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The Hero Movement Podcast

The Hero Movement Podcast

By Luke Jones

At The Hero Movement Podcast, Movement Coach Luke Jones explores and shares ideas in all things movement, wellbeing, and adventure. From improving mobility and building endurance, to building heroic strength and athleticism.

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040 | The Best Mobility Tools + How to Avoid Toxic Personal Care Products

The Hero Movement PodcastJul 30, 2019

042 | Mobility For Travel + The Ideal Morning Routine
Aug 22, 201928:22
041 | How to Build Lean Muscle + Recover Faster From Injuries
Aug 15, 201957:16
040 | The Best Mobility Tools + How to Avoid Toxic Personal Care Products

040 | The Best Mobility Tools + How to Avoid Toxic Personal Care Products

2:00 - A quick chat about a couple of podcasts we've been enjoying. 

  • How Kelly Starrett's interview on The Mind Muscle Project Podcast reinforces the importance of movement quality and mobility.
  • Why we enjoy listening to podcasts outside of the fitness space such as Sh**ged Married Annoyed.

06:30 - Vanity Fair's 2018 interview with Hans Zimmer.

  • His reluctance to get involved with the films and discovering a deeper connection with them.

09:30 - What are the best tools and pieces of equipment to use to improve mobility?

24:00 - Can our personal care products affect our health? If so, what should we look out for?
  • The potential health problems linked with toxins commonly found in personal care products.
  • EWG's guide to sunscreens, including ingredients to avoid and ones to opt for.
  • Why we should cultivate more awareness of what we put on our bodies and being wary of terms such as 'natural'.

Full show notes and bonus resources at:

Jul 30, 201939:59
039 | Longevity Hacks, Piriformis Syndrome + Sleep Quality Tips
Jul 24, 201954:35
038 | How to Get Started With Mobility + Break Through Training Plateaus
Jul 18, 201946:44
037 | Healthy Eating + Fat Loss Basics, Avoiding Overtraining and Barefoot Benefits
Jul 11, 201901:05:31
036 | The Best Time for Mobility Drills, Core Stability + How to be Consistent with Training
Jul 03, 201949:47
035 | The Healthiest Form of Exercise, Muscles vs Movements and The Dangers of SMART Goals

035 | The Healthiest Form of Exercise, Muscles vs Movements and The Dangers of SMART Goals

This week on The Hero Movement Podcast we start by talking about where we are with our own training and goals, we share our thoughts on the healthiest form of exercise and prioritising muscles vs movements in our workouts. Our final question sees us discuss all things SMART goals, are they useful or can they have a negative impact on our health?

For shownotes + free resources, head to:

This week on The HERO Movement Podcast:

  • 2:25 - Where we've been and why we decided to restart the show
  • 3:45 -  How Luke and Michaela are currently training
  • 8:40 - What's the healthiest form of exercise if you had to just pick one?
  • 15:14 - Should you train muscles or movements?
  • 25:13 - SMART Goals: Can they be detrimental to your health and performance?
Jun 27, 201941:38
034 | New Year Healthy Habits Special

034 | New Year Healthy Habits Special

Part 1 of our new years healthy habits special. We look at: 

  • The importance in knowing your reason why before you embark on a change.
  • What is the habit loop, and how can you use it to change lifelong habits. 
  • Two of the most successful approaches to changing a habit or reaching a goal, and how to use them. 


Jan 04, 201936:22
033 | How to Enjoy a Healthy, Heroic Christmas
Dec 21, 201823:59
032 | Meal Prep Tips, Travel Training + Becoming a Personal Trainer
Dec 03, 201840:03
031 | The Great British Swim, Mobility + Fitness Resources, and Transitioning to Barefoot Running
Nov 26, 201801:03:24
030 | Building Strength, Finding Happiness + Being the HERO of Your Story
Nov 20, 201801:00:04
029 | 2019 Fitness Trends, Handstand Tips + Beating Shin Splints
Nov 12, 201801:17:45
028 | Motivation Tips, Injury Recovery + Environmental Eating
Nov 05, 201801:21:40
027 | The Perfect Warmup, Fitness on a Budget + Lower Back Pain Relief
Oct 29, 201801:18:09
026 | Ketotarian, Recovery Tips, CrossFit & More

026 | Ketotarian, Recovery Tips, CrossFit & More

In this week's episode of The HERO Podcast:
Why we're experimenting with a high-fat, plant-based ketogenic diet, and what the potential benefits are.
My current approach to movement training (and why go-hard or go-home doesn't end well).
The importance of proper recovery protocols in being at your best (along with some pro-recovery tips).
Crossfit training, wrist injuries, inflammation, autoimmunity and more.
Oct 19, 201801:07:15
025 | The HERO Podcast Season 1 Recap: HABITS

025 | The HERO Podcast Season 1 Recap: HABITS

“Rest until you feel like playing, then play until you feel like resting, period. Never do anything else.”

― Martha Beck ―

Thank you.

For listening to The HERO Podcast.

For putting up with my ramblings, subscribing to the show (and even leaving a few iTunes reviews too).

Alas, we've reached the end of season 1.

I'm gonna some time to reflect, relax and recharge the old batteries. And hopefully, I'll come back feeling refreshed and full of vigor, and ready to resume the mission of world domination again.


If you want to stay updated with Health Room shenanigans (and be the first to know when the podcast returns), don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter (you get a load of cool free stuff too).

Again, thank you so much!


What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast
  • Some of the highlights from the first 24 episodes of the HERO Podcast (and the key takeaways).
  • The biggest lessons I've learned from the past 4 months of podcasting, and what's in store next...
May 11, 201716:33
024 | 8 Awesome Resources for Forming Lasting Healthy Habits

024 | 8 Awesome Resources for Forming Lasting Healthy Habits

“Successful people are simply those with successful habits.”

― Brian Tracy ―


What we cover in this week's episode of
The HERO Podcast
  • Some of the best free articles, apps and more that were instrumental in helping me change my habits.
  • Three of my favorite books relating to habit forming and the science behind success.
  • The exact step by step process that over 3000 people have used to change their habits, and change their life.
May 08, 201713:46
023 | Mobility Madness - Why Mobility Is The Bedrock of Human Performance (And How to Improve Yours)
May 01, 201720:22
022 | Q&A: Overcoming Habit Obstacles & Tackling Food Apathy

022 | Q&A: Overcoming Habit Obstacles & Tackling Food Apathy

“One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.”

― Albert Schweitzer ―


What we cover in this week's episode of
The HERO Podcast
  • Some of the most common barriers to adopting healthier habits (and how to overcome them).
  • The immense power of going slow, being patient and staying accountable.
  • The potential underlying causes of food apathy, and how to make meals great again.
Apr 24, 201722:59
021 | The Art of Mindful Movement: Training as Meditation & Moving Like a Shaolin Monk

021 | The Art of Mindful Movement: Training as Meditation & Moving Like a Shaolin Monk

“The ultimate experience of being mindful occurs when we forget about everything, even the mindful self and doing. In that mode, we are full of energy, utterly self-generated.”

― Sang H Kim ―

Mindfulness & movement.

This week on The HERO Podcast we’re combining what I feel are two cornerstones of healthy, fulfilled living - mindfulness, and movement. 

Alone these things have had a drastic impact on the quality of my life. But when you add them together, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, so to speak.

In other words, adding a little mindfulness to your movement practice is one of those simple things that can 10x your results - both those that you might be chasing after and some you might not even be aware of until they occur.

Let's dig in.

What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • What exactly is mindful movement and why is it so important if you're looking to cultivate a calm, peaceful state of mind?
  • Why mindful movement could help you avoid injury and become a stronger, better athlete or mover.
  • How to start incorporating mindful movement throughout your day and into your workouts, and reap the benefits right now.
Apr 17, 201717:37
020 | The Movement Generalist vs Specialist (And How to Move Like Ido Portal)

020 | The Movement Generalist vs Specialist (And How to Move Like Ido Portal)

“We are all HUMAN first, MOVERS second and only then SPECIALISTS.”

― Ido Portal ―

What does your movement practice look like?

This week on The HERO Podcast we’re talking all things movement. One of my favourite things. More specifically: the big difference between the generalist and specialist approach to moving. 

The way human beings move has changed drastically over the course of the past ten thousand years.

Back in the day, our hunter-gatherer ancestors would spend a fair chunk of time moving over uneven terrain, climbing, jumping, hanging, swinging, grappling, throwing, swimming, crawling, squatting, lifting... There was plenty of variety and complexity.

Fast forward through the revolutions of agriculture, industry, and technology, our need for movement variety and complexity has reduced drastically.

To the point that many people spend their days sat in the same position, only moving their fingers to click buttons. Bigger bouts of movement are reserved for specific exercise periods - often set exercises for x number of reps, x number of times a week.

We've become specialists, losing so many of the movement capabilities we were designed to enjoy.

I think it's time to reclaim them. And this week, we're talking about how to do just that.

What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • The big differences between Ido Portal's generalist approach to movement, and the typical specialist approach.
  • Why specialization in one or two movement disciplines or activities so often means sacrifice.
  • How to start adopting a more generalist approach to your movement practice, move like Ido and build a more well-rounded skillset, today.



Apr 10, 201734:08
019 | The Minimalist Mindset: Living Well With Less

019 | The Minimalist Mindset: Living Well With Less

“It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.”

― Seneca ―

How could the minimalist mindset enrich your life?

This week on The HERO Podcast we’re talking all things minimalism. More specifically, how you can apply the minimalist mindset to different areas of your life. To live well, with a little less. 

So there are a bunch of misconceptions surrounding minimalism. The word might conjure up images of the hipster, vegan stereotype. You might think it’s a pretentious thing reserved only for the middle class. Or maybe you've heard that it's all about living frugally, being a bit of a hermit, owning no possessions and having no fun. No fun whatsoever.

Now I don't claim to be an expert, and I certainly don’t claim to be a full-blown minimalist.

But I have done a few mini-experiments with the minimalist lifestyle, and benefited from it in many ways. One of the best ways I’ve heard it described is by Joshua Becker:

“Minimalism is less about taking things away, and more about what you choose to fill that new found time and space with.”

So this week on the show, that's what we're gonna explore.

How can the minimalist mindset benefit your life, beyond getting rid of unwanted possessions?

Let's get stuck in.

What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • What minimalist living entails, and some of the common misconceptions surrounding it.
  • How living a life with less can potentially reduce your stress.
  • How to apply the minimalist mindset to benefit your movement practice, diet, work life and more.



Apr 03, 201723:45
018 | 3 Powerful Life Lessons From Stoicism

018 | 3 Powerful Life Lessons From Stoicism

“As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.”

― Seneca ―

  Stoicism: a tool for self-mastery


This week on The HERO Podcast we’re gonna be touching on the idea of Stoicism. More specifically, a few key lessons we can learn from the Stoics and apply to our everyday lives.

For those of you who perhaps aren’t quite sure what Stoicism is (which was me, not too long ago), it’s a school of philosophy that was founded in Athens by a cool dude called Zeno in the early 3rd century BC.

Some of the most famous practitioners were people like Epictetus, Seneca and Marcus Aurelius, and more recently people like Tim Ferriss and Ryan Holiday - who is the author of the Daily Stoic, the book that’s kinda sparked my interest in Stoicism (linked to below). It contains daily meditations on thought provoking Stoic principles and how you can apply them to your life.

When you hear the word Stoic you might think of the more modern interpretation, which is to be somewhat emotionless or even a bit bland. But from what I’ve read it’s much much more than that. In his book Ryan describes it as:

“A tool in the pursuit of self-mastery, perseverance, and wisdom; something one uses to live a great life, rather than some esoteric field of academic inquiry”.

Which is pretty much what this podcast is all about.

Let's get stuck in.

What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • How to control what you can control, let go of what you can't, and learn to differentiate between the two.
  • How preparing yourself for misfortune can give you the strength to face life's challenges with a sense of calm.
  • The dangers of labeling events as 'good' or 'bad' (with a nice little fable that illustrates exactly why).



Apr 03, 201719:18
017 | The Choice vs Chore Mindset

017 | The Choice vs Chore Mindset

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

- J.K. Rowling - 

  Chore vs Choice

How many times throughout the day do you view something as a chore?

You can include the common ones like doing the washing, cleaning your room, going shopping... But how about your meditation practice? Or going to the gym? Or preparing homemade meals? Or finishing off that piece of work?

It's easy to forget that most of the things that we fill our day with, most of the habits and routines we partake in - we choose to do them. Sure, they may slip into autopilot mode sometimes. But at some point down the line, we made the conscious decision to make time for that activity.

If we're not careful, it's easy to slip into that chore mindset - that we 'have' to do this, and 'have' to do that.

But what if we were able to step away from that line of thinking? What if we were able to be more present in everything that we do, to truly see those things for what they are? To embrace the things that we can't change? And to let go of the habits that are not serving us in order to make more room for the things that do?

What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • One of the main contributors towards chronic stress and failed habit changes - viewing your choices as chores.
  • The main reasons why we fall into the chore mindset, and how this way of thinking can negatively impact our quality of life.
  • Three simple tactics for switching towards the choice mindset and taking back control.

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Mar 20, 201714:04
016 | HERO Foundation Full Body Workout Program (Free Download)

016 | HERO Foundation Full Body Workout Program (Free Download)

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."

- Henry David Thoreau - 

  Building the foundations of strength and mobility

I used to be one of those guys:

“Go hard or go home”.

High intensity and volume was the name of the game. But despite eating right and training multiple times per week, it left me with nothing to show for. Before long, I would be injured and/or feeling exhausted, and subsequently could never string together enough consistent training to meet my goals.

So I dialed things way back, reaped the rewards, and that’s what my current training program is all about.

Sustainability vs short term gains. Consistency vs carelessness. Back to basics. 

Using the structure I’m about to outline this week on The HERO Podcast , I’ve been able to build a regular movement practice without the nagging injuries and constant setbacks.

One that’s provided me with a solid base of strength and mobility that transfers over to everyday life.

And the best part?

It leaves me feeling fresh.

I’m no longer sore for days after a workout or grouchy 24/7. I have the space to be more present in everyday life, and the time to work on other goals - both related and non-related to movement.

I hope that if you decide to give it a go, it's able to do the same for you too.


What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • Why so many workout programs are unsustainable and often lead to overtraining, injury and burnout.
  • How to build a solid base of strength and mobility that makes you a more well-rounded athlete, and more capable human being.
  • How to apply the minimum effective does to your strength training, to maximize the time and energy you have to focus on other goals.
Mar 13, 201736:36
015 | Hack Your Fitness and Change Your Life With Jay Kim

015 | Hack Your Fitness and Change Your Life With Jay Kim

"Never give up on what you want the most, for what you want today."

Neil Maxwell


What does it really take to craft a lean physique?

Does it mean spending hours in the gym, several times a week? Downing a bucket load of supplements each morning that cost an arm and a leg? Waking up every hour on the hour in the night to eat unseasoned chicken breasts?

If your life is fitness, then maybe.

Hugh Jackman reportedly did most or all of the above in getting ready to play Wolverine.

But if you're an average Joe or Jane wanting to simply look, feel and move a little better, all of the above aren't necessary (despite what many of those health and fitness magazines will have you believe).

Yes - moving well and crafting a body that you feel comfortable in no doubt takes a degree of hard work, dedication and patience.

But it doesn't have to consume every hour of your life if you don't want it to.

With that in mind, in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast, Jay Kim shares exactly how he was able to hack his fitness and transform his life (and how you can too).

  What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • The two biggest mistakes people make when they're looking to lose weight - and how you can avoid them.
  • The one simple (but immensely effective) diet principle you can introduce today to improve your body composition.
  • How to sleep like a baby and recover properly from your workouts to reap the rewards of your efforts.
  • Jay's top tips for entrepreneurial success, his favourite productivity tools, and much much more.

Shownotes, bonus resources and more at

Mar 06, 201701:08:44
Preview - Hack Your Fitness and Change Your Life With Jay Kim

Preview - Hack Your Fitness and Change Your Life With Jay Kim

"Never give up on what you want the most, for what you want today."

Neil Maxwell


What does it really take to craft a lean physique?

Does it mean spending hours in the gym, several times a week? Downing a bucket load of supplements each morning that cost an arm and a leg? Waking up every hour on the hour in the night to eat unseasoned chicken breasts?

If your life is fitness, then maybe.

Hugh Jackman reportedly did most or all of the above in getting ready to play Wolverine.

But if you're an average Joe or Jane wanting to simply look, feel and move a little better, all of the above aren't necessary (despite what many of those health and fitness magazines will have you believe).

Yes - moving well and crafting a body that you feel comfortable in no doubt takes a degree of hard work, dedication and patience.

But it doesn't have to consume every hour of your life if you don't want it to.

With that in mind, in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast, Jay Kim shares exactly how he was able to hack his fitness and transform his life (and how you can too).

What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • The two biggest mistakes people make when they're looking to lose weight - and how you can avoid them.
  • The one simple (but immensely effective) diet principle you can introduce today to improve your body composition.
  • How to sleep like a baby and recover properly from your workouts to reap the rewards of your efforts.
  • Jay's top tips for entrepreneurial success, his favourite productivity tools, and much much more.
Mar 01, 201701:49
014 | 8 Cornerstone Habits That Support a Healthy Lifestyle

014 | 8 Cornerstone Habits That Support a Healthy Lifestyle

What are your cornerstone habits?

This week on The HERO Podcast we're looking at the idea of keystone or cornerstone habits.

What the heck are they?

Eseentially, they're habits that form the foundation of a healthy, meaningful lifestyle. The bare bones, if you like.

The habits that facilitate other positive changes. The ones the kickstart a positive feedback loop, and really aid you on your hero's journey.

No doubt - these habits are gonna vary quite a bit from person to person.

But on today's show I'm sharing the ones that work well for me, and help keep me on the straight and narrow. Hopefully, they'll get your creative juices flowing so you can come up with your own.

Let's take a look.

What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • How certain habits can spark a negative, downward cycle, and how you can begin to break that cycle today.
  • How to form the habit of regular meditation, and how this can have a knock-on effect on the rest of your life.
  • The potential power of movement, food, social interaction, journaling, and much much more.


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Feb 27, 201725:30
013 | Where to Start With Mobility, Beating Binge Eating and Fitting Fitness Around Work

013 | Where to Start With Mobility, Beating Binge Eating and Fitting Fitness Around Work

Time for a Q&A episode

If you've followed Health Room for a little while, you’ll know that when you sign up to my newsletter to get The HERO Toolkit and updates from the blog, I ask you to let me know about your greatest challenge when it comes to living a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle.

And if I have any tips that I think might help, I’ll share them with you.

Now I was doing a Youtube series where I answered said questions, but in all honesty - the time it was taking to record, edit and release videos was starting to get a little too much to juggle. There are only so many hours in the day.

So I thought I'd start making my way through the backlog of questions, and share some of my answers with you guys here on The HERO Podcast instead :)


My theory is that if one person is struggling with something, then it makes sense that others are too. So by sharing my answers here, I can potentially help more than just that one person.

So if you do have a question or challenge related to nutrition, movement, mindfulness, entrepreneurship or habit changing - get in touch. And if I have anything useful to share, I'll address it in a future episode of the show.

Let's get started.


What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • How to get started with mobility training, improving active flexibility and enhancing how your body moves.
  • Three simple tips to help you fit a movement practice around a busy schedule.
  • The long-term strategy for overcoming binge eating and improving your relationship with food.
Feb 20, 201733:31
012 | Accountability: Building Your All Star Support Team

012 | Accountability: Building Your All Star Support Team

"Accountability breeds response-ability."

Stephen Covey


Who is holding you accountable?

Time for another solo episode of The HERO Podcast, where I dig into another super important principle in forming lasting, healthy habits:


If you find yourself slacking or you're prone to giving into temptations and returning to your old behavior patterns, this is definitely something you're gonna want to explore and experiment with.

Let's take a closer look.

What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • How being accountable helped me change my mindset and physical training from one that was destroying my body, to one that promotes long-term health, mobility and strength.
  • How you can enlist friends and family to help keep you on track towards your goal (even if they aren't joining you on your journey).
  • Some of the best apps and online communities you can use in conjunction (or instead of) real life accountability partners.

Shownotes and more at:

Feb 13, 201717:40
011 | A Healthy Habits Masterclass With Derek Doepker

011 | A Healthy Habits Masterclass With Derek Doepker

"Consistency is more important at first, than quantity and even quality"

Derek Doepker

What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • The three simple (but immensely powerful) words you can use to kickstart any habit change and build momentum.
  • The massive impact your language choice can have on your ability to make lasting changes (and how to adopt the growth mindset).
  • Why failure might not be what you once thought, and how you can reframe failure to help create the life you want to live.
  • The best tools and resources Derek utilizes to keep him on a healthy, meaningful path.


Shownotes & more:


Feb 06, 201751:18
010 | Building Your Environment for Lasting Healthy Habits

010 | Building Your Environment for Lasting Healthy Habits

Does your surrounding environment reflect the life you want to live?

We're back with another solo episode of The HERO Podcast, where I dig into another super important habit-forming principle:

How your surrounding environment can impact your success rate.

It's only a short episode, but whether you're looking to build a regular meditation practice, get in shape, eat healthily, carve out your dream career or quit an unhealthy habit, it's worth a listen.

Let's dig in.

What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • How your surrounding environment can play a huge role in forming (or breaking) habits.
  • The simple adjustments you can make to your environment to make your job way easier and facilitate lasting changes.
  • What to do if your normal routine or environment is disrupted, and how to maintain your new healthy habit whilst traveling.


Jan 30, 201714:38
Preview - A Healthy Habits Masterclass With Derek Doepker

Preview - A Healthy Habits Masterclass With Derek Doepker

A sneak preview of my upcoming interview with bestselling author and healthy habit specialist, Derek Doepker. What we cover in this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • The three simple (but immensely powerful) words you can use to kickstart any habit change and build momentum.
  • The impact your language choice can have on your ability to make lasting changes, and how to adopt the growth mindset.
  • Why failure might not be what you once thought, and how to reframe failure to help create the life you want to live.
  • The tools, resources and hacks Derek utilizes to keep him on a healthy, meaningful path

Shownotes and resources at

Jan 27, 201701:49
009 | Heal Your Pain Now With Functional Medicine Practitioner Dr. Joe Tatta

009 | Heal Your Pain Now With Functional Medicine Practitioner Dr. Joe Tatta

In this week's episode of The HERO Podcast: 
  • The biggest misconceptions surrounding the causes and mechanisms behind chronic pain.
  • Why the traditional treatment methods for chronic pain fail to get to the root cause of the issue (and how the functional medicine approach differs).
  • The simple exercises, strategies and habits you can introduce into your life today to take control of your pain.

Shownotes, further resources and more at:

Jan 23, 201741:01
008 | Jeff Sanders on Healthy Habits and Rockin' Productivity
Jan 16, 201742:23
007 | Jane Land of Veganuary on the Power of Plants

007 | Jane Land of Veganuary on the Power of Plants

Could you go vegan for January? This week on the show we talk to Jane Land of Veganuary. We cover:

  • Jane's story of transitioning to a vegan diet, and the common obstacles people might face on the way (and how to overcome them). 
  • What exactly is Veganuary, how it works, how it can help you transition to a more plant-based diet, and how you can get involved. 
  • Some of the key habits and routines it takes to build a successful organization.




Jan 12, 201727:21
006 | The Conor McGregor Effect: Power of Visualisation

006 | The Conor McGregor Effect: Power of Visualisation

"If you have a clear picture in your head that something is going to happen and a clear belief that it will happen no matter what, then nothing can stop it. It is destined to happen. It’s perfect."

Conor McGregor

What we cover in this episode:

The story of Conor from rags to riches, and the key tactics that allowed him to get there.
The immense power of visualisation in achieving your goals, whether it be in sport, business or any other aspect of your life.
How you can make visualisation a part of your routine, and set yourself up for your version of success.

Jan 09, 201722:03
005 | My 5-Part Morning Routine For Success In 2017

005 | My 5-Part Morning Routine For Success In 2017

What does a healthy morning routine look like to you? What's the ideal? And how can you start to make that a reality? 

Dec 29, 201625:58
004 | Proactive vs Reactive Living: You Choose

004 | Proactive vs Reactive Living: You Choose

What would your life look like if you were to make the shift towards a more proactive mindset, as opposed to a reactive one? How would it impact your health, happiness, and the lives of those around you? How can you start to make the transition towards being more proactive? 

Dec 28, 201618:27
003 | On Willpower: Taking the First Step (And Habit Change Pathways)

003 | On Willpower: Taking the First Step (And Habit Change Pathways)

What does willpower have to do with changing habit? Is willpower something that can be trained and built upon? Are there methods which we can use that preserve our willpower as we attempt to make changes?

Dec 27, 201617:25
002 | Ikigai and Bushido: Finding Your Reason WHY

002 | Ikigai and Bushido: Finding Your Reason WHY

What is your reason WHY? What's the thing that makes you tick? The thing that get's you up in the morning? The thing that keeps you moving forwards in the face of adversity?

In this episode of The HERO Podcast we explore just that: how you can figure out your reason why, and how you can use it to transform yourself into an unstoppable force of nature. 

Whether it's a small habit or a big goal, a strong reason why is the key to success. 

Dec 26, 201620:17
001 | The Hero's Journey: Adopting The HERO Mindset

001 | The Hero's Journey: Adopting The HERO Mindset

What is the HERO archetype? How can you adopt the HERO mindset to make healthier decisions in your everyday life? 

In this week's episode we explore all of the above and more.


Dec 25, 201617:10
000 | Welcome to The HERO Podcast

000 | Welcome to The HERO Podcast

Every journey begins with a single step. Join Luke in the very first episode of The HERO Podcast, as he shares his story, the how's and why's behind the show, and what you can expect moving forwards. 

The big goal?

To empower you, and provide you with the tools and habits that help you create the life you want to live.

To help you unlock your potential, and unleash your inner HERO.

Dec 24, 201617:44