adults, however, can and do engage in self-harm, particularly those with mental health conditions or a history of self-injury. Although both boys and girls self-harm, the rate appears higher in girls; they also tend to start at an earlier age. However, some experts contend that the types of self-harming behaviors that boys are more likely to engage in punching walls when angry."

"The roots of self-harming behavior are often found in early childhood trauma, including physical, verbal, or sexual abuse. It may also be an indication of other serious mental health issues that are independent of trauma, such as depression, anxiety, or borderline personality disorder. In some cases, self-harm that arises suddenly may be an attempt to regain control after a particularly disturbing experience, such as being assaulted or surviving another traumatic event."

In today's podcast I share a brief information on self harm, why people self harm and how to get help. 

May 07, 202131:57
Healing E-motions Episode 20: "Saying Yes to Change"

Healing E-motions Episode 20: "Saying Yes to Change"

David Bowie sang that "Time may change me, But I can't trace time." Life is like that. Throughout our journey here on earth, we will face countless changes. Some will come suddenly and traumatically while some changes will happen gradually and subtly. Can you remember a time when your life fell apart? What did it feel like? Were you transformed in this process? Were you able to see the world differently? Or perhaps you have observed someone you know you can identify with who went through a powerful transformation of change?The idea that life is stable, reliable and neatly packaged is an illusion. Everything changes whether we like it or not. So Don’t take it personally. 

Research done on change, show that we gain wisdom as we go through transformation. What we gain is like champagne that’s been pressed from the fruit of adversity. The research suggests that there is 3 distinct aspect of the wisdom gained. Firstly, Right thinking, that is coming to peace with facts of life. It is what it is. Secondly Self reflection, the ability to see your behavioural patterns and learn from them. Thirdly emotional intelligence, which helps you to become more real, open hearted, genuine. These are the themes in today's podcast.

Apr 30, 202136:06
Healing E-motions Episode 19: "Working in Alignment with Your Values"

Healing E-motions Episode 19: "Working in Alignment with Your Values"

Are you feeling valued in your current life? Do you depend on others to give you validation? Where are you placing your value right now?  What if I told you that, when you depend on the external factors to make you happy, you will be easily disappointed and you might never get to know your true values. We have been programmed to focus on the external things to make us feel happy. We measure success by what can be seen by the visible eye. We based our self-worth on what we have. We are constantly measuring ourselves or comparing ourselves with others.Attracting value and worth for what you do starts with you. What if I tell you that the way you see yourself is the way that others will treat you? If you have the belief that you are not good enough, others will treat you with little respect. You might find that because of this belief, you end up in relationships whereby you are treated with little respect. This maybe an abusive relationship or it might be situations whereby you are giving too much, leaving you depleted, harbouring resentment or feeling angry all the time. When that source of validation disappears, you can easily lose your balance. You then realise, that your sense of self worth was tied to that thing. Here is where your identity comes into question. You begin to wonder who you are. You begin to ask Who Am I? This place of questioning is a good place to start and no your are not going crazy. Instead you are being given a gift to re-evaluate your life and begin again.

Apr 23, 202135:03
Healing E-motions Episode 18: "Grieving the loss of a parent"

Healing E-motions Episode 18: "Grieving the loss of a parent"

The loss of a loved one is never easy. One can never be prepared for when someone dies. The current Pandemic has highlighted even more so, the fragility of life and the questioning of the meaning of life. Evers since my father passed away in January 2021, I remain continually surprised by how many people have shared their experience of losing a parent and the impact that this has had on them. Today’s guest Neil Tomalin, speaks quite candidly about losing his mother and what the lessons have been for him. Neil has had a long history in financial services in a variety of roles. He began his career as an insurance broker to the construction industry, then switched to selling investments and pension funds, before becoming a product designer. Neil formed a consultancy 10 years ago that works with major financial institutions on a variety of projects – many designed to make them think differently, but all with a passionate focus on the customer. Neil’s interest in understanding human behaviour and what drives us. He has done research in working with the authentic self. He is also part of the UK’s Values Alliance, whose vision is to encourage positive behaviour in organisations and society. In this Podcast, however, Neil describes himself as 'just an ordinary person' sharing his personal experience of loosing his mother. The conversation is thought provoking and leaves us to ask questions, like who was my dad? Who was my mum? Did I really know them? What opportunity do I have now in my relationship with my remaining parents or my children?
Apr 09, 202154:22
Healing E-motions Episode 17:"Listen To Yourself"

Healing E-motions Episode 17:"Listen To Yourself"

Taking time out to pause can be the start of your journey to listening to yourself. Do you know that when you really tune into your inner self and listen to what it's telling you, you end up feeling less stressed and living a more authentic and joyful life. We are influenced from a young age by society,family etc to tell us what is important. We generally base our success on external factors such as "bling bling" according to my guest Sywia Glowa. When crisis happens we are forced to re-evaluate who we are and what is my purpose? My guest Sywia Glowa, is Polish woman living in Dublin, a mother, a Coach and an avid traveller. Sywia's background is amazing. Working in the Corporate world for companies such as Twitter, Amazon and Redhat. Her experience of stress and burntout in the corporate culture led her to a journey of self discovery on health and wellbeing. This led her to study coaching and now she has her own coaching company specialising in career and strengths coaching. Today she is sharing personal and professional experience on why its important to Listen to yourself.
Mar 29, 202145:08
Healing E-motions Ep:16 "Core Limiting Beliefs about work ethics can sabotage your wellbeing"

Healing E-motions Ep:16 "Core Limiting Beliefs about work ethics can sabotage your wellbeing"

Beliefs are generally formed through our upbringing and life experiences. Most of our core beliefs are formed from childhood via our parents and environment. Limiting beliefs are thoughts, opinions that one believes to be the absolute truth. They tend to have a negative impact on one's life by stopping us from moving forward and growing on a personal and professional level. Limiting beliefs are like a record player, playing annoying songs in that background. It can represent the voices of your culture, family, race and gender etc about how you should act and think.   When you have limiting beliefs about work, e.g I must work hard and play hard or I must keep my head down and not rock the boat, can impact on your ability to overwork or stop you from being your true self in the work environment. Overwork and suppression of your true self, inevitably leads to stress or distress. When you are clear about your core values and is in alignment with these, then your belief system about work can change for the better. This Podcast shares a few scenarios of how limiting beliefs can sabotage well-being. It then focuses on a few things you can do maintain well-being and change your limiting beliefs.

Mar 20, 202134:12
Healing E-motions Episode 15: Ghosting and Your Emotional wellbeing

Healing E-motions Episode 15: Ghosting and Your Emotional wellbeing

So what is Ghosting and why can it impact on your emotional wellbeing? Personally I don't like the term but its a term frequently linked to romantic relationships. Ghosting is when someone stops answering your texts or your calls without explanation. This often happens out of nowhere. It can leave you feeling confused, hurt, and paranoid. Ghosting is, in a word, uncool. But did you know that Ghosting can also happen with other relationships. According to the New York Times "Ghosting is when someone cuts off all communication without explanation. It is mostly understood in the context of of digital departure, e g. a friend not responding to a text, or worse, a lover, but it happens across all social circumstances and it’s tied to the way we view the world and whether we have Secure/Ambivalent/Avoidant Attachments style. Whatever the reasons and whether your are the "Ghoster" or "Ghostee" there are emotional and psychological implications for both sides. A well known British broadcaster has led a campaign over the past 2 years against Megan Markle. In an interview he did in the past he said that she ghosted him. We can draw our own conclusions as to why this broadcaster has led a 2 year campaign against Megan. Was his behaviour as a result of being rejected? Who knows.......this Podcast does not focus on this broadcaster's behaviour, but more on the general topic of ghosting. Hope you find this useful.
Mar 12, 202130:39
Healing E-motions 14: "What style of Clothes are you currently wearing?"

Healing E-motions 14: "What style of Clothes are you currently wearing?"

A couple years ago my mother visited me and at the time she was in her early 70s. One day we were going out as a family and she dressed up in a bright pink polo shirt and pink jean, much to the embarrassment of my teenage daughters! But I loved that about my mother and when I spoke to her about aging, she told me that she didn’t feel her age. She told me that she dressed the way she felt and during that time she said that she felt like a teenager. Interestingly, she looked youthful, was happy and lived life with a lot of gratitude each day. Her true essence shone through and anywhere we travelled, my mother seem to be the one that made friends the quickest and easiest. 

Life is vibrant, and unique.  Life can be viewed as a fashion show. On the runway, models show off different styles and the unique colours.  Similarly, humans are unique in the way we look, behave and think. And yet there is so much pressure in fit in, whether that's in organisations or family life.

Whether you are risk taker, fashion follower, consider for a moment if this is reflected in the way you live your life? The next question, is; are you happy with your choice of outfit, and if not, what is stopping you from changing it? Who or what is getting in the way?  What are the consequences of not changing? What are the advantages of staying in your current dress state?

Perhaps you are currently wearing the ideal outfit…. Maybe you can share some of your ideas and what made you accept this state...I would love to hear your stories

Mar 05, 202138:12
 Healing E-motions Episode 13: "Be The Relationship You Seek"

Healing E-motions Episode 13: "Be The Relationship You Seek"

Are you putting your life on hold, waiting for the ideal man, woman or situation to show up? Are you focusing on waiting to be happy once you achieve what you want; that you forget to appreciate your life as it is right now? Did you know that when you place your worth and value on these external factors, you can end up loosing yourself. What if I tell you that,rather focusing your energy on that person or that situation to make you happy and complete, you job right now, is to focus on making yourself happy and complete. Today's Podcast challenges you to begin to become that relationship that you seek. Rather than pursue that ideal partner......etc, you have to become the ideal partner you seek.
Feb 26, 202128:02
Healing E-motions Episode 12: "Your Trauma is not your fault, but your healing is your responsibility"

Healing E-motions Episode 12: "Your Trauma is not your fault, but your healing is your responsibility"

The Quote above shared by today's guest, Peter Strange, says it all! Trauma is not your fault, but your healing is your responsibility!  Traumatic events are common experiences that occurs in most, if not all our lives. Trauma is an emotional, psychological or physical response to a terrible event like an accident, abuse or natural disaster. We tend to use the word trauma frequently, however, its important to understand that not every traumatic event will have long lasting consequences. Human beings are resilient and the impact of trauma varies depending of multiple factors. What is traumatic for one person, may not be traumatic for another. Trauma can occur as early as in the womb, especially if the mother is abusing drugs or experiencing extreme stress. Evidence shows that it's not just our brain, but our cellular memory too that holds an imprint of past traumatic events. Help should be sort if a traumatic event, leads to debilitating symptoms, such as persistent fatigue, sleep disorders, nightmares, fear, anxiety, flashbacks, depression, and pain etc.

Todays' guest, Peter Strange is an expert when it comes to healing Trauma both physical and emotional. In this Podcast he shares his personal story of trauma from a serious sports injury and how this experience led him on a path to self healing; using his intuition, scientific and spiritual knowledge, which then led to helping others. Through his extensive research, personal and clinical experience and successful results, Peter has created the RESET Method (Realigning Emotions and structure for Energetic Transformation) to help clients heal. This is an incredible interview and just by listening to Peter's voice, you get a sense of his healing abilities. Peter can be contacted on and on Face Book 

Feb 19, 202101:01:55
Healing E-motions Episode 11: Seasons of Growth

Healing E-motions Episode 11: Seasons of Growth

What season are you in right now? In this Podcast, I am using the metaphor of planting, growing, flourishing and harvesting to connect to the stage of life that you are in right now. When planting and growing, we need to have the right conditions to grow and to flourish. This includes investing in ourselves, keeping out distractions (weeds and bugs), such as negative people, negative self talk. Nurturing our dreams by not neglecting them. Lastly reaping the benefits of our investment. The key message here is, wherever you are right now, honour it, because that's where you need to be.
Jan 27, 202128:34
Healing E-motions Episode 10: Hurt and Hope

Healing E-motions Episode 10: Hurt and Hope

Did you know that Hurt and Hope co-exists. How about being broken and being whole too. Did you know that famous people like Oprah Winfrey, Iyanla Vanzant, Maya Angelou and Joyce Meyers, just to name a few experienced immense hurt and the greatest of hope in their lives. What these powerful women have in common is a shared experience of abuse, some teenage pregnancy and neglect. This is how their stories started. But thankfully that's now how its ended. In fact, its ended with more triumph and successes that many would deem impossible.  Their success did not come overnight. It came from an insane ability to 'not give up' and to not live out their lives as victims. Instead they faced their issues, did the healing overtime.  Along the way, the success gained was not just locally, but worldwide; with the hope of helping others to heal. What hurt are you hiding right now in your life? What if you are are able to use your experience to help others? What is it that you need to do right now, to start the process of healing so that when the time comes, you are ready to help someone else. Why not use your hurt, to bring hope to those who need it right now.

Dec 04, 202022:11
Healing E-motions Episode 9: Overcoming Adversity: A Hero's Journey

Healing E-motions Episode 9: Overcoming Adversity: A Hero's Journey

Everyone experiences trials. Everyone, from one time or the next have challenges. I am not sure that everyone has had to face the type of adversity which changes the trajectory of their life. I was inspired to do this Podcast today by two of my clients. One of whom just emailed me today to say that she has received an invitation to be interviewed for Cambridge University. This is a young woman who have been human trafficked and has experience sexual exploitation. Statistically most women who have been trafficked do not survive and if they do, there outcomes are not that great. The other client's story is one of overcoming the loss of her husband who died traumatically in  a road traffic accident. Both women's story reminds me of Joseph's Campbells work called The Hero's journey. The Hero's journey is about using the wisdom you gained from life experiences- facing conflicts, trials and then triumph! Having gone through the tests, pain, trials etc, my clients are now at the stage where they are able to use there experiences to influence and motivate others. The message today is that you can overcome adversity. You can use the wisdom from your pain and your trials to help others, just like these two women.

Nov 20, 202028:16
Healing E-motions Episode 8: Therapy Works

Healing E-motions Episode 8: Therapy Works

Therapy does and can work. A frequent question that I get asked is does therapy work? My answer every time, is yet it does work. I am able to answer this confidently, based on client's feedback from over 25 years of working in mental health. There are occasions when it might not work, but in my experience this is rare. On such occasions, it may not work because its not the right fit between client and therapist or the right time. Or perhaps the client is not ready or willing to fully commit to doing the work. Sometimes it might just be that you have a 'crap therapist'. Today I am talking about my journey into becoming a therapist. What led me to this path and why I truly belief that therapy can make a difference.
Nov 13, 202031:57
Healing E-motions Episode 7: Anxiety Friend or Foe?

Healing E-motions Episode 7: Anxiety Friend or Foe?

Did you know that anxiety is normal and that we are hard-wired to react, when we sense potential harm or danger. Anxiety can be helpful if it brings awareness to something in your life that needs attention. However, anxiety, if left unmanaged can develop into mental illness, which can have long lasting effects on you and those around you. Today I am interviewing Lilian Abrahams, a friend and a colleague who talks candidly about her own personal experience of anxiety as well as sharing her professional knowledge and tips on how to manage anxiety.
Nov 06, 202037:05
Healing E-motions episode 6: "All work and No Play"

Healing E-motions episode 6: "All work and No Play"

Play and creativity are important aspects of human development. Play reduces cortisol — the hormone responsible for stress, which can increase your risk for heart disease in excess. It releases endorphins. It also helps to keep depression at bay, improves your cognitive health, and lowers the risk of developing age-related neurodegenerative conditions like dementia. Many of us have become accustomed to routine and structure and managing risk. We seem to have lost our way. We have lost that child-like wonder, that spark to create and to grow. The creative Path forces us to follow our curiosity down the rabbit hole and use our creative abilities to problem solve, brainstorm, dream, visualise etc. Therefore creating value for others by selling our skills to clients.  When you create you play. When you play you allow your creative juices to flow! When you are in flow your are at your best.  A no brainer, really. So why not Get playing, Get Creative.

Oct 30, 202026:58
Healing E-motions Episode 5: Anger and Mental Health

Healing E-motions Episode 5: Anger and Mental Health

Anger is an emotion that is felt by everyone. Its a natural survival instincts that is felt not just by humans, but in every force of nature. You see it in  animals and even some insects when threatened, how they might lash out to protect their space. So, yes, its okay to be angry and feel angry. However, when your anger or the anger of other's is used to control and cause harm, then that's not okay. Sometimes anger might be masking other problems such as Depression, sexual abuse or even stress. In this Podcast, I talk about Anger, the triggers that leads to anger, impact of anger on self and others as well as share tips on how to manager anger.   

Oct 24, 202027:21
Healing E-motions Episode 4: Parental problems and Childhood mental health

Healing E-motions Episode 4: Parental problems and Childhood mental health

"School Days are said to be Happy Days"!!! But is this always the case? Did you know that Parental problems have a direct correlation with children's mental health. Sometimes parents might not have the capacity to look after their children for varying reasons, e.g mental illness, poverty, drug abuse, disabilities, etc. In such cases, this lack of capacity can lead to significant emotional and psychological issues in children. In this podcast I am exploring some of the reasons why this might happen as well as highlighting some of the common mental health problems that children might exhibit. The overall message is to raise awareness and encourage support for families who might be struggling.
Oct 16, 202024:02
Healing E-motions Episode 3: Vulnerability

Healing E-motions Episode 3: Vulnerability

Is Vulnerability a weakness or strength? You would be surprised that in the dictionary its described as a weakness. Is it no wonder that we humans find it so hard to show our vulnerability.  I really love this quote from Brene Brown who says that:

"Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage.” “People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses" So what about you? Are you a Badass? Listen as I share my story of when vulnerability worked for me and when it didn't. I guess you could say I being vulnerable in this episode by sharing my experiences. 

Oct 09, 202023:36
Healing E-motions - Episode 2: Today's topic A Life Well Lived

Healing E-motions - Episode 2: Today's topic A Life Well Lived

Today's episode continues on the team of health and wellbeing. I'm interviewing Louise Felstead, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, wife and mum. Louise shares her journey from leaving her home in Moss Side Manchester at age 18 years to go to London and what that was like for a young black woman in the 1980s.  She talks about business, family while managing mental health through therapy, spirituality, play and fun. Hers is a story of challenges, resilience and overcoming. A must listen1

Sep 30, 202029:07
Healing E-motions - Trailer

Healing E-motions - Trailer

Your emotions matter. Your mental health matters. You matter. Our emotions and mental health affects every area of your. It affects how we feel, think and behave.  Our mental health is in vital in our decision making, how we cope with stress and how we relate to others in our personal and professional. If you break your leg would you not get help so you can heal? Well similarly when parts of your emotional and psychological health is affected, just like your leg your mind needs healing. In this Podcast my focus is on mental health and keeping well.

Sep 18, 202001:29
Healing E-motions - Episode 1: Introduction

Healing E-motions - Episode 1: Introduction

Your emotions matter. Your mental health matters. You matter. Our emotions and mental health affects every area of your. It affects how we feel, think and behave.  Our mental health is in vital in our decision making, how we cope with stress and how we relate to others in our personal and professional. If you break your leg would you not get help so you can heal? Well similarly when parts of your emotional and psychological health is affected, just like your leg your mind needs healing. In this Podcast my focus is on mental health and keeping well. 

Sep 18, 202035:28