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Learn with H

Learn with H

By Hershey Pamela Buena

Life is full of lessons, but at times we're in such a hurry that we tend to miss them.

This podcast will be one of my avenues to slow down and capture learning or insights that hopefully others can benefit from. I'll share about my faith, life stories, aha moments from the nerd in me, psychology stuff, and other nuggets of wisdom gained along the way.

This is going to be fun! Join me.
Currently playing episode

How Routines Can Make a Difference

Learn with HMar 16, 2022

What advice would you give your younger self?

What advice would you give your younger self?

I believe in these two things:

  • We are meant to learn from our past experiences -- what we took and did not take.
  • We are meant to grow in wisdom as we age.

So now in my thirties, I've been taking some time to reflect on those life lessons and wisdom that I've gained through-out the years. Made me reflect once again on this question: What advice would I give to my younger self?

To be honest, those "what if's" came up, but more than dwelling on the "what could have been", reflecting on this question could help us live a better and stronger today. 

Join me and my fellow podcaster, Mariel Aguilar-Sanchez, in this episode on those pieces of advice we'd give to our younger selves.


May 01, 202223:25
The Numbers Game

The Numbers Game

We look out for the numbers. That's why we want to quantify things:

  • How many kilos did I lose?
  • How much money is in my bank account?
  • How many likes did my post get?

Now, it's fine to set a specific number as our target. However, let's not get fixated on that. The numbers may matter, but it's not all that should matter. 

This is an encouragement. If you are trying to reach a number, and you're far behind, just continue and press on.

Listen to this podcast on The Numbers Game to learn more.

Apr 27, 202210:27
When to say YES to an opportunity

When to say YES to an opportunity

We are presented with many opportunities. Logic would tell us to say yes to all of those or at least to as many as we can. It's a good thing after all. 

Based on my experience though, it's not as simple as that. There are things that we have to consider on when to say yes to an opportunity because saying yes to one means we are saying no to some other thing.

If you're at a crossroad, in the middle of a career or personal opportunity, or you really just want to be prepared to grab the right opportunity when the time comes, listen in to this podcast. 

Join me and my guest, Janine Sia, on the factors to consider when to say yes to an opportunity. 

Apr 23, 202223:16
Ready to do a rewind?

Ready to do a rewind?

What do you think will happen if you live as if you are in your younger years? I mean really younger, like 20 years back. Also, it’s not just reminiscing about it but living several days of your life in those younger years.

This “what if” scenario was actually done in an experiment by Harvard Psychologist Ellen Langer and played out fictitiously in this entertaining KDrama series Melting Me Softly.

Listen to this episode to learn more about it and what you can possibly discover about yourself when you do a life rewind.

Apr 11, 202208:39
Better & Different

Better & Different

'After we are born, we have to make sure the world is a better place than when we came'. This line struck me when I heard it from this recent KDrama watch. I started thinking about how I can make things better and how "this making it better" actually differs for each one of us.

P.S. Thanks to the creators of the KDrama series Melting Me Softly (and of course Ji Chang Wook) which is my inspiration for this podcast episode.

Apr 09, 202207:03
10,000 Hours

10,000 Hours

Want to develop expertise? 

It will take more than innate ability, but it requires long hours of deliberate practice. Let's say around 10,000 hours. This is around 8-10 years of intentional practice and engagement in your prospective field of expertise. 

You need not fret about it as there are many ways that you can start earning these hours. If you're keen to know how, join me in this podcast episode!

Apr 07, 202209:19
How have you changed during this pandemic?

How have you changed during this pandemic?

A lot can happen in 2 years, and you may have noticed changes about yourself, in the way you think, your habits, your preferences, or other things. 

Listen in on this podcast episode and start reflecting about how you have changed during this pandemic and how you can use this to become a better version of yourself. 

Mar 18, 202224:15
How Routines Can Make a Difference

How Routines Can Make a Difference

With changes left and right, it can leave one feeling unsettled. We have been pivoting over and over again through the course of this pandemic. We have to create some sense of stability and one of the ways to do this is through routines.

There are 3 ways to go at it: let go, create, and recreate. Learn more by listening to this podcast!

Mar 16, 202207:30
Podcast Launch

Podcast Launch

It's here! After some time of planning to release a podcast, I finally did it. 

Join me and let's learn together here at Learn with H podcast!

Mar 13, 202203:34