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Heart of an Empath

Heart of an Empath

By Hiraeth

Understanding what it means to be an empath, how to control your gift, creating understanding in your relationships, and realizing you are completely normal!😊 We tackle all kinds of stuff.. life, family, relationship issues, even some discussion on crystals, oils, and basically whatever Spirit leads me to talk about! Lol.. so whether you're an empath or not, join in for the fun! Got questions? Want to share a thought or idea? Write me! hiraeth.ser@gmail

Remember... make today the first day, of the best...of your life!! β€οΈπŸ€—

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When You Love an Empath

Heart of an EmpathDec 11, 2020

Happy Holidays! My Wish for You ❀

Happy Holidays! My Wish for You ❀

Happy holidays, whatever you're celebrating this season. My wish for you is to know your value. Know your worth. Take what you've learned and own 2024!! This world wouldn't be the same without your precious light, please never forget that. Thank you, for being the beautiful light in this world that you are. ❀🌟❀
Dec 26, 202305:46
Never Sacrifice Your Spark. Reclaim Your SELF!!

Never Sacrifice Your Spark. Reclaim Your SELF!!

Hey, come look at this old book with me! Do you recognize that person? Wow, that was an awesome person that I knew. I wonder what happened to them? Do you ever feel like that about yourself? Wondering what happened to that girl, or that guy, that you used to know? That person who was you? This episode is all about remembering who you were, and finding yourself again. Reclaiming YOU. Don't ever change for anyone, not to keep the peace, not to make someone happy, not to be a people pleaser. You are an empath. You are a light. You are love, and goodness, and worthy of being loved. Don't sacrifice your spark, not for anyone. It doesn't matter who they are. Reflect, and determine that this is the year that you go back for who you left behind. Go back for yourself, that one you left behind. That person needs you. And never lose that amazing person again. Much love.
Nov 22, 202322:04
Don't Give Your Power Away: Sovereignty and Discernment

Don't Give Your Power Away: Sovereignty and Discernment

Hello my lovelies! Today we're talking a little more about not giving your power away. We've discussed it in a previous podcast, but today we're going to take it a step further. I want you all to remember that it's so important to know, that you are a sovereign being. You are strong and powerful! You are not small! Always use your discernment, whatever words of advice you may receive, always always ALWAYS run it past your intuition, your discernment, see how it makes you feel. It's very easy to give your power away to someone else, especially in these busy and unsure times. Stay true to your heart, and your intuition, and be that light for yourself as well as others. By staying strong, and using your discernment, you will become a beacon for others as well, who will look to you for strength.
Nov 04, 202319:25
Intention and Vibration

Intention and Vibration

Today's podcast is all about intent! We're talking about setting intention, and also checking your vibrations. Join me today as we talk about some cool stuff, such as karma, universal laws, and how your intentions affect those things. I truly think this is one of the most important podcasts I've done, just because of what intention and vibration do in our lives. Intent is everything, affects everything we do, and vibration pulls these things to you, for good or for bad. So grab a cup of coffee, or whatever you like, or maybe get a nice little snack, and set your INTENT to tune in and have fun! ❀πŸ₯°
Jul 18, 202321:38
Just Say Thank You!😊 A Podcast Mini ❀

Just Say Thank You!😊 A Podcast Mini ❀

Hey, you over there! Yes, you! I just want to tell you, that I think you are AWESOME. And the only thing that I want to hear you say back, is thank you! πŸ’• No more down playing a compliment that you deserve, I want you to start taking that appreciation, when it's given to you, with a smile and a realization that you deserve every bit of that. Tune in to this little podcast mini, and let me tell you A) you're pretty amazing! and B)... you deserve to hear it! So just say thank you.. and know you're worth it!! ❀❀🌞
Jul 12, 202307:57
Cutting Etheric Ties/Cords

Cutting Etheric Ties/Cords

Join us today to learn all about how to cut those pesky etheric ties! Yes, you may know that you need to cut cords from previous relationships that no longer serve you, but there are some other things you need to consider when cutting cords as well. Today we're going to talk all about cutting cords, types of cords, etc.. so bring your coffee, juice, water, whatever! and grab a listen! It just may change your life.❀
Jul 05, 202314:53
The Heyoka Empath

The Heyoka Empath

Tune in to find out if YOU'RE a Heyoka empath! Rare and said to be the strongest empath type, we're going to learn about some of the qualities of a Heyoka. You just may see yourself reflected in the Heyoka mirror!
Jun 27, 202329:56
Advice for My Daughter

Advice for My Daughter

Come and sit beside me! I've titled this episode, Advice for My Daughter. This episode is full of things that I would love to share with each of you, the kind of things that I've tried to teach my daughter over the years, which is why I've named it this. This is for everyone... I also especially want to speak to those who have graduated, and are embarking on their new life. There are some things in here that I believe will serve you well, if you take them to heart. Things like relationships.. society's version of beautiful.. happiness and simplicity. So sit down beside me, there's some good shade. It's very peaceful here, so let's just chill for a bit. Enjoy the vibe. The sun is out, a light breeze is blowing... and if you sit very still, the birds will come and light really close to you. So let's talk. About life, and love. Especially, love for yourself. I saved you a seat, right here beside me. ❀
May 31, 202351:02
The Dark Empath

The Dark Empath

You've just met..the most AMAZING person. They seem to just really "get" you, like no one ever has!! They're funny and charming... you just love being around them!! This person is super friendly and outgoing, listens to what you have to say.. gives you the attention you always longed for.. maybe they even give you sweet little thoughtful gifts. Whether a romance or friendship.. you're in absolute heaven!! You've never been happier!!

Then one day.. there's a sudden shift. They're avoiding you. You heard rumors that you hope aren't true. They act like YOU slighted THEM and you literally have no idea what you did, although rumors abound, full of lies or partial truths, in their favor. You were love bombed like there was no tomorrow and with one cold still blow, out of the blue, you were treated like the enemy. With no warning. Maybe even ghosted.

You will likely never know what you really did wrong. Why?

Because you didn't do anything. Congratulations... you've just met a dark empath. You've been used, abused, lied to and manipulated for whatever means they were looking for, and they either got what they wanted.. or didn't. There is no winning with a person like this. And you are not alone.

Tune in to learn how to recognize a dark empath, very similar to a narcissist, and how to deal with them in your life. If you think you know one, or possibly are one.. check this one out. β€πŸ’œ
May 20, 202335:56
Trailer, Upcoming Episodes

Trailer, Upcoming Episodes

Just letting you all know about some of the episodes I have waiting in the wings for you!! Love yall!! ❀
May 18, 202300:38
Dealing with Depression: Be Kind to Yourself

Dealing with Depression: Be Kind to Yourself

My lovelies, we are talking all about depression today! This isn't your typical depression conversation..this one is all about getting you over that hump. A little humor, and a reminder that this is temporary. A reminder that this filter you're seeing things through, during depression, is temporary. It skews your vision, your feelings. We're going to talk a out some ways that you can be kind to yourself, to help get through this moment in your life. This is also to remind you that you are an amazing person, just in case you might forget this during a depressive moment! πŸ’• so if you do forget...well, I'm not going to let you! πŸ˜πŸ€— Enjoy this podcast and be easy on yourself during this. πŸ’•
Mar 16, 202344:56
Happy 2023! Surprise Reading ❀

Happy 2023! Surprise Reading ❀

Hello my beautiful empaths! Happy 2023! Get ready for a beautiful, mystical year, full of light, love, and learning more about your intuitive gifts! I also have a little about meditation for the new year here for you too. Enjoy the podcast, and if you would like me to do a personal reading for you sometime, email me, and I will be more than glad to. Have a wonderful year, and keep being amazing you! *hugs*
Jan 01, 202325:33
Accept Yourself ❀

Accept Yourself ❀

We talk about a lot of things in this episode! But it all comes back to... accepting your amazing self. Accept yourself!! You're not an accident, or a're not a screw up, or a loser. You're here for a reason, a purpose!! You're here to BE. To BE a light! To give love! To show compassion! You're here to be a beautiful light and shine, wherever you are, and guess what.. Spirit doesn't make mistakes. You're here because this world.. this Universe.. needs YOU.
Dec 20, 202242:41
Doormats.. Take Yours Up!❀

Doormats.. Take Yours Up!❀

Oh! What a beautiful doormat! I can see it from here! It looks like it has some really beautiful colors, really warm and inviting. *peering closer* Let me get a little closer look here... hmmm.. oh, yeah.. it's actually pretty worn. Up close, I can see that it's been used quite a bit, but still holding out its warm welcome. I can see there's some dirt left in some of the grooves.. it's still very pretty, but it's definitely been walked on a lot. It just so happens, I have some cleaner right here in my backpack! Wasn't that lucky! 😁 so guess what, I'm going to surprise this person, and give them a little gift. I'm going to clean it up, good as new, and also warn them, there's some heavy foot traffic ahead so watch out! We wouldn't want this beautiful thing destroyed! 😍
Nov 20, 202220:32


Love. Everyone needs it. The world needs it. You need it, I need it, everyone. This episode is going to be all about this simple yet powerful four letter word. Love can change our existence, from night to day. Love can change sadness into happiness. Love adds sunshine to the darkest night. Wherever you go, whatever you do.. do it with love. You may be the only example of love that someone sees today. Never underestimate just how important you may be, even to a complete stranger. Now go in peace...and love!! Spread that love around like there's no tomorrow!❀️
Aug 25, 202225:14
Chase your Dream

Chase your Dream

Do you see that? Way off in the distance? *squinting* Something over there, in the ground.. I thought I saw the sunshine glint off of it for a moment. Let's check this out! Hmmm, it looks like some old leaves and dirt have been piled on top of it. It's a book! What's the title? Can you tell what it says? *brushes off the dust and dirt* Oh my stars... It says My Dreams! I wonder who it belongs to...? Opening it up... there's a name in the cover. My friend.. this was yours! It belongs to you. Come sit beside me, and share with me all about this book! About your dreams! And then...I'll help you make this book...and its contents.. as good as new ❀️
Jul 28, 202222:29
Failure Is Not The End

Failure Is Not The End

Failure. We've all felt it. Failure sucks, there's no denying that. But, it's not the end! Failure can be just the new beginning that you've been waiting for. So come along with me.. let's sit outside, listen to the birds, enjoy the beautiful greenery that nature has to offer.. and let me remind you, that whatever you feel that you've failed at, it's not your ending, but it's a chance to start fresh. You've got this! You're an awesome person, you have so much love to give, and you still have amazing things ahead of you, no matter what you may think. So take those lemons, make the best glass of lemonade you ever had, and put on your sunglasses, because your future is that bright!! πŸ€—β€οΈπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸŒž
Jun 11, 202222:12
Life Lessons from a Three Legged Dog ❀️

Life Lessons from a Three Legged Dog ❀️

My sweet pup had to have his leg amputated last year, in 2021. I was so worried how he would adjust...but I have him watched him never slow down since. His resilience is nothing short of amazing. No one ever told him to stop, or that he couldn't do this, or that...he just does. I couldn't help thinking, we have so much we can learn, from someone like him. Tune in and find out about a few life lessons we can all learn, from my beautiful three legged dog. 🐢❀️🐾
May 14, 202210:45
Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day!!

I hope you all have a safe, happy and beautiful mother's day weekend!! Show the ones you love how much they mean to you! β€οΈπŸŒ»πŸ€—πŸ’• Happy Mother's Day to my fantastic sister Bethany!! I love you little sis!! πŸ§šβ€β™€οΈπŸŒ»πŸ’ŒπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’
May 06, 202201:38
Pep Talk! You Got This!! πŸ€—

Pep Talk! You Got This!! πŸ€—

GIVE ME A "Y"!! (....Y!...) GIVE ME AN "O"! (....O!...) GIVE ME A "U!" (...U!...) WHAT DOES IT SPELL?? YOU!!! Louder!! YOU!! Yes, you!! I am here today, to be your cheerleader, your coach, your reminder that YOU ARE AMAZING. And you are strong!! You have wonderful giftings and it's time to give yourself some love and appreciation, and know that you can handle whatever is going on right now, you've got this, and you are pretty darn special. So you... sit in that chair, right there... I made a tall glass of your favorite drink, and since I wanted you to feel special, I even put a little umbrella in it!! 😁 It's sunny today, I've left your favorite shades there on that little table. So sit back, close your eyes, and feel free to give yourself a little reminder that you have such a sweet heart, caring way, and strong spirit.. and well, if you can't remember, then listen to me, because I'll yell it from the rooftops for you today!! Give me a "Y!" 😊😊😊
May 04, 202208:21
Being Grateful - Medicine for the Soul! ❀️

Being Grateful - Medicine for the Soul! ❀️

Ohh, look at these fluffy clouds!! Come cloud watch with me! See that one? It looks like a heart ☺️ I have some things I just want to remind you of, while you're here with me! I want to remind you that there are still good things, happy things, and that being happy and grateful for these things will lighten your heart and load a bit. You deserve to be happy and I will ALWAYS remind you of that!! So come sit with me, and tell me what that cloud looks like to you? ❀️☺️
Apr 18, 202212:01
Living in the Now

Living in the Now

Hello my lovelies!! ❀️ We're going to talk about how important it is to live in this moment we've been given, this now. It's a little cool and kind of rainy outside and it's still early, so curl up with a warm blanket. Coffee's made, or there's tea in the pantry ❀️ and let's chat about life. Let's remember the good days, make some plans for the future...but never lose sight of the present...the gift... we've been given. I just threw a log on the fire and we've got time... let's talk. πŸ˜ŠπŸŒ»πŸ’–
Apr 05, 202219:45
Don't Let Anger Get the BEST of You

Don't Let Anger Get the BEST of You

Hello my beautiful Empaths!! We're going to talk about not letting anger get the best... literally, the best...YOUR best... Of you. Some tips and tricks to help you keep anger at bay in those moments when it's tough not to give in. We'll also discuss a term known as "emotional intelligence" and find out what it means, break it down in simple terms. It's a little thing that will help you in many areas of life. So come along with me, turn it up, sit back and relax, and learn how to never let anger...get your best... ever again!!! πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸ€—
Mar 16, 202217:28
Just Keep Being You

Just Keep Being You

Hello all my beautiful heart healers! This episode is all about amazing YOU!! Stop comparing yourself. I really want you to see how special and beautiful you are, inside as well as out! You have a beautiful gift, and you have a beautiful soul. You share that and show that everyday! Don't worry about what anyone else says, or does, or looks like. You just keep being amazing, wonderful you! ❀️ Come along with me and let me tell you how awesome you are!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—β€οΈ I'll bring the coffee... You just bring your sweet open heart. ❀️❀️
Mar 09, 202217:57
Podcast Who? Podcast YOU!

Podcast Who? Podcast YOU!

Hello everyone!! Tonight I'm going to do a podcast..about doing a podcast!☺️ We're going to talk about how super easy it is to have a podcast. It's easy to get started, not at all difficult, and I want to take some of the scariness out of it, for some of you who may be wanting to do it but aren't sure if you should get your feet wet or not. Promise, the water is awesome! Once you get started, you won't want to stop. You have a gift, this is a great way to use it. Get out there and show the world what's on your heart! And let me know, so I can be your first subscriber! Enjoy the podcast! ☺️❀️
Feb 24, 202211:52
Forgiveness: Heart of an Empath

Forgiveness: Heart of an Empath

Who is forgiveness for? Why forgive? Tune in to find out who is most helped by that beautiful word, and what it really means for you as well as the other person. (If you've already listened, there were some things I wanted to add so...I did) ❀️
Feb 10, 202221:30
Knowing When to Let Go

Knowing When to Let Go

Today my beautiful ones, we're going to talk about knowing when it's time to let go. Sometimes you have to look at your situation, and realize it's just time to cut the losses, before it gets any further. Here are some ideas for knowing what signs to recognize, but also remembering not to act too quickly. We're going to talk about letting go of fear, and learning how to walk in the light of what's best for our hearts. So come sit down with me, in my little cozy house. I've got a warm fire going, and dinner's on the table! See you there! β€οΈπŸ€—
Jan 26, 202226:47
Happy Holidays 2021! πŸ””

Happy Holidays 2021! πŸ””

Have a beautiful and blessed holiday season!! Be kind, and shine your light as only you can ❀️❀️ I love y'all!! πŸ€—πŸ€—
Dec 24, 202101:51
Get Safe from Abuse

Get Safe from Abuse

800.799.SAFE (7233) the If you or someone you know is in danger, call this number. They have a secure line to ensure your safety. There is NEVER a good reason for abuse of any kind, and no one ever deserves to be abused. Get Safe from Abuse, get out while you still can.
Nov 18, 202109:12
The Monk and the Bucket: A Parable

The Monk and the Bucket: A Parable

Hello my lovelies! This is a short parable, a little story, that I want to share with you today. It's about a monk, a bucket, a lot of water, and a little imperfection! I also want to encourage you, to listen to the spot I did at the beginning, referring you to a lady named Mae. She does the most amazing akashic record readings, very affordable, and she has such a sweet spirit. Her shop is on etsy, and the name of it is celestial priestess. Please feel free to check her out, and tell her hello from me if you decide to order a reading from her! Enjoy the story! ❀️
Oct 27, 202106:42
The Power of Kindness

The Power of Kindness

Hello all my lovelies! Today we are going to talk about the power of kindness! Kindness is so important, yet so simple. It really is its own superpower! Come join me today for a little chat, grab your coffee, tea, whatever you like :-) and let's talk about the importance of kindness, and letting that light of yours shine brighter than ever in today's world! β€οΈπŸ€—
Oct 09, 202121:41
Excellent Eucalyptus!

Excellent Eucalyptus!

Today we're talking about the excellent qualities of Eucalyptus! Join us to learn about the amazing qualities of this oil as part of the big 4 you should always keep on hand! I'll also discuss a couple recipe ideas you can use. ☺️❀️
Oct 02, 202111:34
Regrets and What Ifs

Regrets and What Ifs

Hello, I'm Hiraeth! I hope you enjoy this episode! We're going for a car ride on a beautiful warm sunny day and talking about life! :) particularly regrets and "what ifs." It's just a short ride, we won't be gone too long. We're going to talk about how those regrets aren't as bad as you've been telling yourself. Yes we all have them, and they may not have been your finest moment, but it's in the past and you learned from it. So grab your shades, put the windows down, and let's go! :)❀
Sep 10, 202115:54
Tea Tree-riffic! Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree-riffic! Tea Tree Oil

Hiraeth discusses the many uses and characteristics of tea tree oil, melaleuca alternifolia
Aug 08, 202114:33
Lovely Lavender Oil

Lovely Lavender Oil

Hiraeth discusses the first of her favorite "Big 3" essential oils. She goes over the properties of lavender, what they blend with, and some things Lavender is especially good for.
Jun 16, 202111:60
This Empath's Heart

This Empath's Heart

Hiraeth discusses being an empath, for those just discovering their gift as well as others who know empaths.
Jun 02, 202132:41
The Empath and the Narcissist

The Empath and the Narcissist

Hiraeth discusses some of the personality traits that can be found within a narcissistic personality. She goes into detail about the draw between an empath and a narcissist, and the need to be wary of these toxic kinds of people.
May 13, 202116:26
Check That Baggage!

Check That Baggage!

Today we're discussing the importance of baggage, the need to get rid of it, and how you shouldn't let past baggage get in the way of today's present, or your future. It'll be tough, but you can do it! So check that baggage today, and don't reclaim it! ☺️
May 01, 202116:04
Enjoying the Journey

Enjoying the Journey

It's about the journey!! Are you living each day to the fullest, or just getting through it? Hiraeth discusses the importance of this journey called life that we're on, and reminds us to not just survive it but thrive it!! Make the most of your trip of a lifetime. Are you staying in? Sightseeing? Helping those you meet along the way? It's all about the journey!! And it's uniquely yours!!❀️
Apr 22, 202113:10
You Have a Purpose

You Have a Purpose

Ever feel like you don't know your purpose? What is your reason to be here? Everyone has a gift.. not everyone is the same. Whether you know yet what your purpose is... rest assured, you *have* one!!❀️
Apr 16, 202114:03
Brave Enough to Be Happy

Brave Enough to Be Happy

Sometimes being happy takes bravery and courage to take the steps needed for your happiness. Be brave!! And be happy!! ❀️❀️
Mar 29, 202110:37
When You Feel Overwhelmed

When You Feel Overwhelmed

Hiraeth discusses ways that you can help yourself when you're feeling overwhelmed, and how it is a natural emotion. She talks about how you should never feel like you are a failure, or just no good, simply because you're feeling overwhelmed.
Mar 07, 202125:20
Keeping Your Focus

Keeping Your Focus

Hiraeth discusses ways you can keep your focus on the positive, helping others keep their focus as well, and making your own sunshine when it's hard to find.
Feb 24, 202119:45
It's Ok to Cry

It's Ok to Cry Hiraeth discusses crying, and how it is a cleansing, normal emotion, whether happy, sad, or angry. Never be ashamed to show your tears. She also discusses her idea for having other empaths record segments for upcoming podcasts.
Feb 11, 202118:56
Happy Holidays! ❀️

Happy Holidays! ❀️

Wishing everyone a beautiful holiday season!
Dec 23, 202000:51
Stop Giving Your Power Away

Stop Giving Your Power Away

Hiraeth discusses how many empaths give their power away and ways we can stop this from happening. She reminds empaths to realize their strength, their inner light, and be all they can in a world that desperately needs them and the love and nurturing they bring.
Dec 17, 202020:39
When You Love an Empath

When You Love an Empath

Hiraeth discusses the relationship aspects of empathic people who are partnered with non-empathic people. She discusses how both sides view things and hopes to bring understanding to each side.
Dec 11, 202017:34


Hiraeth discusses the importance of tranquility in your mind, home, heart and life. She gives some of her thoughts on things that will help bring tranquility, with special regard in learning to value your own feelings and making good choices in your relationships.
Dec 04, 202017:55
Essential Oils for Empaths

Essential Oils for Empaths

Hiraeth discusses essential oils particularly good for empaths and shares some easy oil recipes! Take notes and have fun!
Nov 28, 202026:54
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a wonderful holiday!!😊😊❀️
Nov 26, 202000:40