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The Heath Mullikin Project

The Heath Mullikin Project

By Heath Mullikin

Helping people discover their purpose, passion, and the possibilities of a joy-filled life.
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You are more resilient than you think.

The Heath Mullikin ProjectJul 27, 2022

May 10, 2024-Explaining the new comedy series

May 10, 2024-Explaining the new comedy series

I recently posted the first episode of a new comedy series I am working on. This series is based on all of the conversations, voices, and characters I have in my head. Here's the introduction to everyone. If you haven't seen the episode I'm talking about you can watch it at:

May 10, 202419:57
Questions to get Unstuck

Questions to get Unstuck

Lately, I've imagined myself going back in time to have a talk with my 30 something self to see if he would have any advice for me during this season of life. It came down to 3 things. You can use the same 3 things to get unstuck and move forward in your own life.

Jan 29, 202415:57
January 18, 2024-5 years since Karen passed

January 18, 2024-5 years since Karen passed

Today is the 5 year anniversary of my wife, Karen, passing away. Here’s what I did today to remember her and other things that continue to help me navigate the grieving process. Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers.
Jan 18, 202418:39
December 23, 2023: closing some mental loops.

December 23, 2023: closing some mental loops.

As we get ready for 2024, what projects, tasks, and mental loops do we need to close? What would your mind look like if it were free from all the things swirling in the background waiting to be completed?
Dec 23, 202314:55
October 27, 2023: Being your own cheerleader

October 27, 2023: Being your own cheerleader

I had dinner with a great friend who gave the great reminder that sometimes our biggest cheerleader needs to be the person looking back at us in the mirror.
Oct 29, 202312:06
October 21, 2023-Beautiful Moments

October 21, 2023-Beautiful Moments

How do we soak in beautiful moments in our day to day comings and goings?
Oct 21, 202317:10
May 31, 2023-The way things end

May 31, 2023-The way things end

There are lots of spoilers in this episode as I compare and contrast the finales of Ted Lasso, Cheers, Friends, Seinfeld, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Some doors are opened. Some doors are closed. Some just leave a tiny crack.
May 31, 202328:49
May 11, 2023-It is what it is

May 11, 2023-It is what it is

Have you ever used the phrase “it is what it is?” Here’s why it one of my least favorite and most favorite sayings.
May 11, 202315:45
May 10, 2023-Are you busy or active?

May 10, 2023-Are you busy or active?

I’ve been thinking about schedule, how I choose to invest my time and the difference between being busy and active. Are you busy or active?
May 10, 202330:30
May 1, 2023-Getting Past the Plateau

May 1, 2023-Getting Past the Plateau

The past 5 years, around this time, I have hit a health plateau. Something has happened in my mind and I just quit going to the gym and eating healthy. Today, I got some insight into why that had happened and how I plan to overcome it. Here’s how I’m getting past the Plateau.
May 01, 202328:06
April 19, 2023-A Birthday Confession

April 19, 2023-A Birthday Confession

Most people would think of me as a “glass half full” kind of person, but the reality is that, internally, I’ve been a “glass half empty” guy all of my life. Here’s what I’m doing about it.
Apr 19, 202322:28
April 11, 2023-Adjusting your habits to meet your goals

April 11, 2023-Adjusting your habits to meet your goals

At the beginning of the year, I set a habit goal of exercising 30 minutes a day 6 days a week. It occurred to me today that I have updated that daily habit to be more focused and move even closer to my end goal. What adjustments do you need to make in your habits?
Apr 11, 202320:18
April 4, 2023-Process over Progress

April 4, 2023-Process over Progress

For the 4th year in a row I have lost 20 lbs with diet and exercise. What am I doing now to make sure I don’t gain it back and have to lose the same 20 next year? It’s about focusing on the process over your progress.
Apr 04, 202321:47
Karen’s Birthday and Bargaining with Grief

Karen’s Birthday and Bargaining with Grief

Yesterday was Karen’s birthday and it was a good day of remembering. Plus, I’ve been working through some bargaining in my grief journey lately. How can we set our intentions to relive some uncertainty and move forward?
Mar 27, 202326:07
March 1, 2023: A Coffee Update
Mar 01, 202314:24
February 22, 2023: Let's Talk about Lent...and Caffeine
Feb 22, 202326:39
February 17, 2023: Revival can be a logistical nightmare
Feb 17, 202332:08
Mind Your Mindset Book Review
Feb 06, 202314:27
My New York Winter Retreat Report

My New York Winter Retreat Report

Thanks to Jon Cole and the amazing leaders who allowed me to share at this year’s Western New York District Youth Winter Retreat. It was a phenomenal experience and God was with us. Listen for more details.
Jan 31, 202320:12
Moving Forward to Forgiveness

Moving Forward to Forgiveness

I had one of those early morning epiphanies the other day about forgiveness and how forgiving myself led to major mental health breakthroughs on my grief journey.  Here's why you need to forgive yourself and start turning off those "What if" valves.  

Jan 25, 202323:02
January 18, 2023-A tribute to Karen

January 18, 2023-A tribute to Karen

4 years ago today, my wife passed away. Karen was an incredible person and it occurred to me that many of you never met her. On this episode, I give you the lowdown and the background on the woman who captured my heart and changed all of our lives.
Jan 18, 202316:03
Glen Robinson: Song Writing Partner Extraordinaire

Glen Robinson: Song Writing Partner Extraordinaire

It was fun to sit down and chat briefly with Glen Robinson at the recent Wesleyan Pastor's Gathering.  Glen is the Executive Pastor of Leadership Development at Crosspoint Church in Lynchburg, Virginia where one of my accountability partners, Josh Ratliff, is the Lead Pastor.  Glen and I have many connections.  He is one of my wife's first cousins and also interned with me at Central First Wesleyan Church(now Alive Wesleyan) during his time at Southern Wesleyan.  Glen talks about his ministry, family, and his recent sabbatical in this episode.  

Jan 13, 202307:44
Live Nativity Stories

Live Nativity Stories

Pickens View Wesleyan Church just finished our Live Nativity and it was an awesome event. Here are my takeaways.
Dec 20, 202214:37
One Simple Change

One Simple Change

Yesterday while frying my last turkey of the season I realized I needed to make one simple change to cook it more easily than before. What’s one simple change you need to make?
Dec 05, 202213:39
Let it go

Let it go

I used to spend a lot of time wondering and worrying about what certain people thought about me. It caused a lot of anxiety and I’ve had to learn to stop. Here’s the how and why.
Dec 01, 202218:54
My Spoiler Filled thoughts on Black Panther 2

My Spoiler Filled thoughts on Black Panther 2

Here are my spoiler filled thoughts on Black Panther 2 Wakanda Forever. It was a powerful movie in many ways. Should they have recast the role of Black Panther? I have some thoughts on that as well.
Nov 20, 202216:05
How to not live with regret and forgive yourself

How to not live with regret and forgive yourself

How do we move on from regret, learn what we need to learn, and forgive ourselves so we can live an abundant, joyful life?
Nov 08, 202224:30
What planet is this?

What planet is this?

Sometimes, we get to be a part of events and weeks full of highs and lows that make us ask,”what planet is this?” How do you navigate the highs and lows of life when they happen in the same week?
Oct 28, 202219:05
What movie and tv scenes do you watch when you need a pick me up?

What movie and tv scenes do you watch when you need a pick me up?

There are certain movie and tv scenes that make me feel all the feels. They inspire and make me tear up or they motivate me to get going. What movie and tv scenes do you watch when you need a pick me up?
Oct 28, 202218:51
The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence

It may surprise people to hear that I love silence. Here’s why it’s important to me and why you should make space for it too.
Oct 24, 202212:43
Taking every thought captive

Taking every thought captive

On this episode, I expound on 2 Corinthians 10:5. “5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” What does it practically look like to take every thought captive?
Oct 23, 202224:13
Is there such a thing as too much margin in your life?

Is there such a thing as too much margin in your life?

God has been doing an amazing work in my heart and mind, but I felt that I was in a season where I had too much margin in my life. Is that even possible? Here’s what I mean and what I changed to live more fully during this season.
Oct 17, 202223:56
The Reading Rhythm

The Reading Rhythm

Life takes twists and turns that can throw us out of rhythm with important habits. Here’s how I’ve gotten back into The Reading Rhythm.
Oct 13, 202213:05
The Grief Bill

The Grief Bill

This summer was a busy season for me which meant that I had to put off dealing with the grief of a relationship that ended.  Sometimes that happens in life.  We go into crisis mode to make sure everyone is cared for, but eventually, the grief bill comes due.  The more we get to know ourselves the more we will understand how we process grief the effect of time on that process.  Here's I said this on Facebook:

It hit me this morning that it is almost October. Someone asked me this summer how I was doing and I answered “ask me in October.”   No one is an expert in grief, but I knew the full summer would put off some emotions from the unexpected twists and turns life took this year.  The grief bill always comes due. I’m grateful for a work trip in October that will give me some time and space on the road to dig deeper into the healing process.  I’m grateful for sleeping well every night.  I’m grateful for forgiveness. I’m grateful for counseling.  I’m grateful for friendships.  I’m grateful for the prayers of faithful people. I’m grateful for the daily l things that the Lord uses to keep us going like laughter, prayer, and exercise.

Make time and space to wrestle with all of the emotions wrapped up in your grieving.  It's a process that takes time, has no clear map, and can be confusing.  It's hard work.  But it's the work of being human and the work that our Heavenly Father is doing in us.  

Sep 26, 202235:34
Overcoming resistance

Overcoming resistance

Sometimes we think there is a mountain in front of us keeping us from our goals. Here’s a key to overcoming resistance and keeping your healthy streaks going.
Sep 02, 202216:31
Back to Square One

Back to Square One

Sometimes when you are grieving you will have a day where you feel like you are back to square one. Here’s why that’s totally normal and ok.
Aug 25, 202219:43
A Health Wake Up Call

A Health Wake Up Call

After years of being on and off the fitness train, something happened this year that changed my thinking on why I need to get healthy. Here’s what I’m doing to make sure I age gracefully and safely.
Aug 22, 202221:09
How to overcome discouragement

How to overcome discouragement

Sooner or later something is going to happen that discourages you. Here are some ways you can overcome discouragement.
Jul 29, 202221:01
You are more resilient than you think.

You are more resilient than you think.

How many times can your heart survive being broken? How many hopes can you have dashed? How much disappointment is too much? Hang in there. You are more resilient than you think.
Jul 27, 202220:18
What's the one skill young people need to survive hard times?

What's the one skill young people need to survive hard times?

On this episode I talk about a skill that I've acquired through various hard times in my life.  This episode was a source of therapy for me to think through some things and get them off of my chest.  Hopefully, it is an encouragement to you on your journey.  

Jul 18, 202232:19
How to pivot when your plans don’t work out

How to pivot when your plans don’t work out

Newly elected District Superintendent of the Shenandoah District of the Wesleyan Church, Tim Kirkpatrick, joins me to talk about how to pivot when your plans don’t work out. It’s mid-year and none of your goals are on track and plans have changed. What do you do? Tim offers great insight and resources to help you make the hard decisions. To find work with Tim and his team at Second Chair Solutions go to
Jul 11, 202231:57
How gratitude changed my life in 2021

How gratitude changed my life in 2021

In December 2020, amidst a month at home between covid, furlough, and the holidays, I started a practice that has dramatically changed my mindset and my life.  Posting what I am grateful for everyday has helped me realize how blessed I truly am.  Join me in 2021 for the #gratitudeproject and post 3 things you are grateful every day!  

Dec 29, 202117:53
How Reading Through the Bible in 2021 Changed My Life
Dec 23, 202124:35
Planning Your Best Year Ever with Tim Kirkpatrick Step 5

Planning Your Best Year Ever with Tim Kirkpatrick Step 5

Tim Kirkpatrick of Second Chair Solutions joins me to take you through Michael Hyatt's book, Your Best Year Ever.  Through 5 episodes we take you through the 5 step plan for achieving your most important goals in 2022.  Step 5 is Make It Happen.  We would love to hear your Action Plan for this step in the Heath Mullikin Project Facebook Group.  To join go to:  To order a Full Focus Planner as discussed on this episode go to  If you or your organization would like to set up a call with Second Chair Solutions go to  

Dec 22, 202123:13
Planning Your Best Year Ever with Tim Kirkpatrick Step 4

Planning Your Best Year Ever with Tim Kirkpatrick Step 4

Tim Kirkpatrick of Second Chair Solutions joins me to take you through Michael Hyatt's book, Your Best Year Ever.  Through 5 episodes we take you through the 5 step plan for achieving your most important goals in 2022.  Step 4 is Find Your Why.  We would love to hear your Action Plan for this step in the Heath Mullikin Project Facebook Group.  To join go to:  To order a Full Focus Planner as discussed on this episode go to  If you or your organization would like to set up a call with Second Chair Solutions go to  

Dec 15, 202120:07
Planning Your Best Year Ever with Tim Kirkpatrick Step 3

Planning Your Best Year Ever with Tim Kirkpatrick Step 3

Tim Kirkpatrick of Second Chair Solutions joins me to take you through Michael Hyatt's book, Your Best Year Ever.  Through 5 episodes we take you through the 5 step plan for achieving your most important goals in 2022.  Step 3 is Design Your Future.  We would love to hear your Action Plan for this step in the Heath Mullikin Project Facebook Group.  To join go to:  To order a Full Focus Planner as discussed on this episode go to  If you or your organization would like to set up a call with Second Chair Solutions go to  

Dec 08, 202121:09
Planning Your Best Year Ever with Tim Kirkpatrick Step 2

Planning Your Best Year Ever with Tim Kirkpatrick Step 2

Tim Kirkpatrick of Second Chair Solutions joins me to take you through Michael Hyatt's book, Your Best Year Ever.  Through 5 episodes we take you through the 5 step plan for achieving your most important goals in 2022.  Step 2 is Complete the Past.  We would love to hear your Action Plan for this step in the Heath Mullikin Project Facebook Group.  To join go to:  To order a Full Focus Planner as discussed on this episode go to  If you or your organization would like to set up a call with Second Chair Solutions go to  

Dec 01, 202120:09
Planning Your Best Year Ever with Tim Kirkpatrick Step 1

Planning Your Best Year Ever with Tim Kirkpatrick Step 1

Tim Kirkpatrick of Second Chair Solutions joins me to take you through Michael Hyatt's book, Your Best Year Ever.  Through 5 episodes we take you through the 5 step plan for achieving your most important goals in 2022.  Step 1 is Believe the Possibility.  We would love to hear your Action Plan for this step in the Heath Mullikin Project Facebook Group.  To join go to:  To order a Full Focus Planner as discussed on this episode go to  If you or your organization would like to set up a call with Second Chair Solutions go to  

Nov 23, 202120:11
Season 9 Episode 5-Reviewing your year
Nov 05, 202146:45
Season 9 Episode 4: Life Updates and preparing for 2022

Season 9 Episode 4: Life Updates and preparing for 2022

Today, I want to give you a life update and invite you to go through the book Best Year Ever with me and a friend in December. You can get the book at I am taking a hard look at the goals I set for 2021 and why I didn’t reach them. Join my Facebook Group as we seek to grow together and live the lives God intended for us. I also mentioned Mark Batterson’s book, Win the Day, which you can purchase at
Oct 29, 202118:11