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GRACE-full Stories: Living and Learning that God’s Got This

GRACE-full Stories: Living and Learning that God’s Got This

By Heather R Elizabeth Fowler

GRACE-full Stories: Living and Learning that God’s Got This, is a biweekly podcast that highlights the real-life stories of people who have dealt with difficult moments in life. Every episode will feature a guest who is willing to share how they lived through a challenging event and can now see how our Heavenly Dad was involved throughout. It is our prayer that no matter if you have gone through something similar or know someone who has, you find hope in Jesus through this podcast. We at GRACE-full Stories invite you to join us and learn how God‘s got this.
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GRACE-full Stories: Living and Learning that God’s Got ThisAug 08, 2020

Mastectomy From Diagnosis Through Recovery

Mastectomy From Diagnosis Through Recovery

Our guest in this episode lived through mastectomy after breast cancer. She gives a step-by-step account of her story and how her recovery was filled with the peace of God. If you haven’t personally dealt with breast cancer and mastectomy you probably know someone who has. This episode is for you!
Jan 15, 202236:54
From Bully to Beauty Queen

From Bully to Beauty Queen

In this episode we will hear Debi Moore’s GRACE-full story of moving from bully to beauty queen. She experienced a unique path to God’s glory through his amazing Providence, yet it is a story we can all learn from.
Dec 01, 202125:56
The Dangers of the Occult

The Dangers of the Occult

As a pre-Halloween episode: Jess Gibson, and I tell our stories of (pre-Christian) past involvement in the occult. Our Pastor, Luke McKinnon joins us in this discussion to help us all understand the dangers in this ever present issue.
Oct 01, 202136:06
My Daughter Lived Through Anguish, Abuse, and Abortion.

My Daughter Lived Through Anguish, Abuse, and Abortion.

This is part two to “Michelle‘s” story. This is a bonus episode. We get to hear the other side to “Michelle’s” story through the eyes of her mother. We get to hear how her mother fought for the life of her daughter and is able to celebrate an amazing relationship today!
Sep 15, 202141:15
Courage Through Anguish, Abuse, and Abortion

Courage Through Anguish, Abuse, and Abortion

“Michelle” lived for years through what most of us could never imagine. Excruciating feelings of being alone, horrific abuse, and what felt like forced abortion. This is a story if you do not want to miss.
Sep 01, 202101:16:60
Loosing a Custody Battle but Finding Victory in Jesus

Loosing a Custody Battle but Finding Victory in Jesus

In this episode you will see how Caron lost her custody battle, missing out on a good portion of her son’s first 12 years, but found peace, comfort, and strength in the living God.
Aug 04, 202130:15
I’m Homeless

I’m Homeless

Christina was homeless. She found herself, the mother of two boys, without a roof over their head. Her story is a remarkable one of God’s grace and presence in her life. You don’t want to miss this story.
Jul 01, 202145:27
Life as a Widow

Life as a Widow

Jun 01, 202128:37
Escape from a Burning Car

Escape from a Burning Car

This story is one of those stories that will stick with you! It is absolutely horrifying but at the same time hope filled! Hear the story of how Cole Dewey escaped a burning car with not only her life but an inescapable faith. You really don’t want to miss this one!
May 01, 202138:26
Unexpectedly Single

Unexpectedly Single

This episode is all about something that all too many people have gone through: a cheating spouse. Our guest Elana, dealt with this at 23 years of age. Fifty years later she sees God throughout her life’s story. Don’t miss this episode!
Apr 15, 202134:30
But God... The story of Caleb Freeman’s car accident and miraculous healing!

But God... The story of Caleb Freeman’s car accident and miraculous healing!

This episode not only includes a miracle, it shows all of us how to go from tragedy to triumph! Caleb and his brother got into a horrific car accident leaving Caleb at deaths door. But God…. God had other plans for Caleb Freeman! He was healed and he is a beacon of Jesus’ light for all who he comes in contact with! Sit back and listen to this story of triumph and passion and love!
Apr 01, 202135:41
From Stillbirth to Hope

From Stillbirth to Hope

This powerful episode explores, in detail, the story of one woman’s third trimester stillbirth. She courageously talks about her emotions, the help she received when needed, and her ability to finally find hope in one of the most difficult things someone can survive.
Mar 15, 202159:55
Nursing on the Front Lines of Covid

Nursing on the Front Lines of Covid

In this episode you will get to hear from nurses who have been on the front lines. In March they were nurses in the clinic and by mid March 2020 they were called up to work on the front lines. During this episode we will ask the tough questions and hear their touching answers. They got the opportunity to be the hands and feet of God during a difficult time in this world.
Mar 01, 202136:22
Teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy

On today’s episode our guest goes into great detail talking about getting pregnant as a teenager. We talk about what led up to it, with the moment was like when she found out she was pregnant, and how everything ended up. This episode is a full hour long and it will feel like 10 minutes. It is so powerful! You won’t want to miss this one.
Feb 15, 202156:07
When a Sibling Dies

When a Sibling Dies

Our episode today deals with something too many people have dealt with; the death of a sibling. On this podcast our guest talks about her brother’s tragic death due to a plane crash and how she has processed the loss. She has taken a life-changing event and allowed it to transform her life to one of courage, strength, and transformation through Christ. She has amazing advice at the end of the podcast on how to deal with this kind of tragedy and allow grace to take charge.
Feb 01, 202135:19
She’s Gone Missing! A woman’s fight with alcohol.

She’s Gone Missing! A woman’s fight with alcohol.

In this episode of graceful stories Jennifer explains what led up to her going missing, her five days while gone, and the two weeks afterwards. She very candidly talks about what it’s like to deal with binge drinking and and what helped her make a clean break with the abuse of her past.
Jan 15, 202141:27
Dealing with mental illness

Dealing with mental illness

In this episode you will get to see inside this brave girl’s battle with mental illness, and specifically with bipolar disorder. She openly and honestly talks about what led up to her diagnosis, the day of her diagnosis and then living with it every day since. She talks about the stigma associated with it, but she turns it around and talks about the superpower that’s associated with it. This episode is one not to miss!
Jan 04, 202131:59
When Death Threats are Part of Ministry

When Death Threats are Part of Ministry

In this episode of Grace-FULL stories our guest tells about what it was like to start a job in full-time ministry that she was so excited about only to feel trapped and scared for her family’s safety. She talks about how she looks at it now and sees the Holy Spirit all the way through the experience and just how much it has positively affected the rest of their lives.
Dec 15, 202047:51
Losing Everything in a Natural Disaster

Losing Everything in a Natural Disaster

This episode brings you to an event that, tragically, too many people around the world have felt. The moment that through no fault of your own you lose everything. Through tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes; we see this moment on television almost weekly. It is far different however for those living it. Today, in this episode, you get the opportunity to walk in the shoes of someone who has lived that moment.
Dec 01, 202043:49
On the Brink of Divorse

On the Brink of Divorse

This episode is so applicable to almost all of us. If you are married or know someone who is struggling in marriage you need to listen to this episode. Our guests today fought through difficulty in their early marriage and were able to give grace to each other through the grace that Jesus gave each of them. It is an amazing story of how they could go from the brink of divorce to celebrating 27 years of marriage.
Nov 15, 202037:24
Losing a Business and Finding Jesus

Losing a Business and Finding Jesus

This episode is so timely. Although our guest dealt with the losing of his family business in a different traumatic time in our country it couldn’t be more appropriate for today! He dealt with trying to find employment for his employees, trying to help his elderly father with the semblance of a retirement, and putting food on his own family’s table. There are many people who are living this story out in their own lives today because of COVID-19. Listen to this episode and hear the hope that he clung to and survived through!
Nov 01, 202032:07
Cancer ... twice!

Cancer ... twice!

Imagine hearing the words you never want to hear: cancer. She heard these horrible words twice. That’s exactly what our guest today heard and she has come out the other side seeing so many blessings. Listen to her graceful story and be encouraged. As always, God’s got this!
Oct 15, 202038:04
Being in Vietnam and Coming Home

Being in Vietnam and Coming Home

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be in the midst of war? Today’s episode gives us that opportunity. Captain Lee Trussell Navy retired joins us today in a conversation regarding what it was like to go to Vietnam. We hear about the atrocities of war and how God wound Himself in and amongst the difficulty. Then we will hear about how awful it was to come home. This is a don’t miss episode.
Oct 01, 202037:11
Childhood Abuse: Finding Freedom Through Forgiveness

Childhood Abuse: Finding Freedom Through Forgiveness

Graceli Veson endured a childhood that most of us could never fully comprehend, yet today she can see her Savior interwoven throughout her story. This episode will go into some of the details of that childhood and the freedom she found through forgiveness. Please keep in mind that this episode deals with a theme that is difficult to listen to at times, and therefore, should be heard by the adults in the home first and then decide afterward which aged children should hear the story. I am honored that Graceli Veson chose to join us on GRACE-full stories, because we will all learn and be inspired by her courage.
Sep 15, 202042:02
Battling Epilepsy

Battling Epilepsy

This episode talks about dealing with the disorder of epilepsy. This is the other side of episode number one. The first episode in GRACE-full Stories was a mother’s battle with her sons disorder. This episode is from the son’s perspective. Today, Collin will talk about what it is like to live with the disorder of epilepsy.
Sep 01, 202037:54
What is GRACE-full stories?

What is GRACE-full stories?

This is a general description of what you can expect in this GRACE-full Stories. We are excited that you are exploring this podcast and we invite you to join us!
Aug 08, 202000:60
A Mother’s Battle With Her Son’s Epilepsy

A Mother’s Battle With Her Son’s Epilepsy

It is never easy to watch your child go through the fear, pain, and uncertainty that a medical issue brings. In this first episode of GRACE-full Stories, Heather goes through being the eyewitness and self-appointed “fixer” of her son’s Epilepsy. Through her story you will see how Jesus showed His presence, not only in the situation, but more importantly, in her son’s life. In this episode, you will get to see how God made the enemy’s chaos into a ministry dedicated to helping people see the presence and power of God in their life.
Aug 08, 202031:20