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Wildly Successful Lifestyle

Wildly Successful Lifestyle

By Heidi Dawson

If you love all things Health and Wellness and style of ANY're gonna want to hang out here! I am obsessed with constant never ending improvement and all the things that can help us do that....but also Im just curious about all the cool things that make us better! This is all in an effort to help each one of us live a WILDLY successful lifestyle!
Currently playing episode

441. Will it ever be ENOUGH?

Wildly Successful LifestyleApr 22, 2024

444. Is your worldview keeping you stuck?

444. Is your worldview keeping you stuck?

Sometimes we get stuck and even though we put tons of effort there seems to be that one area where you just can't seem to move the needle very much.  Does that sound familiar?  You may have a world view problem! It's ok, I have one too! In fact we all do....check out Episode 444 to find out how to fix it. I love you guys!  

May 03, 202409:54
443. But what do YOU want?

443. But what do YOU want?

Have you ever noticed all the commentary in your head when you are trying to make a decision?   Whether it’s big or small, we often have thoughts about what everyone will think, or how they will respond, or if they will like it or not.

Are the opinions of others getting in the way of your happiness? Check out Episode 443!

I love you guys!

Apr 29, 202409:04
442. Are your good routines "too routine"?

442. Are your good routines "too routine"?

If you’re like me, sometimes you get into the habit of your routines and they become such a part of your life that you don’t even consider changing because it’s comfortable. It’s better than most, or its good enough…have you ever thought that? Well I hope my experience this week nudges you to maybe rethink that…….

Check out Episode 442

Apr 26, 202407:02
441. Will it ever be ENOUGH?

441. Will it ever be ENOUGH?

Do you ever get a new car and then 3 months later you want a newer car? How about you buy a new outfit but then the next time you go out you need another new outfit? Are you relying on external things to make you feel good? That's a recipe for disaster. Check out episode 441! I love you guys!

Apr 22, 202406:55
440. Why you should learn to "Let go"

440. Why you should learn to "Let go"

Have you ever noticed that often times people that win a lot usually keep winning and they a lot of times make it look so easy? They may just know the secret of "letting go".

Check out Episode 440! I love you guys!

Apr 19, 202409:30
439. Will I be happier if I leave him?

439. Will I be happier if I leave him?

Sometimes we think we aren’t happy, so maybe we need to change something externally.... it may lead you to even think your partner is the problem…you think “Oh I’m not happy with him.”  Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you’re just not happy, full stop.  Until you can firmly say with no hesitation that I am happy with myself AND I don’t think he is who I am meant to be with, you don’t need to go anywhere.  Fix what’s wrong inside before you ever try to fix what you think is wrong outside.  I beg you.

Apr 15, 202409:04
438. When will life stop being overwhelming?

438. When will life stop being overwhelming?

I read a post once though that has stuck with me for years.  And it simply said “Forgive yourself for what you did while you were in survival mode”

The problem isn’t that we have problems.  The problem is that we think we shouldn’t have problems.  

Check out Episode 438! I love you guys!

Apr 12, 202408:21
437. "If it's not useful, don't hurt me"

437. "If it's not useful, don't hurt me"

Sometimes our brain gives us uncomfortable emotions and they are useful. And those we want to listen to and do something with,  But what happens when our brain causes us to have big emotions and they aren’t useful?  Like when it tells us we looked fat in the dress we wore yesterday, there’s nothing I can do about that, that’s not useful at all.  My niece and I were joking around and I said something that was kind of true about her and also kind of funny.  We laughed and when she got done laughing, she said that was a little more hurtful than it was funny.  Which made us laugh all over again.  But you see our brain gives us hurtful thoughts all the time that are not useful and we never correct it.

Apr 08, 202410:45
436. What is that emotion trying to tell you!?

436. What is that emotion trying to tell you!?

Have you ever felt yourself spiraling into an ocean of anxiety or anger or fear or whatever strong stubborn go-to emotion gets you worked up the most?  And now you’re lost in it and everything in your world is now seen through the lens of that emotion? Yeah, me too. Ignoring it could lead to bigger problems later...what is it trying to tell you? Find out! Check out Episode 436. I love you gusy!

Apr 05, 202406:56
435. Where are you THRIVING?

435. Where are you THRIVING?

If the answer to that question isn't immediate, if it's challenging to answer, you definitely want to check out episode 435! We are put her to do more than survive, we are meant to THRIVE! I love you guys!

Apr 01, 202411:25
434. Are you a fighter or a "flow-er"?

434. Are you a fighter or a "flow-er"?

When bad things happen, being sad or upset is normal but do you pile on yourself? How about when something inconvenient happens? Do you go "high and right"? How's that working out for you? haha.

Going with the flow of life smoothes everything out. Check out Episode 434! I love you guys!

Mar 29, 202409:57
433. How we create our own misery (🤨)

433. How we create our own misery (🤨)

Have you ever had a fight with your spouse and you just really can’t stand them at the moment and your mind just keeps playing over and over all the bad things they have ever said or done to the point where you just make things worse than they are?   I have, well I used to anyway, before I realized what I was doing.  I was actually making a situation that wasn’t that bad waaaay worse by creating scenarios in my head. The thought pattern I was allowing in my head would make me feel way worse than the actual argument I had. Are you creating your misery? Find out in Episode 433! I love you guys!

Mar 25, 202410:12
432. How you subtly tell yourself you're not worthy

432. How you subtly tell yourself you're not worthy

Have you ever told yourself you are definitely going to the gym tomorrow morning and then when tomorrow morning comes you find every reason to skip the gym?  How about telling yourself you’re going to eat a salad for dinner only to get to dinner and order a hamburger and fries?  Or maybe you have plans that you are excited about but something else comes up that you feel obligated to do so you cancel your exciting plans…..Have any of those things happened to you?  Are these just little harmless things that happen or are they doing more damage than we think?

Check out episode 432! I love you guys!

Mar 22, 202408:11
431. Are you ok with being "New"?

431. Are you ok with being "New"?

Doing new things often come with failure and sometimes embarrassment. This is why, as adults, we are ok with staying in our comfort zone, who wants to fail or be embarrassed? But living life to the fullest means getting on the other side of our comfort zone as much as we can...Check out Episode 431! I love you guys!

Mar 18, 202411:17
430. What am I bringing to the table?

430. What am I bringing to the table?

Do you preplan for how you're gonna show up to meetings or events or even family dinners, especially if there's going to be a possible challenging moment? If you don't decide in advance what you're bringing to the table, you're left to the whims of the people around you....Listen to episode 430! I love you guys!

Mar 15, 202410:26
429. Why can't my dog be enough?

429. Why can't my dog be enough?

Our fur babies for most of us are where we are the most comfortable and they bring us such great joy. Sometimes we wish we could just hang with them instead of other humans.....but would that be enough? I'm here to tell you why they are both super valuable to our life..... Check out Episode 429! I love you guys!

Mar 11, 202409:12
428. Can I find meaning without religion?

428. Can I find meaning without religion?

Growing up religion to me was trying to follow somebody else’s strict rules or else you would be expelled from everything you know and love. In religion often People are ruled by fear.  God’s love and willingness to hear our prayers is conditional based on if you follow the rules that men created. Something felt really off about that from a very young age.  So as I got older I wanted nothing to do with any religion.  I know enough about life to know not to push against religion but to simply acknowledge how I feel about it without judgement.  Maybe you have similar thoughts about religion.  maybe you don’t think about it at all or maybe you are part of a religion and love it. If you grew up in the America especially in the south, you probably have been involved or around some sort of religion and like me you may be a little confused as to the role it should play in your life.  Check out Episode 428

I love you guys!

Mar 08, 202410:02
427. Why am I so miserable?

427. Why am I so miserable?

We often think the circumstances of our life is what is making us unhappy, when in reality it's something else....Check out Episode 427! I love you guys!

Mar 04, 202409:07
426. I don't want to! (I know, but we're doing it anyway..)

426. I don't want to! (I know, but we're doing it anyway..)

Do you feel like you have this voice in the back of your head that's always kind of guiding you towards the things that are good for you but at the same time, you have a voice that wants you to do whatever you want, whenever you want it? I do!

We can override that voice that seems to sabotage us..check out episode 426! I love you guys!

Mar 01, 202408:14
425. Life is always working in our favor (even when we think it's not)

425. Life is always working in our favor (even when we think it's not)

When one door closes, it opens us up to the possibility of another door opening...and it's often in the places we least expect it. Life is working in our favor, we just have to look for it. I love you guys!

Feb 26, 202412:50
424. What if that idea is your path to joy?

424. What if that idea is your path to joy?

Have you ever had a thought that you would love to try something or take a new class and then you let the idea fade and keep scrolling on instagram or X? What if the Universe was desperately trying to help you reach your own path to a super joyful life? Check out Episode 424! I love you guys!

Feb 23, 202407:05
423. Why "adapting" is crucial for joy

423. Why "adapting" is crucial for joy

How many times have you heard someone say the best is in the past? Or maybe you've wished for happier times.... Change is inevitable for us we adapt to change will determine the amount of joy we have...Check out episode 423! I love you guys!

Feb 19, 202407:55
422. Wait...THIS is what creates my moods?

422. Wait...THIS is what creates my moods?

I'm not gonna give away the thing that totally creates our moods, but let's just say, you can choose them just like you choose your clothes and no-one has ever told us! Check out Episode 422!

I love you guys!

Feb 16, 202410:56
421. It's all up to YOU

421. It's all up to YOU

Do you ever roll your eyes when you hear a self help guru or you cringe when you hear a motivational video? Maybe you think it's a fleeting momentary good feeling that doesn't help long term? I'm here to tell you it's more than that!

Check out Episode 421...I love you guys


Feb 12, 202409:57
420. Are "ROLE Rules" causing you problems?

420. Are "ROLE Rules" causing you problems?

Sometimes we expect the people in our life to act a certain way and when they don't, we take it personally or make it mean something about us. It doesn't have to be that way....Check out Episode 420!

I love you guys...

Feb 09, 202408:01
419. Are you a free thinker?

419. Are you a free thinker?

When did being able to listen to opposing ideas without having a come apart stop being a thing?  I was talking to a friend the other day and she said when she was younger democrats and republicans were friends and you just had different ideas of how to make things better.  That sounds nice and I think we can get back to that.  We just have to stop listening to unreliable, sources whose main goal is to sow division and chaos for money.  We are going to have differences but that doesn’t mean we have to hate them.  Heck we have differences with our own self! Check out Episode 419 to find out why free thinking is so hard.. I love you guys!

Feb 05, 202413:50
418. I am where I am and that's OK

418. I am where I am and that's OK

Have you ever glamorized a different life only to find out the one you have isn't so bad? Our brains will have us feeling like we aren't good enough, but we don't have to believe everything our brains tell us. Check out Episode 418!

Feb 02, 202409:20
417. Is it better to have nothing than to have "this"?

417. Is it better to have nothing than to have "this"?

Have you ever kept something you didn't love around because you were afraid of what would happen if you let it go? Check out Episode 417!

I love you guys!

Jan 29, 202406:06
416. What's making you BETTER?

416. What's making you BETTER?

Are there little things that have snuck into or out of your daily routine that is veering you away from the life you want to live?  It’s ok if there are, you’re a work in progress, we all are, but progress is the goal, not regression so what are you doing to make yourself better? Check out Episode 415!

I love you guys!

Jan 26, 202407:53
415. What makes you feel loved?

415. What makes you feel loved?

Have you ever felt so loved by your partner and then at other times...not so much? It helps to know what makes you feel loved and it helps to know what makes your partner feel loved too...Check out Episode 415 to find out how!

I love you guys!

Jan 22, 202405:13
414. Are you rebellious?

414. Are you rebellious?

Do you always do what's expected? Do you only do what's allowed? Do you follow the rules to the "t"? You may need a little "rebellious" in your life! Check out Episode 414!

I love you guys!

Jan 19, 202407:25
413. Which part of you is making your life decisions?

413. Which part of you is making your life decisions?

My whole life I’ve had this dilemma. I wonder if you feel the same….So Ive always seemed to have two parts of me…one part that wants to do something and the other part that says let’s not.   You know the one that wants to eat the healthy food only and the other part that thinks that sounds terrible.  The one that wants to conform to get along and the other part that wants to do life on my terms.  Do you find this to be true for you too?  

Jan 15, 202407:35
412. When the problem isn't the problem

412. When the problem isn't the problem

Have you ever been hyper focused on some problem but you know it shouldn't be that big of a deal? A lot of times the problem we are dealing with isn't the real problem, and sometimes we wreak havoc on our lives because of it! Check out Episode 412! I love you guys!

Jan 12, 202407:54
411. Utter Honesty...can you do it?

411. Utter Honesty...can you do it?

It’s refreshing for someone to be honest and vulnerable because it lets you know they are comfortable with who they are which in a way gives you permission to be comfortable with who you are. 

Not that you need permission but some of us me included may just need to be reminded that we are worthy and loved just as we are, flaws and all.   I bet most of us at some point or another growing up had someone judge us or withhold love from us if we weren’t exactly what they wanted us to be and if that happens too much you start hiding who you are. You start morphing your outer shell into something that’s acceptable to every single person you come in contact with for fear you’ll be rejected. And in the meantime you get so far detached from who you really are that you have no idea anymore so you look to others to help you decide.  That’s an awful lot of responsibility for someone else and a lot of uncertainty and confusion for you. 

Jan 08, 202408:48
410. Have you gone soft?

410. Have you gone soft?

We live in a time where comfort has never been easier to attain. We don’t have to leave our home if we don’t want to because someone will deliver whatever you need with the click of a button. We don’t have to interact with real humans if we don’t want to, because humans aren’t easy.  It’s never been easier to just live in our comfort zone and that’s why people are increasingly lonely, increasingly depressed, and increasingly frankly suicidal.  It’s because living isolated, technology run lives is not how we were designed.  

We were designed to grow and thrive and reach new heights but in an effort at progress we’ve made ourselves soft.  I don’t know about you but I don’t want to just survive, I want to thrive. And that takes doing hard things. 

Jan 05, 202410:15
409. You're being guided, but are you listening?

409. You're being guided, but are you listening?

If you are searching for how to be the best version of you; the universe or God or intuition whatever you want to call it, is guiding you, hinting to you, nudging you towards things that will delight you and inspire you and encourage you and put you on the path that you know deep down you were meant to live.  The thing is, you gotta listen. You gotta be open and you have to take action...

Listen in to Episode 409!

I love you guys!

Jan 01, 202410:56
408. Did you know you're living 2 different realities?

408. Did you know you're living 2 different realities?

Do you ever find yourself wishing you were already there?  Wishing to be on to the next thing? Wishing Monday was over and it was Friday already, Wishing the traffic would move already, Wishing your baby could walk already or your teen could drive already. I feel you.  I am you.  And I know very well that the sayings “be present, be in the moment, appreciate what is”  They are really valuable but they mean nothing if they are just words on a coffee cup someone gave you or a meme your sister sends you when you don’t get the promotion.  I know how empty those words can sound but I also know how empty jumping from one moment to the next without taking it all in can be, I know how unsettling it feels to always feel like you should be somewhere else and that happiness and worthiness is just around the corner when I reach this goal or accomplish this thing.    In other words, I know it’s easier said than done to be in the moment and be present and enjoy the journey…but what if you could? Listen to Ep 408 to find out how!

Dec 29, 202309:44
407. Why do we pick on masculine men?

407. Why do we pick on masculine men?

In a society where we tell everyone they should be accepted as they are, why do we shame masculine traits and masculine men? I think we should be thanking I do, in this episode... I love you guys!

Dec 25, 202307:48
406. I need you?

406. I need you?

Have you ever been in the middle of an event maybe a work event or a party and you step outside for a little breather just to clear you head and have a little silence before you head back in?  It’s not that you aren’t enjoying yourself, it’s just that we all need a little break in the middle.  And then when we go back in we are refreshed.  Maybe you get that when you’re leaving work, you’ve had a chaotic day and you’re looking forward to the drive home all alone, that’s your pause before you get home and you know that the “notes” so to speak will start again because you have family waiting for you!  How you handle that car ride can be all the difference in the world, if you listen to chaotic music or get an earful of on the phone with someone going through drama….or worse you listen to talk radio or the news….you aren’t allowing yourself that space to just be.  To have that much needed silence.  

Listen to Episode 406 to hear the entire episode! I love you guys!

Dec 22, 202311:07
405. Are you making a bad day worse?

405. Are you making a bad day worse?

Have you ever woke up on the wrong side of the bed or maybe your spouse did and now you're grumpy and making decisions that just make you grumpier? Why do we do that? Here's how to stop...check out episode 405...I love you guys!

Dec 18, 202308:36
404. Should you pivot or stay the course?

404. Should you pivot or stay the course?

Have you ever had a goal that seemed super important and then something pivotal happened in your life that made it not seem so important anymore? Were you able to pivot or did you stay the course, clinging awkwardly to the idea that you should still reach that goal no matter what? Should you pivot or stay the course?

That's our topic for Episode 404!

I love you guys!

Dec 15, 202307:08
403. "I hope you're proud of yourself"

403. "I hope you're proud of yourself"

When you were growing up did you ever do something that ended up not being a good idea and your mom would say “well I hope you’re proud of yourself”. Not really meaning that you should be really…she’s just mad and thinks you should be ashamed of yourself. 

I want us all to be really proud of ourselves at least once a day!

Listen in to Episode 403 to find out how.....

Dec 11, 202307:27
402. Are you showing up for yourself?

402. Are you showing up for yourself?

Want to know if you're showing up for yourself? I show you how to find out in Episode 402. I also talk about a question that you can use that will help you be more loving in the way you treat yourself. Check out Episode 402!

Dec 08, 202309:17
401. Is it possible to cause our own sadness?

401. Is it possible to cause our own sadness?

The past is over. The future is uncertain. The present is all you have. 

We can literally make ourselves crazy simply by the way we frame in our head what life offers up.   So, How do we maneuver those things without losing our sanity?  That’s the magic question. 

Dec 04, 202309:39
400. "It's not my fault, I was mad" (🧐)

400. "It's not my fault, I was mad" (🧐)

Have you ever been really really mad and you lash out and now you're having to repair things? How about you feel hurt and now you turn around and hurt someone else...Are you ever justified? Find out! Episode 400!

I love you guys!

Dec 01, 202312:01
399. Can you tolerate a different opinion?

399. Can you tolerate a different opinion?

In this day and age of social media people are cemented to their beliefs because of algorithms, we are only seeing more of what we already like and believe which just keeps confirming that belief making it very difficult to even be able to tolerate a different viewpoint. 

I feel like there’s a lot of that going around right now.   I don’t have to have an opinion about everything, but human nature is to have an opinion. It’s hard not to have an opinion in fact, am I right?  But when did someone else’s opinion become such a problem for us?

Nov 27, 202307:43
398. Who am I really?

398. Who am I really?

If I met me, would I like me?

I Saw this question today and it made me think.

It really made me think. Who am I really?  Who are you really?  That’s what we all would like to know about ourselves and it would also be nice to know that about the people we interact with. So when I think about who am I.   What do I have to go off?  

Am I my body?  Am I my mind?  Are we just a collection of decisions that have been made from birth to who we are today?  But if we are just a collection of decisions, who’s making the decisions?  See I believe we are not our body and we are not our mind.  


Nov 24, 202309:29
397. The power of Intuition

397. The power of Intuition

Have you ever had a strong feeling about something and there’s nothing in the world that can make you waver?  You just know in your heart you’re right about it?  Of course you have. That’s your intuition.  Maybe you followed it, maybe you didn’t. Maybe you keep saying one day you will follow it but that one day keeps getting pushed back because of your thoughts which remember are swayed easily by your environment.  Find out the power intuition has in your life in episode 397!

I love you guys!

Nov 20, 202309:37
396. What to do when you're spiraling

396. What to do when you're spiraling

Have you ever found yourself spiraling with thoughts that are not serving you? To the point where you get yourself so worked up and it's all in your head? I have but there's something you can do that helps...check out Episode 396 to find out.... I love you guys!

Nov 17, 202308:26
395. How to flip the script of negative emotions

395. How to flip the script of negative emotions

Have you ever felt sad and you tell yourself "I'll never NOT be sad".

That statement almost guarantees you will always be sad because you're programming yourself to believe that. Find out how to flip the script on negative emotions! Listen to Episode 395.... I love you guys!

Nov 13, 202310:08