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Hindi Bible Devotions

Hindi Bible Devotions

By Hemant Lal

I'm Hemant Lal, it's a great pleasure to bring to you the Hindi Bible Devotions on a weekly basis. These are 5 minutes short devotional messages which are taken from the Holy Bible. It has references from the Bible with its explanation and ends with a prayer.
Please listen to these podcasts and be blessed.
God bless!
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Podcast 9 - Swargiya Manna (स्वर्गीय मन्ना) | Heavenly Manna

Hindi Bible DevotionsJun 30, 2021

Podcast 9 - Swargiya Manna (स्वर्गीय मन्ना) | Heavenly Manna

Podcast 9 - Swargiya Manna (स्वर्गीय मन्ना) | Heavenly Manna

Praise the Lord!  

Open your heart to the manna of His Word, the manna of His grace, the manna of His love. 

We urge you to partake of the bread of heaven every day. 

God bless you!

Jun 30, 202104:47
Podcast 8 - Aatmik Gehrayee (आत्मिक गहराई) | Spiritual Depth

Podcast 8 - Aatmik Gehrayee (आत्मिक गहराई) | Spiritual Depth

Praise the Lord!
Bible tells us in Luke Chapter 5 that Jesus was teaching the multitudes from a boat on the Sea of Galilee. He turned to His disciple Simon and said, 'Launch out into the deep, and let your nets out for a catch.’ So they did. They caught so many fish that their nets began to break.  
“Miracles so big that your net will break in the deep waters of God.”  
God bless!

Jun 30, 202104:23
Podcast 7 - Jagat Ki Jyoti (जगत की ज्योति) | Light of the World

Podcast 7 - Jagat Ki Jyoti (जगत की ज्योति) | Light of the World

Praise the Lord!  
Bible says in Matthew 5:44–45 'But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.'  
Shine regardless and shine no matter what … For you are the light of the world.
Shine God’s love on all, regardless of people and circumstances.   
God bless!

Aug 22, 202004:59
Podcast 6 - Mahan Aadesh (महान आदेश) | The Great Commission

Podcast 6 - Mahan Aadesh (महान आदेश) | The Great Commission

Praise the Lord!
Jesus Christ has given us the Great Commission, in the gospel of Matthew 28:18-20 “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  
Understand the Authority which Jesus has given us and share the Gospel to everyone. It's our responsibility.
Share the Good News!
God bless!  

Aug 22, 202004:53
Podcast 5 - Jeevan Ek Chamatkar (जीवन एक चमत्कार) | Life a Miracle

Podcast 5 - Jeevan Ek Chamatkar (जीवन एक चमत्कार) | Life a Miracle

Your Life is a Miracle!  
Every now and then we all want and pray to God to do some miracle in the lives of our family members and friends.
Bible tells us in Psalm 139:14, 'I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it well.'
Our lives do not just exist; it strives to exist. Our life is a miracle.
Our every moment is a miracle. Our joys are a miracle.
Even our tears are a miracle.
Our life is a gift from God.
Every moment is a miracle.”  
'What you are is God's gift to you and what you make of yourself is a gift to God.'
God bless!

Aug 03, 202004:41
Podcast 4 - Mahan Chitrakar (महान चित्रकार) | Great Painter

Podcast 4 - Mahan Chitrakar (महान चित्रकार) | Great Painter

The Great Painter  
The father and son went to an art exhibition. They liked the amazing work of the Artist. In that exhibition, the Artist had kept a canvas, colors, and brushes for the visitors to try their hands to copy any of his painting.  The son was excited to try and copy one of a painting of that great artist. After a few hours, the artist came to check the painting made by that little boy.  The little boy said I tried my best to reproduce the painting which I liked the most. But for all my efforts, it resulted in a mess.   
Bible tells us in Philippians 1:6 And I'm sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion in Jesus Christ.
My dear brothers and sisters, Most of us in the kingdom do the same thing.” we just try to Copy paintings?”
“Try to reproduce the righteousness of God. We know what’s right and good and holy. We know what a godly life looks like. And we try to live it. The goal is worthy.  
“Then that’s the key. God must do it. And you must let Him. Imagine if, instead of trying to copy the painting, you were given the artist's heart and mind, his skills, and his spirit. Then it wouldn't be a struggle, nor would it be copied. It would be as if the master was painting through you. Therein lies the key, learn the secret of letting God work His works in everything you do. If you live with the heart of God, you'll do the works of God. If you live by the Spirit of God, you fulfill the will of God.  
Hebrews 23:21 tells us, 'Equip you with everything good that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.  
God bless!

Jul 25, 202004:46
Podcast 3 - Anokha Badlav (अनोखा बदलाव) | Amazing Transformation

Podcast 3 - Anokha Badlav (अनोखा बदलाव) | Amazing Transformation

Praise the Lord!  

“It is written in Isaiah 1:18: “Though your sins are as scarlet, I will make them white as snow.”  You will say this is just impossible?  “But it’s even more impossible than that. How do you make sins go from scarlet to white? Sins are sins because they're already committed. They're done. They're part of the past, and the past is finished.” 

The first miracle of Jesus changing of water into wine. It was not aged or had no past but Jesus granted a past to turn it into a miracle. If Jesus can give a past where there was no past, then He can remove a past where there was one.” In simple words, we can attain salvation when Jesus removes our past and gives us a new future. 

As we come to the cross, the thief had a terrible past. He pleads to Jesus to remember him in His Kingdom. Jesus says, 'today you will be with me in paradise'.  Jesus removes his past, the guilty become innocent and the tainted become pure. Jesus removes the sins which were as scarlet, and makes it as white as snow.” 

Come to Jesus are you are and He will alter your past and give you a future. Jesus said in John 10:10 'I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly. 

God bless!

Jul 21, 202004:39
Podcast 2 - Adbhut Beej (अद्भुत बीज) | Miraculous Seed
Jul 20, 202004:45
Podcast 1 - Aatmik Barish (आत्मिक बारिश) | Spiritual Rain

Podcast 1 - Aatmik Barish (आत्मिक बारिश) | Spiritual Rain

Praise the Lord!

During the rainy season, the trees, grass, fields, vegetation, plants, and everything which earlier was devoid of water are refreshed by the rain. 

When we see our lives, we too are dry, disheartened, and many times do not have hope.  When we come to Jesus Christ and ask Him to shower His Spiritual Rain on us, we are refreshed by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Our lives become full of joy, happiness, and we find everlasting hope.  

As you listen to this devotion, I urge you to invite Jesus into your life and ask Him to shower His Spiritual Rain. 

God Bless You!

Jul 20, 202004:47