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Healthy, Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh!

Healthy, Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh!

By Tyler Bordick

Healthy, Fit and Pain Free Pittsburgh is a podcast hosted by Ryan Wade, owner and founder of Inner Strength, Physio. Fitness. Athletics and Dr. Tyler Bordick so co-founder of Inner Strength Physio.

This podcast is dedicated to guiding those on their current health improvement journey overcome the obstacles in the way of creating a sustainable healthy lifestyle and simply the path by inspecting what we call "The Roots" (the fundamental factors that positively and negatively affect our health on a daily basis).

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Episode 59: The 5 Myths We Tell Ourselves Daily…….That Are Sabotaging Our Happiness

Healthy, Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh!Aug 29, 2022

Episode 93: Red Flags to Watch Out For in Rehab and Healthcare Professionals 👀

Episode 93: Red Flags to Watch Out For in Rehab and Healthcare Professionals 👀

“You’re out of alignment!” 

“I have a pill for this!”

“Just do these stretches!” 


The rehab and medical field are filled with ambiguity. Yet, many practitioners have a one-size-fits-all approach.  

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Dr. Tyler discusses the four red flags to look for in a rehab and healthcare practitioner whether seeking an initial consult or someone you continuously see. 

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

🔲 When a doctor called him fat.   

🔲 The downside to stretching, movement, and nutrition. 

🔲 Why pain modalities are a terrible idea. 

🔲 How to call BS when a physical therapist expresses their expertise. 

🔲 Actionables to start implementing into your life today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Jul 27, 202343:43
Episode 92: QOTD #13 “How to stay healthy on vacation?”

Episode 92: QOTD #13 “How to stay healthy on vacation?”

It’s that time of year everybody………Beaches! Pool side! Frozen drinks! Parties! Family trips!

And with this time of year comes the extra challenge of staying dedicated and consistent towards your health and fitness goals. 

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses the appropriate ways to create your own personalized plan to survive vacation on a health budget. 

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

🔲 The four key areas that you need to focus on.    

🔲 Why alcohol is not contributing to your get-away weight gain

🔲 The common misconception with proper hydration

🔲 My own personal vacation criteria. 

🔲 Actionables to start implementing into your life today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Jul 20, 202350:16
Episode 91: QOTD #12 “How do I get and stay motivated?”

Episode 91: QOTD #12 “How do I get and stay motivated?”

Motivation……like more time… something we all want yet it can be so hard to find. When it comes to going to the gym, everyone thinks the fittest people have all of the motivation……but you’d be wrong. 

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses four key areas to assess when you are lacking the drive and determination to improve yourself physically and mentally. 

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

🔲 Core values and why yours may be ineffective.    

🔲 What we can learn from a toddler. 

🔲 How the 10-10-10 test can change our attitude and our outcome. 

🔲 The three questions to ask yourself before joining any group or organization. 

🔲 Actionables to start implementing into your life today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Jul 13, 202342:31
Episode 90: The Secret to Getting Toned, Not Bulky

Episode 90: The Secret to Getting Toned, Not Bulky

This is a question that gets brought up a lot. Everyone wants to get toned, and everyone is afraid to get bulky (unless you a gym bro). Believe it or not…….there is a very thin line between these two goals. 

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses five areas that will help you to improve your overall appearance without looking like a Mr. (or Mrs) Olympia competitor. 

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

🔲 What does is mean to be toned and/or bulky.   

🔲 Why everyone is misdirected on what their actual goal is.  

🔲 The five areas you need to address to get toned, not bulky. 

🔲 How father time can actually work in your favor.  

🔲 Actionables to start implementing into your life today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Jul 10, 202349:20
Episode 89: The Best Way to Improve Your Energy……Daily

Episode 89: The Best Way to Improve Your Energy……Daily

Energy…..something we all crave, but little of us have. It’s one thing to want to lose weight, life a healthier life, and get stronger to perform the activities you love with the people you love. 

……But if you lack the energy…….the former becomes nonexistent. 

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses THE daily recipe that helps you feel rejuvenated, revived, and have the energy you need to take on the day with a BANG. 

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

🔲 Where the energy leaks are in our daily life.   

🔲 How the “tools” we use for energy are actually detrimental. 

🔲 The 60-10 rule to turn screen time into an asset. 

🔲 Ways to better motivate yourself for those arduous tasks. 

🔲 Actionables to start implementing into your life today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Jun 01, 202352:32
Episode 88: QOTD #11 - “I’m 5 lbs from my ideal weight….how do I get unstuck?”

Episode 88: QOTD #11 - “I’m 5 lbs from my ideal weight….how do I get unstuck?”

We all have an ideal weight we would like to be at………but few of us know how to get there. Today we discuss the mistakes we make and what it actually takes (see what I did there). 

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses the four reasons why we get stuck when on a weight loss/gain program, and how to get unstuck for long lasting results. 

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

🔲 What factors get us stuck in the first place.  

🔲 What changes need to be made ASAP!

🔲 Where your mind is at and where it should be. 

🔲 The optimal game plan to implement today to get you looking better naked!

🔲 3 Actionables to start implementing into your life today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

May 26, 202340:07
Episode 87: 5 Steps to be Fit By Summer

Episode 87: 5 Steps to be Fit By Summer

It’s almost summer time people. That means weddings, beaches, parties, and wearing outfits that show a little more skin. 

This is also the time where you may start to feel your energy is wayyyyyy down. Maybe some extra fluff or things moving around when you’re attempting to be your little active and productive self. How about that picture that you took and instantly glared at. 

Welp this episode is for youuuuu

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses the five simple steps to get you fit by summer. This 💩 is not complicated and we will cover why here…..

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

🔲 How many times and how hard you should really work out per week.  

🔲 Can you actually get you a fitter you without a diet???? 

🔲 Where most people go wrong with their night time routine. 

🔲 The most important step that you are missing daily. 

🔲 3 Actionables to start implementing into your life today!

May 08, 202335:12
Episode 86: QOTD #11 - How do I get my family on board?

Episode 86: QOTD #11 - How do I get my family on board?

We all want to make positive changes for our health, but sometimes others don’t feel the same way. If only it was as easy as taking a magical pill…….what if it could be? 

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses the five ways to get your family on board to support your health and fitness goals. It might be simple……but not easy (like magic pill). 

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

🔲 Why family members may treat you like you are dying.  

🔲 A vegan crossfitter…….nuff said. 

🔲 How to get you and your family’s nutrition on track without the whining. 

🔲 The most important factor, to gain acceptance,by your family for a healthier and happier you. 

🔲 3 Actionables to start implementing into your life today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Apr 27, 202334:02
Episode 85: What to look for in a fitness coach or trainer

Episode 85: What to look for in a fitness coach or trainer

Are you looking for a specialist to get you stronger? Lose weight? Gain energy? Get out of pain? On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses the proper steps to find that special someone who will help you achieve those short term and long term goals standing in your way of a happy and healthier living. 

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

🔲 What defines a coach health and wellness specialist.    

🔲 Where to even start when researching the internet. 

🔲 What to look for in a strength and conditioning specialist……and the proper credentials.     

🔲 The three questions you and they should ask in a consult. 

🔲 3 Actionables to start implementing into your life today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Apr 21, 202343:52
Episode 84: Getting Past THE FEAR of Injury

Episode 84: Getting Past THE FEAR of Injury

Do you experience regular set-backs physically when trying to get healthier? Are there old aches and pain that constantly seem to haunt you? On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses the fear of injury, re-injury, and dealing with pain while trying to make progress both in and out of the gym. 

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

🔲 How we are not alone in this line of thinking, and who to reach out to.    

🔲 Where our fear often stems from. 

🔲 Misnomers about hurt and injury that leave us astray.    

🔲 Why going to your doctor may not be a good idea.        

🔲 3 Actionables to start implementing into your life today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Mar 30, 202335:04
Episode 83: QOTD #10 - “What should I eat before and after my workout?”

Episode 83: QOTD #10 - “What should I eat before and after my workout?”

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc answers another question to explain pre and post workout nutrition. 

Throughout the episode Christina and Doc discusses:

🔲 The 3 most important aspects of pre and post workout meals.  

🔲 The common myths that we all fall for. 

🔲 The one ingredient that can make the biggest change to your progress.   

🔲 How to personalize your nutrition to fit your lifestyle.       

🔲 3 Actionables to start implementing into your today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Mar 24, 202350:28
Episode 82: QOTD #9 - “How do you measure progress without a scale?”

Episode 82: QOTD #9 - “How do you measure progress without a scale?”

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc answers another question from one of the members regarding how to measure progress in the gym (and life). 

Throughout the episode Christina and Doc discusses:

🔲 The 5 key areas to measure progress.  

🔲 How one number can sabotage your momentum. 

🔲 Why fat loss and muscle gain should be at the bottom of your list.   

🔲 The common pitfalls that derail us.       

🔲 3 Actionables to start implementing into your today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Mar 20, 202352:52
Episode 81: How to give stress & anxiety a productive and effective make-over.

Episode 81: How to give stress & anxiety a productive and effective make-over.

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses the misunderstood topic of stress and anxiety. We often think that stress is bad and we need to limit it from our lives…….but what if we’ve been wrong all along?

Throughout the episode Christina and Doc discusses:

🔲 Where does stress come from?

🔲 Acute vs. Long-term Stress

🔲 How to maximize our stress to be productive and efficient.

🔲 The 3 P’s to reduce your anxiety.

🔲 Quick ways to get anxiety under control.

🔲 3 Actionables to start implementing into your today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Mar 10, 202338:45
Episode 80: The Stress-free Guide to Caring for Your Aging Parents with Christina Spicer

Episode 80: The Stress-free Guide to Caring for Your Aging Parents with Christina Spicer

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc sits down with Christina Spicer of Amedisys. Many of us have experienced the stress and challenges that come with caring for aging parents, but have little guidance to ensure a simple and efficient process for our loved ones.

Throughout the episode Christina and Doc discusses:

🔲 Hospice and the common misconceptions.

🔲 What to expect when planning the next step for aging parents and/or loved ones.

🔲 When is hospice recommended.

🔲 Tips and advice for the children who are most responsible for the parent…..and how to make life easier.

🔲 3 Actionables to start implementing into your today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Mar 06, 202351:42
Episode 79: QOTD #8 - What should I do on my “non-workout” days?

Episode 79: QOTD #8 - What should I do on my “non-workout” days?

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses your personalized prescription surrounding weight-training days, workout days, and sports-based competition days.

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

🔲 What factors to consider when creating your own workout schedule.

🔲 The best exercise modalities to complement your health and wellness goals.

🔲 What recovery modalities to best utilize on these days.

🔲 The DON’Ts that will quickly sabotage your goals.

🔲 3 Actionables to start implementing into your lifestyle today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Feb 24, 202339:25
Episode 78: How to boost your mental fitness for optimal health, success, and happiness with Steve Wize.

Episode 78: How to boost your mental fitness for optimal health, success, and happiness with Steve Wize.

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc sits down with professional therapist, speaker, and health coach Steve Wize, owner of Mental Fitness.

Steve Wize is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and the president and founder of Mental Fitness, LLC. He is a graduate of Penn State Erie for undergrad in psychology and the University of Pittsburgh for my Master’s in Social Work.

Throughout his career, Steve has worked closely with executives, entrepreneurs, and high-power individuals who have unique struggles that traditional therapists often struggle to relate to.

The goal of Mental Fitness is to provide true, comprehensive, and holistic care to all our clients!

Throughout the episode Doc and Steve discuss:

🔲 Why mental fitness is important for everyday living.

🔲 The common pitfalls we fall into when life strikes back.

🔲 A daily habit that is sabotaging your daily progress.

🔲 Why mental health concerns are at an all time high.

🔲 3 Actionables to start implementing into your lifestyle today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Feb 16, 202353:03
Episode 77: QOTD #7 - How long should pain last?

Episode 77: QOTD #7 - How long should pain last?

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses all things pain surrounding exercise, injury, and stress.

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

🔲 Where pain can come from

🔲 Why we experience pain

🔲 What you can do to reduce pain faster

🔲 How you body responds to daily life differently

🔲 3 Actionables to start implementing into your lifestyle today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Feb 08, 202352:43
Episode 76: QOTD #6 - Fitness Trackers (Oura Ring, Apple Watch, Whoop, Samsung, Fitbit, etc) should you invest in one?

Episode 76: QOTD #6 - Fitness Trackers (Oura Ring, Apple Watch, Whoop, Samsung, Fitbit, etc) should you invest in one?

On this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses wearables (fitness trackers) and if they are really worth the money and all of the hooplah?!

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

🔲 What all do fitness trackers actually do.

🔲 How they can prevent you from getting sick.

🔲 Are they really that accurate?

🔲 Why you should get one…..

🔲 ……and why you shouldn’t

🔲 3 Actionables to start implementing into your lifestyle today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

#strengthandconditioning #training #recovery #strengthtraining #exercise #nutrition #healthyfitandpainfree #healthyfitandpainfreepittsburgh #pittsburgh #exercise #fitness #fit #fittips #exercisetips #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy

Jan 30, 202348:36
Episode 74: 5 Ways To Kickstart The Best You This Year

Episode 74: 5 Ways To Kickstart The Best You This Year

In this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses 5 things you can start doing this year in order to become your best self and start crushing your goals!

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

- The Best Practices In Creating Your Goals

- How To Stay Consistent With Your Goals

- Actionables to start implementing into your lifestyle today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Jan 20, 202328:46
Episode 73: Sugar... Is It Really As Evil As We Think?

Episode 73: Sugar... Is It Really As Evil As We Think?

In this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses what sugar really is, and whether or not it is something that should or shouldn't be a part of your diet.

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

- What sugar is

- The best and worst types of sugar (and carbs altogether) to consume

- How sugar affects your body

- 3 Actionables to start implementing into your lifestyle today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Jan 13, 202350:52
Episode 72: Have Your Alcohol and Drink It Too

Episode 72: Have Your Alcohol and Drink It Too

In this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc discusses how alcohol affects your body and health, and how it can be implemented into your lifestyle without going cold turkey.

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

- What makes you drunk

- What makes you hungover

- How alcohol affects weight gain

- How to give alcohol a place in your lifestyle

- 3 Actionables to start implementing into your lifestyle today!

As always, gift this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Dec 20, 202245:03
Episode 71: Low Fat vs. Low Carb Diets? (w/ Allison)

Episode 71: Low Fat vs. Low Carb Diets? (w/ Allison)

In this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc sits down with Inner Strength's new Nutritionist Allison to discuss low fat vs. low carb diets. 

Throughout the episode Doc and Allison discuss:

- The pros and cons of both diets

- Which diet is best for you

- 3 Actionables to start implementing into your nutritional lifestyle

As always, share this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Dec 08, 202240:16
Episode 70: Should You Workout When Sick?

Episode 70: Should You Workout When Sick?

In this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc goes into the topic of whether or not working out while you are sick is a good idea or not?

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

- How being sick affects your body and mind

- How to maintain fitness while you are less active

- How to calm your mind and maximize your efficiency

As always, share this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Dec 04, 202228:24
Episode 69: Is Walking Enough?

Episode 69: Is Walking Enough?

In this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc goes into the topic of whether or not walking is enough exercise, or do you need more?

Throughout the episode Doc discusses:

The origin of the "10,000 steps" myth

What wearable fitness trackers actually do

Whether or not walking is sufficient exercise for you

3 Actionables to start implementing these practices today

As always, share this with someone that can benefit from it!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Nov 18, 202220:36
Episode 68: How To Make Meal Prepping Easy (feat. Andrew Wade of Case Specific Nutrition)

Episode 68: How To Make Meal Prepping Easy (feat. Andrew Wade of Case Specific Nutrition)

In this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc sits down with Andrew Wade of Case Specific Nutrition to discuss how to make meal prepping simple and easy in order to start crushing your health, fitness, and nutrition goals. 

Throughout the episode Doc and Andrew discuss:

  • How the concept of meal prepping is often misunderstood
  • Good practices to properly and efficiently plan and prep your meals to guarantee success
  • Actionables to start implementing these practices today

As always, share this with someone that can benefit from it! 

Check Out Case Specific Nutrition Here —>

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Nov 04, 202201:12:56
Episode 67: How to NOT GAIN WEIGHT during this Holiday Season

Episode 67: How to NOT GAIN WEIGHT during this Holiday Season

In this episode Ryan is BACK taking over for Tyler this one time as Tyler was out shaking his booty to fight child abuse for the Dancing for a Cause 2022 event hosted by our friends at The Watchful Shepherd.

He breaks down the 6 steps it takes to not gain weight (and maybe even lose some!) during this holiday season.

We have released a Free PDF called The Healthy Holiday Survival Guide that accompanies this episode as well.

Grab your Free Copy of that Free Healthy Holiday Survival Guide by clicking here


The Healthy, Fit and Pain Free Pittsburgh Podcast is brought to you by Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics with locations in Robinson Township and Upper St. Clair.

Robinson Township: 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

Upper St. Clair:
108 Commerce Blvd. Suite C. Lawrence, PA 15055.

We offer personal training and nutrition coaching for people over 40 and athletes ages 10-15 so they can do the activities they love with the people they love with strength, energy and confidence!

Check out our website at

and don't forget to Join the FREE Healthy, Fit and Pain Free Facebook Page by clicking here where you can get new Nutrition, Fitness and Pain Management tips   weekly along with some awesome HFPF members only prizes given out year round!

Nov 02, 202224:45
Episode 66: The Best Way For Young Athletes To Train (feat. Charlie D of No Excuse Nation)

Episode 66: The Best Way For Young Athletes To Train (feat. Charlie D of No Excuse Nation)

In this episode of Healthy Fit & Pain Free Pittsburgh, Doc sits down with Charlie D of #NoExcuseNation to discuss the best ways for athletes to train in order to enhance their performance, reduce injuries, how to and move in maximal efficiency for their sport.

Throughout The Episode Doc and Charlie Discuss:

  • Common misconceptions, redundancies, and deficiencies in young training athletes
  • The best subjective methods for training individual athletes based on their sport, gender, age, physical build, etc.
  • Common nutritional deficiencies seen in young athletes
  • The best ways for athletes to optimize their nutrition to fuel and recovery properly

As always, share this with someone that can benefit from it!

Check Out Charlie D Here —> @noexcusecharlie

Oct 26, 202201:13:18
Episode 65: 5 Keys To Being A Healthy Fit & Inspirational Parent (feat. Nina B)

Episode 65: 5 Keys To Being A Healthy Fit & Inspirational Parent (feat. Nina B)

On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc sits down with his wife Nina to discuss 5 key areas to address in becoming a Healthy, Fit, & Inspirational Parent. 

Throughout this episode Doc discusses

  • What these 5 key areas are and why they are important for parenting and your relationship
  • Keys to being healthy and effective communicators
  • Actionables to implement today that will make instant change

As always help someone who could use this!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Oct 13, 202252:24
Episode 64: Should I Workout Every Day?

Episode 64: Should I Workout Every Day?

On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc answers the often asked  question: "Should I Workout Every Day?", and dives into just how you should be structuring your plan.

Throughout this episode Doc discusses

  • The answer to this age old question
  • How to create a sustainable fitness plan that you will STICK TO
  • What vehicles will get you there.
  • Actionables to implement today that will make instant change

As always help someone who could use this!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Oct 07, 202231:51
Episode 63: The 5 Steps To Your Best Sleep Ever

Episode 63: The 5 Steps To Your Best Sleep Ever

On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc discusses how you may actually be sabotaging your ability to get quality sleep each night, and how you can start getting the best sleep of your life so you can wake up feeling great every morning!

Throughout this episode Doc discusses

  • Why sleep is key to a healthy lifestyle
  • The 5 keys to getting extraordinary sleep each night 
  • What vehicles will get you there.
  • Actionables to implement today that will make instant change

As always help someone who could use this!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Sep 30, 202238:55
Episode 62: What Would Happen If You Didn't?

Episode 62: What Would Happen If You Didn't?

On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc discusses the significance of going outside of your comfort zone, and how taking action and embracing uncertainty is key to achieving the healthy lifestyle that we all deserve.

As always help someone who could use this 

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Sep 27, 202221:06
Episode 61: The 11 Habits of Healthy, Fit & Inspirational Parents
Sep 12, 202201:09:44
Episode 60: This Workout Program Will Get You Ultimate Results Forever

Episode 60: This Workout Program Will Get You Ultimate Results Forever

On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc discusses the workout program that will get you the best results for losing fat, gaining muscle, staying out of pain, and results that will last you FOREVERRRR.

Throughout this episode Doc discusses

  • Why Mac from ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ is my hero.
  • The six key areas when searching for this program.
  • The three disciplines that guide your actual values.
  •  What vehicles will get you there.
  • 3 Actionables today that will make instant change 

As always help someone who could use this!

Learn more @innerstrengthpgh

Sep 02, 202240:39
Episode 59: The 5 Myths We Tell Ourselves Daily…….That Are Sabotaging Our Happiness

Episode 59: The 5 Myths We Tell Ourselves Daily…….That Are Sabotaging Our Happiness

On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc discusses the five things we tell ourselves on a daily basis and how we react to them to self sabotage our overall health.

Throughout this episode Doc discuss

🔘 Five regular phrases we tell ourselves.

🔘 How to better prepare for your week both mentally and physically.

🔘 What is the gap and the gain preventing us from progress.

🔘 How you are best at persuading yourself.

🔘 3 Actionables today that will make instant change 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Aug 29, 202236:13
Episode 58: Is It Nerve Pain?

Episode 58: Is It Nerve Pain?

On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc discusses what some may consider as “nerve pain” and all things related.

Throughout this episode Doc discuss

🔘 Three things to self assess if it is nerve pain.

🔘 What he HATES the term sciatica.

🔘 Is it really nerve pain?

🔘 How to keep it from happening again!

🔘 3 Actionables today that will make instant change 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Aug 10, 202231:06
Episode 57: Tracking……Is It Necessary……and What Should You Track?

Episode 57: Tracking……Is It Necessary……and What Should You Track?

On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc discusses the most effective way to track all things health related to optimize progress. Hint……it’s not what you think is important.

Throughout this episode Doc discuss

🔘 What numbers you should actually be tracking.

🔘 How to know when you need to make change.

🔘 Is tracking necessary for sustained progress?

🔘 Making it all simple.

🔘 3 Actionables today that will make instant change 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

#tracking #trackingprogress #nutritionaltracking #nutrition #programming #exerciseprogramming #fitnessmeasurables #wearables #fatloss #gainstrength #fitness #diet #exercise #healthyfitandpainfree #healthyfitandpainfreepittsburgh #pittsburgh

Jul 29, 202241:36
Episode 56: Fitfluence BS You Are Being Fed

Episode 56: Fitfluence BS You Are Being Fed

On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc goes on a rampage to discuss fitness influencers ⚠RANT ALERT⚠

Throughout this episode Doc discuss

🔘 The people you should ABSOLUTELY not listen to regarding your health

🔘 How inflammation is a mystical things.

🔘 How to find a reputable source for health and wellness.

🔘 How to look better naked in an instance.

🔘 3 Actionables today that will make instant change 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Jul 22, 202233:19
Episode 55: QOTD #4 - “Why has my weight loss stopped?”

Episode 55: QOTD #4 - “Why has my weight loss stopped?”

On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc is answering another question asked by a listener by discussing the four easy steps to breaking any plateau.

Throughout this episode Doc discuss

🔘 Why tracking everything is misleading.

🔘 The one mistake to screw up your entire diet.

🔘 The fitness game you don’t want to play.

🔘 3 Actionables today that will make instant change 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Jul 15, 202229:06
Episode 54: QOTD #3 - “How to not lose my progress when going on vacation?!”

Episode 54: QOTD #3 - “How to not lose my progress when going on vacation?!”

On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc is answering another question asked by a listener by discussing the 3 DON’TS on vacation.

Throughout this episode Doc discuss

🔘 Why walking is the enemy on vacation.

🔘 Why following a diet on vacation is counter-productive.

🔘 How I managed to gain 15 lbs in one week.

🔘 3 Actionables today that will make instant change 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Jul 05, 202221:49
Episode 53: QOTD #2 - “I want to get stronger, but have injured myself in the past………help!”

Episode 53: QOTD #2 - “I want to get stronger, but have injured myself in the past………help!”

On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc is answering another question asked by a listener. Today, we talk about strength training.

Throughout this episode Doc discuss

🔘 Why injuries occur with strength training.

🔘 The lies most healthcare professionals are telling you.

🔘 A bullet-proof plan to get stronger without risk of injury.

🔘 3 Actionables today that will make instant change 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Jun 17, 202223:57
Episode 52: 5 Lies You Are Being Told And How They’re Sabotaging Your Health

Episode 52: 5 Lies You Are Being Told And How They’re Sabotaging Your Health

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On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc is discussing all things media and the BIGGEST lies we are being fed about our health.

Throughout this episode Doc discuss

🔘 The 5 lies that are sabotaging our health journey

🔘 Who and what we should really be listening to

🔘 How to know when someone is lying to you

🔘 3 Actionables today that will make instant change 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Jun 10, 202243:50
Episode 51: Daily QOTD #1 “Why Am I Not Progressing Anymore?”
May 24, 202223:35
Episode 50: The 5 Lessons I Learned From The Most Intense Year of My Life

Episode 50: The 5 Lessons I Learned From The Most Intense Year of My Life

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On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc discusses his experience with a daunting 2022 and the #75Hard Lifestyle.

Throughout this episode Doc discuss

🔘 What is 75 Hard

🔘 The 5 tough lessons he learned

🔘 Why cold showers are a necessity

🔘 The % of our max capacity we are capable of using

🔘 Actionable items you can use if faced with a tough month today

🔘 ……and not to mention 3 Takeaways 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

May 17, 202249:16
Episode 49: The 12 Rules of Life to Maximize Your Time, Output, and Progress Part 2

Episode 49: The 12 Rules of Life to Maximize Your Time, Output, and Progress Part 2

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On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc continues to discuss his recent read of Jordan Peterson’s ‘The 12 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos.’

Regardless what age, we highly recommend this read for it highlights the many areas of life from our career, to parenting, or simply just petting a cat on the street.

Throughout this episode Doc discuss

🔘 How we often choose the wrong path in the right direction

🔘 What your mom didn’t tell you about little white lies

🔘 That ignorance isn’t always bliss

🔘 What your speech truly says about you

🔘 The lessons we can learn from children skateboarding in the park

🔘 How a stray cat can be our best friend

🔘 Not to mention 3 Takeaways 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Apr 21, 202234:42
Episode 48: Becoming A Barbell Athlete For Life w/ Dr. Michael Mash

Episode 48: Becoming A Barbell Athlete For Life w/ Dr. Michael Mash

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On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ we introduce Dr. Michael Mash.

Dr. Mash is the owner and founder of Barbell Rehab, a continuing education company dedicated to helping fitness and rehab professionals improve the management of barbell athletes. He received his Bachelor of Science in Biology from Saint Vincent College in 2014 and Doctor of Physical Therapy from Duquesne University in 2016. Michael is the creator of the Barbell Rehab Method Certification, a live CEU approved course for clinicians and coaches. He has made it his life’s mission to reduce barriers to strength training and encourage its use and application on a global level.

Throughout this episode Dr. Mash and Doc discuss

🔘 Why the general population needs to lift with a barbell.

🔘 The misinformation we are given about barbell and weight lifting.

🔘 The unique perspective female athletes bring to the table.

🔘 Common injuries we see across genders.

🔘 How to properly incorporate lifting for life.

🔘 Not to mention 3 Takeaways 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Apr 15, 202201:00:10
Episode 47: The 12 Rules of Life to Maximize Your Time, Output, and Progress Part 1

Episode 47: The 12 Rules of Life to Maximize Your Time, Output, and Progress Part 1

🚨New Podcast Up🚨

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On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc is flying solo to discuss his recent read Jordan Peterson’s ‘The 12 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos.’

Regardless what age, we highly recommend this read for it highlights the many areas of life from our career, to parenting, or simply just petting a cat on the street.

This podcast is going to highlight how to utilize this book to break out of plateaus, increase happiness, and enjoy this healthful journey we are on.

Throughout this episode Doc discuss

🔘 How posture is more than just not looking like Igor sitting at your work desk.

🔘 Why we treat our animals better than ourselves.

🔘 The worst people to become friends with.

🔘 What your neighbor and the most popular IG model have in common.

🔘 Why all of our children are doomed……and we’re to blame.

🔘 Our home…….a house of cards.

🔘 Not to mention 3 Takeaways 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Apr 08, 202201:00:53
Episode 46: Your Step By Step Guide To Ridding Yourself Of A Stressful Life Casey Of Victory Float

Episode 46: Your Step By Step Guide To Ridding Yourself Of A Stressful Life Casey Of Victory Float

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On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc is joined by Lindsay and Casey, the co-founders of Victory Float in Sewickley and Lawrenceville, PA

Throughout this episode they discuss

🔘 The life altering moments that took them from intense barbell athletes to running a recovery focused facility.

🔘 What are floating, infrared therapy, and heat/cold modalities and how can they help.

🔘 What we think is recovery and what actually is recovering are not the same.

🔘 Why just breathing, stretching, and yoga are not enough.

🔘 Ways you can start from home today

🔘 Not to mention 3 Takeaways 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Apr 01, 202201:04:45
Episode 44: 7 Self-Destructive Habits That Increase Belly Fat, Torch Energy, and Expose Wrinkles

Episode 44: 7 Self-Destructive Habits That Increase Belly Fat, Torch Energy, and Expose Wrinkles

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On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc is flying solo. To discuss the habits he learned on his recent trip to New Jersey that is killing your age and health.

Throughout this episode Doc discuss

🔘 How a fictional character can give you all of the answers.

🔘 The one emotional that kills our progress.

🔘 Two things you are not doing daily that could change everything.

🔘 Being your own manager.

🔘 Relationships and why we are so bad at them.

🔘 How a fictional character can give you all of the answers.

🔘 Not to mention 3 Takeaways 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Mar 18, 202241:02
Episode 43: From Unmotivated Mom To Motivational Powerhouse with Maria Allshouse

Episode 43: From Unmotivated Mom To Motivational Powerhouse with Maria Allshouse

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On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc is joined by Nutritionist and  Lifestyle Weight Management Coach Maria Allshouse.

Maria originally achieved her Bachelors Degree in Business and Communication where she worked in corporate life. She then decided to chase her passion after a massive transformation. Now she holds a Certification in Lifestyle Weight Management, ISSA/NESTA and Precision Nutrition, is a keynote speaker, and works with the University of Pittsburgh Diabetes Prevention Program. She is also launching an athleisure line.

Throughout this episode Maria and Doc discuss

🔘 How Maria’s transformation paved the way to her current success?

🔘 Why empathy is everything.

🔘 The best habits to implement to just get started.

🔘 Where do we feel society fails to really make progress?

🔘 The future of nutrition and healthcare.

🔘 Not to mention 3 Takeaways 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Mar 11, 202247:55
Episode 42: Changing Your Relationship with BAD Food with Devon K. from CSN

Episode 42: Changing Your Relationship with BAD Food with Devon K. from CSN

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On this episode of ‘The Healthy, Fit, and Pain Free Podcast’ Doc is joined by Case Specific Nutrition Dietician and friend Devon Kroesche.

Devon has the opportunity everyday to work as Director of Marketing and Dietician with CSN. She graduated with her Bachelors and then pursued her Master’s Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics at Pitt University. She then filled a Clinical Internship at UPMC Presby Hospital prior to her full-time role with Case Specific in 2021.

Now she’s inspired to become a media-focused Dietician to combat

  • The overabundance of conflicting nutrition information on social media.
  • Help others to overcome unrealistic expectations from someone else’s highlight reel.
  • And has a special interest in Disordered Eating.

Throughout this episode Devon and Doc discuss

🔘 How Devons challenges as a teenager paved the way for her now role as a Dietician.

🔘 The struggles of disordered eating and why we are handling it the wrong way.

🔘 How the general population demonstrate a certain element of disordered eating.

🔘 How to heal a relationship with “bad” food.

🔘 An actual silver lining to social media with diet and nutrition.

🔘 Not to mention 3 Takeaways 🍻

As always help someone who could use this 👍

👉 Check us out at

👉👉 Inner Strength: Physio. Fitness. Athletics’ West location is at 203 Hershinger Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108

👉👉👉 OUR SOUTH LOCATION IS OPENNNN at 108 Commerce Drive Lawrence,PA.

Mar 04, 202201:06:51