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Heavens Prayer Link W/Eugene G

Heavens Prayer Link W/Eugene G

By Eugene G.

This podcast is design to be a link to help people in need of special prayer and spiritual needs we want to be a service for people, a venue to bring them hope. A service for those who really need to reach heaven and we want to be there for them. Our service do not replace nor compete with the church but we are an extension of the church we're all here for the same purpose and that is to help people find God and communicate with him.
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"I am My Brother's Keeper pt. 2,"

Heavens Prayer Link W/Eugene GMay 19, 2024

"The Closer I Get To God"

"The Closer I Get To God"

Remember when Moses came down from the mount he had the glory of the Lord shine from his face, the children of Israel feared to come near him, as he had been in the presence of Almighty God" (Exodus 34:29-35) read it. When we visit with the Lord Jesus Christ today our face doesn't shine with the glory of God from being in His presence; one might ask: why is that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever right? (Hebrews 13:8) read it. Yes, but the difference is Christ encompasses all the glory of God and shield/veil us from His glory, that we may come close, to be in His presence without fear from death, but rather being able to look at God face to face.
Therefore, being close while following in the Lord's footstep we can freely confess: "The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in Green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness or his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me; Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." (Psalms 23:1-6) read it. In essence we  come close and stay close to our God.
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Jun 03, 202419:20
"We Are All Family"

"We Are All Family"

May 27, 202422:05
"I am My Brother's Keeper pt. 2,"
May 19, 202417:25
"I am My Brother's Keeper"
May 13, 202421:38
"My Opinion, Man has Dominion."

"My Opinion, Man has Dominion."

There will always be natural occurrences or disasters as earth make adjustments here to accommodate almighty God's plan and order. As she fits within our universe. We have the authority and dominion, but because it hasn't been passed down to us or in most cases haven't read our kingdom authority from Jesus Christ our King, Lord and Savior, we question it, we don't exercise it, as we go from generation to generation not knowing what we can do. The enemy like a roaring lion go about seeking any one of us that he may devour. (1Peter 5:8) read it. Like the 2 dogs mentioned in my podcast: "Have you ever noticed the difference between an abused dog and a dog who has been loved, nourish and cared for. It's like night and day. The Abused dog is skittish anybody make a noise he jumps, and he shies away? from people, he hardly trusts anybody.

Whereas the loved dog is friendly, happy, he trusts almost everybody. I'll say it again:
"Man has been beat down and abused by Satan and sin, so much over the years, we don't trust God or His Word, nor His promises therein, we are so beat up the enemy gotten man ready to leave planet earth his home, and his dominion. Man is even at the point, or should I say we are already to abandon ship so to speak, where man seeks to go to other planets, thinking to find a better place to live, to see if he can find another home. Hello, reality check this is man's home, this planet will always be man's home, we're only going to heaven to judge the wicked, then we are going to return with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in the New Jerusalem, then even after we return from heaven with a new heaven and our new Earth, Earth will still be man's home. (Revelation 21:1-3) read it.
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May 06, 202420:06
"Once Saved, Always Saved, Pt. 2"

"Once Saved, Always Saved, Pt. 2"

When I finally understood that "Once Saved, Always Saved," was not true; then I go forward not being wishy-washy, whereas a little bit of sin today and throughout my week, then on the weekend; I go up in God's church and do a little bit of righteousness. No! There's a word for people who do stuff like that, I think they call them hypocrites! You see walking with the Lord Jesus Christ is a daily experience not weekends only, but a 24/7. We walk while awake, while we sleep. You wake up with Christ you go to bed with Christ. That also help stops us from going to bed with somebody else's man/woman, smile. America, pay close attention to what I'm about to say: "Then the king and his nobles sent this decree throughout the city! Translation then the President and the Congress (the leadership of the land) sent this decree/official order throughout the country what was the degree:

"No one, not even the animals on the ranch or farms, you herdsmen, and city folk alike, may eat or drink anything at all both people and animals alike (must fast) must wear garments of mourning, "And everyone must pray earnestly to God" they must turn from their evil ways and stop all their violence!" (Jonah 3:7-9) paraphrased read it. America who can tell: Perhaps even today God may change His mind and hold back His fierce anger from destroying us." I saved the best for last, verse 10) "When God saw what Nineveh/America had done, and how they had put a stop to their evil ways, God changed His mind & did not carry out the destruction of the Nineveh/United States of America as intended." (Jonah 3:10) read it. Listen, do you think what I just said in paraphrased is farfetched? Do you think it can't happen to America? My friends, think again, it can, and it will if we do not repent, and turn from our sinful ways back unto God, so please stay faithful to the end and be saved. Don't believe that lie: "Once Saved, Always Saved."

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Apr 29, 202422:10
"Once saved, always saved."

"Once saved, always saved."

The scriptures plainly say: "For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:8, 9) read it. So if salvation is a gift, can it not be refused, can it not be rejected, can it not be lost, can it not be taken for granted; Or even taken away buy a disobedient sinful lifestyle? The sower parable depicts we receive the word: the birds of the air eating seed that fell by the wayside (Matthew 13:4) and explained in (Matthew 13:18-19) read it. And I've heard some people say oh this is just a parable, that don't mean that really happened. Even though it was a parable Jesus Christ our God never waste time just to run off at the mouth, when he spoke a parable He had a purpose behind it. So read it!
In that parable they all heard the word as stated throughout the parable, as some the enemy snatched the word from them, others vaguely paying attention heard the word and not understanding it, with character attacks affiliated with the word felt persecuted and offended, it's easier to just walked away; there were those who were engulfed with their smart phones, and pursuing the cares of this life, and deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, so they became unfruitful. And then there are those who hear the word, received it in their hearts and goes out and witnessed for the Lord bringing soul into the church, who live righteously as they walked, humbly before their God!
Contact:, we love to pray with you, God bless you. 

Apr 22, 202417:35
"Once a Nobody, now God's body"

"Once a Nobody, now God's body"

When I talk of "Once a Nobody, now God's body," I'm simply speaking of how the people we think of being unimportant in the world just happened to be the most important people to God in this world. You see they only have God and because they only have God, God is all they need. As this world will soon pass away, so will the people who are lusting after the things of this world, but the poor who are rich in faith they will be with God, Jesus in the Bible refers it as being in Abraham's bosom, let me read that parable: "There was a certain man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. But that was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate, desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table.
Moreover the dogs came and licked Lazarus sores. So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. And being in torments in Hades/hell he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off, and Lazarus and his bosom. Then he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he made dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil/bad things; but now he's comforted and you're in torment." (Luke 16:19-25) paraphrased read it.
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Apr 15, 202417:41
"Babes At 60"
Apr 08, 202419:52
"Resurrection Day, 2024"

"Resurrection Day, 2024"

I will reiterate what I said in my previous Resurrection Day Podcast 144. We will understand it better by and by! After we are in heaven and we sit down at the feet of Jesus, He'll explains to us why He came, to lay down His life to redeem us, and why there was no other sacrifice that could be pleasing to God to atone for our sin, it's then I believe we will understand and appreciate all that He did to redeem man. Then this scripture will make more sense, "How he covered our sins, why we're there, why God want see us but Christ in us, not because of what we did, but because of what He did." (Psalms 32:1, 2) paraphrased read it. I am not here to rain on anyone's Easter or Resurrection Day parade, but to wish you all God's blessings. So Happy Easter or Happy Resurrection Day," as I learned later in life that the name Easter really didn't have a biblical origin.
I'm hoping either way people come together during this season, remember it was because of the day of Jesus Christ crucifixion and resurrection that we set aside this day. How he helped mankind escape eternal damnation through the shedding of His blood, the one and only true Lamb and Son of God. He brought us justification through His cross. (Romans 4:25) read it. Thank you, God for Jesus Christ, thank you for sending Him to save us, at your right timing. You called the fullness of time; I believe another fullness of time is upon us; that we should come to home to Heaven. May you seal your living, resurrected saints; those who are now dead to the sins of this world, but alive forevermore in Jesus Christ. That we be caught up with the dead in Christ that you resurrect to life on the last day. (1Thessalonians 4:17) read it.
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Apr 01, 202419:10
"A Relationship of Sacrifice"

"A Relationship of Sacrifice"

Mar 25, 202424:16
"A relationship that's nice."

"A relationship that's nice."

There is a reason we as parents should train up our children in the way that they should go, while they're young, so when they grow up, they go out into the world; they will bring good reflections on themselves as well as be a good reflection of you in the community. Being someone to have continue your good reputation in the world. People will see them coming and say oh that's that kid that plays ball over at the college, or that kid who just join the NBA or that new baseball player or that girl who got that number one hit on the Billboard chart, things to make a parent proud of. Although Congress may not have the greatest reputation at this time, but you still would like your child to grow up in the world, to be a good leader in city, state or federal governments. Someone has to step up and lead!
Nobody really wants to hear it said, there's that kid who every time you look around, he's in trouble, or in jail. Or about your daughter: She's the one that's running the street and causing her parents so much heartache. A society looks at your child, mark them as a bad kid, a bad reputation, can't make friends. That is not a relationship we can call nice. True we are to love everyone, but if our reputation is bad, society sometimes is not so forgiving. We as a society can reach out and try to rehabilitate them so they can fit back into society, we may try and foster a relationship that's nice, help restore good habits in them, good deeds, love toward other people, teaching them how to get along in this world, to unite not divide; to help but never condone the wrong they do.
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Mar 18, 202421:03
"A Relationship with God"
Mar 11, 202422:15
"A Relationship that's hard."

"A Relationship that's hard."

I can relate to hard times, we came through some hard times, in our family they're in Georgia, and you think when you leave Georgia and go somewhere else that the times are going to be great, I admit they were better but not great, in essence hard times have always paid me visits throughout my life. In essence when you work hard you still can't make enough to make ends meet/get ahead, you live right and you still get kicked back, you smile and there's still some who will frown back. You love and you still encounter haters. You have some good circumstances, you have some bad ones, you have some good relationships, you have some bad ones, you'll find some people behave good, and some behave bad. But I try to live by the Word of God, I especially like the scripture that says:
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the Earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters there are moved and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof."
(Psalm 46:1-3) read it. Being born to a Christian family, I can understand why my relationships here on Earth are hard, there is a devil, and anybody who will live Godly will have troubles here on Earth. So I can relate well with the statement: "I can't seem to catch a good break." But I'm not bitter I fought the good fight of faith and I am grateful for the life the Lord has led and blessed me with. I only hope my children have learned one thing of me and that is to learn to: "Trust in the Lord their God with all their hearts and lean not to their own understanding; in all their ways submit to God and He will make their path straight." (Proverbs 3:5, 6) paraphrased read it.
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Mar 04, 202422:22
"A Relationship that Sings"

"A Relationship that Sings"

I used the term bon voyage in my podcast here to speak to the heart of those who are taking sail in a new relationship. "Good luck," is not a bad thing, but in Scripture we like to do things intentionally and saying "good luck" is really nonexistent in Scripture, whereas we rather say blessings to you. Our God don't do anything by luck, He knows the outcome before the input, so there's no luck involved; by being all wise and all present and all powerful He can do that, and if we are His children we need to follow in His footsteps. So I meant well in my bon voyage. But never let it take the place of being blessed. A love relationship that sings blesses the person of its affection, there's a song we sing that "You can't beat God giving," and a love relationship that sings, followers in that same vein; they will give their socks off. Even if they have one pair, they'll share!
Also a relationship that sings always keep you happy, they find something to smile about even when the world is falling apart and we who live in this day and age really need a love relationship with God that sings, because we can see how Earth's falling apart around us, and we appear powerless to do anything about it, that is if you don't know God. You see the world is dying from fear of what is to come; we have people for years who have committed suicide, because they don't want to face their reality. But  Christians lift up their heads in singing their praises to God. And I'm sure the world looks at them and say: what's wrong with them fools? Don't they know the world's coming to the end! Why aren't they fearful, doing the same thing we're doing: crying & weeping. Ah, may I say something here please, we've been crying and weeping ever since the beginning when sin entered our world, it's time for us to rejoice! Because our redemption draws near! (Luke 21:25-28) paraphrased read it.
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Feb 26, 202419:23
"A Relationship that Stings"
Feb 19, 202419:25
A Relationship that Woos
Feb 13, 202419:39
"A Relationship that's Booed."

"A Relationship that's Booed."

This podcast is basically a story about being in an abusive relationship both women and men. I know most of you wouldn't consider a man as being abused by a woman; but you would be surprised and know that many men are abused and some are abused and don't know it; nevertheless, I hope this little message flicker a light on your path, that what I'm sharing will help someone come to realize that if it's not free love, then it's bondage love or an abusive love relationship. No man is too strong that some woman can't find his passion of weakness. Physical abuse sometime comes out of insecurity or anger and sometimes it comes simply out of I'm afraid to be loved, so I will take control by controlling you.
If you experienced "a relationship that's booed," one you are so ashamed of, you can't tell friends or family as you're afraid that they will laugh at you, say I told you so, or I told you he or she was no good. It's so sad that you have to hide your face from society. Stop it right now! Are you in an abusive relationship where you're afraid to show your face, how you're being abused? If so stop! Don't continue to take that abuse, find an exit, start with prayer to God, to help you find a safe exit. He cares and knows what you can bear, he will take care of you. Leave the abuser and his/her abusive behavior and report your abusive situation to authorities, that you may be of help to save yourself and someone else.
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Feb 05, 202424:28
"A Pilgrim's Friend"
Jan 29, 202422:24
"If you hear God's voice, pt. 3"
Jan 23, 202425:46
"If You Hear God's Voice"
Jan 15, 202419:44
"If You Hear God's Voice"

"If You Hear God's Voice"

If you hear God's voice, harden not your heart," taken from scripture: (Hebrews 3:15) read it. You see back in the day when Moses spoke to Pharaoh king of Egypt, many may have wondered why God would harden Pharaoh's heart? Long story short: It was all God's master plan to show forth His power over Pharaoh, and that Pharaoh was not a god, that he was only a mere man. God would bring Pharaoh's kingdom down because he had set himself up as God, having the people worship him instead of the true God of Heaven, it happened also to Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon, who also had the people worship him as God. God brought him and his kingdom down to nothing. The same has happened throughout ceaseless ages when man get too big?
He gets all high and mighty, God humbles him. So I plead with you the listener of my podcast if you hear His voice, harder not your heart, but rather open the doors of your heart. Let him come in, let him sit with you and let Him show you His beautiful kingdom! His beautiful world that He has created here you can't see it when you live in the world, but when you live in the kingdom of God it becomes clear that there's a beautiful world all around you that most people cannot see. The secular news might be a naysayer, the people around you might be a naysayer, we know the devil is a naysayer; but do you know who's a yea sayer? The Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Alpha and He is Omega, He's the beginning and the end and He knows everything going on down here. Trust Him, hear his voice!
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Jan 08, 202419:18
"Time doesn't stand still."

"Time doesn't stand still."

As with every New Year, each year brings its own blessings and its own curses; the best thing we can do is hope for a better future and I believe that God has given us another chance but we must seize the moment! In this year, find Him, find us, find each other, through this maze of confusion we call planet Earth. He said: "And you shall seek Him, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart!" (Jeremiah 29:13) paraphrased read it. Now you might question what does it mean to seek God with all your heart, that mean we've got to put all that other stuff aside and focus solely on finding God whether you seek Him by joining a church or you seek him in your bedroom closet, wherever you do it, do it with all your heart, soul and mind.
And He will be found by those who seek Him with all their hearts. Because He's looking for them too, and you might say: "Wait a minute brother Gene, I thought God knew everything, why can't He just go find the ones who are looking for him." Because God is a gentleman He's not going to force you to come to Him. He wants you to be happy with your choice, so He ever waits with His arms open wide to save you; but you have to make that choice, heaven will be full of people who chose to be there, God's invitation is always there, we just have to accept it. He says: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)
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Jan 01, 202423:03
"Holy/Unholy Matrimony, pt. 4"
Dec 24, 202325:05
"Holy/Unholy Matrimony"
Dec 18, 202320:03
"Holy/Unholy Matrimony, pt. 2"
Dec 11, 202322:15
"Holy/Unholy Matrimony"
Dec 04, 202325:19
"Being Poor and Know it"

"Being Poor and Know it"

You know back in Jesus day there was always talk about feeding the poor and even to the point of denying the lady from anointing Jesus before his burial and he explained to them: "the poor you will always have with you." (Matthew 26:11) read it. Now not that the poor wasn't important, but He was trying to bring to their attention what was about to take place is even more important. He's about to lay down His life for the sins of the whole world. God allowed this woman to see what those disciples couldn't see she was anointing Jesus for his death and burial. That goes to show, people pick the most unique times to voice their opinion, or their thoughts; but what I'm drawing out of this is the fact that He was telling them leave the woman alone as she  anoints my head with oil, chill you will always have the poor with you.
See God knows that the poor people are here but God also allowed the rich people the opportunity to show Mercy to show Grace and to show kindness toward the needy that they may have riches in heaven, as you can see, there is nothing wrong with being rich as long as you don't let your riches separate you from God and God's people. Who is God's people you might ask? Like that Rich Young ruler ask Jesus who is my neighbor, I will answer it clearly: God's people is every soul born on this Earth, whether they serve Him or not; they're still God's people, and without him they would not exist. As we're all given a chance to live here, do good one to another, and to love God. To learn how to treat & love one another here by following His: "Basic instructions before leaving Earth," (His, B. i. b. l. e.).
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Nov 27, 202320:59
"Return To Your First Love"

"Return To Your First Love"

Nov 20, 202323:28
"Poverty? But you are rich!"
Nov 13, 202321:01
"A Church where Satan sits"

"A Church where Satan sits"

Most of us don't know who or where the Nicolaitans lived or came from maybe it's their doctrine to live any way you want, just like sin, they weave through and become among Us so we have to look at the attributes to know who is and who is not of the Nicolaitans sect. When I look at the way the Church of old adhered to the Word of God and the things of God, how the church really wanted to be pious and Holy, how the church wanted to do God's will, how the church wanted to be a model of Jesus Christ to the world. She took the Great commission at heart, and really set out to do just what He said: to go into all the world and preach this gospel (Mark 16:15, 16) read it. Well we're there now. Via satellite/TV/Radio/literature, missionary preaching.
When I look at the way the church is today and you have to wonder what happened? Is it possible that the temple of God has been desecrated? And let me tell you something I'm not talking about some building, I'm talking about our body temples, where the Spirit of God should dwell. Have our temple been desecrated to the point that we think it's okay to live in sin and serve the Lord, or live in His church and serve sin? It's one of those situations where you really have to think that we're looking for someone to come and persecute us from without, and the persecution I see will start from within, you've heard of history repeating itself right? How the church once persecuted the true people of Jesus Christ.
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Nov 06, 202320:20
"A Prostitute in Church"

"A Prostitute in Church"

I can say this because I've been there done that; I've been a member of the prostate Church, preaching prostate bad news, and to prove I've been there I wrote a song one time called: "Boogie Booty," this song was definitely something that a good Christian man should not put on the airways. The words were not explicitly spoken/sang but words others have said on radio; but they were subtle arrangement of the same words and sexually expressive. You'd have to know the "in other words" or darker side background to really understand the meaning. This was just before I moved to Los Angeles California where I was going to pursue recording such material as that. But as I shared with you in a previous podcast that one night 1:00 a.m. in the morning I should be sleep but just happened to flip on the radio to here music, I came across this minister Jerry Jones. I never forget the name because it's a popular name;
Now some of you know a guy we call Jerry Jones who owned the Dallas Cowboys, but this was a minister. And he said if things don't seem to be going right maybe God is trying to tell you something, and at the end of his appeal he said give me a call as he announced his phone number on the radio, now my thought was there will be an answering machine that pick up the call and I won't get to talk to this guy; anyways, something told me to call the number and he answered to my surprise and after I told him about my current situation, he told me, he said maybe the Lord is telling you to give up singing secular music and sing Christian music. Which was almost identical to the words the Spirit of the Lord had told me about a month earlier to: "sell the songs you have and sing gospel music." I didn't sell the songs I had because some of them were too spiritually promiscuous against my God.
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Oct 31, 202319:45
"A Living Name, A Dead Body"
Oct 23, 202321:28
"God's Open Door Policy, pt. 2"
Oct 16, 202320:27
"God's Open Door Policy"

"God's Open Door Policy"

As the preacher says the doors of the church is open, so does the Holy Spirit, the doors of Heaven is always open thank be to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, God Almighty! Though we will be tried in these last days by the testing of our faith, hang in there; gold only gets brighter as it's purified by going through the fire! "God promises, to keep us during our trial or hour of temptation," When you keep God's Word you make even your enemy come and worship at your feet; that may sounds farfetched to a natural man today, but God's Word stands sure. Even Satan will bow down in the last day right before his destruction and even though he will bow down to Jesus Christ, we will be in Christ, Amen.
Jesus says: "I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou has kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the Earth. Behold I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Him that overcometh I will make a pillow in the temple of my God and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God. And the name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of Heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." (Revelation 3:9, 10) read it.
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Oct 09, 202325:43
"The Lukewarm Church"

"The Lukewarm Church"

"Luke Warm" can be a nasty taste, especially if you're used to drinking hot coffee or cold tea! One time I drink some lukewarm soda, oh boy did I raff, I regretted that, luckily no one was around to watch me go through that experience, but I've learned you either want a cold glass of milk or hot glass of milk, you either want a cold drink or hot drink; few to none wants a lukewarm drink, even a glass of water you wanted to have some kind of a chill to it. That's all God is asking His church to do, if she's cold and has lost her fervor, lost that first love, if you're cold? that's okay; He can come, by way of His Holy Spirit; He knows what to do, He knows what to do to stir you up, to light a fire under you.  Remember the Holy Spirit is here he's dwelling with you and He can get you back on track! He knows how to get his church fired up again! See when she's hot and on fire for Him; she goes out, win souls, brings them into God's kingdom.
When He left that great commission here beginning with His apostles: "As He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15) read it. Preach it when hot,  Compellingly, give the Word in and out of season. while having at your disposal wisdom, knowledge that true wealth of God, that He's ready to impart and embellished upon you, with His white robe of righteousness! But to do nothing, nor share His Word with this lost world, if you're going to sit on the side line, hiding His Word; being "a lukewarm" church; you're not doing what He told you to do, what you are doing is allowing His people  to be devoured by the enemy. Therefore in God's eyes you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked: He would rather spit you out! Replace you with another obedient hot church, rather than have you be lukewarm (Revelation 3:17) Read it.
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Oct 02, 202319:09
"The Valley of Decisions"

"The Valley of Decisions"

A valley of decision can be wide or narrow meaning you have a lot of decisions to make or you only have a one decision to make. In the biblical sense our case was decided in Christ's death on the cross. All we have to do is choose him and to life in him choosing right from wrong! Therefore when he who hung on the cross and said: "It is finished" (John 19:30) read it, he is the same one in heaven today and will stands up one day and declare: "it is done!" (Revelation 21:6-8)  The Valley of Decisions will be upon all those who live up on the Earth when the Lord shall come down from heaven and judge those who have decided to choose Christ or Satan, good or evil. Which is derived from The book of Joel. Talks about the valley of Jehoshaphat we know today as where the battle of Armageddon shall take place. All in all the Lord is victorious! He says:
"Swing the sickle for the harvest is ripe. Come, trample the grapes, for the wine press is full and the vats overflow so great is their wickedness! Multitude, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decisions." (Joel 3:13, 14) read it, "And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, thrust in Thy sickle and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And He that sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle on the Earth; and the Earth was reaped." (Revelation 14:15, 16)
The Lord gave us the easiest decision for salvation, since Adam; Christ the Lamb of God was portrayed even to the cross He actually died there for us. All with a repentant heart, all we have to do is ask: Lord Jesus come into my heart, and save me in your name I pray.
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Sep 24, 202321:24
Body Parts, pt. 3

Body Parts, pt. 3

Now, we can see the body of Christ is made up of spiritual parts, physical parts which also includes the leadership of the church. The good thing is God did not leave His church without instructions and we as followers of Christ are to forever look to "Him as the author and finisher of our faith." (Hebrews 12:2) read it. So look to Jesus not to a mere man; we're not supposed to get derailed because some flamboyant Preacher/Minister came along and he encouraged us to followed him. No! the preacher/Minister: he's supposed to teach us according to the Word of God, "if they speaks not according to this Word, its because there's no light in them." (Isaiah 8:20) read it.  So we don't follow him! I'm sorry My advice; Find yourself another church that teaches according to the Holy Bible, I'm only speaking to the Christian church.
Now, On the flip side of that for the dear folk of churches who do not serve the Lord Jesus Christ; I strongly admonish you to take some time and pray this simple prayer with brother Gene: Lord God I was brought up in this church, my family went to this church, and their family went to this church, we basically did it out of tradition, but for some strange reason God I heard brother Gene today talking about the name Jesus Christ and him being the only way to go to heaven. I'm interested to know more about that please God lead me in the right way and if by all means this man brother Gene have told me what's true, thank you God for allowing him to speak to me.
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Sep 18, 202326:21
Body Parts, pt. 2

Body Parts, pt. 2

And God has set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily Prophets, thirdly: teachers/preachers/pastors, after that miracles, then gifts of healing, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers,? Are all workers of miracles? Have all the gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? But covet earnestly the best gift and yet show I unto you a more excellent way." (1Corinthians 12:28-31) paraphrased read it. This particular scripture doesn't mention disciples and I think it goes without saying that everybody who followed Jesus Christ is a disciple of Christ if they do what he say and teach as he taught, walk as he walked. which lead us unto the great commission;
The church is to go into all the world, preach the gospel. So He gave organization for the body of Christ: starting with apostles, the disciples renamed, who lead the church after Christ, we know prophets have been ever since the earth has existed as a help to guide God's people. We  know the teachers, preachers and pastors have been leading out in the church since Jesus day. He gave us miracles and Healings, exercise by prayer warriors today, God's gave administrative help to govern and organize the church, he gave us helps such as deacons, security, maintenance, musicians, singers, as modern day levites in the church. Diversities of tongues, the interpretation of tongues, then he speaks of a better more excellent gift call love. That's another podcast!
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Sep 11, 202323:50
"Body Parts"

"Body Parts"

As we have discovered this evening, the spiritual body dose not consist of just one member but consist of several members, which requires each and every member's participation for the body/church to function properly whether it's: the word of wisdom: the word of knowledge; the gift of faith; the gift of healing; the working of miracles; and the gift of prophecy; the gift of discernment of spirits; the gift of divers kind of tongues; the gift of interpretation of tongues; and they all work together for the good of them who love the Lord! And they all belong and are connected to the same spiritual body we call Christ. Our Chief cornerstone who holds His church together.
Now looking at the physical aspect of the body we read some of the controversial conversations as members appear separating themselves one from another, let me read: "For the body is not one member but many. If the foot shall say because I am not the hand, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it not therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where will the hearing come from, if the whole body were hearing where will we smell, but now have God set the members everyone of them in the body as it hath pleased Him. And if they were all one member, where is the body? but now are they many members yet but one body.  (1Corinthians 12:14-20) paraphrased read it.
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Sep 04, 202322:55
"J. o. y. (Jesus, others and you)."

"J. o. y. (Jesus, others and you)."

Today, set your life in order, start with real J. o. y: (Jesus, others, and then yourself). Joy is a word that we use frequently in both secular and church and it's also a word that we should embrace. The closest I could find to self love: "He that gets wisdom love his own soul," (Proverbs 19:8) Even then we must fear God to obtain wisdom. (Proverbs 9:10) The Bible says: "For His anger endureth but a moment; in His favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psalms 30:5) So hang in there child of God, your Joy comes in the morning, you may weep throughout the night, and not know an outcome of a bad situation; but God promise joy comes in the morning. Your joy may be tomorrow or a few mornings later; but hang in there, do your weeping and tossed in a word of prayer!
"Joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness!" Oxford Language Dictionary! Some even use the phrase tears of joy as they're so happy of a certain outcome. When you put the biblical term of joy that comes from the Lord, it's like that joy that floods your soul, and you just may be crying as well because you can't contain such great joy! They who farm should know this Bible text oh too well: "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goes forth and weepeth, bringing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him," (Psalms 126:5, 6) read it. There is an old gospel song that's base on this text which goes: "Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, we shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves."
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Aug 28, 202319:16
P.W.C. (Praying without ceasing)

P.W.C. (Praying without ceasing)


I believe praying without ceasing is keeping the attitude of prayer present at all times. Men ought to always pray and not give up Jesus said that himself, because in doing so they will reap the benefit of their prayer and in essence; they will get an answer simply put, and remember what I said in the podcast about your prayers: don't just say a prayer and throw it up in the air runway like you trying to run away from some water that's falling from the sky, but take some time and meditate on God's word especially those words that you just prayed asking God for his opinion, his Blessing, or his desire. When I first read that scripture: (1Thessalonian 5: 17) "pray without ceasing," I thought, oh my goodness that must be for priest, preachers and pastors and people who actually minister the Word of God on a  regular basis,
And not for common every day people like me, who have all these other things we have to do. How do you stay in prayer 24/7? But in hindsight, I now understand. I think that's why the Lord gave me the blessing of being a taxi cab driver, because even though I was on the clock; I had waiting periods through out the day and that time add up to hours during the week. That I'd be sitting there waiting for a ride, plenty of time for me to "pray without ceasing" there's no way I could have done that in my previous employments; but I thank God for that job now, even though I was reluctant to take it at first. I look back at it now, it was a blessing and I like to say to all of you; count your blessings, name them one by one, you never know what God sees as a blessing. Until it happens and you can look back, focus on it and say thank you God, that was a blessing.
Contact:, we love to pray with you, God bless you.

Aug 21, 202325:11
"Remember the lord's day"

"Remember the lord's day"

One day I may be called a hypocrite, because I used to go to church on Sunday; but I didn't know what I know now. The difference between a hypocrite and a person who have changed is the hypocrite dabbles back and forth, say one thing and do another. The changed person they stuck with it; for me it didn't happen overnight, Sabbath observance was not something I quickly accepted. But one day my mother being a good Baptist told me she said baby we supposed to go to church on Saturday and my question was: why don't we? Well she said living in a small country town; she said there's no churches out here that go to church on Saturday. That stuck with me. So when I moved to the city I started inquiring and looking but didn't pursue a Sabbath church. But Jesus drew me to a beautiful girl who would not give me the time of day, because I didn't go to church on Sabbath, hmm? That struck my curiosity. So in my pursuit of her God led me to a Sabbath bible study.
Where I learned about the Sabbath truth, but I still wouldn't join the church, I left that city and move across the country. God was there too, but this time He bless the church to literally be in my backyard. I visit there and they even played my kind of music, which really got my curiosity! And the rest is history. I did a podcast on this a while back. I know this podcast may not do Justice to this subject: "remember the lord's day" as most podcasts are too short too actually give justice to a big subject. But it's basically to encourage/stimulate you to start thinking and do further research which I highly recommend, I even beg you please do so, for this is a very important subject; take some time, look into the council of Laodicea, look into the Roman emperor: Constantine, whose states that he changed the Sabbath to Sunday and how the church at the time follow suit, don't take my word. May God bless you!
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Aug 14, 202324:01
"AI or GI, pt. 2"
Aug 07, 202321:27
"AI or GI"

"AI or GI"

We mainly focused on AI today, but there is so much to be said about AI, artificial intelligence or GI, God's intelligence that one podcast will not do it justice. But if by chance if the Lord put it on my heart, I will extend this into part two. Pray for me as I pray for you. Also pray that in these last days that we get control over AI, not AI controlling us, because I am really concerned about how AI is already playing such a big role in our lives unaware to us. I just gave you a few examples in my podcast text here, but it's way way bigger than what I'm saying so beware keep your eyes open and every chance you get young man, young women who has this knowledge of how to do these programs please reach out to Congress be their friend they're the lawmakers but they need your help as they are the caretakers of our country, help them.
As I didn't even get to touch on another part of Artificial Intelligence I've had some dealings with and that is Holograms, Congress did blunt the holograms issue down the road, and it will resurface one day. But now we have AI where someone can take on your voice, your likeness and even do your movie scripts; that's why we have a big strike & commotion in Hollywood right now. We're looking at how AI can think of what the script should say and print it out and they won't need us common human beings to write scripts anymore, and then when they can mimic and take your likeness hmm? And have mercy! Remember that Tom Hanks TV interview how he wasn't against it but he stated that you could create yourself. I tend to lean toward Elon Musk's thought; that it could end our human world empire. I think AI takes away from your God given talents/abilities, as actors or writers or even musician, and that's personal, I'll leave it at that!
Contact:, we love to pray with you, God bless you.

Jul 31, 202321:26
"Let go and let God, pt. 2"

"Let go and let God, pt. 2"

This particular podcast could have very well been title: "Don't commit suicide." Because I haven't visited that subject directly in the past and when I thought about suicide how when a man gets that low in his life, he feels that the only thing he can do is give up, and one way of giving up is by giving up on life; so he resort to taking his own life. But I just want to remind you, any of you who are reading this or hearing this podcast, that it is not right to take your life, nor do you have a right to take your life, you see it's not yours to take, because you didn't create that life in the first place, but rather God gave you that life (Genesis 2:7) Many things can bring us stress in this life and cause us to want to give up but we should always pursue God first.
Whether a needs in your lives, of an everyday decision here, because He knows all there is to know about you. He started out with you at birth, so He was there when you were born. He was there when you grew up as a child, and instead of taking the accountability of your own life at age 12, you jump to 13; because of pursuing human hormones. He saw you there, and he wink and said we'll have our meeting later in life. He was there when you graduated high school or college. He was there when you became a young man or woman, by anticipating that decision again as you look at what life had to offer. He was there when you took a wife or a husband. He was there when you retired. Now the days are short; old man, old woman: will you "Let go & let God," Let him in your heart today?
Contact:, we love to pray with you, God bless you ReplyForward This particular podcast could have very well been title: "Don't commit suicide." Because I haven't visited that subject directly in the past and when I thought about suicide how when a man gets that low in his life, he feels that the only thing he can do is give up, and one way of giving up is by giving up on life; so he resort to taking his own life. But I just want to remind you, any of you who are reading this or hearing this podcast, that it is not right to take your life, nor do you have a right to take your life, you see it's not yours to take, because you didn't create that life in the first place, but rather God gave you that life (Genesis 2:7) Many things can bring us stress in this life and cause us to want to give up but we should always pursue God first.
Whether a needs in your lives, of an everyday decision here, because He knows all there is to know about you. He started out with you at birth, so He was there when you were born. He was there when you grew up as a child, and instead of taking the accountability of your own life at age 12, you jump to 13; because of pursuing human hormones. He saw you there, and he wink and said we'll have our meeting later in life. He was there when you graduated high school or college. He was there when you became a young man or woman, by anticipating that decision again as you look at what life had to offer. He was there when you took a wife or a husband. He was there when you retired. Now the days are short; old man, old woman: will you "Let go & let God," Let him in your heart today?
Contact:, we love to pray with you, God bless you 

Jul 24, 202324:25
"Let go and Let God"

"Let go and Let God"

Letting go and letting God! It just may be He brought you to that point so He can get your attention, and if some of us would listen we'd have a much more brighter future. Therefore don't let no damn devil, or misguided minister tell you that self murder or taking your life, is ok or acceptable before God. I've heard some say you can be forgiven. Even logic and common sense tell you, that if you're the only one that can ask God for your forgiveness and you take your life? How are you going to ask for forgiveness when you're dead? And this asking God to forgive you before you take your life, it's premeditated murder, it's a sin people. It's not in  God's Word the Bible Nor would I listen to anybody's counsel who tells me otherwise! If I could counsel you when life is too much to handle, I would say: "My friend let go let God!" He knows you, And you can do that by asking him to forgive you first, then give your life to him in prayer.
Listen friend if you take your life today that means you weren't patient to wait on the Lord to bless you. If you're thinking of hurting yourself or someone else I beg of you please let go my friend, and let God have this stress, pain, hatred, anger or sorrow. Ask him to come into your heart, let Him determine your future. He can fix your life. He know you through and through. He created you remember? He can see from your beginning to your end and from your end to your beginning, He's much more capable of choosing what's best for you. Again, remember; He created you He knows what make you tic and toc and what make you a lovely child of God. Don't destroy the beautiful life He gave you so graciously, if He gave it to you He have something beautiful for you, just wait for Him. It's times like these when you have no other way out; but to Let Go and Let God!
Contact:, we love to pray with you, God bless you.

Jul 18, 202324:42
"The School of Life"
Jul 10, 202321:24
"Stumbling Blocks and Road Blocks"

"Stumbling Blocks and Road Blocks"

The scriptures talks about stumbling blocks, listen: "Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling block before the blind, but shalt fear thy God: I am the Lord." (Leviticus 19:14), Now it takes a cold-hearted snake to trip and cause a blind man to fall. But there are some people in this world who does not care. Even though Balaam himself couldn't curse the people of God, but yet it appears his doctrine/actions through Balac mislead the people and caused a stumbling block that they still sinned against God. As God spoke through the angel of the Church of Pergamos He says: "But I have a few things against thee because thou has there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrifice unto idols, and to commit fornication." (Revelation 2:12-14)
We should lay aside our traditions, lay aside the yolk that causes our fellow man to stumble, requiring unnecessary duties as did the Pharisees in Jesus's day. Rather we want to make sure we don't put yolks up on people today, that we don't have them do things not required unto salvation, to follow doctrine of men to be necessary to come unto the Lord Jesus Christ. But provide the pure unadulterated Word of God that  men may find salvation in Christ. We of the household of faith, should be removing those stumbling blocks and barriers so people can come boldly  to the throne of God via Jesus Christ, finding our Lord and Savior. Let's be that voice crying in this wilderness of sin today, that we prepare the way of the Lord and make His path straight, for sinners to find their way unto the Savior, His everlasting arms, Jesus Christ our God.
Contact:, we love to pray with you, God bless you.

Jul 03, 202319:13
"The Fool or the Wise"

"The Fool or the Wise"

You heard the old saying don't put all your eggs in one basket, if you haven't, the message behind that saying is "if you drop them you lose most or all of your eggs." Some people can't handle power, some people can't handle wisdom, so if "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely," by Lord Acton. The same can be said of wisdom. If we look at the action of Solomon and Lucifer. Hmm. Well I believe the Holy Spirit distributes to each man according to his ability to carry out his task. You see through the wisdom of God to preach this gospel He distribute His truth through all preachers throughout the world not one, this was a means of multiplication. That you're going to have more preachers taking His Word to the world and many more listeners being saved. So Satan couldn't touch that. And don't get me wrong there are some fools out there who will take the Word/gift of God for riches or they'll hide it under a rock, remember the guy who didn't invest wisely. (Matthew 25:14-29) read it. In essence he didn't invest/plant the Word, and God's Church didn't grow.
Remember our starting scripture where we say: "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God..."(Psalms 14:1). You'd have to be a fool to see the wisdom of God's creation and doubt He exists! When you look how vast it is and how big it is, from one end of Heaven to the other; these things just didn't fall into place by themselves. There's a Creator behind all of these things. How grand and supreme, how they are organized: we have no planets colliding into each other since Man's history, daily orbits they are in step, doing what they supposed to do. Here on Earth, on a daily basis you have life cycles that do what they're supposed to do, the Earth stay put, the oceans stay put, the wind stay put. And it's all done in orderly fashion. Only when a fool came along we experience disorder. He tried to alter God's wisdom and perfect plan, that's when man on Earth started suffered the consequence. If God is all wise, then who is the fool?
Contact:, we love to pray with you, God bless you.

Jun 26, 202319:38